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April 22, 1965


Travelers Get Job Chances

mericsns Must Remqin n DeÍense OÍ Vietnsm

For the student who has always dreamed of a trip to Europe, Jobs In Europe and. American Student Information Service (ASIS) may have the rig:ht aDsver,

present hand-fisted policies in Vietnam. The arguments for LBJ to change United States' policies are the following: 1) Most Vietnamese could not care less about the eventual outéome of the Saigon-Viet Cong conflict; ihus, why lose American lives for a^n ungrateful people? 2) The tyranny of a Communist South Vietnam goverreit could be no worse than that of the present, poorly di-

These two organizations offer college studetrts the opportuDlty to v'ork ln Europe durint the summer months.

miels away is worth the risk of war. Already, the Soviet Union and Red China have announced at thei will send volunteers to help the North Vietnamese American "foreign aggressors." While these points should be considered, the following

the student earns cuto hle erpens-

Vietm's right to selfdetermination at any- cost. An American pullout in Vietna¡n could mean the almost seizurö of the country by Chinese-dominated Com-

CANDIDÄTE-Mcry Louie McGough, cr fuhmcrr plblig relcrtions mcjor crt Fresno City College, is F¡esno City's ccr¡didqte for the Miss Northern Centrol füliforniq Sun Bronze title. The contest will be held in Monterey Moy l. Judgingr will be on hc¡ir styling ond drgs's. Mcnks Ptroto

In front of a world wide

Rather than solve the problem, the pullout could merely stpone dealing with Red China, a confrontatior-r th^e United would bõ forced into at a later date under far more


CC Chemistry Teacher Authors NewTextbook

sW or k

ph et

Quick said.

Behind CIoskOÍ Secrecy Schol orships A PHANTOM PUBLICATION, Ram-It,

appeared on carn-

pus before the Easter holidaYs. ' The publication attacked tñe administration for "too much adminiÊtrative control and not enough student freedom." If the students who wrote the publication have a legitimate gripe with the administration, why don't they make their õause and identities known? The students who produced this "fly paper" should have at least produ ost coPied word for word The eitire Fool's edition, The SpoofFresno from ian. The phantom publication apparently didn't have the desired bodv that these would-be journalists fect ãn st-udent body on the student effect a ha'ndful of students commented only as wished to achievè, on it. ists apparently failed to realize students are intelligent and reth d rather direct their energies to sp more worthwhile activities. Kudos are in order for the entire student body in that they refused to be taken in by this false and malicious document. David R. Pacheco The Editor

Now Avqiloble Each year tr'resno CitY College

offers scholarshiPs to

The book is to be sold on a world-wide basis bY Macmillan.


Sports Eclitor---------N€wE Ealttor Copy E!dttoq----.------------'-.--

Manager------Edttor-.-------Edltor----.--.-. Business Manager------Clrculatlon Manager--.-.-Librarta¡-----

Àttvertlstng Assi8¡ment Club News

Cartoodlst-.-Elxchange Edttor--.-------



-------Sandi McOlurg -------------Mary Gulke ---------Elberta Hurst ----------------Louls Bell

----Paul Sulllvan, Jr. -------------------Judl Smlth

Al tr.ox --------------Donna Day

-.---------....----Den¡ls Johnson ------Janlce Polnde*ter Dennls Mc0arthy, Vernon Peters,

Cor¡{ne James, Lori Lawson, Saudra Dralle, Kathy Moultþrcp' Davld Glassburn, Gary Jepsen, Howaril Sa.tkt, Leslle lIart

gÍum, Swi tz

erl an d,


tr'rance, Spain and EngIaDd.

ASIS notes that wages range from $400 a month, and, i¡ most cases, neither previous experience

nor knowledge of a fore{gn language is required.

