Catipillar Stage Draft.

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Mhhhh… what… I can’t see..where is...Mom, what time is it. (Silence) Hello..Mom! (Silence) Probably left..wait, what am I on. Let’s see-OW!! What ta. This is hard ground..Cold..Hello, anyone!!! (Silence) Unn, these stupid sneakers, Hello, Is anybody there Oh my god...Hello!! Can anyone hear me!! Hello!! (Silence) Please, Help Me!! Can Anybody Hear me!!! (​Only Silience) Please, someone respond. PLEASE!!! No b-tch, I don’t want to wake up. Oh my God. Lucy, is that you?! I-I told you already, leave me the f-ck alone. If your here, then...Lucy, please get up, we have to find Martha. Nnnn...Wait, your not my mom. Joana?! Where the hell are here, it’s freaking pitch black. Get the hell out of my house. Lucy, I don’t we’re in your house. I honest don’t even know where we are right now. W-whataa… What the fxxk are you talking about. Of course, we’re in my house. This is my-HMM. Oww Lucy, are you ok Ya, I think so? Wait, is this stone. Why the hell is there stone in my bedroom!? Wait. WHERE’S ALL MY STUFF!? Lucy, didn’t you hear me the first time. We are NOT in your house. THIS is not your room. I don’t know how big this place even is. Wait...I.. WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DON’T KNOW WHERE WE ARE AT. ARE WE DEAD!? Psst...stop yelling, please. Well have to find Marth. Martha?! Who the hells is Martha Martha Cunningberb. Now come on. We have to find. Wait, THAT Martha. Oh no. no no, no. Please what rapist brought me in here, NO! Yes… If you’re here, then she’s here too. How do you even know she’s here? How the f-ck you know ​I​ was here?! My memory pretty unclear. From what I can tell, you two were with me. Drinking, laughing. I’m not really sure. That doesn’t make sense. Why would I ever hang out with a c-nt like Martha. Hey! Don’t call her that. Beside, two are, I dunno, my best friends. And you both care about me very, very much. Hey, don’t tell me who I’m friends with. I get to tell who I’m friends with. And there’s no way I’m friends with a loser like Martha. That’s not what you said when you were laughing at her jokes. Especially the one with Sammy.

Sammy can go suck it. Same with Martha. Besides, I was laughing at her, not with her. It don’t take two and mix them together, idiot. Ahh, so you do remember! Shut up Martha!! Hhgregg..Whatever. Martha! Are you okay? ...Where are we.. Are we dead. We’re dead, aren’t we. No Martha, we’re not dead. Yah, Cause if we were dead, you wouldn’t be here. Oh, Hi Lucy… Hey idiot, how’s your sad sack head living Terrible. Well..that’s the one good thing we have. Okay, that’s enough Lucy. Joana...Where are we. I can’t see anything. I don’t know Martha. Lucy and I woke up like this. Same with you, I guess.\\ Probably is your fault. Seriously, could you please stop. No, no. She’s right. Probably is my fault. See, it’s her fault. Called it.

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