J. Mitchell Hoelker Portfolio

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Architectural Portfolio Master of Architecture 2020

J. Mitchell Hoelker

Table of Contents 1-4

Mt. Adams Art Institute and Theater


St. Mark’s Catholic Church


London Aquatics Center Case Study


Aosta Valley Chalet


Professional Work


Trammel Fossil Park


Crosley Tower Dormitory


Film Institute at the University of Cincinnati


Sketches and Photography

Mt. Adams Art Institute and Theater At the corner of Monastery and Oregon St. in Mt. Adams is an empty lot overlooking the city of Cincinnati. In this location I designed an Art Institute and Theater for the surrounding community. Included in the design is living space for visiting program directors located above the conference and ticket office. Located in an urban area, the project program is tucked against the steep hill underneath the roof structure. The level above the roof acts as a park by day with a basketball court, and at night allows theater attendees to park and walk below deck to the theater. Connecting these these two different peices of the project is a monolithic staircase. The first landing at the stair gives access to the first floor of the theater and the ticket office. One level above is where the living space and the second level of the theater is located, and continuing up the steps will lead to the park. Mt. Adams lies on the edge of downtwon a lot of foot traffic takes place around the area and the steps allow people to traverse up to their residences much easier.

Connecting stair model + diagram

Program model + diagram

Connecting stair and program model + diagram

Connecting stair, program, and roof model + diagram

Site/roof plan

Level 1

Section 1

Section 2

Longitduinal Section

Mt. Adams Art Institute and Theater

St. Mark’s Catholic Church In Cincinnati, OH off of Montgomery Rd., lies St. Mark’s Catholic Church. It is a large abondoned church that also had a secondary program which housed the priests that operated out of that church. E-W section

N-S section

The program required was to have 40 units, the rest was up to the student. This project took stripped the church of its religious affiliation to become a clean slate of sactuary space where any religious organization or culture could enjoy peacefully. In a lot of the precedent analysis, lighting was a big part of sanctuary spaces. Having large light wells in the sacred space that would allow natural light to flood the ground floor.

North Christian Church geometry diagram

North Christian Church structure drawing

St. Joseph’s Day Chapel model

London Aquatics Center Case Study As a part of an elective, a group of students deeply investigated the London Aquatics Center by Zaha Hadid. Located in London, the Aquatics Center was used for the 2012 Olympics and is being reused today as a public swimming pool center. It is widely regarded structurally as one of the fantastic buidlings of the decade. The two sides of the roof sweep upwards, emphasizing the wave form and also allowing the pool hall in legacy mode to be flooded with natural light. The key driver to the arching form of the two sides, however, was the need to provide column-free sightlines to all 17,500 spectators to the farside lane of the competition pool in Games mode. The structural systems consists of one diaphragm with three total connections. The overall plan form of the roof consists of a rounded diamond shape, being much wider at mid-span. The primary structure was fabricated entirely of straight H-sections fabricated from plate with anges oriented vertically and equalwidth sections for chords and braces to facilitate ease of fabrication at joints.

The long spanning steel members are supporting and transferring the bulk of the load. Solving for reactions, drawing shear-force diagrams, and a bending moment diagram depict the form and structure of the long spanning beams.

Aosta Valley Chalet As a part of an elective course, students were assigned to design a house in a foreign country. Choosing Italy and the region called Aosta Valley, the project was sited on Lago Goillet. Near ski parks, lifts, and mountain trails the house sits in a hot hub for the active owner of the property. A simple plan, sloped alpine roof, and material choice reflect the natural style around the area. A tall glass facade facing the lake celebrates the view of the lake throughout the seasons.

Professional Work At co-ops I have had opportunities to work on different phases of projects and produce different types of work. For a project I was responsible for developing marketing and master plans for a developer to show potential tenants for his property. My Revit experience has enabled me to take on intensive detailing work that reqiures adpet Revit knowledge. Using filters and material settings I was able to produce multiple options of elevations. With guidance from my boss I produced very complex waterproofing details for the facade of a building.


