Book about YOUR future

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A true story by Proactive Group

Believe you can India – Ukraine 2010

Believe you can

Proactive Group India – Ukraine 2010

Proactive Group New Delhi, E84, South Extension, part I Phone: 011-41207786 Email:

Believe you can

Believe you can

EVERY PERSON IS AN AUTHOR OF HIS OR HER OWN TALE. By now, you have almost concluded the introductory part of it and are about to enter the main chapter of your life story. But keep in mind, there is not much time for lengthy ref ection and hesitation. You don’t want to end up with blank pages instead of exciting narration and colorful pictures. Move forward and create a successful future for yourself! If you don’t want your college life to be limited to classrooms and would like to enrich your professional knowledge with intercultural experience, consider education abroad. Tis way you can make a huge step towards creating a truly unique and interesting story of your life. Truly yours, Proactive Group Ltd.

Believe you can

Believe you can

Believe you can

INDIA AND UKRAINE ARE MORE THAN JUST TWO INDEPENDENT COUNTRIES ON THE WORLD MAP. A longstanding friendship and tradition of cooperation unite these two nations. Cooperation bridges between India and Ukraine have been built in theelds f of trade, space research, science and technology, medicine, economy, education, and other spheres. Collaboration between these two countries has been very successful so far and we believe we can help to make it even better. Proactive Group is a consulting company, which helps students from India obtain quality higher education in Ukraine. From the very beginning we received support from the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and signed a cooperation agreement with Ukrainian State Centre of International Education – the top government authority which regulates and coordinates the enrolment of international students into higher education institutions in Ukraine.

Believe you can

T ereby we guarantee students from India and their families a transparent process of enrolling into a university , including a clear fee policy and a place in a dormitory. Proactive Group is an active member of the International Chamber of Commerce and a respected partner of the leading Ukrainian Universities, including Kyiv, Kharkiv and Lviv Polytechnic Universities, National Aviation University, Medical Universities in Odessa, Crimea, Kharkiv, and Kyiv and a number of other Institutions, whose level of education and diploma are recognized throughout the globe. Our businessfocuses exclusively on India and Ukraine . With operating of ces in both countries, Proactive Group team is hip to the latest tendencies in cultural, educational, social and political life in India and Ukraine. We have to be on top of things to make each client’s visit to our ofce worth it. Proactive Group corporate policy of an absolute client support means that services we deliver assist students throughout the whole process: from the moment they decide to study in Ukraine till graduation from the Ukrainian university of their choice. Our list of services is not limited to consulting regarding the place to study and documents required. We of er: legal support throughout the whole stay of a student in Ukraine, medical insurance, entertainment programs, visa and travel support for parents, who want to visit their children in Ukraine and other services. Not to mention that there is a personal advisor/manager assigned to every student both in India and Ukraine. T is gives the Proactive team, of cial authorities and students’ parents a clear picture of a student’s living in Ukraine, thus ensuring his safety and a comfortable stay abroad.


Believe you can

Proactive Group is a team of professionals, who united to provide outstanding consulting services and quality support to everyone interested in gaining a social and professional experience via studying in the heart of Europe.

WE HAVE MADE A COMMITMENT TO CLIENT SERVICE AND GUARANTEES, OFFERING A PERSONALIZED APPROACH TO FUTURE STUDENTS AND THEIR FAMILIES IN INDIA. We are a team of business consultants, marketing specialists, teachers, economists, lawyers, doctors and sociologists, who have studied in Ukraine and abroad, have profound knowledge in the feld of international education, human relations and global business. We believe that the selection process of where to go and what to study overseas requires a profound analysis and an individual approach. T is is why, prior to advising you on where to go in Ukraine, our consultants can help you get a better understanding of the country, its lifestyle, educational system, universities and majors ered. of T e Proactive Group team in Ukraine is continuously doing networking with universities and government authorities, so it always provides you with updated information.

Our great value is our international students support team. We cooperate with young people from India, China, Germany, Russia, Malaysia, Nigeria and other countries. All of them come to Ukraine to study and they help us develop and implement various educational and entertainment programs for students from India. Tis includes trainings for newcomers, legal support, cultural and social events, etc.T e possibility to dive into an international environment allows students from India to engage into helpful intercultural relations right from the start, which we, the Proactive Group team, consider one the most valuable aspects of studying abroad.

