Setauket Meadows May, 2024

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Joe Cerullo

Vice Presidents

Eileen Duffy

Robert Brennan

Vice President

Jane Ventimiglia


Lou Petix


Jane Ventimiglia

108 Terryville Road

Pt. Jefferson Station, NY 11776

HPM Management Office




This spring has given credence to the old adage that April showers bring May flowers. We waded through those showers but the payoff is lovely! Our community is in bloom; our flowering trees and shrubs are magnificent. Please take a walk around the community to enjoy the flora, if not the fauna, and realize how fortunate we are to live such a beautiful community.

April was a busy month. The grand opening of the clubhouse was highly anticipated and very successful. More than fifty people attended and the renovations were very well received. All of you snowbirds who have yet to return to the Meadows will be very pleasantly surprised as photos simply do not do it justice. Also, in April the entire community was power washed and exercise equipment was purchased for the gym.

There are some landscaping plans to share with you. The hydrangea bushes in the entrance median will be replanted into a single row down the center of the median. The bushes that will not be used for this will be transplanted into the berm at the corner of Hulse and Comsewogue Roads. Another forty shrubs will be planted along the fence; these shrubs are being paid from the beautification assessment funds. Also coming soon is the repair and upgrade of the entranceway fountain. The mechanical parts of the fountain are no longer in working order and need to be replaced. You won’t be able to miss when this work begins! The renovation on the tennis court should begin this month. You will be notified when work commences.

The Social Committee has some May dates to share with you including the Kentucky Derby on Saturday, May 4 and the Memorial Day Bagel Breakfast. The Social Committee will be sending out information via email.

One very important date: HOA MEETING

THURSDAY, MAY 16 at 7:00 PM Reminder emails will be sent but please mark your calendars now.

And finally, if you are NOT receiving emails from the Board or from the Social Committee please let us know. To the Board:; to the Social Committee:

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Memorial Day Weekend Jones Beach Show

The 2024 annual Jones Beach air show will have many featured guests: The United States Army Golden Knights Parachute Team will make their 17th appearance, other military performers joining the lineup include the U.S. Navy F-35C Tac Demonstration Team, the U.S. Coast Guard, and the 106th Rescue Wing NY Air National Guard HC – 130 / HH 60 Demonstration Team... Jessy Panzer, a widely-known female aerobatic pilot, is flying for the second time at Jones Beach, along with the American Air Power Museum Warbirds, Long Island’s own David Windmiller and the SUNY Farmingdale State College Flying Rams, who plan to fly 22 of their college-owned aircraft. Civilian performers on the list include the world-famous Skytypers and their flight squadron of five vintage WWII aircraft and Mike Goulian, the most decorated aerobatic pilot in North America.

SAT & SUN - May 25,26 - 10AM to 3PM practice on Fri 5/24

Admission Price: FREE

Parking Cost: $10.00

Parking to be paid at the Field, not toll booths.

Official Air Show website:

Get there early. In the past, this show has easily seen 200,000 people fill up the beach on a single day. It is not unusual for the parking lots to be filled by 8:00am (if not earlier). When this happens, the parkways are closed and people are turned away. So, it is probably a good idea to arrive before 8:00am, or as early as reasonably possible.

SUNSCREEN. Bring it. You will be in the sun for over five hours. Trust me, you will need plenty of it.

BAGS, BACKPACKS, AND COOLERS ARE OK (this is a beach you know), but keep in mind THEY WILL BE SEARCHED so don't bring too much stuff along with you. It will also get crowded near showcenter, and extra baggage could make movement difficult. There is a nice fast-food style restaurant on the East end of the beach, and refreshment vendors will be located along the boardwalk. If you want to keep costs low, you may want to bring along your own drinks and snacks. There will be no bleachers or seating of any sort (with the exception of the VIP Chalets that require a separate entry fee purchased before the show), so bring a blanket to sit on, or a foldable chair. If you plan on sitting close to the water, you might want to bring a jacket or longsleeved shirt. Even though the air temperature may be warm, the waters will still be cold and can cause the area right by the shoreline to be surprisingly chilly.

EARPLUGS /or EARMUFFS are suggested - for the younger viewers (6 & under) Please use earmuffs since earplugs are a choking hazard. The jets can get loud, and you might get stuck next to some annoying guy who won't shut up about his cats.

NO PETS. Of course, this excludes animals that aid the handicapped.

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Snacking for Dinner? You’re Right on Trend

How do you get your snacks in 2024? Dip for dinner? Are you creating your own perfect bite like a snack savant? Find out if your snack and food game aligns with the nation’s palate in Frito-Lay’s fifth annual US Snack Index survey. Some of the results might surprise you.

There’s no doubt about it. Our beloved chips and snacks are an integral part of American game days, celebrations and adventures. This privilege does not happen overnight and the companies bringing these snacks to you are committed to keeping a pulse on societal shifts, ensuring it is meeting our ever-evolving preferences and needs.

This year’s survey discovered there is a real lack of time in people’s lives to prepare, eat and enjoy their meals, especially among parents and younger adults. One-third of Americans have just 30 minutes for meals, and that includes cooking! When you think about it, that’s less time than most businesses offer employees for lunch. Sound familiar?

This is leading to the rise of the “no-prep dinner,” a simple meal that tastes great, doesn’t require a whole lot of effort and often is inspired by their favorite snacks. Snack focused dinners are so popular there’s even a trending hashtag, #GirlDinner. But the trend involves everyone, with more than 90% of men and women noting they reach for snack foods at dinnertime.

Here are some other snack trends the Frito-Lay survey found. A dash to dine: According to the Index, the average American has only 52 total minutes per day to prepare, eat and enjoy their meals. One-third of consumers note having even less time, scraping together less than 30 minutes a day to prep and enjoy meals.

Snacks moving to center plate: With a 35% increase in consumers integrating their favorite snack products into meals, snacks are taking center stage in a new way. Ninety two percent of men and ninety three percent of women use snack foods when making meals. Whether it’s yearning for a specific snack, or simply being too busy to cook, Frito-Lay’s 2024 Snack Index predictions suggest that snacks will only continue to be essential ingredients for easy, no-prep meals.

The dip dynasty: Dive into the timeless tradition of chips and dip, where salsa, French onion, and queso reign supreme as the top three. While salsa steals the spotlight among Gen Z, Millennials and Gen X dippers, Baby Boomers crown French onion as their dip MVP.

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Snacking as an art, not an act: Eighty percent agree that combining multiple food products to create the perfect bite is an art form. While 65% of Americans admit to having eccentric snack combos, they are not the slightest bit embarrassed and will proudly “shout their unique combos from the rooftops” anyway.

Defining the “Snack Savant”: Millennials and Gen Z are most likely to embrace this title, with the majority of these Snack Savants also being city dwellers. They are resourceful – 55% report their favorite snack combos are inspired by what is already in the pantry – and lean on social media for additional ideas.

