Neurc candidates eng

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Relaunch of the NEURC: who applied? Updated version 1. Why have we made it. DiXi Group is a think tank dealing with policy analysis and development of recommendations. However, considering how painful and complicated the NEURC1 Law adoption process has been, and having advocated the mentioned Law, we are foremost interested in involving professional and independent members into the reshaped Regulator’s composition. The Regulator law prohibits interventions into the Competition Commission activities, however it is providing many other tools to observe the process and to make it transparent and public as much as possible. Everyone – MPs, journalists, civil society organizations and activists – has such tools. We decided to use them. 2. Why do we publish our assessment right now? From our experience related to participating in competition commissions for positions in ministerial directorates general, we learned: for the purpose of not “crying over the spilled milk”, candidates have to be discussed publicly prior to the date the official selection procedure is over. Provided the procedure is formally followed, it will be too late to complain afterwards. DiXi Group was unable to publish its assessment during the first phase of the selection process, because the moral and other qualities of candidates have been accessed, and our assessment is subjective, which could have indeed distort the candidate’s evaluation process applied by the Competition Commission. Therefore, the document has been published when the first phase was over – however, during the period when every applicant was possible to be discussed publicly. At that, the Competition Commission members have informed that the document prepared by DiXi Group did not impact the candidates’ assessment. 3. What do colours mean? Highlighting with colours is not a sentence, but a signal that an issue has to be assessed deeper. To assure the methodology is correct, we have to apply similar criteria to each candidate. It is impossible to find criteria for assessing whether there will be an oligarch’s influence following the selection or whether a person will or will not accept and obey decisions implied “from the top”. These are the subjective assessments of everyone, which can be announced or published, however they can not be accepted as methodology. Criteria have to be measurable and easily verified. That is why information presented in the document has been chosen. At the same time, we think that the document contains sufficient scope of information to allow a required analysis be made by politicians, journalists and experts and to allow them making assessments, comments and forecasts. 4. Why the second revision of the document was issued? The complete list of candidates has been published at the beginning of March 2018. From that moment on, our team had around two weeks to perform the assessment. Unfortunately, out attempts to involve coalitions and partner organizations failed. Besides, the latest modifications are sometimes not reflected in public registers. That is exactly why immediately following the assessment release, we have informed that we will be ready to amend and correct it as soon as we receive additional facts and information. The updated document incorporates information from all parties, who informed us on inaccurate information and has provided facts. The updated information is marked in bold. Considering that the revised version of the document incorporates comparisons between the previous and the new assessments, as well as to avoid false use of the old version, we cancel the public access to the old version.


The National Energy and Public Utilities Regulatory Commission

Now, the competition runs amongst candidates claiming to become new future NEURC members. Totally, 51 applications have been submitted. Taking into account that two candidates received denial to participate in the competition2 and there were 5 vacant positions in the Regulator, the competition level is 9.8 candidates per one position. We should recall that the Competition Commission recommends two candidates per each of 5 vacant places, and the President will then make appointments. For the purposes of an independent public monitoring, and to intensify the public discussion, the DiXi Group experts attempted to assess the people who submitted their applications. The first assessment has been published on 15 March and has received considerable feedback, including such from candidates themselves, from experts, civil society activists and some politicians. Candidates have explained information provided in declarations, provided updated data concerning corporate rights, and we also received additional information concerning candidates listed3. Considering the above, the DiXi Group is publishing the updated assessment, as well as the extended explanation of methodology we applied, including some corrections. The following criteria were taken into account during analysis: ●


Correlation between expenditures, property and lifestyle of a candidate and his family members and the declared income: expenditures clearly exceed the declared income over the corresponding period of time. At that, the basic assumption is that information provided in declarations is complete and fair. In cases when correlation between the property, expenditures and the income is impossible to be reliably verified (e.g. due to incomplete information or absence of information concerning income during previous years), it is marked that some data require clarification. Availability of a potential conflict of interest: candidate and his family members have relationship to politics (membership, employment or other contractual relations with political parties) or business (members of executive bodies4, direct or indirect ownership of enterprises or corporate rights5) within the NEURC regulatory scope. The specified restrictions are stipulated by the Law on NEURC6 and related to persons, which can not be appointed as Regulator’s members. Theoretically, this enables candidates to eliminate the conflict of interests (e.g., cancel the party membership, withdraw from company’s executive bodies, sell shares and other corporate rights) prior to the appointment. Along with that, we are aware that other formats of political involvement (e.g. membership in factions of political parties) or business activities in the energy and public utilities’ sphere (on managerial positions) do not in any way guarantee that a candidate would not be able to have a hidden conflict of interests considering his/her possible relations with politicians or owners (executives) of companies. Similarly, this can also be the case for current NEURC members, who provided their applications. For that, we separately pay attention to candidates’ current positions and relationships. Possible involvement in corruption and other abuses, including infringement of citizens’ rights and liberties, decisions taken against the national interests: proven data from journalistic investigations, including documents registers, video records etc., which provide valid reasons to assume possible involvement of a candidate into the mentioned actions. Publications not supported by verified facts have been excluded from the updated assessment.

