ISSX Newsletter | Issue 3, 2017

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President’s Message Continued from previous page Associating and actively par ticipating in a Focus Group can significantly enhance the exchange of the most current scientific research information and open doors to endless oppor tunities for collaboration and career advancement. We hope that active par ticipation provides personal growth and professional development to ISSX members. Align yourself with one, two, or each of the ISSX Focus Groups now. Simply go to to register. Finally, it is my pleasure to announce the results of the recent election. ISSX members were asked to select the new President-Elect/Secretar y, TreasurerElect, four members of Council, and three members of the Nomination Committee. Each of the selected individuals have confirmed their willingness to ser ve. Their terms will commence on Januar y 1, 2018. President-Elect/Secretary: Ann K. Daly, Newcastle University Treasurer-Elect: Erin K. Schuetz, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital

ISSX Council: Emily Scott, University of Michigan William Griffith Humphreys, Bristol-Meyers Squibb Mike Zientek, Takeda Lei Zhang, U.S. Food and Drug Administration Nomination Committee: Sandy Pang, University of Toronto Charles Crespi, Corning Life Sciences Tommy B. Andersson, AstraZeneca Many thanks to Nomination Committee Chair John Miners and the entire Nomination Committee in developing a fine slate of candidates for office. Watch for your membership dues renewal in the coming months and be sure to renew regardless of whether you plan to join us in Montreal for our 22nd Nor th American Meeting in July. Your sustained membership with ISSX is ver y impor tant to us and is greatly appreciated. I hope to see you at an ISSX meeting soon!

Promoting the Science Around the World In May, ISSX suppor ted the Chinese Society for the Study of Xenobiotics in the organization of a workshop entitled Pharmacokinetics Evaluation & Review for Suppor ting IND/NDA – Case Studies. The workshop was held May 20 – 21 in Beijing, China and included sessions on CYP450 Induction, Transpor ter-based DDI, Radioisotope DMPK, Silicon Prediction, Herb-Drug Interactions and Bioequivalence. The workshop was attended by more than 100 par ticipants including a large number of students.


/ISSX Newsletter / Issue 3, 2017

Special thanks for their contributions in making this workshop a success go to: Zhuohan Hu Takashi Izumi Sonia de Morais Jas Sahi Chuang Lu Dennis Bashaw Raju Subramanian

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