July 2023

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Randy Zook

Arkansas Urology Foundation

JULY 2023
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Celebrate the spirit of Goodwill at the first-annual Gala for Good.

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A live performance by The Ultimate Prince Tribute Band and more! For tickets or sponsorship info, scan or visit THEGALAFORGOOD.ORG


Home for Healing 20 Years on the Block

Methodist Foundation of Arkansas Bishops’ Club Luncheon

Arkansan of the Year

June Issue Cover Celebration

“Be open to a world where you may not understand or agree with the person next to you but have a drink with them anyways… Check in on your friends. Check in on yourself. Enjoy the ride.”

More than a chef or a travel writer, Anthony Bourdain was a humanitarian. He brought international culture + cuisine to life in a way that illustrates how easily we share more commonalities than differences. This ideal of an equitable existence is reflected in the pages of Inviting Arkansas. We celebrate civic leaders, some in quite unexpected places, who cultivate the beloved community – where all people are loved and respected with no room for hate.

Randy Zook credits Arkansas Urology for its unwavering commitment to eliminating health disparities across the state and is betting that everyone can be winner at A Night in Vegas and improve the welfare of fellow Arkansans. ACCESS continues a legacy of building brighter futures as Danna and Andrew Kurrus welcome friends to Bingo Bash later this month. And White Water Tavern shines as a beacon for fellowship and fun in preparation for SHINE-ola, a benefit concert for Methodist Family Health.

The power of community is undeniable … the Capital City is a generous place filled with inspiration and opportunity. Amidst the devastation, tornado recovery efforts were immediate. It serves as a resounding reminder, together we can.

EAST Scholarship Luncheon

Old State House Museum Spring Social

Serving Up Solutions

The Society of Double Helix Reception

Justin Moore St. Jude Golf Classic Reception

World Services for the Blind Reception

Economics Arkansas Student Awards Luncheon

Mount Holly Spring Picnic

Finest Gala Honoree Reception

Arkansas Cinema Society World Premiere


16 20

Randy Zook – Arkansas Urology Foundation

Danna & Andrew Kurrus – ACCESS


American Dreams

The Power of Community

publisher/owner Michele Towne mtowne@invitingarkansas.com


Kim Meyer-Webb kimw@invitingarkansas.com

art director

Heather Buckley hbuckley@invitingarkansas.com

production associate

Rebel Flynn Wilson rwilson@invitingarkansas.com


Photography by DERO SANFORD

For Advertising Information Contact Michele Towne 501.960.4196

Share Your Event 501.219.1000 events@invitingarkansas.com at least 4 weeks prior

Inviting Arkansas is a registered trademark of Arkamedia, LLC. Copyright © 2023 Arkamedia, LLC. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part without written permission of Arkamedia, LLC is strictly prohibited. Opinions expressed within this publication are not necessarily those of the staff or publisher thereof. Arkamedia, LLC makes no implied or expressed guarantee of the accuracy of the information within this publication. an arkamedia publication
Kim Meyer-Webb, Rebel Flynn Wilson, Michele Towne, Heather Buckley
Mosley Stephanie Parsley Dero Sanford Lori Sparkman Photography website design Matmon Internet, Inc.
contributors Jamison
6 8 10 12 14 18 19 23 24 24 26 27 40 40 41 28 38
Curtain Call
501.225.5068 @CecilsFineJewelry • cecilsfinejewelry.com • /cecilsfinejewelry
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Arkansas Enterprises for the Developmentally Disabled celebrated 50+ years of service and a decade of success with its signature event at The Argenta Community Theatre. This year’s Curtain Call featured professional + local talent as well as AEDD clients showcasing their talents. Guests were greeted with champagne and enjoyed cocktails and dinner during the Broadway-style show. AEDD is a private nonprofit organization that provides services to children and adults with developmental disabilities.

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6 | JULY 2023 | invitingarkansas.com
Carol Slattery, Debbie Butler Bob & Laurie Osborne Jessica Anderson, Mary Hooks, Rachel Brown, Shelly Evans Kerina & Tommy Goucher, Karla Sanchez Denotra Kones, Cecilia Baker Chad & Mary Gardner Kathleen Kennally & Mark Holder, Rita Hogan Terry & Karen Masching, Rick Fleetwood Dennis & Gayla Jungmeyer Tery Young, Lisa Warren Kristi Barton, Barry & Jeanne Hyde Ricky Pilkington, Terry Hartwick, Mike Kelly Luke Haynes, Ashley Johnston, Amber Richart Debbie Grooms, Neil Gladner Brad & Anita Pahl

T H A N K Y O U T O A L L O U R 2 0 2 3 S P O N S O R S & D O N O R S !

A S P E C I A L T H A N K S T O T H E F O L L O W I N G :

E r i k a A b r a m , K a r e n A d a m s , L i n d a B a r n e s , M a r k & K a t h y B e n t l e y , D a n n y B r a d l e y , C o l e & A n n a B u l l o c h , T r e n t &

E l i z a b e t h C h i l d r e s s , N o r m a n C l i f t o n , G a r y D e a n , C h a d & M a r y G a r d n e r , J o h n G a u d i n , B i l l & P a u l a G r a y , D e b b i e

G r o o m s , R i t a G r u b e r , R i t a G r u b e r , S u s a n n a h S c r u g g s J a r r a t t , R o b e r t J o l l y , B i l l & G i n n y K u r r u s , D o n n a M a s s e y , D e n n i s & B a r b a r a M i l l s , T h o m a s M u r c h i n s o n ( N L R J e t C e n t e r ) , W y c k l i f f N i s b e t , B o b & L a u r i e O s b o r n e , G a r y R o g e r s , B o b R u s s e l l , J a m i e S c o t t , J i m & T e r e s a S c o t t , C a r o l S l a t t e r y , V e l e t t a S m i t h , B r a n t & K i m b e r l y S n e l l , K a c e y Z i e g l e r


P r e s e n t e d b y

H o s t e d b y

U l t i m a t e T a i l g a t e P a r t y

P r e s e n t e d b y

T H U R S D A Y , O C T O B E R 2 6 , 2 0 2 3

M O N D A Y , S E P T E M B E R 1 1 , 2 0 2 3

M O N D A Y , S E P T E M B E R 1 1 , 2 0 2 3

H o l i d a y I n n A i r p o r t C o n f e r e n c e C e n t e r


M A U M E L L E C O U N T R Y C L U B C O U N T R Y C L U B ( N E W L O C A T I O N ) ( N E W L O C A T I O N )

G r i l l S p o n s o r

P h o t o S p o n s o r

F o u r - M a n T e a m $ 1 2 0 0

M u l t i p l e S p o n s o r s h i p P a c k a g e s A v a i l a b l e

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M A I N E V E N T 6 : 3 0 P . M .

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The Home for Healing 4300 Club welcomed friends and patrons to this preview reception. The afternoon honored the original Home for Healing – formerly Family Home – Board of Directors as well as the organization’s rich history + bright future. Young professionals comprise the 4300 Club and organized the 20 Years on the Block Party – celebrating 20 years of service with food trucks, fire-blown art and family-fun.

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8 | JULY 2023 | invitingarkansas.com
Gary Dean, Brad Jenkins Nancy Sink, Lou Ellen Treadway Mike & Sirinya May, Leigh Compton Michelle Drilling, Becky Flynn, Ty Cobb Annabel & Chris Johnson Alex Gonzales, Jesse Hall Karen & James Suen, Kristin Trulock Daniel Frazier, Nicole Winters, Michal Harris Mia Hyman, Stephan Hall Emily & Nathan Paul Janie Lowe, Julie Brearley, Jane Teed Whit Hall, Liz Genz Kristi Moody, Kristy Bondurant Linda & Craig Bowlby Greg Trulock, Juli Chrisman

Located at 4300 Markham Street across from the Little Rock campus of the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Home for Healing offers free lodging to parents of NICU infants, cancer patients + their caregivers, and caregivers of ICU patients. Now, Home for Healing welcomes adult cancer patients from UAMS, Baptist Health, CHI ST Vincent, Arkansas Urology and teenagers from Arkansas Children’s. Since its inception in 2003, the peaceful + restorative environment makes it a beacon of hope during a journey back to wellness. Dr. Kent Westbrook was instrumental in the inception of Home for Healing – he shares his insight and perspective.

