Lesson plan for ap

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What my idea is that we ask a person to wear a very specific set of clothes. That being, an identical jacket or hat to show later on that the person is seeing themselves. We then ask him/her to do a certain activity, such as drawing or writing. How it is going to work is that while that person is working on the subject, we will turn of the lights and drag said person at least five feet away. We turn on the lights, with that person to see himself being strained by a group, and being told he cannot talk. While he is being told that, we see another person dressed in the same clothing. This is to represent that the person in the simulation his watching himself do the activity he was originally doing. He will watch this other person for at least a minute, and then the lights will go off again. The person will be in the original place he was. The group this time has left. The simulation will be over.

Minutes with Activities

What the person will be doing


In the beginning, the person who be acting What will be need within the simulation will first be asked to is wear a very specific jacket, as well as a - A black specific hat. They will then be asked to to sit generic down in a chair and do some creative jacket writing. - Hat - pencil - Paper



They keep writing on the short story. While this is happening, a group of classmates will get ready for their part. They will be the people who “restrain” the person. By restrain, I simply mean for them to politely/gently not allow the person to intervene on what comes next.

What will be needed.


After the the 4th minute, the group will turn of the lights and go to the chair. They will spin the chair, allowing the person to feel a loss of balance. They will then quietly ask the person to take off their jacket and replace it with a new one.

What is needed

When the lights turn back on, the group (as stated before) will “restrain” the person. The will have certain signs now above the chair on the wall stating “You Can’t Talk”. The

What is needed - Person dressed in clothing



Materials Needed

Brain Waves happening

4-5 students. preparing(I wish if they could wear dark or lighter clothes, if that is possible.)



Special Jacket Special Hat Beta

person themselves will be looking 5 ft away from someone who has similar clothing. They will notice that this is supposed to be a clone in some way. That the clone is them 5-7



They will look at the clone for a short period of time, doing nothing. Soaking in all the information.

What is needed

Once these two minutes are up, the lights will go out, and the person will be put back into the chair. They will still be wearing the same jacket rather than switch, and the group will be gone as if nothing happened. The person will look down seeing that some work has been done on the paper. They will also the words “ Imagine yourself doing this every day.

Materials needed

They will leave the room, and have a flier given out to them.


Previous materials



Previous Items


Clone: The clone is supposed to represent the person themselves. That being they can see themselves doing the same activities the normally do. This is the main part of the simulation with an out of body experience. The clone themselves will ignore the group of the person, and try to do some creative writing. Group: The group will try to gently restrain the person, that being holding them back. They will not say anything that isn't necessarily, and will try to talk/interact with the person in the 5-7 minutes as little as possible. They will be more of a force then a group. Signs: There will be several signs around the walls after lights turn on. They will help out on what the group could say. It is more of a command, as we cannot force someone to not talk or walk away, or even just look. Setup: My hope for this is that we have 4 items in a small or large room. That being a revolving chair(Which will be the most useful) a table, and pencil and paper. That will be all for the setting, as long as the room feels empty. Jackets. The jackets I bring from home will try to be a similar as possible, if not the same. Only the “special� jacket will have taped on the inside pebbles meant to weigh the person down. If not taped, then put in several pockets.

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