A Yellow Jellow, What Did You Say? (Preview)

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A Yellow Jellow, What Did You Say?

Twilight Art and Book Publishers 2011


A Twilight Art and Book Publishers Book PUBLISHING HISTORY

Stitched Paperback Edition Published 1994 Adobe PDF eBook Edition Published 2005 CD-ROM PDF eBook Edition Published 2005 Amazon.com Kindle eBook Edition Published 2010 Barnes And Noble Nook eBook Edition Published 2010 Amazon.com CreateSpace Mass Market Paperback 2011 Published by Twilight Art and Book Publishers Addison, IL 60101 All Rights Reserved Copyright Š 1994 by Jay J. Kaylin Written and Illustrated by JKaylin Cover Illustration, Design, and Book Design by JKaylin No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, printing, or otherwise, except as permitted under Sections 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act, without either the prior written permission of the Publisher or Author. Requests to the Publisher or Author for permission should be addressed to: Twilight Art and Book Publishers, Addison, IL 60101, e-mail: twsales@jkaylin.com, Phone:(630) 780-2454.

Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 95232169 LCCN Permalink: http://lccn.loc.gov/95232169 ISBN-13: 978-0-9799558-4-6 ISBN-10: 0-9799558-4-X

Printed in The United States of America Twilight Art and Book Publishers www.jkaylin.com

“Big Z, little z. What begins with Z? I do. I am the Zizzzer-Zazzer-Zuzz as you can plainly see!” -Dr. Suess

“Listen to the mustn’ts, child. Listen to the don’ts. Listen to the shouldn’ts, the impossibles, the won’ts. Listen to the never haves, then listen close to me anything can happen, child. Anything can be.” -Shel Silverstein

This book is dedicated to Good Orderly Direction, life, love, and to my warm and clever inspirations: Jay, Becky, Rachel, and Flour. And is . . .

For Everyone

Table of Contents I’ve Looked . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 The Nutton Glutton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-23 Me and You . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24-25 Wishing Well . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26-27 Listen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Alive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Marcie Baldetti . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30-31 Downside Up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32-33 The Murgle-Flurgle-Flickity-Tickity-Tat! . . . . . . . . . . . . 34-35 A Yellow Jellow Telephone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36-37 Smile, Smile, Smile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38-39 The Way Things Are . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40-41 Moms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Special Place . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 What Do I Think? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44-45 The Greatest Me! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46-47 PINGPINGPINGPING - PONG!!! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48-49 Oh Well Diddy Dell Dell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50-51 Nancy Ann Baloo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52-53 Spider . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54-55 Mister Bean . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Moms by Becky Cox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

Preface Why over the years this simple little book has had such a unique appeal to children and to others as well, I do not know. When this book with its original title, “A Yellow Jellow, What . . .?” went on sale for the first time, I got a phone call from a woman about my book and the effect it was having on her son. She stated that her child loved books; however, he would not read them for himself. Although he certainly could read well enough, he just had to have someone read his books to him; she couldn’t get him to just sit alone with a book and just read it by himself. Her main reason to call me, she said, was to tell me about this peculiar positive effect my book was having on her child, and she thought it important that I should know something about my book, which seemed to set it apart from her son’s other books. “A Yellow Jellow, What . . .?” in particular, she said, was the first book that after she had read just the first few pages to her son, her son then insisted on reading the rest for himself. This really surprised her, she told me, because up to that point her son had shown no interest in wanting to read any book by himself. And she added, that wasn’t the only thing that surprised her, her son also wouldn’t let anyone else near the book until he was finished reading it. And although she couldn’t explain why my book was having this positive effect on her son, she hoped that it would somehow help him to feel more comfortable about reading other books all on his own, and for that, she was also calling to thank me. Why did I write this book in the first place? Why am I writing a second children’s book similar to this one? I like playing with silly words, wits, and rhymes. I liked the Zizzer-Zazzer-Zuzz at the end of Dr. Seuss’s “ABC’s”. I liked Shel Silverstein’s book, “The Missing Piece”, and I really liked, “The Real Mother Goose”. These books fascinated me when I was young. I read them and read them. I liked how they spoke to me, and sometimes from across the pages came a simple message wrapped in a certain kind of wit, humor, or in just plain silliness. I loved words. I loved how they sounded and were put together. I loved how they felt and how they made me feel. I don’t know how many times I read that last page in Dr. Seuss’s “ABC’s” - The Zizzer-Zazzer-Zuzz. Today I still love playing with words. “A Yellow Jellow Telephone” was the first poem written for this book originally titled, “A Yellow Jellow, What?”, and now tilted, “A Yellow Jellow, What Did You Say?”. This poem was inspired by a word game I played with the Cox children who belonged to a family from whom I rented out a room. One rainy lost Sunday afternoon, I watched the Cox children playing with a large broken toy calculator. The kids were pointing the inoperative toy out the backyard window, pushing buttons, and naming the different things they were imagining, which were then appearing on the back lawn from out the front of the broken toy that they were now calling the “making machine.”

