RV 04-28-12

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Earth Day Elementary students learn about importance of recycling


VOL. 39 NO. 44

Kenneth James Weishuhn Jr. committed suicide after dealing with bullying in school. (Photo submitted)

Dealing with loss of student

See Accent


Surviving the Unsinkable

Lawmakers face impasse once again Legislature still trying to reach 2012-13 budget deal by Dan Breen Staff Writer

DES MOINES—Trouble is brewing again and ideologies are causing hang-ups in a state budget agreement. The situation is déjà vu from last year when Iowa legislators pushed up to the brink of a government shutdown before coming to an agreement in late June. “It’s last year’s story all over again,” said Rep. Royd Chambers (R-Sheldon). With the Republican House majority and

See BUDGET on page A9

Issue of bullying comes to forefront after his suicide by Dan Breen Staff Writer

PAULLINA—The wounds remain fresh at South O’Brien High School in Paullina. If they ever heal, it’s not likely to be soon. “I hope no school ever has to deal with what we had to last week,” said South O’Brien School District superintendent Dan Moore. Freshman Kenneth James Weishuhn Jr. of Primghar took his own life at age 14 on April 15. Relatives have said he was a victim of intense bullying related to his sexual orientation.

See BULLYING on page A9

Sanborn native survived tragedy of Titanic with family century ago

SHOW OF SUPPORT: n South O’Brien plans to have a Pink Out Day on Thursday, May 3, to honor of Kenneth Weishuhn. Students will be asked to wear his favorite color to school that day. Many friends and family wore pink to his funeral and some even colored their hair pink.

by Dan Breen Staff Writer


Legislature not expected to make changes this year by Dan Breen Staff Writer

REGIONAL—Barring an unexpected lastminute change in the Iowa Senate, school start days will continue to be determined by local districts. The oft-revived bill prohibiting schools from starting before a certain date gained traction again this month in the Iowa Legislature. Legislation preventing public school districts in Iowa from starting classes before the fourth Monday in August passed the House of Representatives in early April on a nonpartisan 55-44 vote, but it has stalled out in the

See START DATES on page A9


wel Sylvia Cald

Coping with crime trauma

School start issue debated Albert Caldwel


ANBORN—One hundred years ago, the world witnessed one of its worst maritime disasters when the mighty Titanic struck an iceberg off the coast of Newfoundland, Canada. Once thought unsinkable, the Titanic plunged to its grave in the North Atlantic on April 15, 1912. The facts are well-documented: 1,514 passengers perished; only 709 were saved. Fewer knew the story better than a Sanborn native aboard the fateful ship that date. Albert Caldwell, along with his wife, Sylvia, and their 10-month-old son, Alden, were among the few to escape the tragedy as a family. In fact, Alden was the second-youngest survivor of the Titanic. Julie Hedgepeth Williams, 52, set out to keep the story alive of her great-uncle Albert by publishing a book, “A Rare Titanic Family: The Caldwells’ Story of Survival.” “He was like a second grandfather to me,” said Williams, who lives in Birmingham, AL, where she is a professor of journalism at Samford University. “I heard the Titanic story from the time I was in seventh grade and on. I asked him over

Dan Hally, a captain with the Asotin County Sheriff’s Department in the state of Washington, speaks during a seminar on stalkers and their techniques as part of a National Crime Victims’ Rights Week conference Wednesday in Rock Rapids Community Center. (Photo by Josh Harrell)

See TITANIC on page A8

“Sylvia described it as ‘the most heart-wrenching, appalling sound you could ever hear’. Al never talked about it, so one time when he was 90, I asked him about it. His face went dark at that moment, and he said, ‘You just have to forget the screams or you’ll go crazy.’”

Victims in violent incidents respond in variety of ways by

Hartley-Melvin-Sanborn Elementary students shuffle into the middle school for a spring concert Thursday in Sanborn. (Photo by Rylan Howe)

— Julie HEdgepeth Williams on what relatives heard during sinking of Titanic

Allison Suesse Staff Writer

See TRAUMA on page A12




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ROCK RAPIDS—Dan Hally’s cousins witnessed the aftermath of their parents’ murders. The two females found their father lying on the ground. The perpetrators unsuccessfully attempted to make the incident look like a suicide: He had been shot 25 times and been covered with a blanket, a Bible placed in one hand and a suicide note and an unfired .38-caliber gun placed in the other. Initially, one sister froze up and was unable to speak. The other experienced a fight

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Late start

impact on schools

If a bill passed by the Iowa House had been in place the 2011-12 school year, the earliest schools could have started would have been Aug. 29. All these schools would have had to start 4-12 days later. n Aug. 17: Sheldon; Sibley-Ocheyedan. n Aug. 18: Boyden-Hull; Central Lyon; George-Little Rock; Rock Valley; West Sioux. n Aug. 22: Western Christian. n Aug. 23: Hartley-Melvin-Sanborn; South O’Brien; Spalding Catholic; Trinity Christian; Unity Christian; West Lyon. n Aug. 24: Sioux Center. n Aug. 25: MOC-Floyd Valley; Okoboji.

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Duct work

Boyden-Hull senior makes her prom dress out of tape




It’s pretty what she’s able to do with

duct tape. DAN POTTEBAUM

Boyden-hull high School Principal

Seventeen-year-old Lindsey Cuperus sported a colorful duct tape dress to her senior prom at Boyden-Hull High School on April 20 in Hull. The outfit included duct tape flipflops and a duct tape corsage with her outfit. She collected about 50 multicolored rolls of duct tape from teachers for an ambitious prom dress project. She spent about 40 hours altogether constructing her prom dress along with a corsage and flip-flops almost entirely out of duct tape.

HELDON—Lindsey Cuperus’ mom, Kelli DeBoer, wanted her daughter to have a pretty, elegant gown to wear at her senior prom. But that wasn’t quite how it ended up. Elegant would not exactly be the right word to use when describing Cuperus’ colorful duct tape dress that she wore to the Boyden-Hull High School prom last Friday evening in Hull. The general consensus at prom? The dress was “really cool.” And when DeBoer first saw the dress, she knew it suited her daughter perfectly and thought the dress was “cute.” “I did get quite a bit of attention,” said Cuperus, who lives in Sheldon. “I was expecting that; it’s a duct tape dress.” Cuperus always has been interested in crafting. She has made items out of T-shirts and is good at doing nails. Her grandmother once said that even if there seems no way to work something out, “Lindsey will find a way.” The 17-year-old began working with duct tape earlier in the school year and crafted everything from pen toppers to flip-flops and handbags to belts. Three months ago, Cuperus was inspired to create a prom dress using duct tape after seeing pictures online of other girls who had done a similar project. She mentioned her idea to Boyden-Hull principal Dan Pottebaum who was enthusiastic about the project. He had seen some of her other work and was interested in what else she could do. “It’s pretty amazing what she’s able to do with duct tape,” Pottebaum said. He enlisted the help of teachers to donate rolls of duct tape for her dress and collected about 50 donations. “It was something she created and she can take a lot of pride in that,” Pottebaum said. “She ran with it. It takes a lot of motivation to do that yourself.” Once Cuperus procured the duct tape, she began putting the pieces of the dress together, starting out with bodice. “It took a long time. I had to lay it out first and then connect it behind,” Cuperus said. “I duct taped the ruffles on it, and then I duct taped it all together.” She makes the process sound simple, but there are hundreds of tiny petals that make up the top part of the bodice, each row done in a different color. “I like rainbows, so I did it all rainbow,” Cuperus said. She used wire to help make the ruffles at the bottom of the dress and thought better of making it floor-length, because the outfit turned out to be heavy. Cuperus spent about 40 hours making the dress. “It was an after-school thing when I didn’t have to work,” she said. Putting the dress together proved to be easier than getting into it the night of prom, however. “I had to have my mom help me put it on,” Cuperus said. “She has to pull it on me, and it takes a while.” But the reaction she got when she walked into the dance was worth the effort. “They thought it was really cool,” Cuperus said. “They liked the ruffles; they didn’t think I actually did that.” Since her duct tape prom dress debut, the demand for Cuperus’ duct tape crafts have increased, and people have asked her if she plans to pursue design after graduating May 20, but she is not quite sure yet of what she will do after high school. “I don’t think there’s something for duct tape,” she said.

Story by ALlison SUESSE / PHotos by Rylan Howe

Zylstra to give final address at Dordt Commencement to be Friday morning SIOUX CENTER—Commencement ceremonies for the Dordt College 2011-12 academic year will be held at 10 a.m. Friday, May 4, in the B.J. Haan Auditorium in Sioux Center. D o r d t president Dr. Carl Zyl- Carl Zylstra stra will give this year’s commencement address titled “To The Hilt.” Overflow rooms will be available on campus for those without tickets, and the event will be streamed online at www. dordt.edu/events/commencement. Retiring from the office of president at the conclusion of the academic year, Zylstra has been president of Dordt since 1996, during which time the college has seen significant expansion in it facilities, endowment and academic programs. Zylstra earned his doctorate from Princeton Theological Seminary. He has served as a pastor in the Christian Reformed Church and has held many leadership roles on its boards and committees. Zylstra has been actively engaged in higher education, holding the position of chair of the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities, Iowa Campus Compact, the Iowa Association of College Presidents, the Iowa Association of Independent Colleges and Universities, and the Tax Advisory Committee of the National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities. He also has served as secretary of the Iowa College Foundation and as a member of the board of directors of the National Association Independent Colleges and Universities, Iowans for a Better Future and the Barnabas Foundation. Zylstra sits on the board of directors of the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities and recently chaired its Presidential Search Committee. He also is a member of the Student Aid Committee of the National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities. Zylstra and his wife, Gloria, have three married sons and nine grandchildren.


n The community is invited to a retirement open house honoring Dordt College president Carl Zylstra 2-4 p.m. Tuesday, May 1, in the lower level of the Campus Center in Sioux Center.


T Connie Wagner co-publisher

It’s circus time!

his time of the year, I begin to remember with fondness how as a young girl I looked forward to the circus coming to Yankton, SD, my hometown. The first indication of circus time would occur when I’d spot the circus public relations people attaching colorful posters to telephone poles all over town. They were alerting townspeople that the circus would soon be arriving. From that time on, I would begin the process of pestering my parents, day in and day out, if we could possibly attend the entire circus that year. Our little family, as I remember, would start our annual first circus experience by driving to the railroad tracks at the approximate time it was expected to arrive in town. We’d spot the trains coming, and the excitement would heighten. We’d sit in our car and watch as the long train would pull in and then come to a creaky, moaning stop. Crews of men would all seem to simultaneously jump out of passenger cars and begin to noisily open the sliding cargo doors of the railroad freight cars. We’d try to peer into those dark cars imagining what they might hold. It seemed to me there were dozens and dozens of those huge and colorful cars, but I can’t know that for sure these many years later. But I do remember it was a

wonderfully noisy and exciting experience. I’m not sure how many days they were in Yankton, but I’m sure that the tents went up with elephants. And, although Peter swears it cannot be true, I am sure it was the Ringling Bros. Circus that I watched. After the big tent and the sideshow tents were up and the wagons were set in place, our family had our share of the circus for that day. It was the next evening we’d come back and walk the midway. We’d see what we could do for free while Mom and Dad would be visiting about the circus with their neighbors and friends. It was a fun evening out. If the timing was right, another of our favorite things to do was walk past the tents where everyone in the circus would be eating. We’d see the huge pots of food lined up on long tables and watch as performers and workers would be playfully standing in lines waiting their turn for food. The long lines of tables they ate at were church-like tables with red and white checked oil tablecloths. But most of all, we loved to stand and watch the animals that were out for display — some in cages and some tied or tethered. My dad loved the animals, and I think that was really the reason we’d come to the circus. We’d also take a

quick walk by the magic shows and girly tents and the snake exhibits. Some years, we’d even go into the big tent and actually see the circus, but more often than not, once the show began, we’d go home. Today, I’m not sure if we couldn’t afford the price of the tickets or if all the pre-circus entertainment sufficiently satisfied my parents. Then this cranky, sleepy little girl would go home and not be able to fall asleep for a very long time. I’d lie in my bed fantasizing what circus life must be like and what kind of a circus star I might become when I’d grow up. Little did I know that in my future I’d marry a man who was to become the president of Circus Fans Association of America. Isn’t life funny? Peter and I have just returned home from a long line of Circus Fans conventions, and with each one I become a little more fascinated with the whole process. But it’s quite different watching a circus through a pair of adult eyes. Last year at the circus convention dinner, I sat beside a man whom I didn’t know. He was very quiet and hard to get into a conversation with. Finally, I put two and two together and found out that he indeed was a performer/owner. Before we left the table, I asked his name: He was a Ringling. This year, I was seated beside a very obvious circus performer. She was a

little younger than myself, had blonde hair piled high on her head, long dangling earrings, diamond rings and necklaces, and flamboyant clothing. Perhaps I was profiling or stereotyping, but I knew she was circus. We began to talk, and I asked her if she had been an aerialist. No, she responded she had an act with 16 horses that she had trained and performed with for many years. Her mother had started the act and was an important performer in circus history. The family had owned and operated their own circus and then later became a part of Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey. She reminisced of the hard life circus people live, especially those with animal acts. Their animals would always come first. They would come before family, holidays, sickness, everything. With fewer and fewer family-owned circuses surviving and with animal rights, PETA, people interfering and not understanding how well the animals are cared for, it is a life that is becoming less and less profitable and satisfying. It was an interesting few days of experiences for this naïve, small-town Iowan. God is so good.

Connie Wagner lives in Sibley. She is the co-publisher of The N’West Iowa REVIEW and may be reached at cwagner@iowainformation.com.





Terrace View Event Center ready to host many affairs Sioux Center facility to hold open house May 3 by Dan Breen Staff Writer

SIOUX CENTER—Sioux Center got to pull back the curtains on its newest building Friday when the Terrace View Event Center hosted its first event. Sioux Center High School had the honor of opening the $3.7 million building by holding its prom at the facility. Terrace View will have an official public grand opening on Thursday, May 3. “It’s so crazy to see everything you’ve been working on the past eight months come together,” said event center manager Jenn Vermeer. “It’s kind of like having a baby. You’ve waited so long; now it’s here.” The building has been in the works for a long time in the community. The idea for the event center came from a lack of places in the community to have wedding receptions, seminars, conventions, business conferences and other large-group events. “The goal and hope is that it will bring more business to town — people going out to eat, going to gas stations, staying at hotels,” Vermeer said. A focal point of Terrace View is the 2,000-square-foot skylight lobby, which extends the length of the building and has room to seat 220 people. It also is an ideal setting for hors d’oeuvres and beverages prior to entering the main banquet hall. The 6,800-square-foot main banquet hall has seating for up to 500 people at round tables. The room has a mobile dance floor and stage area, allowing for several setup arrangements. Floor-to-ceiling windows in the banquet hall are located on the north side of the banquet hall, lending itself to beautiful views of The Ridge Golf Club. The windows also have automated shade filters and darkeners to keep the light out. “It really shows off the golf course,” Vermeer said. “With the floor-toceiling windows on the north side, you

Manager Jenn Vermeer talks about the numerous arrangements that can take shape in the 500-seat capacity banquet hall at the Terrace View Event Center in Sioux Center. (Photos by Rylan Howe)

AT A GLANCE: Structure: Terrace View Event Center Address: 230 St. Andrews Way, Sioux Center Completion: May 2012 Architect: Toi Sullivan of FEH Associates in Sioux City General contractor: Dan Klein of M&D Construction in Sheldon Size: 16,300 square feet Cost: $3.7 million Manager: Jenn Vermeer Contact: (712) 722-8439 or (712) 449-8198 Online: www.theterraceview.com

GRAND OPENING: n The Terrace View Event Center will host a grand opening event on Thursday, May 3. A chamber coffee and ribbon cutting will take place at 3 p.m. with self-guided tours starting

never have to worry about the sun.” Other banquet room amenities include a full-service kitchen with drive-in access for caterers, a fullywired sound system, projector screens and wall partitions that can divide the area into two or three smaller rooms. The room also has a walkout patio. Terrace View can provide up to 12 part-time workers for events: A banquet manager, bartenders and a fullservice kitchen staff.

for the public at 5. Terrace View also will offer samples of the hors d’oeuvres and beverages it will have available for events. The main banquet hall will be set up like the public can expect for an event.

The building is certified with Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design, meaning it is eco-friendly. The initial groundwork for the project began in March 2010. The building was enclosed by November, allowing the interior work to go full-speed ahead during the winter months. Funding for the event center is coming from three sources: A $625,000 grant from Vision Iowa’s Commu-

The 6,800-square-foot main banquet hall at the Terrace View Event Center includes a mobile dance floor and stage and can comfortably seat up to 500 guests. The new $3.7 million facility will hold an official grand opening Thursday afternoon, May 3, in Sioux Center. nity Attraction and Tourism program, $300,000 in fundraising donations, tax increment financing bonds and a hotel-motel tax increase approved in May 2010. Thirty-five events already have been booked for the facility, mostly from mid-May through June. The facility also will be a voting site in November. “There’s a lot of interest,” Vermeer said. Although the facility is ready to open,

a few details still need attention. One of the main areas is landscaping, but that will evolve over the course of the summer. Some interior design also needs to be completed. Vermeer said her job will transition from getting the facility ready for operation to hosting and maintaining. “I like just managing everything and seeing it all come together and making it happen,” she said. “It’s almost like a new job now.”

S-O FFA member Brockshus elected state president Earll chosen as an Iowa vice president by Dan Breen Staff Writer

SIBLEY—A Sibley-Ocheyedan High School FFA member has been elected state president for the first time in the 75-year history of the chapter. Steven Brockshus, a 2011 graduate of Sibley-Ocheyedan, was chosen to lead the state in 2012-13. The Iowa FFA is made up of 219 chapters and more than 15,000 members. Brockshus was elected during the 84th State Leadership Conference April 23-24 on the campus of Iowa State University in Ames. The election took place Tuesday. “Words can’t explain it. I’m just very humbled and very blessed that I’ve been put in this position by my peers,” said the 18-year-old Brockshus, a student at ISU. “I really look forward to this next year. I’m very excited. It’s going to be a fun year.” Sibley-Ocheyedan FFA adviser Mike Earll said Brockshus is deserving of the honor. “To have a state president is a unique situation. It’s exciting that Steven is our very first one,” Earll said. “He’s a young man who will do a super job. He is super dedicated. It’s just very fitting that it worked out that he would be the one to be our first state president.” Along with Brockshus, SibleyOcheyedan senior Josh Earll, Mike and Mary Earll’s son, was elected as the state vice president representing the Northwest District. Josh Earll is the fourth vice president selected from Sibley-Ocheyedan in the

last six years and 10th overall from the chapter. This also will be the first time Sibley-Ocheyedan has had two state officers in the same year. “These guys grew up a mile away from each other,” Mike Earll said. “It’s kind of a neat scenario that both were elected to state office at the same time. As a father it’s kind of a neat thing to have your son involved in that as well.” Brockshus said he did not start thinking about the president position until after Christmas this year. “Knowing who I am and learning more about who I am this year, I decided to run because I really like helping people and I like the values that the FFA has,” said the son of Jason and Shanise Brockshus of rural Sibley. To be elected as a state president, a candidate must have served on a state officer team. Brockshus was vice president representing the Northwest District this past year. Candidates also must have earned the Iowa FFA Degree. To start out, all candidates had to take a state writing practicum about reasons they were running for the office. Brockshus then had to fill out his application for his American FFA Degree, the highest degree the National FFA can bestow on an individual. He had two rounds of interviews in front of a nominating committee made up of members from across the state. On April 23, Brockshus found out he was one of two individuals selected to be put on the ballot for president. Both candidates had to give a twominute speech in front of the entire delegate body made up

FAMILY TIES: n Steven Brockshus and Josh Earll both have ties to past state FFA officers, their fathers. Jason Brockshus and Sibley-Ocheyedan FFA adviser Mike Earll both served as FFA state vice presidents during their time at Sibley-Ocheyedan. Mike was a vice president 1977-78 and Jason was a vice president 1992-93.

SIBLEY-OCHEYEDAN STATE OFFICERS: George Helmers................. vice president............... 1941-42 Mike Earll............................. vice president............... 1977-78 Shanelle Krause................. state reporter............... 1991-92 Jason Brockshus............... vice president............... 1992-93 Renae Rubsam................... vice president............... 1996-97 Kari Zevenburgen.............. vice president...........1999-2000 Tim Hibma........................... vice president............... 2001-02 Cortney Schmidt................ vice president............... 2007-08 Jacob Fox............................ vice president............... 2009-10 Steven Brockshus.............. vice president............... 2011-12 Josh Earll............................. vice president............... 2012-13 Steven Brockshus..................president................... 2012-13

Steven Brockshus

AT A GLANCE: Name: Steven Brockshus Position: 2012-13 Iowa FFA president Age: 18 Residence: Rural Sibley Education: 2011 graduate of Sibley-Ocheyedan High School in Sibley; freshman at Iowa State University in Ames, majoring in agricultural education. Family: Parents, Jason and Shanise Brockshus; three brothers: Brandon, Dylan, Andrew. Interests: Talking to and meeting new people, working out and being active outdoors. of members from every chapter in the state. “It wasn’t nerve-racking be­­ cause this past year we’ve been put in a lot of situations where we’ve been put in front of a lot of people,” Brockshus said. The hardest part for Brock­ shus was that he was running against his good friend Michael Mardesen of Griswold who he

worked with last year on the leadership committee when Mardesen was the state vice president from the Southwest District. Each of the 219 state chapters get two votes for the president. The six vice presidents are selected by district. Brockshus and Josh Earll will have a number of responsibili-

Josh Earll ties during the next year. They will conduct numerous leadership and personal development workshops, represent the association at the Iowa State Fair in Des Moines, make chapter visits and conduct agriculture business and industry tours. They will represent Iowa at the National FFA Convention in

Indianapolis in October, meet and consult with state and national elected officials and promote the FFA in schools and with commodity groups. Brockshus is majoring in agricultural education at ISU. Josh Earll plans to attend ISU this fall majoring in agricultural business, focusing on land appraisal and auctioneering.

Arrested for third OWI

motor vehicle that contained stolen merchandise. Deputies located the stolen property in Sioux Center. The property had been taken hours earlier from a residence near Battle Creek. Deputies charged David Turner Jr., 37, Ida Grove, for operating a vehicle without owner’s consent, an aggravated misdemeanor, and driving without a license, a simple misdemeanor; Cheryl Martinez, 38, Hull, for aiding and abetting in the theft, an aggravated misdemeanor; and Tyler Sandbulte, 22, Sioux Center, for second-degree theft, a Class D felony. The investigation is ongoing.

LAW & ORDER info sought on signs

ALTON—The Sioux County Sheriff’s Department is seeking information regarding an investigation into the report of two stop signs stolen sometime between Friday evening, April 20, and Monday, April 23. The signs were located at the intersections of 440th Street and Kennedy Avenue and 440th Street and Jefferson Avenue, one mile north of Alton. Someone removed the signs by sawing through the wooden posts just beneath the stop signs. The signs are owned by the Sioux County Engineer’s Office and valued at $150 each. Anyone with information is

asked to contact the sheriff’s department at (712) 737-2280 or e-mail sheriff@siouxcounty.org or through Text-A-Tip at 274637 scso.

threatens with knife

GEORGE—The Lyon County Sheriff’s Department reported the arrest of Ryan Earl Klein, 23, George, at about 10:15 p.m. Tuesday, April 10, following a high-speed pursuit. Authorities initially responded to a disturbance at 417 W. Michigan Ave. in George, where it was reported that Klein displayed a knife and threatened bodily harm. Klein then got into his 1998 Pontiac Bonneville

and led deputies on a pursuit through the city streets of George. The pursuit left George and continued 15 miles to Rock Rapids. During the pursuit, speeds reached up to 100 miles per hour. The pursuit came to a stop in the 400 block of South Boone Street, where Klein was arrested without incident. Klein was charged with eluding, an aggravated misdemeanor; six counts of failure to obey stop signs; one count of speeding; and one count of careless driving. It also was discovered that Klein had two valid warrants for his arrest for an incident that took place on March 25 in George. Klein was arrested and

charged domestic abuse assault, an aggravated misdemeanor; and reckless use of a firearm, a simple misdemeanor.

cited for public intox

HOSPERS—The Sioux County Sheriff’s Department reported the arrest of Theodore Douglas Wood, 23, Ashton, at about 12:30 a.m. Sunday, April 15, on a charge of public intoxication, a simple misdemeanor, on Main Street in Hospers. The arrest stemmed from a call received by the Sioux County Communications Center that a disturbance was taking place near Hospers Public Library.

ROCK VALLEY—The Rock Valley Police Department reported the arrest of Jason Philip Vis, 26, Doon, on a charge of operating while intoxicated third-offense, a Class D felony following a routine traffic stop for a violation of a city ordinance Saturday, March 31. He was transported to the Sioux County Jail in Orange City.

Three charged in theft

SIOUX CENTER—The Sioux County Sheriff’s Department arrested three people after investigating Three a tip was received about 10 p.m. Saturday, April 14, regarding the theft of a





Board at NWC passes strategy ORANGE CITY—The Northwestern College Board of Trustees gathered recently in Orange City for its spring meeting and unanimously approved the institution’s new strategic plan. Among the plan’s five strategic goals are resource investment in key academic programs; expanding the delivery of Northwestern’s distinctively Christian liberal arts education to include online programs; and embracing growth that results in an increasingly diverse population ethnically, geographically and socioeconomically. The college’s previous strategic plan was approved in 2007.

U.S. Highway 18 will require an emergency road closure beginning at 8 a.m. Monday, April 30, until 6 p.m. Tuesday, May 1, weather permitting. While the crossing is closed, traffic will be detoured on Highway 18, Sioux County blacktop K52 and Lyon County blacktop A52.

School art show slated for Sibley

‘Comfy, Cozy Clothing Construction Zone’ Lindsay Clark sews a pair of pants while Shonna Ritz serges seams as members of three Sioux County 4-H clubs participated in an activity titled “Comfy, Cozy Clothing Construction Zone” last Saturday in Orange City. Working 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m., the youth, along with adult volunteers and two students from Dordt College in Sioux Center, made 75 pairs of pants matched with T-shirts donated by Staples Promotional Products. The outfits were donated to Mid-Sioux Opportunity, ATLAS, Family Crisis Centers of Northwest Iowa and The Bridge. The service project was organized by the sewing group from Floyd Venturers 4-H Club in (Photos submitted) Hospers.

Final ensemble concert at Dordt SIOUX CENTER—The final Dordt College Choral Ensembles Concert of the academic year will be presented at 7:30 p.m. today (Saturday, April 28) at B.J. Haan Auditorium in Sioux Center. Ensembles include the Bella Voce Women’s Chorus, Chorale, Concert Choir and Kantorei.

Watercolor show displayed at NWC ORANGE CITY—The 2011-12 Iowa Watercolor Society traveling show featuring the work of 26 Iowa watercolor artists will be exhibited through May 3 at Northwestern College’s DeWitt Theatre Arts Center in Orange City. A reception for the artists will be held 6:45-7:25 p.m. today (Saturday, April 28).

‘Courageous’ to be shown in Melvin MELVIN—The action-packed film “Courageous” will be shown at 7 p.m. Sunday, April 29, for Community Movie Night at First Reformed Church in Melvin. The movie is about

four police officers who consistently give their best on the job but good enough seems all they can muster as fathers until a tragedy put their faith to test.

‘Iowa Ethiopia’ on N’West Iowa tour REGIONAL—The touring company of Northwestern College’s theatre department will present “Iowa Ethiopia” 9:30 a.m. Sunday, April 29, at First Reformed Church in Sheldon and 6:30 p.m. Sunday, April 29, at First Reformed Church in Maurice.

Living with Grief event to be May 2 ORANGE CITY—Orange City Area Health System is hosting a Living with Grief videoconference, “End-of-Life Ethics,” by Hospice Foundation of

America, 1-4 p.m. Wednesday, May 2, at its main campus lower level conference room. Light refreshments will be served. The event is free, but preregistration is necessary by April 30. For more information or to register, call (712) 7375260 or register online at www. ochealthsystem.org.

Dordt, community join for preschool SIOUX CENTER—The Learning Ship, Bullfrogs & Butterflies, and the Dordt College Education Department have combined forces to create Stepping Stones Preschool, a venture that will benefit preschool students, Dordt’s education students and the Sioux Center community. Dordt education students will be able to spend 100 or more hours with young children in classrooms prior to

their student teaching semester. For more information or to enroll your child, contact Christy Hulstein at gwcjh@ mtcnet.net.

LifeServe mobile sets blood drives REGIONAL—LifeServe Blood Center will hold a blood drive 3:30-6 p.m. Tuesday, May 1, at the Ireton Community Center and 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Thursday, May 3, at Centre Mall in Sioux Center. For more information or to schedule an appointment, call 1-800-287-4903 or visit www.lifeservebloodcenter.org.

Railroad repair to close Hwy. 75-18 REGIONAL—Track repairs to the BNSF Railroad Company’s crossing on U.S. Highway 75 near the north junction with

SIBLEY—The Sibley-Ocheye­ dan High School Fine Arts Department will host the Northwest Area Education Agency Northern Iowa Conference Art Show open house, featuring art from area schools, 6-8 p.m. Tuesday and Wednesday, May 1 and 2, in the high school commons in Sibley. A conference awards presentation will be held 1-3:30 p.m. Thursday, May 3.

Speaker to tell of bipolar disorder SIOUX CENTER—The speaker will share his story about living with bipolar disorder when the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Sioux County Support Group meets 7-9 p.m. Tuesday, May 1, at Central Reformed Church in Sioux Center. Individuals and family members coping with mental illness are invited to come for education and support. For more information, call Shirley Matheis at (712) 722-4462.

Dordt orchestra to perform May 5 SIOUX CENTER—Dordt College’s Chamber Orchestra will present a free concert at 7:30 p.m. Saturday, May 5, at B.J. Haan Auditorium in Sioux Center.

Wings, wetlands fest is May 11-12 SUTHERL AND—O’Br ien County Conservation will hold its annual Wings and Wetlands Festival May 11-12. The festival will be linked with an Iowa Wildflower Week hike planned for 6 p.m. Friday, May 11, at Steele Prairie. A carpool will leave at 5:45 p.m. from the Prairie Heritage Center near Sutherland. Start Saturday, May 12, with “Breakfast for the Birds.” Meet at 7:30 a.m. at the heritage center for rolls and coffee. After breakfast take a

birding hike at the center and then carpool to Wanata State Park in Peterson for more bird viewing. For more information on any of the activities, call (712) 295-7200.

Legion Auxiliary to hold May meeting SHELDON—The American Legion Auxiliary of Sheldon will meet at 1:30 p.m. Wednesday, May 2, in the second floor meeting room of the Christian Retirement Home to plan for Poppy Day on Monday, May 21.

African children’s choir to perform ORANGE CITY—The Watoto Children’s Choir will present an energetic music and dance show at 7 p.m. Thursday, May 3, at First Reformed Church in Orange City. The program, “Beautiful Africa: A New Generation,” features original and vibrant African music with dance routines and life-transforming stories.

NWC ensembles to present concert ORANGE CITY—Northwestern College’s Jazz Band and Percussion Ensemble will perform a free concert at 7:30 p.m. Friday, May 4, at Christ Chapel in Orange City.

Goodwill trailer in Sioux Center SIOUX CENTER—The Am­­ bassador trailer of Goodwill Industries Wall Street Mission in Sioux City will receive donations through May 1 in the Centre Mall parking lot in Sioux Center. Goodwill accepts clothing, working small appliances, household goods, sporting goods and toys.

Late death notices: n Bernice Van De Griend, 97, Hull, died Friday, April 27, at Pleasant Acres Care Center in Hull. Arrangements are being completed by Oolman Funeral Home in Hull.

Corrections: The N’West Iowa REVIEW welcomes comments and suggestions as well as information about errors that call for a correction. Call (712) 324-5347 Ext. 5740 or e-mail editor@ iowainformation.com.

Orange City Area Sign up to receive e-newsletters at ocHealthSystem.org. Friend us on Facebook for regular updates, news and events!

Main Campus

1000 Lincoln Circle SE

ALLERGY 10 – Chris Tumpkin, MD

RHEUMATOLOGY 17, 24 – Chad Wisco, MD

CARDIOLOGY 3, 11, 17, 24, 32 – Cardiovascular Associates

UROLOGY 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 – Patrick Walsh, MD

GYNECOLOGY 8 – Jeanne Hassebroek-Johnson, MD

Medical Office Building

NEPHROLOGY 21 – Dana Brandys, MD

OPTHAMOLOGY 24 – Beth Bruening, MD

NEUROLOGY 9 – Luis Pary, MD

ORAL SURGERY ASSOCIATES 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 – Darrel Baker, DDS 7, 14, 21 – Clint Norby, DDS

OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE 2, 9, 16, 19, 30 – Douglas Martin, MD ONCOLOGY 1, 29 – Sudarshan Doddabele, MD ORTHOPEDICS 3, 8, 17, 22, 31 – Thomas Jacobson, MD 2, 30 – Wade Jensen, MD 11, 25 – William Samuelson, MD PEDIATRICS 3 – Aaron Zylstra, MD

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family practice team We are pleased to introduce Kara DeGroot, who will join our family practice team this summer. Kara will serve patients in the Orange City and Hospers medical clinics as an Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner (ARNP). The addition of Kara brings Orange City Area Health System’s family practice medical team to 11 physicians and five mid-level providers. Kara has eight years of nursing experience in a variety of positions, including supervising the neonatal intensive care unit at Avera McKennan Hospital in Sioux Falls. She is currently studying for her advanced practice credentials at South Dakota State University. As an ARNP, Kara’s scope of practice will include patient physicals,

• Cook, Hospital - casual • Sr. Care Nurse Assistant, Long Term Care - FT or PT • Nurse Assistant - Hospital - FT or PT • Housekeeper - casual • Treatment Nurse (RN), Long Term Care - PT and casual • Sr. Care Nurse (RN), Long Term Care and Heritage House - casual • Nursing Assistant/Unit Coordinator diagnoses, and ordering tests, Hospital - FT or PT prescriptions, and treatments of care. She holds certification as a S.T.A.B.L.E. • Home Health & Hospice Aide - PT and casual Neonatal pre-transport care lead in• Clinic Receptionist - casual structor, and will bring that skill and experience to OCAHS’s obstetrics team Questions? Call Human Resources 737-5236. as well. Kara and her husband and children currently live in Sioux Center. For information and to apply on-line click ocHealthSystem.org She attended Northwestern College and received her B.A. In Nursing from Augustana College.

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HealthCare Week

Mark your calendar for these May events ... • Hospice videoconference Living with grief: end-of-life ethics Wednesday May 2 • 1-4pm Main campus lower level To pre-register call 737-5260 or online at ocHealthSystem.org


• Auxiliary’s spring plant sale Thursday May 3 • 7am-1pm Main campus front lobby

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Peter W. Wagner Founder/Publisher Extension 5730

Jeff Wagner President Extension 5704

Mike Casuscelli General Manager Extension 5750

Jeff Grant Editor Extension 5740

Scott Byers Sports Editor Extension 5741

If you have an interesting story idea or would like to advertise in The N’West Iowa REVIEW, please feel free to contact any one of our employees and they will be happy to talk with you.

Make sure to check out this special section in this week’s issue of The N’West Iowa REVIEW!

Iowa Newspaper of the Year 2009, 2005, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000, 1999, 1996, 1995, 1994, 1993, 1991, 1990, 1988, 1986, 1985, 1982

National Newspaper Association’s Best of the States 2011, 2009, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000, 1999, 1998, 1997, 1996, 1995, 1989

SATURDAY, MAY 28, 2011

VOL. 38 NO. 48

� Sioux County ranks 11th in Iowa for Hispanic population.

� Latinos contributed $2.4 billion to the state’s economy in 2008 alone.


� 26% of students in West Sioux School District are Hispanic.

�������������� Jake Dagel of Sheldon, a 2011 graduate of Spalding Catholic High School in Granville, has been named the Iowa Knights of Columbus Youth of the Year. (Photo by Josh Harrell)

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Myriam Castelan of Hull explains through writing on a marker board why she was late to an adult literacy program being held on a recent evening at Hull Public Library. The educational program is offered through Northwest Iowa Community College in Sheldon and is aimed at helping participants improve their English.

Hispanic population is on the rise, making an impact on N’West Iowa

1 20



Iowans is Hispanic Source: 2010 U.S. Census


LOOK INSIDE: Classifieds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C11-15 Opinion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A8 People . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B3-4 Religion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B2 Sports. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C1-10 TV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B5



HIGH: 71 LOW: 52 CHANCE OF PREC: 0%/30%

HIGH: 66 LOW: 59 CHANCE OF PREC: 20%/60%





REGIONAL—Maria Gonzalez tilts her head to peer through the kitchen curtains in her Boyden home. Outside, her 3-year-old son, Jayden, and another neighbor boy are playfully sweeping the family’s driveway with a broom and a snow shovel. Gonzalez knows her son, though. At any moment, the good-deed sweepers could turn their brooms into swords. “He’s naughty,” Gonzalez said lightheartedly. “Boyden is going to have a problem when they get older.” In reality, the 42-year-old cannot imagine a better place to raise her family of four. She and her husband, Lino, moved to N’West Iowa from Beaumont, CA, 14 years ago. Job availability is good here. So are the schools. And she can let her children play outside with no worries of gangs. Most importantly, she said she is treated fairly here. “To me, I don’t feel any different,” Gonzalez said. “All the people here, Jacob Pardo purchases a bottle of Coca-Cola they know how to treat Hispanics.” According to the 2010 U.S. Census, on Thursday at Las Hermanitas Mexican one in 20 Iowans is Hispanic. The per- Store in Sheldon. Hispanic entrepreneurs centage is even higher in N’West Iowa, find N’West Iowa ideal to set up business where 6.3 percent come from a Latino due to the cheaper rent than larger cities. background. The impact in N’West Iowa has been wide-ranging. From the economy to education, the region has had little choice but to adjust to the changing demographic.

SHELDON—Eighteen-year-old Jake Dagel dreams of being in Congress, but right now he’s content with being a voice in one of America’s biggest social issues — the pro-life movement. The Sheldon resident and 2011 graduate of Spalding Catholic High School in Granville was honored as the Iowa Knights of Columbus Youth of the Year earlier this month at the annual convention in Coralville. “It’s kind of humbling,” Dagel said. “It’s nice to be recognized for the work

Back issues may be available for only $2.00 each

See AWARD on page A11

Tyler McKenney of Inwood joins one of the Northwestern College group’s desert guides, in walking their camels on a desert camping trip in Oman. (Photo submitted)



Duane Postma of Sioux Center has been studying Hispanic immigration since the late 1970s when he spent three years in Mexico helping with the country’s agricultural development. The graduate of Dordt College in Sioux Center observed a temporary migration of Latinos at the conclusion of every Mexican growing season to the southern and western United States where agriculture-related jobs were readily available. Mexican workers viewed it as

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Motor Ministry ����������������� ���������������� BY


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REGIONAL—Stepping into a foreign country, let alone a Muslim country in the Middle East, might raise a red flag for most Christians. Tyler McKenney of Inwood and Oman, Ellen Tolsma of Middle East Orange City, however, found AFRICA peace as they traveled to Oman. They were two of six students from Nor thwester n College in Orange City involved in the college’s first study abroad semester to Oman. Surrounded by the Arabian Sea on two sides, Oman’s neighbors are the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia to the north and Yemen to the south.



SIOUX CENTER—To Karl Kempers, church is about the whole body of Christian believers, not about the building. That means church can be wherever his motorcycle takes him.

See BIKES on A10




See OMAN on page A9





Two added to sales, service team for Iowa Information Salazar, Bowles have variety of experience SHELDON—Ted Salazar and Jan Bowles have joined the sales team at Iowa Information Inc., the publishing company based in Sheldon Salazar will sell and service the Sheldon and central N’West Iowa area. Bowles’ territory includes the Iowa Great Lakes region. Salazar has a bachelor of arts degree in marketing from Barrington University in Mobile, AL. He received the sales rookie of the

month while working for Gateway when he first started his sales career. Salazar most recently ser ved as the marketing director for Vande Berg Scales in Sioux Center. Ted Salazar He and his wife, Lois, live in Hull. They have four girls, Kim, Amanda, Desiree and Josie. Salazar is active in First Christian Reformed Church in Hull. His community service includes working with

Habitat of Humanity as well as being a mentor for Hope Haven in Rock Valley. He said he is looking forward to working for a successful awardw i n n i n g f a m i l y Jan Bowles business. Bowles is a graduate of Mount Ayr High School and attended Iowa Lakes Community College in Estherville. She recently was employed by Alliant Energy in the position of strategic

account manager. Bowles lives in Spirit Lake and is an active as a volunteer in the Iowa Great Lakes communities. She is serving as president of Northwest Iowa Corridor Habitat for Humanity, is a past member of Iowa Great Lakes Chamber Board and the Industrial Development Committee in Spirit Lake, worked with the Cherish Center and is a member of the Spirit Lake Kiwanis. She has three children, Cassie, Beth and Jeff, and two grandchildren, Cody and Cole. She was volunteer of the year for National Trade Association

Fishing Week. Bowles is excited about being able to help Iowa Great Lakes area businesses market their products and services through the many Iowa Information publications, including OKOBOJI Magazine, The Sports Leader, DISCOVER! and Greater Siouxland Phoenix. “We are blessed to have two experienced individuals like Ted and Jan to help area retailers with their marketing needs through the use of our many products,” said Mike Casuscelli, said Iowa Information director of sales and general manager.

BUSINESS NEWS Korthals sworn in

MASON CITY—Dr. Mike Korthals of Mason City, formerly of Boyden, recently was inducted as president of the Iowa Optometric Association at their 114th Annual Congress in Des Moines. Korthals was sworn in by an American Optometric Association board trustee Mike Korthals at the Iowa Optometric Association 114th Annual Congress House of Delegates meeting March 30. This will be Korthals’ eighth term on the Iowa Optometric Association Board. The Iowa Optometric Association was established in 1898, and today is made up of nearly 447 member optometrists. The Association offers educational, fraternal, political and legislative support to its members. Korthals is a graduate of BoydenHull High School in Hull and the son of Leon and Carol Korthals of Boyden.

Vermeer joins AXA

SIOUX CENTER—Lora Vermeer, Sioux Center, of Zeutenhorst Financial, has joined the Sioux Center branch of AXA Advisors. As a financial professional with AXA Advisors, she will work with individuals and business services to help them work toward their objectives. Prior to joining AXA Advisors, Vermeer was a marketing assistant with Zeutenhorst Financial.

Wallace meets Attach

ROCK VALLEY—Marty Wallace, a child-adolescent and young adult

attachment, trauma and bonding therapist from the Creative Living Center in Rock Valley, recently met all of the requirements and training set by ATTACH (Association for Treatment and Training in Attachment of Children). ATTACH is the top international association that specializes in trainings, resources, sharing their talents and helping those with attachment difficulty.

Dean runs senior care

SPIRIT LAKE—The Home Instead Senior Care office serving N’West Iowa is under new ownership. Originally opened in 2005 by Lisa Roti, the franchise office now is owned and operated by Mary Dean. The local office continues to help a growing number of seniors remain in their homes as they age. Dean, a registered nurse, comes to Home Instead Senior Care with nearly 12 years of experience working with older Iowans.

Strength coach career

ORANGE CITY—Starting in the fall, the kinesiology department at Northwestern College in Orange City will offer a strength and conditioning career concentration, further expanding career opportunities for kinesiology and health science majors. Courses in the program emphasize strength and conditioning program design and implementation, exercise and performance testing, coaching and leadership, and facility and personnel management. The program prepares graduates for careers as specialized strength and conditioning coaches or fitness instructors. Students in the program will participate in practicums with Raider teams, gaining hands-on experience that may lead to internships or jobs

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receives membership

LARCHWOOD—Doug Snyders, Larchwood, a Modern Woodmen of America managing partner, has earned membership in the organization’s 2011 Managing Partner Round Table-Inner Circle. The prestigious Inner Circle includes the top managing partners in Modern Woodmen’s Managing Partner Round Table, which recognizes outstanding leadership and is based on high achievement in life insurance sales. He also received an award from Modern Woodmen for passing the $1 million mark in annualized premium for the first time in 2011.