Ivan Sayenko and Oleksandr Kapustin have been not allowed to participate in the competition due to qualification mismatch. Following publication of the updated document on 20 March, the DiXi Group received on 21 March an address from the candidate Mrs. Antonova O.O. requesting to clarify information in the description. Corresponding update has been made, however it did not change the highlighting applied to that candidate. 4 According to the Law of Ukraine “On Joint Stock Companies”, officials of a joint stock company are: the chairperson and members of the supervisory board, executive board, auditing committee, auditor, as well as the chairperson and members of another authority, provided its creation is envisaged by the articles of association (incl. the Manager/CEO as a person exercising the power of an executive body). 5 At that, the Law of Ukraine “On the NEURC” does not determine a participation threshold (number of shares) in the capital of a corresponding company, which is considered as a conflict of interests. That is ownership of even one share or a package of shares with miserable nominal value is already evidencing corresponding corporate rights. 6 The Law of Ukraine “On the NEURC”, Article 7. Eligibility of the Regulator’s member. 3

Candidates with incomparable expenditures and income, being leading figures of scandals or having taken decisions against the country’s interests are highlighted in red. Moreover, this colour and the “Disqualified” marker designates candidates whose declarations for 2017 appeared in the NACP7 system after the documents acceptance deadline set by the Competition Commission or candidates against which restrictions are applied as determined by the Law “On Government Cleansing” (Lustration Law). Candidates whose documents need to be verified or have a potential conflict of interest are highlighted in yellow. A conflict of interests is highlighted in yellow, considering that the issue is possible to be resolved prior to the appointment of a NEURC member. In case a candidate made errors or provided incomplete information in his/her CV or e-declaration, we specify that some data require clarifications. Concerning verification of data on education (registration of a diploma in the register of documents on higher education), which we used during the initial assessment, we did not apply that criteria in the updated document, due to two reasons. First, the weak point of the register is that it does not include data on higher education documents granted before mid-1990s. Second, we accept as a fact the message of the Competition Commission’s Secretary Mrs. S. Holikova8 that all applicants have provided their education documents, and we trust that those documents are original. Candidates with no considerable risks concerning their e-declarations data, mass-media information on suspects or illegal actions, neither potential conflict of interests are highlighted in green. The published documents of the candidates – application, CV and copies of education documents – can be found on the web-site of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Fuel and Energy Complex. In the present assessment, experience of the Civil Movement “Chesno” assessing MPs has been used, as well as approaches to the analysis of public data concerning the candidates applying for the position of the Head of the National Agency on Corruption Prevention, which was performed by the TOM 14 NGO in partnership with the Transparency International Ukraine and the Reanimation Package of Reforms coalition. Also, the analytical system YouControl has been used for analysis, as well as the register of academic certificates, the register of electronic declarations (“Declarations” project), and other open sources. All information used for the assessment has been taken from open sources, in particular from Internet, as well as from explanations of candidates themselves. The analysis reflects only the agreed collective assessment of the NGO “DIXI GROUP” team, which is based on information received from open sources, including published electronic declarations of candidates. DiXi Group does not make any allegations concerning proof of facts of misconduct or guilt of these persons in committing offenses subject to legal responsibility, with the exception of references to official effective court decisions. Our assessment might not coincide with official decisions and conclusions.


The National Agency on Corruption Prevention


CANDIDATES: NAME Antonova, Olena Oleksandrivna

Preliminary conclusions, as of 15.03 No risks identified

Updated assessment, Explanation for highlights as of 20.03 Employed by DTEK (R.Akhmetov’s holding) in the position of the Department Manager for There are no regulatory issues. Before that, for 8 years the candidate was employed in the AES Ukraine, comments to information provided the group of companies (AES Corporation), on managerial positions*. The declared property corresponds to the family income, as well as to the declared monetary assets.

Reasons for updates *Information has been updated on 22.03 according to an address received from the candidate

Batechko, Serhii Grygorovych

No risks identified

There are no comments to information provided

Employed by the DTEK Energo (company within the R.Akhmetov’s holding) in the position of the Department Head for Technical Refurbishment, and part-time in the position of the director of a separated subdivision Lvivenergospetsremont DTEK Zakhidenergo. The declared property corresponds to the primary employment income. The bank accounts’ holdings and cash savings are also declared.

Updated according to the candidate’s e-declaration

Bohdanov, Ruslan Kyabirovych

Requires verification

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The declared property corresponds to the primary employment income and to the declared cash savings.

Updated according to the candidate’s e-declaration

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The total declared income of the couple is almost UAH 961,000, out of these UAH 505,000 at the primary employment and the part-time employment. Funds on bank accounts and cash savings are also declared.

Borysenko, Andrii Volodymyrovych

Requires verification

It is worth noting that in 2017 R.K. Bohdanov received UAH 217,000 from METINVEST B.V. LLC, the ultimate beneficiary owner of the company is R. Akhmetov.

