Get CYBERSMART with Facebook

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Get CYBERSMART with Facebook @CareersatQueens


Facebook is a great way of staying in touch with family and friends but it is important to make sure that you protect your personal details and online reputation. PRIVACY CHECK-UP Get familiar with your privacy settings and take control over who can see what. Regularly check the apps that have access to your account and delete any you don’t use. WHO CAN SEE MY STUFF? Check your audience each time you post. Create a Close Friends list and use it for more personal posts. WHO CAN CONTACT ME? You can receive friend requests from Friends of Friends or from Everyone but don’t accept a request from someone you don’t actually know.

HOW DO I STOP SOMEONE FROM BOTHERING ME? You can block someone to stop them contacting you or seeing things you post on your Timeline.

PRIVACY BASICS Check what others can see on your profile or what people who aren’t friends will see if they search for you. MORE SETTINGS Go to Timeline and Tagging to manage who can post on your Timeline and to control who gets added to the audience if you are tagged. Make sure that you review posts you are tagged in before they appear on your Timeline.

WHAT SHOULD I DO IF SOMEONE POSTS OFFENSIVE OR EMBARRASSING CONTENT ABOUT ME? If a friend posts something, like an embarrassing photo, which you would prefer not to be on Facebook, ask them to take it down. Make sure you agree with your friends the type of content you are happy for them to share about you on social media. You can report abusive content or spam on Facebook by using the Report link that appears near the content. You will find more information about reporting things on Facebook at

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