NWC programs cited

ORANGE CITY—Eighteen of Northwestern College’s academic programs are listed in the 2012 edition of Rugg’s Recommendations on the Colleges, a national guidebook that recommends specific college departments to prospective students. The selected programs were actuarial science, athletic training, biology, business, chemistry, computer science, ecological science, education, English, history, music, philosophy, physics, psychology, religion, social work, Spanish and theatre. The book includes programs at 1,125 four-year colleges identified as providing high-quality education and relies heavily on random polls of students at those colleges.

NCC ISA students place

SHELDON—Northwest Iowa Community College’s industrial instrumentation and control students took home first, sixth, eighth and ninth places at the District 6 Instrumentation Systems and Automation Student Games

held March 30 in the Northwest Iowa Lifelong Learning and Recreation Center on NCC’s campus in Sheldon. Students on the first-place team were Travis Otto, Cherokee; Dalton Klein, Sheldon; Luke Pratt, LeMars; and Joey Mantel, Doon. Students on the sixth-place team were Nick Stattnichs, Ashton; Chad Heitritter, Sheldon; and Jamison Van’t Hul, Hospers. Students on the eighth-place team were Patrick Brausey, Yankton, SD; Brennan Jungers, Hospers; Matt Dolphin, Hartley; and Brett Barker, Sioux City. Students on the ninth-place team were Jeremy Kamp, Sheldon; Gabe Reisz, Sheldon; Mike Kirarei, Sheldon; and Jon Langfitt, Primghar.

Leadership broadcast

ORANGE CITY—Community business leaders can access the knowledge of world-renowned leaders by attending Chick-fil-A Leadercast on Friday, May 4, at Holland Plaza Theatres in Orange City. Chick-fil-A Leadercast is a one-day leader development event broadcast live from Atlanta to hundreds of sites throughout the nation, including Orange City. This year’s program will focus on the power of choice. For more information, visit www. chick-fil-aleadercast.com. For local ticketing information, call (712) 707-4510, or visit www. orangecityiowa.com.

Survey: NWC worthy

ORANGE CITY—More than 97 percent of Northwestern College parents said the education their child is receiving is worth the financial investment on a 2011 survey conducted by Performa Higher Education. The statistic was among a number of responses by parents, students and graduates that prompted Performa

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vice president Joanne Soliday, who is serving as a strategic planning consultant to Northwestern, to praise the college’s level of support and consensus of mission. More than 98 percent of parents and 96 percent of alumni said they would recommend Northwestern to a friend or family member; 93 percent of current students indicated the same. An average of 81 percent of alumni, students and parents said the college is moving in a positive direction.

captivity for nine months. A wide variety of subject matter will be covered in the two-day conference. Tuition is $187 if preregistered and paid by noon Wednesday, May 4, or $199 for registrations after that date. The fee includes tuition, meals, handouts, continuing education certificate and recording fees. For registration information, contact Rosemary Coleman at 1-800242-5108 Ext. 5227 or rcoleman@ iowalakes.edu, or Marilyn Stille at 1-800-352-4907 Ext. 143 or mrstille@ nwicc.edu.

NWC Pr earns awards

Dordt to pin nurses

ORANGE CITY—The public relations office at Northwestern College in Orange City has won two awards in the 2011 Council for Advancement and Support of Education District 6 awards competition. A series of new publications for Northwestern’s admissions office won a silver award in the Excellence in Communication: Student Recruitment Series category. The publication included a viewbook, search piece and college fair piece developed in partnership with Stamats Communications in Cedar Rapids. Northwestern’s mobile site, m.nwciowa.edu, received a bronze award in the Excellence in Multimedia: Website category. The mobile site enables constituents to access the latest Northwestern news and other information via smartphones.

SIOUX CENTER—The nursing department at Dordt College will hold a pinning ceremony 3:30-5 p.m. Thursday, May 3, in the Science and Technology Center in Sioux Center.

NWC pinning slated

ORANGE CITY—Nineteen Northwestern College nursing seniors will participate in a pinning ceremony at 7 p.m. Thursday, May 10, at Christ Chapel in Orange City. They will receive their bachelor of science in nursing degree diplomas on May 12.

Nominate favorite doc

REGIONAL—The Iowa Academy of Family Physicians is seeking nominations for the 2012 Family Physician of the Year, based on outstanding service to patients, the community and devotion to family medicine. Nomination letters should be sent by July 1 to the Iowa Academy of Family Physicians, 100 E. Grand Ave., Suite 170, Des Moines, IA 50309, or e-mailed to janetwee@iaafp.org. Previous N’West Iowa winners were Scott Helmers, Sibley, 1988; Ronald Zoutendam, Sheldon, 1998; Richard A. Jongewaard, Sioux Center, 2000; and Dale Nystrom, Sioux Center, 2007.

Kidnap victim to speak

OKOBOJI—Area health professionals will have the opportunity to sharpen their “survival” skills during the annual Lakes Health Conference June 7-8 at Arrowwood Resort & Conference Center in Okoboji. This year’s theme, “I Will Survive,” features Elizabeth Smart, the Utah woman who was abducted from her home at the age of 14 and kept in




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Ship sinks, family survives THE BOOK:

TITANIC Continued from page A1 and over again. He loved telling it. He was a great storyteller.”

Always an Iowan

Albert Caldwell was born on Sept. 8, 1885, in Sanborn, but according to church records must not have lived in the community for long. His father, William, was a minister at First Presbyterian Church in Sanborn 1883-85. William was the second minister at the church and present when the church purchased its first building site. William moved around to several churches in Iowa and Missouri during Albert’s years growing up. Williams said there is not a lot of documented history about Albert’s years in Sanborn, but he never shied away from his roots. “He was always considered an Iowan,” Williams said. Albert attended school at what is now Park University in Parkville, MO, where he met Sylvia. They were married on Sept. 1, 1909, and left that day for mission work though the Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions in Bangkok, Siam, known today as Thailand.

On a mission

Not long into their mission, Sylvia became sick from a rough adjustment to the tropical climate of Siam. At the same time, their mission friends in the country, Sam and Beth Conybeare, decided to leave the field two years into their seven-year cycle. The Conybeares had to pay their own way back home as the church declined to do so with the early termination. Shortly thereafter, Sylvia became pregnant. The sickness only grew worse. After Alden was born, Sylvia was diagnosed with neurasthenia, a condition marked with fatigue, anxiety, headaches and depression. The Caldwells contacted mission officials indicating their desire to leave due to Sylvia’s health problems, but they were not granted a release. Mission officials, based on conversations with the Conybeares who knew the Caldwells wanted out, thought Sylvia was experiencing normal pregnancy illness or even faking illness to get out of the commitment. “She got turned down because they had been under this shadow that the Conybeares had ratted them out,” Williams said. “They had to beg and plead to be released from the mission. They had a new boss, and no one liked the new boss.” Early in 1912, two and a half years into their service, they were granted permission to leave.

World travelers

The Caldwells boarded a small boat in Siam and traveled across the Indian Ocean. Sylvia became seasick, but eventually the couple and baby Alden made it to Naples, Italy, where they found a ship, the Carpathia, bound for the United States. Sylvia was resistant to boarding a smaller vessel like the Carpathia after

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Visiting Lake


Afternoon sun

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30, 2006

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Shane Hoekstra

Did you know we have

began harvesting.

all in a


Van employees Shane Rock Valley cityJustin Juffer walk along Brummel and they planted for a new a row of trees (Photo by Brian Leddy) campground.


rain, go away.” nursEGIONAL—“Rain, from the children’s The famous line on the minds of N’West be ery rhyme couldnext few weeks as the harvest the Iowa farmers over force. have full season hits in moisture levels in the ground Above-average headcreated some aches for farmers FORECAST: be anxiously awaiting ■ Farmers should harvest field the chance to able to get some their fields. work done Many took advanthis weekend tage of dry conditions and early temand seasonablein the next week. peratures early their According to week to begin rain the National Weather Iowa harvest before that Service, N’West hurto hope to open in a brought a halt should dry out City officials will process Wednesday.we ry. A warming trend into during 2008 “The wet week has recreation area boost temperatures REEN had last week o w n the 70s today (Saturday, BY DAN B d lower ITER slowed us Sept. 30) and the STAFF WR DeBy some,” said Joel 80s by Sunday. specialemployees Jong, crop Valley city Monday, temperatures State the mida 97-acre campROCK VALLEY—Rock ist with Iowa may reach into fall developing the northwest remain busy this University Extension area on 80s. The only possiblefor ground and recreation based in LeMars. has precipitation forecast 20 peroff the north corner of the community. The entire state the next week is a area, located just in on Friday The recreation River, is scheduled to open fallen behind cent chance on bank of the Rock soybean harvesting evening. that are usuland into a 79-site the spring of 2008. the rates by the Rock Valley is developing electrical utilities ally expected with water and design also will campground end of September. Agricultural Statistical most sites. The harthe National available on closer to the river to accommoof the soybean According to about 4 percent include six sites Service, only camping experience. three years ago date a more primitive on page A10 project began Van Zee Plans for the See HARVEST first approached when city officials the land. they Enterprises about and asked them what they “We came to them the land after on doing with were planning sand and gravel out,” said Rock pulled all of the Tom Van Maanen. in donating Valley city administrator been generous we “They’ve always only condition was that their land. Theirit.” digactively develop Enterprises was finished water Zee sizeable When Van was left with three in the recreging, the land used them will be holes. Two of

Rock Valley developing campground




Ribbon cutting set for bypass

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in a tractor to take a nap Hoekstra decided(Photos by Eldon Lindsay)


AT A is ■ Methamphetamine proa stimulant generally laboratoduced in large the United ries in Mexico , or in States and Asia, in the small “toxic labs” It can be United States. “Ice” injected or smoked. form of is the crystallized meth and it is generally its forms, smoked. In all meth is highly addictive onset of and toxic. The about the meth effects is but same as cocaine, Meth they last longer. folcentral kind. Robertson remains in the tions of some longer nervous system chronic of lowed suit. been some kind or than cocaine, and psySTAFF W “I’ve always a know if it’s genetics abuse produces addict. I don’t led David chosis that resembles what,” he said. California during and is HELDON—Police in handcuffs. schizophrenia, Growing up in sat on the beach, paraRobertson away daughter characterized by skin, the ’70s, he often drinking beer. the His 15-year-old her fingers, and noia, picking at with one’s watched through face as she smoking potpretty much my whole preoccupation her “That was and auditory her hands covering said. thoughts Robertson a life,” sobbed. a new husband,his and visual hallucinations. tears. He heard At 17, and as last for He watched hercouldn’t even say longer satisfied These effects can years little pot no speed, her cry. But he too high on methmoved onto eight months and even cravings. He and goodbye. He was marriage ended he after using meth behavand when his amphetamine. to his drug usage, violent and erratic heard the man years later due cocaine. among Joseph McKnight his last breath. ior is often seen take dabbling in he called father injected was remarried, and two years later, chronic users. with He his McKnight’s stepfather left, disgusted Source: www.justthink arm, missed on his second wife meth into his died twice.com gangrene. He his cocaine usage.desperate, he bevein, causing as an addict. Depressed and McKnight’s floor men snorted and cocaine and eventuSIGNS: 26, gan injecting Two Sheldon into what one of Joseph McKnight, way my ally meth. smoked their indescribable hell.” that needle in of Sheldon remembers “When I stuck things became them called “an his beginning years, watched their arm, that’s when his Ever since, they’vegrasp. Relationhe said. struggling to hide those their unmanageable,” ■ from lives slip from drug addiction all disappeared when encourships, jobs, health their next fix, snorted meth around him. He McKnight first living in Emmetssuspectwhile they sought ages loved ones watch he he was 13 while to their next high. next three years, nights in jails ing drug usage other burg. For the signs: Now, after numerous with about six for the following left with regrets, found experimented and rehabs, they’re hatred for the 16, his mother ■ Mood swings twisted for drugs until, at prayers and a She lectured him ■ Change in attitude their lives. his pot stash. drug that stole everything you’ve ■ Abnormal sleeping pot, instead encouraging “Meth’ll take and flip it upside smoking meth, saying it was “betpatterns him to use ever cared about said McKnight, ■ Weight loss ter.” friends,” McKdown. It’s poison,” ■ Paranoia “We became using I was young, I his whole 26. ■ Seclusion has used drugs agrees. or night said. “When most kids live. Robertson, 42, of demons attackhow David Robertson when he started using ■ Missing money thought that’s and the worse “It’s a big barrel Forty-two-year-old family heirlooms lost two wives changed for also ing me,” he said. ■ life, but things on page A10 The native Californian METH while his son See meth to addicmethamphetamine. battled hopes he can daughters addicted Most of his family of this, Robertson Leddy) got one of his




soybeans, Logan

Barrel of BY

and Sheldon Chamber a ribSHELDON—The hosting Corporation is the Development and program for expressway bon-cutting ceremony the Highway 60 completion of bypass of Sheldon at 10 a.m. Friday, Oct. 6, at the interchange of Highways a.m. at 60 and 18. held 9:30-10:30 A coffee will be The last-minute lights Van Drie Automotive. signs, installing work of hanging lines on the pavement is and painting the on the 9.8-mile segment being completed that skirts around the of four-lane road said Dakin Schultz, Iowa east side of Sheldon, planner with the District 3 a transportation Transportation the bypass Department of City. Schultz said office in Sioux for traffic by Friday but will not be ready open the expressway in to be the DOT hopes Motorists should section the next two weeks. new the to over prepared to cross last parts of the tie-ins the of road so that can be completed. with the old highway

. Classifieds. . . . A8-9 Opinion . . . . . . B3, 5 People . . . . . . . . . B4 Religion . . . . . C1-10 Sports. . . . . . . . B6-8 TV . . . . . . . . .

combining Lance, was busy While his father, Matlock on Tuesday. northeast of


page A7

Despite all started selling. of addiction. escape the cycle

(Photo by Brian


Two Sheldon men deal with trials of recovery from addiction

n “A Rare Titanic Family: The Caldwells’ Story of Survival” is available for order through any bookstore or available online at most major retailers, including Amazon.com. The paperback book sells for $21.95 at most retailers. Amazon.com has the book selling for $14.93.


n Julie Hedgepeth Williams lives in Birmingham, AL, with her husband, Evan, and her two sons, Weston, 18, and Alden, 15. Alden is named after her great-uncle’s son who survived the Titanic sinking. She teaches part time in the journalism department at Samford University in Birmingham. She also is the past president of the American Journalism Historians Association. She has a master’s degree in journalism and a doctorate in mass communication from the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa. She also speaks to numerous organizations around the country.

When the Caldwells arrived in London in April 1912, they were shocked to find out all tickets for the Titanic had been sold. Titanic officials told them to come back the next day to see if there were any cancellations. To their surprise, there were. “It was exactly what they wanted in the second class,” Williams said. “They thought they were so lucky.” Ten months to the day of Alden’s birth, the Caldwells took the train to Southampton, where they were to board the great ship bound for their return to the United States. Despite its majestic size and opulent appearance, Sylvia ironically was skeptical. “She was talking to the deck hand who carried her trunk in. She asked, ‘Is this ship really unsinkable?’ Williams said. “He answered the very famous reply that everybody knows — the most famous line associated with the Titanic — ‘Yes, lady, God himself could not sink this ship.’”

p.m. April 14, 1912. Water began pouring into the front half of the vessel. The captain received word that the ship would only be able to stay afloat for a couple of hours. By midnight on April 15, distress calls were being sent out to the Carpathia, which was about 60 miles away. Williams said the Caldwells did not have any intention of getting off the ship. The lifeboats looked dangerous, and they did not think the Titanic would sink. Women and children were put into the lifeboats first, but Albert’s relationship with the fire stokers and seamen, along with his wife’s visible health decline, got him an opportunity to board lifeboat No. 13. “This group of stokers suddenly appeared on the deck. One of them recognized them and said, ‘Mr. Caldwell, if you value your life, get off this ship,’” Williams said. Sylvia’s health had become so weakened that she seemingly could no longer hold the baby in her arms. Albert had to do so. By the time they were a half-mile away from the Titanic, the Caldwells sensed what others already knew. The ship was going to sink. Within half an hour, it plunged to the bottom of the North Atlantic. Perhaps the worst moment came from hearing the wails from those who failed to make it off the Titanic. “Sylvia described it as ‘the most heart-wrenching, appalling sound you could ever hear,’” Williams said. “Al never talked about it, so one time when he was 90, I asked him about it. His face went dark at that moment, and he said, ‘You just have to forget the screams or you’ll go crazy.’”

Sinking the unsinkable

Carpathia to the rescue

her bout with seasickness. Besides, they were supposed to rest in Italy for a while so Sylvia could recover from the neurasthenia. “According to our best reckoning, we know that Sylvia at some point turned down a small ship,” Williams said. “She said, ‘No way; I want a big ship.’ That’s how they ended up going for the Titanic.” Also worried about an outbreak of cholera in Naples, the Caldwells began making their way across Europe to Great Britain, where they planned to board the RMS Titanic bound from Southampton to New York City.

Boarding the Titanic

By all accounts, the Caldwells were enjoying a lovely voyage across the Atlantic. Albert enjoyed touring the ship. He even talked his way into the engine room with the seamen at one point. He had a photograph taken of him shoveling coal into the fire. The seamen knew him by name. “That ultimately saved his life,” Williams said. The ship struck the iceberg on the right side of its bow at about 11:40

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Albert Caldwell sent this postcard to Sam Conybeare the day after his family arrived in new york.

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Ironically, it was the ship that the Caldwells failed to board in Naples that was the one that saved them. By about 4 a.m., the Carpathia had spotted survivors and began picking them up. Four hours later, it began a 12-hour trip back to the New York harbor. “They both said the saddest thing was watching the Titanic women line the deck of the Carpathia looking for their husband, a son, a brother or a sweetheart who never came,” Wil-

Margaret Boone

Would like to express our deepest thanks to everyone for their cards, memories, flowers, food, prayers and support at the time of the loss of our Mother, Grandmother and Great-Grandmother.

The rest of the story

The Caldwells never returned to the mission field. In fact, Albert got out of church work completely. They briefly settled in Illinois, where Albert got a teaching job for a year before going back to college at Iowa State University in Ames. For a short time, he served as the principal of Ames High School and later was a car salesman, school superintendent in Wisconsin and finally an insurance salesman. While in Ames, the Caldwells’ only other child, Raymond, was born. In 1912, Albert joined the Chautauqua circuit, an adult education movement where speakers, teachers, musicians, entertainers and preachers would travel around telling their stories. Through his travels, he ended up in Richmond, VA, where he died at age 91 in 1976. Albert and Sylvia divorced in 1930, but there is no record as to why. Both Albert and Sylvia later remarried new partners. Sylvia was the 11th person hired by State Farm Insurance, then a startup auto insurance company in Bloomington, IL. In 1941, she married the founder of State Farm, George Mecherle, and became the heiress of the company when Mecherle died in 1951. She lived in Bloomington the rest of her life. She died in 1965 at the age of 75. Alden was much too young to remember the event. All his recollections came from what his father and mother passed on to him. “He got calls from reporters all his life, and he always had to say, ‘I don’t remember it. I slept through it,’” Williams said. It was Alden, however, who may have been most directly affected by

the Titanic sinking. Since he was born in Siam, all his birth documents were with the Caldwells on the Titanic. The documents went down with the ship. When he graduated from college in the 1930s, Alden had his eyes on a chemistry job with the American government but was unable to get it because he could not prove he was an American citizen. He tried to get a Social Security card at retirement age and again ran into more trouble. Finally, through drafted affidavits by Sylvia in the ’30s and Alden in the ’70s, Alden finally was declared an American citizen after his retirement. He died in 1992 at the age of 81.

Preserving history

Williams loved listening to her greatuncle Albert tell his stories of the Titanic. “He told me the story multiple times. It was very consistent,” she said. “He was interviewed year in and year out starting in 1912 and on. I looked at all the newspaper accounts I could find, and they were all really consistent.” She never thought about writing the story as historical nonfiction until someone in the publishing industry brought up the idea while she was working on a different writing project. It took her only about nine months to do all her research and write the 194page book. “It was a blast,” Williams said. “I had known the story of the Titanic just like my own name, but after I found out they got chased around the world like they were fleeing from their jobs, it was like a whole mystery unfolded behind it.” At times, she even got to play detective. “It’s been a real fascinating journey through things that he didn’t talk about and we didn’t know,” Williams said. “We put lots of clues together to form a bigger picture.”

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liams said. It was in that moment the Caldwells realized they were one of the few Titanic families that had remained intact. Despite the tragedy, the Presbyterian church was set on getting its money from the Caldwells if Sylvia’s illness did not check out. The church’s surveillance of the Caldwells seemed impeccable. T h e c h u rc h s e n t a n ambulance to New York meant to take Sylvia to the hospital upon her arrival, but they dodged the checkup. “They were kind of in a cat and mouse chase around the globe,” Williams said.

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Administrators seek proactive approach BULLYING Continued from page A1

Band director Lavila Nelson leads her students into the gymnasium at Hartley-Melvin-Sanborn Middle School for a spring concert Thursday in Sanborn. A bill setting school start dates for no earlier than the fourth Monday in August has stalled in the Iowa Senate, meaning start dates will continue to be determined by local districts.

School issues stalls in Senate START DATES Continued from page A1 Senate oversight committee. “I’ve been trying to get it moving in the Senate, but that’s not going to happen,” said Sen. David Johnson (R-Ocheyedan), who favors pushing back start dates. Johnson represents the Iowa Great Lakes in Dickinson County, which often sees an adverse effect on tourism with schools starting in mid-August. “I know there are a lot of people who disagree,” Johnson said. “I think it would be good for the local economy.” Iowa has a law in place preventing schools from opening until the week that includes Sept. 1; however, districts can apply for a waiver to allow them to start earlier. The Iowa Department of Education’s granting of the waivers has become almost automatic. All but six of Iowa’s 351 school districts applied for and were granted a waiver last year, and all 13 N’West Iowa school districts, along with four private high schools, all opened this year before the date that have would be allowed under the proposed bill. The bill also would eliminate the waiver process to skirt the requirement. Depending on how the calendar falls, the earliest school could start under the House bill would be Aug. 27. If Labor Day falls on Sept. 1, the first allowed day of school could be pushed back as far as Sept. 2. Those precious extra days of summer are important for the economy of the Iowa Great Lakes. The Okoboji School District did not hold its first day until Aug. 25 this past year but still needed to get a waiver from the state to start even that early. “In this area, the community needs dictate the school calendar,” said Okoboji School District superintendent Gary Janssen. “The communities in Okoboji and Spirit Lake almost expect us to start school later than at least Okoboji (School District) would like to.” Spirit Lake was one of the state’s six districts that did not start before September. Janssen noted the district draws a lot of income from the tourism industry, and that money indirectly goes back to the school, but there remain differing opinions. “That’s a point not everyone in the whole school and the whole district is in agreement on,” said Janssen, whose district will start the 2012-13 school year on Aug. 27. “The business owners want a late start

Hartley-Melvin-Sanborn Elementary students pack the gymnasium at the middle school for a spring concert in Sanborn. If a proposed bill passes the Iowa Senate, all school districts will be subject to a start date in the fall no earlier than the fourth Monday in August. (Photos by Rylan Howe) date, and that’s what we’ve gone with for that reason. They’re all taxpayers, so we have to respect that.” Sibley-Ocheyedan superintendent Tom Becker, whose school started the earliest in the four-county region last fall on Aug. 17, looks at the issue more from a logical education point of view. “The biggest benefit is trying to balance out your first semester and second semester days so your first semester is over by Christmastime,” Becker said. “It’s a lot better for students to be taking semester tests than waiting a week or two weeks and then coming back. There’s a lot of dead time in there.” Becker said starting early also lines up better with the college-credit classes Sibley-Ocheyedan offers. The colleges start in late August and are finished with their first-semester courses by December. He wants the start date issue to remain a matter of local control. “Every school is a little bit different,” Becker said. None of N’West Iowa’s three legislators in the House supported the bill. Rep. Dwayne Alons (R-Hull) said too many issues would need to be worked out with the high school athletic associations and colleges that offer online courses. He also does not think N’West Iowa is affected much by the tourism aspect.

“Since we’re way up in the corner away from the state fair and a lot of the tourism things and even workers who may work at the Iowa Great Lakes, I’m not sure that impacts our corner that much,” Alons said. “I can see some of the ideas that the tourism folks have that they’d like a little longer season for some of their facilities and business. If it keeps moving up earlier and earlier into August, that really does bite into the summertime.” Reps. Royd Chambers (R-Sheldon) and Chuck Soderberg (R-LeMars) do not like the idea of placing restrictions on an issue that should be governed by the local school boards. “I just feel it’s a local community’s right to set their own calendar, although I’m very sympathetic to the tourism industry and those communities that have a lot of tourism like Okoboji,” said Chambers, a social studies teacher at Sheldon High School. The issue has come up before to varying levels of support in both Statehouse chambers. Several years ago, a similar bill passed in the Senate but not the House. “I don’t think the issue will go away,” Soderberg said. “I don’t anticipate there will be final action on it this year. That will probably be a continued topic of discussion in upcoming years.”

“We buried a student last week. That was no fun,” Moore said. “What we learn out of that tragedy will be what really shapes us and all schools.” Weishuhn’s death has brought increased attention to the issue of bullying. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, one in five teenagers has reported being bullied in high school. CDC studies have shown youth victimized by bullies are at higher risk for mental health problems such as depression and anxiety. According to the Iowa Pride Network, a support organization of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender individuals, 78 percent of Iowa LGBT students have reported being verbally harassed because of their sexual orientation. Moore said South O’Brien always has tried to be proactive about bullying. Last year, the district updated its board policy on bullying. This year alone, two high school assemblies and three such events at the junior high have dealt with bullying. As recently as March 21, the district had a lawyer from the Iowa Department of Education speak to the students about bullying. “It doesn’t matter if you’re tall, skinny, short, fat; it doesn’t matter what color your skin is; it doesn’t matter how many earrings you have in; nobody has a right to make you feel uncomfortable,” Moore said. The school has taken its share of backlash in the wake of last week’s tragedy. Moore said the school has received hate mail and has been hammered online and in the press, although almost all of the backlash has come from individuals and groups out of state. At its heart, the bullying epidemic is nothing new. “Harassment is something we’ve always been dealing with in schools, around our state and around our country,” Moore said. “In schools, it’s the same battles we’ve always had. We want to make sure people are treating each other right. If they’re not and it becomes harassment, you need to report it so we can deal with it as a school.” As social networking has exploded on sites like Facebook and Twitter, and as communication has changed through the use of mobile phones and texting, bullying has evolved past a physical sense. “Cyber bullying is frustrating schools everywhere,” said Moore, who has been involved in education for 28 years. “For some reason, people think they can write and say whatever they want, whether it’s directed at another student or at us as school personnel. It seems like it’s exploded over the years.” Moore spoke to each of the four high school grades on April 18, urging those who are being bullied or know someone being bullied to report it right away. “We have to tackle it and


Verbal or written bullying n Teasing n Name calling n Making inappropriate sexual comments n Taunting n Threatening to cause harm Social or relational bullying n Hurting someone’s reputation or relationships n Excluding others intentionally n Telling other children not to be friends with someone n Spreading rumors n Embarrassing others in public Physical bullying n Hitting, kicking, pinching n Spitting n Tripping, pushing n Taking or breaking someone’s things n Making mean or rude hand gestures Source: www.StopBullying.gov


My children might be getting bullied if they have: n Unexplainable injuries. n Lost or destroyed clothing, books, electronics or jewelry. n Frequent headaches or stomachaches, feeling sick or faking illness. n Changes in eating habits, like suddenly skipping meals or binge eating. n Difficulty sleeping or frequent nightmares. n Declining grades, loss of interest in school or schoolwork. n Feelings of helplessness or decreased self-esteem. n Self-destructive behaviors like running away from home, harming themselves or talking about suicide. My children might be bullying someone if they: n Get into physical or verbal fights. n Have friends who bully others. n Are increasingly aggressive. n Get sent to the principal’s office or to detention frequently. n Have unexplained extra money or new belongings. n Blame others for their problems. n Don’t accept responsibility for their actions. n Are competitive and worry about their reputation or popularity. Source: www.StopBullying.gov

address it somehow,” he said. “The only way you get through these things is if you pull together and you look at the person sitting beside you and say, ‘How you doing?’ If they’re not doing very good, you ask them if you can help them out. If you see them doing something stupid, you say, ‘Hey, we’re not doing that anymore.’” Moore said he is appreciative of the wave of support that has come in from other area schools for the Weishuhn family and South O’Brien.

Per diem ends, but legislators continue work on budget BUDGET Continued from page A1 the Democratic Senate majority at odds on budget bills, the Statehouse was dismissed Wednesday afternoon to allow committees to do work on hammering out the differences. “It’s kind of like jury duty. We’re on call whenever that a g re e m e n t t a k e s p l a c e,” said Rep. Chuck Soderberg (R-LeMars). The chambers essentially have agreed to spend about $6.24 billion, a 3 percent increase from last year, but the problem is how exactly to spend that money. Conflicts in funding still are largely unresolved in the health and human services and education reform areas and as to how property tax reform fits in the equation. “We’re just far apart on the money,” said Rep. David Johnson (R-Ocheyedan). “It’s not that much different than in previous years.” In the health and human services bill alone, Republicans and Democrats have a $23 million spending difference. That bill contains the mental health funding. That budget bill also has come to a stalemate because of Republicans’ refusal

POSITIVE THINKING: What are N’West Iowa legislators most pleased about in the 2012 legislative session? n Rep. Dwayne Alons: “We haven’t raised the gas tax. I think that was the wrong time to do it with the economy and the way gas prices were going up. I think the fact that property tax remained a top item, the fact that’s in the works. I think that the House put language into resisting money to Planned Parenthood in the health and human services budget, and that all 68 Republicans stood together on that was a positive.” n Rep. Royd Chambers: “The whole process on the ed reform bill. We’ve been working on this since January. We have come to a lot of compromise. We’re to a point where it becomes a leadership decision. It has been a very, very good discussion on the future of eduction. We disagree on some issues between the

to allocate money to organizations that perform abortions. Republicans are remaining steadfast on their stance on spending in the budgetary process. “Our position this year is just exactly as it was last year: We’re not spending more than

House, Senate and governor; we agree on a lot of issues. There’s some serious discussion going on in K-12 education, and the next step will be college-level reform. Even if we don’t have a bill this year, the serious conversation has been begun.” n Rep. Chuck Soderberg: “The large pieces that we focused our priorities on were spending, passing a budget to spend 99 percent of ongoing revenue, the mental health reform, the education reform and property tax reform. At lot of that is still to be determined.” n Sen. Randy Feenstra: “The positive things remain to be seen. I fully believe that we will get a property tax reduction and limitation, but it’s a domino effect. Dealing with the Department of Health and Human Services budget, which deals with mental health, the huge issue there is not only the mental health reform, but Republicans are trying to strip out

we take in,” Chambers said. “Expenditures need to fit in ongoing revenue. The House Republicans are not going to move off those principles.” Democrats are content to use money in reserve coffers to ensure that all ongoing programs will receive full funding.

the money for those organizations that do abortions. It’s the first time I’ve seen the whole Republican caucus stand up against abortion. That’s a positive. The overarching thing is that it’s been another disappointing year. The grading of the session is a D.” n Sen. David Johnson: “If we can hold the line on spending, that’s going to be a big accomplishment. We started that process with the election of Gov. Branstad where we really tightened our belt up and put the state finances back on solid ground. I know that’s difficult because it means perhaps eliminating some programs, but at the same time, you have to have an approach to spending taxpayer dollars with a sense of what is sustainable long term. We do have a solid reserve, but that doesn’t mean it should be spent. This session really does come down to the budget.”

“It’s going to be a matter of who blinks first before the end of the fiscal year,” said Rep. Dwayne Alons (R-Hull). Alons would not predict that the stalemate would last into June as it did last year but said it remains a possibility. “If the Senate Democrats

want us to spend more than we do related to the ongoing revenue, it may come to that,” he said. Last year, the state passed a biennial budget that covered the 2011-12 fiscal year, ending June 30, along with allocating some of the funding for the

2012-13 fiscal year. Some lawmakers predicted that would make hammering out the budget easier this year, but that has not been the case. “That year-and-a-half budget will get us to the end of December this year,” said Sen. Randy Feenstra (R-Hull). “Now, all of the sudden there’s not really hurry or pressure that the state needs money because we’ve already in essence said there’s money there.” Lawmakers originally had hoped to broker a deal last week, but that carried on into this week where little additional progress was made. The fact that many lawmakers were sent home Wednesday makes it increasingly unlikely that the session will even be able to be wrapped up next week. “The way it’s going, I’m not sure that’s even going to happen unless something surprising happens by Monday,” Alons said. Other logistical factors will come into play, particularly dealing with getting all the lawmakers back to Des Moines for a vote when the House and Senate leadership strike a deal. Per diem payments for legislators ended on April 17. “We’re on our own dime down here now,” Johnson said.





Use caution on roads Keep eye out for any cyclists


t’s a fact of spring and summer in Iowa: The warmer the weather gets, the more motorcycles and bicycles we’ll see on the state’s roads. Please be careful. Because, if most motorists are honest, it can sometimes be difficult to spot a motorcyclist or bicyclist, even when all parties involved are doing their best to be safe. For those who enjoy riding motorcycles, we would ask you to take the necessary precautions. Wear a helmet — of the 35 motorcycle fatalities in Iowa last year, 30 of the victims were not wearing a helmet. Also, please avoid darting in and out of traffic when there’s more than one lane. For bicyclists, besides wearing helmets, we would urge you to wear reflective clothing and use lights if possible. It becomes increasingly difficult to see you at sunrise and sunset. For car and truck drivers, we offer you these tips from the Motorcycle Safety Foundation: n More than half of all fatal motorcycle crashes involve another vehicle, and usually the motorist is at fault. Please look for motorcycles. n A motorcycle easily can be hidden in a vehicle’s blind spots, or masked by bushes, fences and the like. Again, take an extra moment to look.

n Because of its small size, a motorcycle may look farther away than it is. It also can be difficult to judge a motorcycle’s speed. If you’re checking traffic to turn at an intersection, or moving in or out of a driveway, assume that the motorcycle is closer than it looks. n Motorcyclists often slow by downshifting or merely rolling off the throttle, thus not activating the brake light. Allow more following distance, say three or four seconds. At intersections, prepare for a motorcyclist to slow down without visual warning. n Motorcyclists often adjust position within a lane to be seen more easily and to minimize the effects of road debris, passing vehicles and the wind. Understand that motorcyclists adjust lane position for a purpose, not to be reckless or to show off or to allow you to share the lane with them. n Turn signals on a motorcycle usually are not self-canceling, thus some riders, especially beginners, sometimes forget to turn them off after a turn or lane change. Don’t assume they are turning. Patience, awareness and common sense would go a long way to reducing tragedies. Let’s do what we can to make the roads safe for everyone.


Advice: Youneverknow


s we enter the graduation season, I thought I would share the two best pieces of advice I have ever heard. The first comes courtesy of filmmaker Woody Allen: “Eighty percent of success is just showing up.” I like that, but I probably should point out to high school and college students that you won’t get 80 percent for just showing up to take the test. It helps to know something. The other piece of advice, which really wasn’t intended as advice, is this: Youneverknow. That’s how a baseball pitcher once described the various curve balls the game can throw at you: You never know. Except he said it so quickly that it all came out as one word: Youneverknow. Last week, I told you about a friend of mine, Phil Creese, who has been the softball coach at Woodward-Granger High School for years. He’s battling leukemia, and they named the softball complex after him last weekend in a stirring tribute. But I didn’t really tell you the full story about Phil. I didn’t tell you that if you had known him 40 or 50 years ago, as I did, you never would have predicted what was to come. I think Phil arrived in Granger in third or fourth grade. He was a year older than most of us, and about 10 times stronger, and he had quite a temper. I can’t tell you how many times he held me down on the concrete tennis/basketball court outside the school, threatening to pound me for my latest infraction. I used to take it personally, until I real-

Honesty still is best policy Q: What is the most creative excuse you’ve heard from someone trying to get out of a speeding ticket? Also, how do officers decide between a ticket and a warning? Do you have any advice for motorists on how to handle this situation? A: I often kick myself for not keeping a diary of all the things I’ve done as a state trooper. There would be good days, and bad. There would be good excuses and . . . well, not so good excuses. All added up, it would be one interesting read, at least in my mind anyway. In one instance I remember being flagged down by a passing motorist on a night shift near Cedar Falls. The lady was lost and trying to get to Waterloo. She was headed the wrong direction. That wasn’t her biggest problem though. As the conversation progressed, it became apparent that she was intoxicated. Shortly after,

I arrested her for OWI. It’s not very often that a drunk driver flags us down. When we talk excuses, I guess you could say she was lost. On another occasion, I turned around on a car that was traveling well over the speed limit. As I caught up to the vehicle, I could see that it had pulled over and the driver was running into the ditch. At this point I began preparing myself for a foot pursuit through the bean field. An older female passenger exited the car and began waving at me as I came to a stop behind them. I then noticed the older gentleman had run into the ditch and dropped his pants behind some weeds. The lady explained that they were trying to get to a restroom, as her husband was sick. To spare our readers the details, she wasn’t lying. So how do officers decide between a ticket and a warning? And is there anything a motorist can do to improve their chances of a warning? A vast majority of the time, an officer has his/her decision made between a ticket or

Iowa Newspaper of the Year 2009, 2005, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000, 1999, 1996, 1995, 1994, 1993, 1991, 1990, 1988, 1986, 1985, 1982 National Newspaper Association’s Best of the States/General Excellence Winner 2011, 2009, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000, 1999, 1998, 1997, 1996, 1995, 1989 Peter W. Wagner, founder and publisher; Jeff Wagner, president; Jeff Grant, editor. USPS 103-490 The N’West Iowa REVIEW is published every Saturday by Iowa Information Inc. Periodicals postage paid at Sheldon, IA 51201 and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The N’West Iowa REVIEW, P.O. Box 160, Sheldon, IA 51201. Editorial, advertising and production offices are located at 227 Ninth St. (P.O. Box 160), Sheldon, IA 51201. The N’West Iowa REVIEW is printed at White Wolf Web in Sheldon, IA.

warning prior to speaking with the driver. This usually takes the element of “talking your way out of a ticket” out of the picture. There are a couple recommendations that I offer to motorists that make the situation easier for everyone involved. The first is your attitude. Simply stated, treat the officer the same way you would like to be treated. The second is, tell the truth. Being caught in a lie reflects poorly on you personally, and can lead to other issues as well. If you aren’t being truthful about the little things, what else are you willing to lie about? Honesty and a good attitude are always your best policy. More importantly, if you drive defensively and within the law you won’t have to worry about that “good” excuse. Vince Kurtz lives in Orange City and serves as the safety education officer for Iowa State Patrol Post 6 in Spencer. He may be reached at kurtz@dps. state.ia.us.

Call TOLL FREE 1-800-247-0186 In Sheldon, call (712) 324-5347 E-mail: editor@iowainformation.com Member of the Iowa Newspaper Association and the National Newspaper Association Subscriptions: In Osceola, O’Brien, Sioux, Lyon and Dickinson counties — $22.25 for six months and $39.95 for one year. Everywhere else $30.00 for six months and $55.00 for one year. All subscriptions payable in advance. Single copies are $1.25 from dealers and coin-operated racks.

Copyright 2012, The N’West Iowa REVIEW. Nothing may be reprinted, photocopied or in any way reproduced without the permission of the publisher.


Ken Fuson letter from des moines ized Phil was threatening to pound everyone. He had a tough childhood. His younger brother was hit and killed when he rode his bicycle into the street and in front of a pickup truck. Phil may have been harsh with his peers, but he always had a soft spot for kids younger than him, and I know his brother’s death affected him deeply, as it would anyone. In high school, Phil became so upset with an assistant football coach that he ripped off his helmet, flung it to the ground and quit. Not just the team, he quit school, deciding to join the Marines. When he returned, he got a job at Firestone in Des Moines, but he also began volunteering to coach softball to girls. He did it so well that by the time the girls reached high school, they were very good, and Woodward-Granger won a state title. Phil was the natural choice to take over the high school program when the head coach left, but that temper could still get him in trouble with umpires and other head coaches. I’m told his favorite move was to rip off his cap and toss it to

the ground in disgust (like the football helmet). He demanded a lot from his players. They tell stories about doing push-ups, and running laps and hearing Phil yell, “Unhitch the plow!” when they weren’t running fast enough. “You don’t have to play softball today,” he would say. “You GET to play softball today.” And: “Of course it’s hard. If it were easy, everyone could do it.” For some girls, it was too much, and they left the program. The others went on to great success. Phil and I never talked coaching philosophy, but I know him well enough to figure it out: Life’s tough, and you’ve got to battle for everything. Better to learn that lesson on a softball field than later in life. Dozens of his players showed up at the field dedication. They talked about how Phil had challenged them, and prepared them, and how they were stronger women today because of how he coached them. See, youneverknow. Youneverknow what might happen if you just show up. You can touch, or even change, someone’s life without even knowing it. It happens more than we realize. Phil, I think, was stunned at the outpouring of affection that the towns of Woodward and Granger showed him. Don’t give up, they told him. Not a chance, he replied. The game’s not over.

Ken Fuson lives in Des Moines. He may be reached at kfuson@iowainformation. com.


Service learning good for state by

Gerald Schnepf

On March 27, Gov. Terry Branstad signed a proclamation designating April as Keep Iowa Beautiful Month. This not only recognizes the organization, but encourages and supports Iowans’ efforts to make the places we live cleaner and more attractive, building a sense of pride! Keep Iowa Beautiful encourages cities and counties to adopt similar resolutions and join in the spirit of the movement to enhance and improve our countryside, communities and state. Service learning is a critical ingredient of that effort. Many schools in Iowa require high school students to complete a certain number of hours of service before graduation — often ranging from 50 to 100 hours. In other schools service is a voluntary program. A few schools award “Silver Cords” to students who complete a minimum number of hours. They wear a silver cord as part of their graduation cap and gown. Many of us have worked to involve younger generations in doing clean up, paint up or fix up projects. The danger in these events is that we often treat young people as “cheap labor.” Such an attitude results in community service rather Font is Trajan Pro Regular than true service-learning programs. As a lead organization for community enhancement

in Iowa, Keep Iowa Beautiful challenges schools and other partners to transform their community service projects to the more meaningful concept of service learning. To accomplish this, we must help young people to: n Become involved in projects from the very beginning, investigating community issues, and planning projects to address them. n Make connections and relationships with academic studies, increasing the relevance of school and the service provided. n Understand the value of service through structured reflection, thereby gaining a greater appreciation and a sense of ownership. Crucial to the process of involving youth as true partners in the community, is developing adult leaders that: n Perceive young people as valued partners in the process of community enhancement. n Serve as models of respect for people and the environment. n Take time to talk with youth about the value to the community of their involvement and work. n Involve the youth in evaluation and value analysis. By implementing the nationally recognized servicelearning model, community enhancement projects bring personal understanding to those involved and a great sense of pride and ownership in the community.

IowaThe Information N’West Iowa PUBLISHERS AND PRINTERS REVIEW is printed by White Wolf Web


According to a recent survey, service learning is underutilized in Iowa. Keep Iowa Beautiful is working statewide with schools and community organizations to: n Build character and a sense of community ownership. An effective service-learning program in the school can have a unique positive impact on the school, the community and the student. n Research the needs of service-learning practitioners for training and support. n Make connections and strengthen networks. n Provide resources through grants and mini-grants. n Make the connection between academics and service through Clean and Green, a program for kindergarten through fifth-graders, available for free at KeepIowaBeautiful. com. Young people are more likely to be engaged in their schools and communities when they are involved in service learning throughout their schooling. Youth who are actively involved in service learning are more likely to stay or return to that community later in life. Could Iowa make a better investment in our youth? We at Keep Iowa Beautiful don’t think so!

Gerald Schnepf is the executive director for Keep Iowa Beautiful based in Des Moines. He may be reached at gschnepf@keepiowabeautiful. com.

