Know about Mexican Surrogacy and its types

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Know about Mexican Surrogacy and its types Find out everything you need to know about this assisted reproductive procedure which is, for many couples, the only alternative to conceiving a baby. Around the world, many individuals and couples struggle every day to conceive a baby, facing strong natural obstacles that prevent them from achieving their dream. Attempts to conceive a baby with various traditional assisted reproductive procedures are sometimes not effective for some couples, due to various health conditions or medical conditions. This also includes same-sex couples, who also have the right to form their family with their offspring. It is then that the possibility arises of resorting to an unorthodox and somewhat controversial method of surrogacy. Gestation or surrogacy refers to an assisted reproduction procedure used by surrogacy clinic in Mexico in which a couple turns to a third person, who in this case will be called a surrogate mother, to give up her body and allow the gestation of a baby with the couple's genetic material or, as the case may be, donated, so that after birth the maternity rights are waived and the rights of the child are granted to the intended parents.

For this type of procedure, the embryo is created with in vitro fertilization (IVF) techniques and then implanted into the surrogate mother. WHO IS SURROGATE MOTHER? It refers to a woman who, by agreement, will give up her body for the gestation of a baby with genetic material that does not belong to her, with the understanding that once the pregnancy has been successfully carried out, she will have no rights on the child. WHO ARE INTENTIONAL PARENTS? It is a couple who intend to conceive their child but are unable to do so naturally and therefore turn to a surrogate mother or a gestational carrier. If, for various reasons, the couple cannot provide their genetic material, they can make use of donated genetic material, thanks to the services of surrogacy clinics in Mexico.

DIFFERENT TYPES OF SURROGACY It is important to know that we can find two variants of surrogacy, which are: 1. - ACCORDING TO THE ORIGIN OF THE OVUM USED FOR PROCREATION

Traditional surrogacy refers to the case in which the gestational mother is the genetic mother, since she will provide her egg for the gestation of the baby, who will be subjected to AI (artificial insemination). Complete surrogacy , In this case, the surrogate mother is fertilized with genetic material external to her, through IVF, where the sperm of the father or a donor will generally be used and, of course, the egg of the designated mother. 2. - ACCORDING TO THE MODALITY IN ECONOMIC TERMS There is a classification of this procedure from an economic point of view: Commercial surrogacy, when the agreement between the gestational mother and the intended parents includes financial compensation for the time and effort involved in the gestational process. This may vary according to the conditions and laws of each country. Altruistic surrogacy refers to cases where the surrogate mother brings the child for the sole purpose of assisting the pair of intended parents in their inability to conceive naturally. In this type of case, even if it does not involve a payment, the designated parents must assume all expenses generated by the surrogate mother related to the gestation process, such as adequate nutrition, clothing and medical requirements. Our suggestion for those couple who cannot conceive of some reason is to contact an experienced surrogacy clinic Mexico, such as IVF conceptions, to get good news as soon as possible.

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