The income declared justifies procurement of a declared vehicle for UAH 600,000 in 2017. There is also property declared – apartments for UAH 1.6 mln and UAH 1.2 mln, purchased accordingly in 2014 and 2016, however there is no information on income during this period. Employed in the position of the Deputy Director General on issues of perspective development and energy saving technologies at Ukrenergoconsulting LLC, which the mass-media (1, 2, 3) associate with Ihor and Grygoriy Surkis. In his CV, the candidate specified also that along 2017-2018 he was the PJSC “Zaporizhzhyaoblenergo” Supervisory Board member (quitted). Also working part-time as a Professor at the NTUU Kyiv Polytechnic Institute and is the member of a subject-oriented academic council “Energy systems and complexes” at the Institute of common energy industry of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

Updated according to the candidate’s CV and edeclaration

Venzel, Ihor Edvardovych

No risks identified

Potential conflict of interests is available (through participation in company’s executive body)

Employed in the position of the Deputy director on development and services at DTEK Energo and is combining his duties as the Director General of DTEK Dniproenergo (since 2017). Both enterprises are within the R.Akhmetov’s DTEK Holding. According to the DTEK Dniproenergo’s Articles of Association (Section 14), the candidate is a person exercising powers of a single executive body being a part of company’s management body.

Updates have been made according to information concerning a potential conflict of interests, as the candidate is a member of DTEK Dniproenergo’s managerial bodies.

Civil society activists pay attention to the conflict concerning non-fulfilment of environment protection obligations by the company managed by the candidate

The DTEK Dniproenergo incorporates the Prydniprovska TPP. Following privatization of the plant in 2012, according to mass-media information, the owner undertook to implement the ecological modernization of power units until 2015. However, this has not been performed, which according to civic activists information, can be violation of environmental legislation (conditions for emissions permits), failure in performing company’s investments undertakings related to ecological modernization.

Also, information of civic activists has been received concerning the possible violation of environmental laws by the company managed by the candidate.

Until the end of 2017 (by that time the candidate was for 1 year at that position), the plant’s treatment facilities have not been modified. I.Venzel himself claimed (21.02.2018), that tenders to procure the required equipment for the power unit consuming the gas coal have already been launched, and there is no information concerning the rest. The declared income, cash savings and bank accounts holdings correspond to the declared information.

Havryliuk, Olena Volodymyrovna

Requires verification

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Employed by the NNEGC Energoatom (the state-owned company) in the position of the Deputy Director of the nuclear fuel procurement and external economic relations directorate. The declared property corresponds to the income declared. Cash on bank accounts is also declared. Was also delegated by the fraction of the political party Union “Samopomich” as the candidate to the Competition Commission appointing NEURC members, however she was not supported by the VRU Committee on issues of construction, urban development and public services.

Highlighting has been changed as criterion concerning availability of the diploma in the register has been removed from the methodology. Reference to “Anticor” website information has been removed, as mentioned publication does not provide evidences of the statement. Updated according to the candidate’s e-declaration.

Hlushchenko, Ihor Mykolayovych

Possible suspects in corruption and other abuses Requires verification

Supported ratification of “Kharkiv Agreements” Candidate has not declared any income

The candidate is unemployed since 2014. Was the MP of 6th convocation of Verkhovna Rada, representing the Party of Regions, was the member of the Committee on fuel and energy, nuclear policy and nuclear safety. Supported ratification of “Kharkiv Agreements”. It can also be assumed that being a member of VRU majority at that time, he was one of signatories of the constitutional request made by 252 people’s deputies of Ukraine concerning validity of the Law of Ukraine “On introducing changes to the Constitution of Ukraine” No.2222-IV dd. 8 December 2004, which allowed V.Yanukovych receiving broader powers compared to those he was elected with.

No changes

Also, the candidate has not declared any incomes, neither informed on bank accounts holdings. In the declaration section concerning family members, he has not mentioned the full-aged daughter and son. As his income, he declared the pension of his father (UAH 82,000) and mother (UAH 19,000). Declaration mentions two land plots in Kherson region with the total area of 6000 m2 owned by the candidate’s father, without mentioning their value at the moment of acquisition in 2010.

Hondar, Oleksandr Oleksiyovych

Inconsistence between expenditures and the declared income Requires verification

Clarification is required concerning correspondence of the declared expenditures and income

In 2016, the candidate has declared 1 apartment and 1 land plot (890 m2), his income was UAH 46 245 as salary + UAH 63 342 as honoraria and other revenues + UAH 25 124 of welfare benefit. The consolidated family income during 2016 was UAH 144,000. In his declaration for 2017, the candidate has listed 2 apartments (29.6 and 34.1 m 2) owned by his wife and one mutually owned apartment (101.8 m2). At that, 2 apartments acquired in 2017 are of the total value UAH 411,000. The candidate declared also the 50% title to the software “103 – Emergency service to protect the community”. His wife has declared UAH 220,000 in cash. Therefore, the expenditures for the real estate acquisition could not correspond to income (UAH 278,000). In 2016 has been elected to Novokodats’ka district council in the city of Dnipro as the “Oppoblock” candidate (nonpartisan).

Updated according to the candidate’s e-declaration.

Horkutsenko, Kostyantyn Oleksandrоvych

Conflict of interests Requires verification

Data concerning the company the candidate is owning require to be clarified due to potential conflict of interests

The candidate is a co-owner of the TPK SVAROG company, for which the “fuel wholesale commerce” is declared as one of basic activities, and also activity “Electricity generation” is mentioned (which is within the NEURC regulatory sphere). It is to be mentioned that the mentioned company is not listed in the register of business entities carrying out their economic activities in the energy and utilities spheres.

Information about the company co-owned by the candidate, has been clarified.

