110098689 hill media geographies portfolio

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Media Geographies (3CP060)

San Francisco Exploring public space, place and mobility

Grace Hill 5/1/2014

Contents Page










Introduction This portfolio will explore the metropolises city in California, San Francisco. I decided to investigate into this city as it is the second densest metropolitan area in the entire United States; therefore I knew there would be a considerable amount of research on the city in regards to its space, place and mobility. I will start by introducing the city; therefore I will look into the history of the city to see if it has always been a highly dense city or whether it more recently increased in population. I will also look into how the city enables the people who live in the city and also its tourists to move around the city and what they use to move around. The famous Golden Gate Bridge will be researched into as it is a world famous landmark and it is this which enables you to identify the city, especially in films, therefore we are knowledgeable about the city and feel like we have visited San Francisco before. I will explore into the gay district in San Francisco as it is famously known for being a liberal city which accepts gay people, therefore many people go to San Francisco to hide or to be free. I will also research into how accessible the city is, whether the city allows you to wander or whether there are boundaries and walls which stop you from exploring wherever you want to go, subsequently, to see if the city is controlled and has rules. In addition to this, I will also explore into whether the city has any surveillance, whether crime is a factor in San Francisco or whether it is a safe city which doesn’t need any surveillance cameras.



San Francisco’s history, arts, heritage and culture have all come from the far South of the American boarder (Thouseman, 2013), California and Mexico were part of the Spanish territory until 1821, when at this time Mexican independence marked the end of the European rule in California (Thouseman, 2013). On January 24, 1848, the first gold was found in the California foothills. Within months, San Francisco became the central port and depot of the frenzied Gold Rush. Over the next year, arriving “forty-niners” increased the city’s population from 1,000 to 25,000 (Long, 2012). After this extreme growth in population and lack of a strong government, Barbary Coast was an opportunity for crime. It was a red-light district; it was the place of refuge and security for hundreds of criminals that infested the city, it was lawless and wild.


According to recent studies, the metropolises city in California, San Francisco is the second densest metropolitan area in the United States, its land area measures roughly 46 square miles and is home to 825 thousand people (worldpopulationstatistics.com, 2013). The history and the architecture is what make a city. San Francisco is home to one of the most recognised landmarks in the world, the Golden Gate Bridge which is heralded as one of the top ten constructions in the 21st century (airpano.com).

The Golden Gate Bridge brings tourism as it is internationally recognisable as we see it in films, and it also gives the people who visit the city freedom of being able to get across the Pacific Ocean to visit other areas of California. Although San Francisco is famous for many things, it is most importantly known for being home to the Golden Gate Bridge, which opened in 1937, and spans the Golden Gate strait. It is a mile wide and is three miles long between the Pacific Ocean and San Francisco Bay (airpano.com). San Francisco is a memorable place and it positions you to feel as though you have experienced the city before. Representations of the city are created from the media, in films such as: 5

Planet of the Apes (Tim Burton, 2001)

Vertigo (Alfred Hitchcock, 1958)

Both of these iconic films use the famous Golden Gate Bridge in their scenes, which allows the audience to be knowledgeable about a city. Even if you have never been to San Francisco before, if you were to go, it would feel like you were educated about the city and comfortable with where you are because of the movies and the pictures you have seen. However, if someone had been to San Francisco before, then they would recall their own memories and experiences from the city from pictures and footage shown in the films.

San Francisco is a cinematic city; it allows you to Flaneur the city. This means to be detached from the environment which you are in and to take in the city whilst you are wandering around. San Francisco city also allows you to derive, taking whichever direction you feel and it will lead you somewhere. French theorist Michel De Certeau in 1988 pointed out that the city could be considered as a set-up of spatial rules. The streets in San Francisco could be 6

considered as designated pathways with walls and boundaries which form rules of space. This can be identified here on Lombard

Street where the road is set up and formed

through plants and gardens, creating a rule of where you are allowed to go.

A way in which some choose to object to these rules of space and mobility in San Francisco is to Parkour and Traceur around the city, to be able to move through space, the improvisation of leaping from objects which are placed there to stop you wandering through. These activities are popular in the city, and even offer lessons and group sessions. It allows you to be able to feel free and as though you can do what you want as you are acting against these rules placed upon the city. As you can see in this picture of Hilly Street in San Francisco, the street is designed in the way in which a vehicle can only go down or up that one street; it cannot go off or cut through as there are buildings there to stop it from doing so. Even for pedestrians, it is stopping them from wandering in whichever direction they want; it is controlling them and telling them where to go. Therefore, Parkour and Traceur allow you to go against these rules of the city, and to see the environment in a new way.



increase the pressure of

interaction, Allan Jacobs the chief planner for San Francisco city in the 1980’s, sought to strengthen the side walls of the street line, so that the streets had no ‘gap teeth’ and therefore the street layout would make you walk a certain way (Jacobs et al, 1987).

