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only in 3 countries worldwide (Greece, Germany and Mexico). Circulating neoplastic cells are evaluated in the blood and their reaction to diverse cyto toxic agents, to determine which chemotherapy agents are the most effective and compatible with the biochemistry of each patient. The main chemotherapeutic groups that are analyzed in this test are: - Anti- Metabolic - Anti Biotic Anti Tumoral - Alkaline Agents - Topoisomerase Inhibitors - Mitotic Agents - Natural Metabolic Agents


A medical protocol that uses insulin to modify the cancerous cell’s biochemical conditions, creating a permeabilization of the cell membrane, allowing a more efficient administration of the chemotherapy. The medicinal properties are potentiated by the insulin effect, requiring only a 15% dosage of chemo, considerably reducing cytotoxicity and side effects. OUR I.P.T.L.D LOW DOSE CHEMO THERAPIES INCLUDE: *Immune Support *Hyperthermia (a previous evaluation is needed to see if you quality for this treatment) *Specific Organ Support (depending on location of cancer) *Specific Symptom Relief *High Dose Vitamin C+ Drips *Nutritional Fortification *Nutritional Guideline *Supplement Guideline *Ozone Therapy *Bio-Energetic Treatments for Chronic Fatigue *Anti Fungal related with Cancer


Treatments using natural chemotherapy are designed to fight cancer without cytotoxic effects, using medication extracted from plants with medicinal anti cancer properties and vegetable cortexes, like mistletoe, which will inhibit the proliferation of cancer without side effects. OUR NATURAL CHEMO THERAPIES INCLUDE: * Detoxification * Nutritional Fortification * Hyperthermia (a previous evaluation is needed to see if you quality for this treatment) * Immune Support * High Dose Vitamin C+ * Bio-Energy Treatments for Chronic Fatigue

I.P.T®. and I.P.T.L.D.® are official trademarks of Donato Pérez García, M.D. All rights reserved.



Treatments for different levels of intoxication: * Moderate * High * Critical Our detoxification treatments include an I.V. protocol of biological medicines that stimulate specific organs and toxin drainage, strengthening and improving the lymphatic system, which promotes toxic waste from liver, kidneys lungs and intestines. *Nutritional Guideline *Supplement Guideline that promote detoxification *A 7-Day Detox Program *Oxygen Therapy *Colonic Therapy and colon cleansing thru natural fibers. *List of new habits to include in your every day life, that offers healthier lifestyle and prevent future intoxications.


Using powerful antimycotics, depending on the type of fungus that affects the patient, plus a combination of sodium bicarbonate and other compounds that will alter the bio chemical conditions in which the fungus resides. Maximum efficiency is assured when administered with the protocol of “Insulin Potentiation Therapy”. Immune system support is also an important part of your anti fungal treatment, to prevent recurrences. OUR ANTI-FUNGAL TREATMENTS ALSO INCLUDE: * Immune Support * Ozone Therapy * Anti Fungal Diet * Supplement Guideline * Specific Organ Support (most affected by fungal infection) * Specific Symptom Relief (caused the fungal infection)


Using powerful anti parasitics, according the type of parasite that affects the patient, plus a combination of potent non-chemical anti bionics of natural origin and other compounds that will alter the bio chemical conditions in which the parasite propagates. OUR ANTI-PARASITIC TREATMENTS ALSO INCLUDE: * Immune Support * High Dose Vitamin C+ * Nutritional Fortification * Ozone Therapy * Supplement Guideline * Specific Organ Support (most affected by parasitic invasion) * Specific Symptom Relief (caused the parasite)

I.P.T®. and I.P.T.L.D.® are official trademarks of Donato Pérez García, M.D. All rights reserved.



Using the administration protocol of I.P.T. we apply anti virus medication plus a combination of potent anti biotics thru I.V. OUR ANTI-VIRAL TREATMENTS ALSO INCLUDE: * Immune Support * High Dose Vitamin C+ * Nutritional Fortification * Ozone Therapy * Supplement Guideline * Specific Organ Support (to the most damaged organ caused by the virus) * Specific Symptom Relief


