Iccnz opportunita` newsletter nov '17

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OPPORTUNITÀ A publication of the Italian Chamber of Commerce in New Zealand Inc. www.iccnz.com

Letter from the ICCNZ President

November 2017 Letter from Carolina Izzo, ICCNZ President Past Events - Festival Italiano, Auckland - Fashion Week, Auckland - Week of the Italian language in the world

International News - PRADA and the America’s Cup - The FIAT 500 Coins it - ICE – Italian Trade Agency Cari Membri, This is my first letter to you and I would like to take this opportunity to say how exited I am to serve the chamber to achieve the goals set up for this year. I am very humbled for the opportunity and I am glad to work with the great team at the Council. We have recently returned from a trip in Europe, most of it in Italy with family and friends. However, I also had the opportunity to meet with the New Zealand Ambassador in Rome, Patrick Rata, and the NZ Trade Commissioner in Milan, Ann Clifford. We also took the opportunity, in Rome, to meet with the Direttore Generale dell’Assocamere Estero, Dott. Antonio Romano, whose responsibilities include the development of ICCNZ programs worldwide. Further to the above meeting, the VP Antonella Lorenzini is attending the 26th International Convention of the Camere di Commercio Italiane all’Estero to be held in Turin, 4-7 November. We are very grateful for the opportunity to attend the convention. Also Mr. Gianfranco Ugazzi, an active & supporting member will be present at the conference. We are looking forward to hearing about it. The New Zealand Europe Business Council meeting in October indicated that the coming weeks should see the start of the Free Trade Agreement negotiations following EU Parliament approval to proceed. Given that the EU is New Zealand’s 3rd largest export market and our largest supplier of imports, we can expect negotiations to be a high priority for the new Government and we will endeavour to inform members of the inevitable trade delegations and events as we get notice of them. Cecilia Malmström, European Commissioner for Trade since 2014, is expected to visit NZ in early December. Moving forward, we have pleasure to introduce our new Treasurer Barbara Miller. She is the Director of Auckland chartered accounting firm Miller Johnson and is a mentor and public practitioner under the Institute of Chartered Accountants ANZ . She works mainly with small and medium business clients to support their management and www.iccnz.com

Upcoming Events - Infinito, Italian Exhibition (Upcoming) - Seconda Settimana della Cucina Italiana

National News - Multimillion dollar home in Auckland - Alfa Romeo Giulia is a top safety pick

ICCNZ Member Profiles -

Andrea Manni Italian Kiwi Film Connection NZ Orsini Fine Jewellery Starfish

Our Quarterly Recipe

development. Barbara will bring valuable expertise and guidance over the coming months. For information about Barbara, please visit: https://www.iccnz.com/members/ourcouncil/barbara-miller/ The Italian festival 2017 in Auckland has been a successful event, despite the weather. It is always a great networking event for the Chamber. Cristina Capri organised the event which produced new contacts and an exchange of business opportunities. The NZ Ambassador to Rome, Patrick Rata, will be returning to New Zealand for a short visit in November and has kindly offered his availability to meet with ICCNZ's members over a breakfast gathering on 16 November, at the Europe House in Auckland. Also In Wellington, the Italian Embassy will be hosting an event. And last but not least, I would like to thank Juan Pablo Espinosa for the production of this edition and councillor Shahla Motadel for the coordination and editing work. I would also like to extend my thanks to other ICCNZ councillors & members who have contributed to this edition. Everyone's input is much appreciated! All contents in this newsletter are in English, however you will find that some articles have also been presented in Italian. I wish you happy reading! Opportunità – November 2017


OPPORTUNITÀ A publication of the Italian Chamber of Commerce in New Zealand Inc. www.iccnz.com

Festival Italiano, Auckland

‘Festival Italiano’, the largest Italian Festival in New Zealand, was held on Sunday, 1 October at Newmarket, Auckland. This annual event has become a point of get-together and cultural exchange between Italy and NZ. Even though the weather was not the best for the stand holders, the passion for Italy and everything Italian didn't stop the crowd queuing within the very first hour. The visitors found themselves totally immersed in the buoyant and lively atmosphere, typical of any local market day in any city in Italy. In brief, rain or shine, the love for Italy is so immense that nothing could have discouraged the crowd, not even for a moment. As usual, the gastronomy was the highlight of the day, with culinary specialties, covering dishes from almost all regions of Italy, along with a wide-ranging choice of wine to allow a perfect match for any dish. The spritz, the aperitif that is now making a strong comeback, couldn't have been missed and it certainly cheered up the spirit of even those who didn't wish to drink much. The stand for ICCNZ was a popular one and the services offered by the Chamber attracted a lot of 'expression of interest' from entrepreneurs, both Italian and New Zealanders. Many associates of the Chamber were present at the festival, showcasing their own products, as well as those of members who were not present. The stand exhibited marketing material in paper form as well as in digital presentation. During the entire day, the stand was represented by Antonella Lorenzini, Vice President Auckland, Councillors Cristina Capri and Paola Fea, along with Andrea Manni, a highly active and enthusiast member of ICCNZ. www.iccnz.com

