Redone Toolbox Draft.

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(Our tale begins with an unknown silence in a dark and eerie room. Barely lit where you could only see the silhouettes of the figures the their faces. But that doesn’t matter, does it. Our main character, Joana, is sleeping within what seems to be a one person bed. She is calm and considerate. She isn’t extremely submissive and cares for the other girls once she meets them. Her priority within this act is to reunite the group. After a minute, she starts to quirm around as if she has had too much sleep from the prior day. She gets from the bed slowly, and uses her had to clear her eyes while she talks.) Joana: ​Mhhhh… what… I can’t see..where is...Mom, what time is it. (Silence fills the room. She doesn’t worry too soon, and tries to call again) Joana: ​Hello..Mom! (Silence) Joana: ​Probably left..wait, what am I on. Let’s see-OW!! (She falls to the ground face first. She realizes that she is in her normal clothing rather then sleeping. She also realizes that all her furniture is no longer there. She puts her hand on the ground in order to stand. She suddenly moves her hand around and examines the ground. Joana: ​What ta. This is hard ground..Cold..Hello, anyone!!! (Silence still. She gets out through hands and knees. Gaining balance. Her body feels as if she hasn’t walked in days.) Joana: ​Unn, these stupid sneakers, Hello, Is anybody there. No answer. Her hand moves toward her mouth and her body becomes more crunched and lowered.) Joana: ​Oh my god...Hello!! (Her crunched position allowed a sweet anticipation in which the actor runs in place. The bed is moved out of the stage and the actor is now running alone. She shouts out and tries to call any person from all directions. It echos. Joana: ​Can anyone hear me!! Hello!! (Silence. Only her footsteps produce noise. ) Joana: ​Please, Help Me!! Can Anybody Hear me!!! (​Only Silence) Joana: ​Please, someone respond. PLEASE!!! Martha:​ No b-tch, I don’t want to wake up. (Suddenly, she sees a bed structure and runs towards it. The bed and Joanna are both on a plank and they move forward to the middle of the stage. Joana relieved and her mood shifts Joana: ​Oh my God. Lucy, is that you?! Martha:​ I-I told you already, leave me the f-ck alone. (Lucy, or secondary character, is a rude character. Constantly states things with vigor, and does apologize for it. She is confident in this situation and believes it is a prank. She somewhat selfish, and is rather taken less of the situation. She isn’t directly rude to Martha, but does make witty remarks at her. Right now, she was as tired a Joana, but tries not to wake up.) Joana: ​If your here, then...Lucy, please get up, we have to find Martha.

Martha:​ Nnnn...Wait, your not my mom. Joana?! Where the hell are here, it’s freaking pitch black. Get the hell out of my house. Joana: ​Lucy, I don’t we’re in your house. I honest don’t even know where we are right now. Martha:​ What the fxxk are you talking about. Of course, we’re in my house. This is my-HMM. Oww (Lucy falls to the ground. Compared to Joana, she is faster at discovering her surroundings.) Joana: ​Lucy, are you ok Martha:​ Ya, I think so? Wait, is this stone. Why the hell is there stone in my bedroom!? Wait. Where the hell is all my stuff!? Joana: ​Lucy, didn’t you hear me the first time. We are NOT in your house. THIS is not your room. I don’t know how big this place even is. (Lucy gets up slower compared to Joana, and begins to talk.) Martha:​ ….Oh, oh, oh, Oh god dammit. Joana: ​I know, now come on. We ha… Martha:​ No I mean “god dammit this a prank” Joana: ​Wait..what? Martha:​ This is a prank. You are in a prank...what don’t you understand. (​Lucy stating this is a sarcastic tone) (Joana, starting to get irritated, questions Lucy’s conclusion Joana: ​Ok, first of all, how would this be considered a prank. Second, if this really a prank, then why a I here? What did I do? What am I he.. Martha:​ “Ok, first of all” I don’t care. Second of all, people do reaally fxxked up stuff. Hell, I bet this is all just some big, fat, cheeto dust fingered pervert’s basement rented out for a day. I bet there’s a light switch somewhere. HEY ASSHOLE, YOU HOME!!! (Lucy screams it in a playful tone) Joana: ​I don’t think this is prank Lucy. I think this might be something serious. Like, where are all the walls, why is it all so quiet? Why are there two beds that perfectly match our beds at home. It doesn’t add up. Martha:​ So a rich and stupid prick stalked us and made extremely similar beds to ours. Big woof. We’re still in highschool. What, do you expect a magical plum fairy to come down and say were the next mighty morphin power rangers and go protect the galaxy, or do you want to be serious. Joana: ​I ​am​ taking this seriously. Now come on. We have to find Martha. (Lucy, slightly confused comes closer to Joana. Joana starts to walk around, and Lucy stands still.Joana is holding her hands out trying to find Martha) Martha:​ Martha?! Who the hell is Martha? Joana: ​Don’t you remember, she was with us last night. If your here, then so she. Martha:​ You still didn’t answer my Question. I still don’t who the fxxk Martha is. Joana: ​How do you not remember. Martha Cussly. Glasses, short, dirty blond hair. (Lucy states nothing in a naive sense. Irritation goes into Joana’s Voice.) Joana: ​Oh for crying out loud, Martha Clumsy.. Martha:​ Oh Fxxk off!! Not that Martha. Joana: ​What’s wrong with Martha

Martha:​ She’s a Cxxt. All she ever does wine and mone. Joana: ​Hey, don’t call my best friend that. Besides you two were hanging out last night remember. Martha:​ Ok, now I get the feeling that your reeally know something that I don’t. Why you keep saying “last night”. What the hell happened last night. Joana: ​I invited both you to hang out with me. We watched a movie, when to Wisly festival. It was fun. Joana: ​First time I ever hung out with both of you. Martha:​ Aaand you see a connection Joana: ​I saw a hutch. Martha:​ Well, a hunch is to much of a fxxxen overstatement. There is no way… (Suddenly, out of nowhere, a voice comes up an Joana runs to it. Lucy quickly follows.) Martha:​ Joana: ​Martha!! Martha:​ Hhgregg..Whatever. I was going to say hell. But I guess you cut me off jerk. Thanks! End of Act I

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