Protein Power: When eyeing snacks at the grocery store, Americans cite protein as their most important nutritional attribute. Compared to previous years, an overwhelming 79% of consumers admit It’s more critical than ever for protein to take center stage – especially true for those most crunched on time.

Energy boost: At least once a week 60% of consumers look to their favorite snack products to provide energy. Millennials are by far the generation most in need of a pick-me-up, compared to slightly fewer Gen Z and Gen X. Less than half of the Baby Boomers eat snacks that often. Parents beat everyone, with 72% leveraging snacks for energy.

Taste Triumphs: Across generations, nearly three quarters of consumers refuse to sacrifice taste when selecting their snacks. Baby Boomers are the most unwilling to compromise on taste, followed by Gen Xers.

Compare your habits to the Frito-Lay Snack Index and go ahead – break out the Fritos and enjoy some Frito Pie tonight!

Frito Pie

First, thanks to Joe Polizzi, Commissioner of the Setauket Meadows Men’s Golf Association, for organizing those of us eager to add to our daily aches and pains to the anxiety of trying to strike a little ball into a tiny hole in the ground.

Second, anyone who has seen me swing a golf club knows I’m only a duffer; in fact, I’m a left-handed duffer. But even a duffer has friends, and some of mine have permitted me to join them on some of the best tracks in the game of golf including the course where the Masters tournament is held in April each year.

My work as an educational consultant includes executive search, helping an independent school board identify and hire a new head of school. In 2002, a search in behalf of a school in Augusta, Georgia, went awry, leaving me to take on the duties as Acting Head of School, spending up to 20 days a month in Augusta.

I learned a lot about the South and the economic realities of fanatical support of sports events. For instance, during “Masters Week,” every school district in Georgia is shut down; many residents of Augusta and its environs vacate their homes to be rented by visiting golfers and their entourages, as well as corporations and their clients, and average tourists. Several teachers on my faculty crowded into a single dwelling for the week and spent their days at a food catering kitchen, making thousands of pimento or salmon sandwiches to be sold to patrons of the tournament.

I had no plans to be in Augusta that second week in April 2003; I’d be at home with my wife Lory on Old Field Road in Setauket, watching the golfers on TV. Then I received a pleasant surprise: A family in the school offered me a pair of passes to the final round on Sunday, April 13. I adjusted my calendar immediately! Lory and I spent a glorious day in the sunshine warmth and beauty of the Augusta National Golf Club. A Canadian left-handed golfer named Mike Weir won a playoff to claim the famous Green Jacket.

School resumed the following week, and my duties as interim Head of School were soon to end. With only a few days to go, I received a second surprise: A member of the Club invited me to play the course and bring a friend! My younger son Kevin was available and flew to Augusta to share that remarkable opportunity with me.

As a runner, I’ve stood at the starting line in Madison Square Garden and heard my name announced, as a conference speaker, before other large and expectant audiences. But never have I felt so kneeknocking unworthy as on that May morning in 2003, trembling on the first tee at Augusta National. I can still remember every shot on every hole.

At the 18th green, our caddies were grouped together, laughing uproariously. When our last putts had been holed, we asked them if they had been amused by the inferior quality of our play? No, instead they had learned from the Clubhouse that an avid golfer from Dublin, Ireland, had just phoned: His travel agent had booked him to Augusta, MAINE, and he was asking for a tee time! Not to be granted.

Kevin was with us during this year’s Masters, just concluded. Together we relived our memories from 21 years ago: The natural beauty of the grounds, the amazing courtesy and honesty of the patrons (you can leave your portable chair and even your wallet! and return to find everything safe), and our humbling realization of how skilled the players are and how far removed our own efforts remain.

Thank God for handicaps and the gold tee markers up front at Swan Lake.

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The Homeowners Association Does Not Endorse Any Advertiser or Product In This Publication You Can’t Make This Stuff Up!

Getting Healthier Starts With Your Feet

Good foot and ankle health is critical for good overall health, so no matter what your wellness goals are, be sure to start from the ground up.

“Feet and ankle issues can be signs of overarching health problems like diabetes, arthritis and cardiovascular disease, so paying attention to them is vital for early diagnosis and treatment,” says Michael Coyer, DPM, FACFAS, a foot and ankle surgeon and Fellow Member of the American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons (ACFAS).

Get a jumpstart on your healthier lifestyle and wellness goals with these foot health facts from ACFAS:

“I want to lose weight”:

Obesity aggravates foot problems, like heel pain and flat feet, making it hard to exercise. And, without exercise, obesity worsens, potentially increasing the progression of serious health threats. Break the cycle by seeking evaluation and treatment for chronic, activity-limiting foot and ankle problems. Once cleared to begin exercise, don’t do too much too soon. Follow a gradual routine of low-impact exercise until your body adjusts to the stress of regular physical activity.

“I want to build strong bones”:

Osteoporosis is a bone-thinning disease affecting more than 28 million Americans, and your feet can present clues that there’s a problem. Early symptoms can include increased pain with walking accompanied by redness and swelling on the top of the foot, as well as unexplained foot fractures. Don’t ignore foot pain. Visit your foot and ankle surgeon who can detect osteoporosis through a bone densitometry test.

“I want to age gracefully”:

Taking good care of feet and ankles can improve balance, coordination and stability to reduce a senior’s risk of a life-altering fall. Examine your feet regularly. At the sign of bumps, lumps or other changes, or if you’re experiencing pain, make an appointment with your foot and ankle surgeon. Maintain foot strength and mobility with simple stretching exercises.

“I want to feel my best”:

Having persistently cold feet is not just uncomfortable, it could be a sign of a medical condition that causes poor blood flow in the legs or feet, such as peripheral vascular disease, Raynaud’s phenomenon and heart disease. It could also be an indication of hypothyroidism, adrenal insufficiency or an autoimmune disorder, such as lupus. If your feet are persistently cold follow up on it with your foot and ankle surgeon to determine if there’s a greater issue to be addressed.

“I want to manage my diabetes better”:

Foot care is fundamental to diabetes management. Visit your foot and ankle surgeon for guidelines on diabetic foot care to help prevent problems like ulcers, cracked heels and bone infection that can lead to serious complications, including amputation.

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The great outdoors is sometimes decidedly less than great when insects swarm, for example, or when your carefully tended gardens are torn up by buffet-seeking deer or the neighbor’s cat. Americans, in fact, spend more than $26 billion a year on pest control measures. While applying chemical treatments is one way to get rid of pests, there’s a more natural option to consider: Strategic plantings of certain herbs and flowers won’t just deter undesirable critters, they’ll also beautify your yard and garden and just might provide a little seasoning for dinner.


