5 Things That the Enlightenment Frequency Does

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5 Things That the Enlightenment Frequency Does

It helps Unblock the Crown Chakra

Our spine consists of seven chakras, and each of the chakras is responsible for our physical and mental wellness. The blockage of any of the chakras causes health issues or bad mental health. The crown chakra situated at the top of the head is responsible for radiating energy.

Listening to 963 Hz enlightenment frequency results in unblocking the crown chakra, and you feel energetic and feel connected with your inner self.

Helps Enhance Intuition

We are well versed with the term ‘intuition’. But what very few people know is that sharp intuitions are considered as working of the ‘sixth sense’. It helps us understand a situation or anything happening around us, without any reasoning. Solfeggio tones played at 963 Hz frequency result in enhancing the intuition within us, by activating the crown chakra.

Helps Reduce Anxiety

Like any other peaceful music that brings a wave of harmony to our bodies and minds, 963 Hz, also known as the enlightenment frequency, also helps to decrease anxiety disorders. People having trouble coping with anxiety have reported positive results after seeking music therapies. Also, the 963 Hz frequency helps to decrease stress levels, for which many people nowadays are seeking music therapy for mind healing and relaxation.

Helps Enhance Wisdom

The crown chakra is known to be related to the pineal gland. What does the pineal gland do?

Well, it is present inside our brains and is the main source from where melatonin is produced. This particular hormone is responsible for the regulation of the circadian clock of the body.

Listening to 963 Hz enlightenment frequency tones helps loads to deliver bursts of energy throughout the body. Also, the activation of the crown chakra helps attain wisdom among people.

Helps to Provide Clarity

Since the crown chakra is considered to be connecting ourselves with spiritual consciousness, its blockage might have consequences like lack of clarity while thinking, lack of energy to perform any kind of work, and lack of depth and understanding. Listening to 963 Hz frequency is associated with activation of the crown chakra, and helps provide clarity and a deeper understanding of one’s inner self.

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