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The CIA, Contras, Gangs, and Crack - Institute for Policy Studies

This book, written by a former undercover agent working for the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), charges that the Central Intelligence Agency and. It was accompanied by a heavy-handed picture of a man smoking crack under the CIA seal. As word about the story spread through the Internet, TV. Some do indeed believe that crack was created on the West Coast. The DEA reports that crack cocaine was first identified in Los Angeles in , when it was. ALTHOUGH CRACK'S ORIGINS RE-main obscure - no one really knows who invented it - the Dominicans are generally credited with having first. As Farber succinctly puts it: “Crack hit certain neighbourhoods, almost always poor or economically declining, like a bomb.” Given the amount of. Additionally, the greater availability and lower costs associated with crack cocaine make it an alternative for IDUs who inject powder cocaine. In contrast to. This is an interesting theory, and although not everyone agrees with it, one thing is true: crack use is now much less common than it was in the late 's and. While the use of coca leaves as an intoxicant dates back three thousand years, crack cocaine, a crystallized form of cocaine, was developed during the. Cocaine: What is the Crack? A Brief History of the Use of Cocaine as an Anesthetic - PMC CIA-Contra-Crack Cocaine Controversy ⏬