A soothing favorite for centuries, lavender repels fleas, moths, mosquitoes, and many other insects. While oil extracted from the flowers makes an effective mosquito repellent, the plant itself can also ward off unwelcome insects. As you’re arranging lavender plants around your outdoor seating areas, don’t forget to position one close to a doorway: Lavender repels flies and may keep house flies from taking up residence at your place.



Citronella oil, which is commonly used in insect-repelling outdoor candles, comes from the lemongrass plant so it’s not surprising that the ornamental grass is chief among plants that repel mosquitoes. For a one-two punch against pests, plant lemongrass around the patio and use citronella candles when the bugs are especially bad. Grown as an annual, this strongly scented grass reaches up to 4 feet tall during the season, and fares pretty well in containers.

Bright chrysanthemum blooms contain pyrethrum, which is frequently used in natural insect repellents and dog shampoo. The chemical can kill and deter ants, ticks, fleas, spider mites, roaches, Japanese beetles, and even bed bugs. This characteristic makes mums popular insect-repelling companion plants in vegetable gardens. For the same reason, pots brimming with colorful mums are also great additions to outdoor seating areas.


Delicious to eat, basil also repels mosquitoes and houseflies. Place containers of basil around outdoor seating areas, or use it to make a DIY natural insect repellent: Pour 4 ounces of boiling water into a bowl along with a generous handful of basil leaves and stems. Let the mixture steep for several hours, strain it, and then add 4 ounces of vodka. Pour the mix into a spray bottle to spritz it on whenever you’re outdoors.


Nasturtiums have a reputation as a very desirable companion plant. The flowers release an airborne chemical that is distasteful to a variety of insects, including aphids and whiteflies, which is why so many gardeners plant it alongside their veggies. Whether you plant nasturtiums in the vegetable patch, in containers around the patio, or along flower beds, this easy-to-grow annual will protect itself, other plants, and you from unwanted visitors.

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Mosquitoes, nematodes, and aphids hate the smell of marigolds, but these cheerful flowers are a favorite with gardeners. Grown as an annual in most USDA hardiness zones, marigolds prefer full sun and well-drained soil. (Beware: If you plant them in the shade, marigolds are prone to powdery mildew.) Place them strategically in your vegetable garden or in pots around the patio, and you’ll be glad to have this plant that repels mosquitoes.

Lemon Thyme

Hardy lemon thyme is an herb that will repel mosquitoes when you bruise its leaves to release essential oils, but that takes no time at all. Simply station a few planters with lemon thyme around the patio and, when you’re sitting outside, offend hovering mosquitoes by crushing a few leaves on the plant to release the scent.


The aromatic leaves, stems, and flowers of a mint plant repel mosquitoes and ants, but you’ll want to keep this herb confined to a pot because it spreads aggressively and can overtake your small garden. Instead, place planters around the patio to create your own minty fresh, pest-free zone. Another way to use mint to turn ants away is to make a natural insect repellent: Mix mint oil with apple cider vinegar and witch hazel. A light spritz while you’re outdoors will shoo irritating insects away.


Not only are they pretty, with a sweet fragrance, but petunias also naturally catch a variety of insects, including Japanese beetles, aphids, leafhoppers, and many more. Yes, we said “catch”: The cheerful plants have sticky hairs that actually trap insects, and the roots ultimately absorb the nutrients from the bodies of their prey. Although petunias prefer full sun, a bowl of these profuse bloomers will do well enough on a shady patio table.



This pointy culinary herb repels mosquitoes and other pesky insects whether the leaves are crushed or intact, which is why it makes sense to strategically place a few containers of rosemary around your garden and patio. To make a natural rosemary insect repellent, boil a handful of rosemary cuttings in a quart of water for 30 minutes. Strain the liquid, pour it into a spray bottle, and store in the refrigerator until you’re ready to mist it around.

If you’re looking for a way to repel wasps, consider planting colorful geranium, which is grown as an annual in most of the United States. Wasps are put off by the plants’ smell, which is why it makes sense to position geraniums in areas where friends and family congregate. Geraniums are particularly attractive in hanging baskets, and should be watered when the soil starts to dry out. Fertilize the plants every couple of weeks during the growing season.

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A Laugh A Minute by Rich Lester

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Protect Yourself

In today’s world you need to protect yourself from scams. Here are a few tips you should follow to protect yourself from scammers:

1.Monitor your accounts: regularly check your statements and credit card accounts for suspicious activity

2. Make sure you update your contact information and address on all your accounts.

3. Don’t act immediately: Check your account for the transactions you are being questioned about. Don’t be afraid to ask questions or challenge the caller.

4. Don’t download apps or allow the caller access to your personal devices.

5. Secure your passwords: Change your passwords periodically, and don’t use the same password across different accounts. Set up two factor authentication or a fingerprint password on your laptop, tablet and smartphone.

6. Lock your credit: This will block access to your credit report to prevent a scammer from opening new accounts in your name.


So, there I was on my daily walk around our community on a bright and sunny day. The neighborhood seemed quiet but onward I went.

Completed one lap and on to my second. Out of the corner of my eye I spotted something off to the side of the street that was bright orange in color. I walked toward it and, and behold, it was a goldfish. I looked up toward the sky. The only way this fish could have gotten there was that it was accidentally dropped by a bird. A large bird. This was no tiny fish, It was about 12 inches long.

Figuring it was dead from the fall, I was going to bury it but then the gills started to move. Startled and not believing what I'm seeing, I decided to try to give this fish a second chance. I went to the closest unit and knocked on the door hoping to get a paper towel to pick up the fish. No answer. Without wasting time, which was precious at this point, I searched my jacket pocket and found a few tissues. I took two and slowly picked up the fish. It wasn't moving. Of course, I was far away from the ponds at the front of the community so I ran with the fish in tow. Another resident, Michael Lubinsky, who had seen the fish earlier and thought it was dead, was walking behind me. I finally reached the pond and walked down to the water's edge. Stepped on the rocks so I could get as close to the water as possible and stooped down. I placed the fish in the water, but it turned on its side and I thought that was it. It's dead. But I decided to pick it up again and move it back and forth to get water moving throughout its gills. Its tail started to sway back and forth. Then I let go for a second time. Off it went! Could not believe my eyes! Michael stood there completely amazed. I was speechless! I was exhilarated! Could not believe I gave this beautiful creature a second chance at life. What a wonderful feeling. Truly made my day.

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Expert Tips to Avoid Becoming a Distracted Driving Statistic

Multitasking has become the theme of the decade as people try to balance work, family and social obligations in a world where time seems to be shrinking while the number of things to do is expanding.

While multitasking might be a good strategy in some situation, it is potentially disastrous when you are behind the wheel of a car. Why? When you are in control of a multi-ton object going forward at freeway speeds, a little lapse in attention can have very serious consequences.

“We all understand the pressures of trying to do more in less time,” said Mercury VP, Claims, Kevin Quinn. “And in this era where connectivity feels critically important, many people don’t want to wait to field that text, look at the most recent TikTok, or return their boss’s email. But driving should take all of your attention, not just some of it.”

