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Introduction Here at MailChimp, we like to show our work—and magical things seem to happen when we do. It forces us to reflect. “Let’s see. How did I do that? And why is that the best way? Oh!” Reflection helps us see the best parts of our process. “We saved ourselves so much time when we built it that way.” Sharing the best parts of our process sparks conversations. “You did it that way? Interesting. Why?” These conversations keep us humble. “You know, you’re right. We probably could’ve done that differently.” And by remaining humble and open to new ideas, we grow. “We used to do it this way, but after some consideration and lots of experimentation, we discovered that there’s a better way.” We show our work, hoping to get better at what we do. This book is the embodiment of our quest to reflect, refine, and grow. We made it in hopes it’ll help you do the same.

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