During luncheon, held exclusively for the sponsors, ICCNZ had an opportunity to exchange ideas with the Ambassador of Italy in NZ, Dr Fabrizio Marcelli, and engage in discussion of possible promotional initiatives with the head of Newmarket Business Association. With rain and the intervening glimpse of sunshine throughout the day, the festival proved successful without a doubt for the standholders, and for the Aucklanders who showed their unfailing support for the Italian festival. See below, the Italian version of this article and photos of the event.

Festival Italiano (Italian Version) Lo scorso primo ottobre, si è tenuto ad Auckland, Il Festival Italiano. L’appuntamento si ripete regolarmente ogni anno ed è ormai divenuto un momento di aggregazione e di scambio tra la cultura italiana e quella neozelandese. Benché il tempo non fosse dalla parte degli espositori, la passione dei neozelandesi per l’Italia e per tutto ciò che è italiano, ha fatto si che la folla non mancasse fin dalle prime ore. I visitatori si sono trovati immersi nell’atmosfera del mercato rionale, con quell’allegria e convivialità tipica di una qualsiasi città italiana, in un qualsiasi giorno di mercato! Insomma, pioggia o sole che sia, l’amore per il nostro paese è così grande da non scoraggiarli nemmeno per un attimo! La gastronomia come al solito, l’ha fatta da padrone con specialità culinarie che hanno coperto quasi tutte le regioni italiane e con una scelta di vini tale da poter permettere l’abbinamento perfetto per ogni tipo di pietanza. Lo Spritz, l’aperitivo tornato prepotentemente di moda in Italia non poteva mancare ed ha certamente rallegrato le anime anche di chi non volesse ritenersi un gran bevitore! Lo stand della ICCNZ, la Camera di Commercio Italiana in Nuova Zelanda è stato una delle attrattive del Festival e l’interesse per I servizi offerti dalla Camera di Commercio ha permesso di raccogliere molte “espressioni di interesse” di imprenditori italiani, nonché’ neozelandesi. Molti dei soci della Camera erano presenti al Festival con i propri prodotti e per illustrare le attività dei membri correntemente iscritti ma non fisicamente presenti alla giornata, lo stand metteva a disposizione del pubblico Opportunità – November 2017


OPPORTUNITÀ A publication of the Italian Chamber of Commerce in New Zealand Inc. www.iccnz.com

materiale promozionale cartaceo ed altresì una presentazione digitale. Presente allo stand per l’intera giornata, la vice presidentessa di Auckland Dr. Antonella Lorenzini, coadiuvata dall’Arch. Cristina Capri, responsabile della sezione Eventi, dalla Dr. Paola Fea e da Andrea Manni, uno dei membri più attivi ed entusiasti. La ICCNZ presente al pranzo riservato agli sponsor dell’evento, ha avuto modo di avere uno scambio di idee con alcune delle autorità presenti, come l’Ambasciatore Italiano Dr. Fabrizio Marcelli e di discutere di alcune possibili attività promozionali con il responsabile del Newmarket Business Association. Tra uno scroscio di pioggia ed un sole che si è fatto intravvedere a poche riprese, la giornata è risultata indubbiamente proficua per gli espositori e per gli abitanti di Auckland che sono immancabilmente, il grande supporto delle iniziative italiane.

Attendees enjoying the gastronomy of the Festival

Kinga Csizmadia Hajmasi of Moa Travel. www.iccnz.com

Festival Italiano´s Crew - Chris Edwards, Danilo Correddu, Jacopo Siracusa, Ksenia Eliseeva and Peter Dowling

Palazzo Italia Team, filling the festival with Authentic Italian flavours.

Lamborghini Huracan Performante and Aventador S models. For further information about the ‘Festival Italiano’, see: http://festivalitaliano.co.nz/ Opportunità – November 2017


OPPORTUNITÀ A publication of the Italian Chamber of Commerce in New Zealand Inc. www.iccnz.com

Andrea Moore and Kela - Ruling the runway at the Fashion week in Auckland

KELA uses they are able to create hair jewelry in any shape, colour and size.