“Coming back from MD Anderson, Dr. Westbrook was familiar with places like Home for Healing and thought, ‘why can’t we do that here?’ – so that’s what they did. Lucky for us, they were naive and energetic. We simply would not have Home for Healing without them.”

– Kenan Keyes, UAMS Winthrop P. Rockefeller Cancer Institute Auxiliary and devoted supporter of Home for Healing

An experienced surgical oncologist, Dr. Kent Westbrook returned to Arkansas in 1970 as a dedicated surgeon and professor at UAMS. While providing expert care to patients, he realized many were not receiving the full spectrum of healing required for complete recoveries. This revelation not only inspired the UAMS Winthrop P. Rockefeller Cancer Institute, but also an effective cancer support center: Home for Healing.

As then-director of the newly established UAMS Winthrop P. Rockefeller Cancer Institute, Dr. Westbrook’s vision was simple. “Our philosophy was building a cancer center to provide multidisciplinary care to patients. That was care not just determined by the doctor they saw, but care provided by a team of physicians. For each patient, we wanted to provide and select the best possible treatment for that patient during their cancer journey.” With unwavering dedication - he recruited faculty, established a state-of-the-art facility and strengthened support systems at the institute for patients and their families.

Among the services, the UAMS Winthrop P. Rockefeller Cancer Institute Auxiliary volunteers imagined a safe haven for cancer patients and their caregivers during treatments at UAMS. Director of Volunteer Services/Auxiliary and founding member of the Home for Healing Board of Directors Janie Lowe elaborates, “We wanted a place where patients could relax, find solace, and gather helpful information for their cancer journey.” Dr. Westbrook became an ally in their pursuit,and in 2003, the UAMS Family Home – today’s Home for Healing – welcomed its first guests.

Under the tutelage of Dr. Westbrook, and in cooperation with the UAMS Winthrop P. Rockefeller Cancer Institute, Home for Healing is a testament to the transformative power of truly comprehensive care and people who unite in a shared vision. With 20 years of service to cancer patients from all over the world, Home for Healing is a crucial part of a network of services that attend not only to the physical aspects of the disease but also nurtures the emotional well-being of patients and their loved ones.



Friends and colleagues gathered at Camp Aldersgate for the 37th Bishops’ Club Luncheon. Hosted by the Methodist Foundation of Arkansas, the afternoon celebrated the organization’s rich history and its bright future. Featured speaker, Arkansas Conference of the United Methodist Church Chancellor Michelle Ator, shared insight + inspiration. Established in 1963, the Methodist Foundation of Arkansas continues to create opportunities that strengthen Methodist ministries across the state.

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10 | JULY 2023 | invitingarkansas.com
Bailey Faulkner, Martha Faulkner Amanda Smith, Michael Mattox Linee Ophof, Michelle Ator, Jessica Smart Emma Carter, Paul & Carolyn Lasseigne DeeDee & John Autry MackeyYokem, Charles Donaldson Buddy & Beverly Villines, Lynn Killbourne Kenny Lee, Chase Burns Steve Shults, Bill Kincaid Roy & Sandy Smith Bob Sanders, Keith Coker, Dale Richardson, Roy Beth Kelley Kristin Hartman, Cathy Hall, Orea Meeks Mark Leverett, Natasha Murray, Tamira & Darrius Valley Bishop Laura Merrill, Wayne Clark

Rev. Dr. C.E. McAdoo Joins The Methodist Foundation for Arkansas

In 2022, The Methodist Foundation for Arkansas distributed nearly $6 million to its local church and institutional clients, dramatically impacting our neighbors and community. These distributions included more than $1.8 million awarded to 350 individual grant recipients in high-priority areas like community health, food insecurity, and clergy education, including partnerships with organizations like the Winthrop Rockefeller Foundation, the University of Arkansas of Medical Sciences 12th Street Clinic, and the Arkansas Foodbank.

“The Foundation bears its name because it exists to serve people,” said Rev. Dr. McAdoo. “As someone who recognizes the importance of helping others, I was drawn to the Foundation. The needs of people are diverse and can range from A to Z. Hopefully; the Foundation can be of need in your alphabet.”

Rev. Dr. McAdoo was born and raised in Lebanon, TN. He received his Bachelor of Arts from Little Rock’s Philander Smith College and Master of Divinity from St. Paul School of Theology in Kansas City, Missouri. He received an honorary Doctor of Humane Letters from Philander Smith College in Little Rock. McAdoo has preached in congregations nationwide and is a member of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Alpha Phi Omega Fraternity, NAACP, and Little Rock Christian Ministerial Alliance. He is the founder of Concise Consulting of Little Rock (conciselr.com).

“Rev. Dr. McAdoo is an incredible asset to our organization,” said Rev. Wayne Clark, the Foundation’s President and CEO, “He is an outgoing relationship builder with an incredible knack for presenting complex issues to different audiences with confidence and credibility. We are excited to have him sharing the Foundation’s message.”

The Methodist Foundation for Arkansas announced the recent hiring of Rev. Dr. C.E. McAdoo of Little Rock as a Gift Officer in their Little Rock office. Rev. Dr. McAdoo joins the Foundation as a retired ordained elder in the Arkansas Methodist Church with over 40 years of experience in ministry and more than ten years of service on the Foundation’s Board of Directors. In his role as Gift Officer, Rev. McAdoo will be responsible for expanding awareness of The Methodist Foundation for Arkansas’s investment options and services, along with increasing the visibility of the Foundation’s robust grant program.

Founded in 1963, The Methodist Foundation for Arkansas is a nonprofit organization that serves Arkansas Methodist churches, institutions, and individuals. “The Foundation’s goal is to help extend the connection between faith and finances beyond our lifetime through the prudent and successful management of financial gifts,” said McAdoo. The Foundation manages over $200 million in assets in over 800 financial investment accounts.

methodistfoundationAR.org 601 Wellington Village Road • Little Rock, AR 72211 2103 S. 54th Street, Suite #1 • Rogers, AR 72758
Photography by Lori Sparkamn Photography


Business leader and beloved philanthropist Jim Keet was recognized as Easterseals Arkansas Arkansan of the Year. Jim was celebrated for his devotion to countless organizations as an advocate for the welfare of fellow Arkansans. Guests enjoyed a live auction, libations and dinner. The evening generated $385,000 for continued mission fulfillment work. Easterseals Arkansas has been helping individuals with disabilities and special needs, along with their families, live better lives for more than 75 years.

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12 | JULY 2023 | invitingarkansas.com
Stacy & Rusty Mathis Stephanie & Jake Keet Laura & Jim Englehorn, Kathryn Norton Ellon Cockrill, Felton Rhodes, Kenan Keyes Walt Todd, Rick Fleetwood Ron Ekstrand, Deanna Lewis Yvette Parker, Joey Lambert, Mallory Rogers Tommy & Susannah Keet, Dooty & Jim Keet Beth & Dustin Freeman Charlene & René Julian Chris & Meredith Johnson, DeAnn & James Hunt Jim Womble, Gus Vratsinas, Larry Walther Warren & Cindy Simpson Aaron Leach, Jennifer Bray Tyler Tidwell, Amanda Ellingburg


When I graduated high school, I was not sure what career path to take so I did not attend college right away. I spent a few years working and traveling. Upon returning to the Little Rock area, I chose to enroll at UA Little Rock to become a registered nurse. The a ordability and exibility of the nursing program allowed me to work in the medical eld while obtaining my degree. I worked in the NICU at UAMS, rst as a med tech then as an R.N. upon graduation.

Although I am no longer practicing as an R.N., I am still taking care of people just a bit di erently. I am now a certi ed executive pastry chef and co-owner of The Croissanterie, a local restaurant where we make traditional three-day French croissants. Giving back to the local community is very important to me and my team, like getting to partner with UA Little Rock for fundraisers and events like Taste of Little Rock.

I am so thankful for my experience at UA Little Rock. The faculty and sta were welcoming and supportive and gave me the skills and con dence needed to work and be successful, not just in the hospital but in the hospitality industry.