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Spring brings baseball, hot dogs and apple pie


he Minnesota Twins played a number of games against the Tampa Bay Rays while Connie and I were in Florida last weekend. Our already overloaded schedule didn’t allow any time to make it to a game, but we were able to consume a couple of first-of-spring hot dogs while attending an evening performance of the exceptional tented family-owned Hollywood Circus. And what do baseball and hot dogs have to do with each other, you ask? Well, like the old Chevrolet commercial used to tell us, spring is the time for baseball, hot dogs and apple pie. I love hot dogs. Especially hot dogs loaded with Coney sauce, chopped onions and pickles. My other favorite is a hot dog topped with warm sauerkraut. But as much as I love the famous summer season treats, Connie loves them more. She eats them plain, with tradition-

Peter W. Wagner publisher

al toppings or loaded with any of more than a dozen different extras, including chopped tomatoes, avocado and peanut butter. The heart of the hot dog, the sausage, has been around for almost forever. The Romans knew how to make them and the word salsus, the root word for sausage, simply means salted in Latin. Over the years the presenta-

tion of the sausage has been known by dozens of different names: wiener, wienie, red hot, frankfurter, dachshund and Chicago’s Favorite are just a few. The name frankfurter comes from the belief that the tasty treat was first perfected by the butchers of Frankfurt, Germany. The reference to dachshund comes from the fact the finished product looks a lot like the popular wiener-shaped breed of dog. But the birth the hot dog in a bun is purely American. Some trace the beginning to New York City in the 1860s when an unknown German immigrant sold sausages he called a dachshunds in milk rolls topped with sauerkraut. Another version, also set in New York City, credits Charles Feltman, another German immigrant, with selling hot sausages near Coney Island Park. He worked from a small cart, grilling the dogs to order

on a small charcoal grill and serving them on buns he kept warm in an attached tin box. His culinary treat became known as a Coney Island. Germans, it seems, have been innovators in many different ways to sell the hot dog on a bun. According to legend, a hot dog-like sausage was first sold to baseball fans by German immigrant Chris Von der Ahe in St. Louis in 1893. Von der Ahe is better known for that feat, it appears, than the fact he was one of the owners of that major city baseball team. But the greatest credit for making hot dogs America’s favorite food treat is given to Anton Feuchtwanger, a Bavarian concessionaire at the 1904 St. Louis World’s Fair. Early on Feuchtwanger provided his customers with white cotton gloves to make it easier to hold and eat the hot sausages sold at his stand. But folks

kept walking off with the gloves and he needed a less expensive way to present the cooked casing. He turned to his brother-inlaw, a baker, who came up with the hot dog bun. The rest, as they say, is history. And for those of us who are German — or simply love to grill and eat hot dogs — it is a happy history. Over the years the hot dog has moved on to a place of honor in America. Think of Nathan’s Famous Hot Dogs, for example, introduced at Coney Island and now available at almost every major airport and shopping mall. Think of the Oscar Mayer Wienermoble. Oscar Mayer Co. has a dozen of those oddly shaped vehicles driving around the country advertising that firm’s famous wiener and giving out wiener-shaped whistles. I remember seeing the vehicle that looks like a supersized

wiener when it visited Sheldon a few years ago. And don’t forget the hundreds of hot dog eating contests held across the country every year. The most famous is held annually at Nathan’s Famous Hot Dog stand at Coney Island. Joey Chestnut has won the contest five consecutive years, with his best effort being when he ate 68 dogs and buns in 10 minutes in 2009. But you don’t have to eat 68 hot dogs in one sitting to be a fan. And you don’t have to race through the process of consuming and enjoying each one. The fact is we’re back in that wonderful time of year when baseball, the circus and hot dogs are king. And, I plan to enjoy them all.

Peter W. Wagner lives in Sibley. He is the founder and publisher of The N’West Iowa REVIEW and may be reached at pww@iowainformation. com.


Consider these simple tips for eating healthier, saving on cost


re your healthy eating habits dormant during the cold winter months? With spring having arrived, now is the perfect time to get back on track when it comes to making better food choices. The good news is that you do not have to abandon your favorite snacks entirely. According to the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, published by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, eating less is the key to weight management and disease prevention. Consider these simple and practical tips from the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics to consume fewer calories while still being able to enjoy the

foods you love: n When planning your meals and snacks throughout the day, consider the appropriate number of calories you should consume. n Avoid oversized portions by using smaller plate, bowls and glasses. Switch from the standard 10-inch plate to a smaller appetizer-size plate. For more information on portion sizes, go to choosemyplate.gov. n Cook at home instead of eating out. This allows you to balance what’s on your plate, but also enables you to choose healthier fats, less sodium and increase the fiber in your diet. n Steer clear of empty calories. Fruit juices, coffee beverages and soft

drinks are full of added sugar and can add up fast. n Keep track of your daily intake. Food logging can be a great tool for keeping track of the foods you eat and ensuring you stay within your calorie limit. While these guidelines may seem straightforward, some Americans think eating healthy also means a higher grocery bill. These are difficult economic times. Food prices have escalated and family budgets are being stretched. However, a nutrition plan that includes fruits and vegetables actually is less expensive long-term than buying fast food or less healthy alterna-

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In loving memory


Jay A. Theis, CRPC® Financial Advisor

LETTER FROM HEAVEN To my dearest family, some things I’d like to say. But first of all, to let you know, that I arrived okay. I’m writing this from heaven. Here I dwell with God above. Here, there’s no more tears of sadness; Here is just eternal love.

Please do not be unhappy just because I’m out of sight. Remember that I am with you every morning, noon and night. There are many rocky roads ahead of you and many hills to climb; That day I had to leave you when my life on earth was through.But together we can do it by taking one day at a time. God picked me up and hugged me and He said, “I welcome you.It was always my philosophy and I’d like it for you too; That as you give unto the world, the world will give to you. It’s good to have you back again, If you can help somebody who’s in sorrow and pain; you were missed while you were gone. Then you can say to God at night....“My day was not in vain.” As for your dearest family, They’ll be here later on. And now I am contented...that my life was worthwhile. I need you here badly, you’re part of my plan. There’s so much that we have to do, to help our mortal man,” Knowing as I passed along the way I made somebody smile. God And And God

gave me a list of things, that he wished for me to do. So if you meet somebody who is sad and feeling low; Just lend a hand to pick him up, as on your way you go. foremost on the list, was to watch and care for you. when you lie in bed at night the day’s chores put to flight,When you’re walking down the street and you’ve got me on your mind; and I are closest to you....in the middle of the night. I’m walking in your footsteps only half a step behind. And when it’s time for you to go....from that body to be free. Remember you’re not going you’re coming here to me.

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The Sheldon Mail-Sun P.O. Box 160 227 Ninth St. Sheldon, IA 51201






Victims of crime react differently TRAUMA

Continued from page A1 response and became combative. “They both saw the same things but had completely different reactions,” Hally said. Eventually, one sister began experiencing seizures as a result of the trauma she experienced and succumbed to the disorder in 2003, while the other sister is living a relatively normal life. Hally is a captain with the Asotin County Sheriff’s Department in the state of Washington and the director of the Houser Christman Memorial Fund, a nonprofit charity to support victims of violent crime, research the impact of trauma and other factors impacting victims of violent crime and responders, and to deliver training to law enforcement, victim advocates, crime victims and other first responders to crimes of violence. He relayed the story of the two sisters during a keynote address as part of National Crime Victims’ Rights Week conference Wednesday at the Forster Community Center in Rock Rapids. Hally spoke of the different effects of trauma and ways law enforcement and victim advocates can help victims cope with traumatic experiences. These responses may be triggered by any number of traumatic events: Death of a loved one, rape, domestic abuse, natural disasters or a vehicular accident. “We process memory differently depending on our trauma response, and we can’t control our trauma responses,” Hally said. To understand how to help a victim of trauma, it is important to understand the types of trauma and how to work with people experiencing those states. Hally explained each of the trauma responses and how memory can be affected depending on the response. In a situation where a victim

Hospers loses power


If they’ve entered a freeze response, it’s physically impossible to answer the question ‘Tell me what happened?’ because of how memory is stored. Dan Hally

Dan Hally, a captain with the Asotin County Sheriff’s Department in the state of Washington, speaks at a seminar for National Crime Victims’ Rights Week on Wednesday in Rock Rapids. He said stalkers can use e-mail, employers, family members and even the court system to gather information on victims. (Photos by Josh Harrell)


captain with the asotin county sheriff’s department

n Keynote speaker Dan Hally was brought in for National Crimes Victims’ Rights Week, April 22-28, through a joint effort of the Family Crisis Centers of Northwest Iowa, the Lyon County Sheriff’s Department and the Lyon County Attorney’s Office.

is responding to trauma, he or she may be difficult for law enforcement officers to work with when they are trying to figure out what happened.

Freeze response

“If they’ve entered a freeze response, it’s physically impossible to answer the question ‘Tell me what happened?’ because of how memory is stored,” Hally said. In a freeze response, memory is stored in a “shotgun pattern,” and victims may not remember everything that happened upon first being asked. In a freeze response, the sympathetic and autonomic nervous systems take over, Hally said, and sensory information and memories aren’t processed normally. A victim may become catatonic, slow to respond and appear confused.

Hally said. He stressed that it is crucial to let the victim be if they are experiencing a flight response. If law enforcement officials or victim advocates wish to ask them questions about what happened, they must let the victim relax first. “If you don’t let someone process a trauma response, guess what they do? They switch gears. Their autonomic nervous system and sympathetic nervous system — without their ability to control it — will switch trauma responses,” Hally said. “If one’s not working, they’ll go to another.”

Flight response

But victims never switch from a flight response to a freeze response. Rather, they will switch to a fight response. When a victim is responding to trauma with fight, officers are most likely to be hurt. When a

Victims perhaps also could have a hard time sitting still and will appear agitated or nervous. “Their body has decided on a flight response; they do not want to be there to talk to you,”

Fight response

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HOSPERS—Stephen Snieder, 86, Sioux Center, was injured in a one-vehicle accident about 10:20 a.m. Wednesday, April 18, at the intersection of 400th St. and Hospers Drive South in Hospers. Snieder was driving a 2008 Ford Taurus east on 400th when he lost control of his vehicle, struck the railroad crossing arm, entered the north ditch and struck a utility pole guide wire, according to the Sioux County Sheriff’s Department. Snieder was transported to Orange City Area Health System. He was cited for failure to maintain control of his vehicle, which received about $10,000 damage. The crossing arm owned by Union Pacific Railroad sustained about $500 damage. The wire and pole owned by Midamerican Energy sustained about $750 damage and resulted in the city of Hospers losing power for about three hours.

Boy hurt in accident

SIOUX CENTER—A 12-year-old Sioux Center boy sustained serious injuries in a farm accident about 6:30 p.m. Monday, April 16, at 2125 380th St., 10 miles west of Sioux Center. The Sioux County Sheriff’s Department reported the boy was helping load pigs onto a trailer when the trailer rolled backwards and struck a gate. The gate then struck the boy, who was transported by ambulance to Sioux Center Community Hospital.

Fugitive arrested

victim is experiencing a fight response, their anger will escalate and they will become combative. Hally said if they are experiencing a fight response, it is OK to let the victim pace, move around a lot or talk fast. The important thing to keep in mind is that they need to feel in control of the situation and establish that the officer is not a threat. “If you’re not allowing them to process and you’re telling them to ‘Sit down, be quiet, I’ll get to you in a minute’ it’s not going to work. They’re not very likely to interact with you,” Hally said. If need be, Hally recommends officers schedule an interview for seven days after the initial trauma occurred. After that amount of time, a victim will be more likely to answer questions. Because of the way victims store memory after experienc-

ing trauma, getting them to tell an officer what happened may be a challenge, and they will need to find a trigger for their memory of the event. Hally told of a time that he had to deliver news to a man that his wife had been killed in a traffic accident one evening and interrupted the man making spaghetti for his children. When Hally told the man what had happened, the man fell to the ground and began sobbing. Months later, when the man was out at a restaurant with his in-laws, a waiter walked by with a plate of spaghetti and the man had the same response as when he found out his wife was killed. “Trauma memory tends to attach itself to sensory information: Smells, sights, sounds,” Hally said. “That’s the trauma trigger, that’s what we’re after when we’re interviewing victims of sexual assault.”

INWOOD—The Lyon County Sheriff’s Department, along with assistance from the Iowa State Patrol, Iowa Department of Natural Resources, and Iowa Division of Narcotic Enforcement, assisted in serving search warrants on Tuesday, April 17, at 205 E. Jefferson St. and 209 E. Jefferson St. in Inwood. Walter Espinoza Mercado, 21, 205 E. Jefferson, Inwood, was arrested during the search and charged with being a fugitive from justice. The arrest stems from an outstanding warrant he has from South Dakota. He was transported to the county jail.

Tip leads to arrest

ORANGE CITY—The Sioux County Sheriff’s Department reported the arrest of Art Boudwyn De Hoop, 20, Orange City, at about 2 a.m. Saturday, April 21, for possession of alcohol under legal age, a simple misdemeanor, after authorities investigated a Text-ATip report of underage drinking at a residence northwest of Orange City. The tip advised there was a large gathering consuming alcohol and included some underage people. The case remains under investigation.

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We would like to send our deepest appreciation to all those that have traveled so far to be with us at the benefit. Thanks to the Sioux County Pork Producers, AG Partners, Prairie Queen Bakery, Dairy Dandy and Well’s Enterprises Inc., for donating the meal. Thanks to everyone and their generous bids and donations on the live and silent auctions as well as those who gave monetary donations. Thanks to all that worked so hard to make the bake sale a huge success. Thanks to the Eagles for allowing us to use their location for the event. Thanks to Iowa Information Publications and KIWA for promoting the event.

Thrivent Siouxland Chapter supplemented funds received during the benefit. Thank you for all your help.

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The N’West Iowa REVIEW

April 28, 2012 •

Section B

Elementary students learn about aiding the environment

Earth Day

L by

Allison Suesse Staff Writer

Lillian Burdsall picked up an empty plastic water bottle, examined it and knew right away what to do with the trash. The 8-year-old had spent the morning learning about recycling during a program for second-graders of Little Rock Elementary presented by Lyon County Conservation naturalist Emily Ostrander. Lillian knew the bottle belonged in the recycle bin. Environmental issues had been on the students’ mind since their teacher, Ann Barkel, taught them about Earth Day, and what it means to help the environment. Students across N’West Iowa have had the opportunity to learn more about how to be environmentally-friendly as conservation centers in Lyon, O’Brien, Sioux and Osceola counties hosted Earth Day-related programs for the students. Lillian considers herself an advocate for the earth and wants to be a marine biologist when she grows up. “There’s this one species of manatee that are really endangered. There’s only 1,000 of them left, and I just really feel sad for them,” she said. But Ostrander’s program provoked Lillian to reflect on ways she can do more to help the environment, including creating a bird feeder using a plastic water bottle, twigs and pipe cleaners. “I want them to know they can be a part of it; it’s not just an adult thing,” Ostrander said. The students brainstormed two things they could reduce at home to help the environment. They

Little Rock Elementary second-grader Lillian Burdsall looks over a bottle for its recycling number Wednesday during an Earth Day project. Most recycling stations only accept plastics numbered one through four. (Photos by Josh Harrell) decided they could easily play outside more to reduce the amount of time spent indoors watching TV or using the Internet, or they could use less water when they are taking a shower. Often, Ostrander notices, it actually is the kids who inspire adults to recycle. She said that when kids come home from school and talk about what they have learned, parents and grandparents are more likely to be excited about recycling. Ostrander hopes the students understand that they can be involved in doing simple things to help the environment, like giving old clothes to a younger sibling or turning off the lights, and knows that they are willing to help. “Kids are really pretty good with it, and they like to be a part of it,” she said. During the program, the second-graders tossed cardboard boxes, cans and plastic containers into their proper receptacle to test their knowledge of what item goes where. “Sometimes recycling seems like a lot of work, but if everybody is doing a little bit of it, it doesn’t take that much time and it feels a lot better to be throwing it in the recycling can than it does in the garbage,” Ostrander said. But being aware of environmental issues does not need to stop at the classroom. “We live here every day so, this isn’t just something we should think about in April; this is something you should think about every day,” said

O’Brien County naturalist Charlene Elyea. Earth Day is just a reminder to treat the planet with respect and think about the things individuals can do to be environmentally friendly. Elyea hosts programs for schoolchildren and adults to inspire them to think about little things they can do to help the planet. This year, she has tackled talking to students about recycling. For the younger children, this includes discussing how to reuse recyclable materials and explaining what happens after something gets thrown in a recycle bin with the older kids. In Elyea’s experience, she has noticed that kids care about the environment, but seem to be more aware of global environmental issues than local environmental issues. “We always like to bring things close to home,” Elyea said. “They’re all about trying to save the polar bears, which is good, but there are creatures in their backyard or conserving soil and water in their own environment. I think it’s that global picture. I do encourage saving polar bears, but I think they know more about that than the creatures that live beside them.” By spending time outside, kids can get to know the creatures that live near them, which hopefully will instill an interest in wanting to maintain a healthy Earth. “There’s nothing better about learning what’s in your backyard than playing in it,” Elyea said. 

“I want them to know they can be a part of it; it’s not just an adult thing.”

The birth of earth day: Second-graders Abby Mouw, Kasey deBoer, Lillian Burdsall, Connor Arends and Jaydon Wibben sort recyclable material Wednesday during an Earth Day project at Little Rock Elementary.

n The inaugural Earth Day was held April 22, 1970. Since then it has grown from a domestic initiative to raise concerns about environmental welfare to an international campaign. Earth Day was founded by Gaylord Nelson, a former U.S. senator from Wisconsin after he was inspired to raise environmental concerns following the 1969 oil spill in Santa Barbara, CA.






Rev. Clint Hogrefe, senior pastor; Mark Anderson, pastor of student ministries; Rev. Merle Wester, visitation pastor. Sunday: 10:30 a.m. Worship. Wednesday: 7 p.m. Midweek Worship.

PRESBYTERIAN, 311 12th St. E.


Cory Flanigan. Sunday: 9:30 a.m. Worship.



3630 370th St. Rev. Stephen Breen. Sunday: 9:30 a.m. and 7:15 p.m. Worship.


10th St. Father Paul Eisele. Sunday: 8:30 a.m. Mass.


Carolyn Salberg. Sunday: 10:15 a.m. Worship.


REFORMED, 4103 400 St. Rev.


Churches are encouraged to submit updated information, which is listed as space allows.

Sunday: 9:30 a.m. Worship.

REFORMED, 305 Eighth St. Sunday: 9:30 a.m. Worship. ST. MARY’S CATHOLIC , 609

David Powers. Sunday: 9:30 a.m. and 7 p.m. Worship.

CHRIST LUTHERAN (ELCA) , 308 First St. Pastor Carla Jensen. Sunday: 10:30 a.m. Worship.


ARCHER REFORMED, 210 Locust St. Rev. Jeremy Wiersema. Sunday: 9:30 a.m. and 6 p.m. Worship.

King’s Men of Song to present concerts

UNITED METHODIST , 309 Harriman Ave. Rev. Doris Lindley. Sunday: 9:30 a.m. Worship.

ASHTON ASHTON BIBLE , 140 First St. Sunday: 10:30 a.m. and 7 p.m. Worship.

Longtime men’s group to sing at churches in Edgerton, MN, Inwood and Sioux Center

ST. MARY’S CATHOLIC , 643 Sixth St. Father John Vakulskas. Sunday: 8:30 a.m. Mass. Second and Fourth Saturdays: 5 p.m. Mass.


EGIONAL—The King’s Men of Song from Lynden, WA, will present three vocal concerts in area churches. They will perform a joint concert with the Valley Male Chorus of Rock Valley at 7 p.m. today (Saturday, April 28) at First Christian Reformed Church in Edgerton, MN; they will perform during the 6 p.m. worship service on Sunday, April 29, at Inwood Christian Reformed Church; and they will present a concert at 7 p.m. Monday, April 30, at Faith Christian Reformed Church in Sioux Center. The King’s Men of Song was

FIRST PRESBYTERIAN , 419 Fourth St. Meeting at Jurrens Funeral Home Chapel. Rev. Dale Lint. Sunday: 9 a.m. Worship.

BOYDEN FIRST REFORMED, 901 Pleasant St. Rev. Matthew Draffen. Sunday: 9:30 a.m. and 6 p.m. Worship.

ST. JOHN LUTHERAN (NALC), 3941 280th St. Sunday: 10:30 a.m. Worship.

UNITED PRESBYTERIAN, 817 Lincoln St. Sunday: 9:25 a.m. Worship.

established 30 years ago with 21 men from various occupations and denominations. There is one charter member still singing with the group, which currently has 36 members. They have performed more than 400 programs throughout Washington and have traveled to Oregon, Idaho, Montana, South Dakota, Iowa, Minnesota, California and British Columbia. The King’s Men of Song has released several CDs that are available at all concerts. For more information, visit their website at www.kingsmenofsong. org.

The King’s Men of Song has performed in more than half a dozen states during three decades of concerts. (Photo submitted)



a.m. and 7 p.m. Worship.



Sunday: 9:30 a.m. and 6 p.m. Worship.


Mark Heijerman. Sunday: 9:30 a.m. and 7 p.m. Worship.


Elm St. Father Paul Eisele. Call (712) 752-8784 for Mass times.


N. Fourth Ave. W. Father Tim Hogan. Sunday: 10:30 a.m. Mass.





Ave. Rev. Donald Baker. Sunday: 11 a.m. and 6 p.m. Worship.

60 N. Central Ave. Rev. David Ericksen. Sunday: 9 a.m. Worship.

First St. Rev. Steve Bierly. Sunday: 9:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. Worship.




Fifth St. Rev. Barb Joy. Sunday: 9 a.m. Worship.

Rev. Jeffrey Filkins. Sunday: 9 a.m. Worship.

in Boyden-Hull High School Theatre. Pastor Cory Griess. Sunday: 9:30 a.m. and 6 p.m. Worship.


PROTESTANT REFORMED, 408 Sixth Ave. Rev. David Overway. Sunday: 9:30 a.m. and 6 p.m. Worship.

UNITED METHODIST, 361 N. Eighth Ave. W. Rev. Steve Campbell. Sunday: 10:30 a.m. Worship.

F I R S T C H R I S T I A N R E ­­ FORMED, 1121 Fifth St. Rev. Paul


Hansen. Sunday: 9:30 a.m. and 7 p.m. Worship.

UNITED REFORMED, 602 Rice Ave. Rev. Simon Lievaart. Sunday: 9:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. Worship.

GEORGE CENTRAL BAPTIST, 206 E. Minnesota Ave. Rev. Harold “Harry” Anderson and Pastor Aaron Van’t Hul. Sunday: 10:30 a.m. Worship.

AMERICAN LUTHERAN (ELCA), 1417 12th St. Sunday: 10 a.m. Worship.

ASSOCIATED CHURCH (UCC and Presbyterian), 719 10th St. Sunday: 9 a.m. Worship.


EBENEZER PRESBYTERIAN, 300 E. Iowa Ave. Sunday: 9:25 a.m. Worship.

16th St. Sunday: 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. Worship.

FIRST BAPTIST, 4102 190th St.

Ave. Sunday: 9:30 a.m. Worship.

Rev. Stephen May. Sunday: 10 a.m. and 7 p.m. Worship.

FIRST BAPTIST, 1100 Central FRIENDSHIP ASSEMBLY OF GOD, 802 12th St. Sunday: 10 a.m.



Ave. Rev. David Poppen. Sunday: 10 a.m. Worship; 6:30 p.m. Bible Study.

HAWARDEN COMMUNITY (RCA), 1700 Central Ave. Sunday:

IMMANUEL LUTHERAN (ELCA), 400 E. Iowa Ave. Rev. Tony Metz. Sunday: 10:30 a.m. Worship.

LYON COUNTY FIRST PRESBYTERIAN, 4140 230th St. Rev. Paul Fischer. Sunday: 9:30 a.m. Worship.


9:30 a.m. Worship.

ST. MARY’S CATHOLIC, 1121 Avenue L. Sunday: 10:30 a.m. Mass. Saturday: 5 p.m. Mass.

TRINITY LUTHERAN (LCMS), 1103 Central Ave. Sunday: 10:30 a.m. Worship. Saturday: 6 p.m. Worship.

FIRST REFORMED, 911 Second St. Sunday: 9:30 a.m. and 7 p.m. Worship.

HERITAGE REFORMED, 1204 Third St. Rev. Michael Fintelman. Sunday: 9:30 a.m. and 6 p.m. Worship. H O P E C H R I S T I A N R E ­­ FORMED , 1407 Sixth St. Rev.

Third St. Pastor Shannon Pascual. Sunday: 9 a.m. Worship.

ZION LUTHERAN (LCMS), 1307 Tanager Ave. Rev. Russell Anderson. Sunday: 10:30 a.m. Worship.

ORANGE CITY AMERICAN REFORMED , 407 Albany Ave. S.E. Rev. Keith Krebs. Sunday: 9:30 a.m. Worship.

CALVARY CHRISTIAN RE­­ FORMED, 709 Fifth St. S.E. Rev. David Heilman. Sunday: 9:30 a.m. and 6 p.m. Worship.

CHURCH OF THE SAVIOR , 7530 Arizona Ave. S.W. Rev. Dr. Karen Wacome. Sunday: 10 a.m. Worship.
 CORNERSTONE BAPTIST, 211 Third St. Rev. Jay Anderson. Sunday: 10:30 a.m. Worship.

DOVER AVENUE ALLIANCE , 417 Third St. N.E. Rev. Jeffrey Keady. Sunday: 10:30 a.m. Worship.

FAITH LUTHERAN (LCMS), 710 Eighth St. S.E. Rev. David Daumer. Sunday: 9:30 a.m. Worship.

1006 Hayes Ave. Rev. James Laning. Sunday: 9:30 a.m. and 6 p.m. Worship.

ST. PAUL LUTHERAN (LCMC), 3483 290th St. Sunday: 10 a.m. Worship.

INWOOD B E T H L E H E M LU T H E R A N (ELCA) , 302 N. Oak St. Pastor John Wolf. Sunday: 9 a.m. Worship.

CHRISTIAN REFORMED, 302 E. Madison St. Pastor Sam Krikke. Sunday: 9:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. Worship.



Fourth Ave. N. Rev. Nicholas Davelaar. Sunday: 9:30 a.m. and 6 p.m. Worship.

709 S. Douglas St. Rev. Tim Larson. Sunday: 10:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. Worship.

FIRST PRESBYTERIAN (Presbyterian Church in America),

OUR SAVIOR’S LUTHERAN (LCMC), 2065 Birch Ave. Sunday: 10:45 a.m. Worship.


200 Elm St. Dr. Brian Janssen. Sunday: 9:30 a.m. and 6 p.m. Worship.

ST. JOSEPH CATHOLIC , 528 Elm St. Father Richard Ball. Saturday: 4 p.m. Mass. Sunday: 9 a.m.



Rev. Milton Sikkema. Sunday: 9:30

Maple St. Rev. Norlyn Van Beek.

The sponsors of this page are pleased to present this weekly listing of N’West Iowa church services.


FIRST REFORMED, 420 Central Ave. N.W. Rev. Timothy Breen; Rev. Mark Haverdink, pastor of congregational life. Sunday: 9:15 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. Worship.

HARVEST COMMUNIT Y (Presbyterian Church of America), 209 First St. N.E. Rev. James


Hakim. Sunday: 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. Worship.

APOSTOLIC CHRISTIAN, 510 Dove Ave. Sunday 10:30 a.m. and 1 p.m. Worship. 7:30 p.m. worship first and third Sundays.

BETHEL REFORMED , 2314 150th St. Rev. Donald Baker. Sunday 9 a.m. Worship. SEEDS OF FAITH UNITED METHODIST, 408 Main St. Rev. Don Nelson. Sunday 9:30 a.m. Worship.




ST. JOHN LUTHERAN (LCMS), 5092 480th St. Rev. Donald Erickson. Sunday: 10 a.m. Worship.


602 Main St. Pastor Andrew Carlson. Sunday: 9 a.m. Worship.


FIRST REFORMED, 414 North Oak St. Rev. Rob Horstman. Sunday: 9:30 a.m. Worship.



FIRST PRESBYTERIAN , 503 Fisher St. Rev. Scott Burdsall. Sunday: 10 a.m. Worship.

UNITED METHODIST , 803 13th St. Rev. Barb Joy. Saturday: 5 p.m. Worship. Sunday: 10:30 a.m. Worship.

Rev. Douglas Van Aartsen. Sunday: 9:30 a.m. Worship.

Todd Zuidema. Sunday: 9:30 a.m. and 6 p.m. Worship.

Indiana Ave. Pastor Bryan Anderson. Pastor Rick Henning, youth pastor. Sunday: 8:30 a.m. and 10:45 a.m. Worship. Log Ave. Rev. Dale Lint. Sunday: 10:30 a.m. Worship.

1075 Pine St. Rev. Russell Anderson. Sunday: 9 a.m. Worship.

Rev. Tim Ouwinga. Sunday: 9:30 a.m. and 6 p.m. Worship.

REFORMED, 2801 360th St. Rev.

201 Barton Ave. Pastor Steven Swenson. Sunday: 9 a.m. Worship.


F I R S T C H R I S T I A N R E ­­ FORMED, 408 Arizona Ave. S.W.

Barbara Weier. Sunday: 9:30 a.m. Worship.


Fifth St. Rev. J. William Van Der Heide. Sunday: 9:30 a.m. and 7 p.m. Worship.

IMMANUEL CHRISTIAN RE­­ FORMED, 1405 Albany Ave. N.E. Rev. Bob Drenten. Sunday: 9:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. Worship.

LIVING WATER COMMUNITY, 1005 Eighth St. S.E. (Highway 10). Pastor Jason Wyk. Sunday: 10 a.m. Worship.


Judy Johnson. Sunday: 9:30 a.m. Worship.

FIRST REFORMED, 138 North St. Rev. Benson Den Hartog. Sunday: 9:30 a.m. Worship; 7:30 p.m. Worship (third Sunday). UNITED METHODIST , 9534 Melvin Road. Rev. David Finley. Sunday: 9:30 a.m. Worship.


SILOAM LUTHERAN (ELCA), 204 S. Clark St. Rev. Elizabeth Pfeifle. Sunday: 10:45 a.m. Worship.

ZION LUTHERAN (LCMS), 103 E. Bertha St. Rev. Daniel Wagner. Sunday: 9:30 a.m. Worship.


Kordahl. Sunday: 9 a.m. Worship.

PEACE LUTHERAN (LCMS) , 902 S. Carroll St. Pastor Mark Hansen. Sunday: 10:15 a.m. Worship.

UNITED METHODIST, 302 S. Carroll St. Rev. Marcia Sangel. Sunday: 10:30 a.m. Worship.

ROCK VALLEY C A LV I N C H R I S T I A N R E ­­ FORMED, 1804 17th Ave. Rev. Gideon Wamala. Sunday: 9:30 a.m. and 6 p.m. Worship.

FAITH REFORMED, 1305 Seventh St. Rev. Mike Molenaar and Rev. Tom Smith. Sunday: 8:30 and 10:45 a.m. Worship.

F I R S T C H R I S T I A N R E ­­ FORMED, 1401 16th St. Sunday: 9:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. Worship.

FIRST REFORMED, 1501 16th St. Rev. Dr. Michael Van Hamersveld. Sunday: 9:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. Worship. GRACE COMMUNITY , 1616 18th St. Rev. Joseph Terrell. Sunday: 10:30 a.m. Worship.

LIGHTHOUSE, 1503 14th St. 11 a.m. Worship.

NETHERLANDS REFORMED, 1610 Main St. Rev. Peter L. Bazen. Sunday: 9:30 a.m., 2 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. Worship.

OUR SAVIOR’S LUTHERAN (ELCA), 1921 12th St. Rev. James Demke. Sunday: 9 a.m. Worship.

PIONEER UNITED METHODIST, 1030 18th Ave. Rev. Marshall Monthei. Sunday: 10:30 a.m. Worship.


SANBORN CHRISTIAN REFORMED, 208 N. Western St. Sunday: 9:30 a.m. and 6 p.m. Worship.

CORNERSTONE UNITED RE­­ FORMED, 805 Sunrise Ave. Rev. Dan Donovan. Sunday: 9:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. Worship.

FIRST PRESBYTERIAN , 410 Franklin St. Rev. Gregg Johnson. Sunday: 9:30 a.m. Worship. FIRST REFORMED, 512 Summit St. Rev. Gary Hegstad. Sunday: 9:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. Worship. GRACE EVANGELICAL FREE,

AMERICAN REFORMED , 280 First St. N.E. Rev. Dennis Hietbrink. Sunday: 9:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. Worship.

210 N. Main St. Rev. Kenneth Carlson. Sunday: 10:30 a.m. Worship.

S T. A N D R E W ’ S U N I T E D METHODIST, 604 Sunrise Ave.

CHURCH OF CHRIST, 280 First St. N.W. Rev. John Byrd. Sunday: 10:30 a.m. Worship.

Rev. Thomas Connors. Sunday: 9:30 a.m. Worship.

GRACE LUTHERAN (ELCA), 380 N. Rerick Ave. Pastor Kim and Pastor Trudy Peterson. Sunday: 9:30 a.m. Worship.

E. Fourth St. Father Tim Hogan. Saturday: 6 p.m. Mass.


S T. J O H N ’ S L U T H E R A N (LCMS), 305 Angie St. Pastor Jesse

SOCIETY OF FRIENDS (Quaker), 5.5 miles south of Primghar

Burns. Sunday: 9:30 a.m. Worship.

on Highway 59. Sunday: 10:30 a.m. Worship.

See CHURCH on B4

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712.324.4575 Highway 18, Sheldon, IA

IMMANUEL LUTHERAN (ELCA), 409 S. Third Ave. Rev. Dan

UNITED REFORMED , 2485 300th St. Rev. James Sinke. Sunday: 9:30 a.m. and 6 p.m. Worship.

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HOLY NAME CATHOLIC, 1108 S. Carroll St. Father Jeffrey Schleisman. Saturday: 6 p.m. Mass. Sunday: 10:30 a.m. Mass.



712.324.2516 • Sheldon •

FIRST REFORMED , 512 S. Union St. Rev. Dan Haggar and Rev. Katie Van Veldhuizen. Sunday: 9:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. Worship.

Rev. Mark Beernink. Sunday: 9:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. Worship.

FIRST PRESBYTERIAN , 103 W. Groesbeck St. Pastor Andrew Hilla. Sunday: 9:30 a.m. Worship.

AMERICAN LUTHERAN (ELCA) , 352 Center St. Pastor

FAITH BAPTIST, 704 S. 12th Ave. Rev. Jeff Poppinga. Sunday: 10:15 a.m. Worship.

Rev. Todd DeRooy. Sunday: 9:30 a.m. and 6 p.m. Worship.



Third Ave. Rev. Dean Shelly. Sunday: 10 a.m. Worship.

T R I N I T Y C H R I S T I A N R E ­­ FORMED, 2020 Eighth St. S.E.


6665 Frederick Ave. Rev. Paul Johnson. Sunday: 9 a.m. Worship.


R E D E E M E R U N I T E D R E ­­ FORMED, 302 St. Paul Ave. S.E.,



Bradley St. Rev. Dr. Clifford Hoekstra. Sunday: 9:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. Worship.

14th St. Father Douglas Klein. Saturday: 5:30 p.m. English Mass.

Ave. Rev. Brian Hellenga. Sunday: 9:30 a.m. and 7 p.m. Worship.


UNITED CHURCH OF PRIM­ GHAR, 465 N. Heritage. Pastor

Jeff Whitt. Sunday: 8:30 a.m. and 10:45 a.m. Worship.

Albany Ave. N.E. Rev. Jonathan Opgenorth, senior pastor; Rev. Jonathan Nelson, associate pastor. Sunday: 10:30 a.m. Worship at Northwestern College’s Christ Chapel.

St. Pastor Don De Kok, preaching pastor. Pastor Harlan De Jong, congregational care pastor. Sunday: 8:30 a.m., 10:45 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. Worship.

375 S. Green Ave. Father Tim Hogan. Sunday: 9 a.m. Mass.

Clarence Van Voorst 712.439.2065 • Hull, IA

712.476.5362 • Rock Valley, IA

SANBORN FUNERAL HOME 712.729.3238 • Sanborn, IA


712.752.8683 • Hospers, IA





June 2 wedding plans announced

June 23 wedding plans announced

IRETON—Fred and Shirley Ten Napel of Ireton announce the engagement of their daughter, Rachel Ten Napel, to Dave Sage, son of Janice Sage of Paullina and Arlyn Sage of Rossville, KS. The bride-to-be is a graduate of Briar Cliff University in Sioux City, earning a bachelor of science in nursing. She is employed with Hospice of Siouxland in Sioux City. Her fiancé attended Northwestern College in Orange City. He is employed with the Sioux

LEIGHTON—Dale and Davona Fynaardt of New Sharon and Derick and Arnola Roos of Sioux Center announce the engagement of their children, Paige Nicole Fynaardt and Kody James Roos. The bride-to-be is a 2009 graduate of Pella Christian High School and is a junior at Dordt College in Sioux Center, majoring in biology with a computer science minor. Her fiancé is a 2009 graduate of Unity Christian High School in Orange City and is a Dordt College junior majoring in criminal justice with a political studies minor. He also is

Dave and Rachel City Community School District. A June 2 wedding is planned.

June 23 wedding plans announced HARTLEY—Steve and Gina Loshman of Calumet announce the engagement of their daughter, Katie, to Anthony Durst, son of Dudley and Sherry Durst of Primghar. The bride-to-be and her fiancé are 2003 graduates of South O’Brien High School in Paullina. Katie also is a graduate of Southwestern Adventist University in Keene, TX, receiving a bachelor’s degree in business management. Anthony graduated from South Dakota State University in Brookings, receiving a bachelor’s degree in construction management. Katie and Anthony reside and

Olivia De Kok , a student at Sheldon High School, will attend the World Food Prize Iowa Youth Institute April 30 at Iowa State University in Ames. The event aims to challenge and inspire Iowa students to think globally and consider opportunities in the sciences as they embark on their careers and postsecondary studies.

Paige and Kody a member of the Air National Guard in Sioux City. A June 23 wedding ceremony is planned at Leighton Christian Reformed Church.

June 29 wedding plans announced

Katie and Anthony work in Cheyenne, WY. A June 23 wedding ceremony is planned at Covey Church in rural Hartley. A reception will follow on June 24 at Gull Point Lodge in Milford.

RO C K VA L L EY— Jo e a n d Vicki Ranschau of Rock Valley announce the engagement of their daughter, Brittany Ranschau, to Justin Korver, son of Kurt and Mary Korver of Alton. The bride-to-be is a student at Colorado Technical University in Sioux Falls, SD, and will graduate in June with a bachelor of science in criminal justice. Her fiancé is a 2010 graduate of Southeast Technical Institute in Sioux Falls, SD, with two associate degrees in landscaping design and horticulture. He is employed as a telesales rep-

System, weighing 7 pounds, 8½ ounces, and measuring 20 inches. She has a sister, Allison. Grandparents are Kevin and Jan Budden of Granville and Pete Blankenfeld and the late Bonnie Blankenfeld of Waterloo. n Logan Rae Christensen, daughter of Jason and Amber Christensen of Arnolds Park, was born Wednesday, April 18, at Lakes Regional Healthcare in Spirit Lake, weighing 8 pounds, 11 ounces, and measuring 21 inches. Grandparents are Roger and Vicky Christensen of Arnolds Park and Darin and Julie Green of Hull. Greatg ra n d p a re n t s a re Sh o r t y

Christensen of Spirit Lake, Don Olsen of Milford, Jessi and Steve Long of Superior, and Gary and Elaine Green of Milford. Greatgreat-grandparents are Effie Green of Milford and John and Bonnie Ingvall of Spencer. n Asher Hendrik Wieringa, son of Brian and Katie Wieringa of Sheldon, was born Friday, April 20, 2012, at Sanford Sheldon Medical Center, weighing 8 pounds, 2 ounces, and measuring 21½ inches. He has a brother, Edison. Grandparents are Erv and Kathy Wieringa of Sheldon and Sandy Kroese of Hull. n Zoee Joraylie Perry, daughter of Dustin and Danielle Perry

Justin and Brittany resentative for Animal Health International in Sioux Center. A June 29 wedding is planned.

of Sheldon, was born Tuesday, April 24, 2012, at Sanford Sheldon Medical Center, weighing 9 pounds, 2 ounces, and measuring 21 inches. Grandparents are Kim Perry and Buddy Mitts of Sheldon and Debbra Hughes of Sioux Center. Great-grandparents are Henry and Joan Byl of Sioux Center, Woody Wester of Rye, AZ, and William and Joyce Perry of Bentonville, AR. n Note: The N’West Io­­w a REVIEW welcomes birth an­­ nouncements. The information on new arrivals may be e-mailed to editor@iowainformation.com, faxed to (712) 324-2345 or mailed to P.O. Box 160, Sheldon, IA 51201.


Groundcovers can rescue open spots Variety of options to pick from to brighten up yards

Crystal Pottebaum, Alton, and Kaitlyn Huisman, Sioux Center, were each awarded a $500 Sioux County 4-H Scholarship. Pottebaum is a student at MOC-Floyd Valley High School in Orange City and Huisman is a student at Sioux Center High School.

Army National Guard Pvt. Adam Vander Laan, son of Carrie McKee of Hartley, recently graduated from the Field Artillery Automated Tactical Data Systems Specialist Advanced Individual Training course at Fort Sill in Lawton, OK. He is a 2008 graduate of HartleyMelvin-Sanborn High School in Hartley. Rebecca Hoey , director of online learning at Northwestern College in Orange City, has earned a doctor of education in curriculum and instruction from University of South Dakota in Vermillion after success-

CHURCH Continued from page B3 SHELDON BETHEL REFORMED, 611 Seventh St. Rev. Troy Van Beek. Sunday: 9 a.m. Worship; 3 p.m. Comunidad Cristiana Worship.

CALVARY BAPTIST , 823 10th St. Rev. Marcus Moffitt. Sunday: 10:30 a.m. and 7 p.m. Worship.

in shade plus many handle dry soil conditions. them by planting broken stems directly in the ground. Another groundcover doing well on my slopes is the shallow-rooted ajuga or Bugleweed. I have two varieties the Black Scallop and Chocolate Chip. The Black Scallop has very broad, richly textured leaves that are almost black in color. It spreads along the ground forming a carpet. The more upright Chocolate Chip variety has miniature, smooth leaves with a purplish hue. Both produce tall spikes covered in dainty blue flowers. Then there is the commonly grown vining groundcover, Vinca minor or periwinkle. This perennial plant is a good choice for the roughest areas as it forms a dense, weed-smothering cover that trails over outcrops of rock. Pretty pale blue or purple flowers poke up through its evergreen leaves in early spring. The area on top of the hill has deeper soil that is fairly moist and rock free. This space

ST. ANDREW’S CATHOLIC, 708 Eighth St. First, Third and Fifth Saturdays: 5 p.m. Mass. Sunday: 10 a.m. Mass.

TRINITY LUTHERAN (ELCA), 704 Poplar Drive. Sunday: 10 a.m. Worship.

UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST CONGREGATIONAL, 704 Fourth Ave. Sunday: 10 a.m. Worship.


AMISTAD CRISTIANA (Christian Fellowship), 117 Third St.

Kevin Muyskens. Sunday: 9:30 a.m. and 6 p.m. Worship.

instead. Several types grow well

Army National Guard Pfc. Kevin Grothaus, son of Jeffery Grothaus of Primghar, recently graduated from the Fire Support Specialist Advanced Individual Training course at Fort Sill in Lawton, OK. He is the grandson of Sharon Grothaus of Primghar and a 2011 graduate of South O’Brien High School in Paullina.