The candidate also declared two vehicles registered to his wife, one of these is LEXUS GX460, YOM 2011, the declared value is UAH 140,000, which is equivalent to USD 5,100–6,000 depending on the NBU exchange rate during the year of acquisition (2016). According to the vehicles sale/purchase data platform, the declared price does not correspond to corresponding market proposals: price for such a vehicle starts from USD 36,000 (as of 20.03). The candidate is employed by the FIRMA TEHNOVA LLC. The CV does not contain information on his work for PJSC Cherkasy Khimvolokno and PJSC Sumyteploenergo, from which he received payments. He also declared a money gift from his father in the amount of UAH 1 mln, including which his income in 2017 amounted to UAH 1.5 mln.

Hrygoryev, Dmytro Ivanovych

No risks identified

Comes within the purview of the Law of Ukraine «On Lustration»

In the period from August 2011 through October 2014 was the member of the National Public Utilities Regulatory Commission, and accordingly the candidate is subject to prohibitions envisaged by the Lustration Law (section 3 of Article 1, paragraph 4 of Article 2, paragraph 2 of section 1 of Article 3). The corresponding prohibition is the reason why the candidate can not be appointed to the position of the Regulator’s member (paragraph 12 of section 2 of Article 7 of the Law of Ukraine “On NEURC”).

Clarified in accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On lustration”.

The candidate is employed as the manager of the executive director office at DTEK Energo (R.Akhmetov’s DTEK holding company). Property declared is compatible to the candidate’s income at the place of primary employment.

Davydenko, Serhii Mykolayovych

Requires verification

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The candidate is employed since 2014 by Zaporizhzhyaoblenergo (60.25% are state-owned, around 28.8% are controlled by companies associated with Surkis brothers) in the position of the Director on the advanced development and investments. Income declared by the family corresponds to the property acquired. Cash savings are also declared.

Updated according to the candidate’s e-declaration.

The candidate owns 50% of the “Suchasna Energiya” LLC, which offers engineering services in the renewable energy field, at that he has not specified income received from the company.

Dzhurynska, Inna Volodymyrivna

Requires verification

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The candidate is employed as the deputy director on legal issues of the System Power Engineering LLC. As a part-time occupation, the candidate is the head of a NGO “Idemo Vpered” (Going Forward). Issue concerning the income sources has been explained by the candidate – the place of major employment is the source. The declared income is compatible with the property.

Updated according to information received from the candidate, as well as to the candidates’ e-declaration

Dudchenko, Oleksandr Anatoliyovych


Declaration has been provided after the documents filing deadline, which is a violation of the procedure and conditions of the competition

This competition has been re-announced on January 10, 2018 due to the technical impossibility for candidates to complete the e-declaration for 2016 on the NACP web-site. At that, the Competition Commission has decided that the package of documents provided (including e-declarations for 2016) in the period from December 29, 2017 through January 10, 2018, shall be accepted for consideration. Considering that the application form was signed by the candidate on 20 February, the candidate is not subject to the above exclusion, and should have attached to documents his declaration for 2017. Thereby, as of February 20, the candidate managed to attach only the declaration for 2016, because the declaration for 2017 appeared in the NACP system as late as 28 February. Subsequently, requirements to documents have not been met.

Information on deviations concerning the declaration provisioning deadline has been clarified. Information on professional activities and income is added based on the candidates’ e-declaration.

The candidate is employed as the Head of administrative support directorate of the National Inspectorate on Energy Supervision of the subsidiary NEC Ukrenergo (state-ownedcompany). Income declared by the family during 2016-2017 corresponds to the property, at that all the immovable property is located on temporary occupied territories (in Luhans’k). Cash on bank accounts and savings in cash are also declared.

Kaidash, Ruslan Yuriyovych

No risks identified

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The candidate is employed as the Head of the Directorate on pricing and tariff policy in the electrical energy field and is the Deputy Director of the NEURC department on regulating relations in the energy field. Income declared by the family is compatible with the property.

No changes

Kovalenko, Dmytro Vitaliyovych

No risks identified

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Is employed as the Head of the department for future developments of a Separated business unit “The scientific design center of the CPS development” of NEC Ukrenergo (state-ownedcompany). Income declared by the family is compatible with the property.

Updated according to the candidate’s e-declaration.

Koval, Oleksandr Ivanovych

Possible suspects in corruption and other abuses

Voted for “autocratic laws” of January 16, 2014

The candidate was the MP of the 7th convocation of Verkhovna Rada, representing the Party of Regions, and i.e. has voted for “autocratic laws” of January 16, 2014.

No changes

The candidate is employed as the Director of production business division “Shakhtoupravlinnya Dniprovske” of PJSC “DTEK Pavlohradvuhillya” (R.Akhmetov’s DTEK holding company). Candidate has declared an income in the amount of UAH 2.8 mln and savings in the amount of UAH 5.7 mln.

Kolesnikov, Valerii Viktorovych

Conflict of interests available

Possible potential conflict of interests (wife owns a small package of shares)

The candidate’s wife owns a small number of shares (67) in Kigovohradoblenergo for the total nominal value of UAH 16. The candidate is employed in the position of the Deputy Head of the Aleksandriyskyi REM of Kigovohradoblenergo (majority of shares belongs to the VS Energy International N.V., which is associated with the Russian State Duma MP Aleksandr Babakov). Earlier was employed by “DTEK Crimeaoblenergo” (R.Akhmetov’s DTEK Holding company), however following annexation of Crimea by the Russian Federation he left the peninsula due to reluctance to continue his work under the Russian legislation and due to his willingness to participate in the presidential elections in Ukraine in 2014, as clarified by the candidate. Income declared is compatible with the property and assets on bank accounts are mentioned.