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I, being unable to rest in quiet or resist playing the game, asked them if I could play too. Then after they all quickly agreed to let me into the game, they re-evaluated and explained some of the rules to me. We started playing the game by taking turns being in charge of the now re-invented toy calculator while the rest of us went in turn naming something we wanted to have made, and then to have that something magically projected out the front of the “making machine” and onto the back lawn. When it was the eldest child’s turn to be in charge of the “making machine”, he held it all ready to go, steadfast and aimed, out the back window at the back lawn, while he waited intensely for one of the rest of us to start the game by announcing what we wanted made before he would push any of its buttons. Then finally one of us called out what we wanted made; then the eldest child with relieved tension push the first button; then he waited again for one of us to say what we wanted it made out of; then he would push a second button. Then someone had to say what color we wanted it to be, and then the eldest child would push the final button. Then there on the subdued wet autumn lawn, a top the wilting yellowish greenish grass and damp dark leaves was something all of us wanted to see, something all of us made up together, and something you could almost see if you really thought about it and looked really hard. One of these times while the eldest child was pointing the “making machine” out the window just waiting to push a button, one of the three of us called out ‘telephone,’ and he pushed the first button; then one of us called out ‘jello’, and the eldest child didn’t hesitate and pushed the second button; then during a brief moment of contemplative silence somebody yelled out ‘yellow’ (which wasn’t me), and then they started laughing really hard. And that was it. In a few seconds we all got the accidental joke; and we all thought it quite clever what had just happened; and we all had a new reason for this being such a good game. Then I thought, I may have a poem out of it too. This three-word combination became the poem that I later put with this book’s title, “A Yellow Jellow, What Did You Say?”. “If I had a machine That could make almost anything, I’d make my wish And pull its switch; Then that machine Would start to twitch; It might squeak and squawk, Bleep and blop, And out of it would pop A Yellow Jellow Telephone, Bouncing with a jiggle jiggle, And ringing with a little wiggle giggle.”