Quinn offers these suggestions to those who might find the temptations of distractions difficult to resist:

• Don’t text and drive. Texting using a smartphone keyboard requires a great deal of attention. Even using voice-to-text functions can take your attention from the road ahead.

• Limit phone use on the road. Even hands-free phone use draws your attention from the driving task.

• Don’t eat or drink when driving. These behaviors force driving with one hand on the steering wheel, a practice more dangerous that two-handed driving.

• Don’t apply makeup when driving. Applying makeup necessitates looking in the mirror rather than down the road.

• Secure personal items within the car. If something drops, don’t begin looking for it while still underway. It will still be in the car when you stop.

• Secure pets in the car, and don’t let them wander around the cabin. Having your dog, cat or iguana on your lap might seem comforting, but that pet can become an instant distraction.

• Set up the vehicle for driving before you get underway. Adjusting mirrors, seats, temperature and audio choices as you drive can pull your attention from the driving task for multiple seconds at a time.

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Why does all this matter? Distracted driving accidents continue to be a national problem. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention say nine people in the United States are killed every day in crashes that are reported to involve a distracted driver.

According to, texting makes you eight times more likely to get into an accident.

Here are some sobering statistics from Mercury Insurance’s October 2023 survey of 1,000 active drivers on distracted driving behaviors:

86% of active drivers think people are more distracted while driving compared to five years ago

26% of active drivers have either come close or been in an accident due to texting and driving

67% of active drivers do not wait until they’ve reached their destination before checking phone notifications

66% of active drivers admit to using their phone while driving

48% of active drivers have been distracted by their navigational system

While the problem of distracted driving is very real, there are hopeful signs on the horizon. Many auto manufacturers are not making voice-to-text and text reader systems more prevalent in the vehicles they build. Societal pressure is helping to make a dent in distracted driving, illustrated by the fact that 58% of respondents to the Mercury survey said that they are less likely to be on their phones when they have a passenger in the vehicle.

The best advice is this: When you are behind the wheel of an automobile, driving should be your only task. Everything else can wait.

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Do You Know What Long Island is Famous For?

We’re lucky enough to live in the beautiful community of Long Island. Did you know that we are known world-wide for things our area has to offer.

1. Vast Beaches

Some of the most famous beaches on Long Island are Huntington Beach, Jones Beach, and Fire Island. These beaches are great for swimming, sunbathing, and surfing. Huntington Beach is especially famous for its hills and waves. Each beach has its own unique features that make it a favorite among locals and tourists alike.

2. Hills and peaks

The highest peak on the island is Mount Sinai, which is located in the town of Islip. Other popular ranges are found in the Hamptons, at the Shawangunk Ridge, and at the Great South Bay. These ranges offer great hiking and biking trails, as well as stunning views.

3. Local restaurants and cafes

Long island is known for its local restaurants and cafes. There are many amazing places to eat in the area, and each has its own unique atmosphere and menu. There are many fabulous restaurants on Long Island and, if you’re lucky, you might find some overlooking the ocean or the bay. The cafes on Long Island are also some of the best in the country, great for a quick bite while shopping or relaxing.

4. Amusement Parks

These parks are perfect for families who want to enjoy a day out together. They have rides that are both thrilling and educational, making them a great choice for anyone who wants to have a fun day out.

5. Variety of shopping and nightlife options

There are many different places to go for a day out, and each one offers something unique. Whether you’re looking for high-end fashion or affordable thrift stores, there’s something for everyone on Long Island. In addition to shopping, Long Island is also home to many nightlife options. Whether you’re looking for a lively bar or a club, there’s sure to be something for you on Long Island.

6. Home of world-renowned golf courses

These courses are some of the best in the country and offer a unique experience for golfers of all levels. Whether you’re a golfer or not, there’s no denying that this island has something for everyone. If you’re looking for a relaxing day at the course, Long Island has plenty to offer. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced golfer, there’s sure to be a course suited for you on Long Island.

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The region has a large number of businesses and employs a large number of workers. Many of these businesses are located in the cities on Long Island, but there are also a large number of small businesses that provide goods and services to the region. There is also a high concentration of jobs in the medical and technology sectors. This makes Long Island one of the most economically stable areas in the country.

8. Museums

Some of the most popular museums on Long Island include the Cradle of Aviation, the Firefighter’s Museum, Vanderbilt Planetarium and Museum, Nassau County Museum of Art, Long Island Maritime Museum and more.

9. Fertile agriculture land

This region is home to many farms that produce crops such as tomatoes, strawberries, and grapes. Many people also raise chickens and pigs here. Long Island is a great place to live if you are interested in farming because it has a temperate climate and plenty of fertile land. The fertile soil is perfect for growing crops, and the region has a long history of farming. Today, agriculture still plays an important role in the economy of Long Island. Many farms produce food for local restaurants and supermarkets, as well as for export.

10. Long Island’s History

Long Island is known for its history, from the Native Americans who lived on the island for centuries to the Europeans who settled there in the 1600s. The British ruled the island for many years, and it became part of New York City in 1898. Over the years, Long Island has been home to many famous people, including abolitionist John Brown and Frederick Douglass, singer Frank Sinatra, and President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Today, Long Island is a leading tourist destination, with dozens of attractions to visit.

Long Island is often known for its beaches and golf courses, but there are plenty of other things to do on the island as well. If you’re looking for a fun weekend getaway, Long Island might be the perfect place for you! In addition to all of the activities mentioned above, Long Island is also home to some great parades and festivals. So, whether you’re interested in exploring new places or just taking a break from your regular routine, Long Island’s many attractions make it an ideal destination.

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7. Strong Economy

The Laws of Life

Contributed by Rich Lester

This comes under the heading, ”You can’t make this stuff up”

Law of Mechanical Repair

- After your hands become coated with grease, your nose will begin to itch and you'll have to pee.

 Law of Gravity

- Any tool, nut, bolt, screw, when dropped, will roll to the least accessible place in the universe.

 Law of Probability

- The probability of being watched is directly proportional to the stupidity of your act.

 Law of Random Numbers

- If you dial a wrong number, you never get a busy signal; someone always answers.

 Variation Law

- If you change lines (or traffic lanes), the one you were in will always move faster than the one you are in now.

 Law of the Bath

- When the body is fully immersed in water, the telephone will ring.

 Law of Close Encounters

- The probability of meeting someone you know INCREASES dramatically when you are with someone you don't want to be seen with.

 Law of the Result

- When you try to prove to someone that a machine won't work, IT WILL!!! AND Visa versa!

 Law of Biomechanics

- The severity of the itch is inversely proportional to the reach.

 Law of Logical Argument

- Anything is possible IF you don't know what you are talking about.

 Law of Physical Appearance

- If the clothes fit, they're ugly.

