Choose the happiness habit

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Make Happiness Your #1 Priority Now you know what happiness is, why it is important, and where to find it. Your next step is to make happiness a habit. First, you have to recognize that your happiness is the most important thing in the world. There is no greater contribution you can make to the world than to become a person who consistently experiences joy and enthusiasm for life. The best way for you to have happy loved ones, children, and co-workers is for you to be happy. They will follow your lead. No matter what you say, if you are stopped by adversity, they probably will be too. If you take setbacks in stride and get right back on track you provide a model for them to follow. Following the HabitBuilder will help motivate you to success but it will not take the place of your personal commitment. As we said earlier, building new habits to replace negative entrenched habits will take discipline and time. You can begin your happiness habit right now by saying, “I choose to live a happy life.�


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