The Andrea Moore fashion week opened on 29 Aug in Auckland's ANZ Viaduct Events Centre. The runway showcased the designer's Autumn/Winter 2018 collection, along with her fitness & swimwear fashion. For the later, 8 ballerinas from the Royal NZ Ballet graced the runway, wearing Andrea Moore's fitness and swimwear. To top it all, Kela's hair accessories, worn by the models, the ballerinas, and other performers dazzled those present. Kela's hair accessories, launched on this occasion, emerged from Kela's technology, following 3 years in the making. Kela's Managing Director (and ICCNZ's Vice President) Aldo Miccio says, “There is nothing in the market like this, everything else will fall out. Not only is this technology going to revolutionise the hair industry but it will be like what the Ford model T was to the Horse and cart”.

The show opened with the Royal New Zealand Ballet (RNZB) who had created a special performance to showcase top NZ Designer Andrea Moore’s new fitness and swim wear ranges. KELA had created a limited edition Swarovski charm especially for the occasion which adorned the ballerinas rolled quiff, with a value of $45,000, while the models wore a total of over $100,000 of hair accessories. By creating such impressive range, the KELA team demonstrated that with the technology www.iccnz.com

Royal New Zealand Ballet dancers showcase designs by Andrea Moore. Andrea Moore's designs covered various themes, ranging from the Orient, with an eclectic mix of delicate Japanese lace, textures and shapes, to 'Elaborate Jungle', with stand-out prints of tropical leaves, cheetahs, tulips and embroidered butterflies. The designer said, “Encouraging women to be bold, push the boundaries, and have fun with fashion is at the heart of our business. We want our customers to feel special, confident and most importantly – empowered. With the launch of our new fit wear range, we’re extremely excited to see women reach new heights – whether this be anything from running their first half-marathon to picking up the kids from school in record time.” Andrea Moore and KELA’s collaboration presented a shared viewpoint, with Janna Miccio of KELA saying, “our lives are so busy now with so many things we achieve in a day. KELA gives you the confidence that no matter what happens in your day, with our charms and technology your hair style will stay putt, never letting you down”. With depth and new heights reached for both brands on the runway, the dazzling show by Andrea Moore & Kela impressed and inspired the fashion and the beauty worlds. For further info on Kela, refer to http://kelacharms.com/ Opportunità – November 2017


OPPORTUNITÀ A publication of the Italian Chamber of Commerce in New Zealand Inc. www.iccnz.com

Settimana della lingua italiana nel mondo

Marco Sozogni, Nina Cuccurullo and Rory McKenzie Every year in the third week of October, Italy & many countries around the world celebrate the 'week of Italian language in the world'. The objective is to promote the Italian language globally. It started in 2001, under the initiative of the Academia della Crusca (Italy's linguistic academy, founded in 1583) and under the patronage of the Italian Government (Minstero degli Affari Estri e della Cooperazione Internazionale (MAECI is Italy's Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation). Each year a specific theme is chosen to reflect the use of the Italian language in many facets of classical and contemporary contexts. The events in Italy and other countries celebrating the occasion involve cooperation of many diplomatic & cultural organisations, such as Italian embassies & consulates, universities, Society of Dante Alighieri & its affiliates around the world and various associations of Italians abroad. This year marked the 17th edition of the language week, with the theme of L'italiano al cinema, l'italiano in cinema. This theme reflects a homage to the role that cinema has played in the evolution of Italian language and also in the society development through the story of events related to Italy's history, art & culture. On this occasion, La Crusca has published a volume with a collection of essays written by linguists who have studied the language of cinema. In collaboration with the Italian Embassy of NZ, we have also celebrated this event in Wellington, Auckland and Christchurch. In Wellington, Victoria University School of Languages and Cultures, Wai-Te-Ata Press (Faculty of Humanities & Social www.iccnz.com

Science) and the NZ Centre for Literary Translation organised two evenings of celebrations on 17 & 19 October. The events covered films & readings. The opening at Victoria University had the participation of the Dr Claudia Bernardi, Senior Lecturer in Italian, School of Langugaes and Cultures, Dr Alfio Leotta, Senior Lecturer School of English, Film, Theatre and Media Studies, Dr Giacomo Lichtner, Associate Dean, Students, FHSS & Associate Professor in History, School of History, Philosophy, Political Science and International relations, Professor Sally Hill, Head of the School of Languages and Cultures and a Senior Lecturer in the Italian Programme and the Italian Ambassador in New Zealand, Fabrizio Marcelli. On this event, in memory of Paolo Villagio and his most iconic character ‘il ragionier Ugo Fantozzi’, the attendees had the opportunity to see the movie "Fantozzi" (1975) for the first time with English subtitles. (photos below).