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10 . Law of the Theater & Hockey Arena

- At any event, the people whose seats are furthest from the aisle, always arrive last. They are the ones who will leave their seats several times to go for food, beer, or the toilet and who leave early before the end of the performance or the game is over. The folks in the aisle seats come early, never move once, have long gangly legs or big bellies and stay to the bitter end of the performance. The aisle people also are very surly folk.

11. The Coffee Law

- As soon as you sit down to a cup of hot coffee, your boss will ask you to do something which will last until the coffee is cold.

12. Murphy's Law of Lockers

- If there are only 2 people in a locker room, they will have adjacent lockers.

13. Law of Physical Surfaces

- The chances of an open-faced jelly sandwich landing face down on a floor are directly correlated to the newness and cost of the carpet or rug

16. Law of Public Speaking


17. Law of Commercial Marketing Strategy

- As soon as you find a product that you really like, they will stop making it OR the store will stop selling it!

18. Doctors' Law

- If you don't feel well, make an appointment to go to the doctor, by the time you get there, you'll feel better. But don't make an appointment and you'll stay sick.

18. Entertainment Television

- As soon as you find a television program that you really like, it will be cancelled

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The Netflix

setting you need to

change if you can’t hear dialogue

Technology content creator known online as Matty McTech recently posted a video to Instagram highlighting this issue and showing viewers how to fix it.

“It might be because Netflix thinks you have surround sound,” Matt explains to his 2.1 million Instagram followers.

If you don’t have a surround sound setup or a soundbar for your TV, to find the audio settings, pause whatever you’re watching and you’ll see a selection of language and subtitle options at the bottom of the screen. If you scroll over into ‘Other…’ you’ll be greeted with the audio options menu you need.

“You can see the default audio is ‘English [Original] (5.1),’” Matt demonstrates. “That means Netflix thinks you have 5 speakers and one subwoofer.”

“If you don’t, you want to go down to ‘English [Original]’ and hit enter,” he instructs. That makes the background music and sound effects a little quieter and you can hear whoever’s speaking.

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Many of us take our good hearing for granted. But the fact is, good hearing is a precious commodity, and our ears deserve a little respect. We need to hear well to enjoy all the nuances of a symphonic masterpiece, or to enjoy a Broadway stage production. We need to hear well in order to communicate, to learn, and to socialize. And we need to hear well to stay safe.

It has been estimated that 28 million Americans suffer from some form of hearing impairment. Another 78 million Rock-n-Roll generation Baby Boomers have reached “senior” status and many are already experiencing symptoms of hearing loss. Because most hearing loss occurs very gradually, people find ways to compensate without even knowing it. They often change their lifestyle to accommodate the hearing loss, but don’t realize they are withdrawing from routine activities they once enjoyed.

According to the National Council on the Aging, untreated hearing loss can negatively impact your job performance, social life, relationships with friends and family, and ultimately your physical well-being. Additionally, there is a risk of auditory deprivation, which refers to the lack of adequate sound stimulation to the brain, and can cause the brain to gradually lose some of its information processing ability. Auditory deprivation occurs when hearing loss goes untreated over a long period of time. In many cases, the effects of auditory deprivation can be helped by wearing hearing aids, and the earlier you treat your hearing loss, the better your chances are of minimizing this risk.

The best course of action is to consult with an audiologist (a professional specializing in hearing health care) who can perform a complete assessment of your hearing and discuss treatment options that best fit your needs. If a hearing aid is recommended, there are many types and sizes to fit all budgets. Today’s digital hearing aid technology is vastly more sophisticated than that of hearing instruments in years past. With features to reduce background noise and improve clarity of speech, digital hearing aids provide a crisp, clear, and more natural sound. Bluetooth connectivity, rechargeability, and tinnitus relief features are now standard in most devices.

Hearing loss is a growing medical condition that needs your attention. It is important to discuss with your physician the symptoms of your hearing loss and its impact on your lifestyle. Answer the following questions to help you decide if a hearing evaluation is needed. Be honest with yourself, because this is about your wellbeing and quality of life.

1. Do you have trouble hearing on the telephone?

2. Do you avoid social activities because you cannot hear well and fear you will reply improperly?

3. Do others complain that you turn the TV volume too high or do you have trouble understanding the dialogue on the TV?

4. Do you have to strain to understand conversation?

5. Do you find yourself asking people to repeat themselves?

6. Do you have trouble hearing in a noisy background, such as a crowded room or restaurant?

7. Do you misunderstand what others are saying and respond inappropriately?

8. Do you get confused about the direction sounds come from?

9. Do other people seem to mumble or not speak clearly?

10. Do you have trouble understanding the speech of women and children?

11. Do people get annoyed because you misunderstand what they say?

Do family members and friends comment about your hearing?

If you answered “Yes” to 3 or more questions, you should speak to an audiologist about scheduling a comprehensive hearing evaluation and share the test results with your physician.

(The preceding questions were adapted from AAO-HNS, American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery, and NIDCD, National Institute on Deafness and Communication Disorders.)

To find out more about hearing loss and treatment options for you or someone you know, or to schedule a comprehensive audiological evaluation, contact H.E.A.R.S. Audiology at (631) 360-HEAR (4327).

Article written by: Kathleen Page, NYS Licensed and Board-Certified Audiologist

H.E.A.R.S. Audiology, P.C. 732 Smithtown Bypass, Suite 301, Smithtown, NY 11787 Tel: (631) 360-4327 Email:

We encourage our readers to contact us with any questions

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“When April steps aside for May, like diamonds, all the raindrops glisten, fresh violets open every day to some new bird, each hour we listen.” –
Lucy Larcom
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How to Define Quality in Your Clothing

"Just because something has a nice label on it, like a designer label, doesn't always mean it's constructed with great quality," Atlanta-based fashion stylist and wardrobe consultant Kenzie Welch, who shares her tips on Instagram and TikTok, told Business Insider. The key is to look at the basics: garment tags, sewing, and details. Learning the red flags for each of these categories will help you make more informed decisions and choose clothes that will last longer in your wardrobe, no matter your budget.

Here are red flags to look out for. The brand is using low-quality fabrics. You've probably got a sweater in your closet that used to be the softest thing in the world but now is an itchy nightmare. If that's true, you also probably didn't read the garment tag before you bought it. What fabrics are good, and what fabrics are bad? Short answer: It's complicated.

"My rule of thumb is to look for natural fibers, but not all natural fibers are good quality either," said Jennifer Wang, a Toronto-based clinical pharmacist and content creator. Natural fibers include materials like silk, cashmere, cotton, wool, and linen. But you should check if these natural materials have been blended with synthetic fibers because that can have an impact on the long-term quality, feel, and price of the garment.

Once you wear and wash it a few times, "that acrylic is going to pill up or ball up on the surface, it's not going to look quite as good, and it's not going to feel quite as nice … so it's really not for longevity and it's more for making a sale in the store.