Friends and colleagues of Theresa Timmons gathered at the Gallery at ACANSA for an evening of fellowship and fun. Guests arrived early; InvitingArkansas June Issue Cover Girl Theresa Timmons was greeted with great adoration for her unwavering commitment to the arts in education and its continued impact on the next generation of Arkansas leaders. Theresa established Westwind School for the Performing Arts as well as Timmons Arts Foundation and Designers Choice Fashion Preview with a singular vision: the intersection of arts + education.

Image: Iwan Baan
Andre Pendleton, Bridgitte Newson Charles & Yaa McNulty Tanya Hemphill, Sylvia Smith Tawanna Campbell, Korto Momolu, Kim Meyer-Webb Theresa Timmons, Mayor Frank Scott, Jr
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Kimberly Lee, Rita Bailey Tina Timmons, George Shamberger, Cydney Thompson



This visual artist shares her experiences...

“I think Westwind is an amazing school and community. Everyone here is super friendly and very helpful. I love that we get to make cool art projects in our core classes. In science class, I am creating a solar system project and I get to paint it. I think that Westwind will last a long time. Westwind is just so awesome, the teachers make sure everyone can learn, the students are very mature and responsible - everyone gets along great! And they make sure everyone gets help and love. There are so many different elective classes - theater, art, choir, band or even A/V. Westwind gives us many opportunities to express ourselves in creative ways. It’s our first year and we’ve already done three big performances for everyone to see!”


The mission of Westwind School for Performing Arts is to provide an equitable and engaging educational experience that is enhanced by the arts. We believe that by establishing strong connections between students and the performing arts community, students will embrace the belief that learning is a creative and enlightening process.

Westwind is a tuition-free open enrollment public charter middle school that provides an equitable and engaging experience that is enhanced by the arts.

Photography by Lori Sparkman Photography
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funded by the $1.25 million
Department of Education Charter Shools Program Subgrant Awarded to Westwind School for Performing Arts

the AU-SOME Event A Night in Vegas

16 | JULY 2023 | invitingarkansas.com

RANDY ZOOK BELIEVES making wellness more accessible is AU-SOME and credits Arkansas Urology for its unwavering commitment to eliminating health disparities across the state. Along with the Arkansas Urology Foundation, he will welcome patrons to A Night in Vegas later this fall – betting everyone can be winner and improve the welfare of fellow Arkansans.

For more than two decades, Arkansas Urology has pioneered and expanded health care in Arkansas. The 14 clinics that serve more 140,000 patients annually reflect the organization’s vision: Together, we will help someone today. This includes a urologyspecific center, an advanced prostate cancer and radiation center, a 24-hour kidney stone hotline and a new state-of-the-art imaging and diagnostic center in Little Rock.

Outstanding quality care and technology are paramount, but logistics remain a critical consideration. “Ensuring all Arkansans have access to medical care and preventative health screenings regardless of where they live or any other barriers that might stand in the way is our top priority,” Arkansas Urology Foundation & Marketing Director Chris Shenep explains. Randy adds, “Urology is one of the most often needed specialties. It is fundamental to good health because our plumbing systems are fragile, especially as we age. There is a shortage of providers in most of Arkansas, especially rural areas.” The Arkansas Urology 10 Point Check Up is a free and convenient option available to men for quick, first-time health checkups. The Arkansas Urology Foundation generates funding for free screenings at the clinics.

The AU-SOME Event will celebrate this continued mission fulfillment work of Arkansas Urology. Guests can experience A Night in Vegas featuring favorite casino games and live entertainment by an official Rat Pack tribute band. Chris adds, “There will not be a long, drawn-out program, rubber chicken dinner, never-ending auction or appeal. This will be a fun, unique evening with a first-class band that illustrates everything about the Vegas strip.” The evening will recognize Randy for his devotion to organization and his ideal, “Make a difference in the lives of others.” OCTOBER 14

invitingarkansas.com | JULY 2023 | 17


Friends and families gathered at the Junior League of Little Rock Building for the EAST Scholarship Luncheon. The afternoon recognized EAST student scholarship recipients from institutions across the state including the U of A at Monticello, UA Little Rock, UCA, the Women’s Foundation of Arkansas and two recipients of the EAST Initiative Student Scholarship. EAST promotes accelerated education through service and technology; nearly 260 Arkansas schools incorporate EAST programs into curriculum.

18 | JULY 2023 | invitingarkansas.com AN AU-SOME PARTY WITH A LIFE-SAVING PURPOSE Join the Arkansas Urology Foundation, AU‑Some Event Chairwoman Judith Goodson, Foundation Board Member Randy Zook and many more on October 14, 2023, for the AU‑Some event! All proceeds benefit the AU Foundation, which raises funds for health disparities. It’s the ‘Save the Date’ that can save lives. • • • • • • • • • • Learn more. Visit www.arkansasurology.com/foundation • • • • • • • • • (501) 219-8900
Matt Dozier, John Riggs Victoria O’Neill, Payton Reep Mallory Mounce, Jurnee Taylor, Charlotte Williams Kenya Burl, Mason Ford, Amanda Wicker Gavin Wallace, Jessica Wallace
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Kelley Klein, Troy DeBill Bethany Hilkert, Ashley Coldiron, Anna Beth Gorman, Becky Flynn


Friends and patrons gathered on the grounds of the Old State House Museum for an evening of mint juleps, lawn games and fellowship. Hosted by the Arkansas State House Society, proceeds support the Old State House Museum School Bus Fund Program and brings students from across Arkansas to the Old State House to experience exhibits + Arkansas history.

invitingarkansas.com | JULY 2023 | 19
Kathy Roberts, Elise Argue Leyton Oppel, Samantha Montgomery Jim & Betsy Aronson, Gina & Brett Pharis Nicole Winters, Amber Crawford, Deirdre Beaupre
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Andrew Beaupre, Michal Harris James West, Ashley Hickman Cody Smith, Reed Martin, Daniel Cockrell, Samantha Ashley

Bingo BASH

ACCESS IS THRILLED to announce the return of its highly anticipated event, Bingo Bash, for its sweet sixteen season. As the organization continues its legacy of building brighter futures, the evening promises to bring together friends of the organization for light bites, thrilling bidding, and of course, BINGO!

Hosted by the ACCESS in Action Young Professionals, Chairmen Danna and Andrew Kurrus expect this year’s Bingo Bash to be the biggest and best yet. The couple has not only embraced this planning process, but also the ACCESS mission. ACCESS Marketing Manager Krysten Levin emphasizes, “Their advocacy for individuals with developmental delays, language and learning disabilities is admirable. They have taken the time to truly understand our mission and the profound impact ACCESS can have on the future trajectory of an individual’s life.”

Andrew was initially introduced to ACCESS through his sister Sarah and “ACCESS All-Star” Kelly O’Connor. Andrew remembers, “In 2018, after moving back from Texas, I got involved in Bingo Bash. I had such a fantastic time that I wanted to stay involved.” Moreover, firsthand experience with their niece Maggie and nephew Charles, who attend ACCESS and have made significant progress, solidified the couple’s dedication to the organization. Danna expresses, “We love ACCESS because of the impactful work they do and the love and care they provide while doing it.”

While Bingo Bash is undoubtedly a fantastic social gathering, its true significance is the funding it generates for the resources that ACCESS provides to nearly 900 families annually. Proceeds

benefit ACCESS in Expanding Individual Potential Through Innovative Instruction providing evaluations, therapy services, mental health support, education, vocational training and more for individuals with special needs. Krysten adds, “ACCESS is unique in our community, offering comprehensive services tailored to each individual, enabling them to reach their personal best and fully participate in their chosen community. The dedicated team at ACCESS works together to better serve the whole individual.”

ACCESS is committed to developing confidence, competence and opportunity for students like Maggie and Charles to thrive. Andrew affirms, “They offer services that go beyond traditional grade school learning, preparing students and young adults for fulfilling lives. They provide invaluable guidance to parents and families, helping them overcome significant barriers and challenges.” Danna adds, “You feel welcomed and cared for when you walk into ACCESS, and you can see and feel the love the staff has for the students.”

Danna and Andrew are excited to extend this same hospitality to guests at The Hall, a new < air-conditioned > venue for an evening of fast-paced Bingo that celebrates the role of ACCESS in our community. Their shared passion and dedication are the winning combination for unprecedented fundraising success. “ACCESS is making our city and state a better place every day by changing lives and providing opportunities to those who may not have them otherwise. They’re making our family stronger, and we want to keep living and giving here to continue building on that kind of foundation.”

