Car Number Numerology and Growth in Life

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Car Number Numerology and Growth in Life

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Cars have become an essential part of our lives. It is no more a luxury but has become a necessity. Having the right car number not only prevents us from road accidents but also helps us to grow our business prospects because car represents Saturn which is one of the most important plane working in our day to day lives.

Car number should be in sync with the DOB of the person owning the car or if it is held jointly then all the DOB will be taken into consideration. We only take the car number digits and not the alphabets while calculating. Many times it has been seen that number 9 has been preffered as a lucky number. But on the contrary most number of accidents take place on vehicles that add upto 8 & 9. Only if Mars is strongly placed and not afflicted in ones chart number 9 can be chosen as car number. If one buys a number 9 car one can take light colours but not red color as itmakes number 9 too aggressive. One more important point that 18,27,36,45 all add upto 9 but they are higher octaves of 9. All of these numbers have different interpretations. Out of these 18 is more accident prone because it has 1 (Sun) & 8 (Saturn) and add upto 9 (Mars). Similarly 44 is also not good as it is a Double rahu number adding upto a Saturn Number. 4 & 8 numbers should not be taken in a number together as they can cause accidents. Number 8 consumes more petrol so it should be avoided. 4 (Rahu) & 7 (Ketu) should also be avoided. If Sun is exalted Black color should be avoided. If Venus is well placed take off white or Light colors. Be very careful when using or taking fancy numbers like 8888, 1111 or 2222 as they are very strong numbers.

They should be in sync with the DOB otherwise can prove fatal. For Example one of our clients DOB is 9-6-1975. The Psyche No. is 9 and his Destiny No. is 1. He is a gemini whose lord is Mercury which is a number 5. So the aggressiveness of his phyche no. 9 is balanced by the mercury number 5. I suggested him to buy a Number 1 car as 1 & 5 are friendly numbers. After a couple of months of having a number 1 car his business actually started doing good all of a sudden and from owning 2 cars he is a proud owner of 5 cars now. I have seen this growth happening in a lot of my case studies. So a car number is very important not only for avoiding accidents but also for growth in work. No wonder Amitabh Bachchan born on 11th is a Number 2, his cars are Number 2, ruling planet for 2 is Moon which is white because of which is uses a white car.

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