Koribut, Yaroslav Olehovych

Requires verification

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The candidate is employed in the position of manager within the Directorate on development and regulatory issues of Kyivenergo (majority of shares belong to R.Akhmetov’s DTEK). Income declared is compatible with expenditures.

Kostyushko, Oleh Petrovych

Possible suspects in corruption and other abuses

Civil society activists pay attention to probable bribery of voters.

The candidate is the Kyiv Council deputy (fraction “Solidarnist’”), during elections in 2015, according to “Opora” observers, could have been involved in organizing the bribing of voters. According to mass-media information, has possibly used his local council member’s position to receive tender preferences for his waste transportation companies.

Candidate’s CV does not mention whether the candidate maintains labour relations with companies at which he received salary in 2017

On his Facebook page, the candidate is informing to be the Chairmen of the Management Board of CRAMAR RECYCLING LLC, which is dealing with the waste disposal, and in 2017 he was mentioned as the co-founder of the company together with his brother Kostyushko, Maxym Petrovich. In the declaration, he is designated as the company’s Deputy Director. The candidate is employed as the Director General of the association Ukrainian Environment Alliance. In his CV, concerning his job specified that he was employed by CRAMAR RECYCLING LLC until 2013, however according to the candidates’ e-declaration, he received there salary for his part-time employment. His CV does not mention employment at the LLC “Company MOST”, where he also received salary for the part-time employment. The declared family income is almost UAH 8.1 mln. The candidate has also mentioned savings on bank accounts and in cash, in total UAH 436,000, USD 122,000 and EUR 20,000.

The candidate provided extensive information concerning own activities and clarified certain details of his CV. Information has been updated according to the candidates’ e-declaration and information provided.

Highlighting has been changed as criterion concerning availability of the diploma in the register has been removed from the methodology. Clarification. Information is provided according to the candidate’s e-declaration and CV. Inconsistencies between documents require additional verification.

Kramarenko, Volodymyr Borysovych

Requires verification

Krasnov, Volodymyr Heorhiyovych Kryvenko, Oksana Oleksandrіvna

Requires verification

Lyudmyrskyi, Valerii Markovych

Possible suspects in corruption and other abuses

Requires verification

Available potential conflict of interests (holds the chairperson position)

The candidate is employed as the CEO of Khersongaz (60.9% of shares belong to the tax heaven registered Natural and Liquefied Petroleum Gas /Men island/, 25% - to the Viktor Popov’s Sodruzhestvo Group of Companies).

There are no comments to information provided Clarification is required concerning correspondence of the declared expenditures and income Information concerning the price of apartment is required

The candidate is employed as the Deputy Director on certification of the Subsidiary enterprise “The State automotive transport research and development institute”. Income declared is compatible with expenditures.

The candidate is referred to in journalistic investigation concerning procurements Mahda, Oleksiy Ivanovych

Requires verification

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The candidate declared the business-class Mercedes-Benz glk 220 cdi 4 matik acquired in 2016, without mentioning its value. The market value exceeds the family income received during 2017 (UAH 709,000). In 2010 was elected to Kherson Regional Council as the Party of Regions’ candidate.

Clarification. Highlight “potential conflict of interests is available” due to the candidate participating in the managerial bodies of a company, whose activities are regulated by NEURC. Also, information according to e-declaration has been clarified. Updated according to the candidate’s e-declaration.

The candidate is employed as the Deputy Director of the NEURC Department on regulating relations in the oil and gas branch. According to declarations of 2016 and 2015, the candidate received the consolidated income of UAH 892,000, including the monetary gift of UAH 260,000 (during that period was already employed at NEURC). No cash on bank accounts has been declared. Whereby, in 2016 has acquired a vehicle for almost UAH 550,000.

Updated according to the candidate’s e-declaration.

The candidate is employed by Ukrzaliznytsya (state-owned company) in the position of the Head of electricity supply department. Amongst the declared property, he mentioned an apartment (70.7 m2, owns 100%), which has been acquired in 2017 for UAH 24,000.

Clarification. Highlight “requires clarification” is added, which relates to the value of apartment acquired. The candidate has offered his own version of the related information, however refused to dispose or clarify certain facts in written.

The candidate is participating in the competition to job positions of 4 (four) independent supervisory board members of PJSC Khmelnytskoblenergo. Mass-media was headlining the situation with the candidate’s kidnapping. Freed in the course of a Ministry’s of Internal Affairs operation in March 2017. Was kept as hostage against the redeem request. The candidate has been mentioned in documents related to possible procurement malpractices at Ukrzaliznytsya, including activities of intermediary companies selling energy to the railway. The candidate is employed by Ukrenergo (state-owned company) as the manager for projects and programs in the non-material production sphere. Combining duties as the member of a strategic council of the civic group “Kyiv institute of international investigations”. The declared property and cash savings correspond to the income.

Information has been clarified according to candidates’ e-declaration.