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Acknowledgements Special Thanks - From The First Edition I have seen it written many times and in as many books that I can remember that no one book is brought about by just one person, and this particular book certainly was not created by myself alone. It has been co-created with the warmth, friendship, and love of a countless number of people. People who have freely given of their time, support, and vast experiences. People who have helped me with their hopes, strengths, and encouragements, and in so doing, they have helped me to achieve what you now see before you my first children’s book, and my very first dream. I want to mention also here that these people have not only added a unique specialness to this single book, but to my whole life as well. Including an outstanding wisdom of the mind, and an infinite richness to my very soul. Furthermore, some of those listed here have added something simply by my having had the pleasure of knowing them in the first place. Therefore, it is for these people that I am truly grateful, and it is my wish now to give to at least some of them my warmest and deepest thanks possible. They are as follows: to my father for giving me his reason and logic, and for helping me to feel connected to the world around me, and for giving me much of his time and plenty of his support in the only and best way he knew how; to my mother for our long intellectual conversations through out most of my life, entailing mostly; philosophy, sociology, and politics, and for her artistic talents which I must have inherited, and for her emotional support that was to come much later on in my life; to my brothers Steve and Doug for all their help and support over these many years; and to my sister Lynn, and Chris my brother-in-law for being there for the family on holidays and at special occasions; to my close friends Russell and Wendy Cox for having saved my life the first time, and to their three children and one of their cats who have been my very special and clever comrades in the arts; Jay, Becky, Rachel, and Flour for their many artistic talents, and most of all, for their unconditional love and support - and to the whole Cox family for their warm and genuine “surrealistic� view of life. In addition to the above, I also give my warmest and deepest thanks to many of my newly found friends. They are as follows: Tom H., Kathy M., Mike B., Colleen F., Sarah B., John L., Chris H., George F., Tim G., Rick M., and to Marianne de Blouwe, the best sales woman I have ever known to date, and for her close companionship, and to all the others who are a part of this unique and special group of people for helping me live and realize this new life far beyond any of my expectations. Also, my warmest and deepest thanks go out to many very old friends as well,

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friends who have always supported and encouraged me in all of my artistic pursuits. They are as follows: Don and Lori Heins, Jim “Jimbo” Indoranto, Ed Gannon, Jeff Gammon, John Tyminski, Bret “Bert” and Debbie Stancy, John and Diane Adams, Tim “Goobs” Gorman for all the unforgettable times we once shared, and at a time, when we all thought we were so indestructible, and most of all, for those really good laughs, honest caring, and deep sentiments; and for their solid and on going support in all that I do now. Now I’d like to also extend these warm and deepest of thanks to the unequaled team at West General Graphics. They are as follows: to my employers Mario and Ernie Pescatore, the two owners of West General Graphics for their extreme patience and understanding, and for the free use of their materials and equipment after hours that went into the making of this book; to my immediate co-workers, Carmella Biancofiore for her gentleness of heart and her true free spirit; and to Madelyn Pescatore, Karen Mikula, Mike Cavallo, Fridencio Rivera, Gabrial H. Rodriguez, Michael Polanek, Dan Marcucclli, Kelly Kochandski, Pompay Hicks, and Stephanie Cappiello for all their unconditional help, support, and unimaginable patients, and for showing me how to keep going. Lastly, these thanks go out to my grammar instructor, Dan Kies, for his selfless devotion toward the College of DuPage, his students, and his “Modern English Grammar” class, a class in which I have had the great pleasure to attend; and to the College of DuPage and its staff for giving me the countless possibilities to find and reach my goals (this book being one of them), and for allowing me the opportunity to complete my degree in the Humanities with Highest Honors. Thank you all ever so dearly. -- J.K.

With all my God given ability as I travel through out my life, I can simply chose to play the hand of cards dealt to me, and to accept my place in the world and my small part in it - a part and a hand which I play day to day while I continue to try and learn to think of others sometimes even before myself, and to think of myself sometimes even before others. “This above all: to thine ownself be true. . . . And it must follow, as the night the day, thou canst not then be false to any man.” -Shakespeare, “Hamlet,” Act I, Scene III.

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I‘ve Looked I’m looking for a poem, And I’ve looked where I’ve sat; I’ve looked in my sister’s hair, And I have looked under my hat. I’ve looked almost everywhere, But I do remember that I had written it from the left . . . , . . . and I had written it to the right; I had written it all day, And I had written it all night; I had written it UP, And I had written it DOWN, And I had written it d. a n l u l o r a Now if you find this poem, Please read it for me, While I bend to look Behind my knee. Page 21

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The Nutton Glutton I am the Nutton Glutton, And I am the lint in your belly-button. Now there’s no need to get mad, And there’s no need to pout. If you want me out, just Shake shake shake your belly up And down and around about, And shout, “Sauerkraut! Sauerkraut!” “Get Out-Out-Out!” “Get out of my belly-button!” “You silly old Nutton Glutton!”