Believe you can

Leverage educational opportunities WE BELIEVE THAT EDUCATIONAL CONSULTING IS MORE THAN MERE INFORMATION SHARING. It is not just about providing data on universities and majors available, but is rather about helping students to make their next big step. And support them throughout the whole studying process till they toss up their graduation caps in the air. We keep expanding the list of our services, so, please, share your ideas with us on our web-site: Believe you can

As of today our current list of services includes: • Consultation and assistance in choosing a eld f of study, university to attend, place to live, etc. • Assistance in preparation and execution of the required documents • Representation of a student’s interests during negotiations with Universities, Embassies, Ministries and other ofcial authorities. • Preparation for the interview at the Embassy of Ukraine in India • Various trainings for students and parents (introduction to Ukraine, legal issues of studying abroad, European lifestyle, etc.) • Visa and travel support • Reception at the airport in Ukraine; assistance with the required registration in the country, accommodation, registration at the University • Assistance in obtaining diferent types of insurance • 24/7 telephone hot line for students and families • Social and legal support in Ukraine • Support to parents, intending to visit their children in Ukraine • Coordination of a student’s stay in Ukraine and perpetual networking with Universities to be well-informed about all the aspects of international students life in Ukraine • Employment and internship consultancy

Believe you can

THE PROCESS OF ENROLLING IS NOT COMPLICATED, AS LONG AS YOU UNDERSTAND ALL STEPS. Proactive Group supports students and their parents at every step of enrolling to the University in Ukraine and planning to live in the heart of Europe.

First meeting in Proactive Group of ce

Choosing a feld to study, city to live and university to attend

Interview at the Embassy of Ukraine in India

2nd payment

Visa received

Final preparations for going abroad

Becoming a rightful student at the University of your choice

Believe you can

Signing an agreement with Proactive Group


Receiving of invitation from the University

Preparation of required documents

Participation in master class regarding legal and social issues in Ukraine

Travel to the heart of Europe

Payment of the tuition fee

Registration and Accommodation in Ukraine

A word from supporters

EDUCATION HAS ALWAYS BEEN AN INTEGRAL PART OF UKRAINE’S DEVELOPMENT. We have established developed and ramifed system of higher education, recognized throughout the world. Specialis ts, who graduate from Universities in Ukraine, are valued and properly paid worldwide. Not to mention that many Indian graduates, who studied in Ukraine remain in this country and start their business here. On behalf of Ukrainian State Centre of International Education (under the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine), I would like to invite young people from India to come to Ukraine. As a government authority we guarantee transparent process of enrollment to the University and legal support throughout student’s stay in Ukraine. So do our partners and Proactive Group is among them. Companies we have signed cooperation agreements with are encouraged to provide high level of client service and transparent fee policy. T ereby your cooperation with Proactive Group protects you from upsetting surprises, while living abroad. Viacheslav Tymokhin, Director Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine Ukrainian State Centre of International Education

IF YOU EVER THOUGHT OF GE TTING HIGHER EDUCATION IN THE VERY HEART OF EUROPE, UKRAINE IS A RIGHT DESTINATION FOR YOU. And when you think of getting a quality higher education in Ukraine, take a close look at Kyiv Polytechnic University. We are rated as #1 Ukrainian university and leading European educational establishment. Degree you will receive is recognized worldwide and professional knowledge you obtain will make an outstanding start of your career.ere T are almost 1000 international students from 50 countries, getting higher education in Kyiv Polytechnic today and we plan to increase this number noticeably. Tus we work hard on supporting our spotless reputation and carefully choose partners to cooperate. Speaking of a consulting rm, f which can help you enter Ukrainian university without any troubles, Proactive group is the right partner to support you in this big step. Tey are with you from the start till graduation date and this full time client support is hard to underestimate. Anna Vlasyok, Vice-Rector, Dean of international faculty Kyiv Polytechnic University

KYIV AVIATION UNIVERSITY HAS A JURIDICAL STATUS OF NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, BUT TAKING INTO CONSIDERATION THE NUMBER OF FOREIGN STUDENTS, WHO STUDY HERE, WE ARE TRULY INTERNATIONAL. T ere are more than 1200 representatives of 44 countries, getting higher education in the National Aviation University in Kyiv today. As one of our Indian students mentioned, one of the most attractive things for him is that University pedagogical staf is not exam oriented, it is knowledge orientedrst f of all. We are proud that knowledge we give to our students helps young specialists start a successful aviation career in many countries all over the world, be it India, Ukraine, Western Europe or USA. As you decide to get a degree at our University, choose Proactive group as your educational consultant.isTtrusted partner of NAU will provide you with all required information and support, so you don’t lose yourself in this exciting, but challenging journey, which is called studying abroad. Good luck. Andrei Kryzhanovsky, Dean of international department, head of ICAO subdepartment, Kyiv National Aviation University

