Ninjalicious access all areas a users guide to the art of urban exploration

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terns in the world, in London 2. popular urban exploration mailing list urban adventure n. very much like urban exploration, but with the focus upon experiences rather than sight-seeing urban exploration n. the investigation of manmade structures not designed for public consumption, from mechanical rooms to stormwater drains to rooftops; usually such areas are off-limits utility tunnel n. underground tunnels used to conduct steam, water, cool air, electricity, cable signals and more, also accessible by explorers vadding <derived from the hacked command for the computer text game Adventure> v. exploring - the word adopted by MIT students for real-world hacking viewing hole n. an eye-level hole, usually rectangular, cut into the boards surrounding a construction site to appease curious passersby water moccasin n. poisonous snake rumoured to inhabit drains in the southern US waterfall n. in a drain, a large drop over which the drain water falls yabbies <from Australian> n. fresh water crustaceans found in Australian drains

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