20 | JULY 2023 | invitingarkansas.com
BINGO BASH | Thursday, July 20 | The Hall | www.accessbingobash.org
Photography by JAMISON MOSLEY
invitingarkansas.com | JULY 2023 | 21 SEPT. 21, 2023 MARK your GROWL endars! Learn more at LittleRockZoo.com


Fellow Arkansans – neighbors, colleagues and friends - are sharing a light of peace, kindness and generosity that makes The Natural State a little brighter. Inviting Arkansas and Methodist Family Health celebrate individuals who illuminate our community with goodness. Nominate someone today for a future feature that SHINES.

SHINE-ola returns to the legendary White Water Tavern next month. Featuring Arkansas singersongwriter Jason Lee Hale, this later summer FUN-draiser promises a good time with great folks for an important purpose. Proprietor Travis Hill hopes to welcome friends new and old to White Water Tavern for an evening that aligns with his family’s values and vision for the future.

Travis believes in the power of community and recognizes that music plays an important part of this culture and history. For more than two decades, he’s immersed himself in the industry. From wholesale and retail to record labels and concert promotions, he has experienced it all. But amidst these adventures, one place has remained constant - White Water Tavern, where music and community intertwine. In 2021, Travis and his wife Natalee purchased White Water Tavern when its future was uncertain. Determined to preserve the beloved establishment, the Little Rock landmark emerged from the challenges posed by the pandemic. His heart for service is also reflected in his work at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. As UAMS Centers for Simulation Education Executive Director, Travis travels to rural hospitals across the state. He insists, it’s all about the people. The diversity, kindness and gratitude witnessed throughout the state as well as within the confines of White Water Tavern is remarkable.

“We feel fortunate to serve as a gathering place for folks to come together for fellowship and shake off the noise of division constantly foisted upon us outside those walls. We don’t care your social status, political affiliation, or how you selfidentify.” For many, the tavern is more than a venue, it’s a sanctuary. The sense of community that Travis has fostered is palpable, and it’s a testament to his unwavering commitment to inclusivity. As Travis puts it, “Don’t be an asshole and you’re always welcome.”

This kind of fellowship fostered by Travis and his team at White Water Tavern is exemplified through campaigning for various groups and a belief to treat people as individuals with their own story to tell. They organize fundraisers for various organizations including Arkansas Food Bank, CARELINK Meals on Wheels and causes that aid musicians – all with the intention that proceeds fund direct initiatives. His guiding principle is simple: live by the golden rule. “Treat people as individuals with their own story to tell. We’re all human and face the same struggles.” As SHINE-ola approaches, White Water Tavern anticipates a night of live performances, camaraderie, and a shared purpose. Travis stands ready to welcome everyone with open arms, reminding us all to come together, celebrate and offer a helping hand. It’s this kind of energy that inspires and reaffirms his belief in the power of community.

22 | JULY 2023 | invitingarkansas.com Sponsored by Methodist Family Health Nominations accepted at Foundation@MethodistFamily.org methodistfamily.org | #ShareTheLightandSHINE
Photography by JAMISON MOSLEY | Shot on Location at WHITE WATER TAVERN
22 | White
| whitewatertavern.com
Benefit Concert for Methodist Family Health |
Water Tavern


Local chefs presented delicious delights for friends and patrons of the Arkansas Hunger Relief Alliance at Serving Up Solutions. Chairman Eric McDaniel and Chad Rodgers welcomed guests to the Albert Pike Masonic Center for an evening of dinner served by members of the Arkansas Legislative Hunger Caucus. Proceeds support the programs and operations of the Arkansas Hunger Relief Alliance and provide grants to food banks, food pantries and other hunger agencies across the state.

invitingarkansas.com | JULY 2023 | 23 Make Christmas Possible for Arkansas Children who are Abandoned, Abused and Neglected Please visit MethodistFamily.org/Donate for ways to make Christmas possible for the Arkansas children in the care of Methodist Family Health
Shane Broadway, Ron Maxwell Win & Natalie Rockefeller Kathy Webb, Sarah Riffle, Ann Clemmer, Jennifer Owens Buie Leo Bryant, Cori Keller
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Chad Rodgers, Agnes & Lee Bass, Eric McDaniel Jamie Scott, Lane Jean, Tippi McCullough, Mark McElroy, Fred Allen Carl & Sharon Vogelpohl, Jordan Powell Rita Perkins, Vanessa Parker


Friends and colleagues gathered at the Clinton Presidential Library to celebrate the newest members of the Society of the Double Helix. The University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences acknowledges outstanding philanthropy and leadership of individuals, foundations, corporations and organizations with an induction into the society. It represents a contribution of $100,000+ to the institution since its inception in 1879.

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Presented by Winrock Automotive, friends of St Jude Children’s Research Hospital gathered at The Hall for a celebration dinner and auction prior to the golf tournament at Chenal Country Club. Chairman Brad Rickett welcomed guests to an evening that featured a private acoustic performance by Justin Moore. Proceeds of more than $425,000 support St. Jude - where families never receive a bill for treatment, travel, housing or food.

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24 | JULY 2023 | invitingarkansas.com
Livia & George Dunklin Judy Grundfest, Jo Smith Kelli & Clay Gordon Chris Fowler, John Erck James & Stephanie Golleher Truman Channell, Donnie Smith Lisa Bamburg, Kelli Zumwalt, Cindy Pugh Ari & Ben Crum Jennie Phillips, Tommy Lewis Nathan & Courtney Probst Mary & Rick Edwards David & Cynthia Martinous Patty Hayden, Annie Fitzgerald Madison Aldy, Vicki Aldy, Dedra Nathan

The Best Way to Care for Your Skin? Ask for a Screening.

Your skin is an organ. The only one that faces the world, the one that keeps the rest of your body protected –meaning that healthy skin sets you up for a healthy body.

It’s important to follow sun safety during the hot summer months – wear sunscreen, reach for clothing that will keep your skin covered, seek shade when you can – but a step many people forget about? Getting screened for skin cancer. It’s easy to look at a new mole or freckle and think nothing of it, but a doctor might be able to see something more.

Screening for Skin Cancer

During a skin cancer screening, either your primary care provider or a dermatologist they refer you to will do a full body examination – looking at places you may not be able to examine on your own, like behind the ears, buttocks and legs. If they find any suspicious-looking spots, they may use a magnifying glass or even remove the spot for further examination. If test results come back confirming a skin cancer diagnosis, you’ll be able to discuss your options for treatment with your doctor.

Treating Skin Cancer

CARTI is a comprehensive cancer care center that specializes in all types of cancer – including skin cancer. Our patient-centered approach takes into account the specificity of an individual’s cancer, and our team of cancer experts creates a plan customized to each patient’s needs. For a skin cancer diagnosis, surgery may be a part of the treatment plan. Other patients may need chemotherapy or radiation, or a combination of different treatments. No matter their needs, their team at CARTI works to achieve the best possible outcomes for their diagnosis. When patients are diagnosed with skin cancer, they have a choice in where they can seek treatment. While no one hopes or asks for cancer, if the need arises, they can ask for CARTI. It could be a life-saving decision.

For more information about preventive screenings at CARTI, visit CARTI.com

invitingarkansas.com | JULY 2023 | 25 Your skin protects the rest of your body – show it some love by taking care of it. Ask about a skin cancer screening at your next annual exam – and ask for CARTI for skin cancer treatment. WHY ASK FOR CARTI? • Treatment centers conveniently located across the state • Comprehensive patient-centered approach • Nationally recognized cancer experts • All new leading-edge surgery center CARTI.com | 501.906.3000 Cancer screenings save lives. Ask for one at your next annual exam. PROTECT THE SKIN YOU’RE IN .