Mahlyovannyi, Yevhen Viktorovych

No risks identified

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The candidate is employed as the Department Director (did not exactly specified which one) in the National Agency on energy efficiency and energy savings of Ukraine. The declared family income corresponds to the property.

No changes

Malyi, Ihor Anatoliyovych

Conflict of interests available

Potential conflict of interests is available due to the candidate’s membership in the Supervisory Board of Centrenergo PJSC

The candidate has mentioned in the CV to have worked at the position of the Deputy Director of the Department of Corporate management and the legal support of the Energy Company of Ukraine (state-owned company) until December 2014, whereafter the place of employment is not specified. However, according to the profile published on the Centrenergo web-site, from 2014 until now the candidate is acting as the member of the Liquidation commission of the National Joint-Stock Company “Energy Company of Ukraine”; he is the member of the PJSC “Centrenergo” Supervisory Board (78% of shares are state-owned) and OJSC “Zaporizhzhyaoblenergo” Supervisory Board (the state owns 60.25% of shares, about 28.8% of shares are controlled by companies associated with Surkis brothers), member of the Audit Committee of the PJSC “Ukrhydroenergo” (state-owned company). At that, reports published in the information disclosure system of the Stock market infrastructure development agency of Ukraine (SMIDA), the candidate is listed amongst the “Centrenergo” managers, however is not in the list of “Zaporizhzhyaoblenergo” managers.

No changes

The candidate’s place of employment needs to be clarified, as well as correspondence of expenditures to the income There are no comments to information provided

Scanned copy of the resume does not allow identifying the name of the company the candidate is employed by, and the company’s name is not mentioned in the declaration.

Updated according to the candidate’s e-declaration

The candidate is employed as the director of Dniprovsky City Electrical Networks of the Technical Directorate of DTEK Dniprooblenergo. The declared income corresponds to the property.

No changes

Requires verification

Mamonov, Dmytro Viktorovych

Requires verification

The candidate has declared acquisition of an apartments and a vehicle in 2017 (UAH 465,000 and UAH 100,000, correspondingly). Total expenditures exceed UAH 565,000, which equals the consolidated family income (UAH 600,000). Also, some cash has been declared.

Mitchenko, Viktor Viktorovych

No risks identified

Morozova, Victoriya Ivanivna

No risks identified

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Appointed as the NEURC member in June 2015, whereafter, according to the rotation schedule, should have been dismissed by the end of November 2017. However, due to amendments introduced to the Law of Ukraine “On NEURC”, The President of Ukraine P.Poroshenko has appointed the candidate as the temporary Regulator’s member. The declared income corresponds to the property.

Information concerning the candidate has been updated.

Motovylov, Dmytro Anatoliyovych

No risks identified

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Employed as the technical audit engineer of the energy inspectorate of Vinnitsyaoblenergo (72.4% of shares belongs to companies associated with Kostyantyn Grygoryshyn, 25% belong to the investment company ICU).

No changes

The declared family income corresponds in general to the declared property.

Muzhylko, Mykola Oleksandrоvych

No risks identified

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In documents published by the FEC Committee an error has been identified: the candidate’s name is written as “Muzhylko, Dmytro Viktorovych”, instead in copies of documents it is ”Muzhylko, Mykola Oleksandrоvych”.

Updated according to the candidate’s e-declaration

Muzhylko М.О. is employed as the chief engineer of the “Rembudservice LLC”. The declared property and savings generally correspond to the income, savings in cash also have been declared.

Nemchynov, Maksym Oleksandrovych

Possible suspects in corruption and other abuses Requires verification

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Since recently, the candidate is employed as the commercial director at the private company “VKF Almaks”, earlier was employed on different positions at the Ministry of energy and coal industry of Ukraine. He has applied for the position of the State Secretary at the Ministry of Energy and Coal Industry of Ukraine, however his appointment has been appealed and a standby candidate has been appointed to the position of the acting State Secretary. According to the last court decision within the case No.826/20294/16, it has been approved to raise a ban for appointing a candidate to the State Secretary position at the Ministry of Energy and Coal Industry of Ukraine. Considerable assets are declared on bank accounts and in cash (UAH 2.5 mln and USD 34,700), the candidate and his wife are in possession of 2 luxury cars and an apartment for the total amount of UAH 4 mln. There is also information concerning savings on bank accounts and in cash (+money lent to third parties): in total, for the amount exceeding UAH 2.5 mln, USD 77,000 and EUR 845. According to information provided by the candidate, a fortune has been earned in the period of 2000-2010, when the candidate was employed as a commercial director of the private company “VKF Almaks”. The candidate is also a shareholder of the “ALTRADE LLC” company, which according to the mass-media information is involved in the coal trade. At that, the candidate has not declared incomes obtained from business-operations of the mentioned company. As clarified by the candidate, the company is economically inactive since 2008, and his attempts to close down the enterprise failed due to absence of title documents, as well as due to other reasons.

Nesteruk, Volodymyr Valeriyоvych

No risks identified

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The candidate is employed as the adviser of the Vice Prime Minister V.Kistion concerning electricity industry issues. The bank accounts’ holdings and cash savings are also declared.

The highlight “possible suspects in corruption and other abuses” is removed following candidate’s explanations concerning the source of funds used for expensive acquisitions when he was employed in the state service. The candidate provided copies of documents concerning litigations, which allow assuming a political component of the process. Information on the court decision concerning the candidate’s appointment to the state secretary position is amended.