CROSSROADS COMMUNITY (EFCA), 730 Western Ave. Pastor


sider installing a groundcover

Heidi Postma , Sheldon, a junior at Northwestern College in Orange City, presented her honors research project, “Behavioral and Electrophysiological Research on the Possible Anthelmintic Properties of the Botanical Dietary Supplements, Blue Cohash, on the Parasitic Nematode, Ascaris suum,” at the Upper Midwest Honors Conference on April 14 in Dubuque.


enth St. Rev. David Brower. Sunday: 9:30 a.m. Unity Worship.

alive under trees or shrubs, con-

Kelsey Plagman , Sheldon, has been inducted into a new chapter of the national honorary Tau Upsilon Alpha at Wayne State College in Wayne, NE. She is a human service counseling major.

3011 Marsh Ave. Rev. David Loveall. Sunday: 9:30 a.m. Worship.



Fontanelle Stalkholder dealer Jim Konz, Hospers, presented $2,500 F.O.C.U.S. (Fontanelle Offering Communities Understanding Support) grants to Spalding Catholic School in Granville and Unity Christian High School in Orange City to purchase computers for their computer labs.

11th Ave. N.E. Sunday: 10:30 a.m. Worship.

9:30 a.m. and 6 p.m. Worship.

If you have trouble keeping grass

Cody Bouwman , Alvord, will display his senior thesis art exhibit May 13-21 at the Janalyn Hanson White gallery at Mount Mercy University in Cedar Rapids.


F I R S T C H R I S T I A N R E ­­ FORMED, 901 Ninth St. Sunday:

O U R S AV I O R LU T H E R A N (LCMS), 1225 S. Second Ave. Sunday: 9 a.m. Worship.

sits in shade from the trees as well as some shrubs. Here I have opted for a hosta bed interspersed with coral bells and astilbes. Although not always thought of as groundcover, these plants work well to secure an area where runoff has been a problem. Most people have hostas and know how easy they are to grow. Plus they have some very nice variegated forms. I have the green/white variegated Patriot and a couple of green/gold leaved varieties. The bed receives nice contrast from the dark colored foliage of the Purple Palace coral bells and the soft pink-flowered astibles. There also are a few sites in my backyard that are in deep shade. These are next to buildings and directly under the mulberry tree. Two groundcovers that have made those areas home are the Bishop’s Goutweed and Lily-of-the-Valley. Both are aggressive spreaders but perform well in poor sites. These plants work perfectly for sloping areas near the house where I need a thick, vegetative mat for erosion control. Utilizing groundcovers in areas that are difficult for turf to grow offers an opportunity to introduce a range of different colors, textures and form into the yard. It also cuts down on overall mow time and creates mow-free zones that provide extra protection to wildlife. To learn more about groundcovers, Iowa State University Extension and Outreach has a nice publication titled “Groundcovers” (PM 1332). It has great information on plants for sun and shade plus excellent color photos. For more information,feel free to contact me at my e-mail mmurphy@iastate.edu, by phone at (712) 472-2576 or through your county Extension office.

fully defending her dissertation on April 11. Her dissertation is titled “Examining the Impact of Teacher-Generated Feedback in Online Math Courses Where Computer-Assisted Instruction is Embedded.”


Bob Donley. www.crossroadssheldon.org. Pastor Bob Donley. Sunday: 10 a.m. Worship.

by Margaret Murphy Contributing Writer

REGIONAL—The other day I was comparing notes with a friend of mine. We both have trouble spots in our yards where grass just doesn’t grow or the terrain makes it difficult to mow. Thinking about alternatives, we began to discuss the benefits of perennial groundcovers. Groundcovers are low-growing plants. Most spread quickly and can be used to carpet large areas of landscape. Groundcovers come in a huge assortment. Whether your site is in full sun or full shade, has dry conditions or moist, you can find a variety that will work. Groundcovers can be an effective solution to many problems in the yard. One issue they can solve is the nuisance of mowing steep slopes or uneven terrain. Replacing the turf in these areas with groundcover eliminates the need to mow. They also serve to stabilize the soil. If you have trouble keeping grass alive under trees or shrubs, consider installing a groundcover instead. Several types grow well in shade plus many handle dry soil conditions. Drier soil often is common under trees that have thick canopies. The canopy can deflect rainfall from the ground directly beneath it. Another advantage of growing groundcover under a tree is not having to mow around the tree. This prevents injury to the trunk by the lawn mower. Groundcovers also will help keep weeds down so there is no more temptation to weed whack around tree trunks. My backyard has a hill with several steepfaced slopes. The hill remains in dappled sunlight all day due to several beautiful, old shade trees. The slope faces have shallow soil with descent sized rocks jutting out here and there. Clearly areas I’m not interested in maneuvering a lawn mower through. So I need plants that will tolerate less than perfect growing conditions. Gratefully, I have several choices of perennial groundcovers to rescue me. One of the most prolific groundcovers to conquer my slopes is the Beacon Silver, a spotted dead nettle. This mounding plant has silver leaves edged in green, which compliment nicely the clusters of lavender-colored flowers. Near the cement steps that bisect the hill are several varieties of sedum or stonecrops. Most grow as a mat covering the soil and do a great job controlling erosion. I have had enormous luck with propagating

Marisa Robideau, Sheldon, was awarded the Lucia B. Forman Endowed Scholarship in Early Childhood Education for the 2012-13 academic year at South Dakota State University in Brookings, SD.

Jill Bomgaars, Sheldon, was cited as an outstanding senior in English education at Wartburg College in Waverly and awarded a gold-colored dean’s honor cord as one of 40 graduating seniors with the highest cumulative grade-point average.

BIRTHS n Brayden Allen Vollink, son of Craig and Amanda Vollink of Hospers, was born Wednesday, March 28, 2012, at Orange City Area Health System, weighing 7 pounds, 13 ounces, and measuring 19 inches. Grandparents are Doug and Nancy Schrader of Sheldon and Galen and Patty Vollink of Sanborn. Great-grandparents are Dallas and Elma Schrader of Jefferson, Gilbert and Bonnie Vollink of Archer, and Ruth Diekevers of Sheldon. n Angela Jean Blankenfeld, daughter of Mike and Ashley Blankenfeld of West Bend, was born Thursday, April 5, 2012, at Palo Alto County Health


PARKVIEW ASSEMBLY OF GOD, 516 Fourth Ave. Pastor Ken Snyder. Sunday: 10 a.m. Worship; 6:30 p.m. Evening Praise.

ST. PATRICK’S CATHOLIC, 310 10th St. Father Allan Reicks. Sunday: 9 a.m. Mass; 11 a.m. Spanish Mass. Saturday: 5:30 p.m. Mass. ST. PAUL LUTHERAN (NALC), 1425 Pleasant Court. Sunday: 9 a.m. Worship.

N.E. Sunday: 3:30 p.m. Spanish Worship.

B E T H E L C H R I S T I A N R E ­­ FORMED, 341 S. Main Ave. Sunday: 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. Worship.

BRIDGE OF HOPE MINISTRIES (an outreach ministry of the Christian Reformed Church meeting at Te Paske Theatre in Sioux Center High School). Sunday: 10 a.m. Worship. CENTRAL REFORMED, 113 N. Main Ave. Sunday: 9:30 a.m. and 6 p.m. Worship. CHRIST COMMUNITY (Evangelical Free Church), 945 Seventh Ave. S.E. Sunday: 9:30 a.m. Worship.

CHRIST THE KING CATHOLIC, 501 Second Ave. S.W. Sunday: 9 a.m. English Mass. Domingos: 11 a.m. Misa en Español. COVENANT CHRISTIAN RE­­ FORMED, 106 Second St. N.E. Sunday: 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. Worship.

F A I T H C H R I S T I A N R E ­­ FORMED, 801 Ninth St. S.E. Sun-


day: 9:30 a.m. and 6 p.m. Worship.

Eighth St. Rev. Marvin Lindley. Sunday: 8:30 a.m. Traditional Worship; 11 a.m. Modern Worship.

F I R S T C H R I S T I A N R E ­­ FORMED, 321 Second St. S.E.

SIBLEY CHRISTIAN REFORMED, 115 Maple. Sunday: 9:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. Worship.

FAITH LUTHERAN , 700 11th Ave. (Meeting at United Methodist Church) Saturday: 6:30 p.m. Worship.

FIRST BAPTIST, 402 Sixth St. Sunday: 9 a.m. Traditional Worship; 11 a.m. Contemporary Worship. First Sunday of Month: 11 a.m. Combined Worship. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN , 601 Sixth Ave. Sunday: 10 a.m. Worship. FIRST REFORMED, 1010 Sixth St. Sunday: 9 a.m. Cornerstone Worship; 11 a.m. Open Door Gathering Worship.

Sunday: 9:30 a.m. and 6 p.m. Worship.

FIRST REFORMED, 160 10th St. S.E. Sunday: 9:30 a.m., 5 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. Worship. HOPE LUTHERAN (ELCA) , Highway 75 South. Sunday: 8:45 a.m. Worship. NETHERLANDS REFORMED, 435 Main Ave. Sunday: 9:30 a.m. and 7 p.m. Worship. NEW LIFE REFORMED , 232 16th St. S.E. Sunday: 8:45 a.m. and 11 a.m. Worship; 5 p.m. Praise and Prayer.

PEACE LUTHERAN (LCMC) , 2512 380th St. Sunday: 10:15 a.m. Worship. UNITED REFORMED, 744 N. Main Ave. Sunday: 9:30 a.m. and 6 p.m. Worship.




OBITUARIES Rosella Alons

July 17, 1932—April 18, 2012 SHELDON—Rosella Alons, and then J.C. Penney in Shel79, Sheldon, died Wednesday, don for many years, retiring in April 18, at Sanford Medical the early 1980s. She enjoyed jigsaw and Center in crossword puzzles, cooking, Sioux Falls, baking, traveling and especially SD. gardening. Arthur and Rosella Services went to Texas in the winter for were Mond a y, Ap r i l 15 years, where they learned to 23, at Bethel square dance, which they really Reformed enjoyed. Church in She passed away on Wednesday, April 18, 2012, at Sanford Sheldon, Medical Center in Sioux Falls, w i t h t h e Rosella Alons SD. R e v. Tr o y Those left to cherish her Va n B e e k officiating. Burial was at Rose- memories are her husband, land Cemetery in Sanborn, Arthur Alons of Sheldon, IA; her under the direction of Andringa son, Steven Dean and Diane Funeral Home Sheldon Funeral Doorenbos of Owatonna, MN; Service. her daughter, Sandra Sue and Rosella Alons was born on July John Mahosky of Currie, NC; 17, 1932, in Osceola County, stepchildren, Dianna and CalIowa. She was the daughter of vin Van Beek of Sheldon, IA, Herman and Nancy (Fransen) David and Naty Alons of Las Rook. She lived her youth in Vegas, NV, Edward and Sheryl rural Osceola County and Alons of Sheldon, IA, and attended Melvin Commu- Dawn Kreck of Eagle Grove, nity School. She also attended IA; 15 grandchildren; 18 greatSheldon Community School grandchildren; three greatwhere she graduated from high great-grandchildren; one twin school. Rosella was united in brother, Robert and Phyllis marriage to Lester E. Dooren- Rook of Sheldon, IA; one sisterbos of Boyden, Iowa, in March in-law, Tillie Rook of Rock Valof 1954. Lester died in August of ley, IA; and one brother-in-law, Sylvester “Bud” Harmelink of 1956. Rosella was united in mar- Melvin, IA. Online Expressions riage to Arthur Alons of Shel- of Sympathy can be sent to don, Iowa, on Nov. 5, 1975, at www.andringafuneralhome. the Congregational Church in com Sheldon. They lived in Sheldon. She was preceded in death by Rosella worked at Bell Tele- her husband, Lester Doorenphone for a few years before bos; her parents; two brothers, she was married to Lester. She Henry Rook and Wilbur Rook; later worked for the Sheldon and one sister, Nancy HarmelPublic School for many years ink.

Judy Oldenkamp

Sept. 30, 1944—April 21, 2012 SHELDON—Judy Ann Old- to Sam Oldenkamp Jr. of Shelenkamp (Mrs. Sam Jr.), age 67, don, Iowa, on Oct. 21, 1972, at of Sheldon, Iowa, passed away Ebenezer Presbyterian Church on Saturin George, Iowa. They lived in d a y, Ap r i l Sheldon where Sam operated 21, 2012, the Oldenkamp Salvage Yard. at Sanford Sam passed away on July 8, Medical 1985. Center in Judy worked at Aalfs Manufacturing in Sheldon. She later Sheldon, worked as a custodian for the I o w a . Sheldon Community School Funeral Services were System for many years, until Wednesday, Oldenkamp she retired due to her health. April 25, at Judy was a loving wife and Andringa mother. She took pride in Funeral Home Sheldon Funeral always being on time. Service in Sheldon, with the She was a member of EbeneRev. Paul Fischer officiating. zer Presbyterian Church in Burial in East Lawn Cemetery G eorge, Iowa, where she in Sheldon. Online Expressions attended when she was able. of Sympathy can be sent to Judy passed away on Saturwww.andringafuneralhome. day, April 21, 2012, at Sanford Medical Center in Sheldon, com. The Andringa Funeral Home Iowa. Sheldon Funeral Service in Those left to cherish her charge of arrangements for memories are her daughter: Peggy Sue Oldenkamp of ShelJudy Ann Oldenkamp. Judy Ann Oldenkamp was don, IA; one brother: Robert born on Sept. 30, 1944, in and wife Sheila Van Briesen of Rock Rapids, Iowa. She was Thornton, CO. Online Expresthe daughter of Ed and Elaine sions of Sympathy can be sent (Klosterboer) Van Briesen. to www.andringafuneralhome. She lived her youth on a farm com. northwest of George, Iowa, and She was preceded in death by her husband, Sam Oldenkamp attended a country school. She was united in marriage Jr., and her parents.

Wendell Rensink

Nov. 23, 1927—April 21, 2012 BOYDEN—Wendell Ren- and Caroline established many sink, 84, of Boyden, IA, died close friends in each town they Saturday, April 21, 2012, at the lived in. Wendell was the Chief ExecuOrange City tive Officer in the bank and was Area Health active in the Boyden FoundaSystem. tion, his church and many civic A funerJames Vollink activities. He enjoyed woodal service April 6, 1917—April 18, 2012 working, gardening, boating will be held ARCHER—James H. Vollink, James also enjoyed traveling today (Saton the river and spending time age 95, of Spirit Lake, formerly the United States and was able urday, April with family. His greatest legacy of Archer, passed away Wednes- to make a trip to Europe. and joy was his family and he 28) at 10:30 d a y, Ap r i l handcrafted many beautiful James is survived by daugh- a.m. at First 18, 2012, pieces of furniture and other ter, Elaine Palmer (Fred) of R e f o r m e d Rensink at Lakes wooden items for his children Newell; son, William Vollink Church of (Kathy) of Arnolds Park; Jim B o y d e n Regional and grandchildren. He and Irvine (Sheryl) of Gary, SD; Jane with Rev. Matthew Draffen offi- Caroline loved to take people Healthcare Madsen (Bob) of Hornick, IA; ciating. Interment will follow out on their boat, the Caroliner, in Spirit Lee Irvine (Ronda) of Primghar, the funeral service in Sheridan and enjoyed the beauty of the Lake. He IA; Lois Heckert (Kim) of Story Township Cemetery of Boyden. river. was born City, IA; sister, Charlotte Wal- Condolences may be sent at He is survived by his children, on April 6, bright of Silvis, Illinois; brother, www.MFHonline.com. 1917, near Cynthia and Douglas Webb Carl Vollink (Doris) of Hudson, Arrangements entrusted to of Las Vegas, NV, Anita and P r i m g h a r, James Vollink Massachusetts; and 13 grand- Memorial Funeral Home of Garth DeWulf of Wheatland, IA, Iowa, to children, Brian Palmer (Jane) Sioux Center, IA. Charles and Melanie and Tom Huibregtse of of Emmetsburg, IA, Treasure Wendell Harvey Rensink Sr., Fort Collins, CO, Wendell and Mern (Potter) Vollink. James graduated from Archer Wachholz (Mike) of Good- son of Iva (Stoehr) and Leonard Donna Rensink of Elbow Lake, High School in 1936, and the hue, MN, Molly Vail ( Justin) Rensink Sr. of Boyden, Iowa, MN and Grace Liu of Boyden, Sioux City Welding School. He of Spencer, IA, Leah Vollink of was born at home on Nov. 23, IA; 15 grandchildren, Douglas enlisted in the U.S. Navy Dec. Coon Rapids, MN, Brian Irvine 1927. He grew up on the Ash Webb Jr., Matthew and Tania 17, 1942, serving as 1st class (Angie) of Clarkfield, MN, Shade Dairy Farm north of Webb, Betheny and Joe Perez ship’s fitter and later as 1st class Warren Irvine (Jami) of Clark- Boyden, Iowa and graduated of Las Vegas, Megan and Dan aviation mechanic. He was field, MN, Jill Hempel (Cam) from Boyden High School. He Ross of Boyden, IA, Aaron and honorably discharged Dec. 25, of Hutchinson, MN, Andrea worked as a dairy farmer and Candice DeWulf, Rachael and 1945. James worked his entire VandeHaar (Bill) of Cedar Falls, later as a banker. John Looney, Ariell and Matt life farming in the Archer area. IA, Mike Madsen (Maghan) of Wendell met his future wife, Connelly of Wheatland, IA, James was united in marriage Omaha, NE, Lance Irvine of Caroline Beermann, at the Rebecca and Adam Wilhelm to Thelma McNutt on Dec. 25, Elgin, MN, Chad Irvine (Jen) Sheldon roller skating rink. of Calamus, IA, Heath Rensink 1948, in Archer. Thelma passed of Spencer, IA, Randy Heckert They married at the Calumet of Fargo, ND, Brent and Sarah away on May 30, 1980. He mar- (Shelley) of Indianola, IA, and Lutheran Church on June 18, Rensink of Grand Forks, ND, ried Eileen Irvine on Feb. 14, Allison Pitts (Mark) of St. Paul, 1950. Following marriage they Lauren and Marie Huibregtse 1981, in Archer. Eileen passed MN. He also has 27 great- farmed on the Rensink fam- of Fort Collins, CO, Gini, Tina, away on Aug. 20, 2010. ily farm north of Boyden. Later, and Peter Liu of Boyden, IA; grandchildren. James was a member of A memorial service will be Wendell went into banking. 20 great-grandchildren; one the Archer United Methodist held June 9 at 10:30 a.m. at the He worked at Farmer’s Savings brother, Leland Rensink of Church. He enjoyed spending United Methodist Church in Bank in Boyden, then in 1964, Brandon, SD; and one sister, he moved to the Dixon office Anona Boone of Claremore, his spare time fishing, garden- Archer, IA. ing, woodworking and volun- The Schuchert Funeral Home of the First Trust and Savings OK. teering. He truly enjoyed the in Spirit Lake is in charge of the Bank and later was promoted He was preceded in death by time he spent with his family. arrangements. to the main office in Wheat- his wife, Caroline; infant son, land, Iowa. In 1975, they moved Eber Brent Rensink; brother, back to Boyden, where the cou- Leonard (Bud) Rensink, Jr.; and Florence Pottebaum Oct. 5, 1924—April 25, 2012 ple acquired ownership of the his parents, Iva and Leonard ALTON— Florence C. Pot- church guild, St. Mary’s Rosary Farmer’s Savings Bank. Wendell Rensink, Sr. tebaum, 87 of Alton, IA died Society and American Legion Robert Schott Wednesday, April 25, 2012 at Auxiliary. She was very devoted Jan. 17, 1927—April 20, 2012 Orange City to her family and church. Area Health Survivors include her 10 G R A N V I L L E — Ro b e r t C . (Saturday, April 28) at St. John Sy s t e m i n children, Bev (Charles) Brewer Schott, 85, Granville, died Lutheran Church in GermanOrange City, of Sioux City, IA, Donna Pot- Friday, April 20, at VA Medi- town. Arrangements are under tebaum of Sioux Falls, SD, Tom cal Center in Sioux Falls, SD. the direction of Eldridge Family IA. M. (Karen) Pottebaum of Gran- Services will be 2 p.m. today Funeral Home in Paullina. Funeral ville, IA, Gordon (Lou Ann) Potservice will Marvin Jacobsma tebaum of Sheldon, IA, Leonbe today Jan. 6, 1928—April 23, 2012 ard Pottebaum, Dolores Ruba, (Saturday, Merlin Pottebaum, Michael H. HARTLEY—Marvin Jacob- 26, at First Reformed Church April 28, (Julie) Pottebaum all of Alton, sma, 84, Hartley, died Monday, in Sanborn. Burial was at Rose2012) at Pottebaum Rose (Mike) Brady, Mary Ellen April 23, at Spencer Hospital in land Cemetery in Sanborn, 10:30 a.m. under the direction of Hartley (Paul) Wilkens both of Marcus, Spencer. from St. Mary’s Catholic Church in IA; 13 grandchildren; seven Services were Thursday, April Funeral Home. Alton, IA, with the Rev. Paul great-grandchildren; two stepTracy Van Grootheest Eisele officiating and the Rev. great-grandchildren; her brothAug. 5, 1942—April 25, 2012 Richard Ball concelebrating. er, Robert (Lorraine) Fischer; Burial will be in St. Mary’s her sister, Lorraine Becker both ROCK VALLEY—Tracy Van Services will be 10:30 a.m. Catholic Cemetery in Alton, IA. of Granville, IA; two stepsisters, Grootheest, 69, Rock Valley, today (Saturday, April 28) at Services have been entrusted Catherine (Clarence) Pohlen died Wednesday, April 25, at Porter Funeral Home in Rock to the Fisch Funeral Home & of Hospers, IA, Bertie Full of Whispering Heights in Rock Valley. Burial will be at Valley View Cemetery in Rock Valley. Monument of Remsen. Con- Canby, MN; one brother-in- Valley. dolences may be sent online to law, Jerry Meylor of Quimby, IA; Jean Pruismann www.fischfh.com. one stepsister, Inez Reichle of Jan. 25, 1927—April 25, 2012 Florence was born Oct. 5, Orange City, IA; and five sisters1924, near Hospers, IA, the in-law, Irma Dreckman of Pipe- SIOUX CENTER—Jean Flor- Theatre in Sioux Center High daughter of Adolph and Mary stone, MN, Armella Homan, ence Pruismann, 85, Sioux School. Burial will be at Mem(Friederich) Fischer. When her Carol Jean (Dan) Pick, both of Center, died Wednesday, April ory Gardens Cemetery in Sioux Center, under the direction of mother passed away in 1933, Remsen, Maxine Pottebaum of 25, at her residence. her father married Mary Reich- Alton, and Esther Pottebaum of Services will be 2 p.m. today Memorial Funeral Home in le who had seven children. LeMars, IA. (Saturday, April 28) at Te Paske Sioux Center. The family moved to a farm Preceded by her parents; her Ruth Sterk near Granville. She graduated stepmother; one brother, ClarJune 5, 1927—April 25, 2012 from Paullina High School in ence Fischer; two sisters, Lil1942. She attended Iowa State lian Von Arb and Irene Meylor; SANBORN—Ruth Sterk, 84, in Sanborn, with the Rev. Gary Teachers College and received two stepsisters, Angie Grady Sanborn, died Wednesday, Hegstad will be officiating. her education certificate. She and Delia Alsup; and three April 25, at Prairie View Home Burial will be at 10:15 a.m. taught rural school for two stepbrothers, John, Harold and in Sanborn. Services will be today at Roseland Cemetery in Lawrence Reichle. 11 a.m. today (Saturday, April Sanborn, under the direction of years. She married Ferd Pottebaum Casket Bearers will be her 28) at First Reformed Church Sanborn Funeral Home. on Nov. 21, 1950, at Granville. grandsons, Jeffrey, Tyler and Irene Leinen The couple made their home Ben Brady, Corey Pottebaum, Aug. 7, 1924—April 25, 2012 in Alton. In 1954 they moved to Kyle Ruba and Rod Winkel. the Pottebaum farm south of Honorary bearer, Beau Zorg- SIBLEY—Irene Leinen, 87, at the church cemetery. VisitaAlton where they farmed until drager who is currently serving Sibley, died Wednesday, April tion will be 2-6 p.m. Sunday, 25, at Country View Manor in April 29, with family present 4-6 1980 when they retired and in the U.S. Army. moved into town. Ferd died Memorials may be directed to Sibley. Mass of Christian Burial p.m., at Jurrens Funeral Home Orange City Area Health Sys- will be 10:30 a.m. Monday, April in Sibley. There will be a rosary November 13, 1997. Florence was a member of tem in Orange City or St. Mary’s 30, at St. Andrew’s Catholic at 3 p.m. and a vigil service at Church in Sibley. Burial will be 5:30 p.m. Sunday. St. Mary’s Catholic Church, Catholic Church in Alton.

Hermina Borgman

Dec. 9, 1917—April 18, 2012 SIOUX CENTER—Hermina zona for several years and she Borgman, age 94, of Orange had many good times with her City, formerly of Sioux Cen- friends and family. ter, passed She was a faithful friend and away on a loving mother and grandWednesday, mother. Those left to cherish her April 18, memory include a son and his 2012, at the wife, Norlyn and Sandra Vande Orange City Brake of Okoboji; a daughter Area Health and her husband, Twila and System Hospital. Kenneth Netten of Orange A memoCity; a daughter-in-law, Brenda rial service Borgman Vande Brake of Sheldon; three was held on stepchildren, Dean Borgman S a t u r d a y, and his wife, Karen, of Payson, April 21, at the First Reformed AZ, Margaret Wielenga of Santa Church Chapel in Sioux Center. Maria, CA, and Mary and her The Rev. Roger Voskuil offici- husband, John Jenezic of Tucated. Interment was at Memory son, AZ; a stepdaughter-in-law, Gardens Cemetery in Sioux Gail Borgman; five grandchilCenter, under the direction dren, Troy Vande Brake and of Oolman Funeral Home in his wife, Rachel, Steven Vande Brake and his wife, Mary, Gail Orange City. Hermina was born on Dec. Dorn, Kyle Netten and his wife, 9, 1917, in Orange City, the Jackie, and Kurt Netten; nine daughter of Timen and Eliza- stepgrandchildren, including beth (Huisman) Rens. She was Scott and Sheryl Moret, Joe raised in rural Orange City, and Ronda Moret, and Cody where she attended a country and Jennifer Moret; 15 greatschool. grandchildren, 10 stepgreat On Sept. 24, 1936, she married grandchildren; two brothers Russell Vande Brake in Orange and their wives, John and Gert City. They made their home in Rens of Artesia, CA, and Gerald Orange City. Many years later, and Audrey Rens of Escondido, that marriage ended and he has CA; two sisters, Helene Jasper passed away. of Seal Beach, CA, and Lois and In December of 1979, she her husband, Virgil De Vries of married Melvin Borgman in Lakewood, CA; and a sister-inSanta Maria, California. law, Coba Rens of Orange City. In 1980, they moved to Sioux In addition to her parents Center, and in 1990, they and husbands, she was preceded in death by a son, Virgil moved to Orange City. “Mel” passed away on Sept. Vande Brake on Oct. 20, 2010; 29, 1996. She continued liv- a daughter-in-law, Colleen ing in Orange City and more Vande Brake; a stepson, Jim recently became a resident of Borgman; a stepson-in-law, the Orange City Area Health Enno Wielenga; two grandsons, System Long-Term Care Facil- Kel and Scott Vande Brake; a ity. stepgrandson, Patrick Borg She was a member of the First man; a brother, Bill Rens; and a Reformed Church in Sioux brother-in-law, Vernon Jasper. Memorials will be directed Center. Hermina enjoyed fishing, to Juvenile Diabetes and the reading, playing cards, photo Orange City Area Home Health album displaying, and travel- and Hospice. ing. You may express your sympa She and Mel wintered in Ari- thy at www.oolman.com.

Arlyna Vande Griend

Dec. 28, 1926—April 20, 2012 HULL—On April 20, 2012, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, after a sudden, brief illness Linda and Wilson Brouwer (our mother, grandmother, of Raymond, MN, David and and greatBetty Vande Griend of Hull, grandmothand Jason and Jennifer Vande er), ArlyGriend of George; a son-inn a Va n d e law, Eugene McCarty of Hartley; 19 grandchildren; three Griend went stepgrandchildren; 22 greathome to grandchildren; a sister, Martha be with her Zandstra of Michigan; and a heavenly sister-in-law, Bernice Vande Father (Lord Griend of Hull. and Savior). In addition to her parents Arlyna Vande Griend and husband, she was predeHarriet was ceased by a daughter, Beverly born on Dec. 28, 1926, the daughter McCarty; three brothers and of Adrian and Aartje (Mouw) seven sisters, Jennie Berkenpas, Scholten. She grew up in Hull, Pauline Bliek, John Scholten, and on Sept. 25, 1947, she Cornelia Berkenpas, Morris married Henry James Vande Scholten, Hendrika Reyelts, Adrian Scholten, Arta Collins, Griend. Arlyna and Henry moved to Marie Sneller and Marie Scholtheir farm southeast of Hull, ten. where Arlyna enjoyed home- The funeral service was on making, taking care of her Wednesday, April 25, at First family, working on the farm, Christian Reformed Church in gardening and watching gold- Hull, where Henry and Arlyna finches and other birds. were members. The Rev. Carl She also enjoyed traveling to Klompien officiated, and visit her many relatives and internment was at the Hope friends. Cemetery in Hull. Oolman Arlyna continued to enjoy Funeral Home in Hull was in farm life, even after Henry charge of arrangements. passed away in 1993, until just Memorials may be directed to 10 days before God took her the Hull Christian Elementary home. School, which Arlyna attended. Arlyna is survived by four chil- Messages of sympathy can dren and their spouses, Larry be expressed at www.oolman. and Marina Vande Griend of com.

Neva Peters

Oct. 7, 1916—April 19, 2012 PAULLINA—Neva L. Peters, day, April 23, at First Presbyte95, Red Oak, formerly of Calu- rian Church in Paullina. Burial met and Paullina, died Thurs- was at Liberty Township Cemday, April 19, at Montgomery etery in Calumet, under the County Memorial Hospital in direction of Eldridge Funeral Red Oak. Services were Mon- Home in Paullina.

Anna Waterman

Dec. 13, 1921—April 22, 2012 H A W A R D E N — A n n a H . Hawarden. Waterman, 90, Hawarden, died Burial was at Grace Hill CemSunday, April 22. etery in Hawarden, under the Services were Friday, April 27, direction of Porter Funeral at Trinity Lutheran Church in Home in Hawarden.

Adeline Schipper

Aug. 5, 1918—April 23, 2012 PAULLINA—Adeline Schip- at First Presbyterian Church per, 93, Marcus, formerly of in Paullina. Burial will be at Paullina, died Monday, April Oakland Cemetery in Peterson, 23, at Heartland Care Center in under the direction of Eldridge Marcus. Services will be 10:30 Family Funeral Home in Paula.m. today (Saturday, April 28) lina.

Russell Steinbeck

Aug. 9, 1936—April 24, 2012 HARTLEY—Russell M. Stein- Church in Primghar. Burial will beck, 75, Hartley, died Tuesday, be at a later date in the PleasApril 24, at Sanford Sheldon ant Hill Cemetery in Primghar. Medical Center. Services will Arrangements are under the be 3 p.m. today (Saturday, April direction of Eldridge Family 28) at American Reformed Funeral Home in Primghar.

Joe Van Roekel

Oct. 1, 1919—April 25, 2012 SIOUX CENTER—Joe Van Memorial Funeral Home in Roekel, 92, Sioux Center, died Sioux Center. Services will be Wednesday, April 25, at Royale 10:30 a.m. Monday, April 30, Meadows Care Center in Sioux at Bethel Christian Reformed Center. Visitation will be 3-8 Church in Sioux Center. Burial p.m. Sunday, April 29, with will be at Memory Gardens family present 3-5 p.m., at Cemetery in Sioux Center.


The N’West Iowa REVIEW • April 28, 2012 • Section C

Conaway flies to Drake Relays title Dutch, Wolfpack do well in all-class events in Des Moines Interesting tales unfold in matchups with state’s best by Scot t Byers Sports Editor

ORANGE CITY—If there is such a thing as a clutch gene, MOC-Floyd Valley sophomore Alexis Conaway definitely has it. Conaway fought off tough competition from West Fork senior Taylor Twedt and Treynor junior Chaley Rath to Track and Field: win the girls high jump Drake relays on Thursday at the 2012 Drake Relays in Des Moines. It took a lot for Conaway to beat the best high school athletes in the state in any class at the prestigious event. She eventually cleared 5 feet, 10 inches. That height is the fourth highest ever cleared in Iowa girls competition. Conaway is one of two N’West Iowa high school athletes to medal thus far in this year’s edition of “America’s Athletic Classic.” The other is Western Christian junior Brooke Wolterstorff, who finished fifth in the 100-meter dash Friday.

Responding to call

Conaway went an interesting route to top her personal best in the high jump. She had jumped 5-9 at the Dordt College Indoor earlier this year — a height only 13 girls have ever gone higher than in Iowa history — but had been hovering between 5-6 and 5-8 at most outdoor meets. “If she’s already won the meet, we usually don’t ask her to keep going,” said MOC-Floyd Valley coach Joel Bundt. At Drake, Conaway missed once at 5-4 before clearing that height. She had two misses at 5-7, and Twedt already cleared 5-8 before Conaway got that done. Conaway was down to her last jump at 5-9 before she cleared the bar. Apparently inspired, she bounced over the 5-10 mark on the first try. Twedt topped 5-10 in 2011 but was unable to repeat the feat at Drake to give Conaway the gold.

See DRAKE RELAYS on page C3

Western Christian junior Brooke Wolterstorff runs the anchor leg in the 400-meter relay at the Drake Relays on Friday in Des Moines. (Photo by Roy Tucker)

Tiger chosen as mascot for Trinity teams


he Trinity Christian High School athletic squads took another step along the way in their development Wednesday as the student body voted to make Tigers the school’s official nickname. The vote marked the end of a long process. Trinity Christian administrators had been talking about the possibility of a nickname since early in the school’s existence. Trinity Christian will Scott Byers graduate its first senior sports editor class this year. “Early on, our committee for school improvement was involved. We talked about a lot of different ideas and wanted to get as many people involved as possible,” said Trinity Christian principal Jim Regnerus. “We asked the students for some ideas, and there were probably about 25 or so on the original list.” That list was trimmed down to four — Gators, Green Tide, Tigers and Tornadoes. “Our name is Trinity Christian, and we didn’t want anything that would conflict with that. We wanted a name that would reflect our Christian principles,” Regnerus said. “We would have been happy with any of the four it came down to. They all reflect God’s creation in some way.” There was more debate over who would be involved in the final voting before it finally was decided that this year’s high school students, along with the eighth-graders who will be freshmen at Trinity Christian next year, would vote. The school board had preapproved all four of the potential winners. The vote was held Wednesday, and Regnerus had the school board count the ballots that night during its regular meeting. “There was quite a bit of support for Green Tide and Gators, too, but Tigers had the clear majority,” Regnerus said. He said while the look of the Tiger will be similar to what Louisiana State University uses for its athletic squads, the school has a designer working on the logo to make sure it does not run into any copyright issues. “One of the challenges with that is figuring out how the orange of the Tiger will work with our colors of green and white, but I don’t think that should take too long. I think you will soon be seeing it on some of the Trinity Christian apparel you see around,” Regnerus

See BYERS on page C2

Thursday boys soccer

thursday girls golf

Regulation, overtimes not enough

Warriors open up questions

Shootout needed to decide outcome at Unity Christian

SIBLEY—With only three Siouxland Conference Girls Golf Tour stops left on the schedule, it may be too late for Sioux Center to add itself to the conversation in the race for the league title, but the Warriors are not conceding anything yet. Sioux Center finished first at the tour stop in Sibley on Thursday, drawing slightly closer to frontrunners MOCFloyd Valley and Sheldon. The Warriors shot an impressive 191 for the day. MOC-Floyd Valley was next at 195. Sheldon shot 199. The Dutch have a one point lead over the Orabs in the chase for the title. Sioux Center is five points behind MOCFloyd Valley and in third place. Okoboji freshman Alex Mankle continued her impressive run through the league, winning the medalist honor for the sixth time in seven meets with a 40. Kaylee Den Herder of Sioux Center was one stroke back at 41. MOC-Floyd Valley had two of the top six. Kalyn Root finished third with a 45 and Mallory Simmelink was sixth with a 47. “We are really close to turning the corner and making some good improvements. Mallory is starting to get her swing back, and we have a group of girls who are all competing for that final spot on

No room for error for league leaders by Scot t Byers Sports Editor

by Scot t Byers Sports Editor

ORANGE CITY—A West Sioux team that had not had much go its way recently showed an impressive amount of fight, but host Unity Christian was more accurate when the game came down to penalty kicks and claimed a 3-2 boys soccer win Thursday. The game was tied 2-2 after regulation and after two overtimes. The Knights won the shootout 5-4. “It was an exciting game, and we’re happy to come away with the victory,” said Unity Christian coach Cody Harskamp. “The guys seemed to be pressing throughout the game. When we were patient, we were able to move the ball and get scoring opportunities.” It was the second time this season the Falcons have dropped a penalty kick shootout. “When you get to that, it’s basically a 50-50 chance. Either the goalie guesses right or he doesn’t,” said West Sioux coach Chris Avery. “On our last kick, it was a fortunate guess on their goalie’s part, and they were able to hit their last kick.” Unity Christian had been on a two-game skid going into the contest but got a good sign late in the first half when David Van Beek scored to put the hosts ahead 1-0. The Knights made it 2-0 early in the second half on a goal by Nick Wielenga. Avery said West Sioux had been playing “10 times better” than it had in a blowout loss to Spencer in its previous outing, and the Falcons started to see the rewards for that work in the closing minutes of regulation. Jose Montes scored on a penalty kick with 5:30 remaining. With two minutes left, Isidro Topete sent a nifty

West Sioux sophomore Jose Montes watches a Unity Christian kick sail toward him Thursday in a game in Orange City. (Photo by Josh Harrell) pass through the middle to Alex Montes, who put it home to even the score at 2-2. “I thought our kids had the edge in endurance. You could tell they wanted it more,” Avery said. “I was really happy to see them play as well as they did.” West Sioux had the best chance to end it before the shootout. Topete took a shot from the left side at close range. Unity Christian keeper Dylan Hoekstra got a little off-balance but somehow made a sprawling save to keep his team alive. Hoekstra came up big again in turning away the Falcons’ last shot in the shootout. “The guys responded well after West Sioux came back to tie the game. All five guys made their shots in the shootout, which is impressive, and Dylan Hoekstra came up with a big save,” Harskamp said. “It was a good win after a couple of tough losses. I was impressed with how the guys handled the shootout.” Hoekstra made 10 saves for the Knights, who

See BOYS SOCCER on page C3

wallet-FRIENDLY freedom-FRIENDLY

Sibley-Ocheyedan junior Jurnea Harberts reads a green Monday at the Woodlyn Hills Golf Course in Milford. Harberts took fourth in the Siouxland Conference event Thursday. (Photo by Josh Harrell) the varsity team, which helps in the focus of practices,” said MOC-Floyd Valley coach Monte Tilgner. “We are slowly getting more consistent and having four good practices next week will be important.” He said the Dutch had some nice top end performances. “Kalyn played well again. It was good to have two girls earning medals again, and Bri (Van Ravenswaay) was only one stroke back of the medalists. It was a pretty nice day to play, and our scores reflected that,” Tilgner said. Sheldon coach Jan Sneiderman said the Sibley course was looking sharp. “It was another beautiful night to play golf. Sibley’s golf course was in very good condition for this time of year,” Sneiderman said. “Many of the greens are large, and their

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seventh hole has a two-tier green that can play very difficult. There area a variety of challenges on this course in the form of a creek, ponds, out of bounds, traps, trees and long grass.” The Orabs did not have a medal winner, but Carrie Wahlstrom shot a 47. That was the same as fifth-place finisher Kiley Wermersen of Okoboji and Simmelink, but she lost on handicap holes. Rachel Abele was only one stroke off with a 48. “I was pleased with the girls keeping their team score under 200,” Sneiderman said. “Because of the balance among the teams in the conference this season, we’re getting to the point where decision-making becomes a

See GOLF on page C2

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Warriors muddle Siouxland chase GOLF Continued from page C1

huge factor in the final score.” Alicia Kleinwolterink of Boyden-Hull also was a part of the logjam of individuals that carded 47s. The Comets shot 207 as a team to finish fifth. “I think that was a career-best score for her. I know it is the first time she was in medal contention and it was great for her to have some success,” said Boyden-Hull coach John Olson. “I always knew she had that potential. Hopefully, this will give her some confidence to build on.” Meet host Sibley-Ocheyedan was next in the team scoring with a 212, paced by fourthplace medalist Jurnea Harberts with a 46. “We did play better. It is always helpful to be at home and on comfortable ground,” said General coach Marvella Harberts. “We want to get down to that 210 level now and a little lower going into districts. Next week we have a little lighter schedule, which will be nice because we could use some practice instead of so many meets.” Rock Valley finished just behind Sibley-Ocheyedan in the standings and coach Lynelle Schwien saw some positives. “I didn’t know what to expect out of the girls. A couple weren’t feeling very well, plus we were missing a golfer,” she said. “I was pleased with how we played. Jenna (Cannegieter) broke 50, which has kind of been a monkey on her back all season.”

Schwien also knew where the problems were. “From what they told me, we’d better go find some bunkers to practice hitting out of,” she said. Siouxland Girls Golf Tour at Sibley Golf & Country Club Team standings (after seven events): 1. MOC-Floyd Valley 57; 2. Sheldon 56; 3. Sioux Center 52; 4. Okoboji 45; 5. Boyden-Hull 33; 6. Rock Valley 23; 7. Central Lyon 20; 8. SibleyOcheyedan 20; 9. West Lyon 7; 10. GeorgeLittle Rock 0. Sioux Center 191: Kalee Den Herder 41; Maggie Dykshorn 57; Maria Vander Plaats 52; Carol Kooiker 48; Katrina Kruse 53; Allison Sandbulte 50. MOC-Floyd Valley 195: Mallory Simmelink 47; Kalyn Root 45; Kenzie Mulder 56; Bri Van Ravenswaay 48; Megan Mousel 57; Larkin De Haan 54. Sheldon 199: Erin Abele 51; Carrie Wahlstrom 47; Lindsey Nilles 53; Katherine Bomgaars 53; Rachel Abele 48; Jenna Kruger 54. Okoboji 202: Kiley Wermersen 47; Alex Mankle 40; Sara Mayer 59; Alex Adams 64; Dani Anderson 56. Boyden-Hull 207: Callie Van Holland 52; Alicia Kleinwolterink 47; Kylie Sipma 55; Alida Savage 59; Alex Sietstra 54; Kasey Olson 54. Sibley-Ocheyedan 212: Jurnea Harberts 46; Shannon Van Beest 58; Ashley Lemke 57; Joanna Kruger 59; Suzie Linquist 56; Shelby Stanton 53. Rock Valley 222: Jenna Cannegieter 49; Kaela Vonk 56; McKenzie Eichmann 59; Courtney Vonk 58. West Lyon 240: Tiffany Ripperda 57; Mackenzie Ball 63; McKayla Kramer 56; Maria Moser 68; Kayla Roemen 64. Central Lyon 240: Kendra Schleusner 56; Karmin Vogt 59; Sydney Petersen 55; Shannon McCarty 70. George-Little Rock NA: Amber Stettnichs 55; Kassie Peters 62.

Wolverines pass test of tough Alton layout ALTON—The challenging course at Sioux Golf & Country Course took its toll on both the guests and the hosts Thursday as visiting South O’Brien came

away with a 226-286 win over Spalding Catholic in War Eagle Conference girls golf. The scores were much higher than recent outings for both squads even though the weather was not much of a factor. “The girls experienced a tough course for the first time. Spalding Catholic hasn’t fielded a team in quite a while, so our girls haven’t seen it,” said South O’Brien coach Lynn Cole. “Alton is a very tough course with a lot of uneven areas to hit from. It was a grueling course to walk and our scores reflected that. Thank goodness it wasn’t windy.” Jaynee Smith of South O’Brien was the medalist with a 54. Shelbi Holtkamp was next with a 56. Spalding Catholic’s top score was a 66 by Leah Schroeder. South O’Brien 226, Spalding Catholic 286 South O’Brien cards: Naomi Petrich 58; Shelbi Holtkamp 56; Jaynee Smith 54; Emma Sweeney 60; Mikayla Campbell 59; Tayla Coady 58. Spalding Catholic cards: Sarah Konz 75; Cara Jungers 69; Megan Haupert 76; Leah Schroeder 66; Jess Konz 78.

