1 minute read
T Manuhiri T T Poroporo Trust
Founded October 1898
Pukapuka: Toru Tekau
Pānui: Tahi
Te Marama: Kohitātea
Te Tau: 2023
ISSN: 1176-4228 (Print)
ISSN: 2357-187X (Online)
Pīpīwharauroa takes its name from ‘He Kupu Whakamārama Pīpīwharauroa’, which was printed in October, 1899 by Te Rau Print and edited by the late Reverend Reweti Kohere. Pīpīwharauroa was re-launched on 20 October, 1993.

Produced and edited by:
Te Rūnanga o Tūranganui-ā-Kiwa
Tūranga Ararau
Printed by: The Gisborne Herald
Email: pipiwharauroa@ta.org.nz
Phone: (06) 868 1081
Ng Pakeke O T Manuhiri
Our first Pakeke hui was held on Friday 27 January, it was great to see everyone after the Christmas and New Year break. The hui was transferred to Rangiwaho Marae at the last minute and the Pakeke and Trust were grateful to our ringawera for hosting us.
Uncle Nuna Wyllie shared with our pakeke some video footage of Tāmanuhiri pakeke from the 1990s discussing our Mana Whenua and Mana Moana with regards to Te Kuri. This was great as we got transported back 30 years and were able to see the faces and hear the voices of our pakeke who have been gone a long time.
T Manuhiri T T Poroporo Trust Trustees Setting Us Up For The Future

Tāmanuhiri Tūtū Poroporo Trust Trustees held a two day wānanga at Rangiwaho Marae to prepare themselves for the 2023 year and begin to shape the future of Ngāi Tāmanuhiri whānau whanui.

Day One was focused governance training tailored to the skillsets and personalities of our board using Peter Allen of Business Torque Limited.
Day Two was a focus on financial literacy of the board and developing a social procurement strategy to create value for uri of Ngāi Tāmanuhiri. The two days were hugely beneficial as the trustees began to understand one another and how best to work as a team.