Depending on the illness or medical condition and the organ that’s most affected, a fine combination of bio regulatory medication is selected, to give support specifically to the organ that needs it most, stimulating high efficiency and preventing further deterioration. Liver-. Promotes proper liver functioning, adding oligoelements and necessary nutrients to strengthen hepatic cells, drain toxin accumulation in this gland and prevent further deterioration. Stomach-. Using bio regulatory medicine, balance in the digestive enzyme levels is restored to ensure well decomposition of foods, protect the stomach from excessive gastric acid secretion, reduce inflammation and reduce high levels of acidity with alkaline agents. Uterus-. Reduces inflammation, using natural medication that will not interfere with hormonal processes, add support and maintenance to ovaries. Prostate-. The main support you can give to prostate problems is reducing inflammation and adding vigor. Kidneys-. We offer a full cleansing and kidney drainage support, to remove toxin and residue accumulation that directly interferes with its filtering function for better performance. Bladder-. This bladder support is mainly to reduce swelling, use alkaline agents to keep urine pH levels to normal, avoiding high acidity that may generate infections in the urinary tract as well as general cleansing support. Mammary Glands-. The medicine we use, plus the way it’s administered using IPT, can reduce inflammation in great deal as well as decongesting the mammary glands in a soft and gentle way without aggressive chemicals that may interfere with other medication.

I.P.T®. and I.P.T.L.D.® are official trademarks of Donato Pérez García, M.D. All rights reserved.



When contracting a chronic disease or infection, our immune system works excessively, trying at all cost to counteract the invasive agent. Nature provides us with an impressive defense system, non the less, with time, the lymphocyte production can begin deteriorating, as well as all other defensive cells responsible of fighting invasive agents. An immune support treatment must add sufficient nutrients and necessary elements to stimulate a healthy environment, capable of generating higher white cell production. Our Immune Support treatment adds essential nutrients for proper functioning, adequate oxygenation, oligoelements and minerals for maintaining a healthy bone marrow such as: Vitamin A and E, lycopene, beta carotene, lutein, selenium, alpha lipoid acid, green tea extract and more. The combinations of bio regulatory medicine are directed only and exclusively to the diverse lymphoid organs, such as: adenoids, lymph vessels and nodes and main glands. It’s important to keep them active and producing more lymphocytes. OUR IMMUNE SUPPORT TREATMENT ALSO INCLUDES: * High Dose Vitamin C+ Drips * Oxygen Therapy


Out of a patient’s blood sample, different blood components are separated to create an Autologous Dendritic Cell Vaccine, thru a process called Extra-Corporeal Photopheresis (ECPP). From the patient’s own blood, an anti cancer autologous vaccine is created, that when injected, will attack malignant cells using the same genetic material than cancerous cells. Dendritic cells will transport into the lymphatic glands where they’ll exposed to high concentrations of which cells, increasing a T-Cell activity, which are specialized in fighting viruses and cancer. There will be a previous evaluation to determine if you quality for this treatment.


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Amino Alka

Vit. C


This treatment offers a potent combination of vitamins, minerals, alkaline agents, oligoelements, amino acids, antioxidants, enzymes and high dosages of vitamin C+ for strengthen your immune system, boosting more energy to your recovery. The selection of these nutrients will be determined by Dr. Donato Pérez García, once a full medical evaluation is done. OUR NUTRIENT FORTIFICATION TREATMENTS ALSO INLCUDE: * Nutritional Guideline * Supplement Guideline * Oxygen Therapy * Bio-Energy Treatment

I.P.T®. and I.P.T.L.D.® are official trademarks of Donato Pérez García, M.D. All rights reserved.





A mega I.V. dosage of ascorbic acid has preventive and curative effect in illnesses where the immune system is greatly attacked, like cancer or AIDS. The body does not produce vitamin C+ and some diseases require a higher amount of this vitamin than a normal daily intake. Vitamin C+ is necessary in the production of collagen and biomolecules, it is a potent antioxidant and it is indispensable for sustaining a healthy immune system.

12. ANTI AGING TREATMENT (Non Esthetical)

A potent, high dose combination of antioxidants, essential vitamins that protect the cell from free radicals that cause oxidation, a deep cellular cleansing protocol to expel accumulated waste and toxins. A combination of biological medicine ampoules is administered via I.P.T. that stimulate collagen production in skin, hair and nails. OUR ANTI AGING TREATMENT ALSO INCLUDES: *Nutritional Guideline * Supplement Guideline * Oxygen Therapy



This treatment applies heat to the entire body, inducing a controlled fever to stimulate a higher production of antibody’s and apoptosis that can destroy malignant cells. Hyperthermia directly affects the tumor’s vascular system. Once the body perceives a heat increase, the vascular system like arteries, veins and capillary, are designed to expand but tumors are not. So when we apply heat to tumors, their blood flow is cut off, weakens and eventually dies, while stimulating the body’s own natural defenses.