This meant that the streets had no short cuts or different routes, so you had to walk past people and interact. It was called the ‘Jacobs Rule’, he wanted no empty spaces between the buildings, forming instead a continuous wall, limiting the height of buildings to the cone of vision of a pedestrian on the ground. To this present day, San Francisco has benefitted from Jacobs’ work which has guided planners in both Berlin and Istanbul to change the layout of their streets also. < Berlin

Istanbul ^

I s 8

Each large metropolises city has a specialised area, In San Francisco it is China Town, previously the location of Barbary Coast. The China Town that is in San Francisco is the largest outside of Asia. Specialised areas are identified due to the recognisable clusters of commercial activity and it is placed in the developed central business district and the functioning area consisting of commercial activity. Not only do metropolises cities have specialised areas, they also have Wuwei activities which are good for the city, but they also have Youwei activities which can be bad as they disrupt natural forces. San Francisco possesses both of these activities in the city. San Francisco possesses Wuwei activities such as Windmills and Sailboats:

However the city also has Youwei activities such as fracking.


San Francisco is also home to the world’s last manually operated cable car system, three lines run throughout the city, making it easy for people to get to different places across the city. It could be suggested that it is also a form of controlling the flow of traffic surrounding the city as it has a set route that it makes, and it cannot go off that route. The use of the cable car also stops traffic from going over certain parts of the road, therefore creating boundaries and rules upon the city.

However the use of the cable car, and also cars, to get around the city limits the experience of the city as you are seeing and experiencing the city from behind the glass and behind a screen. The Situationists (Sadler, 1999), contend that with the car, we experience the city through a screen and this generates a form of spectacular ideology, therefore you are not able to take everything in and get a feel for the city you are in. Using public and other forms of transport can also alter our experience of the city as we can be stuck in traffic, uncomfortably stood up if it is busy and also claustrophobic. The city is much like a computer, a grid and a network, it is organised and it is surveyed.


It is clear to see that San Francisco offers freedom as well as controlling movement around the city. Despite the city being set out in a way that it restricts you from going in certain directions, it still allows you the freedom of going over sea and on the cable car. It offers freedom in the sense of sexuality, it allows gays and lesbians to have space, to have a neighbourhood in which they can feel at home and are not made to feel alien. Oscar Wilde famously said: ‘It’s an odd thing, but anyone who disappears is said to be found in San Francisco’ (Wishart, 1983). To correspond to this, people may escape to San Francisco as it is a liberal place; it was the first gay community to have a person from the military, therefore people who may come to San Francisco may do so as they feel they will be more accepted as opposed to another city. Cities are known for being a place of safety for gays, specifically in more run down areas, especially in San Francisco.

John D’Emilo (1981) said: ‘For gay men and for lesbians, San Francisco has become akin to what Rome is for the Catholics: A lot of us live there and may have made the pilgrimage’.


This may suggest that city spaces are a place of safety for gays and this is because of its freedom and its option to be able to go into evasion and hiding. The Castro District in San Francisco is the gay neighbourhood located in Eureka Valley in the city. It was one of the first gay districts in the United States, and is currently the largest. Though the gay community is concentrated here, many gay people live in surrounding areas also. It also holds Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender activism and various events continuously around the year to celebrate the freedom in the city that they possess.

Cities sell themselves so that tourists come to the city and consume. In regards to San Francisco, it markets itself through the novelty of the city such as, Aquarium of the Bay, California Academy of Sciences and the cable car. It also sells itself through the city’s history such as the Alcatraz Prison and Fisherman’s Wharf, and finally through its buildings, the Golden Gate Bridge and the Palace of Fine Arts (tripadvisor.com), and they are all very popular to tourists.


The Panopticon Prison (Jeremy Bentham 1748-1832), although just a concept, it is structured with a guard surveying the prison from the centre of the room, therefore being able to see all of the cells around the room from one central observation point. Cities are now structured in this particular way; they are monitored, which enables the people in the city to act in the right and correct way in case you are being watched, even if they are not. In relation to San Francisco, surveillance is a bold factor within the city: ‘Mass electronic surveillance is now so common in large cities that it has become enmeshed with the very landscape of globalising cities’ (Jeffreys, 2011). The surveillance in San Francisco is an important factor within the city as crime has bold rates and statistics. Chris Roberts, The Examiner Newspaper (2013) states that crime is at a five year high in the city and a total of 45,927 crimes were reported. From this statistic, it is clear to see why San Francisco needs surveillance in operation around the city. According to Rebecca Bowe, San Francisco Bay Guardian Online (2013) there are over one thousand surveillance camera’s around the city. The following map shows where the surveillance cameras are located around the city (videosurveillance.com)


The cameras have been placed around the city so that it keeps the city, its residents and its tourists safe from potential crime and theft. Bowe (2013) states that: ‘San Francisco neighbourhoods with the highest concentration of surveillance cameras include the Financial District, the areas around North Beach and Chinatown, and the Marina, the data shows. The vast majority of the cameras are privately owned, but the map plots all visible security cameras regardless of whether they’re operated by commercial interests or public agencies.’ It is clear to see that surveillance in San Francisco is intense continuously increasing. A reason as to why San Francisco takes security exceptionally serious is because of 9/11. America as a whole is now very cautious of crime and terror attacks therefore survey their cities to an extreme.