Falcons not happy despite getting win HAWARDEN—West Sioux’s girls golf team notched another War Eagle Conference victory, although it was a less than satisfying one on Thursday when it hosted a dual with Remsen St. Mary’s. The Falcons shot a team total of 208. While that was a bit higher than what they had been shooting in recent outings, that was not a factor since the Hawks brought only two golfers and did not record a

team score. “I’m a little concerned. That’s eight strokes worse than what we were on Tuesday. And it can’t be the weather, and we can’t blame the course since we were at home,” said West Sioux coach Brad Klarenbeek. “It’s a step back, so it is concerning.” He said no individual really blew up, but everyone was a bit higher. “We went in the wrong direction today, but it’s not like we fell off the table,” Klarenbeek said. “Still, we need to be better next week. The girls weren’t happy with it. If we want to get out of districts and do something, we’re going to have to be better.” Courtney Hummel was the individual winner with a 46 for the Falcons. Teammate Bailey Van Den Berg was second with a 49. West Sioux 208, Remsen St. Mary’s NA West Sioux cards: Courtney Hummel 46; Bailey Van Den Berg 49; Calie Petersen 55; Makayla Hemmelrick 60; Rylee Negaard 58.

Hawks’ improvement starting to show up AKRON—Hartley-MelvinSanborn took one in the loss column, but overall coach Julee Burns still was feeling positive after the Hawks dropped a 205-231 War Eagle Conference girls golf decision at AkronWestfield on Thursday. “The day turned out to be much nicer than we were expecting weatherwise, and as a result, Val Treimer and Jenna DeBoer had personal bests,” Burns said. “We still weren’t able to win the meet as a team, but there was some improve-

Sheldon senior Erin Abele tees off Monday. The Orabs are in second in the Siouxland. (Photo by Josh Harrell) ment from the girls.” Burns said there still are areas where the Hawks can save strokes. She pointed to one in particular. “Again, as I have told them many times, they need to work on their short games and become more consistent,” Burns said. “That is the aspect of the game that needs time and practice to develop.” Melissa Kroksh of Akron-

Westfield was the medalist with a 49. Tressa DeBoer of HartleyMelvin-Sanborn was tied with Kayla Tindell and Danielle Bursell of Akron-Westfield for the second-best score with a 51, but ended up fourth on handicap holes. Tindell was second and Bursell was third. Akron-Westfield 205, Hartley-Melvin-Sanborn 231 Hartley-Melvin-Sanborn cards: Tressa DeBoer 51; Haley Morfitt 62; Alexa Albert 73; Val Treimer 59; Jenna DeBoer 59; Val Taylor 66.

University of Iowa sending Brands, McCaffrey to I-Club outing BYERS Continued from C1 said. “We’re excited about it. We’ve had a good, enthusiastic response. It’s a good mascot.”

Brands featured

Tickets are going fast for the annual

NW Iowa Lakes I-Club Spring Banquet — and with good reason. Sheldon High School graduate Tom Brands, the University of Iowa’s head wrestling coach, will be one of the featured speakers at the event, which will be held on Wednesday, May 16, at The Roof Garden in Arnolds Park. Other headliners include Hawkeye

men’s basketball coach Fran McCaffrey and recently retired Iowa football defensive coordinator Norm Parker. Other Iowa coaches and staff members also will be on hand. Iowa associate director of sports information Steve Roe will be the event MC. Several plaques, banners and paintings will be for sale and displayed

during the social hour, which starts at 5:30 p.m. A buffet dinner catered by Tweeter’s will be served at 6:30, with the main program starting at 7:30. There also will be an auction and door prizes. Tickets are $30 each, and tables of eight can be reserved. However, no tickets will be sold at the door, and

sales are planned to be capped at 380. To buy tickets to the event, contact Tom Snyder at (712) 324-5117, Luke Donnewerth at (712) 230-5544, Kirk Stauss at (712) 320-0123, Bryan Harken at (712) 262-3340, Lonnie Saunders at (712) 336-3410, Nick Stauss at (712) 320-1230 or The Three Sons in Milford at (712) 338-2424.

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Wolterstorff dashes to fifth DRAKE RELAYS Continued from page C1 “Her performance was im­­ pressive. What makes her special, from what I’ve watched, is that some other athletes have trouble performing in high pressure situations like that,” Bundt said. “She has a unique ability to stay calm and composed. She actually uses that pressure to create energy and then uses it in competition.” Conaway was one of several MOC-Floyd Valley athletes in the competition, but no one else medaled. Junior Trey Achterhoff competed in the long jump and senior Zach Landhuis in the discus. “We thought Trey had a good shot of making the finals, but he had something happen I’ve never seen happen to him before. On his two best jumps, he drug his left hand. On one of them he jumped 20-6 and a half. That one would have been 21-6 if the hand didn’t drag,” Bundt said. “Zach threw about eight to 10 feet shorter than normal. He didn’t look nervous, but it was his first time down and when every thrower you are facing is a really good thrower, it’s just different. He looked fine. He just wasn’t quite as fast in the front of the circle.” The MOC-Floyd Valley girls had a couple of unique stories in the throws. Junior Brook Jacobsma competed in the shot and discus, and senior Lauren McDonald participated in the discus. “Brook was sick for about five days last week with a real bad case of strep, then her grandpa passed away. She has not practiced much recently,” Bundt said. “We didn’t think she’d be able to place in the shot. We thought she might in the disc, but she had a foot foul, then she threw two in a row out of bounds on the left. She never goes out of bounds left. She was real disappointed, but I told her ‘You have to give yourself a little grace here. You’ve had a hard week.’” McDonald did not expect to

Two contests end with penalty kicks

be at Drake. She had recorded the 24th best throw in the state this spring for quite a while, but her mark was bumped back 25th late to just miss qualifying. “She was pretty disappointed. She’s on the Tulip Court, so she won’t be able to compete at state. This was going to be her state meet,” Bundt said. “Then we got a call and someone scratched, so she got a chance to compete. She threw 2 feet from her PR. It was a real treat for her to get to come down here and to throw well.” Freshman Rebekah Muilenburg ran in the 100 dash for the Dutch. Bundt said she ran well despite not placing. The MOC-Floyd Valley boys qualified in the medley relay. “That group has been gunning for this for a long time. MOC-Floyd Valley freshman Rebekah Muilenburg races They were stoked, but we didn’t in the preliminaries of the 100-meter dash at the Drake get the stick around from one (Photo by Roy Tucker) to two,” Bundt said. “When that Relays on Friday. happens, it’s hard on parents, anchored. the coaches, the guys, every- in the difficult field. body. But that kind of thing “In the prelims she didn’t get Okoboji senior Zach Jones does happen.” out of the blocks very good, placed fifth in his heart and did The girls 400 relay team also but she was in a tough heat,” not make the finals of the 110 competed, but was under- Kroeze said. “She got out better hurdles. Drake Relays standably distracted. in the finals. She had a good N’West Iowa girls results “We’ve got prom tonight, so race.” they’ve got the curling irons Wolterstorff also anchored High jump — 1. Alexis Conaway (MOC-FV) 5-10. ready to go,” Bundt said. “They Western Christian’s 400 and 800 Discus — 19. Lauren McDonald (MOC-FV) are going to turn the car into a relays. 118-0; Brook Jacobsma (MOC-FV) no dissalon on the way back.” “The 4-by-2 ran their best tance. time by quite a ways. A couple Shot — 22. Brook Jacobsma (MOC-FV) 36-5. Sneak peak at state of the handoffs weren’t real 100 — Prelims: Heat 3 — 8. Rebekah (MOC-FV) 13.61. Heat 4 — 2. A few of the Western Christian smooth, so you never know Muilenburg Brooke Wolterstorff (WC) 12.54. Finals: 5. girls were able to use Drake to what they could have done, but Brooke Wolterstorff (WC) 13.13. get familiar with the blue track I was happy with them,” Kroeze 800 ­relay — 14. Western Christian (Kenzie they hope to be on in a couple said. “We were hoping to get Vande Vegte, Kelli Boer, Kim Kroeze, Brooke of weeks. into the finals in the 4-by-1, but Wolterstorff) 1:46.36. 400 relay — Prelims: Heat 2 — 5. Western “Drake is way tougher since there were a lot of fast teams Christian (Kenzie Vande Vegte, Jamie Gesink, we run against all classes. The there.” Kim Kroeze, Brooke Wolterstorff) 50.97. Heat 7 4A teams usually kind of clean Western Christian has anoth- — 1. MOC-Floyd Valley (Rebekah Muilenburg, up. Cascade is going to be er shot at a medal today (Satur- Ali Achterhof, Jade Hansen, Alexis Conaway) in our class in the relays and day, April 28) when junior Kim 51.27. N’West Iowa boys results they will be tough to beat,” Kroeze runs in the 400 hurdles. Shot — 19. Grant Greenfield (S-O) 46-9.75. said Western Christian coach Discus — 13. Grant Greenfield (S-O) 151-0. Dan Kroeze. “This meet is also Best of the rest Long jump — 18. Trey Achterhoff (MOC-FV) a little more organized than Sibley-Ocheyedan senior 20-6.5. state. It’s fun for the girls to be Grant Greenfield competed in 100 — Prelims: Heat 1 — 4. Jake Floen (UC) down there in that atmosphere. the discus and shot, with his 11.37. 800 relay — 19. Unity Christian (Dalton C. De It was a little cool and windy, so best finish 13th in the discus. Haan, Jordan Everson, Robbie Vander Veen, the crowd wasn’t quite as big as Unity Christian senior Jake Jake Floen) 1:32.47. Floen placed fourth in his pre- 110 hurdles — Prelims: Heat 3 — 5. Zach usual, but it was still fun.” Wolterstorff made the Drake liminary heat in the 100 dash, Jones (Oko) 15.77. Relays in the 100 dash last but did not make finals. The 1,600 medley — MOC-Floyd Valley (Clayton Blythe, Alex Van Roekel, Trey Achterhoff, Kyle season, but did not make the Knights also finished 19th in Anderson) DNF. finals. This time, she medaled the 800 relay, an event Floen

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BOYS SOCCER Continued from C1 improved to 4-4. Alejandro Ballesteros had 15 saves for the Falcons, who remained winless on the year.

Vandermyde makes key stops for Dutch HULL—MOC-Floyd Valley keeper Derek Vandermyde was almost flawless, even when the game went to a shootout, helping the Dutch outlast Western Christian for a 1-0 boys soccer win Thursday in Hull. It was a classic keeper matchup with Vandermyde and the Wolfpack keeper Adam Heynen each turning in super outings, with plenty of help from their back lines of defense. Neither team was able to score in regulation or either of the two overtimes. “This was a really interesting match,” said MOC-Floyd Valley coach Mike Mulder. “We have to give Western a lot of credit. They found a way to hand around and nearly pulled it out at the end.” “Tonight was a dog fight. Both teams played their hearts out for 100 minutes,” said Western Christian coach Justin Negen. “Our guys were obviously disappointed in coming up a little short, but I was really proud of the way we played. All you can ask as a coach is that your team leaves it all out on the field and keeps improving. I thought we did that.” Both coaches thought MOCFloyd Valley had a bit of an advantage in the first half, but the Dutch were not able to punch through. “We really dictated the first half of play. We possessed the ball deep in their end for much of the first half and created a couple of quality opportunities but never got that great strike on the ball to take the lead,” Mulder said. “Western came out in the second half like a different team and put us back on our

heels for the first 15 minutes. Our kids did a good job of withstanding that charge and continuing to work to create opportunities up front as the half progressed.” Yet, it was Western Christian that nearly rang the bell three times before it got to the shootout. Drew Hoekstra tried a header from the right side with two minutes left in regulation, but Vandermyde was not fooled and stayed in position to make the save. The Wolfpack got two shots on a breakaway with two minutes left in the second overtime. Colton Van Otterloo’s try was stopped by Vandermyde, but he gave up a rebound shot to Hoekstra, who hit the post. J.D. Boer then had a threatening shot from 18 yards out with one minute left, but the Wolfpack again was denied. “MOC-Floyd Valley really put offensive pressure on us for a good portion of the first half, but our guys responded well and started to punch back a little in the second 40 and the overtimes,” Negen said. “Both teams had some opportunities. Both sides made the stops when they needed them. If the ball bounces just a little different, either team could have punched through, but that’s the game.” The Dutch were perfect on four shot attempts in the shootout. The Wolfpack hit the crossbar on their first attempt, and Vandermyde made a save on the second. Once the fourth shot for the Dutch went through, it brought an end to the contest. “A win is a win at this point in the season. We are going to take it any way we can get it,” Mulder said. “It may have not been that pretty, but it is in the right column at the end of the day.” Vandermyde was credited with seven saves in the contest as the Dutch moved to 3-4 on the year. Heynen had eight saves for the Wolfpack, which fell to 2-4.

Thursday track: elc relays

Orabs put cap on big week of meets Worn-out squad still places fourth by Scot t Byers Sports Editor

ESTHERVILLE—Sheldon’s boys track and field team labored its way to the end of a busy week, placing in the middle of the pack at the ELC Relays on Thursday in Estherville. The meet was scheduled for earlier in the season but was postponed due to rain. The rescheduled date caused some problems for a few teams. “Coming into tonight, we knew that there were a number of teams that had athletes attending the Drake Relays, so we did not get to compete against some of those teams’ best athletes, which is disappointing,” said Sheldon coach Jason Groendyke. Algona won the meet, outscoring Spencer by seven points. Sheldon finished fourth but only was four points back of third-place finisher Estherville Lincoln Central. “It was another decent night to run. I felt that we ran about as well as we could with this being our third meet of the week. We ran well in some races and set some personal bests,”

Groendyke said. “Our other relays competed, some more than others, but like I said, this was our third meet of the week, and I could see the effects taking a toll on a number of our athletes.” Sheldon’s lone win came in the 400-meter relay. The Orabs had four runner-up finishes. Groendyke said the big week did come at a good time. “We have one regular-season meet left before conference and districts,” he said. “Hopefully, we can fine-tune some things and get some of our kids rested up and ready to compete at their highest level.” ELC Relays Team results 1. Algona 146; 2. Spencer 139; 3. Estherville Lincoln Central 80; 4. Sheldon 76; 5. Spirit Lake Park 41; 6. Sioux Central 39; 7. Clay Central-Everly 37. Sheldon results High jump — 2. Collin Wolthuizen 5-10; 6. Will De Kok 5-4. Shot — 2. Mitchell McDonald 46-3. Long jump — 2. Chris Balster 19-8.75. 3,200 — 3. Quinn Groff 10:47.50. 3,200 relay — 3. Sheldon 9:02.69. Shuttle hurdle — 5. Sheldon 1:06.94. 400 — 5. Collin Wolthuizen 55.16. 800 relay — 5. Sheldon 1:42.40. 1,600 — 6. Chad Den Hartog 5:08.80. 400 hurdles — 2. Travis Nelson 1:01.63. 1,600 medley — 4. Sheldon 4:13.09. 800 — 4. Chad Den Hartog 2:19.67. 400 relay — 1. Sheldon (Chris Balster, Nate Oostra, Jake Rosburg, Joe Kuiper) 45.84. 1,600 relay — 3. Sheldon 3:42.70.

Friday washed out sheldon, ia

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REGIONAL—While the Drake Relays went on as planned, the entire N’West Iowa sports slate for Friday was rained out. n In golf: South O’Brien and West Sioux saw the storm coming early in the week, so they moved their dual up to Tuesday. Western Christian’s nonconference girls and boys dual at Worthington of Minnesota was cancelled. So was

the triangular that had Sheldon and Spencer’s girls traveling to Spirit Lake. The Sheldon boys and Spirit Lake were to travel to Spencer for a nonconference event, but that was postponed indefinitely. n In track and field: Meets hosted by Boyden-Hull/Rock Valley, Spencer and MarcusMeriden-Cleghorn were cancelled and will not be made up.




SPORTS Thursday Boys golf

MOC-Floyd Valley has Siouxland in its sights Race for second is deadlocked for now by Scot t Byers Sports Editor

ROCK VALLEY—MOC-Floyd Valley and Sibley-Ocheyedan took turns winning Siouxland Conference Boys Golf Tour stops for the first half of the season, but all of the sudden its the race for second place that carries all the intrigue with three meets remaining. Okoboji was one card better than meet host Rock Valley on Thursday to win the latest tour stop on a tiebreaker. That vaulted the Pioneers into a second-place tie with SibleyOcheyedan. Each team has 51 standings points, seven less than leader MOC-Floyd Valley. Rock Valley is not yet out of the competition for second either, sitting in fourth and four points behind the Generals and Pioneers. While the placing was good for Okoboji and Rock Valley, none of the schools came away happy with the team scores. The Pioneers and Rockets each shot 168. MOC-Floyd Valley had a 171, Sibley-Ocheyedan a 173 and West Lyon a 174. “We just didn’t play very well. No excuses, we just didn’t have our best stuff,” said MOC-Floyd Valley coach Brady Baker. “The guys will regroup and we’ll try to get a little better in practice.” Sibley-Ocheyedan coach Rick Braby thought the Generals’ best window to make up ground on the Dutch may have just passed. “We didn’t play worth a darn. No one did,” he said. “I expect my guys to have more mental toughness than that. You have to be able to handle some adversity. Their greens weren’t holding. They were pretty fast, but that course is in good shape. It doesn’t have anything to with the course. If we hit a bad shot, we let it get to us. If we caught a bad lie, we let it get to us. We had too many threeputts.” Braby thought the Generals reacted poorly all night. “We had a chance to make a move on MOC and didn’t take advantage of it,” he said. “We did not play to our ability. Everybody is going to have nights like that, but when you are making excuses, that’s just not being mentally tough. We’re going to have to regroup and try to finish the season strong and get ready for sectionals.” Boyden-Hull coach Bruce Keizer said the difficulty of the course had something to do with the higher scores. “The course played pretty tough at Rock Valley. The greens were very firm. There are some pretty tough holes were you have to be very precise, and we played a bit tentative on some of those shots,” he said. Sheldon had made a major improvement in its last outing, but slipped back again this time out. “We really struggled,” said Orab coach Gene Bomgaars. “Our golfers were not hitting greens and not putting well at all. We really need to work on our short games and try to reduce some strokes to be more competitive.” Tyler Ohl of Okoboji was the meet medalist with a 38. Ty Hanna of Sibley-Ocheyedan shot a 40 and was the runnerup. Siouxland Boys Golf Tour at Rock Valley Golf Club Team standings (after seven events): 1. MOCFloyd Valley 58; 2. (tie) Sibley-Ocheyedan and Okoboji 51; 4. Rock Valley 47; 5. West Lyon 35; 6. Sioux Center 23; 7. Central Lyon 18; 8. Boyden-Hull 17; 9. Sheldon 15; 10. GeorgeLittle Rock 0. Okoboji 168: James Halbur 43; Tyler Ohl 38;

MOC-Floyd Valley junior Ryan Christy watches his tee shot along with his competitors and a group of spectators on the 17th hole at Landsmeer Golf Club during the Siouxland Conference Boys Golf Tour stop Tuesday in Orange City. Christy turned in a 39 for the round as the Dutch defended their home course. They are in first place in the league race after seven events, with the latest being held on Thursday at Rock Valley. Weston Burgeson 47; Ben DeMuth 43; Mike Luhrs 44; Tanner Taylor 45. Rock Valley 168: Zach Bliek 42; Luke Keeble 43; Scott Westra 43; Austin Gregg 40; Blake Eichmann 45; Evan Vos 50. MOC-Floyd Valley 171: Mitch McDonough 43; Ryan Christy 45; Keifer Te Grootenhuis 42; Brett Bomgaars 41; Spencer Kelly 45; Collin Pennings 45. Sibley-Ocheyedan 173: Ty Hanna 40; Tristan Roetzel 45; Joe Storbakken 44; Grant Juber 44; Brent Reed 46; Harrison Feldkamp 46. West Lyon 174: Brandon Snyder 41; Scott Erickson 44; Cole Grotewold 49; Zach Sauers 44; Dylan Whalen 45; Jake Newborg 53. Sioux Center 181: Ty Brink 47; Brent Sneller 50; Koleby Van Beek 44; Kyle Cleveringa 44; Kyle Heemstra 49; Steven Kragt 46. Central Lyon 183: Cole Schleusner 44; Luke De Jong 43; Allen Stillson 52; Kyler Huisman 45; Kalen Eckenrod 51; Mike Postma 63. Boyden-Hull 187: Kaleb Vis 49; Riley Francis 47; Taylor Francis 47; Evan Marra 44; Kirk Prostrollo 59; Garrett Vander Wilt 54. Sheldon cards 189: Tom Brown 46; Garrett Lang 46; Peter Fonkert 55; Brennan Vote 49; Trevor Fiddelke 48; Chris Jansen 51. George-Little Rock cards: Aaron Korthals 54; Brenden Riefers 52.

South O’Brien wins despite struggles ALTON—South O’Brien was not itself on Thursday, but the Wolverines still did enough to pick up a 174-203 win over Spalding Catholic at Sioux Golf & Country Club in Alton. “The boys had a tough night on a difficult course,” said South O’Brien coach Noah DeYager. “Alton has narrow fairways, small greens, and mature trees. It was evident that our boys didn’t have much experience here.” Austin Sweeney was the meet medalist for the Wolverines. He was the only player to break 40. “Austin Sweeney still put up his average with a 39. If it weren’t for finishing with three bogeys, he could have shot par. I was really proud of Brice Goosen who only missed fourth place by a card playoff,” DeYager said. Zane Roberts of South O’Brien placed second with a 43. Zac Kinney and Ashton Thompson paced Spalding Catholic. South O’Brien 174, Spalding Catholic 203 South O’Brien cards: Shaan Desai 47; Austin Sweeney 39; Zane Roberts 43; Nate Struve 50; Austin Wise 45; Brice Goosen 47. Spalding Catholic cards: Grant Schuver 50; Zac Kinney 49; Kyle Hunt 58; Ashton Thompson 49; Lucas Hunt 58; Tyler Konz 55.

Falcons climbing closer to their goal HAWARDEN—West Sioux narrowly missed on its goal for

the day, but did pick up a home win over Remsen St. Mary’s in War Eagle Conference boys golf Thursday in Hawarden. West Sioux shot a team total of 170. The Hawks struggled to a 219. “We’re inching closer to our goal. We were one stroke away,” said West Sioux coach Brad Klarenbeek. The Falcons’ Mitch Hulshof shot a career best, going even par at 35. Austin Benda won the runner-up medal for West Sioux with a 40. That also was his career low. “Those two scores really helped us. Any time a high school kid shoots par, that’s a pretty impressive deal. He had kind of a strange round. He only parred three holes, so there were some bogeys and birdies sprinkled in,” Klarenbeek said. “I had been a little concerned with Benda, but that’s a nice score for him. Those two really carried the team, because our 3-6 guys were way too high again.” The coach said the overall day was a plus. “We’re leaving too many strokes on the greens, but I’m happy to get the win. I was happy with a lot of things, but there were still a few things that disappointed me,” he said. West Sioux 170, Remsen St. Mary’s 219 West Sioux cards: Mitch Hulshof 38; Tony Winn 47; Austin Benda 46; Augie Jiminez 46; Jacob Sanow 45; Steve Marienau 50.

Young earns medal, but others stumble

West Lyon sophomore Brandon Snyder watches his putt spin slowly toward the cup on the 14th hole at Landsmeer Golf Club on Monday. The Wildcats are lodged in the AKRON—Devin Young got (Photos by Rylan Howe) himself in the medal chase, but middle of the Siouxland Conference standings. overall it was a rough outing for Hartley-Melvin-Sanborn in a 165-188 loss to Akron-Westfield in War Eagle Conference boys golf Thursday. Coach Tom Thompson said the Hawks have started to fix some of their problems around the greens, but a new issue popped up at Akron. “The course isn’t that long and it’s pretty straight forward, but if you get it in the trees there is some trouble there. I saw a lot of our guys with lost balls or having to punch it straight out,” Thompson said. “Our putting is getting better, but we need some time on the range now.” Chet Utesch of Akron-Westfield was the meet medalist with a 36. Young and Mitch

Hedlund of Akron-Westfield each shot 42s, but Hedlund won the second place medal based on handicap holes. “Devin played well. that was good to see. He said he made a lot of putts, which is good to hear since everyone else struggled. It was a nice day to play, but we just had too many big numbers,” Thompson said. Akron-Westfield 165, Hartley-Melvin-Sanborn 188 Hartley-Melvin-Sanborn cards: Hank Voss 50; Travis Enger 45; Devin Young 42; James Van Oort 56; Brady Ahmann 51; Heath Nagel 55.

Top teams in Lakes take down Wolfpack HULL—Western Christian had more trouble on its home

links Thursday than it had on the road earlier in the week, finishing at the back end of a Lakes Conference boys golf triangular with Storm Lake and Spencer at Rolling Hills Golf Course in Hull. Storm Lake won the meet with a 164 and Spencer shot 165. Western Christian was well back, firing a 176. “We were hoping to take advantage of our home course and give the two best teams in our conference a good test,” said Western Christian coach Jim Eekhoff. “We just did not have a good day.” He pointed out that scores in general were a bit high, with

the noted exception of the two medal winners. John Brai of Storm Lake shot 36 and the Tornadoes’ Ryan Gutz shot 38. “Storm Lake has a couple of great golfers in Brai and Gutz. Those were impressive scores on a windy day and a course that is unfamiliar to them,” Eekhoff said. Western Christian had only one golfer come in under his average. Austen Gonnerman carded a 40. Storm Lake 164, Spencer 165, Western Christian 176 Western Christian cards: Zach Elgersma 44; Austen Gonnerman 40; Taylor Kooi 47; Josh De Wild 45; Sam Fessler 49; Drew Van Sloten 54.

Wednesday Golf

Beautiful conditions welcome CYO boys for tourney in Alton Knights impressive in rolling to meet crown by Scot t Byers Sports Editor

ALTON—Sunshine made it pleasant while a bit of a breeze added to the challenge for the participants as Spalding Catholic hosted the CYO Invitational boys golf tournament Wednesday at Sioux Golf & Country Club in Alton. “It was a beautiful day today, if you didn’t mind a little wind,” said Spalding Catholic coach J.D. Hunt. “It was a great day on the course with a lot of

nice people. The weather must have been nice, because we saw a lot of spectators out on the course cheering for the kids this afternoon.” Carroll Kuemper, the three-time defending Class 2A state champion, won the team title with an 18-hole score of 317, 10 strokes better than runner-up Algona Garrigan. The Knights also had the top two individual finishers, with Matt Gute shooting a 77 and Tanner Ludwig a 78. Ludwig beat Billy Schiltz of Algona Garrigan in a three-hole playoff for the runner-up medal. “We met some good competition today, especially from the Carroll and Garrigan schools,” Hunt said.

Tyler Konz, playing out of the sixth spot for Spalding Catholic, had the best day for the Spartans. He carded a 102. CYO Invitational at Sioux Golf & Country Club Team results: 1. Carroll Kuemper 317; 2. Algona Garrigan 327; 3. Fort Dodge St. Edmond 350; 4. LeMars Gehlen Catholic 365; 5. Storm Lake St. Mary’s 410; 6. Spalding Catholic 413; 7. Remsen St. Mary’s 451. Spalding Catholic cards: Grant Schuver 103; Zac Kinney 106; Kyle Hunt 123; Ashton Thompson 104; Lucas Hunt 104; Tyler Konz 102.

Defending 1A champions capture girls title in CYO CARROLL—The Spalding Catholic girls golf team put aside the fact it

was facing several large schools and focused on its individual goals at the CYO Invitational tournament at Carroll Country Club on Wednesday. Algona Garrigan, the defending Class 1A state champion, was the runaway winner of the event with a team score of 321. That was 19 strokes better than runner-up LeMars Gehlen Catholic. Spalding Catholic finished seventh in the eight-team field. “A lot of our girls golfed personal bests at the meet,” said Spalding Catholic coach Melanie Babcock. “That was great to see.” Leah Bunkers shot a 108 over the 18 holes for the Spartans. Her score included a 52 on the back nine. Sarah

Konz shot a 121 with a nine-hole low of 54 on the front. Leah Schroeder was consistent on her way to a 122 total. Alexa Capesius of Algona Garrigan, who placed fifth in last season’s state tournament, won the event by shooting a 75. That was five strokes better than Golden Bear teammate Sheridan Berte. CYO Invitational at Carroll Country Club Team results: 1. Algona Garrigan 321; 2. LeMars Gehlen Catholic 340; 3. Carroll Kuemper 346; 4. Fort Dodge St. Edmond 389; 5. Sioux City Heelan 399; 6. Storm Lake St. Mary’s 435; 7. Spalding Catholic 489; 8. Remsen St. Mary’s NA. Spalding Catholic cards: Leah Bunkers 108; Sarah Konz 121; Cara Jungers 147; Megan Haupert 143; Leah Schroeder 122; Jess Konz 138.





Conference race clouded by overall balance Orabs, Dutch tied for top spot in standings by Scot t Byers Sports Editor

ROCK RAPIDS—Sheldon pulled into a tie with MOC-Floyd Valley in the overall standings of the Siouxland Conference Girls Golf Tour by winning the event hosted by Central Lyon on Tuesday in Rock Rapids. The Orabs have won four of the six Siouxland events this season. They shot a blazing 183 on a day that saw temperatures reach into the mid-80s at Rock River Golf & Country Club. “It was a beautiful day for a golf meet. The Rock River Golf Course has several out-of-bounds areas to the right of the holes, which makes it a challenge for many golfers,” said Sheldon coach Jan Sneiderman. The Orabs responded to that challenge. All four of Sheldon’s counting scores were under 50. It was the first time that has happened this season. “We need to continue to work on the short game, but the scores are showing some good improvement,” Sneiderman said. “It’s been really nice to see that when someone struggles on her round, someone else on the team comes through.” MOC-Floyd Valley coach Monte Tilgner was impressed. “We played pretty well, but Sheldon played fantastic,” he said. The Dutch finished eight strokes behind the Orabs in second place. “We have eight good golfers that can shoot in the 40s on any given night,” Tilgner said. “We have tightened our scores lately, but now we need to get all the girls down in the 40s on a consistent basis.” Okoboji freshman Alex Mankle was the medalist for the fifth time in six outings. She shot a 38 to help the Pioneers place third in the team standings. Kaylin Root of MOC-Floyd Valley, Erin Abele and Carrie Wahlstrom of Sheldon and Karmen Vogt of Central Lyon all shot 43s. Jurnea Harberts of Sibley-Ocheyedan took the sixthplace medal with a 44. Siouxland Girls Golf Tour at Rock River Golf & Country Club in Rock Rapids Team standings (after six events): 1. (tie) Sheldon and MOC-Floyd Valley 49; 3. Sioux Center 43; 4. Okoboji 39; 5. Boyden-Hull 28; 6. Rock Valley 20; 7. Central Lyon 18; 8. Sibley-Ocheyedan 16; 9. West Lyon 6; 10. GeorgeLittle Rock 0. Sheldon 183: Erin Abele 43; Carrie Wahlstrom 43; Lindsay Nilles 48; Katherine Bomgaars 61; Rachel Abele 52; Brittany Van Gorp 49. MOC-Floyd Valley 191: Mallory Simmelink 48; Kalyn Root 43; Kenzie Mulder 51; Bri Van Ravenswaay 53; Jaden Vander Berg 52; Amber Van Roekel 49. Okoboji 197: Kiley Wermersen 46; Alex Mankle 38; Erin Richey 68; Sara Mayer 50; Alex Adams 63. Sioux Center 200: Kalee Den Herder 47; Maggie Dykshorn 54; Maria Vander Plaats 50; Carol Kooiker 49;

Rock Valley junior Kaela Vonk watches her ball sail in an unexpected direction Monday during the Siouxland Conference Girls Golf Tour stop at Woodlyn Hills Golf Course in Milford. The league meet was in Rock Rapids on Tuesday. (Photo by Josh Harrell) Katrina Kruse 59; Jill Vander Plaats 55. Central Lyon 201: Kendra Schleusner 55; Karmin Vogt 43; Sydney Petersen 51; Katie Timmer 52. Boyden-Hull 208: Callie Van Holland 49; Alicia Kleinwolterink 55; Kylie Sipma 59; Alida Savage 64; Alex Sietstra 51; Kasey Olson 53. Rock Valley 212: Jenna Cannegieter 54; Ashley Vonk 45; Kaela Vonk 66; McKenzie Eichmann 58; Courtney Vonk 55. Sibley-Ocheyedan 221: Jurnea Harberts 44; Ashley Lemke 55; Suzie Linquist 54; Shelby Stanton 68. West Lyon 223: Tiffany Ripperda 51; Mackenzie Ball 58; McKayla Kramer 49; Mariah Moser 65; Kayla Roemen 65. George-Little Rock NA: Amber Stettnichs 51; Kassie Peters 55.

Falcons’ confidence rises with win over Wolverines HAWARDEN—West Sioux edged closer to coach Brad Klarenbeek’s goal, and it needed to Tuesday to hold off a talented South O’Brien team for a 200212 War Eagle Conference girls golf victory in Hawarden. The meet was a triangular for West Sioux, which also played AlcesterHudson of South Dakota. Alcester-

Hudson did not record a team score. “The girls are golfing real well. I was very pleased with those scores. That’s our best team score of the year. My goal for them is to shoot 199, and we darn near had it,” Klarenbeek said. “If we can get in the 190s, you never know what can happen. We didn’t quite get that, but we beat a quality opponent. It was a big win for the girls’ confidence.” Klarenbeek said cutting a few strokes still is possible. “We get off the tee so well. I’d put us against anyone on that. If we can get to the green a little better from 100 yards and in, we are going to be real tough,” he said. South O’Brien coach Lynn Cole thought the scores would be lower. “I was very disappointed. I thought we could beat West Sioux from the scores I had seen,” Cole said. “It was pretty hot out there, but it’s not a hard course. I thought the scores would be lower.”

Courtney Hummel of West Sioux was the medalist with a 44. The Falcons’ Bailey Van Den Berg was second with a 49. Jaynee Smith had the low round for the Wolverines with a 50. West Sioux 200, South O’Brien 212 West Sioux cards: Courtney Hummel 44; Bailey Van Den Berg 49; Calie Petersen 50; Makayla Hemmelrick 67; Rylee Negaard 57; Grace Egnes 73. South O’Brien cards: Naomi Petrich 51; Mikayla Campbell 55; Emma Sweeney 57; Jaynee Smith 50; Tayla Coady 58; Erin Cullison 56.

Hills in Estherville cause Western Christian trouble ESTHERVILLE—Western Christian’s girls golf team had a few issues with some unforgiving ground on Tuesday, finishing third at a Lakes Conference triangular hosted by Estherville Lincoln Central. The weather was fine, with the temperature around 80 and only a slight wind, but Wolfpack coach Bill Harmsen said the layout at Estherville

caused his team fits. “The course played very tough today. It is very hilly with many blind shots into the green,” Harmsen said. “Our girls have never played this course before and it showed.” Western Christian totaled 245. Emmetsburg won with 210 and the host Midgets shot 215. “We lost quite a few shots on errant shots to the green, but the greens also proved to be tough to handle,” Harmsen said. “We were disappointed in our effort in this triangular, but our girls are resilient. We will get back to practice and continue to work hard at every facet of the game and improve.” Taylor Knight of Emmetsburg beat Aryn Ward of Estherville Lincoln Central in a one-hole playoff for medalist after each shot 47. Summer Jansen was the low golfer for the Wolfpack. Emmetsburg 210, Estherville Lincoln Central 215, Western Christian 245 Western Christian cards: Summer Jansen 56; Kayla Zylstra 58; Jamie Altena 66; Alexa Schut 64.

THursday Girls Soccer

Wolfpack, Dutch each claim some success on odd night Shootout finished, then hosts answer by Scot t Byers Sports Editor

ORANGE CITY—Due to a unique situation, both teams had something to feel good about after leaving the pitch Thursday when Western Christian traveled to face MOCFloyd Valley in girls soccer. The teams had played to a scoreless tie in their first meeting this year, but Iowa Girls High School Athletic Union rules mandate that in such situations, a shootout determines the winner. Since a shootout was not contested that day, the teams staged one before the start of Thursday’s regularlyscheduled match. “It was an interesting night,” said Western Christian coach Jeannie Elgersma. “I’d never done that before,” said MOC-Floyd Valley coach Blake Wieking. “We had one shootout last year, but this was different in that you had a chance to prepare for it.” Western Christian won the shootout 4-3. Keeper Jessica Walvoort stopped one MOCFloyd Valley shot and another went wide. Alexa Gulker, Tairin Van Tol, Kenzie Bousema and Amber Van Otterloo scored in the shootout for the Wolfpack. Wieking was concerned how the Dutch would react. “What we were worried about was how the team would respond if we did lose that,” Wieking said. “What happened was they showed a lot of determination. They did not want to lose twice in one day.” MOC-Floyd Valley got on the board first. Caitlin Van Es dribbled around a couple of defenders, got matched on the goalie and took a shot that went

off the post and in. The Dutch had another prime scoring chance later in the first half but missed on a penalty kick for the third straight game. “There is something wrong there that we are going to have to fix,” Wieking said. Western Christian tied the score 10 minutes into the second half on a penalty kick by Gulker. MOC-Floyd Valley regained the lead 15 minutes later on an unusual play. After a shot went off the post, Michelle Croghan and Walvoort were in a race for a loose ball. Croghan wound up running into the ball, and it trickled into the net to make it 2-1. Western Christian had a chance to tie it again but missed on a penalty kick later in the second half. Elgersma said the Wolfpack hung in there with a revamped lineup. Seven girls, all juniors and seniors, were gone on a choir trip. “Our defensive line consisted of Tairin Van Tol and three new girls. They all did well learning new positions,” Elgersma said. “The girls did really well considering there were six freshmen and sophomores on the field at all times. It was a great learning experience.” After having a lot of rough luck lately, Wieking was glad to chalk up a victory. “The girls were really excited. It was a good way to head into the weekend,” Wieking said. “We were able to finish hard and play well. That makes it a lot more enjoyable.” MOC-Floyd Valley outshot Western Christian 14-5. Walvoort was credited with 12 saves. Emily McDonald had three saves for the Dutch. Western Christian is 3-3 on the season, while MOC-Floyd Valley is 2-5.

Ranked Unity team gets moving later HAWARDEN—Unity Christian was able to shake off an up-and-down start, pulling away for a 6-2 girls soccer victory at West Sioux on Thursday. The Knights, ranked 13th in Class 1A, were facing a Falcon team that had given up doubledigit goals in its last two games but still found the score tied 24 minutes into the contest. “It was not the prettiest, but it was a win. We came out really flat and played poorly for at least the first 20 minutes, allowing West Sioux to stay in the game because of it,” said Unity Christian coach Tim Kamp. The Knights scored first when Michaela Rodenburgh curled one around the post and in five minutes into the game. Four minutes later, Unity Christian tied the score for West Sioux when a miscommunication on defense resulted in an own goal. It marked the end of a threegame scoreless streak for the Falcons. The hosts briefly gained the lead in the 24th minute. Sandra Topete dribbled past a few defenders and blasted a shot in from 12 yards out. “West Sioux has some good skill and speed on a couple of forwards, and we just didn’t cover it like we needed to. We allowed West Sioux to take the game to us instead of taking the initiative,” Kamp said. “We did not win near enough 50-50 balls and allowed more possession time than I would like.” The Knights took away most of the Falcons’ momentum just one minute after Topete’s goal. Rodenburgh scored from 35 yards out on a direct kick to even the score. Rodenburgh set up Autumn Pluim for the go-ahead goal in

MOC-Floyd Valley junior Skyler Hill-Norby drives past Western Christian sophomore Abby Pollema on Thursday in Orange City. (Photo by Josh Harrell) the 32nd minute. Pluim assisted on an Elli Krosschell tally that made it 4-2 at half. Pluim scored again just five minutes into the second half off of a quick inside pass from Rodenburgh. Erin Boersma scored the game’s final goal in the 39th minute of the second half,

capitalizing on a loose ball situation. “We made a few adjustments at halftime and came out fairly strong. Our overall play was much better in the second half but still not to where it normally is until there were about 15 minutes left to go,” Kamp said. “Our transitions were a bit off tonight. Our passing was just

not where it needed to be. The forwards did have a good night. It was good to get the scoring spread around to all of them.” Unity Christian took 32 shots in the game and put 22 on goal. West Sioux took 16 shots and put seven on net. The Knights improved to 6-1 on the season while West Sioux remained winless.




SPORTS Tuesday track: ALTa-Aurelia relays

Grady breaks tape in 3,200-meter run for Spalding Catholic Places hard to get at contest in Alta by Scot t Byers Sports Editor

ALTA—Michael Grady won the boys 3,200-meter run to highlight the day for the Spalding Catholic track and field

teams at the Alta-Aurelia Relays on Tuesday. Grady ran the event in 10 minutes, 59.02 seconds. He later finished second in the 800 run in 2:10.74. Spalding Catholic placed seventh out of 11 teams in the boys standings. “The Alta-Aurelia meet was very competitive, especially

on the boys side as it featured a couple of deep 2A teams,” said Spalding Catholic coach Scott Willman. “Michael Grady did well in the distance races, overcoming the heat and some of the stiffness that comes with having back-to-back meets.” The Spalding Catholic girls placed seventh in an eightteam field.

The Spartans were just one point out of sixth place at the competition. “Kim Streff put up two personal bests, in the long jump and the 100. She continues to improve and get solid finishes,” Willman said. Alta-Aurelia Relays Girls team results 1. Hinton 198; 2. Remsen St. Mary’s 98;

3. Newell-Fonda 72; 4. Alta-Aurelia 56; 5. Storm Lake St. Mary’s 49; 6. Whiting 29.5; 7. Spalding Catholic 28.5; 8. Ruthven-Ayrshire/ Graettinger-Terril 5. Spalding Catholic results Long jump — 3. Kim Streff 13-11.5. 100 — 3. Kim Streff 13.77; 5. Madison Pottebaum 14.52. 400 — 3. Kim Streff 1:06.77. 100 hurdles — 5. Madison Pottebaum 18.64. 1,600 relay — 6. Spalding Catholic (Kim Streff, Vanessa Nava, Carli Murphy, Madison Pottebaum) 4:48.

Boys team results 1. Alta-Aurelia 174; 2. Ridge View 170; 3. Storm Lake St. Mary’s 43; 4. Newell-Fonda 39; 5. River Valley 33; 6. Whiting 30; 7. Spalding Catholic 20; 8. Marcus-Meriden-Cleghorn 18; 9. Alta-Aurelia JV 16; 10. Remsen St. Mary’s 8; 11. Ridge View JV 6. Spalding Catholic results Discus — 6. Cody Suntken 107-6. 3,200 — 1. Michael Grady 10:59.02. 200 — 6. Matthew Holzman 24.82. 800 — 2. Michael Grady 2:10.74.

Tuesday track: Cherokee Relays

MOC-Floyd Valley races past Cherokee field Girls squeak by, boys take control by Scot t Byers Sports Editor

CHEROKEE—MOC-Floyd Valley was at the top end of a powerful field in the girls and boys portions of the Cherokee Relays on Tuesday. The method of winning was a bit different for the two squads. MOC-Floyd Valley’s boys finished with a 41-point margin over runner-up Unity Christian. Its girls had to battle to the end, scoring just four more points than Spencer.

