26 June - 2013 Global Report on the UN International Day in Support of Victims of Torture

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North America and Pacific

CODE PINK Women for Peace

United States CODE PINK held a “Close Guantanamo� solidarity protest on 26 June outside the offices of Sen ator Diane Feinstein in San Francisco, California. They planned to deliver a letter to the Senator’s office. Further, they had banners and tape to put over mouths in solidarity with the hunger strikers at the US prison at Guantanamo Bay.

Florida Center for Survivors of Torture (FCST)

United States On 26 June, FCST partnered with the Florida Holocaust Museum to commemorate the day. This event featured a screening of the documentary Beneath the Blindfold by Ines Sommer and Kathy Berger. Following the film screening, a panel discussion highlighted the work that providers and survivors conduct together. Three providers and three survivors, including one holocaust survivor participated. Audience members were afforded the opportunity to ask questions to the survivors subsequent to the panel discussion. During our event, FCST recognised several providers with the Human Spirit Award that identified community partners who donated unselfishly of their time and services. Community service announcements inviting visitors to this event were sent to area news. Approximately 100 people were in attendance for this event.

FCST joined with the Florida Holocaust Museum to commemorate 26 June. Pictured here is the Herbert & Isabel Savel Teaching Gallery Wall at the museum.

Survivors of Torture, International

United States This year, Survivors of Torture, International held its annual summer ice cream social where supporters could lend their voice to support torture survivors through expressing their beliefs through photos and social media as well as writing a letter to Senator Feinstein to increase the amount of funding appropriated for domestic torture treatment programmes through $16 million. In addition, clients and staff participated in a picnic at a local park. Over 20 clients of all ages (children, adults and seniors) enjoyed a healing time and sunshine together. They created their own signs in support of torture treatment. Finally, the communications relations manager participated in a political podcast that was released on 26 June. The topic of the podcast was torture and torture treatment. Survivors, clients, supporters and staff gathered for a picnic and some sunshine, during which many joined the social media campaign to highlight 26 June online.


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