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Sexual rights: an IPPF declaration Full text

as equal access to documents that enable such mobility and travel without discrimination.41

Article 3 The rights to life, liberty, security of the person and bodily integrity • All persons have the right to life, liberty42 and to be free of torture and cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment43 in all cases and particularly on account of any prohibited grounds of discrimination, and shall have the right to exercise their sexuality free of violence or coercion. • All persons have the right to life and bodily integrity,44 these rights shall not be threatened or be put at risk to ‘avenge the honour’ of a family.45 • No person shall be subjected to judicial or extra-judicial killings, judicial or extra-judicial corporal punishment for their sexual history or behaviour, gender identity or expression.46 • No woman’s life or health shall be put at risk as a consequence of medical treatment being denied to her for any physical or mental condition, or based on others placing a competing value on the foetus she may be carrying. • No woman shall be condemned to forced maternity as a result of having exercised her sexuality. • All persons have the right to be free from harmful traditional practices, including female genital mutilation and forced or early marriage.47 • All persons have the right to be free from violence, including all forms of physical, verbal, psychological or economic abuse,


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