The transcript of a stomach cancer diagnosie(2)

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Transcript: ​Interviewer, ​Daughter, ​Mother, ​Sister, ​Second Sister What was the first sign that the diagnosed had cancer? The first sign, was when we went to dinner, downtown. And we were walking, and she started to run out of breath. The Thirst The Thirst The thirst. She was very thirsty And She would drink water, unrealistically. At all hours, she would drink water. Water water water or ice cubes or liquids. And I noticed, that her belly was swollen She drank too much water and had her stomach large. Depressed that she had pain. But um, later on I found out that she did not want to scare us. That she had been struggling with pain. That she.. gained .. shortness of grasp for longer time. Alright, now, what did you do to help the diagnosed with cancer. Like, how did you help her? How did we help her. How did you help her, more specifically? To be honest I didn’t want to deal with any of that. Well, we gave her a lot of vegetables, and fruits I spend all my time with her...All the time I took care of her, I loved her, I attended to her needs. I gave her to eat. I gave her so much love. She was all the time with me, and we would sometimes try to go to a place, where they helped her relax, to calm herself. That they would clean her feet with utensils and things like that. We brought her to the hospital Yes

I had spent time with her. I had bathed her, and everything She couldn’t eat. She had lost her hair. She had a lot of nausea We took care of her the most we could. I would try to calm her, and I would tell her I would take care of her son. Time was a very thing with her to help her. She couldn’t stay alone. She was always off balanced. She felt bad and had a lot of pain And what did she say? Did the Diagnosed, or the diagnosie, say anything about how she felt, and how it impacted her. She became a bit paralyzed That the most she worried was her son. That she didn’t know why she was given cancer. That she stated that she needed a stand, so we would buy her a stand. “I’m still young, what going to happen to my children” she had a lot of fear. Um, did the diagnosed state her outlook on life with the disease? She felt really bad, and was very unhappy. She was worried for her son and also loved our sister. A lot of fear, alot of fear, and almost never slept. Unhappy She was very sad. She cared, she cared a lot… I just think she had a lot of ups and downs

That life wasn’t forever, and that one day we would be here and the next day gone. So today we would have to be happy… and we would have to be grateful for life. She would always say, “We need to enjoy every minute. That you need to live it, because you don’t know if you still have it. Ok, and then, the fifth and final question is, if she were to ever survive the disease, what would you think she would have done? She would have enjoy the time with her children, that would have been most important. She would have loved him enough. She would have told her son that she loved him alot.

This was all audio of some people who were touched by the cancer patient. Though I couldn’t be able to give out all the information, I was able to piece together some information that described her mental and physical state from her family. However, I was able to learn from individual member certain details. For example, before she had stomach cancer, she had type two diabetes, which was an illness that too much glucose and stopped other hormones to balance. Four years after, it was found out that she had stage IV cancer, which meant that the cancer had spread to other organs closeby(the condition is also called advanced or metastatic cancer). The medical treatment given was chemotherapy, in which meant that professionals would inserted certain radiated chemicals into the body, and that they would stop/kill of cancer cells. Sadly, the cancer was already too strong and died in 2010. We saw through the interviews that she did had depression before her death, and was also leaving behind a son in which for her sister to care for. However, that didn’t mean that it was completely tragic, as this experience made her appreciate the time before her death with loved ones

Thought it was not fully clear, I believe the disease had been more of an environmental impact rather than anything else. The classifications are genetic, environmental, infectious, and multifactorial. The evidence shown was: a. Lack of genetic history from the family b. The disease couldn’t escape from the body On more the environmental impact, certain risk that could higher the chances of this cancer would be: - Smoking - Diet - Working in Rubber or Coal Factories - ‘Other virus or disease(such as diabetes)

Though the disease can be anywhere, it has been pinpointed through certain medical research and those how are in these conditions or places are more acceptable to the disease. -

Geo-economical: What that means is the financial situation that a person could be in most likely to gain the disease. It has been shown through research that stomach cancers can be more acceptable in more developed countries, but mainly to the lower class or the lower middle class. This is due to there being such things called “food deserts” in which there is a lack of nutritious food over non-nutritious(fast food, convenient stores, etc).


Geography: What that means is where does this disease most likely happen. Even though our diseases diagnosed had gained the disease in the US,(especially a deadlyer version of it) it seems that the disease usually happens in eastern Asia of Northern South America. The top five geographic locations are Korea, Mongolia, Japan, Guatemala, and China. Though they aren’t the US, they are still developed that have people with the Geo-economic status that we talk about from before.


Causes: It means what creates the disease, or what takes it to affect. There are multiple ways one can gain the disease, and each can be categorized into its own spot.

a. Genetic: When one receives it through their bloodline/someone who was related to them. Through there are many, the most common cause are such as BRCA1 & BRCA2, E-cadherin/CDH, Lynch syndrome, and FAP(Familial Adenomatous Polyposis) b.

Lifestyle: When one does this on their own doing, and was affected by external causes. These would be working in rubber or coal industries, diet(things that have more dying, pickling, etc), and smoking.

c. Other affects: These includes disease that can be both internally or externally. Such are H. pylori infection, Pernicious anemia, Epstein-Barr virus infection, and Diabetes. -

Transition: Transition is if the disease goes from one person to another, somewhat like a virus. Though multiple cancers can b e transmitted, there is no evidence that stomach cancer or gastric cancer cannot be transmitted.

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