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Me and You If I could be you, and you could be me, And me could be you, and you could be I; Or if I were you, and you were me, And me were you, and you were I; Or if I was you, and you was me, And me was you, and you was I . . . Then what would we both be? I and you, you and me, Me and you or You and I?

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Wishing Well I went to this wishing well And when I was ready; I reached into my pocket, And I pulled out a penny; I wished to be free And do as I pleased; I wished I could cry Without being teased . . . . Then I wished for my sister Not to hit me in the head, And then I wished I had ten dollars To drop in instead!

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Listen Listen to the sounds As your foot steps mark the ground; Listen to each slow breath you take With every new step you break. And listen to your dreams, And make your wishes; And shed your tears, While cherishing your smiles Hold all of life as precious and dear, For it’s the whole journey through life That can be such a great And wondrous frontier.

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Alive Jump about. Roll about. Laugh and shout! There’s always something to be happy about; There’s always something to be real about Being alive, Being alive, Simply being alive!

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- End of Preview http://www.amazon.com/Yellow-Jellow-What-Did-You/dp/097995584X http://www.amazon.com/dp/B0043EV94K www.jkaylin.com https://www.createspace.com/3491625 http://www.facebook.com/T.A.B.Publishers

Following Pages “About the Author”

About the Author Lombard Spectator Spotlight by Jim Carlosn

“New Seuss on the Loose”


ddison writer Jeffery Kalinowski would like to introduce you to the Murgleflurgle-flickity-tickity-tat, the Nutton Glutton, and Nancy Anne Baloo.

These are all characters found in his first published book of children’s poetry, “A Yellow Jellow, What?”. . . . . . Kalinowski, who writes under the pen name of Jay J. Kaylin [and J. Kaylin], . . . also personally laid out the pages, printed the book, designed the cover, and did all the illustrations. Why the pseudonym? “Because my last name is Kalinowski,” he laughs, during a recent phone interview. The first-time author felt he needed a name that would be easier to remember. Looking for something that was catchy, he chose Jay J. Kaylin, which mirrored his own initials. “I may go back to Kalinowski later on down the road but if the name Jay J. Kaylin catches on, why mess with it?” Now 33 [at the time of this writing], he started writing poetry at age 18. Although he had been writing stories since the first grade, he found writing a positive way to deal with his own problems in communication. “I was really withdrawn, and writing was an outlet to express myself,” he admits. A Yellow Jellow Telephone was the first poem written for the book. It was inspired by a word game he played with the Cox children. . . . “Deep down, I always wanted to do something for children but I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to do it.” “That is a scary thought, trying to write for children,” said Kalinowski. . . . “You could definitely say I was inspired by the works of Dr. Seuss when I was little,” said the author, who is also fond of children’s poetry by Shel Silverstein [and also by Jack Prelutsky, and The Real Mother Goose].

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. . . Kalinowski dropped out of high school in 1979 during his senior year at Glenbard East High School when he became seriously involved with drugs and alcohol. . . . Contrary to some literary legends, Kalinowski doesn’t believe his prior drug use helped in any way to influence his creative writing. “As far as Lewis Carroll and Edgar Allan Poe are concerned that drugs heightened their creativity, I didn’t find this to be true [for me].” This dark period of his life came to a head when his father died of cancer in 1984. “It was a very rude awakening when he passed away,” admitted the author. With a new outlook on life, he got help, joined a 12-step program, and already having received his GED from years before, started attending classes at the College of DuPage in Glen Ellyn. . . . All his poetry is rhymed. He doesn’t like the stuff that’s not. He felt that when writing for a children’s audience, he should write rhyming poetry, “I think it’s important,” said the author. Kalinowski sees marketing as his greatest challenge in creating “A Yellow Jellow, What?”. He’s happy with the content and the finished product, but as a one-man operation, he feels challenged in his efforts . . . . . . “What primarily fuels my writing is I would love to make a difference in the world, not only in the lives of children, but in many other people’s lives as well.” “It is very much of struggle for me now. I just hope everything falls together”. . . .

