Ivan Radonjic PORTFOLIO

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SKYSPA Aconcept ualpr oj ectofaSPAcent r ei nt he cl ouds .Thi si sawayt omaker ecr eat i onal f aci l i t i esi nanext r aor di nar ypl ace.Becaus eof t heuni que‘ l ocat i on’al lt heus ualSPAcent r e act i vi t i esar ei mpos s i bl e,butf ort heexacts ame r eas onaoppor t uni t yi smadet odevel op al t er nat i veact i vi t i est hatwoul dat t r actgues t s t hatar enott ypi calf oraSPAcent r e. Thei nt er vent i oncont ai nsazeppel i nwi t ha gondol aand6s mal l erbal l oonswi t hact i vi t i es andcommuni cat i ons . Ofcour s et hi spr oj ecti si mpos s i bl e,buti twasan adequat eans wert ot het as koft hecour s e S_avr emeniP_r oj ekt ant s kiA_s pekt i ( M_oder n D_es i gn A_s pect s )

SPAU OBLACI MA Koncept ual nipr oj ekatSPAcent r auobl aci ma. Ovoj enači ndas enavr l ones vaki daš nj ojl okaci j is t vor ipr os t orzar ekr eaci j u.Zbogs pecičnos t il okaci j e,onemogućenis ukl as i čniSPAs adr žaj i ,al it akođei zovogr azl ogaot var as epr i l i ka das eal t er nat i vni ms adr žaj i mapr i vukugos t i koj ini s ut i pi čnakl i j ent el aSPAcent ar a. I nt er venci j as es adr žiodj ednogcepel i nas agondol om i6manj i hbal onas ar ekr eat i vni ms adr žaj i maikomuni kaci j ama. Nar avnoovajpr oj ekatni j emogućei zves t ial i j eadekvat noodgovor i onapos t avl j enizadat ak pr edmet aS_avr emeniP_r oj ekt ant s kiA_s pekt i . 13

SCI ENCEMUSEUM Themus eum s pacei sf or medofaf ew hal l ways t hati nt er s ectands pr eadt ocr eat ebi gger s howr ooms . At r s tt hehal l waysar ef ocus edonas pecic s ci ent ics ubj ect ,af t eri nt er s ect i ngwi t hot her hal l wayst hecr eat eds howr oomss howcas ea s pecicphenomenont hati st i edt obot h br anchesofs ci ence. Mos toft hebui l di ngsvol umei sunder gr oundt o cr eat eapar ks paceavai l abl ef orpubl i cacces s . Hopei st o,i nas ubt l eway,cr eat eahabi ti n par kgoer st ot hi nkabouts ci ent ics ubj ect .

MUZEJNAUKE Pr os t ormuzej aj es ači nj enodvi š ehodni kakoj i s epr epl i ćuiš i r es t var aj ućivećei zl ožbene pr os t or e. U počet kuhodni cis ef okus i r aj unaodr eđene pr i r odnenaukeapr iukr š t anj ui zl ožbenipr os t or govor ios pecični mf enomeni mavezani m za obi j enauke. Veći naobj ekt as enal azipodzeml j om kakobis e omogući opr i s t uppar kovs ki ms adr žaj i mana par cel i .Ovi mes epos j et i oci mapar ka,nas upt i l annači ns t var aj unavi kepr omi š l j anj at ema vezani hzapr i r odnenauke. 19

SERVERFARM Themai ngoaloft hi spr oj ecti sr evi t al i zat i onof anol di ndus t r i alpar toft heci t y( abandoned r ai l wayt r acks ) . Ther ai l wayt r i gger edt hei ndus t r i alr evol ut i on i nBel gr ade.I nt hats pi r i tt henew f unct i onof t hi ss paces houl dbei nf r as t r uct ur ewi t habi g i mpactont hedevel opmentoft heci t yi nt he 21s tcent ur y. Thi sf unct i oni sbes tl l edwi t has er verf ar m. Phi s i cali sr epl acedbzvi r t ualcommuni cat i on, andt hepedes t r i anbar i ercr eat edbyt her ai l way i sr epl acedbyapar kandcommuni cat i onbet we enci t ybl ocksnextt ot her i verandt her es tof Dor ćol .

FARMASERVERA Ci l jovogpr oj ekt aj er evi t al i zaci j as t ar ogi ndus t r i j s kogdi j el agr ada( napuš t eneš i ns kel i r e) . Žel j ezni caj ebi l aoki dači ndus t r i j s ker evol uci j e uBeogr adu.U t om duhunovaf ukci j aovog pr os t or abit r ebal abi t ii nf r as t r ukt ur niobj ekat značaj anzar azvojgr adau21.vi j eku. Ovuf unkci j unaj adekvat ni j ei s punj avaf ar ma s er ver a.Fi zi čkakomuni kaci j as emi j enj avi r t uel nom apj eš ačkabar i j er akoj uj epr eds t avl j al a žel j ezni čkapr ugas eukl anj ais t var as epar ki komuni kaci j ai zmeđubl okovapor edr i j ekei os t at kaDor ćor a. 25

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