Dutch ride big start

As has been their tradition this season, the MOC-Floyd Valley girls got off to a big lead early in the meet and did enough to finish it off. D u t c h c o a c h L o r i Wo l f thought it was going to be a good day from the moment she woke up and saw the forecast, with temperatures in the 80s and little wind. “What a night for a track and field meet. We left, and we started to wonder where we were. Could this be Iowa weather for an April meet? We ended up having a good night,” she said. MOC-Floyd Valley got wins from Alexis Conaway in the high jump, Brook Jacobsma in the discus and Katlyn Probst Sheldon senior Joe Kuiper sprints to the finish of the 800-meter relay Monday at the Sheldon Coed Invitational. The Orabs took first place in the in the long jump to get it on its event after LeMars was disqualified. The Orabs and Western Christian were among the field at Cherokee on Tuesday. (Photos by Rylan Howe) way. It then struck first on the track with a win by Bethany Dykstra in the 3,000-meter run. The Orabs won the shuttle Conaway added a win in the hurdle relay, running their best 400 run, and Katie Landhuis time of the season. Unity Christian coach Mark broke the tape in the 800 run. “The girls had to rely on every Kauk was worried the Knights member and every place to might be rusty. win this meet,” Wolf said. “Due “We were coming off a week to injuries and illness, we had and a half competition layoff, several athletes who weren’t so we were anxious to see if our able to compete or weren’t times would drop,” Kauk said. up to their normal level of Unity Christian did not get competition. As a team, it was a win but had four runner-up impressive they were still able finishes. The 3,200 relay had its to win. The victory would not best time of the year. Karissa De have been possible without Jong turned in her best time of the numerous fourth, fifth and the year in the 400 hurdles. sixth places we got throughout “We had a lot of girls step up, Western Christian sophomore Jordan Folkerts clears the night. When several dif- and it’s always great to see the the high jump bar Monday at the Sheldon Coed Invitaferent athletes withdrew from improvement that we have races with strains or pulls, oth- made,” Kauk said. “We have a tional. After finishing fourth Monday, he placed second ers filled in and did an excellent lot of potential for the rest of in the event at the Cherokee Relays the next night. job.” the season.” 4-8. placing sixth and seventh, (WC) Western Christian set three Discus — 1. Brook Jacobsma (MOC-FV) respectively. meet records. Brooke Wolter- Achterhoff sets tone 132-6; 2. Lauren McDonald (MOC-FV) 117-9; storff set one in winning the Trey Achterhoff won the “ You could tell we were 5. Autumn Wahl (Sh) 100-0. 200 dash. Kim Kroeze got one long jump and the 400 dash in running on legs that weren’t Shot — 2. Chantelle De Haan (UC) 35-8.5; 4. in the 400 hurdles. Wolterstorff impressive fashion for MOC- fresh. Considering we weren’t Brook Jacobsma (MOC-FV) 35-5.5; 5. Lauren and Kroeze teamed with Kenzie Floyd Valley. fresh, we still did a great job McDonald (MOC-FV) 34-0; 6. Autumn Wahl (Sh) 32-10. Vande Vegte and Josie Kollis to “Trey had another strong of competing, and our guys Long jump — 1. Katelyn Probst (MOC-FV) set the mark in the 1,600 relay. night, breaking a meet record worked hard. The weather was 15-9.75; 3. Katie Kneifl (Sh) 14-4.75; 5. Justine The Wolfpack also got wins and bettering his own school great, and we ran some good Van Sloten (UC) 14-1.25; 6. Shanti Addengast from its 3,200, 800 and 400 relay record in the 400, winning the times — not our best, but we (Sh) 13-9. teams. long jump and contributing were just consistent all night,” 3,000 — 1. Bethany Dykstra (MOC-FV) 10:47.99; 5. Salli Valdez (MOC-FV) 12:19.34. “We had some of our best per- strong relay legs in the 4-by-100 said Western Christian coach 3,200 relay — 1. Western Christian (Shae De formances of the season due to and 4-by-400,” said MOC-Floyd Travis Kooima. “Our biggest Jager, Josie Kollis, Erika Douma, Kim Kroeze) the great competition and the Valley coach Joel Bundt. “Kyle thing tonight was to get a good 10:09.90; 2. Unity Christian 10:10.16; 3. MOCgreat weather. Some of the girls Anderson ran well in the big workout in the things we were Floyd Valley 10:32.58; 5. Sheldon 11:32.51. might have been a little tired three, winning the two-mile running, make sure we stayed Shuttle hurdle — 1. Sheldon (Caitlin Cain, Van Wyk, Cally Hatting, Crystal Rodger) from the lack of sleep because and placing second in the mile away from injuries and just Paige 1:07.95; 4. MOC-Floyd Valley 1:15.38; 5. Unity of prom this weekend, but they and the 800. His 800 time was a competed hard, and I really feel Christian 1:20.97. Senior Sam Van Ginkel of Western Christian competes didn’t let it show,” said Western PR.” we did that.” 100 — 1. Brooke Wolterstorff (WC) 12.88; 2. in the 110-meter hurdles Monday at the Sheldon Coed Christian coach Dan Kroeze. Lawton De Jong placed first in Sam Van Ginkel won the high Allegra St. Clair (Sh) 13.46; 3. Kenzie Vande Invitational. He also took gold at Cherokee on Tuesday. Vegte (WC) 13.67; 5. Teagan Hill-Norby (MOC“There were some fun races to the shot put and second in the jump and 110 hurdles and ran FV) 14.02. watch.” discus for the Dutch. on the winning 400 relay team Distance medley — 2. Unity Christian 4:31.53; Grant Weaver, Chris Balster, Nathan Oostra) 54.23. He said it is almost decision “Again, this was a strong per- for the Wolfpack. 3. Western Christian 4:34.49; 5. MOC-Floyd 1,600 relay — 1. Western Christian (Kenzie 1:03.81; 3. Unity Christian 1:07.35. formance by the guys in many Sheldon picked up a victory in Valley 4:41.26; 6. Sheldon 4:56.48. time for the Wolfpack. Vande Vegte, Josie Kollis, Kim Kroeze, Brooke 100 — 1. Jake Floen (UC) 11.10; 2. Alex Van 400 — 1. Alexis Conaway (MOC-FV) Wolterstorff) 4:08.10; 2. MOC-Floyd Valley Roekel (MOC-FV) 11.68; 4. Jacob Van Ginkel “We are getting very close events. We are proud of their the shuttle hurdle relay. to the end of the season, and efforts,” Bundt said. “This was a great meet for us 58.30; 2. Josie Kollis (WC) 1:05.07; 3. Jackie 4:08.36; 4. Sheldon 4:29.87; 5. Unity Christian (WC) 11.81; 6. Josh Heynen (UC) 11.96. 400 — 1. Trey Achterhoff (MOC-FV) 49.81; 5. now we have to find out which Jake Floen came back from in terms of competition. Each Hoogland (UC) 1:05.86; 4. Karissa De Jong 4:35.74. (UC) 1:07.02; 6. Jen Guthmiller (MOC-FV) Arie Hoekstra (MOC-FV) 53.81; 6. Jon Janssen Boys team results events we can get to state and a recent back ailment and team here tonight had qual- 1:07.64. 1. MOC-Floyd Valley 142; 2. Unity Christian (MOC-FV) 53.83. which ones have a chance to was spectacular again for the ity athletes. This is one of our 800 ­relay — 1. Western Christian (Kenzie 101; 3. Spencer 98; 4. LeMars 83; 5. Storm 800 relay — 1. Unity Christian (Dalton C. De score there,” Kroeze said. “The Knights, winning the 100 dash favorite meets due to the level Vande Vegte, Kelli Boer, Elissa Jansma, Brooke Lake 81; 6. Western Christian 77; 7. Sheldon Haan, Jordan Everson, Robbie Vander Veen, Jake Floen) 1:32.47; 3. Western Christian girls are great competitors and and the 200 dash and anchor- of competition. It is a measur- Wolterstorff) 1:47.93; 2. Sheldon 1:52.95; 6. 61; 8. Cherokee 51. N’West Iowa results 1:33.98; 4. MOC-Floyd Valley 1:36.25. will work to do their best in ing the winning 800 and 1,600 ing stick to see where we are at, Unity Christian 2:01.17. 100 hurdles — 4. Kim Kroeze (WC) 17.00; 5. and we were able to see from Caitlin Cain (Sh) 17.34; 6. Cally Hatting (Sh) High jump — 1. Sam Van Ginkel (WC) 6-2; 110 hurdles — 1. Sam Van Ginkel (WC) each race and event. The goal relays. 2. Jordan Folkerts (WC) 6-2; 3. Justin Van 15.74; 4. Jordan Folkerts (WC) 17.39; 6.; Asa is always to use the talents God “Ja k e Fl o e n w a s g o l d e n some of the results tonight 17.39. Kalsbeek (MOC-FV) 6-1; 4. Dallas Ennema (Sh) Visser (MOC-FV) 17.88. has given them to honor Him.” tonight. It is fun to see Jake that there is indeed still work 800 — 1. Katie Landhuis (MOC-FV) 2:33.30; 5-10; 6. Trevor Kauk (UC) 5-6. 1,600 — 2. Kyle Anderson (MOC-FV) 4:44.78; Sheldon finished fourth in the healthy,” said Unity Christian that needs to be done,” said 3. Jackie Hoogland (UC) 2:37.19; 6. Samantha Discus — 2. Lawton De Jong (MOC-FV) 150- 5. Nathan Reichert (UC) 4:51.07. 1; 3. Zach Landhuis (MOC-FV) 142-8; 4. Collin 200 — 1. Jake Floen (UC) 22.44; 4. Casey team standings. Orab coach coach Karl Kaemingk. “We had Sheldon coach Jason Groen- Bandstra (UC) 2:40.68. 200 — 1. Brooke Wolterstorff (WC) 26.05; 2. Korver (UC) 139-1; 5. Drake Van’t Hul (WC) Guthmiller (MOC-FV) 23.79; 5. Heath Kris Groff said the weather may great running conditions and dyke. “Overall, though, I am Alexis Conaway (MOC-FV) 26.61; 4. Rebekah 137-5; 6. Ethan Fenchel (WC) 131-2. (WC) 23.92; 6. Kyle Fykstra (WC) have been a bit too good, espe- took advantage of the good proud of the efforts that my Muilenburg (MOC-FV) 27.41; 6. Allegra St. Clair Shot — 1. Lawton De Jong (MOC-FV) Bonestroo 24.25. cially considering the team was competition to run some of our kids displayed. I felt like they (Sh) 28.12. 50-1.25; 2. Drew Rupp (MOC-FV) 48-5; 3. 400 hurdles — 3. Travis Nelson (Sh) 1:00.77. running for the second straight best times of the year. The 4-by- competed to the best of their 400 hurdles — 1. Kim Kroeze (WC) 1:06.38; Mitchell McDonald (Sh) 45-6.5. 1,600 medley — 2. Unity Christian 3:40.02; 6. night. 800 dropped a few seconds, ability. If they put forth their 2. Paige Van Wyk (Sh) 1:07.13; 4. Crystal Long jump — 1. Trey Achterhoff (MOC- MOC-Floyd Valley 4:01.33. (Sh) 1:12.21; 5. Karissa De Jong (UC) FV) 21-2.5; 2. Chris Balster (Sh) 20-8.75; 4. 800 — 2. Kyle Anderson (MOC-FV) 2:05.76; “It was a very hot day. It and Caleb Bakker had a stellar best effort, that is all we can ask Rodger 1:14.34. Clayton Blythe (MOC-FV) 19-7; 5. Hunter 3. Mitchell McDonough (MOC-FV) 2:05.96; definitely had an effect on the race to hang on to first place. for as coaches.” Sprint medley — 2. Western Christian McDonald (Sh) 19-0. 5. Cody Gradert (UC) 2:07.43; 6. Alex Cherokee Relays runners. The heat zapped the We have some hard work to do 2:01.20; 4. Sheldon 2:07.83; 5. MOC-Floyd 3,200 — 1. Kyle Anderson (MOC-FV) Schoonhoven (UC) 2:07.80. team results Girls Valley 2:09.32; 6. Unity Christian 2:09.83. kids early, so it affected the later before we can accomplish all 10:25.36; 4. Nathan Reichert (UC) 10:46.55; 400 relay — 1. Western Christian (Heath races,” Groff said. “I was very of our season goals, but it was 1. MOC-Floyd Valley 144; 2. Spencer 140; 3. 1,500 — 2. Kayla Byl (UC) 5:15.05; 3. Erika 5. Coleman McAllister (MOC-FV) 10:50.22; 6. Bonestroo, Mason De Vries, Jacob Van Ginkel, Western Christian 117; 4. Sheldon 96; 5. Unity Douma (WC) 5:18.87; 4. Jaycee Vander Berg Mitchell Ten Napel (UC) 11:01.42. Sam Van Ginkel) 44.87; 2. MOC-Floyd Valley happy with the girls for running nice to get a solid meet under Christian 85; 6. Carroll 73; 7. Cherokee 49; 8. (MOC-FV) 5:19.97; 6. Bethany Dykstra (MOC- 3,200 relay — 1. Unity Christian (Logan 45.06; 4. Sheldon 45.77. back-to-back nights. I know our belts.” Storm Lake 33. FV) 5:20.38. Schoonhoven, Alex Schoonhoven, Cody 1,600 relay — 1. Unity Christian (Dalton C. the kids were tired, but it will Western Christian and ShelN’West Iowa results 400 relay — 1. Western Christian (Elissa Gradert, Caleb Bakker) 8:27.40; 4. Sheldon De Haan, Logan Schoonhoven, Robbie Vander pay dividends down the stretch don both felt the effects of High jump — 1. Alexis Conaway (MOC-FV) Jansma, Ema Altena, Jamie Gesink, Kelli Boer) 9:13.35; 6. MOC-Floyd Valley 9:41.46. Veen, Jake Floen) 3:27.86; 4. MOC-Floyd running back-to-back nights, 5-6; 3. Marti Vogel (Sh) 4-10; 6. Ema Altena 52.41; 4. MOC-Floyd Valley 54.07; 5. Sheldon Shuttle hurdle — 1. Sheldon (Travis Nelson, Valley 3:39.40; 6. Sheldon 3:41.82. run.”




SPORTS Tuesday boys Golf

MOC-Floyd Valley rules on Landsmeer layout Dutch carve spot at top of standings by Scot t Byers Sports Editor

ORANGE CITY—MOC-Floyd Valley continued its recent hot streak and widened the gap between itself and the field in the Siouxland Conference Boys Golf Tour with a home triumph Tuesday at Landsmeer Golf Club in Orange City. MOC-Floyd Valley has won three of the last four Siouxland tour stops. Sibley-Ocheyedan also has three wins on the season, but the Dutch have never finished worse than second, allowing them to build a sixpoint lead in the standings on the Generals. The Dutch shot a 153 to win. Sibley-Ocheyedan placed third, just behind Okoboji, at the Landsmeer stop. The Pioneers shot 156 and the Generals 157. “It was a great night for golf. The course was in fantastic shape and Dan Mulder does a super job with it,” MOC-Floyd Valley coach Brady Baker said of the course superintendent. “It was nice to play well on our home course. Mitch McDonough had a great night and his hard work continues to pay off. The rest of the guys were happy for him.” The individual battle was won by Ty Hanna of SibleyOcheyedan. Hanna, Tristan Roetzel of Sibley-Ocheyedan and McDonough each shot 36. Hanna won the playoff, which actually was held the next day at the Generals practice. “They were tied with McDonough, but he had to go and couldn’t play it off and forfeited. Then we decided to just have Ty and Tristan play it off here and Ty won it,” said SibleyOcheyedan coach Rick Braby. Braby said the Generals were close to going lower as a team. “We played well, but we were missing a starter and we just couldn’t get that fourth score,” Braby said. “We put in a freshman, and we did end up counting his score, so that was good for him. actually, I’ll take our score anytime I can get it.” There was a significant gap between the top three and the rest of the field. Rock Valley finished fourth, but was 10 strokes behind the Generals.

“We kind of stubbed our toe. There were a lot of low scores there. We’ve never played at Landsmeer on a more perfect day. The wind is always blowing there, but this time it was calm and the temperature was nice,” said Rock Valley coach Randy Slobe. “I was surprised and disappointed with our scores. I thought we had some momentum, but just because you have it yesterday doesn’t mean you have it today. We got away from just playing hole-tohole and shot-to-shot.” West Lyon was fifth at 174 and Sheldon took sixth at 179. “The weather and conditions were absolutely ideal. The temperature was perfect and there was no wind. It was a great day to play golf. Landsmeer was in excellent condition and the greens rolled very well,” said Sheldon coach Gene Bomgaars. “We are headed in the right direction. If we continue to work and get all six of these players in the low 40s, that’s what we’re shooting for.” Siouxland Boys Golf Tour at Landsmeer Golf Club Team standings (after six events): 1. MOCFloyd Valley 51; 2. Sibley-Ocheyedan 45; 3. Okoboji 42; 4. Rock Valley 39; 5. West Lyon 30; 6. Sioux Center 19; 7. (tie) Boyden-Hull and Central Lyon 15; 9. Sheldon 14; 10. George-Little Rock NA. MOC-Floyd Valley 153: Mitch McDonough 36; Ryan Christy 39; Keifer Te Grootenhuis 39; Brett Bomgaars 41; Pieter Swart 43; Collin Pennings 39. Okoboji 156: James Halbur 37; Tyler Ohl 40; Weston Burgeson 39; Ben DeMuth 40; Mike Luhrs 40; Tanner Taylor 45. Sibley-Ocheyedan 157: Ty Hanna 36; Tristan Roetzel 36; Grant Juber 47; Brent Reed 39; Harrison Feldkamp 49; Ethan Mino 46. Rock Valley 167: Zach Bliek 40; Luke Keeble 43; Scott Westra 43; Austin Gregg 41; Nick Elgersma 52; Isaiah Richter 44. West Lyon 174: Brandon Snyder 50; Scott Erickson 40; Cole Grotewold 44; Zach Sauers 43; Dylan Whalen 47; Al Whalen 51. Sheldon cards 179: Tom Brown 48; Garrett Lang 43; Peter Fonkert 48; Brennan Vote 43; Trevor Fiddelke 45; Chris Jansen 51. Central Lyon 180: Cole Schleusner 47; Luke De Jong 40; Allen Stillson 52; Kyler Huisman 42; Kalen Eckenrod 51; Mike Postma 63. Sioux Center 181: Ty Brink 45; Braden DeBoer 47; Brent Sneller 47; Josh Moret 49; Kyle Cleveringa 44; Koleby Van Beek 45. Boyden-Hull 193: Riley Francis 51; Kirk Prostrollo 55; Taylor Francis 46; Evan Marra 48; Kaleb Vis 48; Garrett Vander Wilt 59. George-Little Rock cards: Aaron Korthals 52; Brenden Riefers 48.

Kooi shoots par to earn second place EMMETSBURG—Western Christian played its best round

Central Lyon junior Cole Schleusner tees off on the 13th hole Tuesday at Landsmeer Golf Club. He scored a 47 at the Siouxland Boys Golf Tour event in Orange City. (Photo by Rylan Howe) of the season, but was surrounded by a tough crowd at the Lakes Conference boys golf triangular hosted by Emmetsburg on Tuesday. The Wolfpack shot a 164, but finished third. Emmetsburg won with a 158. Estherville Lincoln Central also shot a 164, but topped Western Christian on a fifth-score tiebreaker. “It was a great day for golf and Emmetsburg’s course is in nice shape,” said Wolfpack coach Jim Eekhoff. Taylor Kooi had the best round of his career, shooting an even-par 35. That was good for the runner-up medal. Mike Myers of Emmetsburg was 1-under par for the round. “Taylor had three birdies,” Eekhoff said. “We had our best team score of the year, but ran into some tough competition. We still did not have a day

where all of our top four had real good days.” Emmetsburg 158, Estherville Lincoln Central 164, Western Christian 164 Western Christian cards: Zach Elgersma 42; Austen Gonnerman 45; Taylor Kooi 35; Josh De Wild 42; Sam Fessler 47; Dylan Van’t Hul 45.

Course plays tougher than past reputation HAWARDEN—The Hawarden Golf Club course has gotten a reputation for playing easy, but West Sioux coach Brad Klarenbeek is starting to wonder if that is really deserved. Despite warm conditions and no winds Tuesday, the scores for both teams were a little higher than expected as South O’Brien topped West Sioux in a War Eagle Conference boys dual 165-175. “I used to think our course

was fairly easy, too. Now, even Shaan Desai, who is no question the best golfer in our conference, said this is not an easy course,” Klarenbeek said. “The yardage is not long, but we do have some huge trees, there is sand on every hole and the greens are small and hubcap shaped, so it’s hard to hold on them. Today Shaan and Mitch (Hulshof ) had impressive scores. After that the scores weren’t too great.” Desai earned the medalist award with a 36. Hulshof was second with a 38. The meet was supposed to be played on Friday, but got moved up due to a strong possibility of rain in the forecast. West Sioux already was scheduled to host Alcester-Hudson of South Dakota on Tuesday in a nonconference event. The Falcons won that one

175-219. “I was still disappointed,” Klarenbeek said. “We are leaving too many shots on the greens. We’ve been putting every day and we’re just going to keep doing it. I want our guys at 169, but the consistency isn’t there.” South O’Brien coach Noah DeYager said he was a little disappointed as well. “Shaan played a really nice round,” he said. “A 165 is a good score, but the guys are capable of better. We’ll have to play better if we want to achieve our goals in sectionals and districts.” South O’Brien 165, West Sioux 175 South O’Brien cards: Shaan Desai 36; Austin Sweeney 45; Zane Roberts 42; Nate Struve 42; Austin Wise 46; Brice Goosen 46. West Sioux cards: Mitch Hulshof 38; Tony Winn 47; Austin Benda 46; Augie Jiminez 46; Jacob Sanow 45; Steve Marienau 50.

Tuesday Soccer

Unity Christian girls boot Storm Lake in second half Knights catch fire after starting flat by Scot t Byers Sports Editor

STORM L AKE—Class 1A 15th-ranked Unity Christian cranked up the pressure on the offensive end in the second half and punched through for a 3-1 girls soccer win at Storm Lake on Monday. “Storm Lake has greatly improved from what their first game scores showed. They play with intensity and have a lot of good speed and ball handling skill, particularly on the front line,” said Unity Christian coach Tim Kamp. “Defending on the score and time of the game, they move people around well to try to hold a slim lead or to try to make a quick score.” Each team took six shots on goal in the first half. Unity Christian had the only tally. Autumn Pluim took a corner kick and sent it in to Michaela Rodenburgh, who footed it home for a 1-0 lead in the 23rd minute. “We started out pretty well, then played flat for a while in the first half. We were not moving the ball around as well as we usually do, and that got us out of rhythm. Storm Lake had some good breakaways that gave us a few scares, too. That didn’t help the confidence level,” Kamp said. “We were getting some good opportunities, but we just could not get the ball in net. At halftime, we dealt with some passing issues and got ourselves refocused.” Kamp said the Knights had chances early in the second half, but the Tornadoes scored first to tie the game. Storm Lake got its goal when Annabel Bravo’s corner set up Katherine Garcia 15 minutes

into the second half. Unity Christian took the lead for good six minutes later. Amber Hoekstra was credited with the assist as Elli Krosschell fired one in from 10 yards out. “Elli’s goal got us back on track. We had some good passing combinations going between the outside mids and the forwards and started to make the crossing passes work for us,” Kamp said. “That was the area that worked the best for us — working the sides to the middle, then across the field. Storm Lake really tried to pack the defense, so the passes needed to be accurate and quick. We also needed to work on some long shots in order to force the defense out.” Rodenburgh finished the scoring, putting in a shot after a pass from Erin Boersma in the 32nd minute of the second half. Unity Christian outshot Storm Lake 12-3 in the second half. “Keeper Shannell Nieuwendorp had an excellent night. In the first half, she made two great saves that really made a difference, and she made a couple more in the second half that helped seal the match,” Kamp said. “Emily Wielenga had to step up on defense, too. A number of times she had to take on two fast seniors that worked well and closely together. Most of the time, they never got a shot off, and she came up with the ball.” Nieuwendorp made eight saves for the Knights, who improved to 5-1 on the season.

Tornadoes pepper Knights net in win ORANGE CITY—Dylan Hoekstra has been a busy guy lately. That is not a particularly good sign if you are your team’s goalkeeper. Storm Lake bombarded Unity

Christian with six second-half goals Tuesday and topped the Knights 8-0 in boys soccer in Orange City. Hoekstra was holding up well, posting a shutout until the late stages of the first half. “Storm Lake scored both of their goals in the first half in the last seven minutes,” said Unity Christian coach Cody Harskamp. “We played OK in the first half but seemed to lack energy and communication.” The Tornadoes turned it up after the break. They ended up outshooting the Knights 28-4 in the contest. “We did not play very well offensively or defensively,” Harskamp said. Hoekstra had 20 saves. Harskamp said it will be important to see how the Knights rebound from their second-half struggles. “We need to learn from this defeat to help make us better as a team — players and coaches,” he said. “I believe in this team and feel they will bounce back.”

Loehr, Gerdeman put up big numbers SPENCER—Spencer had a field day on its home field Tuesday, riding a pair of talented strikers to put up a lopsided 14-0 boys soccer win over West Sioux. “It was not too productive for us. Spencer has a really developed team. You could tell the experience was lower at our end,” said West Sioux coach Chris Avery. “They have Unity Christian senior David van Beek chases down a loose ball Thursday against a strong community youth West Sioux in Orange City. He scored the first goal of the Knight’s 3-2 victory over the program, and you can see Falcons. Unity Christian fell to Storm Lake on Tuesday. (Photo by Josh Harrell) the effect it has on the varsity games. Our kids learned a lot about what is needed to pro- minutes before the barrage the Tigers. Senior Carter Gerde- Tigers. started again. Spencer led 7-0 man contributed five goals and Spencer put 36 shots on goal duce a winning game.” The Tigers were up 2-0 after at half. two assists. Nigel Nielsen, Zach in the contest. The Tigers’ the first 1:30. West Sioux then Sophomore Cole Loehr had Vanerah and Tanner Vieden- keeper, Mark Mahlm, needed held them off for around 10 six goals and three assists for kamp each scored goals for the to make just one save.




SPORTS Tuesday Track: West lyon Invitational

Central Lyon girls rounding into prime form Stay on schedule at West Lyon meet by Scot t Byers Sports Editor

INWOOD—Central Lyon came away with the girls team title while the meet hosts filled up the winner’s circle on the boys side of the West Lyon Invitational track and field meet Tuesday. Central Lyon scored 163 team points, 14 more than BoydenHull/Rock Valley, to win the girls crown. West Lyon smoked the field with 178 team points on the boys side. Boyden-Hull/ Rock Valley was next with 133.

Lions not showing wear

Central Lyon was running for the second night in a row, but still put up four personalbest times. The Lions won five relays and four individual events. “This was a smaller meet, so we were able to spread out and get all of the events covered. It was a fun night. The girls were able to get a lot of running in,” said Central Lyon coach Toby Runners head into the straightaway of the 200-meter dash Monday at the Sheldon Coed Invitational. Kori Schulte of Central Lyon took fourth, Lorenzen. “It was nice to have Claire Snyder of Central Lyon was fifth and Rachel Williams of George-Little Rock sixth. The Lions and Mustangs ran at West Lyon on Tuesday. some others step up.” The Lions have 16 girls on the squad, but three are strictly out which groups work best would outkick them at the end, throwers. Lorenzen said the together so we can start getting and he did.” runners appear to be in great those handoffs perfect and cut- West Sioux coach Clint McKee said the Falcons are being ting time off.” shape. “You would hope that would West Lyon finished fourth. boosted by great efforts from be the case. You want to peak at The Wildcats did not have a seniors David Hernandez and Nathaniel Ericson. the right time, and I think we’re win, but had two runners-up. getting there,” he said. “You Dana Weerheim took second “Placing was tough because always hope you are going to in the 400-meter dash to lead there were a lot of good athletes peak at the right time, and right West Sioux, which placed sixth. at the meet, but we ran our best times again. We’re headed now we appear to be right on Wildcat boys turn on jets in the right direction,” McKee schedule.” Boyden-Hull/Rock Valley had West Lyon won eight individ- said. “David and Nathaniel four individual event wins and ual events, including a sweep in each had personal bests in the field, plus two relays on its the 100 and 200. That is an one relay victory. example of a couple of seniors “What a beautiful night for a way to the boys title. West Lyon track meet. We were “It was a great day and night leading the way. They are pushable to run a lot of personal- for the West Lyon competi- ing each other a little bit and best times with the warm tors,” said Wildcat coach Mark their times are coming down, weather,” said Boyden-Hull/ Rentschler. “Field events really With that, the younger kids are Rock Valley coach Jacinda Zoet helped to gain team points following suit.” West Lyon Invitational of a night in which the tem- and start the meet off. That set Girls team results perature was in the 80s with the bar for the rest of the perlittle wind. formances. We had many per- 1. Central Lyon 163; 2. Boyden-Hull/Rock Valley 149; 3. George-Little Rock 101; 4. West She said that while the Night- sonal records and relay season’s Lyon 85; 5. Akron-Westfield 39; 6. West Sioux hawks are starting to get stron- bests. We continue to get better, 17. ger, she still needs to tweak the and we need to continue to get N’West Iowa results High jump — 1. Lexi Ackerman (CL) 4-10; 2. better.” lineup here and there. “It was fun to watch a few Adam Teunissen won three Allison Te Slaa (BHRV) 4-8; 4. Sarah Halse (CL) girls participate in events that individual event titles and 4-4. Discus — 1. Tina Ageson (CL) 110-0; 2. they have never participated anchored the winning 1,600 Kaylee Van Voorst (BHRV) 88-11; 3. C.J. Van in before and perform well,” relay for the Wildcats. Der Zwaag (BHRV) 81-1; 4. Makenzie Lutmer Zoet said. “We hope to have a Boyden-Hull/Rock Valley won (CL) 78-5; 6. Alexis Potter (WL) 50-10. few more of our injured run- three relays and Bryce Moss Shot — 1. Jenna Ribbens (BHRV) 29-1.5; 2. C.J. Van Der Zwaag (BHRV) 27-8; 3. ners back by next week so we took the 110 hurdles. Mackenzie Lutmer (CL) 25-11; 5. Alexis Potter can start putting some relays “We had a great night to (WL) 23-10. together. I was very pleased perform and had season’s best Long jump — 1. Jessica Hilbrands (G-LR) with how well the girls ran and efforts in a number of events,” 17-8.25; 2. Kaylee Van Voorst (BHRV) 14-6.25; improved their personal per- said Nighthawk coach Brian 3. Denyelle Viereck (WL) 13-10; 4. Kaitlyn Kerr formances.” Moser. “We really needed a (BHRV) 13-8. 3,000 — 1. Macie Wessels (G-LR) 13:05.45; G eorge-Little Rock also night like this to start seeing 2. Shelby Serbus (WL) 13:50.34; 3. Emily De George-Little Rock senior Jessica Hilbrands anchors the 800-meter relay at the Shelscored more than 100 team improved results. We are at Jong (CL) 14:41.94; 4. Callie Schmidt (WS) don Coed Invitational on Monday . Hilbrands propelled the Mustangs to first place points. Coach K.C. Fielder said the point in the season where 15:32.15. (Photos by Rylan Howe) he went back to stressing some p e r f o r m a n c e s s h o u l d b e 3,200 relay — 1. Central Lyon (Angel Ras­ and had another impressive day Tuesday at West Lyon. mussen, Ivy Sieperda, Sarah Halse, Kori individual events rather than improving and hopefully that Schulte) 10:56.72; 2. Boyden-Hull/Rock Valley (WL) 27.57; 4. Dana Weerheim (WS) 28.72; 5. 5-10; 4. Tanner Van Beek (BHRV) 5-4. Jensen, Nathan Alexander) 1:35.00; 2. West testing relays. The Mustangs continues, because conference 11:14.98; 3. West Lyon 12:17.97. Kaitlyn Kerr (BHRV) 29.77; 6. Callie Schmidt Discus — 1. Cody Bauman (WL) 139-2; 2. Lyon 1:35.60; 3. Central Lyon 1:40.59. won three individual events is in a week and districts is only Shuttle hurdle — 1. Central Lyon (Shalee (WS) 29.96. Terron Geerdes (G-LR) 123-1; 4. Dakota Steele 110 hurdles — 1. Bryce Moss (BHRV) 15.69; and a relay. two weeks away.” Struckman, Jody Vanden Hoek, Kelsey 400 hurdles — 1. Shalee Struckman (CL) (BHRV) 100-8; 6. Trenton Enger (CL) 90-3. 2. Charles Stai (WL) 16.14; 3. Jesse Markus “We looked at the way we Josh Schriever won the 1,600 Ackerman, Lexi Ackerman) 1:10.48; 2. West 1:13.65; 2. Brooke Fick (BHRV) 1:15.24; 3. Shot — 1. Cody Bauman (WL) 44-9.5; 2. (CL) 18.22; 4. Waylon Rau (BHRV) 18.95. might run at districts and tried run for Central Lyon, which Lyon 1:14.64; 3. Boyden-Hull/Rock Valley Allison Te Slaa (BHRV) 1:16.19; 4. Mikayla Terron Geerdes (G-LR) 41-5; 3. Eric Clasen 1,600 — 1. Josh Schriever (CL) 4:49.13; 3. Miller (CL) 1:19.89; 5. Amber Klarenbeek (WL) (CL) 38-5; 5. Trenton Enger (CL) 37-6. Luis Castillo (WL) 5:01.27; 4. Tyler Wessels to simulate that so the girls can placed third in the team stand- 1:20.90. 100 — 1. Jana Vermeer (BHRV) 12.77; 2. 1:22.71. Long jump — 1. Ethan Erickson (WL) 20-3; 2. (G-LR) 5:06.05; 5. Nolan Meerdink (BHRV) get used to how much time ings. Teyha Graham (G-LR) 12.98; 3. Rachel Simons Sprint medley — 1. George-Little Rock Andrew Van Ginkel (BHRV) 20-0.75; 3. Brandt 5:22.38; 6. Christian Bouwman (WL) 5:54.97. they will have between races,” Jesse Heinrichs won the 800 (WL) 13.05; 4. Marissa Childress (WL) 13.34; 5. (Rachel Williams, Madison Henning, Teyha Van Roekel (BHRV) 19-9; 4. Dalton Ver Beek 200 — 1. Adam Teunissen (WL) 23.54; 2. Fiedler said. “I still don’t know run to lead George-Little Rock Claire Snyder (CL) 13.40; 6. Shelby Fastert (CL) Graham, Jessica Hilbrands) 1:56.45; 2. Central (CL) 17-5.5; 5. Chase Grotewold (WL) 16-3.75; Josh Hunt (CL) 23.78; 3. Jesse Henrichs Lyon 2:00.83; 3. Boyden-Hull/Rock Valley 6. Garrett Anderson (G-LR) 15-1. (G-LR) 23.81; 4. Kyle Jensen (BHRV) 24.13; 5. if we’re going to focus on two to fourth place. The Mustangs 13.47. Distance medley — 1. Boyden-Hull/Rock 2:02.03; 5. West Lyon 2:12.51. 3,200 — 2. Connor Blom (WL) 11:07.09; 3. Nathaniel Ericson (WS) 24.34; 6. James Van relays or three relays. I’m going also won the 3,200 relay. Valley (Nicole Ewoldt, Kensy Vande Hoef, 1,500 — 1. Keeley Kruse (G-LR) 5:50.0; Colton Van Surksum (BHRV) 13:37.49. Beek (WL) 24.63. to talk to Jessica Hilbrands and Coach Curt Fiedler said the Kendra Van Meeteren, Karen Sanchez) 4:47.36; 2. Sheri Boon (BHRV) 5:50.05; 3. Angel 3,200 relay — 1. George-Little Rock (Andrew 400 hurdles — 1. Kyle Standley (WL) 57.93; see what she wants to do. She’ll Mustangs were short a key fig- 2. Central Lyon 5:08.13; 3. West Lyon 5:29.70. Rasmussen (CL) 5:54.89; 4. Emily De Jong Kruger, Reid Guse, Tyler Wesssels, Austin 2. J.C. Koerselman (BHRV) 58.13; 3. Jericho 400 — 1. Tori Figge (CL) 1:01.94; 2. Dana (CL) 6:13.20; 5. Shelby Serbus (WL) 6:22.81; 6. Heyenga) 8:57.31; 2. Central Lyon 9:05.51; 3. Poppinga (CL) 1:04.29; 5. Michael Nettinga obviously do the long jump, but ure in senior Adam Sohl. Boyden-Hull/Rock Valley 9:46.53; 4. West Lyon (BHRV) 1:05.89; 6. Nic Lutmer (CL) 1:07.98. I’ll let her decide if she wants to “The kids performed well. Weerheim (WS) 1:03.53; 3. Madison Henning Jaycee Johnson (G-LR) 7:15.83. 1,600 medley — 1. Boyden-Hull/Rock Valley do an individual and two relays They went hard. Those guys (G-LR) 1:05.75; 4. Jessica Sandbulte (G-LR) 400 relay — 1. Central Lyon (Kelsey 10:10.45. 1:06.02; 5. Kaitlyn Mulder (BHRV) 1:10.03; 6. Ackerman, Claire Snyder, Shelby Fastert, Lexi Shuttle hurdle — 1. Boyden-Hull/Rock (Brandt Van Roekel, Bryce Moss, Andrew Van or focus more on the individu- in the 4-by-8 are probably the Rachel Herum (WL) 1:12.59. Ackerman) 52.87; 2. George-Little Rock 52.96; Valley (Bryce Moss, Brandt Van Roekel, J.C. Ginkel, Nathan Alexander) 3:48.15; 2. West als.” guys we’ll have to use in the dis- 800 ­relay — 1. Central Lyon (Shelby Fastert, 3. West Lyon 54.21; 5. Boyden-Hull/Rock Koerselman, Nathan Alexander) 1:01.03; 2. Lyon 4:00.17; 3. George-Little Rock 4:10.16; 4. Hilbrands crushed the field in trict meet because Adam will Kori Schulte, Sarah Halse, Claire Snyder) Valley 59.13. West Lyon 1:02.61; 3. West Sioux 1:10.10; 4. Central Lyon 4:20.87; 6. West Sioux 4:27.20. 800 — 1. Jesse Henrichs (G-LR) 2:11.18; the long jump, covering 17 feet, run the mile and the two mile,” 1:53.45; 2. West Lyon 1:55.30; 3. George-Little 1,600 relay — 1. Central Lyon (Kori Schulte, Central Lyon 1:11.46. Sarah Halse, Tori Figge, Claire Snyder) 100 — 1. Sully Al-Ostaz (WL) 11.32; 2. 3. Josh Schriever (CL) 2:13.73; 4. Connor Fiedler said. “Jesse had to run Rock 1:58.71. 8.25 inches. 100 hurdles — 1. Kendra Van Meeteren 4:18.95; 2. Boyden-Hull/Rock Valley 4:37.01; Omar Mejia (BHRV) 11.59; 3. Jacob Moser Blum (WL) 2:16.24; 5. John Ver Mulm (BHRV) Fiedler said he still is watch- against Teunissen in the 400, (BHRV) 16.23; 2. Kelsey Ackerman (CL) 16.66; 3. George-Little Rock 4:42.71; 4. West Lyon (WL) 11.69; 4. Josh Hunt (CL) 11.83; 5. David 2:17.92; 6. Casey Vermeer (BHRV) 2:21.0. ing to see who might join Hil- and that guy is a man. They can 3. Lexi Ackerman (CL) 17.50; 4. Mary Schreurs 5:04.94. Hernandez (WS) 11.86; 6. Ryan McCarty (CL) 400 relay — 1. West Lyon (Kyle Groeneweg, brands and Teyha Graham on a put him in whatever event they (WL) 18.01; 5. Caitlyn Grotewold (WL) 18.24; 6. 12.01. Boys team results Alex Groeneweg, Tyler Kruse, Sully Al-Ostaz) 1. West Lyon 178; 2. Boyden-Hull/Rock 400 — 1. Adam Teunissen (WL) 51.13; 2. 45.22; 2. Boyden-Hull/Rock Valley 46.55; 3. want and he’ll do well. Jesse still Courtney Jansma (BHRV) 19.87. couple of relays. “I’ve got a couple I’m leaning had a good time in the 400 and 800 — 1. Elizabeth Rankin (BHRV) 2:45.19; Valley 133; 3. Central Lyon 84; 4. George-Little Jesse Henrichs (G-LR) 52.22; 3. Kyle Standley Central Lyon 47.15; 5. George-Little Rock 3. Monica Leuthold (CL) 2:50.91; 4. Macie Rock 69; 5. Akron-Westfield 59; 6. West Sioux (WL) 52.63; 4. John Ver Mulm (BHRV) 53.94; 49.63; 6. West Sioux 49.67. toward, but we’ve got some came back and won the 800. In Wessels (G-LR) 2:52.27; 6. Paige Boote (WL) 12. 5. Taylor Zeutenhorst (BHRV) 55.61; 6. Caleb 1,600 relay — 1. West Lyon (Louis Castillo, 100 and 200 girls that are pretty the 800 he kind of sat back and 2:54.69. Schriever (CL) 57.88. N’West Iowa results Tyler Kruse, Kyle Standley, Adam Teunissen) close to each other in times,” just waited to see what every- 200 — 1. Jessica Hilbrands (G-LR) 26.47; 2. High jump — 1. Adam Teunissen (WL) 6-6; 2. 800 relay — 1. Boyden-Hull/Rock Valley 3:36.98; 2. Central Lyon 3:39.40; 3. Georgehe said. “We need to figure one else would do, figuring he Teyha Graham (G-LR) 27.48; 3. Rachel Simons Charles Stai (WL) 6-0; 3. Bryce Moss (BHRV) (Brandt Van Roekel, Andrew Van Ginkel, Kyle Little Rock 4:02.74.

Monday track: REmsen-union relays

Grady, Willman achieve school records for Spalding Catholic Spartans register season-best marks by Scot t Byers Sports Editor

MARCUS—Two Spalding Catholic school records fell Monday as the Spartan boys had a big night at the RemsenUnion Relays in Marcus. Spalding Catholic easily had its best point total of the season, scoring 70 points and placing fifth at the meet. RemsenUnion won it with 110. Spartan coach Scott Willman said the point total was amaz-

ing considering the team’s low numbers. “Our four boys scored 70 points and were only 40 from the top score. That is quite an achievement,” he said. “I was proud of the boys for running in their first relay this season and running a good time even with one athlete who had only thrown and had not run in anything all year.” Michael Grady set a Spalding Catholic record in winning the 800-meter run in 2 minutes, 8.10 seconds. The old record of 2:08.76 was set by David Fischer in 2000. Erik Willman placed third at

the meet in the discus but set a Spalding Catholic record with a throw of 118 feet, 2.5 inches. The old record was 115-2 set by Dave Konz in 1990. “Erik was only a foot off the first-place distance. Both of those athletes have continued to look to keep improving on their performances,” coach Willman said. Grady also won the 3,200 run, placed second in the 400 hurdles and was on the 1,600 relay team that finished third. Matthew Holzman placed in four events for the Spartans, winning the 400 dash and placing second in the 200 dash.

“He has been a pleasant surprise,” coach Willman said. “He finishes his races with strong kicks since he has moved from being more of a distance runner to a sprinter.” The Spalding Catholic girls had a little tougher go. The Spartans placed sixth in the team standings. Kim Streff placed in four events for Spalding Catholic. Madison Pottebaum had the highest finish, placing second in the 400 hurdles. “Kim Streff has been showing good consistency and improvement in her events. She went out of her box and took the

opportunity to run the 800 for the first time and did well with it,” Willman said. “Madison Pottebaum led the 400 hurdles by quite a distance before hitting the eighth hurdle and taking a good tumble. She finished that race with just one shoe.” Pottebaum also placed third in the 100 hurdles. Remsen-Union Relays Girls team results 1. Marcus-Meriden-Cleghorn 156; 2. Kingsley-Pierson/Woodbury Central 150; 3. Remsen St. Mary’s 103; 4. Remsen-Union 76; 5. Whiting 38; 6. Spalding Catholic 28. Spalding Catholic results Long jump — 5. Kim Streff 13-6.5. 3,000 — 6. Vanessa Nava 15:25.45. 100 — 6. Kim Streff 13.93.