Updated according to the candidate’s e-declaration

Ovdiienko, Oleksandr Viktorovych

Conflict of interests available Requires verification

Potential conflict of interests is available (owns a small package of shares, holds executive position in the company mentioned in the CV)

The candidate holds the PJSC “Kremenchukgas” shares for the total amount of UAH 37.55. The candidate stated in his CV that he was the Deputy Chairmen of the Board on economics and finances of a gas distribution company and is currently the member of its Audit Commission, however he did not mention the company’s name.

Amended according to the candidate’s е-declaration and CV.

The candidate is employed as the Deputy Director General of Sodruzhestvo Group of Companies LLC (shareholder of some gas distribution companies). At the same time, the candidate is holding managerial positions and receives income (declared) for his part-time employment in two civil society organizations: Association of Energy Engineers of Ukraine and Association of the Ukrainian Gas Market. Also, according to his e-declaration, the candidate is holding the unpaid executive positions in the companies Institute of Gas Technologies LLC (director and a beneficiary owner) and The Natural and Liquefied Petroleum Gas PLC (Director General) registered on the Men island. The latter company is a shareholder of some gas distribution companies, in particular “Kremenchukgas”, “Khersongas”. The declared property and assets on bank accounts correspond to the income.

Oleksenko, Oleksandr Serhiyоvych

Conflict of interests available Requires verification

Potential conflict of interests is available (membership in a political party and an executive position in the company)

It is worth noting that the candidate is the active member of the All-Ukrainian Union Batkivshchyna, as he specified in his resume. The candidate is employed as the acting Director General of Poltavateploenergo. According to the company’s Articles of association, this is a managerial position, which causes the potential conflict of interests. The candidate declared an income at his working place (UAH 355,000), from business activities (UAH 730,000) and other, which is explaining his property. At that, the total savings on bank accounts and in cash amount to USD 228,000 and UAH 238,000.

Information on the candidate has been amended according to the Statute of the company where the candidate is holding a managerial position and according to his е-declaration.

Also, according to YouControl data, a person with the same name is owing a 56.56% share of a hotel, which has been re-registered under the Russian Federation legislation: Hotel “Vidpochynok” LLC (EDRPOU code 24501474).

Olefir, Dmytro Oleksandrоvych

Requires verification

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Deputy manager of the NEC Ukrenergo (the state-owned company) operational dispatch directorate. The declared property corresponds to the declared income. At that, the total savings on bank accounts and in cash amount to UAH 180,000, USD 61,000 and EUR 7,000.

Information was amended according to the candidate’s e-declaration and the CV.

Petrykovets, Kostyantyn Yakovych

Conflict of interests available Requires verification

Potential conflict of interests is available (owns small number of shares)

According to candidate’s e-declaration, his family owns some shares of Centrenergo, Zakhidenergo, Kharkivoblenergo, Dniprooblenergo with the total value of little more than UAH 7,800. According to additional information received from the candidate, these shares have been received in exchange to privatization vouchers (his own and his wife’s), others have been acquired with the purpose of assuring performance of functions of a member of power companies’ supervisory boards, to which the candidate has been elected during his employment at Ministry of Fuel and Energy of Ukraine and the NJSC “Energy Company of Ukraine” as the government representative. “In case I’m appointed the NEURC member I will sell these shares” added K.Y. Petrykovets.

Information on the candidate has been amended according to the additional information provided. Also amended according to his еdeclaration.

The candidate is employed by Energoatom (the state-owned company) as the Deputy Director of the Centre on introducing the new market model. He has not declared the value of two land plots of the total size of 3612 m2, a 41.3 m2 garage and two vehicles: Rexton Ssang Yong, YOM 2012 and Nissan Juke, YOM 2012. As informed by the candidate, one of land plots is a gift to his wife from her parents. Concerning another land plot and two cars, he has added that payment documents have been lost and this property has not been evaluated lately.

Polishchuk, Oleh Vasylyovych

Requires verification

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The candidate is employed by Energoatom (the state-owned company) as the Director on preventing and counteracting corruption. He has declared income and assets on bank accounts, as well as savings. The candidate has also provided additional information concerning the source of his property (copies of supporting documents). According to these documents, the property, turnover of bank assets and in cash corresponds to the income received. In mass-media publications, the candidate is mainly referred to as a person who by virtue of his professional duties comments Energoatom’s procurements and actions of law enforcement agencies concerning the Company: 1, 2, 3, 4.

Radchenko, Yevgen Mykolayovych

Requires verification

Clarification is required concerning correspondence of the declared expenditures and income

The candidate is employed by Ukrzaliznytsya as a consultant and is part-time employed as the Director of the DPP Development Agency LLC. He is also the Council’s member of the NGO “Platform for Public-Private Partnership Development” and the Deputy Head of the Commission on developing public-private partnership of the Ukrainian National Committee of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC). The candidate’s wife owns 2 apartments and 50% of a residential house, as well as 3 land plots, whilst the candidate has no immovable property at all. The candidate has not declared his wife’s income. At that, the declared income at his primary employment does not allow such property.

Highlighting is changed to the “no considerable risks identified” following analysis of additional information concerning the source of declared property provided by the candidate.

