Ocean Freight Transportation Services Canada

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Ocean Freight Transportation Services Canada

There are many different types of ocean freight transportation services available in Canada. These services can be used to transport goods and materials of all types from one location to another. Some of the most popular ocean freight transportation servi ces in Canada include container shipping, bulk shipping, and general cargo shipping.


Container shipping is a type of ocean freight transportation service that uses large containers to transport goods and materials. This type of service is often used to transport large quantities of goods or materials that need to be protected from the elements. Bulk shipping is a type of ocean freight transportation service that uses large vessels to transport large quantities of goods or materials.

This type of service is often used to transport commodities such as oil, gas, and coal. General cargo shipping is a type of ocean freight transportation service that can be used to transport a variety of goods and materials. This type of service is often used to transport items that are not easily containerized.

+1 647-660-4929 logistics@i-waytrans.com Etobicoke, ON M9W 4K2 www.i-waytransport.com

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