400 — 4. Kim Streff 1:09.23. 100 hurdles — 3. Madison Pottebaum 18.95. 800 — 3. Kim Streff 2:45.58. 400 hurdles — 2. Madison Pottebaum 1:18.10. Boys team results 1. Remsen-Union 110; 2. Marcus-MeridenCleghorn 97; 3. Whiting 95; 4. KingsleyPierson/Woodbury Central JV 76; 5. Spalding Catholic 70; 6. Remsen St. Mary’s 44. Spalding Catholic results Discus — 3. Erik Willman 118-2.5; 4. Cody Suntken 113-3.5. Shot — 6. Cody Suntken 36-6.5. 3,200 — 1. Michael Grady 11:07.76. 100 — 3. Erik Willman 12.80. 400 — 1. Matthew Holzman 55.83. 200 — 2. Matthew Holzman 25.12. 400 hurdles — 2. Michael Grady 1:04.37. 800 — 1. Michael Grady 2:08.10; 6. Matthew Holzman 2:29.04. 1,600 relay — 3. Spalding Catholic 3:59.93.




SPORTS Monday boys soccer

Unbeaten Spencer slows down Unity Christian Knights have trouble generating many shots by Scot t Byers Sports Editor

SPENCER—Spencer remained unbeaten on the season, keeping Unity Christian off the scoreboard in a 2-0 boys soccer win Monday. The host Tigers got an unassisted goal from Nigel Nielsen in the 14th minute for the only goal of the first half. Nielsen scored on a pass from Cole Loehr in the 75th minute for the game’s other tally. “It was a hard-fought game where we played pretty well. Spencer capitalized on a couple of our mistakes,” said Unity Christian coach Cody Harskamp. Spencer put 17 shots on goal to seven for Unity Christian. Three Knights had two shots on goal apiece. “We gave ourselves more chances in the second half and moved the ball better than we did in the first half,” Harskamp said. “We have to keep battling and improving.” Dylan Hoekstra had 15 saves for the Knights, who fell to 3-3. Spencer improved to 7-0-1.

Zubeen works his magic as Indians trump Dutch SPIRIT LAKE—Azari Zubeen found the back of the net twice, including the one that stood as the game-winner as Spirit Lake clipped MOC-Floyd Valley 3-2 in boys soccer Monday. Zubeen got the first marker of the game, scoring on a through ball just seven minutes in. Two minutes later, the Indians scored on a similar play. “We found ourselves in a big hole after the first 10 minutes of the match. Our kids did a great job of fighting back into the contest after the initial Spirit Lake goals,” said MOC-Floyd Valley coach Mike Mulder. “But we really need to work on putting together 80 minutes of solid soccer.” The Dutch cut the lead in half with 16 minutes left before the break. Collin Ascherl beat the defender to the end line and put a pass across the middle that Matt Roghair was able to finish. “Collin gave us great effort again tonight and was a difference-maker on the offensive side of the ball,” Mulder said. Zubeen also was a difference-maker, and he made it happen for the Indians again 14 minutes into the second

Unity Christian junior Taylor Dorhout dribbles past freshman Eddie Armenta on Thursday in Orange City. The Knights beat the Falcons 3-2 in their third game of the week. They lost to Spencer on Monday and Storm Lake on Tuesday. (Photo by Josh Harrell) half. A cross got deflected in the box and found the foot of Zubeen, who whipped a shot into the goal to make it 3-1. “Spirit Lake presented us with some challenges with their pure speed up front. Their two forwards are extremely quick and elusive,” Mulder said. “We allowed them to get behind us early, and that really hurt us down the stretch.” MOC-Floyd Valley scored with 5:17 remaining in the contest. Spirit Lake popped up a clearing attempt in the box and Ascherl pounced, heading the ball in to trim the deficit to one again. However, the Dutch were not able to get another one through. “We are catching glimpses of what we can become if all the pieces fit together,” Mulder said. “Hopefully, we

fit all of those pieces together as we move to the second half of the year.” The shots on goal were relatively even, with Spirit Lake managing nine and MOC-Floyd Valley six. Derek Vandermyde had six saves in goal for the Dutch. MOC-Floyd Valley fell to 2-3 with the loss.

Wolfpack slows, but can’t stop attack of Tornadoes STORM LAKE—Western Christian chose to go with a more defensive approach, but Storm Lake still found a couple of cracks and took a 3-0 decision in boys soccer Monday. “We dropped a couple of extra guys back on defense tonight to try to limit their scorers, which made it harder for us to get much going on the offensive

side,” said Western Christian coach Justin Negen. “Storm Lake has a couple of very talented strikers, and for the most part, our guys did a pretty good job of limiting their opportunities.” The Tornadoes scored the only goal of the first half 21 minutes in on a header off of a corner kick. The turning point could have come early in the second half. Western Christian’s J.D. Boer hammered a shot that potentially could have tied the game just one minute after intermission, but it went just wide to the right side of the cage. Storm Lake came back off the goal kick and notched its second tally of the game just one minute later. “We felt pretty good because their only goal came on a great crossing header, but unfortunately, their transi-

tion goal right after the half definitely put the momentum in their favor,” Negen said. Storm Lake scored its last goal 28 minutes into the second half. “They are a great passing and possession team. Their guys can turn nothing into something very quickly with their footwork,” Negen said. “Against a team like that, you have to be pretty much mistake-free to shut them out. We did some really nice things defensively, and Davis (Fenchel) made a couple of great diving saves in goal, but they capitalized when they had the opportunity.” Storm Lake put 18 shots on goal, and Fenchel stopped 15 of them. Boer had all four of the shots that Western Christian put on net. The loss dropped the Wolfpack to 2-3 on the year.

Monday GIRLs soccer

Driesen delivers long kick in clutch for ’Pack Defender steps up to loft shot into top corner by Scot t Byers Sports Editor

HULL—Western Christian defender Jami Driesen stepped in offensively to deliver the eventual game-winning goal in the 77th minute as the Wolfpack fought off Storm Lake for a 3-2 girls soccer victory Monday. The Wolfpack and Tornadoes were tied at 1-1 going into halftime. Storm Lake scored first, putting in a direct kick from 40 yards out in the 30th minute. Four minutes later, Kenzie Bousema finished after receiving a cross from Abby Pollema to get Western Christian on the board. Wolfpack coach Jeannie Elgersma thought the hosts probably should have been in the lead at the half. “We missed a penalty kick in the first five minutes after Kenzie was fouled in the box,” Elgersma said. “We came out a little flat, with the midfield having to make some adjustments.” The Tornadoes took a lead 20 minutes into the second half. “Storm Lake scored off a free kick that didn’t get cleared in the chaos,” Elgersma said. Western Christian evened it up in the 60th minute when Megan Van’t Hul converted on a penalty kick. Driesen then came up big late in the contest. Her shot found the upper corner of the cage. “She took the free kick, which was cleared back to her, then she proceeded to launch it,” Elgersma said. “It was kind of pay back for their first goal. Their first goal was served long and high and was lost in the sun, and the same thing happened on Jami’s goal.” Western Christian outshot Storm Lake 15-4. Alexa Gulker had two saves for the Wolfpack. “ We w e re a b l e t o a c c o m p l i s h some good things,” Elgersma said. “Defensively, Tarin Van Tol had an exceptional game at stopper. She did well stepping up to win the ball and made small moves around the player to start the attack. Overall, we still have little areas we need to work on as a team, but it was nice to see the seniors step up and lead and make it possible to pull out a win after playing from behind the whole game.”

The victory put Western Christian at 2-2-1 on the season.

MOC-Floyd Valley pays for lack of intensity and focus ORANGE CITY—Spirit Lake took advantage of some lapses in concentration by MOC-Floyd Valley, earning a 4-0 girls soccer win Monday in Orange City. The Dutch had a major momentumsapping moment early in the contest. “It was the second game in a row where we missed a penalty kick early in the game that would have put us up 1-0,” said MOC-Floyd Valley coach Blake Wieking. “We just did not play super enthused the whole day.” Hannah Marsh scored the lone goal of the first half for the Indians. Katie Brevik, Alissa Christoffer and Brandy Fowler each had a goal in the second half for Spirit Lake. The Indians had only 10 shots on goal, but four found their target. “We made some big mistakes on defense that gave them opportunity, and Emily (McDonald) had her hands on three of those shots that went for goals. There were times where we weren’t clearing balls, and we let them keep shooting it at us,” Wieking said. “Offensively, we didn’t make the most of our opportunities. We were able to move it a little on them. We got shots, but they weren’t great shots. We didn’t put any power behind them.” MOC-Floyd Valley put six shots on goal in the contest. “I wouldn’t say they outplayed us. They just scored more than we did,” Wieking said.

Sioux City West crushes West Sioux in blanking HAWARDEN—Sioux City West overwhelmed host West Sioux with a busy and productive offensive attack, winning 10-0 in girls soccer Monday. The Wolverines put 37 shots on goal in the contest. The offense was spread throughout its front line. Seniors Amber Doran and Jackie Martinez each scored hat tricks for Sioux City West. Seniors Sarah Porter and Ariana Valdivia each had two goals in the game. Sioux City West split its goalkeeping chores between Silvia Topete and Anna Shanafelt in the shutout. Freshman Jessica Garcia had 27 saves for West Sioux.

Western Christian junior Traci Kats and MOC-Floyd Valley sophomore Edan Lambert battle for possession Thursday. The Wolfpack won Monday, while the Dutch took a tumble. (Photo by Josh Harrell)





Host Pioneers settle for second twice to rival Indians Spirit Lake sweeps up at Milford competition by Scot t Byers Sports Editor

MILFORD—Spirit Lake Park made the short trip to Milford on Monday and got the best of its local rival, along with the rest of the field, at the Okoboji Relays. The top three spots were the same in both the girls and boys divisions of the meet. Spirit Lake Park took first, followed by Okoboji, then Sioux Center.

Indian girls impressive

The N’West Iowa teams had some solid performances but just did not have the depth to keep up with a loaded Spirit Lake Park girls team. The Indians scored 210 team points, more than twice as many as meet runner-up Okoboji. Okoboji coach Nate Dau noted only three meets remain before districts, meaning the Pioneers must start getting more consistency from their relay teams. He said this meet helped on that note. “We ran exceptionally well. The weather cooperated, and the girls competed hard,” Dau said. “Anna Seeger is really starting to peak right now. She hates to lose, which is a great quality in runners, especially middistance runners.” He said Okoboji also got a boost from the throwers in the field events. “Abby Taylor and Caoena Krivolavy both threw over 100 in the discus,” Dau said. “Coach (Hank) Grant does a fantastic job with our throwing group of kids. They have the fundamentals down very early in their careers when other girls don’t.” Taylor won the discus for the Pioneers. Okoboji also won the shuttle hurdle relay. Sioux Center’s solid placement was boosted by wins in the 3,200-meter relay and the distance medley. “Obviously, those races stand out,” said Sioux Center coach Kadrian Hardersen. “Bethany Larson really stepped up big in the 4-by-8. She ran our third leg, got the baton in fourth place and ran her best time of the season to get us into first. Jasmine Moulton then put away the competition on her anchor. The distance medley had another strong performance. Madison Beaver and Haley Sitzmann continue to step up huge for us, but it also makes their jobs easier when Haley Simonson and Jillian Estes are running well and handing them the stick in first place.” Hardersen said it was a major improvement throughout the lineup for the Warriors. “As a team, it was our best meet of the year. Miranda Moss ran 30 seconds better than she had all year and picked up a big second-place medal for us in the 3,000. As a team, we finished third, but I thought we competed for every point,” Hardersen said. “As a coach, you can’t ask for more than that.” Sibley-Ocheyedan finished fifth, but coach Keith Swenson noted that a good chunk of the Generals’ team was gone for state FFA. Only 10 girls com-

Sioux Center senior B.J. O’Donnell receives the baton from senior Kyle Den Herder during the 800-meter relay at the Okoboji Relays on Monday. The Warriors finished second in the event with a time of 2 minutes, 31.83 seconds. (Photo by Josh Harrell) peted for Sibley-Ocheyedan, but there still were many positives. “It is really exciting to see how well you can perform when the weather is really nice. We only ran three relays, and two of them had their best times of the year,” Swenson said. “It was fun to see Taylor Wasmund get second in the 100-meter dash and the 100-meter hurdles. It was also fun to see Clara Meyer in the 100-meter dash. Marie Jeppesen threw her personal best in the discus.” Hartley-Melvin-Sanborn settled for sixth. The Hawks’ highest finish in any event was third place. Halee Rahbusch won the 800 run to provide the biggest highlight for South O’Brien, which placed seventh.

Competition spurs boys’ times

The Spirit Lake Park boys finished with 161 team points to Okoboji’s 126, but Pioneer coach Brad Peter still was happy the Indians were at the event. “We had a very good night. It was a nice night, and it’s always nice to run in front of your home crowd. I thought he had been close to putting up some really good performances for a while now, so we said let’s just go out and put up as many personal bests as we can. We got quite a few,” Peter said. “It was time. We had been training hard. Having a rivalry like we do with Spirit Lake helped, too. I think that gets the kids a little more motivated when they are competing against them.” Dalton Syverson won the high jump and was on the winning 1,600 relay for Okoboji. The Pioneers also got wins

from Zach Jones in the 110 hurdles and the 3,200 relay team. “Dalton Syverson had a great night. We ask a lot of that kid. We need a lot from him, and he delivered,” Peter said. “I thought the meet in general was a good test for us because where we are strong in the mid-distance and the hurdles is where some of those other teams are strong, too. It’s always good to test your strengths against teams that are strong in those areas.” Travis Vermeer posted a win in the 800 run for Sioux Center. The Warriors were just deep enough to finish 10 points ahead of South O’Brien in the standings. The Wolverines got a win from Bret Puhrmann in the long jump. Sibley-Ocheyedan’s boys were largely in the same situation as the Generals’ girls team, with several key performers missing at the meet. However, the Generals did get wins out of senior Grant Greenfield in both the shot put and discus. Okoboji Relays Girls team results 1. Spirit Lake Park 210; 2. Okoboji 103; 3. Sioux Center 68; 4. North Union 57; 5. Sibley-Ocheyedan 41; 6. Hartley-Melvin-Sanborn 40; 7. South O’Brien 35; 8. Emmetsburg 32. N’West Iowa results High jump — 2. Darby Jones (Oko) 4-8; 3. Kianna Rusch (H-M-S) 4-6; 4. Rachel Struve (SOS) 4-4. Discus — 1. Abby Taylor (Oko) 101-3; 3. Caoena Krivolavy (Oko) 100-0; 6. Jen Willemssen (S-O) 91-1. Shot — 5. Abby Taylor (Oko) 30-7.75; 6. Jen Willemssen (S-O) 30-4.75. Long jump — 3. Brett Struve (SOS) 14-7.75; 5. Emily Te Grootenhuis (SC) 14-2.75; 6. Tayler Wasmund (S-O) 13-10.75. 3,000 — 2. Miranda Moss (SC) 11:42.52; 4. Clare Eckard (Oko) 11:58.73; 5. Megan Jordan (H-M-S) 12:56.62; 6. Megan Kroese (H-M-S) 14:02.08.

3,200 relay — 1. Sioux Center (Miranda Mouw, Mariah Hulstein, Bethany Larson, Jasmine Moulton) 10:33.85; 2. Okoboji 10:38.41; 4. South O’Brien 10:43.05; 5. HartleyMelvin-Sanborn 10:47.49. Shuttle hurdle — 1. Okoboji (Devan Hanna, Leah Basinius, Bri Hamaker, Abby Taylor) 1:13.32; 5. HartleyMelvin-Sanborn 1:25.07. 100 — 2. Tayler Wasmund (S-O) 13.21; 3. Taylor Sweeney (H-M-S) 13.30; 4. Hannah Grosvenor (Oko) 13.31; 5. Clara Meyer (S-O) 13.48; 6. Haley Simonson (SC) 13.62. Distance medley — 1. Sioux Center (Haley Simonson, Jillian Estes, Haley Sitzmann, Madison Beaver) 4:38.34; 5. Hartley-Melvin-Sanborn 5:14.73. 400 — 4. Lexie Rusch (H-M-S) 1:06.32; 5. Mariah Hulstein (SC) 1:07.06; 6. Arybella Denton-Parry (SC) 1:08.31. 800 ­relay — 2. Sibley-Ocheyedan 1:52.00; 3. Okoboji 1:52.15; 5. Sioux Center 1:57.45. 100 hurdles — 2. Tayler Wasmund (S-O) 17.74; 4. Devan Hanna (Oko) 17.59; 6. Bailey Vande Vegte (SC) 18.14. 800 — 1. Halee Rahbusch (SOS) 2:31.83; 2. Madison Beaver (SC) 2:35.53; 4. Lexie Rusch (H-M-S) 2:39.04; 5. Kirsten Elyea (H-M-S) 2:39.89; 6. Arybella Denton-Perry (SC) 2:42.45. 200 — 3. Jillian Estes (SC) 28.70; 4. Taylor Sweeney (H-M-S) 28.91; 5. Katie Mills (H-M-S) 29.13; 6. Regan Miklo (Oko) 30.32. 400 hurdles — 2. Olivia Albright (Oko) 1:12.25; 4. Faith Bartlett (Oko) 1:14.79; 5. Bailey Vande Vegte (SC) 1:16.61. Sprint medley — 2. Okoboji 2:00.53; 3. SibleyOcheyedan 2:00.88; 4. South O’Brien 2:03.05. 1,500 — 3. Clare Eckard (Oko) 5:29.68; 4. Bethany Larson (SC) 5:39.48; 5. Steph Husa (SC) 5:46.78; 6. Megan Jordan (H-M-S) 5:51.26. 400 relay — 2. Okoboji 53.05; 3. Sibley-Ocheyedan 53.50; 4. Sioux Center 54.83. 1,600 relay — 2. South O’Brien 4:23.11; 3. Okoboji 4:24.14; 4. Sioux Center 4:30.10; 5. Hartley-MelvinSanborn 4:33.81. Boys team results 1. Spirit Lake Park 161; 2. Okoboji 126; 3. Sioux Center 79; 4. South O’Brien 69; 5. Sioux Central 52; 6. SibleyOcheyedan 39; 7. North Union 25; 8. Hartley-MelvinSanborn 3; 9. Okoboji JV 1. N’West Iowa results High jump — 1. Dalton Syverson (Oko) 6-2; 3. Adam

Paulsen (SOS) 5-6. Discus — 1. Grant Greenfield (S-O) 154-11; 2. Kyle Den Herder (SC) 137-11; 3. Ethan Stofferan (S-O) 136-3; 4. Austin Kolegraff (Oko) 126-9; 5. Jacob Sauter (Oko) 12610; 6. Brett Waechter (H-M-S) 121-6. Shot — 1. Grant Greenfield (S-O) 49-9.75; 2. Jacob Sauter (Oko) 46-0.75; 4. Will Friedrichsen (SOS) 40-8.25. Long jump — 1. Bret Puhrmann (SOS) 19-10.5; 4. Alex Koepp (Oko) 18-11.25; 5. Spencer Fritz (SC) 18-11. 3,200 — 3. Joe Hilsabeck (Oko) 10:33.24; 5. Haile Duden (SC) 10:51.12. 3,200 relay — 1. Okoboji (Taylor Cody, Mark Nielsen, Ryan Chindlund, Jordan Hanna) 8:33.36; 3. Sioux Center 8:42.69; 4. South O’Brien 9:13.37; 6. Hartley-MelvinSanborn 9:37.60. Shuttle hurdle — 2. Okoboji 59.38; 4. Sioux Center 1:06.80. 100 — 2. Cole Ebel (SOS) 11.29; 3. Casey Hertz (S-O) 11.48; 5. Tyeson Barnett (Oko) 11.59; 6. Bret Puhrmann (SOS) 11.64. 400 — 2. Miles Kleinhesselink (SC) 52.37; 4. Drew Kortlever (SC) 52.50; 5. Lucas Haack (S-O) 53.05. 800 relay — 2. Sioux Center 1:35.91; 3. South O’Brien 1:36.62; 4. Sibley-Ocheyedan 1:36.71; 6. Hartley-MelvinSanborn 1:43.06. 110 hurdles — 1. Zach Jones (Oko) 14.46; 3. Dylon Van’t Hof (SC) 15.63; 4. Dalton Syverson (Oko) 15.77; 5. Hunter Fiddelke (SOS) 15.81. 1,600 — 3. Jordan Hanna (Oko) 4:49.14; 4. Joe Hilsabeck (Oko) 4:49.58; 5. Josh Olvera (SC) 4:59.31; 6. Daniel Patterson (SOS) 5:03.76. 200 — 3. Hunter Fiddelke (SOS) 23.10; 4. Spencer Fritz (SC) 23.46; 5. Alex Koepp (Oko) 23.49; 6. Cole Ebel (SOS) 23.72. 400 hurdles — 3. Zach Jones (Oko) 56.40; 4. Chris Albright (Oko) 56.98; 5. Kelvan Lansink (SOS) 1:00.7; 6. Matt DeVos (SOS) 1:02.0. 1,600 medley — 2. Okoboji 3:47.20; 5. Sioux Center 4:03.80; 6. South O’Brien 4:10.39. 800 — 1. Travis Vermeer (SC) 2:04.51; 2. Jordan Hanna (Oko) 2:05.79; 3. Joe Hilsabeck (Oko) 2:06.0; 4. Adam Paulsen (SOS) 2:06.53; 6. Ross Rozeboom (SC) 2:10.59. 400 relay — 2. South O’Brien 45.45; 3. Sioux Center 46.77; 4. Okoboji 47.50. 1,600 relay — 1. Okoboji (Chris Albright, Taylor Cody, Dalton Syverson, Zach Jones) 3:28.72; 3. Sioux Center 3:32.19; 4. South O’Brien 3:42.27; 6. Sibley-Ocheyedan 3:46.36.


Siouxland teams shoot low scores as weather finally warms up Dutch best of four squads under 160 by Scot t Byers Sports Editor

ROCK RAPIDS—A somewhat forgiving course, and warm and still conditions made it a fun day for the Siouxland Conference Boys Golf Tour stop in Rock Rapids on Monday. Four teams got under 160, led by MOC-Floyd Valley with a 154. Ryan Christy paced the Dutch, beating Luke Keeble of Rock Valley in a playoff for medalist after each shot a 36. Mitch McDonough finished fourth for MOC-Floyd Valley with a 38. Dutch coach Brady Baker said the team has shown depth. “We owe a lot of the success we are having to our seniors, Kiefer Te Grootenhuis and Mitch McDonough,” he said. “They work hard and are great leaders for the young guys to follow.” Baker said the ideal weather was balanced out by small greens that played fast, keeping the scores from getting too low. Rock Valley had its best finish and lowest score of the year with a 156 to fill the second slot. “We finally put it together with four people. That score is kind of what we are looking for as we go on. The kids agree we can go lower,” said Rock Valley coach Randy Slobe. He said the Rockets are comfortable at Rock Rapids. “We played there at sectionals last year. The greens are small and don’t hold real well. There

weren’t a lot of low scores, but we played well,” Slobe said. Sibley-Ocheyedan coach Rick Braby said the Generals placing third at 157 shows the talent in the league this year. “I’d take my scores every time. That normally wins you the meet,” Braby said. “We ended up third, but I’m not unhappy with the scores. That course was in excellent shape, and it was a great night to play. Our kids are starting to get better, and that’s what it takes.” Ty Hanna of Sibley-Ocheyedan placed third with a 37. James Halbur of Okoboji and Scott Westra of Rock Valley shot 38s and placed fifth and sixth, respectively. Siouxland Boys Golf Tour at Rock River Golf & Country Club Team standings (after five events): 1. MOCFloyd Valley 42; 2. Sibley-Ocheyedan 38; 3. Okoboji 34; 4. Rock Valley 33; 5. West Lyon 25; 6. Sioux Center 17; 7. Boyden-Hull 14; 8. Central Lyon 12; 9. Sheldon 10; 10. GeorgeLittle Rock NA. MOC-Floyd Valley 154: Mitch McDonough 38; Ryan Christy 36; Keifer Te Grootenhuis 40; Brett Bomgaars 40; Pieter Swart 43; Collin Pennings 40. Rock Valley 156: Zach Bliek 40; Luke Keeble 36; Scott Westra 38; Jarod Hansen 48; Austin Gregg 42; Nick Elgersma 46. Sibley-Ocheyedan 157: Ty Hanna 37; Tristan Roetzel 40; Joe Storbakken 40; Grant Juber 40; Brent Reed 44; Harrison Feldkamp 42. Okoboji 159: James Halbur 38; Tyler Ohl 40; Weston Burgeson 39; Ben DeMuth 42; Mike Luhrs 43; Cody Louscher 46. Sioux Center 164: Ty Brink 43; Braden DeBoer 41; Brent Sneller 40; Josh Moret 52; Kyle Cleveringa 45; Koleby Van Beek 40. West Lyon 165: Brandon Snyder 40; Scott Erickson 45; Cole Grotewold 46; Zach Sauers 42; Dylan Whalen 42; Al Whalen 41. Sheldon cards 173: Tom Brown 41; Garrett Lang 43; Peter Fonkert 48; Brennan Vote 46; Travis Buyert 51; Chris Jansen 43. Central Lyon 173: Cole Schleusner 46; Luke De Jong 38; Allen Stillson 60; Kyler Huisman

Sioux Center junior Ty Brink escapes a bunker on the 12th hole during the Siouxland Boys Golf Tour event Tuesday at Landsmeer Golf Club in Orange City. The tour stopped in Rock Rapids on Monday. (Photo by Rylan Howe) 44; Kalen Eckenrod 45; Mike Postma 54. Boyden-Hull 183: Riley Francis 46; Kirk Prostrollo 56; Taylor Francis 44; Evan Marra 44; Kaleb Vis 49; Garrett Vander Wilt 54. George-Little Rock cards: Aaron Korthals 47; Brenden Riefers 57.

Three Knights hit 38 in triumph over Jays LEMARS—The Unity Christian boys banded together on

unfamiliar ground and drove the score down to 155, beating host LeMars Gehlen Catholic by 27 strokes in a War Eagle Conference dual Monday. Unity Christian had three players — Blake Zomermaand, Micah Roos and Drake Wrather — turn in rounds of 38. Zomermaand won the playoff.

Roos won the second-place medal on handicap holes. “We shot a great round on a tough course. Blake, Micah and Drake all had excellent rounds. Joel Groeneweg also had a solid round for us,” said Unity Christian coach Terry Beimers. “Even though we’ve shot a lower score at home before, this is the boys best round.”

Groeneweg rounded out the Knights’ scorers with a 41. Five of the six Unity Christian golfers recorded totals lower than the best score carded by a LeMars Gehlen Catholic player. Unity Christian 155, LeMars Gehlen Catholic 182 Unity Christian cards: Blake Zomermaand 38; Joel Groeneweg 41; Micah Roos 38; Tanner Vander Stoep 50; Drake Wrather 38; Eric Fedders 43.





Sheldon senior Paige Van Wyk takes off on the second leg of the 800-meter relay after grabbing the baton from senior Michelle Fischer on Monday at the Sheldon Invitational. The girls track and field meet was quickly thrown together after the West Sioux Invitational in Hawarden was cancelled by bad weather on April 19. Monday track: Sheldon Coed Invitational

Bulldogs, Wolfpack champs at Sheldon Weather delay lets meet get expanded by Scot t Byers Sports Editor

SHELDON—The Sheldon Coed Invitational was not anything like what it was planned to be this year, but that turned out to be just fine with everyone who made the trip Monday. The track and field meet was intended to be a boys contested and was supposed to be contested on Thursday, April 19. Rain and cold conditions forced it to be moved to Monday. When many of the teams that were supposed to be there could not make the makeup date, organizers decided to add a girls division. A few of the teams also changed, but the weather Monday saw warm temperatures and little wind. LeMars won the girls competition, outscoring the host Orabs by just a dozen points. Western Christian won the boys grouping with Sheldon taking second.

Weather draws teams

The girls portion of the meet was not confirmed until Monday, but Sheldon coach Kris Groff felt like the Orabs needed to take advantage of the opportunity. “We’re starting to get to where it is important to get as many meets in during good weather conditions as you can, and it was good to run on our home track again,” he said. Groff kept his standard lineup in for the meet even with another coming up the next day. “We just want to keep getting our times down. The lineup was similar to what we used in our last meet,” he said. “We’re trying to fine-tune some things and get ready for that last week with conference and districts.” The Orabs got dual placers in three of the four field events. The highlight was Autumn Wahl winning the discus with a throw of 110 feet, 8 inches. “That might be leading the district right now,” Groff said. On the track, Sheldon won the shuttle hurdle relay, and Paige Van Wyk and Crystal Rodger finished 1-2 in the 400-meter hurdles. Sheldon had a total of nine second-place finishes. Central Lyon finished third among girls teams. “We missed both of our meets last week due to bad weather. This was a good opportunity to get in the swing again. You get stale if you sit too much at this time of the year,” said Central Lyon coach Toby Lorenzen. “We were coming off prom, too, so we just wanted to get them running again.” He said the Lions had seven personal bests and seven other season bests. “It was a nice night to run. It was nice just to finish a meet and not have a coat on,” Lorenzen said. “It was good for the

sprinters. You generally don’t see the sprint times come down until we get warmer weather.” George-Little Rock coach K.C. Fiedler said he let his team have a little fun with the lineup. “I kind of let the kids decide what they wanted to do. We were coming off of prom weekend, so I wanted to take it easy on them but still put together a few competitive things,” he said. “The girls still looked fresh. They still had that extra kick in their step. I was surprised but happy about that. It was good to get the extra meet in. I’ll take competition over practice any day.” Jessica Hilbrands won the long jump with ease, clearing 17 feet, 7.75 inches. She also anchored two winning relays for George-Little Rock.

Wolfpack spread points

Western Christian had five event wins, three of them involving senior Heath Bonestroo. He broke the tape in the 100 and 200 dashes and was on the winning 400 relay team. “As a team, whenever you win a meet and score as many points as we did, you know it was a great team effort,” said Wolfpack coach Travis Kooima. “Heath had another great night. Our discus throwers did a great job. Sam (Van Ginkel) continues to be doing a great job of high jumping and hurdling.” Kooima said the weather did not hurt anything either. “We had a great night. It was a beautiful night for track and our guys really pushed themselves and worked hard to put together some great times and great throws,” he said. Sheldon struck gold in the 800 relay and the shuttle hurdle. Those two teams, plus the 3,200 relay and the 1,600 relay, ran season-best times. “It’s good to see those times starting to come down. Hopefully, we peak at the right time. We did last year, and we hope to do the same this year. We’re right on schedule,” said Orab coach Jason Groendyke. “It was nice to see Chris Balster get over 20 feet in the long jump, and it was nice to have Hunter McDonald back. He had a sprained knee and a bone bruise. It was great to get him in the lineup again. Travis Nelson broke the minute mark in the 400 hurdles. He just keeps getting better.” Balster and McDonald finished 1-2 in the long jump. Nelson won the 400 hurdles. The change in the schedule meant a lot of the teams, including Sheldon, would run back-to-back nights, but Groendyke said it is past the point to be toying with the lineup. “We went with what we normally do. We’re to a point now where I’m not going to switch a lot,” he said. “We’ve gotten to the point where you don’t want to switch on the relays as much. We want them to keep working together. Our handoffs got better today. They still weren’t

perfect, but I don’t expect them to be perfect quite yet.” George-Little Rock coach Curt Fielder said there were only so many options for the Mustangs to go with. “We have good quality with our athletes. We just don’t have the numbers. We can’t fill out all the events,” Fielder said. “We did run competitively. Jesse Henrichs had a really good night. He had a PR in the 200 and ran the 100 for the first time and did well there. We wanted to use this meet to give ourselves a little bit of an indication of what we might be able to do with relays. We’ve got a guy like Adam Sohl. We know what we’re going to get out of him. Now we need to see if we can pair him up with a couple of kids and use him in relays, or if we want him and Jesse to focus more on individual events at districts. Our experienced kids have been really consistent.” The Mustangs finished fourth in the team standings. Central Lyon placed fifth. Josh Schriever finished second in the 3,200 and 1,600 run for the Lions. Sheldon Coed Invitational Girls team results 1. LeMars 181; 2. Sheldon 169; 3. Central Lyon 99; 4. George-Little Rock 64; 5. River Valley 54. N’West Iowa results High jump — 2. Marti Vogel (Sh) 4-10; 3. Emily Johnson (Sh) 4-6. Discus — 1. Autumn Wahl (Sh) 110-8; 2. Tina Ageson (CL) 109-9; 5. Krista Johnson (Sh) 82-10; 6. Mackenzie Lutmer (CL) 75-3. Shot — 2. Autumn Wahl (Sh) 31-5.5; 3. Krista Johnson (Sh) 27-1.5. Long jump — 1. Jessica Hilbrands (G-LR) 17-7.75; 3. Katie Kneifl (Sh) 14-3.5. 3,000 — 2. Brittany Van Wyk (Sh) 12:52.10; 5. Heather Sohl (G-LR) 15:22.37. 3,200 relay — 2. Central Lyon 11:07.44; 3. Sheldon 11:20.71. Shuttle hurdle — 1. Sheldon (Caitlin Cain, Paige Van Wyk, Cally Hatting, Crystal Rodger) 1:08.07; 2. Central Lyon 1:10.07. 100 — 2. Shelby Fastert (CL) 13.71; 3. Rachel Williams (G-LR) 14.03; 4. Allorie Feekes (Sh) 14.05; 5. Brittany Pomerenke (Sh) 14.48. Distance medley — 3. Sheldon 4:48.13; 4. George-Little Rock 4:56.35; 5. Central Lyon 5:15.05. 400 — 1. Tori Figge (CL) 1:01.57; 2. Madison Henning (G-LR) 1:05.59; 4. Katlyn Holtrop (Sh) 1:07.05; 5. Katie Kneifl (Sh) 1:08.5. 800 ­relay — 1. George-Little Rock (Jessica Sandbulte, Teyha Graham, Madison Henning, Jessica Hilbrands) 1:32.35; 2. Sheldon 1:51:27; 3. Central Lyon NTA. 100 hurdles — 2. Kelsey Ackerman (CL) 16.04; 3. Caitlin Cain (Sh) 16.58; 5. Cally Hatting (Sh) 16.91. 800 — 2. Jena Van Marel (Sh) 2:40.35; 4. Olivia De Kok (Sh) 2:45.86; 5. Ivy Sieperda (CL) 2:47.09; 6. Keeley Kruse (G-LR) 2:54.78. 200 — 2. Allegra St. Clair (Sh) 28.09; 3. Allorie Feekes (Sh) 28.33; 4. Kori Schulte (CL) 28.56; 5. Claire Snyder (CL) 28.74; 6. Rachel Williams (G-LR) 29.5. 400 hurdles — 1. Paige Van Wyk (Sh) 1:06.88; 2. Crystal Rodger (Sh) 1:10.59; 3. Shailey Struckma (CL) 1:13.74; 4. Mikayla Miller (CL) 1:18.37. Sprint medley — 1. Central Lyon (Kelsey Ackerman, Lexi Ackerman, Kori Schulte, Tori Figge) 1:55.57; 2. George-Little Rock 1:56.13; 4. Sheldon 2:02.36. 1,500 — 4. Macie Wessels (G-LR) 5:50.34; 5. Angel Rasmussen (CL) 5:52.42; 6. Katlyn Holtop (Sh) 6:01.05. 400 relay — 1. George-Little Rock (Jessica Sandbulte, Teyha Graham, Abigail Eben, Jessica Hilbrands) 52.63; 2. Sheldon 53.26; 4. Central Lyon 55.15. 1,600 relay — 2. Sheldon 4:18.94; 3. Central Lyon 4:22.67. Boys team results 1. Western Christian 150; 2. Sheldon 113; 3. LeMars 89.5; 4. George-Little Rock 72; 5. Central Lyon 49; 6. River Valley 41; 7. AkronWestfield 37.

Junior Nathan Oostra of Sheldon eyes the next obstacle as he nears the finish of his anchor leg in the shuttle hurdle relay on Monday at the Sheldon Coed Invitational. The meet was moved from April 19 due to cold and rainy weather on the original day.

George-Little Rock senior Adam Sohl leads the competition in the 1,600-meter run at the Sheldon Coed Invitational on Monday. He took first place by a wide margin by clocking 4 minutes, 46.08 seconds. (Photos by Rylan Howe) N’West Iowa results High jump — 1. Sam Van Ginkel (WC) 6-1; 2. Dallas Ennema (Sh) 6-1; 4. Jordan Folkerts (WC) 6-1; 5. Collin Wolthuizen (Sh) 5-8. Discus — 1. Ethan Fenchel (WC) 138-6; 2. Drake Van’t Hul (WC) 132-7; 3. Terron Geerdes (G-LR) 123-3; 6. Dalton McQueen 105-11. Shot — 2. Mitchell McDonald (Sh) 44-11; 4. Clayton Scheibler (Sh) 43-7; 6. Terron Geerdes (G-LR) 42-1. Long jump — 1. Chris Balster (Sh) 20-4.25; 2. Hunter McDonald (Sh) 19-9; 4. Jacob Van Ginkel (WC) 18-7.75; 6. Jesse Marcus (CL) 17-10. 3,200 — 2. Josh Schriever (CL) 10:48.13; 3. Tyler Wessels (G-LR) 11:02.47; 5. Kyle Vander Plaats (WC) 11:26.90; 6. Quinn Groff (Sh) 11:45.54. 3,200 relay — 2. George-Little Rock 8:57.13; 3. Sheldon 9:07.72; 4. Central Lyon 9:16.77. Shuttle hurdle — 1. Sheldon (Travis Nelson,

Grant Weaver, Chris Balster, Nate Oostra) 1:03.46; 4. Central Lyon 1:12.29. 100 — 1. Heath Bonestroo (WC) 11.55; 2. Jacob Van Ginkel (WC) 11.56; 3. Jesse Henrichs (G-LR) 11.8; 5. Josh Hunt (CL) 11.85. 400 — 1. Jesse Henrichs (G-LR) 52.85; 2. Ross Te Slaa (WC) 54.1; 3. Mason De Vries (WC) 54.48; 4. Travis Nelson (Sh) 55.32; 5. Collin Wolthuizen (Sh) 55.42. 800 relay — 1. Sheldon (Chris Balster, Dallas Ennema, Jake Rosburg, Joe Kuiper) 1:35.11; 2. Western Christian 1:37.81. 110 hurdles — 1. Sam Van Ginkel (WC) 15.25; 3. Nate Oostra (Sh) 17.0; 4. Jordan Folkerts (WC) 17.20. 1,600 — 1. Adam Sohl (G-LR) 4:46.08; 2. Josh Schriever (CL) 4:53.61; 3. Kevin Steiger (WC) 4:54.38; 4. P.J. Kooima (WC) 4:58.70; 6. Reid Guse (G-LR) 5:04.65. 200 — 1. Heath Bonestroo (WC) 23.3; 2. Jesse Heinrichs (G-LR) 23.56; 3. Kyle Fykstra

(WC) 23.86; 4. Josh Hunt (CL) 23.9; 5. Joe Kuiper (Sh) 24.31. 400 hurdles — 1. Travis Nelson (Sh) 59.76; 3. Jericho Poppinga (CL) 1:02.56; 4. Colby McIntyre (CL) 1:03.22; 6. Grant Weaver (Sh) 1:05.90. 1,600 medley — 2. Sheldon 4:02.66; 3. Western Christian 4:07.45; 5. George-Little Rock 4:08.89; 6. Central Lyon 4:10.23. 800 — 2. Adam Sohl (G-LR) 2:04.67; 3. Kyle Fopma (WC) 2:11.50; 4. Kevin Steiger (WC) 2:15.38; 5. Brandon Frick (Sh) 2:17.77; 6. Chad Den Hartog (Sh) 2:18.69. 400 relay — 1. Western Christian (Heath Bonestroo, Mason De Vries, Jacob Van Ginkel, Sam Van Ginkel) 44.4; 2. Sheldon 45.55; 4. Central Lyon 47.01; 5. George-Little Rock 48.86. 1,600 relay — 2. Sheldon 3:37.74; 3. Western Christian 3:47.62; 4. George-Little Rock 3:50.42; 5. Central Lyon 3:56.2.




SPORTS Monday Girls golf

Wahlstrom leads Orabs to win at Woodlyn Hills Becomes first to best Okoboji frosh Mankle by Scot t Byers Sports Editor

MILFORD—Carr ie Wahlstrom became the first person other than Okoboji freshman Alex Mankle to earn medalist honors in a Siouxland Conference Girls Golf Tour stop this season, leading Sheldon to the win Monday at Woodlyn Hills Golf Course in Milford. Wahlstrom shot a 43, one stroke better than what Mankle managed on the Pioneers’ home course. Sheldon shot a team total of 195 for the day. That was four strokes better than Sioux Center and six ahead of MOC-Floyd Valley. “We couldn’t have asked for better weather conditions for the meet,” said Sheldon coach Jan Sneiderman. While the weather saw temperatures in the 60s with little wind, the course itself was not all that easy to score on. “The greens were playing fairly fast, and some of the pins were placed in difficult positions on the greens. There was a good amount of trouble on the course in the form of tall grass and hazards, so I am pleased with the team score staying under 200,” Sneiderman said. Sioux Center slipped ahead of MOCFloyd Valley in the day’s standings, boosted by a round of 46 from Carol Kooiker. The Warriors had a team total of 199. MOC-Floyd Valley has normally all but wrapped up the league title at this point, but coach Monte Tilgner said it is different this year. The Dutch placed third on the day and leads by only one point in the overall standings. “It is really interesting this year with the conference being so tight. So far, there are four teams that have shown they can go out and contest for winning the meet,” said MOC-Floyd Valley coach Monte Tilgner. “We need to tighten up our scores a little bit down the stretch in hopes of winning another conference championship. The season is half over, and it is still all up for grabs. The girls are determined to work hard and try to accomplish that goal.” Okoboji and Boyden-Hull have been stationed in fourth and fifth often lately. The Pioneers have been searching for two more scorers to go with Mankle and Kiley Wermersen. The Comets, on the other hand, have little idea who might excel from one day to the next. “It seems like we fix a couple things on swings and in the mental part of the game, and then another problem rears its ugly head with someone else,” said Boyden-Hull coach John Olson. “We seem to be doing OK with our chipping around the green but still struggle with approach shots from 50-75 yards, and our putting is incon-

Okoboji senior Kiley Wermersen watches her ball roll after the chip shot Monday during the Siouxland Conference Girls Golf Tour stop at the Woodlyn Hills Golf Course in Milford. She finished the day with a score of 47. (Photo by Josh Harrell) sistent.” Wermersen placed fifth individually at the meet with a 47. Callie Van Holland of Boyden-Hull was sixth at 48. Siouxland Girls Golf Tour at Woodlyn Hills Golf Course Team standings (after five events): 1. MOC-Floyd Valley 41; 2. Sheldon 40; 3. Sioux Center 37; 4. Okoboji 32; 5. Boyden-Hull 24; 6. Rock Valley 17; 7. Sibley-Ocheyedan 14; 8. Central Lyon 13; 9. West Lyon 5; 10. George-Little Rock 0. Sheldon 195: Erin Abele 49; Carrie Wahlstrom 43; Lindsay Nilles 49; Jenna Kruger 57; Brittany Van Gorp 54; Rachel Abele 55. Sioux Center 199: Kalee Den Herder 51; Maggie Dykshorn 50; Maria Vander Plaats 52; Carol Kooiker 46; Katrina Kruse 63; Jill Vander Plaats 60. MOC-Floyd Valley 201: Mallory Simmelink 51; Kalyn Root 46; Kenzie Mulder 59; Bri Van Ravenswaay 52; Jaden Vander Berg 52; Amber Van Roekel 55. Okoboji 210: Kiley Wermersen 47; Alex Mankle 44; Erin Richey 58; Sara Mayer 61; Alex Adams 63; Dani Anderson 72. Boyden-Hull 216: Callie Van Holland 48; Alicia Kleinwolterink 52; Kylie Sipma 55; Alida Savage 66; Alex Sietstra 62; Kasey Olson 61. Central Lyon 216: Kendra Schleusner 50; Karmin Vogt 53; Sydney Petersen 55; Katie Timmer 58. Rock Valley 221: Jenna Cannegieter 57; Ashley Vonk 49; Kaela Vonk 65; McKenzie Eichmann 56; Courtney Vonk

59. Sibley-Ocheyedan 223: Jurnea Harberts 49; Ashley Lemke 56; Suzie Linquist 62; Shelby Stanton 56. West Lyon 236: Tiffany Ripperda 61; Mackenzie Ball 57; McKayla Kramer 55; Mariah Moser 63; Kayla Roemen 63. George-Little Rock NA: Amber Stettnichs 53; Kassie Peters 69.