Updated according to the candidate’s e-declaration

Sagaydachnyi, Oleksii Oleksandrоvych

Conflict of interests available Requires verification

Saramaga, Roman Kostyantynоvych

No risks identified

Sosnovskyi, Oleksandr Mykhailovych

Requires verification

Potential conflict of interests is available (membership in a party, according to the data of the regional council website) There are no comments to information provided

In the CV, the candidate specified as not being a member of any political party, however he has been elected as a member of a political party “The opposition block”. In 2017, the candidate was expelled from the “Oppoblock” fraction, nevertheless – according to the regional council website – remains the member of the “Oppoblock” regional organization.

No changes

The candidate is currently unemployed, earlier has been employed as the Deputy Representative of the CBM Oil PLC company, and part-time as the business development adviser at Cadogan Petroleum. The candidate has declared property, income and cash.

Updated according to the candidate’s e-declaration

There are no comments to information provided

The candidate is a private entrepreneur, part-time employed as the director of PKB Syntez PLC. Income declared in 2017 from entrepreneurial activities is UAH 70,000. At that, in 2012 the candidate acquired a business-class car Audi A8l, YOM 2007, and has not declared its value. According to the vehicles sale/purchase data platform, as of 20.03.2018 a similar model costs USD 13,700 and more.

Information on the candidate has been amended

The candidate is employed as the acting director of Zaporizka TPP (R.Akhmetov’s DTEK). The declared income generally corresponds to expenditures.

(Considering that the vehicle was much newer at the moment of acquisition, its value was also higher. Similar model, 2013 YOM – i.e. 5 years of use – costs USD 38,000 and more).

Sosnovskyi, Serhiy Oleksandrоvych


Declaration has been provided after the documents filing deadline, which is a violation of the procedure and conditions of the competition

This competition has been re-announced on January 10, 2018 due to the technical impossibility for candidates to complete the e-declaration for 2016 on the NACP web-site. At that, the Competition Commission has decided that the package of documents provided (including e-declarations for 2016) in the period from December 29, 2017 through January 10, 2018, shall be accepted for consideration.

Data concerning income, savings and value of assets acquired in 2017 require clarification

Director and co-owner of the “JV Tekhnoproject” LLC, co-owner of “PKB Syntez” LLC. Declaration specifies neither income nor savings; the summer house and land plot acquired by his wife in 2017 are listed without their pertaining value.

Declaration for 2017 was entered to the NACP system on February 27, declaration for 2016 is not available at all. Therefore, the candidate failed to attach an e-declaration to the documents’ package, which means not complying with requirements concerning documents.

Information on professional activities and income is amended based on candidates’ e-declaration

Stehniy, Bohdan Stanislavovych

Requires verification

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The candidate has declared an income in the amount of UAH 352,000, his wife’s income is not declared, at that the couple possesses immovable property and vehicles for the total amount of UAH 1.9 mln.

Information on the candidate has been amended according to candidates’ e-declaration and the CV.

In the period from 2004 through 2017 was employed on the positions of the OJSC Mykolaivgas CEO and the Dniprogas Director General. It should be noted that the candidate had relations with the Party of Regions: he was representing this political party as the member of Mykolaiv regional council in 2006-2010.

Taratun, Vadym Serhiyоvych

Requires verification

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The candidate is the current NEURC member, temporarily appointed by the President. Prior to this appointment, he was employed at Ukrhydroenergo. The property declared corresponds to the income.

Formagey, Oleksandr Leonidovych

No risks identified

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The candidate is employed as the deputy director of the Ukrhydroenergo’s legal support and property relations department. Income declared by the family is compatible with the property, there is also information concerning savings and cash on bank accounts.

Tsaplin, Valerii Ivanovych

Conflict of interests available

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The candidate has a small number of Poltavaoblenergo shares for the total amount of UAH 750. However, as clarified by the candidate, understanding possibility of a conflict of interests, he has sold his shares through the investment company Art Capital and has provided copies of corresponding documents to the Competition Commission members. The candidate is employed as the Director of the NEURC strategic development and planning department. The declared income corresponds to the property. The candidate has also specified assets on bank accounts and cash savings.

Chumak, Artem Volodymyrovych

Yushko, Andrii Mykolayovych

Inconsistence between expenditures and the declared income Requires verification Requires verification

Clarification is required concerning correspondence of the declared expenditures and income

The candidate is employed as the NEURC centralized water supply and discharge department director. He declared only UAH 108,000 income, however in 2017 has acquired an apartment for UAH 2.44 mln. Amounts spent to acquire the apartment do not correspond to the income and savings declared during 2015-2017. One of explanations is that the income of his wife and daughter are not specified in declarations.

There are no comments to information provided

The candidate is employed as the DTEK Donetskoblenergo (R.Akhmetov’s DTEK holding company) high-voltage grids department head. Income, savings and cash on accounts correspond to the property.

Highlighting has been changed as criterion concerning availability of the diploma in the register has been removed from the methodology. No changes

The highlighting “potential conflict of interests is available” is removed following provisioning of additional information from the candidate. Also information about the candidate has been updated according to candidates’ edeclaration. Information on the candidate has been amended according to candidates’ e-declaration

Information on the candidate has been amended according to information in his CV.

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