Dictionary of Professional Development

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Exploring inclusive methods of professional development in Leeds


PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT (Un)defining inclusive artistic development

Alice Alice Alfie Debbie Jade James Katie Liam Ria Victor

What does "professional development" mean to you? This question was the starting point of a research workshop in November 2021. We noticed that we all had different understandings, feelings and experiences of professional development and wanted to capture these so we could discuss them together as a group. We created this dictionary as a way of discussing and recording the different meanings. It shares our interpretations, sometimes in words and sometimes in pictures.


Aspiration [ as-puh-rey-shuhn ] noun

a goal or objective that is strongly desired


Building Skills [ bil-ding skils ]

developing ability to do something well


C.V [ c-v ] noun

a detailed account of work experience, professional training, and educational background, prepared by a person applying for a job

Career Goal [ kuh-reer gohl ] noun

statements that describe how you plan to progress in your profession

Capaltilist [ kap-i-tl-ist ] noun

an advocate of capitalism: doing things to make money

Change [ cheynj ] verb

to make something different from what it is or from what it would be if left alone

Checklist [ chek-list ] noun

a list of items, as names or tasks, for comparison, verification, or other checking purposes

Competence [ kom-pi-tuhns ] noun

the quality of being competent; adequacy; possession of required skill, knowledge, qualification, or capacity


Daunting [ dawn-ting] adjective

causing fear or discouragement; intimidating

Development [ dih-vel-uhp-muhnt ] noun

the act or process of developing; growth; progress


Exclusive [ ik-skloo-siv ] adjective

Not admitting of the existence or presence of (something); unable to co-exist, incompatible

Experimentation [ ik-sper-uh-men-tey-shuhn] noun

the act, process, practice, or an instance of making experiments


Future [ fyoo-cher ] noun

time that is to be or come; a condition, especially of success or failure, to come

(getting) Funding [ fuhnd-ing] noun

a supply of money or pecuniary resources, as for some purpose


Growing [ groh-ing ] adjective

becoming greater over a period of time

Getting Better [ get-ing [ bet-er ] ] verb

to improve


Higher Education [ high-er ej-oo-key-shuhn ] noun

education beyond high school, specifically that provided by colleges, graduate schools, and professional schools


Improving [ im-proov - ing] verb

the process or practice of making better, more valuable

Important [ im-pawr-tnt ] adjective

of much or great significance or consequence

Intimidating [ in-tim-i-dey-ting ] adjective

having a frightening, overawing, or threatening effect


(getting a) Job [job] noun

a piece of work for an agreed price


Knowing [ noh-ing ] adjective

that knows; having knowledge or information; intelligent


Learning [ lur-ning ] noun

the act or process of acquiring knowledge or skill

Livelihood [ lahyv-lee-hood ] noun

a means of supporting one's existence, especially financially or vocationally


Mastery [ mas-tuh-ree] noun

command or grasp, as of a subject, product or project


Never Ending [ nev-er-en-ding ] adjective

having or likely to have no end

Networking [ net-wur-king ] noun

the action or process of interacting with others to exchange information and develop professional or social contacts


Passion [ pash-uhn ] noun

any powerful or compelling emotion or feeling

Paperwork [ pey-per-wurk ] noun

written or administrative work forming a necessary but often a routine and secondary part of some work or job

a Path [pahth ] noun

To go on or along (a course, way, etc.); to traverse

Payment [ pey-muhnt ] noun

something that is paid; an amount paid; compensation; recompense

Plan [ plan ] verb

to arrange a method or scheme beforehand


Qualification [ kwol-uh-fi-key-shuhn ] noun

The action or process of qualifying, or the condition of being qualified, for some position or function

Quality [ kwol-i-tee ] noun

the standard of something as measured against other things of a similar kind


Responsibility [ ri-spon-suh-bil-i-tee ] noun

being responsible, answerable, or accountable for something within one's power, control, or management

Risk [ kwol-i-tee ] noun

character with respect to fineness, or grade of excellence


Serious [ seer-ee-uhs ] noun/verb

requiring thought, concentration, or application: weighty or important

Sell Yourself [ sel yoor-self] verb/pronoun

proactive steps to convince another of one's merits, to present oneself in a favorable light

Standard [ stan-derd ] noun

something considered by an authority or by general consent as a basis of comparison; an approved model or sysyem of value

Researching [ree-surch -ing] verb

investigate carefully


Training [ trey-ning ] noun

the education, instruction, or discipline of a person or thing that is being trained

Teamwork [ teem-wurk ] noun

cooperative effort on the part of a group acting together in the interests of a common cause


Unfinished Things [ uhn-fin-isht things]

incomplete or unaccomplished entities, matters, affairs


Value [ val-yoo ] noun

the material monetary worth of something

Vision [ vizh-uhn ] noun

the ability to think about or plan the future with imagination or wisdom a mental image. a fanciful one of the future


Work [ wurk ] noun/verb

activity involving physical or mental effort and undertaken in order to achieve a result to be employed, especially as a means of earning one's livelihood

Worth [ wurth ] noun

good or important enough to justify the level at which someone or something deserves to be valued or rated

Dictionary of Professional Development, 2022

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