SIR Magazine Issue 10 Spring 2017

Page 44

The People of Mahari They found their kingdom between yellows and greens, between the light and the shade, between the sun and the plants. Although the apocalypse split the world their ancestors once knew in half, they found true tranquility between the tall grass and exuberant flowers. The people of Mahari, named after the divine maiden, the forgiver, based the law of their new land off their respect for Mother Earth and the gifts she bestowed upon them when they sought shelter. They believe and live one amongst the soft soil that packs the hearty ground and

the florescent butterflies that cultivate their expanding, immaculate garden. Gold collected from their woven streams mark their face and identifies their tribe, while jewels pulled from underground caverns embellish their clothing and glisten like the sun that stands over their heads. Although the people of Mahari are one with their beloved Earth, their indifference towards the cold, barren world outside their own, full of despair and darkness, locks them in a dome, undisturbed.


SIR Magazine 2017 Update March 27.indd 44

3/28/17 6:10 PM

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