There are mistakes in the sewing. Wang told Business YouTube tutorials helped her learn to sew, and "that really her understand the construction of clothes and what makes a good quality garment or what makes bad craftsmanship," she said. Crooked stitching is one of the easiest flaws to identify. It will mean the garment can't lay flat on your body like it's supposed to, Wang said.

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There are loose threads or snags in the fabric.

It's important to check for minor damages to the clothes you see on the racks, like loose threads or snags in the fabric. Sometimes the solution is as simple as selecting another piece in the same size, and other times the flaw indicates a larger issue with the item's quality that suggests it won't last long.

Sweaters are piling on the racks.

You know those little fuzz balls that appear on your clothes? Those are pills.

Sean Cormier, a professor at the Fashion Institute of Technology, told Today Style in 2016 that in addition to acrylic, "any fiber that doesn't absorb water polyester, nylon tends to pill."

Dresses and blazers have no lining.

Sheer dresses may be trending on the red carpet, but that doesn't mean it's the look you're going for at Sunday brunch. When you buy a dress, any piece of clothing that feels like could be flimsy or be a lighter-weight fabric, always look to have a Lining in it. Then you don't have to buy additional undergarments.

The buttons are made of cheap plastic

The garment has difficult zippers.

Low-quality zippers aren't worth your money or your time. In July 2023, Wang posted the YouTube video, "How to tell the difference between good and bad quality clothes (in 5 easy points!)." One of the tips she offered viewers was to test the zipper not just when you're holding the garment, but when you're wearing it, too.

"Zippers can zip differently when they're flat versus when they're on your body," she said in the video.

Another tip that Wang offered in her video was to take a closer look at the buttons: Are they cheap plastic, or are they higher quality?

Another potential red flag could be that the buttons don't actually work; they're just sewn into place for decoration rather than function.

The garment lacks symmetry in its patterns or pockets.

"If the garment has symmetrical design features, you want to just double check that it does indeed look the same on both sides," said Wang. The same is true for less noticeable details like pockets, which should by symmetrical on each side of the garment.

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The Oven Temperature You Should Default To For Roasting Veggies

Roasted vegetables are the perfect side dish for almost any dinner. They require little effort outside of some olive oil and seasonings, so you can pop them in the oven while you cook the rest of your meal (check them intermittently to avoid burning, though). The most important part of roasting veggies is getting that oven temperature just right you want them to crisp up and turn golden brown on the outside without leaving them in so long that the insides turn too soft. And to do this, 425 degrees Fahrenheit is the ideal temperature.

This temperature is the best for roasting most kinds of veggies. There are exceptions to every rule, so you might come across a dish that suggests roasting at 400 or 450 degrees Fahrenheit; in this case, follow the recipe. Sometimes, a lower or higher temperature is better depending on whether you're roasting the vegetables in sauce or with other ingredients. For perfectly roasted veggies, timing is everything, so try to put vegetables together that reach peak doneness around the same time to prevent burning or undercooking.

425 Degrees Fahrenheit Is The Sweet Spot For Roasting Vegetables

While 425 degrees Fahrenheit is a widely recommended temperature across the board, there are still techniques to follow to ensure your veggies roast properly. For even roasting, make sure you slice or chop them uniformly. Don't pair thickly cut vegetables with thinly sliced ones because the cooking times will vary too much.

To help the roasting process along, add some oil. Olive oil is a great option here because it will add flavor to the dish that neutral oils can't. You can toss the veggies in oil at the start of the cooking process or even dry roast them with no olive oil. Be sure to add kosher or sea salt, enhancing the flavors while drawing out water, which helps the vegetables get that goldenbrown color. Set them flat on a baking sheet or, for more even cooking, place the veggies on a wire rack set atop a baking sheet so the heat can hit them on all sides.

Tips And Tricks For Roasting Vegetables

Vegetables can easily burn at 425 degrees Fahrenheit if you don't keep a close eye on them. If you're roasting something delicate, like sliced zucchini, don't give it more than 20 minutes. The same goes for thinly sliced veggies or generally thin veggies. Check them after 10 minutes. Thicker, heavier veggies, such as potatoes, could take up to 45 minutes, while extra-large produce, such as halved butternut squash, might require a full hour. If you're roasting vegetables flatly on a baking sheet, flip them halfway through cooking to ensure both sides get equally browned.

For perfectly roasted frozen vegetables, preheat the oven as normal, but place them on a wire rack above a baking sheet with no olive oil for just a few minutes to let the water evaporate. Then, add some oil and seasonings, and roast either on the wire rack or a baking sheet.

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HowASprinkleOfBakingSodaCanMakeYour TomatoPlantsThrive

"A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down," but when it comes to your tomato plants, a sprinkle of baking soda performs sweet miracles. Yes, that humble box of baking soda is much more than your secret ingredient in a mouth-watering chocolate cake. In this case, it can help your tomato plants thrive, fostering an abundant crop of plump, juicy fruits.

Picture it. Your garden becoming an unwelcoming place for pesky pests like aphids, snails, slugs, and even those infamous rabbits (you may now envision yourself as a gardening superhero), all through the introduction of baking soda. Plus, baking soda is a natural fungal disease repellent. But note the compound won't sweeten your tomatoes or coax them to flower leave that to plant nutrients and sunlight.

As with all secret concoctions, timing and measurement are critical when using baking soda for tomato plants. Depending on your mission, you can shower the powder at the base of your tomato plants or douse the leaves with a baking soda solution. However, restraint is the name of the game here. Try it on a few plants before using it on all of them.

Baking Soda Benefits For Tomato Plants

Those dreaded fungal diseases powdery mildew, leaf spot, anthracnose, blight that feast upon your lovely tomatoes, etching their ominous designs on leaves and fruit alike might be avoided. With its mild-alkali armor, baking soda ruthlessly disrupts the unruly party of fungi spores, rendering your garden a less-than-favorable abode.

Now onto the meddlesome pests: aphids, slugs, snails, and the occasional rabbit. They nibble and, worse, can maim your precious tomato plants. Baking soda releases carbon dioxide when ingested, leaving most critters gasping for breath. Weeds latch onto your plant's nutritional Resources. Sprinkling a generous amount of sodium bicarbonate onto these unwelcome guests can end the mess. However, using baking soda for weeds is a double-edged sword, as too much can damage plants and water via sodium infiltration.

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How To Use Baking Soda On Tomato Plants

Sprinkling a quarter cup of baking soda on the base of your tomato plants can remedy both pH imbalances and pest problems. "Is it safe to put baking soda on tomato plants?" you may ask. Well, be careful where you aim sodium bicarbonate can wreak havoc on your tomato plants á la an opera diva overdoing a high note. If using baking soda for pH optimization, drench the soil with water postapplication to boost absorption. Then, evaluate any shift in soil pH after a week or two.

