How Carbon Laser Peel Correct Skin Imperfections

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How Carbon Laser Peel Correct Skin Imperfections

Carbon laser peel is a non-invasive skin rejuvenation treatment. This treatment uses a combination of laser and carbon peel, and corrects a variety of skin imperfections.

In this article of Dr. Ishaa Junejaa Aesthetics- a renowned clinic for carbon laser treatment in Chandigarh, Dr. Ishaa Junejaa will address skin issues and their effective treatments using carbon laser peel. Read on to get detailed insights.

1. Acne and Acne Scars

Acne is a common skin issue that can occur at any age. These contagious bumps are caused by hormonal imbalance and excessive secretion of sebum oil that clogs skin pores. As a result, the skin's freshness gets disturbed and leads to discomfort.

Carbon laser peels exfoliate the dead skin cells and clear the clogged pores, lessening the appearance of acne. The heat of laser light kills the germs caused by acne. Furthermore, it improves collagen formation and the texture and tone of the skin using carbon laser peel gets enhanced. The treatment can also be used to lessen the appearance of acne scars.

2. Fine Lines and Wrinkles

In addition to being a normal component of aging, fine lines and wrinkles can also be brought on by environmental causes, including sunlight and toxic elements in the environment. It damages the formation of collagen, cells and tissues responsible for the skin’s youthfulness.

Carbon laser peel processes for stimulation of collagen, whose deficiency causes fine lines and wrinkles. The procedure assists in correcting these premature aging signs. A carbon laser peel can help fill up the skin and lessen the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles by boosting the production of collagen, a protein responsible for the skin's suppleness.

3. Pigmentation Issues

Pigmentation (liver spots, melasma, hyperpigmentation, freckles) is impossible to treat by applying creams and makeup. Pigmentation needs medical concern. In regard to this, Carbon laser peel can be an effective treatment.

Carbon laser peel works on the root causes of pigmentation. It breaks the pigmentation and fills the required deficiency (Hyaluronic acid, Glycolic Acid etc.) through chemical peel in the skin and promotes the growth of new skin cells. The laser's heat also helps stimulate collagen production, which can help improve the skin's texture and tone.

4. Dull Skin

Various reasons, including sun damage, stress, unhealthy diet, and lack of skin care habits cause facial dullness. Facial dullness invites premature aging and breaks down self-confidence. Once the facial dullness starts, it is unstoppable no matter what cosmetic or changes in lifestyle one has.

In such circumstances, carbon laser peel can help to rejuvenate the skin by exfoliating dead skin cells and promoting the growth of new, healthy skin cells. The laser's heat also helps stimulate collagen production, which can help improve the skin's texture and tone.

The Procedure of Carbon Laser Peel

The general procedure of carbon laser peel inculcates the below-mentioned steps:

1. Preparation

The patient's face is meticulously cleaned to remove all of their makeup, grime, and oil before the treatment. Then, a thin layer of activated liquid carbon or charcoal is applied to the area to be treated, then uniformly spreads out in an upward motion. The practitioner begins the laser therapy about 10 minutes after the carbon has dried.

2. Laser Application

A Q-switched Nd: YAG laser is used to heat and vaporize the carbon particles on the skin's surface after the carbon lotion has dried. Dead skin cells, debris, and oil are carried away as the carbon particles explode due to the laser light.

3. Gentle Exfoliation

The laser gently exfoliates the skin as it moves over it, eliminating the top layer of dead skin cells to expose younger-looking, fresher skin beneath. The heat from the laser also encourages the growth of collagen, which helps to tighten and firm the skin.

4. Cooling Mask

An after-laser cooling mask is intended to calm the skin and lessen any redness or irritation the laser may have created. The patient's face is once again cleaned to remove any lingering carbon residue and dirt once the cooling mask has been removed.

Depending on the size of the treatment area, the full process normally takes between 30 and an hour. While the carbon laser peel has no associated downtime, some patients may notice a slight redness and swelling right after. These side effects often go away within a few hours.

5. Post-Operative Care

Patients are advised to stay out of the sun for at least two weeks following the treatment and to use high-SPF sunscreen whenever possible. Additionally, they should wait at least a week after the procedure before utilizing abrasive skincare products or exfoliants.

Result and Recovery after Carbon Laser Peel

⚫ The candidate can notice a skin brightening immediately after the carbon laser peel treatment. This stays noticeable for 1 to 2 weeks.

⚫ Throughout the subsequent treatment sessions, the outcomes keep improving.

⚫ Open/large pores are significantly reduced, less sebum is produced, and active acne lesions seem better.

⚫ The skin tone becomes more even, less congested, and less pigmented.

⚫ The formation of new collagen and elastin enhances the complexion, gradually giving a fresher and cleaner look.

Thereis littleto no downtimefollowing aCarbonLaserPeel treatment, with benefits beginning to show immediately after the first treatment session. The candidate should anticipate modest skin irritation during the first three days after the treatment and probable skin dryness or light skin flaking for the first four to five days. All these subsides with time. The applicants can immediately return to their regular daily schedule.

Cost of Carbon Laser Peel Treatment

The cost of a carbon laser peel in Chandigarh is determined by the skin expert’s knowledge, clinic’s location, technology and equipment used in the procedure. The candidates' skin condition, number of sessions required, aftercare products, etc. also influences the cost. In such circumstances, carbon laser peel treatment’s cost in Chandigarh varies from one clinic to another. As a result, an ideal cost of treatment is difficult to determine. But the candidate, by visiting a concerned best skin clinic in Chandigarh, can learn about the price of the treatment.

Regarding this, one can visit Dr. Ishaa Junjaa Aesthetics and consult the treatment with Dr. Ishaa Junejaa- a renowned skin doctor in Chandigarh.

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