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REFLECTION: (IVY) Creating your own website is not easy at all especially if time is limited. But because of our teamwork and perseverance, we were able to accomplished one of the most difficult task in this quarter. We have learned a lot of skills by doing this task. We’ve learned that we should not confine ourselves with the knowledge we have, but we should learn to explore and go outside of our comfort zone to be able to give all we have. We had difficulty reaching out to each other, it is because we do not have the chance to interact physically due to pandemic. Thus, it became hard for us to share our ideas and to decide what specific time all members are free. But despite of all the barriers, we were able to give all we have and the best we could do.


Background of Digital World

"We live in a digital world," a digital world is the people who are constantly linked to the internet via digital devices, media, or social media; positively, it is a world full of ideas, opinions, learning, and opportunities; adversely, it has a significant impact on our everyday life. It's a virtual environment that's built and grown with computers and enhanced by the Internet, and it contains or enables for the processing and storage of digitalized data. With the advent of Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, many people now socialize more online than in person. Our professional life is also replete with technology, ranging from basic email, smart phones, iPads, Skype, and power point presentations to more advanced multi-media devices. Multi-functional devices such as the smartwatch and smartphone have been made possible by modern technology. Computers are becoming quicker, more portable, and more powerful than they have ever been. Technology has made our life easier, faster, better, and more enjoyable as a result of all of these revolutions. The digital world has become an increasingly crucial part of our daily lives, transforming the way we do almost everything. Imagine a future without social media, online commerce, video conversations, or search engines that can provide answers to all of our questions. The digital world has presented us with various opportunities that we would not have had otherwise.

Digital Age Magazine

Digital Age Magazine is an online magazine that allows its readers to explore Digital World or the use of available digital tools to communicate on the Internet, digital devices, smart devices, and other technologies. Digital Age Magazine train its readers to become globally competitive through encouraging them to improve technological literacy and competency. Technological literacy is one of the most important 21st century skills. With digital literacy skills, people can move beyond a process-oriented understanding of technology and apply digital resources creatively in their original work. This concept of literacy skills will support them in having critical thinking skills. This online magazine is solely focused on Information & Communication Technology, Image Manipulation and Graphics Design, Productivity Tools, and Web Design & Creation Tools. Digital Age Magazine will explore the contribution and significant role of ICT to the Modern Society. This includes communication, and information as well as different etiquette we should learned to practice while we are on cyberspace. Moreover, the magazine itself will demonstrate how to use Productivity Tools and how these will be applied to perform mail merge, formulas and functions, and animations & hyperlinks. Digital Age Magazine also covers the use of Image Manipulation and Graphics Design through different infographics that shows ways how to vote wisely for upcoming Presidential Election 2022. And lastly, the online magazine displays example of Web Design and blog, focusing on the timely issues which are misinformation and unfair justice system that continuously existing in the country.

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