Friends and patrons gathered at World Services for the Blind campus to celebrate the newly renovated facilities. The afternoon’s festivities included a ribbon cutting and a fish fry with clients and staff. These improvements support continued mission fulfillment work of World Services for the Blind: offering comprehensive life skills and career training programs in one location to the blind and visually impaired as well those with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

26 | JULY 2023 | invitingarkansas.com
Sandra Finley, Susan Webb Ken Reed, Dave DeGraff Marsha Hays, Tif Baker, Contrena Bowie Hudson Jones, Lamar Rochell, Steven Young, Rich Lewis
Don’t see your photo? Visit www.invitingarkansas.com/events
Karl Freeman, Eric Yarberry John Martin, Ben Moore Ar’Jillian Gilmer, Denise White, Andrea Lewis


Guests gathered at the Statehouse Convention Center for the Economics Arkansas Student Awards Luncheon. The afternoon celebrated the academic excellence of students from economic, personal finance and entrepreneurship competitions. Scott Ford, Westrock Coffee CEO, served as the keynote speaker. Economics Arkansas is an invaluable partner to teachers across the state – providing training + resources to implement practical lessons that teach students economics, personal finance and the free enterprise system.

invitingarkansas.com | JULY 2023 | 27
Campbell McLaurin, Susannah Marshall Joe Blanks, Mark Wilson Sue Owens, Rick Kron, Debbie Holmberg Collins Hickman, Mary Scott Polk Graham Goodloe, Patrick Wilson Bob Hamilton, Betsy Hall Kathleen Lawson, Scott Ford, Marsha Masters, Joe Ford
Don’t see your photo? Visit www.invitingarkansas.com/events



Photography by Stephanie Parsley



Fidel Samour is passionate about coffee and culture. He was reunited with childhood friend Jorge Raul Rivera and realized that Raul was selling his green coffee in Arkansas. Fidel and his wife Sarah visited Raul in El Salvador later that year and the rest is culinary history.

This farm-to-retail project in Arkansas continues to evolve in the East Village of Little Rock and the Samours recently introduced Sterling Market to the neighborhood. Located in iconic Sterling Paint Building, the name celebrates the rich history of the area and the community that it helps cultivate. “We focus on people across the entire supply chain and on high quality ingredients,” Fidel explains. “We source as much as we can from local businesses and farms to create a unique experience for our guests.”

This finite focus on exceptional offerings serves them well. Fidel believes that bringing the right people into a business is key to success. “Our chefs determine a diverse menu for both Fidel & Co and Sterling Market based on fresh and available products.” It is this attention to every detail that remains paramount. “The process in which the coffee and food are made are very important to us.” From bakery items to pizza, salads and sandwiches –Sterling Market is full of fancy < and delicious > surprises.

28 | JULY 2023 | invitingarkansas.com
yes, we can
It’s these kind of proprietors that make Central Arkansas unique and special. As a small business, Inviting Arkansas recognizes the impact < and resilient spirit > of visionaries – friends helping friends, neighbors supporting neighbors with a belief that the future is bright.
As the couple reflects on this dream to introduce the best coffee and community to Arkansas, it’s with reverence to the process. “We imagined a partnership that would not only bring an excellent coffee experience to Little Rock, but also honor all who were involved in creating it.” After designing a beautiful space and gathering a talented and devoted team, Fidel & Co opened its doors in 2019 with Sterling Market following in early 2023. When asked about lessons learned, Fidel says to “never undervalue what you bring to the table.” Sarah & Fidel Samour fidel.coffee | sterlingmarket.com


Executive Chef & Owner Payne Harding

Executive Chef & Owner Payne Harding

Overlooking the Little Rock River Market, Cache Restaur ant offer s an urban appeal that blends seamlessly with Souther n hospitality and welcomes guests to an e xtr aordinar y dining e xperience. Executive Chef and Owner Payne Harding believes attention to detail is par amount – elevating ever y encounter with impeccable atmosphere, ser vice and cuisine.

“I love hearing guests tell me ‘I don’t feel like I’m in Little Rock when I am at Cache’ and that’s because employees know that our guests are our top priority,” Payne e xplains. “Employees are the hands and feet of the business.” Greeted with a war m rece ption and crisp cocktail, ever yone is a friend at Cache. The state-of-the-ar t, open-air kitchen creates inclusion that Payne hopes seems inviting as well as accountable. “It’s ver y visible to diner s – allowing a more per sonal feel for ever yone who enter s. ”

With special consider ation to creating a sense of community, the restaur ant boasts a lively private dining space for weddings, rece ptions, cor por ate meetings and more. “We have been so blessed to g row our large par ty and event business over the last five year s. ” He notes the global pandemic cultivated a tenacity to tr y something new and consider a different per spective. “We lear ned that a business is like a living organism… COVID-19 obviously threw cur veballs at the whole world. We found ways to g row, encour age and adapt.”

A family-owned business for more than a decade, Cache Restaur ant de pends on a re putation of e xcellence that evolves with time and culture. The uncommon offering is e xpected, and ever- changing, on the eclectic

menu. Ing redients, sourced locally when available, reflect Payne’s visionar y approach to his Arkansas heritage. The restaur ant’s name is homage to his family’s histor y along the Cache River. “Being a multi-faced large business – it was hard to see of all of the potential at the be ginning. We’ re happy to kee p g r owing and ser ving so many different g roups of patrons.”

invitingarkansas.com | JULY 2023 | 29
425 President Clinton Avenue, Little Rock | 501.850.0265 | cachelittlerock.com
Photograp h y b y Lori Sparkman Photgrap h y


A NEW EXPERIENCE and location

Owner & Stylist Amy Hester

2410 Glover Street, Little Rock | 501.664.4RED redbeautylounge.com

“I just LOVE the color RED! It’s a bold color that indicates confidence and personality. I want everyone to feel great; that’s part of the appeal of this business… clients leave feeling better than when they arrived.”

And that’s the inspiration + determination of Amy Hester. She believes in community and realizes that for the Capital City to be its best, it takes collective energy derived from optimism + “awesomeness” and Red Beauty Lounge delivers the magic. “Relationships are the most important part of this business, and really of life. If we can create a space that celebrates inner beauty and inclusion, we’re headed in the right direction.”

Red Beauty Lounge is a luxury experience. Whether it’s a cut and color by the talented team of stylists or a facial + lash extension, it’s the camaraderie coupled with expertise that exceeds expectations. “Our new location has lots of windows and natural light. It brings a new vibe to our well-established products. And ‘customer service’ are still the two most important words in business.”

Amy’s community service is unwavering. Despite a hectic work schedule, she finds time to support organizations that improve the welfare of fellow Arkansans. “It’s a responsibility that we all have, if we want the world to be a more beautiful, equitable place.”


Owner Katherine Eldridge

1023 W Markham Street, Little Rock 501.376.1195 | doeseatplacelr.com

The Little Rock food scene is impressive. George Eldridge added to the intrigue when he contracted the right to bring ‘Doe’s Eat Place’ to the Capitol City. Now, President & Owner Katherine Eldridge continues to honor the restaurant’s rich legacy by maintaining the no-frills tradition and keeping business simple. It remains a treasure trove of history with a business philosophy that truly resonates. “Treat everyone that walks through the door like family,” and this family has been doing that for 35 years.

The Eldridge family opened Doe’s Eat Place in Little Rock in 1988, making it the first eatery outside of the original Mississippi establishment. The world-class steaks and other assorted eats are impressive enough to earn notoriety, but loyal celebrity diners have also contributed to the folklore of Doe’s. Bill Clinton’s presidential campaign in 1992 placed Doe’s in the national spotlight as the backdrop for campaign meetings, interviews and celebrations. From entertainers to athletes, colorful guests have made this little place on the corner a haven of good times and vault of history; Memorabilia graces the walls like a time capsule.

To reiterate, “There’s Always Something Good Cooking at Doe’s!” This declaration stands true from old classics, like their award-winning steaks, to new favorites. Despite familiarity with the famous, Chef David has been serving celebrities and locals alike for more than 30 years. These distinctly delicious options and always entertaining crew bring back the regulars, celebrities or not, with an undeniable Southern comfort that remains a classic.

30 | JULY 2023 | invitingarkansas.com
Photography by Lori Sparkman Photography Photography by Jamison Mosley


Owner Ashley Norris


Ashley Norris believes good business is pretty simple: work smarter, not harder. Bella Rustina Modern Vintage Market – hosted 5-6 times per year in Central Arkansas – is a labor of love for Ashley. “During college I worked at Becky’s Hallmark in Searcy and fell in love with collectibles, creating displays, and the excitement of the holidays. As I learned about current collectibles, my interest turned to vintage and antique collectibles” She wanted to create an event where customers buy authentic vintage, one-of-a-kind handmade creations, trendy boutique clothing and decor, and yummy food and treats from exhibitors. This required a two-fold strategy. “I’ve got exhibitors and shoppers to retain and recruitplus there’s the logistics of selecting venues and planning an exciting event.”