The Lombardian The Inside Story by Marie Olrysh In recent days, I have had the opportunity to speak to two former residents, both of whom have surmounted personal obstacles to reach individual levels of achievement. Here is the “Inside Story” on these two young adults. JEFFERY KALINOWSKI Jeffery Kalinowski has wanted to be a writer ever since he was in grade school and now, after hurdling a few obstacles, the 33-year-old [at the time of this writing] author is on his way. The son of Marion and the late Joseph Kalinowski, Jeffery grew up in Lombard, IL. “I loved to write stories and I had a teacher who encouraged that.”. . . That love of writing began to taper off however. While a student at Glenbard East High School, he found he still enjoyed English and Art classes, but had become bored with the

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others. Personal problems added to the situation and he dropped out during his senior year. “I just didn’t know what I wanted,” he said. But within weeks of his dropping out during his receiving classes’ graduation in 1979, Kalinowski went on to earn his G.E.D. degree and joined the work force. . . . Kalinowski began attending classes at the College of DuPage while holding down a job in the printing industry . . . . . . . Combining his artistic talent and printing skills, he recently wrote, illustrated, designed, laid out the pages, printed, and is now marketing his first book. This small volume of children’s poetry, entitled “A Yellow Jellow, What?” bears the pen name of Jay J. Kaylin, a much more rhythmic and pronounceable nom-de-plume. . . . A writer of “philosophical, spiritual, and strangely funny stuff,” Kalinowski settled on the latter, to pen a book that has been described as a cross between a progressive Dr. Seuss and regressive Shel Silverstein.

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A Note From the Author My late father said, “The quality of a man’s work was second to that of putting all he had into it - and not just with his back, mind you - but from deep within the truth about himself.” However, this is not a word for word quote. It is a paraphrase of something very close to what was said, or at the very least, in the way I understood it at the time. I have had little at my disposal to produce books from conception to finished project. Sometimes I have felt as if I was trying to produce and publish good books while being blind folded and wearing mittens. Then trying to make marketing packages for them as if from out of the ears of sows. I produced “A Yellow Jellow, What Did You Say?” three times now in three different bindings both conventional and digital, and with as much heart, professionalism, and discernment that I could obtain at any one given time because that’s all I had. However, as with all things, I learn as I go, and I get better with time as I begin to understand about what I have learned in my experiences of success, failure, heartbreak, and joy; and then connecting this reality into the deep corners and driving passions of my heart for the next time, and the next. Recently, I finished a musical audio book CD based on one of these poems in “A Yellow Jellow, What Did You Say?”. This poem is to become the title of a newly written and illustrated children’s book, and the new CD will become part of the new book’s package. The number of poems and illustrations in this new book far exceed those in “A Yellow Jellow, What Did You Say?”. Also, the new illustrations are far more advanced in the new book. At one time, I suffered from epileptic seizures and after several of these seizures I brought back out with me a highly increased ability to draw. Surprise! Now, the seizures are gone, but the new drawing ability has remained. In conclusion, I hope you have enjoyed “A Yellow Jellow, What Did You Say?”. It is also my wish of course that you someday buy and enjoy most of my future books. And at best, with all the many great authors and illustrators out there now being made more available, I hope you find with ease and at a good price what you might be looking for in a great book. Thank you for your purchase. And thank you for taking the time to read. Happy hunting and further pleasant reading. J.K.

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Twilight Art and Book Publishers 2011

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