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Trammel Fossil Park Residency In Sharonville, Ohio is a site dedicated the general public’s access to uncover fossils from different prehistoric periods. The project brief given asked for a residential design for visiting paleontologists. Within the building there needed to be living space with space for small lab and storage for uncovered fossils and tests. A site as sacred as Trammel Fossil Park should not succumb to the invasion and scarring by an aspiring or reknown paleontologist. Defacing the site with personal digs would defeat the purpose of Trammel Fossil Park. As a visiting paleontologist should respect the site, so does the building itself. Relying on an existing plateau to support some of the form, and drilled piers only where necessary, the form floats on the topography. The building shape follows the sweeping hill of the topography, allowing for the edges of the structure to blend into the site. Preserving the integrity of the site allows for continual public use of the site, while giving order and organization to the site. Sidewalk Rendering

Stair Section

Plaza Rendering

Plaza Section

Exploded Axonometric

Crosley Tower Dormitory Crosley Tower is located at the northern corner of University of Cincinnati’s campus. It has a long history and is famous for many reasons. As a single continuos concrete pour building, the tower eminates Brutalist architecture. One of the tallest buildings on campus, the tower is a perfect opportunity to house students, which is a need on the college campus. The tower itself takes on a cruciform shape in which the core holds the vertical circulation (two elevators and one staircase) and the branches hold classrooms, labs, and offices. The idea behind this design is to invert the core and move the vertical circulation to the exterior of the building. Elevators lie in the knotches of the cruciform will be constantly moving up and down transporting students to their dorms. A seemingly static building becomes an ever moving building. Creating a void in the core now allows for natural light to enter the common area. The private living areas are located at the edges, allowing for patio spaces. The facade design opposes the continuos facade of the old Crosley, The core allows for a perfect opportunity to catch rainwater that lands on the roof for grey water supply and to feed the pond in the green plaza space outside of the building.

Parti Diagram

Film Institute at the University of Cincinnati

Physical Collage

Hand Renderings

The project brief was to design a film institute approximately 35,000 square feet, located in between McMillan and Calhoun St. on the border of the University of Cincinnati’s campus. The program included educational classrooms, production labs, and public spaces. Over the course of the semester, small project followed the structure of S/M/L/XL, starting with the XL and working toward the S. The site holds a very steep slope with a debilitated masonry wall that divides the flat concrete pad from the grassy hill. These aspects of the site were the driving points for the design. Paying close attention to the topography I noticed a gradual curve along the slope of the hill. Applying the curve to my building. I began forming a mass that could sit on the slope. Mirroring the curve in the Lecture Hall/Theater, students or visitors would feel this curve inside and out. The wall on the site, seemingly dividing the urban neighborhood from the education facilities of the University led me to separate the public and private spaces of the program. Using different courses of brick and color, and overhanging the second floor gives a clear-cut separation of the public and private space. Incorporating an overhang into the design provides cover for those traveling along the pathway. Running alongside the south end of the buildng, the pathway gives a safer and more accessible route to and through the site.

Sketches and Photography Drawings shown here have been from elective courses taken based on specific interests. Some of the assignments in Architecture History required a combination of research and AtuoCAD work. One project in particular included researching three different Roman building typologies, and then designing a “Roman� building that is a hybrid of all three. The typologies in this design include a Roman theater, colonnade, and monopteros. Another project required an observation of an imaginary building in a specific Renaissance painting at the Cincinnati Art Museum. The building in this project was a church with a Westwerk, long nave, and a bell tower on top. Due to the amount of AutoCAD experience, my professor assigned a more challenging buliding to me, where most of the structure was hidden and I had to use my imagination to complete the building.

Univiersity Building Sketches

Hyprid Design

Renaissance Art Building

A hobby rediscovered in college is photography. After taking a few classes in high school I really enjoyed it, but was unable to continue this hobby due to the class load in college. During my fourth year while on co-op I was able to take another photography course and this again sparked my interests. Shown are some of the images I have recently captured.

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