Heartland In The Field

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Emily Hughes is a senior at Hardee Sr. High graduating on June 7. She is currently dual-enrolled at South Florida State College and plans on

Cassidy Lee is a senior soon to be graduating from the Kings Academy in Clewiston. After graduation, Cassidy will be starting college at Florida Gulf Coast University in Ft. Myers where she will be studying elementary education. Although she will not be going directly into agriculture, Cassidy was raised in the industry with her father being a long-time cowboy and she grew up on several ranches.


before transferring to the University of Florida to major in Food and Resource Economics. After college, Emily wants to work for an ag-related company. She is interested in business and economics. The most important issue Emily sees facing the cattle industry today is the herd tracking and COOL system. She sees the possibility of it being very good outweighs the negative regarding this topic. Emily said that she sees the future of the industry following along with our tech-savvy society. She sees many technological advancements from equipment to tracking to research and it only evolving the industry for the better.


Heartland InThe Field Magazine


Cassidy said that the most important issue she sees is how the non-ag public views both the beef and ag industry as a whole. In the future, Cassidy sees ranchers in the cattle and beef industry getting themselves ‘out there’ and involved with policy by going to Tallahassee and Washington. She said she sees only positive things happening in the future and nothing moving backwards.

OKEECHOBEE COUNTY at Indian River State College and is headed to Gainesville in the fall. She is currently studying general ag as she just knows she wants to be involved in the agricultural industry in some capacity and said she could see her self in the classroom teaching ag one day. When asked what she thinks is the most important issue facing the cattle industry today, Allyson said it is important for the public to know that ranchers are working with government agencies and doing research to bring down carbon emissions and become more environmentally friendly. She said they shouldn’t be faulted for something they are constantly working

Allyson sees the future of the industry growing; as the human population increases, so will the cattle and beef industry to keep up with demands. She also sees the industry continuing to work towards being economically friendly as they are building larger cow herds and always working towards being the best it can be for the environment. June 2013

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