Inflammation-. In order to reduce inflammation it is very important to first detect what’s causing it in order to attack the problem from the core, afterwards, we use biological medicine who’s natural ingredients like arnica and other extracts from vegetable cortexes, will reduce inflammation without irritation or other organ alteration. These ampoules do not counteract with other medication intake. Pain. All pain is caused by irritation of some nervous terminal in the body, it is important to firstly identify the cause of pain in order to select the proper combination of biologic painkillers in the affected area/organ. All these medications are administered thru I.V. and using the protocol of I.P.T. for better efficiency, fast and longer relief, depending on the intensity of the pain. Fatigue-. Knowing the origins of what’s causing fatigue must be discussed with the patient, learning his/her eating and sleeping habits, nervous tensions or other habits that might be causing fatigue. We use a potent combination of antioxidants and deep detoxification with I.P.T. that will help boost your energy. For chronic fatigue cases, see Bio Energetic Treatments.

I.P.T®. and I.P.T.L.D.® are official trademarks of Donato Pérez García, M.D. All rights reserved. 4.5/13

Allergies-. All thou we cannot promise a cure for your allergies, we can offer a temporary, fast and prolonged relief with I.V. medication that will reduce allergy related symptoms like: eye irritation, sneezing, congestion and skin redness. Using natural non-chemical substances will be gentler on your body and provide longer asymptomatic periods. The selection of these medications will depend on type and graveness of the allergy.


After a detailed evaluation and consultation with the patient to determine the cause of his/her chronic fatigue, the combination of medicinal compounds will be selected to deal exclusively with low energy problems, adding essential nutrients, high dose antioxidants, lymphatic system support and toxin drainage, vitamins and promoting good cellular oxygenation to add energy, vitality and restore the body’s natural balance. It’s important to continue your Follow Up and Maintenance Plan, at the end of your treatments, to avoid recurrences. OUR BIO-ENERGETIC TREATMENT ALSO INCLUDES:

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* Oxygen Therapy * Specific Organ Support: Liver, Lung and Intestine * Nutrient Fortification * Nutritional Guideline * Supplement Guideline * Detoxification Treatments

Omega 9 O2

Amino Alka

Vit. C


I.P.T. Treatments for Other Chronic and Infectious Illnesses: 16, Prostatitis 17. Arthritis and Rheumatism 18. Digestive Problems 19. Anemia and Malnutrition 20. Multiple Sclerosis 21. Lyme’s Disease


Nutrient intake and combinations are important when following a medical treatment. You need to know which foods encourage or hinder your medical condition plus identifying better ways to get the most out of your nutrients. What we eat and drink has a direct impact on our recuperation, that is why, as part of your integral IPT Program, you will receive a nutritional guideline in accordance with the type of illness you have aside from your Follow UP Maintenance Plan.


This guideline is individual and personalized. Your clinical studies will clearly dictate which areas in your body need the most attention. A side from a healthy and balanced diet, there will be a list of suggested supplements in accordance with your illness or medical condition. These will be discussed with the patient to determine daily dosage and periods of intake, aside from your Follow UP Maintenance Plan.

I.P.T®. and I.P.T.L.D.® are official trademarks of Donato Pérez García, M.D. All rights reserved. 4.6/13





The use of oxygen in our treatments is called Normobaric Oxygen Therapy, using concentrations from 21 to 100% using nasal mask. Promotes a good level of optimum oxygenation to regulate medical procedures, increase cellular oxygenation, eliminate toxins, add vitality and can easily be complemented with most of our I.P.T. Treatments.




Ozone is one of the most powerful anti oxidants found in nature, helps heal scars and promotes organic detoxification with a wider line of substances. Among its other properties there’s anti fungal, anti bacterial and antipyrine capabilities, because there’s no anaerobic bacteria, virus, protozoon or fungus that can live in a high concentrated oxygen environment. Ozone for medical use is combined with a bio oxidative and autohemotherapy, thru an ozonenization of a bubbly I.V. saline solution. It is an effective therapy with many healing benefits that can easily be combined with the rest of our IPT Treatments.

* All our treatments are administered using the protocol of “Insulin Potentiation Therapy” and include a Follow Up Maintenance plan to prevent future recurrences. * All our treatments are administered and supervised by Donato Pérez García, M.D. (except for Dendritics and Hyperthermia) in Hospital Angeles Tijuana. * The selection of your IPT Medical Program will be discussed with you, we encourage all our patients to be active participants an expose their thoughts and concerns at all time. * Medications and substances administered in the IPT Therapies are approved by the Department of Health in Mexico and FDA approved for human use. The Biological Medicine is manufactured in Germany, also approved for human use by the Department of Health in Mexico (SSA).

I.P.T®. and I.P.T.L.D.® are official trademarks of Donato Pérez García, M.D. All rights reserved. 4.7/13

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