Presenter Dr Claudia Bernardi, Senior Lecturer in Italian, School of Langugaes and Cultures

Dr. Alfio Leotta, Senior Lecturer School of English, Film, Theatre and Media Studies at the Victoria University On the second evening, the organisers, Dr Sydney Shep and Dr Marco Sonzogni along with their colleagues and PhD students organised and delivered an enjoyable get together with warm hospitality. This special language week celebration was concluded by remarks from Martina Depentor of the Italian Embassy in New Zealand. Opportunità – November 2017


OPPORTUNITÀ A publication of the Italian Chamber of Commerce in New Zealand Inc. www.iccnz.com

The Auckland Art Gallery, the University of Auckland and the teachers and volunteers of Sociata' Dante Alighieri Auckland dedicated the weekend of 21 & 22 October to celebrating the Italian language. A fun weekend, combining art and short films, as well as an afternoon for families with children who enjoyed playing games in Italiano. The Society of Dante Alighieri in Christchurch organised a funfilled afternoon to celebrate the occasion. This involved students participation in the programme as well as short films and games, concluding with tombola & prizes. New Zealand is among a large group of countries which celebrate the Italian language week. To appreciate the extent of its global celebration, below are some statistics - sourced from the website of MAECI. The data relates to 2016, the latest available at present time. The theme of last year was L'italiano e la creativita': modi e costumi, moda e design (Italian & creativity: trademarks and costumes, fashion & design). The design element had a particular focus on Italian know-how.

PRADA and the America’s Cup

As Team NZ crossed the finish line, winning the 35th Americas Cup in Bermuda this year a representative from team Luna Rossa issued the challenge to Team New Zealand for the 36th America’s Cup. The challenge was accepted, and Team NZ and Luna Rossa met to work out the terms of the next race.

Team NZ and Luna Rossa have had a close relationship during this most recent cup, despite the fact that Luna Rossa did not compete. Patrizio Bertelli, the owner of Luna Rossa pulled out of the 35th Cup reportedly in protest after Oracle (Team USA) made drastic changes to the format, after the protocol had been announced.

Learning to order coffee in Italian by Segafredo Zanetti at the Art Gallery in Auckland The 2016 edition was celebrated in 1101 events in 91 countries across the globe: 312 in the Americas, 280 in the European Union, 203 in European countries outside the EU, 163 in Asia and Oceania, 88 in Mediterranean and Middle Eastern countries East, 55 in Sub-Saharan Africa.


Throughout the lead up to The 35th America’s Cup in Bermuda, the NZ and Italian Teams have shared personnel, ideas, and designs creating a relationship which has been beneficial to both parties: Team NZ had access to Luna Rossa’s resources and Luna Rossa stayed in the competition loop, monitoring new technology. Finally, the 36th America’s Cup protocol was announced late September 2017 by Grant Dalton, Head of Team New Zealand. The protocol revealed among other things, that there would be no more catamarans. The design chosen is the AC75, which is a 75ft high monohull performance yacht with a crew of 10-12.

There is also a nationality rule stating that twenty per cent of the sailors must hold passports for the country being represented by their boat and the rest of the team must meet

Opportunità – November 2017


OPPORTUNITÀ A publication of the Italian Chamber of Commerce in New Zealand Inc. www.iccnz.com

The FIAT 500 Coins it!

Agostino Randazzo, Max Sirena & Patrizio Bertelli, America’s Cup World Series 2011-2012 residency requirements. As usual, preliminary regattas and the Challenger series will be organised by the Challenger of Record- Team Luna Rossa. The challengers will fight it out before the winner faces Team NZ - the defenders. At this stage the dates for the Challenger Series will be January and February 2021, followed by the America’s Cup Match in March. The plan is for the series to take place in New Zealand waters, however, if for any reason that can can’t happen (natural disaster for instance) then the races will be sailed off the Italian coast.