NATIONAL TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY “KHARKIV POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE” HAS BEEN PREPARING SPECIALISTS FOR FOREIGN COUNTRIES SINCE 1946. Nationals of 93 countries, including Indian citizens, have received education at this University. Over four thousand students from Asia, Africa, Europe and Latin America have graduated with Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees from KhPI over the years of its existence. Te majority of international students, who graduated from KhPI, hold inf uential positions in diferent branches of industry, science, economics and politics in their home countries. Continuous expansion of working tasks and areas of work, related to the studying process of international students, created the need for formation of the Foreign Education department, comprising the Foreign Students Training Centre and Preparatory Department. One more important thing - this year KhPI is celebrating its 125th anniversary, and I am glad to point out that this year we established cooperation with ProActive Group LTD. It is our frst experience in such cooperation, as we usually don’t work with agencies, but what distinguishes ProActive Group from other companies is the professionalism of its staf and an extensive scope of their services, including full support of students, from the university selection process to legal support in Ukraine. Moreover, ProActive Group LTD is a licensed partner of the Ukrainian Ministry of Education and Science and is an efcient member of the International Chamber of Commerce. Hence, we are looking forward to our long-term fruitful collaboration. Alexander Lastovka Dean of the Foreign Education Department Kharkiv Polytechnic University

THE EVERLASTING GLOBALIZATION PROCESS CREATED THE NEED FOR KNOWLEDGEABLE AND PROFESSION-ORIENTED YOUNG PEOPLE, WHO WOULD HAVE A PROFOUND UNDERSTANDING OF INTERNATIONAL, POLITICAL, AND ECONOMIC MATTERS. Today, the ambitious youth needs to take into account, that in order to build a successful career, you ought to have a sense of how wholistic the international culture has become, and therefore appreciate the importance of international cooperation, both in business and education. T e ICC members are companies and organizations, representing practically all sectors of business around the world, and each of them is seeking young specialists who have received education abroad, as they are most likely to have an extensive experience and understanding of intercultural communication, strong analytical skills, anunderstanding of local customs and traditions of a specif c region, f exibility in interaction, and the ability to adapt to new circumstances. T ese qualities are the most valuable for multinational companies. T is is why we are proud that ProActive Group Ltd has become our -ef cient member. ICC values and supports the Company’s goal to provide Indian youth with a unique chance to receive a good European education and build a successful career in the future. ProActive Group, as an ef cient member of ICC, sets transparent rules and high standards in educational consulting services and brings them to a high level, which all the competitors must conform to. Schelkunov Vladimir Igorevich Head of the Institute of Economy and Management Professor, Doctor of Economic Science Member of ICC

TODAY, I’M HONORED TO PRESENT UKRAINE’S NATIONAL TRANSPORT UNIVERSITY. Over the 55 years of its existence, NTU brought up highly qualifed staf and honored scientists, who proved their professional competence by prominent achievements. I want to point out that we prepare qualifed specialists in the following f elds: Automobile Mechanics; Road Construction; Transport and Information Technologies; Transport Economics and Business; Information Technologies; Economics, Management and Law. Currently, more than 11000 students are studying 26 erent dif specialties at the University. We provide our graduates with a globally recognized degree at a reasonable tuition cost, which is three times lower than that of an average European university. To ensure the best way of practical implementation of the received knowledge, NTU has signed numerous internship agreements with local and foreign automobile companies. Among them are NIKO (the ofcial importer of “Mitsubishi Motors” in Ukraine), “Eurocar” (the of cial importer of “Skoda”), Ukrainian giant “UkrAVTO”, “Honda”, “Toyota Ukraine”, etc. I would like to emphasize that ProActive Group is a trusted partner of ours. Te Company provides a full package of services in educational consulting sphere for international students in Ukraine. It is licensed by the Ministry of Education of Ukraine and is ofcially represented in India. NTU has established a close cooperation with international governmental and non-governmental institutions, such as TEMPUS and TRACECA, and collaborates with Hungarian company “Energotest” on the regular basis. Our diploma guarantees you a key to your future success and achievements. Best Regards, Makhmudov Ildar Iosiphovich Head of Preparatory department and International relations National Transport University of Ukraine

“Specialists, who get higher education in Ukraine are valued and properly paid globally” Viacheslav Tymokhin, Director Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine Ukrainian State Centre of International Education

“I believe that perspective to supplement quality education with practical international experience, of ered by Proactive Group, will be appreciated at its true value by Indian students” Volodymyr Shchelkunov, Chairman, International Chamber of Commerce

“It is knowledge oriented. It is cheap. It is recognized globally. Outstanding” Akshay Dixit, studying aviation in Kyiv (India, Mumbai)

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