Valentines day tips

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This Valentines-Day, Plan a Perfect Date for Your Beloved: Top Tips by iZofy

iZofy 05.02.2016

Are you set to impress your beloved this Valentine’s Day? You definitely want to make this day perfect. Well, iZofy has decided to help you by giving some dating tips based on your Sun Sign. Different rules of dating are for different sun signs. Thus, it helps knowing what your date reveals and why.

Aries: Aries is itself an adventurous, self-driven and independent person. So, dating an Aries is definitely a joy ride. While dating an Aries, keep in mind that conversations on subjects like poverty, politics, terrorism, global warming can make him/her bored. Try to discuss over music, party, adventure which give him/her energy. Aries likes hard-working and honest people. Don’t hurt an Aries’ ego. Make him/her believe that you admire him/her in real. So, plan your date with proper personalized guidance of Vedic astrology.

Taurus: Be patient while dating a Taurus as he/she takes things slow, especially in the matter of heart. If a Taurus gets comfortable with the people, they feel like at home. You need to listen to them and make them understand that you are interested in their future and success plans. Being practical and down to earth, Taurus doesn’t like to date one. A Taurus wants emotional security and financial stability above everything. Be serious about them as they do not like to be taken for granted. Seek for iZofy’s online Indian astrologer’s advice if want to find your compatibility with a Taurus.

Gemini: Talking sense is the key to impress a Gemini lover. Talk knowledgeable and provide intellectual stimulation. This way a Gemini will find interest on you and the relationship too. First impression is the last impression in case of a Gemini. Thus, keep yourself updated while dating a Gemini. Gemini is casual and likes to be a buddy. So don’t treat them as girlfriend or boyfriend. This doesn’t means they are disloyal. They seek for emotional security which they can’t express verbally. Thus, get an idea for a good chemistry from iZofy.

Cancer: A Cancer is of tender nature and wants loyal relationship. So, always express your emotions as a Cancer is introvert and shy type. Cancer likes log-term relationship, not a casual dating. Give them genuine compliments and be sincere to them. A Cancer doesn’t like fake gestures of love. They are always afraid of being betrayed and so they take time to open up. Respect his/her feelings if want him/her aside throughout the life. Never force your Cancer mate while taking a decision in relationship. Report your problems and get solutions of your relationship problems at iZofy.

Leo: It is both a challenge and fun to date a Leo. Leo loves to get pampered by people. So, be expressive and admire your Leo partner. If you don’t appreciate the Leo’s qualities and keep your ego on, your relationship won’t work. Amusing a Leo, employ your sense of humor. This way, you will get entertained and a good company also. If you want him/her forever, do provide the best to them. Leo likes to question and you can’t get offended by it. Know your love compatibility with iZofy’s free numerology reading.

Virgo: Virgo seems to be detached and cold at first, but they are very much affectionate and sensitive inside. Keep in mind that Virgo takes time to trust you, open up and judge you. You need to be patient and wait for the right time to make relationship stronger while dating a Virgo. As a Virgo leads a predictable life, he/she wants a predictable partner. Be ready to talk profoundly while trying to impress a Virgo. Try logical conversations with your Virgo date. Virgo gets attracted by knowledgeable and intelligent people. Find who your soul mate is with the help of iZofy.

Libra: The Libra people are helpful, charming and sensitive nature and thus play a vital role and gather popularity. Ensure to show genuine interest while dating a Libra, suggests iZofy. Libra enjoys

the conversation on hobbies, lifestyle, dreams, asking questions etc. They expect to get compliments which make them feel loved. Libras are romantic and passionate souls who want a strong, outstanding, ambitious and decisive partner. Making your relationship long-lasting keep your anger in control. For personalized advices, talk to iZofy’s Indian astrologers online.

Scorpio: The first and foremost thing to remember while dating a Scorpio is – be genuine. You will fail to impress Scorpions if you are faking. Thus, always speak clearly to them. Scorpions expect respect from you. Some Scorpions are insecure and proud, and thus, they can’t take humorous comments. Try to be expressive to them and nagging them. Keep them to their comfort zone, as they are skeptical and secretive nature. Scorpions are highly sensuous and protective partners. So, take a joy ride on your love journey with the guidance of iZofy.

Sagittarius: A Sagittarius loves to explore new things, cultures of his/her knowledge. Talk to them about these freely. Sagittarians don’t prefer mind games and boring conversations. Give them personal space. Commitment-phobic Sagittarians believe on planning for future and commitment on relationship. So, be a genuine friend to them first. Sagittarians definitely fall in love with a daredevil nature person. Get 100% astrological report on your love compatibility at iZofy.

Capricorn: In the entire zodiac, Capricorn is the most tender, careful, introvert, ambitious and shy nature. Thus, he/she always thinks before doing commitment. If you take care of him/her, take responsibilities positively, Capricorn will treasure you with lots of love. Goats are sensual and passionate lovers. Material wealth doesn’t attract them. The Capricorns may be traditional but they are intelligent and smart too. If you are getting toughness in your relationship with a Capricorn, take the help of iZofy’s top astrologers online.

Aquarius: An Aquarius easily attracts people with his/her smart, funny and talkative nature. But they take more time in getting impressed and falling for somebody. So, you have the both chances while dating an Aquarius. Don’t hope big from the beginning. Communicate well with them to hold his/her attention. Intellectual and friendly communication attracts an Aquarius most. If you are getting any issue related to your love life, avail love compatibility report by iZofy. It is guaranteed that your privacy will be maintained by us.

Pisces: A Pisces can easily grab your attention with his/her unconventional cleverness. Thus, fish’s charms are addictive. Pisces love to feel protected and they appreciate compassionate nature. Ethereal fantasies do not attract them. Pisces are not melancholic type. Positive things make them turn into your favor. Fishes are confident about their life and love to lead. If you are going through bad times in your love life, avail iZofy’s love compatibility report soon. This Valentine’s Day, get a 13 Mukhi Rudraksha which will help you to get long-lasting love and happiness.

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