Conclusion The aims of this portfolio were to investigate into the history of the city, how people got around the city, why San Francisco is a recognisable city, and to explore into the gay district. I also wanted to investigate into how the city is set out, whether it is easy to wander around or whether there are boundaries and rules which stop you from doing so. Additionally another aim was to also research into the surveillance of the city and to find out if and how it is surveyed and why. From this portfolio, I have identified that there was a vast increase in population after the Gold Rush, and because of this Barbary Coast was an opportunity for crime. The iconic landmark of the city, the Golden Gate Bridge, is what brings in tourism and is also internationally recognisable; therefore the city is a recognisable place as we have seen it in films such as Planet of the Apes (Tim Burton, 2001) and also Vertigo (Alfred Hitchcock, 1958) so we feel as though we have visited the city before and we are knowledgeable about the city. San Francisco is a cinematic city, and because of this we want to Flaneur and Derive the city to explore what it has to offer us. However, the city is set up with spatial rules and boundaries which monitor where we go, in correspondence to Michel De Certeau (1988), which can be identified on Lombard Street which uses plants and gardens to structure the path. An activity that is popular in San Francisco is to Parkour and Traceur, which objects to these set out rules of space and mobility, to see the environment in a new way. The city’s streets increase interaction with other people as there are no ‘gap teeth’ in the streets as Allan Jacobs strengthened the side walls of the streets so that the layout would force you to walk a certain way and to interact with others. To this present day, San Francisco has 15

benefitted from Jacobs’ work which has guided planners in both Berlin and Istanbul to change the layout of their streets also. It could be suggested that the use of the cable car in San Francisco is also a form of controlling the flow of traffic surrounding the city as it has a set route that it makes, and it cannot go off that route. The use of the cable car also stops traffic from going over certain parts of the road, therefore creating boundaries and rules upon the city. The Situationists (Sadler, 1999), contend that with the car, we experience the city through a screen and this generates a form of spectacular ideology, therefore you are not able to take everything in and get a feel for the city you are in. It is clear to see that San Francisco offers freedom as well as controlling movement around the city. Despite the city being set out in a way that it restricts you from going in certain directions, it still allows you the freedom of going over sea and on the cable car. It offers freedom in the sense of sexuality, it allows gays and lesbians to have space, to have a neighbourhood in which they can feel at home and are not made to feel alien. The final finding from this portfolio is that surveillance within San Francisco is very important as it has a high crime rate, therefore thousands of surveillance cameras are needed across the city, which is similar in most large and mega cities.


Bibliography Books D’Emilio, J. (1981) Gay Politics, Gay Community. William A Percy, New York, USA. Certeau, De, M. (1988) Arts de Faire. University of California Press, USA. Sadler, S. (1999) The Situationist City. MIT Press, USA. Films Planet of the Apes. (2001) [Film] Directed by: Tim Burton. USA, Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. Vertigo. (1958) [Film] Directed by: Alfred Hitchcock. USA, Paramount Pictures. Journals Jacobs, A., and Appleyard, D. (1987) Toward an Urban Design Manifesto. Journal of the American Planning Association. vol. 53(1) pp 112-120. Jeffreys, F (2011) Saying Something: The Location of Social Movements in the Surveillance Society. Social Movement Studies: Journal of Social Movements in the Surveillance Society, vol. 10(2) pp 175-190. Wishart, D (1983) Convention Cities: San Francisco. Canadian Medical Association Journal. vol. 128(6) pp 711-716. Websites Airpano.com (2010) Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco, USA. [Internet]. Available From: http://www.airpano.com/360Degree-VirtualTour.php?3D=San-Francisco-California-USA [Accessed 15th May 2014]. Bowe, R. (2013) One Thousand Surveillance Cams in SF and Counting, San Francisco Bay Guardian Online. [Internet]. Available From: http://www.sfbg.com/politics/2013/08/21/one-thousand-surveillance-cams-sf-andcounting [Accessed 14th May 2014].


Long, T. (2012) Jan 24, 1848: Gold! [Internet]. Available From: http://www.wired.com/2012/01/jan-24-1848-gold/ [Accessed 15th May 2014]. Roberts, C. (2013) SF Sees Highest Crime Rate Since 2008, The Examiner. Internet]. Available From: http://www.sfexaminer.com/sanfrancisco/sf-sees-highest-crime-rate-since2008/Content?oid=2636673 [Accessed 14th May 2014]. Thouseman. (2013) San Francisco’s History is rooted in Latino Culture. [Internet]. Available From: http://www.sanfrancisco.travel/neighborhood/mission-district/san-franciscoshistory-is-rooted-in-latino-culture.html [Accessed 15th May 2014]. Videosurveillance.com (2014) Community Cam- San Francisco. [Internet]. Available From: http://www.videosurveillance.com/CommunityCam/map/?pv=sanfrancisco [Accessed 16th May 2014]. Worldpopulationstatistics.com (2013) San Francisco Population 2013 [Internet]. Available From: http://www.worldpopulationstatistics.com/san-francisco-population-2013/ [Accessed 16th May 2014].


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