Internet Marketing Magazine April 2014

Page 15

> tell you – they are the most stressful times for me. Every day I don’t work around 3-4 hours work builds up. So if I go away for a week, I’ve got around 25 hours work to catch up on when I return. On top of the existing work load. So don’t be fooled the illusion of the blogging lifestyle it might look like ‘the life’ on the surface but the reality is gruelling hard work with great personal sacrifice. Preparation Is Victory

Before launching the blog I put thought into the execution. Having passion is all well & good but there’s got to be some sort of method to the madness! What Is The Point? What was the purpose of the blog? What did I want it to offer? Where did I want it to go?

When I first launched the blog I wasn’t expecting it to be as popular as it was. Its initial purpose was just to ‘publish high quality internet marketing tutorials’. However I soon changed the purpose to be ‘when people ask for help on a forum, my tutorials will be shared to help’. That is a much more developed purpose over and above just publishing stuff.


An Experiment Was Born To spice things up a little and introduce a bit of a challenge, I decided I would attack this goal by not using one of my strongest areas of knowledge. I have spent a lot of time experimenting with the technical side of SEO and link building is something I’m very comfortable with on large scales. But I wanted to step out of my comfort zone and see if I could achieve my goal without building any links. So the zero link building challenge was born. Was it possible to rank an SEO blog without using SEO? Not only would that develop my skills in other areas I also knew that had the potential to be a great post in the future if I pulled it off. I guess writing this annual report means I managed to pull it off? You Will Remember Me To make sure people remember me I put a strong emphasis on branding. I spent a bunch of time playing with colour combinations to see what worked best. I eventually settled on the black, blue & pink combination that you see today. It was bright, didn’t really go together but sort of did and stuck in my mind throughout the day when choosing the brand colours.

Achieving that would be pretty tough; I would have to become highly visible in what is considered a competitive niche. But we all need a purpose and goal to work towards right?

With the colours in mind I then started to create a logo. I didn’t want an anonymous business

internet marketing magazine april 2014


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