Featuring more than 175 exhibitors, Bella Rustina Modern Vintage Market boasts something for everyone. From one-of-a-kind art pieces to over-the-top vintage collectables, each event is carefully curated to appeal to exhibitors and shoppers. Having promoted 68 events since 2011, Ashley remains steadfast in her commitment to excellence “Don’t stop when you’re tired; stop when you’re done.” And she’s fulfilling her dreams as a business owner and a stay-at-home-mom for her two children.

She realizes the quality of exhibitors = quality events. “My exhibitors work so hard to find and/or create the items they sell. I go above and beyond to make their event experience as smooth and successful as possible.” It’s creative additions and unique offerings that complete the Bella Rustina Modern Vintage Market experience. “We have something for everyone. Antiques and vintage lovers can find over-the-top décor and collectibles; Those who want one-of-a-kind art and gifts find many talented artisans; shoppers looking for the latest trends in décor and clothing enjoy Bella Rustina’s new boutique section, and some visit my events for the food trucks and amazing snacks like fried pies, baked goods, and coffee.” It’s an undeniable winning combination. For the July 14-16 Bella Rustina, Ashley has teamed up with Roy Dudley of Roy Dudley Estate Sales and Krista Hughes of Caring Transitions of Little Rock Metro to host an appraisal event where customers can bring items to learn their value. Visit BellaRustina.com for more information.

Upcoming Show Dates: July 14-16, September 8-10, November 10-12 in Conway for other show dates visit bellarustina.com, for estate sales visit ashleysfinds.com

invitingarkansas.com | JULY 2023 | 31
| bellarustina.com
Photography by Lori Sparkman Photography Shot on location at Sweet Home/Clement


Owner Emily Gray

Benton | North Little Rock | West Little Rock chickensaladchick.com

The concept of Chicken Salad Chick is simplicity and excellence. A dedicated team at each of the 230+ locations continues the relentless pursuit of perfecting chicken salad with exceptional service and hospitality. With three franchise locations in Central Arkansas, Emily Woodall is devoted to this brand and its vision: spread joy, enrich lives and serve others.

Emily discovered Chicken Salad Chick as a student at Auburn University. “My sorority sister invited me to lunch ‘at the cute local place’ and I was less than excited about chicken salad,” she remembers. “I was immediately taken with the enthusiasm of the all the team members and all the kinds of ways to make chicken salad.” That summer Emily met Stacy Brown, the owner of Chicken Salad Chick, during a job interview. “She emphasized the importance of guest service – treating the store like a home and our customers like friends we invited for a meal.”

These ideals resonated with Emily and her family’s values. “Watching my dad and the way he motivates people made me realize companies are only as strong as the team.” Initially, she worked at the store and later helped Stacy expand the business. “I traveled across the southeast assisting in opening more than 100 restaurants.” The philosophy of Chicken Salad Chick, in addition to the variety of handcrafted flavors made fresh every day, is a story of teamwork + dreamwork. “I was in Hot Springs and my business partner Hudson Sandefur called to tell me that the Little Rock market was being developed with franchise opportunities. I knew it was meant to be!” Her family is involved in thoroughbred horse racing. “I was familiar with Central Arkansas and it felt right to make it my new home!”

With locations in Benton, North Little Rock and West Little Rock –Emily believes the Chicken Salad Chick story is not just about chicken salad. “We want to help team members, all amazing individuals, reach their full potential and create better lives for themselves.” Whether it is college tuition, a car payment or leadership skills – Emily motivates her employees with a strategy for personal success. She remains dedicated to the Chicken Salad Chick vision of a bright, better community.


Owner Susan Parke

11220 N Rodney Parham Road, Little Rock 501.221.9195 | beyondcotton.com

Not everyone gets to work at their dream job. But that is exactly what Susan Parke, owner of Beyond Cotton, gets to do every day. “This doesn’t feel like a job at all. I get to go to a place where I love the people, both staff and clients and play dress up,” Susan laughs. “If that’s not great fun, I don’t know what is!”

Beyond Cotton specializes in unique clothing brands from across the globe. “Women who shop in my store do so because they like the fact that what they buy won’t be seen all over town. It’s a responsibility that Susan takes seriously as a business owner. She attends markets across the country several times a year looking for clothing lines that are not mass-marketed online and not sold by other local boutiques. “I’ve actually dropped lines that have been important to my business because the designers started selling direct to consumers at a lower price point than my business could sustain,” Susan says. “But our philosophy is simple. If we were able to build that line, we can surely build another!”

When walking into Beyond Cotton, customers are met with a friendly, “welcome in” and music from decades past, anywhere from the 50’s to the 90’s. “There is a LOT of dancing, laughing and singing in the store,” Susan says, “and sometimes a little wine drinking,” she adds with a wink. “We focus on a woman’s personal style, not on mass fashion. There is a big difference. Fashion is what you see on the runway. Style is how you express yourself through what you wear.” When asked what the average customer may look like, the question is met with an enthusiastic nod. “Great question! We used to be known as a store that caters strictly to an older clientele, but I think in the 10 years since I’ve owned Beyond Cotton, I’ve seen a more diverse age range. One of my favorite customer photos is of a mother in her 70’s, her daughter in her 50’s and her granddaughter in her 20’s loaded down with Beyond Cotton shopping bags.” From the looks of the customers in the store on this particular day, we think there will be something for generations to come.

32 | JULY 2023 | invitingarkansas.com
Photography by Lori Sparkman Photography Photography by Jamison Mosley


Friends and neighbors of O’Looney’s Wine & Liquor know when they walk through the door of the rustic style West Little Rock shop, there’s a three promises guarantee. Owner Jonathan Looney has built this business on these values: kind and personable service, well- curated international selection and best in market pricing. This unwavering commitment to excellence sets the bar apart from local competitors and is made possible by the exceptional team of industry experts that Jonathan has carefully crafted.

“Finding humans who believe at their core that customer service is the highest form of service to the community is an integral part of the success of my business. I would never be able to do what I love without the integrity and teamwork that my incredible crew exhibits every day.”

O’Looney’s Wine & Liquor boasts the first and only wine club in Arkansas It’s part of a loyalty program that recognizes clients and dedication to the community. From wine and spirits consultants to the operations team, everyone at this small but mighty shop is dedicated to Jonathan’s vision of gratitude, knowledge and service. These programs and people reflect this belief.

Store Leader Elliott Griffen came to O’Looney’s Wine & Liquor with 14 years of experience in the business - both with on-premise and distribution. He works closely with Public Relations Leader Kacee Hudson, who joined the team with an extensive background in the industry before moving to Little Rock to take on this role. Together with Jonathan, the entire team brings the ultimate concierge experience to clients and the community. Stop by the shop, meet the dream team today and become a member of the Shamrock Wine Club.

invitingarkansas.com | JULY 2023 | 33 3 Rahling Circle, Little Rock | 501.821.4669 | olooneys.com
Public Relations Leader Kacee Hudson Owner Jonathan Looney Store Leader Elliott Griffen Photography by Sarah Oden


Kate Price, Operations Partner

For nearly two decades, Indigo has been a staple in Little Rock for discerning denim enthusiasts. Mainly because they hold the largest selection of denim of any local boutiques in the Midsouth. Indigo specializes in designer denim featuring Mother, Citizens of Humanity, AGOLDE, Paige, Hudson, Pistola,Frame and Blank NYC. Most people believe we are named Indigo because of our denim, but that was really by chance! The name Indigo came from a children’s book written by a friend of the partners located in Memphis, who started the first Indigo 29 years ago in Memphis, TN. Indigo is more than denim! It’s a one stop shop for all the retail needs offering denim, handbags, gifts, and everything in between! They have now been located at their expanded location for 10 years in Little Rock, located at The Promenade at Chenal, this contemporary boutique features world-renowned designer brands from: Free People, Sanctuary, Farm Rio, French Connection, Daydreamer, Hammitt, Jenny Byrd, Dolce Vita, and many other staples for the fashionable females in this area. Operator Kate Price insists, however, it’s more retail therapy. “When a customer walks into our store, we want them to feel at home. We consider them friends and want each to look their best. Our job is complete when we send a customer from the store feeling better than when she came to us for fashion advice. We want to help women look their best and help establish confidence.” Kate and her team curate the store with apparel for every occasion. “We can help plan wardrobe for a trip to the beach, a wedding or a business trip.” She believes that’s what keeps the business fun and diverse. “We create our own environment and atmosphere here. “Our staff has become family and so have our customers. We have been through many stages of this crazy, beautiful life together.” She jokes. “At least we look great in the latest fashion!” There’s attention to detail in every aspect of inventory and service. “Our selection and staff set us apart from other retailers. As far as product, we still offer the largest selection of denim in the region! We have a well-established team that’s knowledgeable and understanding of every brand we sell.” These industry experts boast a perfect fit and style guaranteed. “The confidence and beauty that comes with a great outfit is a bonus!” “Our future is very bright and we thank all our customers and staff who have supported us over these last 20 years in business. We are hosting a party in their honor with great music, giveaways, food, libations, and discounts!

