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VIsuaL thInKIng

Understand the Essence



visual grammar

capturing the big picture

seeing relationships

The Business Model Canvas poster is a concep-

By sketching out all the elements of the Canvas you

Understanding a business model requires not only

tual map that functions as a visual language with

immediately give viewers the big picture of a busi-

knowing the compositional elements, but also

corresponding grammar. It tells you which pieces

ness model. A sketch provides just the right amount

grasping the interdependencies between elements.

of information to insert in the model, and where. It

of information to allow a viewer to grasp the idea,

This is easier to express visually than through words.

provides a visual and text guide to all the informa-

yet not too much detail to distract him. The Business

This is even more true when several elements and

tion needed to sketch out a business model.

Model Canvas visually simplifies the reality of an

relationships are involved. In describing the business

enterprise with all its processes, structures, and sys-

model of a low-cost airline, for example, drawings

tems. In a business model like Rolls-Royce’s, where

can effectively show why a homogenous fleet of

jet engine units are leased by the hour rather than

airplanes is crucial to keeping maintenance and

sold, it is the big picture, rather than the individual

training costs low.

pieces, that is compelling.

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6/15/10 5:41 PM

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