O'REILLY Best iPad Apps

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Speed Read: Lotsa ways to move through a feed’s article list: tap the left column’s up or down arrows, flick-scroll through the mini-blurb list (landscape view only), or tap-hold-’n-pull up or down the main article. Tap and hold any link to summon a pop-up window of sharing options (Delicious, Instapaper, and so on—you can change what appears here in the iPad’s Settings app).

Reading Record: A few helpful icons to know about: a small, dark circle indicates an unread item (an empty white circle equals “I’ve read it”). Stars let you put a virtual sticker on particular faves. If you’re big on shucking off each article’s unread marker, then don’t miss this handy trick: you can toggle the marker off (or back on) by dragging an article blurb from left to right.


Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.