Averting a potential fungal fiesta? Baking soda spray for tomato plants could be your Houdini card. Concocting this potion requires 1 tablespoonful of baking soda, 1 teaspoon of gentle dish soap, powdered aspirin, and a teaspoonful of vegetable oil (adjuvant) whisked into 1 gallon of water. The aspirin is not for your headache from the pests but to flex the immunity of your plants. And the soap? It's a surfactant, breaking down oils and wax on leaves to aid contact and enhance results. However, baking soda solution won't cure infected plants.

And so you might ask, "How often should I spray my tomato plants with baking soda to help them thrive?" Once in seven to 10 days tops the chart. And if temperature readings indicate an imminent heatwave (around 80 degrees Fahrenheit)? Please save the task for a kinder day. Also, conduct a mini-experiment with a couple of tomato plants before unleashing your sodium bicarbonate superpower on a grand scale.

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Keep Your Citrus Trees Healthy During Winter With This Genius Idea

Citrus trees grow in warm climates, so it goes without saying that they're not usually great at withstanding very cold temperatures. In fact, as anyone who has attempted to grow their own citrus trees (or fig trees) will know, a frosty snap has the potential to take them out. That said, thanks to a helpful tip from gardening TikToker, Rosemary Grows, this winter, that can be easily avoided. All you'll need is a wheelbarrow for each tree.

Any temps between 26 degrees Fahrenheit and 32 degrees Fahrenheit can wreak havoc on your bounty. What's more, 30 minutes to two hours is all it takes for some trees to be damaged. The most effective option for healthy trees during cold weather months is to bring the trees indoors. Potting the trees can help a lot with that ... but enter, dilemma #2: Hauling a bunch of pots indoors (especially as your trees grow) isn't always easy. You'll want your trees to be easily movable, instead and that's where wheelbarrows come in.

By planting your citrus trees in wheelbarrows, you're all set for weather changes. Simply wheel the plants indoors when necessary, and when it's warmer, wheel them right back out. Plant protection, made easy. This may not be budget-friendly, but it is effective.

Step one: grab a wheelbarrow. Rosemary Grows opted for a Gorilla Carts 8-cu ft Plastic Yard Cart, available at Lowe's. However, you can use one you already have if you'd prefer. From there, drill a few holes into the bottom. Then, top with soil and fertilizer, plant the tree, and water. Your newly planted citrus tree can be moved in and out of a garage, enclosed porch, or greenhouse whenever a winter freeze is predicted.

Granted, as many TikTok users pointed out in the comments, wheelbarrows are a little on the pricey side. For that reason, whether you're repurposing a cart you already have, or purchasing a new one, one viewer suggested the added step of treating the cart with a UV protector, easily found on Amazon in a wipe formulation.

If a wheelbarrow isn't in your budget right now, and if you'd rather not drill into the one you have, one alternative suggested by a commenter was a wheeled, outdoor trash can. A significantly cheaper option at $41 for two 32-gallon cans on Amazon, this is definitely a viable option for bigger trees. However, if your trees are younger and on the smaller side, carry your regular pots indoors. A pot too big can lead to rotting and given just how much you want your citrus trees to survive the winter, that's a risk not worth taking.

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How to Clean Your Windows Inside and Out, According to Cleaning Pros

A splatter of cooking grease here, a cute dog nose smudge there our windows are dirt magnets. And we hate to break the news to you, but there’s a good chance that you’re cleaning yours wrong. Even if you’re a pro at cleaning, it’s all too easy to end up with streaks on the glass, not to mention leftover dirt and debris that you didn’t wash off properly. But learning how to clean windows isn’t hard nope, not even the windows outside that you can’t reach. You just need some insider tricks to get the job done right.

We consulted Ken Fisk, director of technical services at Window Genie, to get the lowdown on this task. Loaded: 100.00%

How to prep your windows for cleaning

Don't wet your windows just yet! A little prep will go a long way to ensure you don't miss a spot and that you protect your blinds and windowsill from potential damage. Fisk recommends the following steps:

 Lay a clean, dry towel across the sill to collect debris and prevent water from accumulating on the wood.

 Close the blind slats and dust them before pulling them up to the top of the window.

 If you have fabric window treatments, remove them so they don't get splashed. Shake them as you remove them, or put machine-safe ones in the dryer for a short tumble on the air-dry setting. This will remove the dust and prevent it from being redeposited on clean windows.

 Remove screens (labeling each one, so you know which window it belongs to) and set aside, in a safe place, for cleaning.

 Sweep away cobwebs and loose dirt from frames, hinges

and tracks.

Fisk reaches for a tool found in the sporting-goods section, an umpire brush yes, the one that's used to sweep home plate at a baseball stadium. Turns out, it's the ideal size for getting into those tiny crevices. Always make sure to dry sweep before wetting the windows to prevent water from mixing with the buildup and creating sludge.

How to clean windows on the inside

 Gently wipe the windowpane with a damp cloth. This will wet the glass while simultaneously removing the top layer of loose dirt.

 Next, spray a cleaner you might find in the grocery, or one you mix yourself, on the window. Begin toward the top of the glass and spray a narrow line down the center. Stay away from the edges or non-glass surfaces, since they can be damaged by over-spraying.

 Use a dry, lint-free towel, ideally a microfiber cloth, to wash the window, spreading the solution across the glass. This will work better than paper towels which can leave behind lint.

 Apply light pressure on any stubborn, stuck-on gunk.

Once all the dirt is off the windows, it's time to dry them. Working from the top down to prevent drips, dry the glass with a squeegee or clean, dry, lint-free towel.

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How to clean windows without streaks

 Streaks happen during the drying process, so pay close attention to how you dry the glass. The key: Always work from the top down, says Fisk. Otherwise, water will trickle onto the clean window, leaving streaks behind.

 Always keep the squeegee blade or towel in contact with the glass. Skipping causes drips.

 Opt for the S method instead of wiping in straight lines. Fisk says the S, or swivel, method "is faster than most other methods" because you cover more surface area more quickly and that means there's less chance of the glass air-drying, which causes streaks.

Starting from the top, move the towel or squeegee across the glass as if you were writing the letter S. Each pass will draw the water or cleaner back to the center, where you will then pick it up during the next curved pass.

How to clean windows on the outside

While exterior windows may seem intimidating, they're actually a lot easier to tackle. That's because you can use a garden hose instead of painstakingly wiping each and every pane of glass.

Turn your garden hose into a commercial window sprayer. Screw a jug of any outdoor glass-cleaning solution to your garden hose, and spray the glass. Then unscrew the jug, screw the spray nozzle back on and rinse with plain water. No scrubbing or drying required!

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Is Canned Tuna Healthy?