A feature of the plan ls a fiYeday European safari ($126). The

tour covers Luxembourg, Germany, tr'rance, Holland and BeIgium. AU lodging, travel expenses and. food are included in the one




A laboratory manual, which Jobs In Europe pamphlets are or stand obtainable for $2 from Internaby itself , came of f the Presses tional Travel Establishment, 6 8

to the college, and for restricted

Service. 22 Avenue de la Liberte City, Grand Ductry -Luxembourg of Luxembourg.

scholarships, the applicant applies

directly to the dotror.


Applicâtions may be obtained from high school Principals or counselors or from the FCC Coun-

Periodical List ldeas Sought

seling Center. They should be Presen'ted in the Office of the Chair-

man, Committee on Scholarships, no later than May 1.

The followint documents


Each applicant have three letters

You K¡tobJ


is required to of recommen-


ltlE orD sAY¡rrg

.{lenu s[obr€rs


for adding to


collection of magazines ând nev'spapers currently received bY t,he Fresno City College Library are being taken by Heacl Librarian

required.: Recornrnendatlons

--------George KuemBel ------------------Don


entering March 23. I{errengasse, Vaduz, Prineipality freshmen and returning students. In his preface, Quick said that of Liechtenstein (Switzerland). Scholarships available are of "This book has been wrif.ten beDetaÍls concerning .A,SIS ca.n tll'o kinds. General scholarshiPs be obtained by sending ç2 to a¡e available by applying d'irectly American S tu dent Information

on campus.


grant for each

Jobs ranglng from faru. work to ship building may be obtained in such countries a.s Germony, Bel-

can accompany the text

dation which should be sent directly to the chairman of scholarships, including one from the cause the author believes there is high school principal. Returning a definite need for a college text students need only to submit one that is not too heavy on theory (and) has been written es. letter. pecially for an introductory course Official transcripts of all aca' for students not main chemistry to the be sent demic work should Publlsheil weekly by the Journallsm stualents of Fresno Clty College' joring in science." 1101 Unfverslty, X'r€Bno, Callfornla. Compocetl by the Central scholarships chairman. Separate Quick joinetl the FCC faculty Calltornta Tyllographlc Servlce. Uncig¡eal edltorlals are the expresslon transcripts are requi¡ed. by the in 1951. He holds the associate admissions office. etlltors. of the {Rr Information on the scholarshlps iD arts degree from Fort Scott available may be obtained by con- Juuior College, and the B.S. and tacting the scholarship chairman M. S. from Pittsburg State ColD.A.VID R. PÄCIÍECO Managing

offered by ASIS whlch provldes a $25rJ

precarious - Thus, thecircumstances. United States' commitment to freedom conseFloyd J. Quick, a chemistry instructor -a! !'req-no- City Colquently forces its severest test. ^ is the ãuthor of a new textbook which will be on the lege, gteater turn their if they test face an even will Amðricans this spring. market lrket backs to the present one. David Pacheco Quick sai¿ ttrãt the text, "Introductory College Chemistry," has been published by Macmillan' "Much grecter stress is Placed on the practical side of chemistry Need A¡d? I eer I than on theoretical aspects,"


to $65. Àt a fee of S35, Jobs In Eluropo wlll pl¿ce a student in a Europea¡ job antl supply him with informatlon on how to save on travel, shopping ¿nd room atrd boa.rd. Variety of Jobs more A extensive program ls


should be made. W'e a¡e committed by our agreements to insure South


Europe, sponsored by

ment, provides a "deit-yourself" travel plan for less than $100. The group stetes that the proflt


audience, the withdrawal would American unwillingness to oppose Communist aggres-


the Interûatlona.l T¡avel Establish-


3) Red China threatens to intervene. No la¡d


I¡ess Tha.n $1ü)


Jackson Carty. A list of periodicals the librarY now receives was recently distributed amotrg faculty members and

ls subject to


John 'Wolfenden, an associate librarian, said that the library encourages studen'ts to brlng their suggestions on additional magazines ancl newspaBers




The recommendations are sub-

ject to staff approval and the budget allotment for next year.

The library currently receives

296 diffe¡ent magazines and new'spapers.



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