Upcoming Party: July 20, 4pm-8pm | Promenade at Chenal

34 | JULY 2023 | invitingarkansas.com
Promenade at Chenal | 501.821.2808 | shopindigo.com
Photography by Jamison Mosley Sarah Scharbor, Anna Grace Simmons, Kate Price, Lindsey Landers, Kathrine Allen-Rich


Core Concept Fitness is an innovative, energetic studio in the heart of the Capital City It brings women and men of all walks of life together for movement + wellness with a sense of camarader

Not only will you join others in the class-of-choice – but also a community of supportive, friendly peers that spans beyond studio time

For nearly a decade, Emily Allen has offered this gathering spa with a shared philosophy of well-being ”

Emily continues to navigate this small business with ease + grace Her intent to evolve and exceed client expectations is unwavering. “We’re always looking to bring new ideas to our classes with low impact yet high intensity results ” Instructors utilize prenatal and postnatal, those just starting a strength journey, for advanced athletes, those recovering from an injury or surgery, to those simply looking for a mental break “It’s the perfect combination of grace + grit – we work hard, have fun and feel better than expected ”

The recently renovated, reimagined studio offers custom, state-of-the art equipment as well as a comprehensive portfolio of services: barre, bounce, cardio, TRX strength and stretch class tudio maintains an aura of tranquility and loveliness, despite bustling activity in the lobby among friends

experience is unique; members agree

invitingarkansas.com | JULY 2023 | 35
Photography by Lori Sparkman Photgraphy


Experience the Difference

It started with a food truck in 2012 Craig Roe remembers, “One horrible experience with my then boss led me back to the industry ” Craig and Heather remain devoted to food service – bringing the best ingredients, atmosphere and hospitality to every encounter. From the Benton Baja Grill food truck to brick-and-mortar businesses that also include the original Heights Baja Grill, Rober Cocktail + Culinary, Revival Restaurant Beer Garden and Valkryrie Axe Throwing – this dynamic duo believes in the power of people, places and perseverance

With experience that spans more than three decades, the couple still works “in the trenches” with their team of industry experts. “We’re running food and drinks, clearing tables and doing dishes with them. I think our staff respects that,” Craig explains. Heather adds, “We also make it a point to talk to every guest and prepare the best product possible.” She admires that most people can tell a difference in quality of food, service and gratitude

Heather’s success is perhaps in her family genes. “My parents and grandparents were always in the restaurant industry owning their own BBQ spots; my parents started a steakhouse when they were only teenagers.”

Craig worked in restaurant kitchens, at hotel banquets and as a bartender

He notes that this culinary journey still impresses them. Heather elaborates, “Neither of us grew up with much, so sometimes we have to stop and let it all sink in … what we have accomplished ”

Rober Cocktail + Culinary boasts American cuisine featuring a charcuterie bar, cocktail lounge and a lovely terrace. Unique offerings include bacon,

Their shared insistence on supporting the Benton food scene is unwavering

“The connection we’ve gained with so many people and the fact that we can be creative with what we do – our friends in what we like to call The South Street Entertainment District - crave the experiences. We choose local every time and share gratitude wtih our team and our guests.”

36 | JULY 2023 | invitingarkansas.com
W South Street,
“Neither of us grew up with much, so sometimes we have to stop and let it all sink in … what we have accomplished.”
Benton |
h y b y Lori
h y
Sparkman Photograp

(501) 804-8432


Pe r s o n a l pr o je ct s ar e w hy I cr e at e W he th e r i t ’s t he l a nd scap es or th e feminin e, I a m pas si o n at e abo u t my work I fo und p hot og r a p hy by a c ciden t , or m aybe p h ot og r ap hy fo und m e M y f r eshm a n ye ar o f co ll e g e I dr ove my r oo mm at e aro und to sm a ll t ow n s i n A r ka ns a s, p h ot og r aph in g he r for a p hot og r ap hy c l as s As I w atc hed h e r th r o u g h o u t th e d ay, I b e ga n to th ink th e ca me r a was m ag i c I l oved t he tho u g h t o f c a pt u r in g g limp s es th at are endu r in g th r o u g h t im e As soo n a s I co uld a f for d a ca me r a, I b e ga n o n my jo u r ne y w i th a ca me r a in my h a nd a nd b ath r oo m s mad e in to d a rk roo m s. T he ca me r a a nd I h ave h a d a l ove a ff a ir eve r s in c e t h at g l or i o u s d ay !

A s a s elf -ta u g h t ph ot og r a p h e r, my n a r r at i ve co n t inues to be th eme s o f th e t r a n s ien t, th e p ass in g o f t ime an d rebi r t h Re c en t ly, th e w ay I see w i th my ca me r a a nd th e w ay I in t e r p r e t wh at I a m feelin g h ave cha n g ed . A nd , a s i t sho ul d be a s I g r ow o lde r, I a m n ot th e sa me a s wh en I b e ga n my a r t i st ’ s jo u r ne y

I s ee m o re p o e t r y w i th t he o rdin a r y a nd I a dd me ta p ho r s. I s ee a my s t e r y th at un r avels li ke a s p oo l o f th re a d i n my wo r k. I beli eve all im ag es ar e selfp o r t r ai t s T hey ar e li tt le s ni pp e ts o f my life t h at s h ow u p in my work. T im e, li gh t

a nd mem o r y ( e x p erien c e s ) re a l ly m a ke u p my ph ot og r ap hy M y ins p i r at i o n s a nd tho se th at h ave in fluen c ed me ar e Kei th C a r t e r, Su sa n B u r ns t ien , Jo s e p hin e Sac ab o a nd S a l ly M a nn I am en a m o re d w i th th e o ld m a s t er’ s li g h t a nd co l o r pa l at e s u c h a s Ve r mee r I l ove t h e co nne ct i o n e ac h o f t hese a r t i st s s h a r e w i th th eir a r t a nd t he s ear c h fo r t h e me a nin g o f t he p hot og r ap h

My bi gg es t g if t w i t h ph ot og r a p hy h a s b een my pe r si st en c e a nd my l ove o f b ein g me t i c ul o us in th e di g i ta l d ar kr oo m a s well as w i t h my l ove o f le a r nin g I a lw ay s h ave d o u bt s abo u t w h at I cr e at e, bu t I h ave to le t th em dissi p at e a nd cr e at e a r t t h at I l ove N ot eve r y im ag e is g re at, bu t oh, w hen i t i s, I kn ow

“Insp i ra ti o n ex i s t s , bu t it ha s t o fi nd y o u wo rk in g ” Pabl o Pica ss o

“ We l d th e ca me ra li k e a mag ic w an d M umme r a f ew j o y f u l wo rd s …a n d o n a goo d d a y , p e rh a ps y ou ca n c o nj u re up p roo f o f a d re a m. You w ant t o g e t good fa s t… re a d Yo u w ant t o g e t even b e tt e r …wo rk, wo rk , wo rk ha rd e r than a n y one e ls e ” Ke ith Ca r t e r, ee c umm in g s

Represented by

boswellmourot.com 1501 South Main Street, Suite H Little Rock, A rkansas 72202 ( 501)454-6969
Women in Morocco Distance


POWER of Community

Photography by Jamison Mosley

In the midst of the devastation, community is a beacon of hope. Our shared humanity is undeniable, and in Central Arkansas – it’s a resilient resource for recovery efforts. There is destruction + darkness for many of our neighbors, but those of us who are able are committed to making the Capital City a little brighter.