Jays continue impressive run of low team scoring LEMARS—Unity Christian ran into some trouble with the course, but considering it was playing one of the hottest girls golf teams in the War Eagle Conference on Monday, it might not have mattered. LeMars Gehlen Catholic saw all four of its scoring golfers shoot in the 40s in a 178-232 win over the Knights in LeMars. The Jays won the LeMars Invitational tournament over the weekend and kept it going Monday. LeMars Gehlen Catholic’s Mollie Nemmers shot a 41 to win the medalist honor, and Ali Galles of the Jays followed her with a 44.

“This is a tough course with a lot of water on it. Water comes into play on seven of the nine holes and can really cause some problems,” said Unity Christian coach Ross Bouma. “Scores are going to be higher on this course, so overall it wasn’t a terrible round for us.” He credited Sarah Bos and Makenzie Geels with solid rounds for the Knights. They carded a 53 and a 55, respectively. LeMars Gehlen Catholic 178, Unity Christian 232 Unity Christian cards: Sarah Bos 53; Makenzie Geels 55; Kara Harthoorn 60; Amber Klynsma 64; Lindsey Klynsma 72; Dana Ter Haar 73.

Tough holes turn scores higher for Western girls HULL—Western Christian hit a few too many high numbers Monday, falling to Spirit Lake 197-225 in Lakes Conference girls golf at Rolling Hills Golf Course in Hull. The conditions, which saw temperatures in the mid-60s and only a light

wind, should have produced some low scoring, but the Wolfpack did not take advantage. “Our girls struggled a bit today on our home course. We found ourselves in trouble quite a bit, which resulted in two to three bad holes for every girl,” said Western Christian coach Bill Harmsen. “Even though we struggled throughout most of the match, we still battled as hard as we could.” While the Wolfpack struggled, it went smoothly for the Indians. Whitney Berkland won the medalist honor for Spirit Lake with a 43, and teammate Amanda Williams was the runner-up with a 46. “Spirit Lake is a very good team. They shot very well on our course,” Harmsen said. “We just need to continue to have quality practice time and continue to improve our games.” Summer Jansen had the low score for the Wolfpack with a 54. Spirit Lake 197, Western Christian 225 Western Christian cards: Summer Jansen 54; Kayla Zylstra 58; Jamie Altena 58; Alexa Schut 55.

Saturday Golf

Host squad changes with weather at Bob Jassey Invitational Generals make proper adjustments in victory by Scot t Byers Sports Editor

SIBLEY—The boys golfers at the Bob Jassey Invitational tournament hosted by Sibley-Ocheyedan last Saturday had to learn to adjust on the fly to some constantly changing weather conditions, and it was the host squad that did it the best. Sibley-Ocheyedan’s Orange team shot a 346 at the 18-hole event. That was five strokes better than runner-up Western Christian. “It went well considering the conditions. We started out a little wet with some rain falling. Then the sun came out, and eventually the greens dried up and got quite a bit faster. It was windy. It was a test of golf,” said SibleyOcheyedan coach Rick Braby. “It was also our first time playing 18 this year. The scores weren’t super, but they weren’t bad.” The individual honors came down to a playoff between four golfers — Ty Hanna and Tristan Roetzel of SibleyOcheyedan and Taylor Kooi and Austen Gonnerman of Western Christian. Kooi won the medalist honor, canning an 18-foot birdie putt on the first playoff hole. Roetzel placed second. “Considering the weather and it being the first time on the course for our guys, they felt they golfed pretty well,” said Western Christian coach Jim Eekhoff. “Taylor had a very solid back nine with a 40. We played the back nine from the back tees, which makes the course a lot tougher, but most of our guys actually golfed better the second round. It had warmed up some, and they knew the course the second round.” Sheldon settled for fourth at the event with a 388. Tom Brown again led the way for the Orabs with an 89. Lang carded a 95. “Tom has been consistently leading the Orabs. He’s had the low score

in many of our meets. He is so close to breaking through and shooting rounds in the 30s. I think it will be soon,” said Sheldon coach Gene Bomgaars. “Garrett Lang has also been really been bringing his scores down, and I think he is getting closer to putting things together as well.” Bob Jassey Invitational at Sibley Golf & Country Club Team results: 1. Sibley-Ocheyedan Orange 346; 2. Western Christian 351; 3. LeMars 367; 4. Sheldon 388; 5. Sibley-Ocheyedan Black 422. Sibley-Ocheyedan Orange cards: Ty Hanna 85; Tristan Roetzel 85; Joe Storbakken 88; Grant Juber 88; Brent Reed 91; Harrison Feldkamp 91. Western Christian cards: Zach Elgersma 91; Taylor Kooi 85; Josh De Wild 90; Austen Gonnerman 85; Sam Fessler 101; Dustin Moser 114. Sheldon cards: Tom Brown 89; Garrett Lang 95; Brennan Vote 102; Trevor Fiddelke 102; Travis Buyert 107; Andrew Sterk 110. Sibley-Ocheyedan Black cards: Ethan Mino 99; Major Postma 102; Korbin Swenson 111; Zach Behrends 112; Kramer Grimes 111; Robert Swenson 110.

Dutch, Orabs continue to post solid scorecards LEMARS—MOC-Floyd Valley and Sheldon each managed to break the 400 barrier, but neither team was able to catch a hot-shooting LeMars Gehlen Catholic squad at the LeMars Invitational girls golf tournament last Saturday. The Jays fired a 370 on the Willow Creek Golf Course layout. The Dutch came in at 381 and the Orabs carded 391. “The LeMars meet is fun because it is our only 18-hole tournament before we get to districts at the end of the year,” said MOC-Floyd Valley coach Monte Tilgner. “Many of our girls had their best scores of the year on one of the two nines, which was nice to see.” Kaylee Den Herder of Sioux Center was the top individual finisher, shooting a 79. Den Herder registered a 35 on the back nine. “Kalee played extremely well on her back nine. Shooting even par is a great accomplishment and being medalist by nine strokes was impressive,” said Sioux Center assistant coach Eli Ellis,

who took the team to the tournament while head coach Todd Arends served as a volunteer at the Special Olympics track and field meet. “Kalee has worked very hard, and the score was well-deserved. I was very pleased that she put a complete round together.” Kalyn Root of MOC-Floyd Valley shot a 41 on her second nine and finished second with an 88. “Kalyn continued her solid play. Mallory Simmelink has been struggling with some swing issues but got it together and shot a great score of 43 on her second nine,” Tilgner said. “That is the kind of score Mallory will be shooting as we get this figured out.” Sheldon came out on fire but slowed down on the back nine. “The girls played well today. I was very happy with the 189 they carded on the front nine,” said Sheldon coach Jan Sneiderman. “Lindsey (Nilles) and Rachel (Abele) shot their personal best nine-hole scores. Carrie came in with a personal best for 18 holes, and Katherine (Bomgaars) also shot her best 18-hole round.” Wahlstrom took the sixth-place medal, shooting 45 on the front and 46 on the back. Bomgaars shot a 97 for the Orabs. Nilles notched a 46 on the front nine but settled for a 99. “We are starting to become more consistent golfers — which is very encouraging,” Sneiderman said. “We need to fine-tune our short game when we are within reach of the green, but that part of the game is beginning to gel.” Ellis said while Den Herder excelled, many of her teammates struggled. “The weather played a part in the slow start by the ladies. It was cold and rainy to begin, but it turned out to be a pretty nice day,” Ellis said. “The girls did a nice job of battling the elements and competing on a course they were not at all familiar with.” Sioux Center wound up seventh with a team total of 442. LeMars Invitational at Willow Creek Golf Course Team results: 1. LeMars Gehlen Catholic 370; 2. MOC-

Sheldon senior Lindsey Nilles putts at the Woodlyn Hills Golf Course on Monday in Milford. The Orabs took third at the LeMars (Photo by Josh Harrell) Invitational last Saturday. Floyd Valley 381; 3. Sheldon 391; 4. Sioux City Heelan 410; 5. Akron-Westfield 418; 6. Sioux City East 440; 7. Sioux Center 442; 8. LeMars 451; 9. Sioux City West NA. MOC-Floyd Valley cards: Kalyn Root 88; Jaden Vander Berg 95; Mallory Simmelink 96; Bri Van Ravenswaay 102; Kenzie Mulder 105; Amber Van Roekel 116.

Sheldon cards: Carrie Wahlstrom 91; Katherine Bomgaars 97; Lindsey Nilles 99; Rachel Abele 104; Jenna Kruger 114; Brittany Van Gorp 118. Sioux Center cards: Kalee Den Herder 79; Carol Kooiker 107; Maria Vander Plaats 126; Katrina Kruse 130.



The N’West Iowa REVIEW

April 28, 2012

Section E

Multi-County Livestock Workshop to help 4-H’ers Extension to hold event May 31 in Rock Rapids by Dan Breen Staff Writer

Seven-year-olds Tyson and Tristan Blom of Alton pet one of the goats in a barn at the 2011 Sioux County Youth Fair. A Multi-County Livestock Workshop will help prep 4-H’ers for the upcoming fairs. (Photo by Rylan Howe)

ROCK RAPIDS—Blue ribbons will not be handed out at county fairs for another couple of months, but 4-H participants can get a head start on achieving those goals at the Multi-County Livestock Workshop next month. The Iowa State University Extension

and Outreach event is not new, but is being held in Lyon County for the first time on Thursday, May 31, at the fairgrounds in Rock Rapids. In recent years the Extension has decided to cycle the event among Lyon, O’Brien, Osceola and Sioux counties. The event also is being opened up to 4-H’ers in Dickinson and Clay counties for the first time this year, as all counties in Region 1 of the Extension outreach are invited.

See LIVESTOCK on page E4

Agriculture journalist and marketing specialist Darcy Maulsby speaks with Iowa Corn Growers Association members during an April 2 meeting in Sheldon. She told local farmers that one of the best ways to get their voices heard is by contacting state lawmakers and inviting them out to their farms. (Photo by Josh Harrell)

Maulsby urges making your voice heard Journalist encourages farmers to make use of various social media





Staff Writer


Water levels regulated after recent rainfall


EGIONAL—The last two weeks’ rainfall significantly improved the groundwater levels that were approaching historic lows in parts of N’West Iowa. The Iowa Department of Natural Resources recently began releasing twice-monthly water summary updates indicating the levels of precipitation, stream flow, shallow groundwater and drought using information from various state and regional environmental agencies. “We had some areas where those levels were pretty close to historic lows, that’s not the case anymore,” said Tim Hall, Iowa Geological and Water Survey Bureau chief. In the case of groundwater, irrigation water, private well water and rural drinking water, the state reported seasonal lows, which are more characteristic of levels found in the winter when the ground is frozen. Groundwater takes the longest amount of time to show effects of rainfall, after streams, rivers and precipitation levels. When the DNR released the first water summary update on April 6, most of N’West Iowa was either experiencing severe drought or moderate drought, according to the drought data collected by University of Nebraska in Lincoln. However, the second update released April 19 indicates that the levels in the region are more normalized, although still seasonally low across N’West Iowa, except for southern O’Brien County, which is normal. The last report released found parts of Sioux and O’Brien counties to be near or at historically low groundwater levels. “It looks like there’s gradual improvement in terms of overall area affected over the last week,” Hall said. “The direction that things are going is better.” The improvement in groundwater levels indicates that planting season should go without a hitch, and all N’West Iowa

See WATER on page E3

LEARN MORE: n The Iowa Department of Natural Resources is releasing water summary updates twice per month, which are available at the DNR website www.iowadnr. gov. The state climatologist, Iowa Department of Agriculture, U.S. Geological Survey, Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management Division collaborated to prepare the water summary report, which is information typically released by each entity separately but packaged into one report to be easily accessed by the public.

Story By Allison SUESSE Photo by Josh Harrell

EPA OKs E15 for 2001 cars, newer

SHELDON—Farmers make up a mere 2 percent of the population, and their voices often go unheard. Information about what goes on in a farm operation often gets disseminated by sources with little agricultural experience, said Darcy Maulsby, an agricultural journalist and marketing specialist based in Lake City. “It’s a frightening fact. I just learned this today: Most Americans learn more about food and agriculture from Google than from farmers themselves,” she said. “And don’t forget the social media. I used to think it was kind of a fad; it is the media now.” Maulsby grew up on a Century Farm near Yetter, lives with her husband in Lake City and owns Darcy Maulsby & Co. She spoke at the Iowa Corn Growers Association northwest chapter banquet on April 2 in Sheldon about how to dispel misinformation about farmers and farm operations and have their voices heard in the media. Maulsby asked association members what they wished more people understood about agriculture. Area farmers responded that they wished more people knew about environmental stewardship, that they are trying

See MAULSBY on page E4

Sowing seeds Planting begins in earnest as corn seed goes in ground by Dan Breen Staff Writer

Ruling anticipated to have impact on ethanol demand by Dan Breen Staff Writer

REGIONAL—N’West Iowa motorists who use ethanol may soon have a new option at the pump. Earlier this month the Environmental Protection Agency began approving permits for the retail sale of E15 fuel, a mix of 85 percent gasoline and 15 percent ethanol. E10 is available at almost every pump already, but tests have shown that the E15 additive produces similar results. The EPA’s decision will help clear the way for the E15 ethanol blend to be used in all cars, light-duty trucks and SUVs model year 2001 and newer. All vehicles with a model year 2000 and older, as well as motorcycles, off-road vehicles, boats, snowmobiles, lawn mowers, chain saws and other small-engine implements cannot operate on E15. Fuel retailers will need to have the proper forms on file with EPA and receive the goahead to offer E15 as an option for their consumers. Ethanol producers such as Valero Renewables in Hartley, Poet Biorefining in Ashton and the Siouxland Energy and Livestock Cooperative in Sioux Center hope the decision will increase ethanol demand. “It will have an effect on demand,” said

Allison Suesse

Paul DeZeeuw fills up a vehicle with E30 ethanol fuel at the Co-op Gas & Oil in Sioux Center. The Environmental Protection Agency has approved the use of E15 in vehicles made in 2001 or newer. (Photo by Josh Harrell) Tom Miller, SELC commodity manager. “But there’s some steps that will have to be taken as far as the industry and the infrastructure goes to get E15 implemented.” In early January, SELC announced it was temporarily trimming one-third of its production at its 60-million-gallon-per-year ethanol facility on Garfield Avenue, two miles west of Sioux Center. Improved market

conditions helped the plant get back to full capacity by mid-March. Miller does not expect an impact on demand to come for at least another year. “If we start getting some E15 into the Midwest area, I think you’ll start seeing demand heightened for ethanol,” he said.

See E15 on page E3

REGIONAL—With the morning sun blazing down on his freshly tilled soil, Harv Keunen set out to do what his father and grandfather before him had done every spring. The back of his red Dodge Ram pickup was loaded with bags of seed corn ready for interment. For all 53 years of his life, Keunen has witnessed corn and soybeans faithfully push their way through the 280 acres of soil at the southwest corner of Kennedy Avenue and 440th Street, one mile north of Alton. “My grandfather bought this land in the ’40s,” Keunen said after hoping down from his John Deere tractor attached to a 12-row planter Tuesday morning. Like generations before, Keunen hopes he will see the fruits of his labor sometime in October or November when the land returns its harvest with hundreds of thousands of ears of golden corn. “It’s always a little stressful, but it’s a good feeling to be out here,” Keunen said. The sunny and dry weather this week provided ample opportunities for Keunen and scores of other N’West Iowa farmers to get into their fields and begin the season of planting.

See PLANTING on page E2 Photo by Josh Harrell





Welcoming weather has farmers in fields PLANTING Continued from page E1 Most of them had the same reaction to the conditions that awaited them. “It’s been perfect planting,” said 30-year-old Matt Dykstra who was custom planting 40 acres of corn just south of Sheldon adjacent to Highway 60. “The subsoil is dry but the seed bed is perfect.” Timely rains last week gave many fields just what they needed heading into planting season. Everything was going according plan for Dykstra in his planting Monday, except, of course, the technology. “The first day is terrible trying to get all the GPS stuff working,” he said. Thirty-five-year-old Nick Noteboom echoed Dykstra’s sentiments about planting conditions Monday as he put corn seed into 35 acres of rented land on east of Orange City. “Super,” he said. He hoped the rains would start to fall as soon as his planting equipment was back in the barn. The rain last week was not quite enough for his liking. “That helped a little bit, but we’re still a little low on moisture,” Noteboom said. He w a s n o t t e m p t e d t o plant earlier this year, despite warm conditions this spring. Although soil conditions were warm enough for gemination already in March, there was too much risk of frost for most farmers to take an uninsured chance at planting. The region has been stressed with some unusually dry conditions dating back to last summer. Soil moisture levels taken on Nov. 1 showed N’West Iowa had the lowest soil moisture level since the 1970s. The recent rains have helped somewhat, especially on the topsoil. “We really didn’t want to plant

Harv Keunen drives off the field Tuesday after planting corn in the field at his farm north of Alton. Unseasonably warm weather has been tempting farmers to plant early, but most did not because the fear of frost.

IOWA PLANTING DATES: n Northeast region: Narrowest planting window due to the need to maximize the length of the available growing season. Grain yields begin to drop off more significantly here than the rest of the state if plantings are too late. Recommended planting April 12-30 for a 98 to 100 percent yield window. n Northwest and central region: A flatter yield response to planting date than the other regions. Planting date does not appear as important of a management practice here as in other parts of the state. Recommended planting April 15-May 9 for a 98 to 100 percent yield window. n Southern region: The yield response in this part of the state is related more closely to rainfall patterns and soil moisture than the length of the growing season since it is not as much of a limitation as it is in the northern part of the state. Recommended planting April 17-May 8 for a 98 to 100 percent yield window. Source: Iowa State University

until it rained a little bit,” Noteboom said. Les Cleveringa, 59, was not quite ready to plant his field south of Alton, mostly because he will be planting soybeans there this year. Nevertheless, he was tilling up his 215 acres on Tuesday morning preparing for planting. He also is planting corn in another one of his fields. “I would say conditions are just about perfect,” Cleveringa


said. “We’re going to need some added rainfall. The subsoil is good, but we’re going to have to add more.” Seeds need moderate soil temperatures and moisture to germinate. Farmers are hoping the weather turns warm and rainy over the next couple months to help the crops develop a strong root system and a soil moisture composite needed for the hot summer months.

Les Cleveringa works to unclog insecticide canisters Tuesday south of Alton. Cleveringa will not be planting this week since he is planting soybeans, but this year’s corn growers found near-perfect planting conditions. (Photos by Josh Harrell)


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Subsoil moisture remains concern ISU study shows levels remain low

The Floyd River meanders its way around Alton in Sioux County. Recent rainfall has greatly improved the groundwater levels for the area as well as stream flow, which were at extreme lows. (Photos by Rylan Howe)

More rainfall still necessary WATER Continued from page E1 counties are showing seasonally normal precipitation levels, and Hall said the rainfall levels have been good for the region. Hall said that when the plants begin emerging from the ground is when they start requiring the most water, but the groundwater available will be good enough to start the growing process. “The water that’s in the soil may be adequate to get them going,” Hall said. “We need to continue to get seasonal rainfall so there’s that regular supply of available water for the vegetation, for the corn, the soybeans, everything that grows.” Had N’West Iowa not experienced recent rainfall, public or private wells likely could have run nearly dry, Hall said, which could have caused the wells to be unable to pump water. “That’s really heavily dependent on how much rainfall we get,” Hall said. The levels of the Floyd River also have improved with the recent rainfall. Prior to the rain, the levels were seasonally low, however the recent rainfall allowed the shallow groundwater to recover six inches of water. “That’s pretty rapid recovery, usually the groundwater is sort of the last place you see the impact of the rainfall,” Hall said. Stream flow also was reported to be extremely low in N’West Iowa when the last report was released April 6. However, in N’West Iowa the stream flow is once again normal. Despite the recent amount of rain to hit N’West Iowa, the region is set for continued improvement. “Given what the groundwater levels are now, we’re going to continue to see improvement with more rain,” Hall said.

Rain falls into a small stream as it connects with the Floyd River in Alton. Recent rainfall has greatly improved the groundwater levels for the area as well as stream flow, which were at extreme lows.

Retailers soon to add E15 to pump offerings E15 Continued from page E1 Do not expect that to be a quick process. Miller thinks it will be a gradual, but you could see the first stages soon. “I think by the end of the summer we’ll start to see some retailers with E15,” he said. Valero, on the other hand, is a little more hesitant about the E15 ruling. “Valero is in kind of a unique position. Not only are we in an ethanol producer, but we’re a marketer of petroleum-based fuels,” said Valero director of media relations Bill Day. “Our position has been we do not intend to sell E15 at any of our company-owned retail stores because it does not have liability protection. It has not been approved for use on all engines and all equipment. We’re hesitant to sell a product that we can’t guarantee.” Day does not think E15 plays such a big factor in ethanol demand. “The demand comes from the government mandate, the Renewable Fuels Standard,” he said. “The standards keep going up even though there’s no real increase in need for gasoline overall.” Valero thinks it can reach its marketers by increased sales of E85 better than E15 as millions of flex-fuel vehicles already are

on the road. All new and renovation Valero retail stores are installing E85 pumps. Day said as more research is done and if it gets to the point were all vehicles — including those made before 2001 — can use it, Valero might reconsider its stance. “Until there’s some sort of protection, we would be hesitant to sell it,” he said. The E15 movement came out to the forefront in March 2009 when Growth Energy, a coalition of U.S. ethanol supporters, and 54 ethanol manufacturers requested a waiver to begin selling E15. A partial waiver was granted in October 2010, allowing for the sale of E15 for vehicles model year 2007 and newer. The second part of the waiver was granted in January 2011, which allowed retail companies to begin applying to E15 sales approval for vehicles 2001 and newer. The Renewable Fuels Standard was enacted in 2005 to encourage the use of homegrown fuels, such as cornbased ethanol. According to the Iowa Corn Growers Association, U.S. ethanol production has reduced oil imports from the Persian Gulf region by 25 percent since 2000. Ethanol also saves the average American consumer 89 cents a gallon on gas every time they fill up.

REGIONAL—Iowa State University has completed its spring survey of subsoil moisture in northwest Iowa. Subsoil moisture levels are surveyed in predetermined areas each spring and fall, according to Joel DeJong, Iowa State University Extension and Outreach field agronomist. The amount of moisture in the subsoil has moved closer to the long-term normal for much of northwest Iowa due to infiltration of water from winter and spring precipitation received so far. The exceptions are near Akron in western Plymouth County and Castana in central Monona County where the subsoil moisture still is well below long-term averages. Long-term average soil moisture levels on April 15 for most northwest Iowa counties are around 7 inches of water stored in the top 5 feet of the soil profile. However, average spring soil moisture levels in recent years have been closer to 10 inches. Typical soils in northwest Iowa have the potential to hold 10-11 inches of moisture in the top 5 feet of soil. The dry conditions last summer and last fall left the soil moisture reserve very low. Soil moisture readings from sites near Lawton, Akron and Castana had less than 2 inches of stored soil moisture on Nov. 1. Sites near Doon, Sibley, Ireton, LeMars, Marcus, Lawton and Anthon measured between 6.6 and 7.9 inches of plant available water on April 15. The Iowa State University Northwest Research and Demonstration Farm site near Calumet in O’Brien County had 9.3 inches of water in the soil profile. The Akron and Castana sites were easily the driest, with just under 4” of soil moisture in storage. The majority of the moisture in storage at all sites can be found in the top 3 feet of soils. If spring rainfall does not continue to replenish soil moisture reserves in late April or May, crops will be more dependent on summer rainfall. Corn and soybean crops require about 22-25 inches of soil moisture to produce a normal crop. Therefore, normal summer rainfall — which is nearly 18 inches for May to mid-September — will be needed to produce a normal sized corn and soybean crop. Rainfall usually contributes about 80 percent to soil moisture levels.


Paul DeZeeuw fills up a vehicle with E30 ethanol fuel at the Co-op Gas & Oil in Sioux Center. Vehicles made in 2001 or newer have been approved by the Environmental Protection Agency to run on E15 ethanol fuel. (Photo by Josh Harrell)

E15 FAQ: Q: What is E15? A: E15 is a blend of gasoline and up to 15 percent ethanol. The primary source of ethanol is corn, but other grains or biomass sources may be used as feedstocks. Q: What vehicles can use E15? A: All cars, light-duty trucks and SUVs model year 2001 and newer. Q: What vehicles and engines cannot use E15? A: All vehicles model year 2000 and older as well as motorcycles, off-road vehicles, boats, snowmobiles, lawn mowers, chain saws and other smallengine implements.

Motorists soon will have another option when fueling up with blended fuel at area gas stations. E15 ethanol fuel is 85 percent gasoline and 15 percent ethanol.

Q: How will consumers know if they can use E15 at the pump? A: Sticker labels will be placed on E15 retail dispensers indicating that E15 use is only for model year 2001 and newer motor vehicles.

REGIONAL—The Green Farmstead Partner program provides information and resources to assist farm families in establishing windbreaks and buffers on the farm. To learn more about the Green Farmstead Partner program or get started on a plan, call the Coalition to Support Iowa’s Farmers at 1-800-932-2435 or Larry Ribbens, a certified planner, at Greenworld Inc. in Sioux Center or visit www.supportfarmers.com.

Apply for farm honor

REGIONAL—Farm families seeking to qualify for the Century or Heritage Farms Program must submit an application to the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship no later than June 1. To qualify, families must have owned their farm for 100 years for Century designation or 150 years for Heritage designation. Applications are available at www. iowaagriculture.gov or by contacting Becky Lorenz at (515) 281-3645 or Becky.Lorenz@IowaAgriculture.gov, or by writing to Century or Heritage Farms Program, Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship, Henry A. Wallace Building, 502 E. Ninth St., Des Moines, IA 50319.

Grootheest at meeting

HULL—Dave Van Grootheest and Brad Meyer of NW Iowa Grain & Crane Inc. in Hull recently attended the MFS/York/Stormor and Brownie Systems National Sales Meeting in Grand Island, NE. Highlighting the meetings were breakout sessions on the MFS/ Stormor grain storage products, the York grain handling products and the Brownie structural support and safety equipment.





Farmers urged to contact legislators on issues MAULSBY Continued from page E1 to do the right thing and that most of the about 92,000 Iowa farms are owned by families. “You have to start thinking in terms of, ‘How do we find shared connections with consumers?’” Maulsby said. “You have to build common values to build that trust.” In her experience in agriculture and journalism, Maulsby said she understands how to communicate with consumers about what she does on her farm. She said it starts with understanding that farmers and consumers have similar values. “One of the things we all have in common is that we eat three times a day, so we all have this shared interest in safe, nutritious foods,” she said. The challenge, however, is getting information directly from the producers to consumers. One suggestion Maulsby received came from Bruce Vincent, a logger from Libby, MT, who recommended getting in contact with Iowa lawmakers and actually inviting them out to their farms. Maulsby said she recently spoke with state Rep. Annette Sweeney (R-Alden), who serves as chairwoman of the Iowa House of Representatives Agriculture Committee. Sweeney told Maulsby that she does not hear from farmers as much as she would like. Maulsby reiterated the message to the Iowa Corn Growers Association members that if they want their voices heard, a great place to start is with Iowa lawmakers. “Being an activist doesn’t mean you have to go out with a protest banner and wave it around at the Capitol,” Maulsby said. “It can be as simple as writing a letter to the editor, e-mailing your legislators, posting ag information on a social media site.” She is a huge fan of Facebook for getting information about

Agriculture journalist and marketing specialist Darcy Maulsby speaks with Iowa Corn Growers Association members on April 2 in the Sheldon Community Services Center. She emphasized the importance of using social media to express themselves. (Photo by Josh Harrell) agriculture out to consumers. She takes time to post information at least two to three times per week and said social media is a way to get information directly to consumers. “They’re talking about agriculture but maybe not in a way they want that story told,” she said. “So I figured, well, who better to tell them than the farmers?” Maulsby also has had success getting information out to a wide audience of consumers by

using Twitter. Her tweets, which mostly are about agriculture, food and nutrition, has earned her followers, including dieters, people interested in fitness and people interested in nutrition. She said these individuals on Twitter might have an interest in agriculture, and she is taking advantage of the platform to get information to consumers. “It’s all about expanding your circle of influence,” Maulsby said. “I hate to tell you, but the circle of influence for you and

me and everybody else in agriculture is not sitting in this room in Sheldon, Iowa, tonight.” She said that farmers often are the subject of news articles, and when dealing with the press, she told the farmers to share anecdotes of their life working on a farm operation and be open to explaining what they do to the media. “People really do want to hear what farmers have to say, so don’t be afraid to tell your story,” Maulsby said.

AT A GLANCE: n Darcy Maulsby owns her own communications and marketing company, Darcy Maulsby & Co. in Lake City. She has had articles published by the National Pork Board, Farm News, Iowa Farm Bureau Federation and Iowa Gardening Magazine. She attended Iowa State University in Ames and received an undergraduate degree in journalism and mass communications in 1996 and a master’s degree in business administration and marketing from ISU in 2004.

Event to assist area youth LIVESTOCK Continued from page E1

Eighteen-year-old Breanna Gradert of Sibley walks her sheep at the Osceola County Fair last year in Sibley. A Multi-County Livestock Workshop scheduled for May 31 in Rock Rapids will help prep 4-H’ers for the upcoming fairs. (Photo by Josh Harrell

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The areas that will be covered are: Beef, bucket calf, dairy cattle, meat goat, dairy goats, horse, poultry, rabbits, sheep and swine. “We are going to be having speakers for each of the species areas,” said Jill Postma, Extension county youth coordinator in Lyon County. “The speakers are from all the areas, not just Lyon County.” Participants can sign up for up to three species areas they will be involved in, or ones that interest them the most. “The focus is care, grooming and showing of their animals,” Postma said. “It’s kind of a kickoff the summer when the kids start working with their animals and getting them prepared for the county fairs and state fairs.” Postma said it is a chance for children to get frequently asked questions answered, especially for those younger participants who may be participating for the first time. “We’ll answer questions for those who are new in a certain species area,” Postma said. “They’re wanting to learn about

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TO SIGN UP: n Log on to any Iowa State University Extension and Outreach county office website in N’West Iowa where registration forms are available. You also may contact any Extension office via telephone to sign up: Lyon County at (712) 472-2576; O’Brien County at (712) 957-5045; Osceola County at (712) 754-3648 or Sioux County at (712) 737-4230.

AT A GLANCE: What: Multi-County Livestock Workshop Who: 4-H’ers Where: Lyon County Fairgrounds, Rock Rapids When: 6-9 p.m. Thursday,

how to care for their animal throughout the summer; how to clip and groom them; and then how to show them.” In the past the event has drawn about 50 participants. Organizers hope to have around that number if not more this year with the expanded counties invited. The main meeting space is inside the show arena with species presenters scattered around the fairgrounds.

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The evening will finish off with a new feature on presenting livestock and judging, an area that sure to interest 4-H participants as they hone their skills before fair time. “You don’t show a beef animal the same way as you’d show sheep,” Postma said. There is no charge to participate in the workshop, but pre-registration is required by visiting any county Extension website.

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Research shows early planting boosts beans Earth temperature remains key factor by

Allison Suesse Staff Writer

REGIONAL—Studies have shown planting soybeans slightly earlier in the spring could result in achieving a higher yield. But planting earlier is not the only factor. An Iowa State University Extension and Outreach soybean research study found that the yield could improve given the seeds are planted in the soil around May 1 in northern Iowa and April 25 in the southern two-thirds of the state. But, according to Brian Kemp, Iowa Soybean Association northwest Iowa director, farmers also need to consider planting into a good seedbed. “Meaning you don’t want to go early into wet conditions,” said Kemp, who owns a farm near Sibley. Typically, farmers prefer to begin planting soybeans soon after the corn has been planted. This year, many area farmers have been taking advantage of the weather and already have started planting corn. With the planting occurring earlier, the yield could potentially be higher. That is, Kemp said, if the soil remains warmer than 50 degrees — the ideal temperature being 70 degrees — and there is no frost. Soybeans will begin emerging after a couple days if they are planted in the proper temperature soil. However, planting early when the soil tempera-

PLANTING TIMELINE: n Corn: If the weather was better the week of April 15, N’West Iowa farmers likely would have been planting last week, said Joel DeJong, field agronomist for Iowa State University Extension and Outreach. He said the middle of April through May 9 is typically considered the ideal planting window. Corn harvest takes place around Oct. 1 to mid-October, depending on the season. n Soybeans: DeJong recommends planting May 1, assuming weather conditions are good. If farmers plant the first two to three weeks of May, there likely will be good yield potential, he said, adding that it is ideal to be finished planting soybeans around May 20. Soybeans typically are harvested in the end of September or early October. n Alfalfa: Producers seed alfalfa during early to mid-April. However, alfalfa is a perennial and does not need to be seeded every year. It usually can be harvested in September.

tures are slightly cooler makes a difference in how quickly they pop up. “Also it puts them under stress so they’re more susceptible to disease,” Kemp said. A disease called “sudden death syndrome” is not as common in northwest Iowa as it is in southeast Iowa, but there have been cases reported that affected parts of farmers’ fields. “It seems to be worse, if you plant into cool and wet conditions,” Kemp said. Frost is the No. 1 concern for soybean health, Kemp said. The growing point of a soybean plant is above ground, and if it freezes, it will not grow back. “It grows back different than

a corn plant,” Kemp said. “If it freezes off up to a certain size, it can regrow because the growing part is below the ground. It’s not that way with soybeans.” However, planting soybeans early will not have an effect if farmers are planting a variety of soybean that does not typically have a higher yield. Kemp, however, thinks the potential benefits of planting earlier in the season outweigh the potential risk. “If everything falls together and I can plant early, I don’t hesitate to do it,” he said. “The earlier you get the crop in the field the earlier you get it up, the more growing season you have to take advantage of that.”

An Iowa State University Extension and Outreach soybean research study found that yields can improve if seeds are planted in the soil around May 1 in the northern part of the Hawkeye State. (File photos)

BRIEFLY Bee workshop slated

ROCK RAPIDS—Are you interested in starting your own bee hive or would you like to see some bees up close (safely)? Learn about bees from bee expert Ron Ryners when he presents “Buzz on Bees” at 7 p.m.

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Monday April 30, at the Lyon County Conservation Office in Rock Rapids. For more information, call naturalist Emily Ostrander at (712) 472-2217.

YOung cattle leaders

AMES—Dustin Puhrmann of Paul-

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lina and Leah Keene of Hartley, have been selected for the Iowa Cattlemen’s Association Young Cattlemen’s Leadership Program, which is designed to develop leadership qualities in young farmers, introduce them to the programs of the Iowa

Cattlemen’s Association and the processes of state government. At the group’s first meeting, the two farmers had the opportunity to talk with state Sen. David Johnson (R-Ocheyedan) and Gov. Terry Branstad at the signing of the May Beef Month proclamation.

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Call 811 before digging

REGIONAL—Iowans planning to dig are urged to dial Iowa One Call at 811 or 1-800-292-8989 to request utility location services. Iowa law requires that anyone digging call at least 48 hours in advance

to have underground utilities marked. The service is free, but individuals who fail to call prior to digging are subject to civil penalties that may range $1,000-$10,000 per violation. For more information, visit www. iowaonecall.com.

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HEAT on the

Humble fajitas a hit with diners


EGIONAL— With Cinco de Mayo just a week away, this is the perfect time to combine beef with flavors from south of the border. Though many restaurants serve fajitas with chicken or even shrimp, traditional fajitas are made with beef. Now a staple on restaurant menus and in our homes, the fajita had humble beginnings. Hispanic ranch workers originated fajitas in south Texas in the late 1930s. Fajita comes from the Spanish word “faja”, meaning belt or girdle. The “skirt” is the heavily used diaphragm muscle from beef. Often beef skirts, and other less desirable cuts, were given to ranch workers as partial payment for their services in trading or slaughtering cattle. The workers tenderized the meat by pounding it and marinating it in lime juice. The meat was then cooked over an open fire using wood from the mesquite tree, a hardwood which grows readily in the Texas open range. After grilling, the meat slices were wrapped in Mexican bread (tortillas) and called “tacos de fajitas.” The popularity of fajitas has created a high demand for a limited supply of skirt steaks. Much of the supply of beef skirt steaks is sold to the restaurant and food service industry. Other cuts such as top sirloin, boneless chuck shoulder steak, flank steak or top round steak can easily be substituted for the traditional skirt steak. Although the authentic version of fajitas marinates the meat in lime juice, other marinade combinations can be used. Some examples include beer, Worcestershire sauce, soy sauce, barbeque sauce, Italian salad dressing, apple cider vinegar, lemon juice or tequila. After marinating, the steak is quickly grilled, broiled or stir fried. While mesquite provides the traditional flavor to grilled meat, it is not necessary. Whether fajitas are prepared at home or in

FAJITA TIPS: Best beef cuts for fajitas: n Skirt steak n Top sirloin steak n Boneless chuck shoulder steak n Flank steak n Top round steak Before cooking: Trim excess fat and gristle from steak. To stir-fry, pre-slice the steak across the grain into thin slices prior to frying. Or, marinate the entire steak, 6 hours or overnight, in a heavy, resealable plastic bag. Grill to medium doneness and then carve across the grain into thin slices. To re-create that restaurant “sizzle” at home: Pre-heat metal platters or small cast-iron skillets until very hot over the grill or in the oven. Just before serving, arrange the grilled or stir-fried beef and vegetables on the platter and squeeze the juice of a lemon or lime over the meat so that it sizzles when served.

a restaurant, the fun comes from assembling them, much as you would a taco. First, take a warmed, soft flour tortilla and fill it with strips of marinated, cooked beef. Then, depending on your preference, add ingredients such as grated cheese, chopped tomatoes, onions, peppers, guacamole, sour cream and salsa. Roll up your fajita and enjoy!


1 pound beef top round or boneless beef chuck shoulder steak, cut 1/2 inch thick 1 green or red bell pepper, cut lengthwise into thin strips 1 medium onion, cut lengthwise into thin wedges 8 flour tortillas (8-inch diameter), warmed 1 cup shredded Co-Jack cheese 1 cup prepared picante sauce 2 avocados, peeled, seeded, cut lengthwise into thin slices

Marinade: 2 tablespoons fresh orange juice 2 tablespoons white vinegar 1 teaspoon finely chopped garlic or 1 large clove garlic, crushed 1/2 teaspoon ground cumin 1/2 teaspoon ground oregano 1/8 teaspoon salt 1/8 teaspoon pepper

Combine marinade ingredients. Trim fat from beef steak. Cut steak lengthwise in half and then crosswise into 1/8–inch thick strips. Place beef and half of marinade in plastic bag, turning to coat. Close bag securely and marinate in refrigerator 6 to 8 hours or overnight. Place bell pepper, onion and remaining marinade in separate plastic bag, turning to coat. Close bag securely and marinate in refrigerator while marinating beef. When ready to cook, heat large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat until hot. Remove vegetables from marinade. Add vegetables to skillet and stir-fry three minutes or until crisp tender. Remove from skillet. Heat same skillet until hot. Remove beef from marinade, discard marinade. Add beef to skillet and stir-fry (1/2 at a time) 1 to 2 minutes or until outside surface is no longer pink. Repeat with remaining half of beef. Do not overcook. Return vegetables to skillet; toss to combine. Serve beef and vegetable mixture in tortillas; serve with cheese, picante sauce and avocados.


1 beef flank steak (about 1-1/2 to 2 pounds) 2 chipotle peppers in adobo sauce, finely chopped 3 medium ears corn, unhusked 9 cups coarsely chopped romaine lettuce 1-1/2 cups chopped tomatoes 1 can (15 to 16 ounces) black beans, rinsed and drained 2-1/2 cups coarsely crushed tortilla chips Dressing: 1 large ripe avocado, mashed (about 3/4 cup) 3/4 cup prepared ranch dressing 2 tablespoons fresh lime juice 1 tablespoon adobo sauce


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Sizzling Summer Beef Steak

1 beef top round steak, cut 1-1/2 inches thick (about 3 pounds) Marinade: 1/2 cup fresh lime juice 3 tablespoons minced green onions 3 tablespoons water 2 tablespoons vegetable oil 1 tablespoon minced fresh ginger (optional) 3 large cloves garlic, minced 1/2 teaspoon salt Combine marinade ingredients in small bowl. Place beef steak and marinade in food-safe plastic bag; turn to coat. Close bag securely and marinate in refrigerator 6 hours or as long as overnight, turning occasionally. Remove steak; discard marinade. Place steak on grid over medium, ash-covered coals. Grill, covered, 20 to 23 minutes (over medium heat on preheated gas grill, times remain the same) for medium rare (145°F) doneness, turning occasionally. Do not overcook. Remove; let stand 10 minutes. Carve into thin slices.

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Beef Kabobs with Grilled Pineapple Salsa

1-1/2 pounds beef shoulder center steaks, cut 1 inch thick Salt and pepper Marinade: 2 tablespoons fresh lime juice 2 tablespoons olive oil 2 large cloves garlic, minced 1 medium jalapeno pepper, minced 1/2 teaspoon ground cumin Pineapple Salsa: 1/2 medium pineapple, peeled, cored, cut into 1-1/2 inch chunks (about 3 cups) 1 medium red onion, cut into 12 wedges 1 large red or green bell pepper, cut into 1-1/2 inch pieces

2 teaspoons freshly grated lime peel 1/2 teaspoon salt Cut beef steaks into 1-1/4-inch pieces. Combine marinade ingredients in medium bowl. Remove and reserve two tablespoons for salsa. Add beef to remaining marinade; toss to coat. Cover and marinate in refrigerator 30 minutes to 2 hours. Remove beef from marinade; discard marinade. Thread beef pieces onto six 10-inch metal skewers, leaving small space between pieces. Alternately thread fruit and vegetable pieces evenly onto six 10-inch metal skewers. Place fruit and vegetable kabobs on grid over medium, ash-covered coals. Grill, covered, 12 to 15 minutes or until vegetables are tender, turning occasionally. Remove; keep warm. Place beef kabobs in center of grid. Grill, covered, 5 to 7 minutes (over medium heat on preheated gas grill, 7 to 9 minutes) for medium rare (145°F) to medium (160°F) doneness, turning occasionally. Remove fruit and vegetables from skewers; coarsely chop. Combine with reserved marinade, lime peel and 1/2 teaspoon salt in medium bowl. Season beef with salt and pepper, as desired. Serve with Pineapple Salsa. Courtesy Iowa Beef Industry Council and the Beef Checkoff Program



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9-inch glass baking dish. Top with remaining lettuce and beef. Drizzle with, reserved dressing. Top with tortilla chips just before serving. Serve immediately or cover and refrigerate for up to 2 hours.


Southwest Steak and Many Layered Salad

Whisk dressing ingredients in medium bowl until blended. Remove 1/2 cup for marinade and stir in chipotle peppers. Cover and reserve remaining dressing in refrigerator. Place beef steak and chipotle marinade in food-safe plastic bag; turn steak to coat. Close bag securely and marinate in refrigerator 6 hours or as long as overnight, turning occasionally. Pull back husks from corn, leaving husks attached. Remove and discard corn silk. Bring husks back up around corn; tie in place with kitchen string or strips of corn husk. Soak in cold water 30 minutes to 1 hour. Remove steak from marinade; discard marinade. Remove corn from water. Place steak in center of grid over medium, ash-covered coals; arrange corn on grid around steak. Grill corn, covered, 20 to 30 minutes or until tender, turning occasionally. Grill steak 11 to 16 minutes for medium rare (145°F) to medium (160°F) doneness, turning occasionally. Remove steak; let stand 5 minutes. Husk corn; cut kernels from cobs. Cut steak lengthwise in half; carve each half across the grain into thin slices. Layer half of lettuce, corn, half of beef, tomatoes and beans in 4-quart glass salad bowl or 13 x

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