In a perfect world, you'd be able to have a fresh piece of salmon straight out of the oven whenever you want, or a perfectly seared tuna filet hot and ready to go. But we all know fresh fish can be expensive and sometimes difficult to make. If you're wanting the flavors of fish, as well as its benefits related to the health of your heart and brain, but can't always afford to make it fresh, opting for something like canned tuna is a helpful choice. But is tuna from a can still healthy?

Canned tuna can offer a handful of benefits like a protein and boost and healthy fats, but it also gets a bad rap for being higher in sodium like many other canned foods, as well as potentially leading to mercury exposure. Mercury, which is found in many different types of fish and seafood, has been a growing concern because of the impact in can have on our cognitive health.

Benefits of canned tuna: You'll get a boost of protein

When you think of protein, your mind may go straight to eggs, chicken, beef, and so on but don't forget about fish! One of the main benefits of eating canned tuna is that it is an affordable, easy way to get a protein boost. In fact, a whole can has about 40 grams of protein, with a 3-ounce serving containing around 20 grams.

Tuna is also considered to be a complete protein, which means it carries all nine essential amino acids, and not all sources of protein do. For instance, while fish, eggs, poultry, beef, tofu, and tempeh are complete proteins, things like nuts, vegetables, and legumes are incomplete. This doesn't mean that incomplete proteins aren't important, it's just necessary to get a combination of both. This fish is extremely low in fat and carbohydrates, and is made up of around 90% protein.

You can support brain and eye health

Like many other types of fish and seafood, canned tuna is high in omega-3 fatty acids, and this healthy type of fat has a lengthy list of potential benefits. Studies have shown that dietary consumption of omega-3s can help with depression symptoms and overall mood, as well as helping to slow age-related cognitive decline. Recent research reports have also concluded that omega-3s can help with lowering cholesterol, reducing blood clots, and lowering inflammation. Because of this, the American Heart Association recommends two servings of fish per week.

You might eat too much sodium

A potential side effect of eating canned tuna is that many brands are heavy on the sodium. For example, a 3-ounce serving of Bumble Bee White Albacore Tuna has 210 milligrams of sodium, and Chicken of the Sea has 360 milligrams. Consistently eating too much sodium can lead to high blood pressure and cardiovascular issues. This amount of sodium may not seem like a lot at first. But with the recommended daily allowance being no more than 2,300 milligrams of sodium, a canned tuna snack can easily cause

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you to go above your daily limit. For a lower sodium canned tuna option, try something like Genova Premium Albacore Tuna, or other brands specifying that they are low in sodium.

You can also consume a lot of fat in one sitting Canned tuna either comes in water or oil, and while the varieties in oil come with a bigger flavor and a moister texture, it can often pack in a bit too much fat for one snack.

According to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, it is recommended to make sure 20-35% of your daily diet is fat, which is between 44 and 78 grams of fat per day on a 2,000 calorie diet. Ten grams in a can of tuna is a large chunk of your daily recommended value.

And mercury poisoning is a possible risk

A common question that people have when it comes to canned tuna is whether or not they will risk getting mercury poisoning, which research shows can lead to cognitive impairment and memory loss. The short answer is yes, but different varieties of tuna contain different levels of mercury.

According to Consumer Reports, the five most popular tuna brands (Wild Planet, Bumble Bee, StarKist, Chicken of the Sea, and Safe Catch) all contained certain levels of mercury. However, albacore across all of the brands contained more mercury than skipjack or light varieties on average. This may leave you wondering if eating canned tuna is safe, but the FDA says adults should be fine eating one or two servings of fish per week, as long as those who are pregnant or breastfeeding avoid tuna and other fish that may contain mercury.

Also, according to the journal Environmental Research tuna contains selenium, which is a nutrient that actually have protective qualities against the mercury found in tuna and other fish.

So, is canned tuna good for you?

There's a lot to consider before making yourself a tuna salad sandwich. Canned tuna is high in helpful nutrients like protein and omega-3 fatty acids, and it can make for a deliciously satiating snack to keep you full in between meals. Or, it can be enjoyed as a part of a main meal in order to help you reach your daily protein goals. Even though some varieties are higher in sodium or fat, you can look for brands that have lower levels of both.

As long as you find the brand you trust that is lower in sodium and fat, eating canned tuna a couple of times a week can be perfectly safe and a healthy part of your daily diet.

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Allen Frawley

Tony Forte & Leslie Simon

Raymond & Patricia Dawson

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5/12 Bill
5/22 Doreen
5/23 Lee
Stein 5/27
5/1 Neal Barlin 5/3 John Milano 5/10 Lougene Lampasona 5/10 Claire Brennan 5/13 Lois Bauer 5/13 John Lampasona 5/13 Josephine Suozzi 5/14 Susan Koehn 5/15 James Malone 5/16 Marie Costignola 5/17 Darlene Kick 5/18 Marsha Darvin 5/20 John Ward 5/25 Marie
Dominick & Linda Distefano
Dominic & June Livaccari
& Daria Macomber
and Buddy Sullivan
& Ann


• • 12 ounces uncooked penne

• 1 pound medium-size peeled, deveined raw shrimp

• • 1 cup frozen sweet peas

• • 1 (7-oz.) container refrigerated basil pesto

• • 1/4 teaspoon kosher salt

• • 1/4 teaspoon black pepper

• • 1 ounce Parmesan cheese, shaved (about 1/2 cup)


Prepare pasta according to package directions in a pot of salted boiling water, adding shrimp and peas to water during final 2 minutes of cook time.

Drain pasta mixture, reserving 1/2 cup cooking water in a small heatproof bowl. Return pasta mixture to pot.

Add pesto, salt, and pepper to pasta mixture; stir to combine. Stir in reserved cooking water as needed, 1/4 cup at a time, until desired consistency is reached.

Transfer pasta mixture to a serving bowl; sprinkle with Parmesan.

Serve immediately.


• • 1 tablespoon olive oil

• 1 small red onion, sliced

• • 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt, divided

• • 1/2 teaspoon black pepper, divided

• • 14 ounces store-bought fresh pizza dough

• • 6 figs, thinly sliced crosswise, divided

• • 8 ounces goat cheese, crumbled (about 2 cups)

• • 1/4 cup balsamic vinegar

• 1 cup loosely packed arugula


Preheat oven to 450°F. Heat oil in a saucepan over medium.

Add red onion and 1/4 teaspoon each of the kosher salt and pepper. Cook, stirring, until tender, 2 minutes.

Roll pizza dough into a 1/4-inch-thick, 17- x 11-inch rectangle.

Place on a large baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Sprinkle with remaining 1/4 teaspoon each salt and pepper.

Top evenly with cooked onions, one-third of the fig slices, and cheese. Bake until crust is lightly browned and done, 15 to 20 minutes.

Meanwhile, cook balsamic vinegar in a small saucepan over medium-high until reduced by half, about 5 minutes. Top flatbread with remaining figs, arugula, and balsamic reduction.

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