And support comes from unexpected places … ingenuity is incredible … love is everlasting … together we can rebuild … These are just a few of the organizations making a difference. #LRstrong

President & CEO Brian Marsh



Goodwill Industries of Arkansas transforms lives through education, training and employment. More than 300,000 adults in Arkansas lack a high school diploma. The Arkansas Workforce Development Board reveals that many of the state’s top industries are facing a shortage of skilled trade workers. Goodwill bridges the gap through four crucial services that are funded, in part, through the sale of donated gently used goods.


After the tornadoes, many people were in immediate need of necessities; as a community partner, it is our responsibility to help in any way we can. We determined that our expertise in transportation, donation management and storage facilities could greatly benefit the community. Our employees also volunteered time staffing donation centers, organizing donations and transporting donations to distribution centers.


The city was confronted with the challenge of managing the donations, and we offered assistance by facilitating the collection and sorting of donated items. These boxes were placed on pallets, loaded onto trucks and transported to locations throughout the city.


Our staff is better equipped to respond with even more efficiency to such catastrophes, thanks to the lessons we learned from our recent experience.


Our involvement in the immediate and ongoing aftermath of the tornado disaster played a critical role in executing a well-coordinated relief strategy.


We have been impressed by the collaboration between various municipalities, organizations, numerous volunteers and the overwhelming display of compassion.


Our ability to contribute towards the rebuilding of the community is due to generous donations. We are committed to continuing our efforts in serving communities in Arkansas and making a positive impact.

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WhitneyRae&ChristopherHaag shrescue.org


We work to end animal abuse, neglect and homelessness. We rely on donations and will be rescuing animals until there are no more left to rescue.


We organized quickly to make a plan for the many animals that we knew would be displaced as well as their owners. We were limited in what we could do to help, but we were able to save dozens of animals and reunite pets with owners. We hosted a community drive and through donations we had the resources to assist displaced owners by providing free dog food, cat food, blankets, dog beds and other pet essentials.


Unfortunately, animals are not a priority during a crisis like the tornado. That is where we come in; we have many years of experience in rescue and have encountered this type of rescue after a disaster.


Being pretty independent, we usually don’t face governmental restrictions - we learned that there needs to be major improvements for the plan for animals and their owners during a disaster. We plan to be proactive in reaching out to other organizations so that there will be a more cohesive plan whenever this happens again.


There is a lack of resources available to the public in a crisis such as this.


The tornado had not even left the area and we were already receiving requests for assistance from owners, vet clinics and other rescues. The way the rescue community comes together is really inspirational.


It didn’t shift my perspective but reinforced my dedication to rescue. There is a great need and it is my life’s mission to save as many animals as I can.


DirectorofDonations&LogisticsMikeGarrity littlerock.gov


The City of Little Rock is dedicated to improving the quality of life for residents by providing exceptional service in an efficient and equitable manner.


Staff from different departments came together, some meeting for the first time, to take care of a variety of tasks that didn’t really fall into any one specific job description. It was the mentality of do what needs to be done and make sure that those who have been affected have what they need.


Managing how donations of food, water, goods, money and time were going to be accepted and distributed proved most challenging.


Having a plan is critical, but even more critical is following that plan. The City of Little Rock puts a lot of work into planning for emergencies and identifying the right people to be involved in the response. While no plan is perfect, when followed, this city responds well in an emergency.


The willingness of others to help those in need was more than I expected.


We had a number of organizations that stepped in the moment the storm passed and offered assistance. They are here for this community all of the time.


I met people and was introduced to businesses and other entities that I had no idea existed in our community. This really broadened what I now consider “my community” to be. As bad as the headlines sometimes are about what happens in Little Rock, this community really does care and will show up when needed.

Mike Garrity also serves as Race Director of the Little Rock Marathon

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Friends of the Mount Holly Cemetery gathered on the grounds for the Spring Picnic – Restore in Perpetuity. The afternoon featured a silent auction, tours and tastings as well as entertainment. Proceeds support maintenance of the cemetery as a historic landmark. Situated in the heart of the Quapaw Quarter, Mount Holly Cemetery is the burial place for numerous Arkansans of notoriety.

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Friends and supporters gathered at Heifer International Pavilion to celebrate the 2023 Finest honorees with a special welcome reception. Each year, the Finest Gala recognizes young professionals in Central Arkansas that exemplify civic leadership and volunteerism. Honorees cultivate support for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, which culminates with an evening of fine fun + festivities on September 23.

Don’t see your photo? Visit www.invitingarkansas.com/events

40 | JULY 2023 | invitingarkansas.com
Chet Roberts, Daniel Knight John Williams, Beth Foti Susan & Robin Borne Dana Nixon, Matilda Buchanan Harold & Jeanne Joyner Jamie Dempsey, Pat Goss, Margie Dempsey Kirby Whetstone, Gloria Lercher Matt House, Alisha Curtis Krystal & Thomas Bradford Christina Stone, Bobbie Roberts Caroline Webre, Sara Hurst Chris & Rebecca Duty Andrew Norris, Camden Shaw Joanna White, Phillip Bridges, Hallie Dennis

All summer we will celebrate and encourage reading and learning through prizes, incentives, and fun activites for all ages.


In partnership with Every Mother Counts, the Arkansas Cinema Society welcomed friends + fans to the Capital Hotel for the world premiere of the short film Giving Birth in America: Arkansas . Christy Turlington Burns, EMC founder/president and executive producer of the film, welcomed guests to the screening with insight + remarks. Industry experts in the fields of obstetrics and maternal health facilitated an engaging discussion following the film. Every Mother Counts works to make pregnancy and childbirth safe, equitable and respectful for every mother.

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registration is
at cals.beanstack.org
mobile app. All summer readers can receive a free book bag at
local branch
supplies last. 2500 West 7th Street 501.375.8400 whitewatertavern.com
or through the Beanstack Tracker
Heather Williams, Dayna Whitcombe, Tucker Doiron Keesa Smith, Loretta Alexander, Val Rose Habrock, CaSandra Glover, Fran Carter Steve Brooks, Cara Osborne, Pearl McElfish, Graham Cobb
Don’t see your photo? Visit www.invitingarkansas.com/events
Tippi McCullough, Rett Tucker Olivia Walton, Martha Hill, Missy Irvin Sarita Hendrix, Tynesha & Mila Ivory, Christy Turlington Burns
42 | JULY 2023 | invitingarkansas.com EXPERIENCE THE DIFFERENCE REAL ESTATE 2807 Kavanaugh Blvd • 11525 Cantrell Rd • 501.663.6000 2801 KAVANAUGH BLVD | LR, AR | 501.663.4131 PICNIC PERFECTION! SHOP LOCAL in Little Rock CHENAL | HEIGHTS | HILLCREST | SOMA | DOWNTOWN 2911 Kavanaugh Blvd Little Rock 830 Front St Conway shopeleighs.com Straight to Style This Summer 2911 Kavanaugh Blvd, Suite 200, Little Rock, AR 72205 KEVIN NEAL GANN @ BarberyandBob 501.350.6529

excellence embracing

The new technologies and innovation we provide are meeting the demands of a

global economy.

UCA is putting excellence into action with unique disciplines and partnerships for applied learning. UCA NOW – our $100 million campaign – is about investing in our students – now and in the future. We expanded career-focused internships. Developed entrepreneurial partnerships. Opened the Arkansas Cyber Range for educational training. And we’re just getting started.

Join the movement today.

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we life changers

Deborah Honaker was diagnosed with scoliosis, or curvature of the spine, when she was 10 years old, and she lived relatively pain free until the summer of 2019. A neurology clinic in Fayetteville said they couldn’t take her case because it was so severe and referred her to UAMS orthopaedic surgeon Dr. David Bumpass. He fused her spine to straighten it and eliminate the pain. She’s now two inches taller and has been able to resume the international travel she loves so much. Next stops are Austria, Hungary, the Czech Republic and Poland, followed by Egypt and Jordan at the end of the year.

“I absolutely know that I received the very best care that could be given. Dr. Bumpass and his nurse practitioner, Dana Lawrence, were both so knowledgeable and helpful to me.”


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