Singapore, team Luna Rossa, with Max Sirena, Paul CampbellJames,, Alister Richardson and Manuel Modena,2011 The big news for Italian branding in New Zealand, of course, is the fact that fashion house PRADA will be the exclusive sponsor of all events comprising the 36th America’s Cup. This includes the Challenger Selection Series, formerly The Louis Vuitton Cup, which will now become The PRADA CUP. We look forward to the promotion of Italian Design, New Zealand technology and the continuation of Italian - Kiwi collaboration and sporting rivalry on the waters of the Waitemata. From the Italian yachting site : http://www.giornaledellavela.com/news/2017/09/17/coppa -america-ciao-louis-vuitton-sara-prada-cup-e-intanto-oracle/ www.iccnz.com

Fiat 500 enthusiasts can now purchase a limited edition silver coin that has been specially minted to mark the iconic model’s 60th anniversary. Released by The Italian State Mint (Istituto Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato) and unveiled by the Italian Ministry of Economics and Finance, the coin has a face value of €5 and was designed by master engraver Claudia Momoni. Only 4,000 of the coins will be minted. On one side the coin depicts the 1957 Fiat 500 and the current model, with the words ‘Repubblica Italiana’. The reverse shows the profile of the classic 500 with the dates 1957 and 2017 – the year the first Fiat 500 was produced and the year the coin was minted – as well as the coin’s face value. The coin also bears the initial ‘R’, showing it was minted in Rome, and the name of the engraver alongside a Fiat 500 logo in the original style. Collectors can buy the coin for €40 from Istituto del Poligrafico e della Zecca at www.ipzs.it/ext/index.html. The release of this limited coin complements the Fiat 500 60th anniversary commemorative stamp, that was launched by the Italian Post Office earlier this year. It is another indication of the Fiat 500’s reputation as a true icon of design, with the car also notably becoming a permanent addition to the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York. During its 60-year history, the Fiat 500 has improved the everyday lives of millions of people. Its production was an important part of Italy’s post-war economic recovery and the car put the nation on four wheels before being exported all over the world. Today, 80 per cent of Fiat 500 sales are outside Italy and it is one of Europe’s best-selling cars, ranking first in eight countries and among the top three in six more. Back in New Zealand car buyers need surprisingly little ‘coin’ to get behind the wheel of the new Fiat 500, with classic 500 three door starting at just $19,990 plus on road costs for the Fiat 500 Pop, while the surprisingly large five door Fiat 500X opens its account at $22,990 plus on road costs. Opportunità – November 2017


OPPORTUNITÀ A publication of the Italian Chamber of Commerce in New Zealand Inc. www.iccnz.com

The Italian Trade Agency (ICE-Italian Trade Commission) through its Sydney office aims to develop, facilitate and promote Italian economic and trade relations with New Zealand focusing on the needs of small & medium enterprises, their associations and partnerships. The Italian Trade Agency supports Italian companies throughout their internationalisation processes and is directly involved in organising foreign business delegations to visit main Italian exhibitions in order to establish contact. The Italian Trade Agency held another successful participation to 'Fine Food Australia 2017' on 11-14 of September at the International Convention Centre Sydney.

The program included also “Aperitivo Italiano” a networking event organised by the Italian Trade Agency as a further opportunity to promote the excellence of foods and wines from Italy. The event featured the presentation of a market research conducted by Nielsen on behalf of the Agency on the topic of “Growing authentic Italian in Australian grocery” which was very interesting for the guests in attendance. On other news, a delegation of 11 buyers from Australia & New Zealand attended HOST the International Hospitality Exhibition in its 40th edition which took place in Milan on 2024 October 2017, the delegation attended courtesy of the Italian Trade Agency. HOST has established itself as the leader in the Ho.Re.Ca, food service, retail, mass distribution channel and hotel industries. This is the favourite destination of international top players and offers a preview of innovations in technologies for food equipment, food products (ingredients, semi-prepared items) and coffee. For more information please visit http://host.fieramilano.it/en For more information about the Italian Trade Commission, see: www.ice.gov.it or www.italtrade.com

ICCNZ 2017 Sponsor

Italian Trade Commission at the Fine Food convention, Australia, 2017 The Italian Pavilion hosted 23 companies from Italy and which exhibited a wide range of products: tomatoes, dairy products, cheese, flour, condiments, chocolates, wines and more. Visitors were treated to delicious tasting of authentic Italian products offered by the exhibiting companies. The Italian Trade Agency is committed to the endorsement of authentic products and activities that promote the “Made in Italy” trademark. www.iccnz.com

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Opportunità – November 2017


OPPORTUNITÀ A publication of the Italian Chamber of Commerce in New Zealand Inc. www.iccnz.com

Save the date for Infinito, Italian Exhibition

Upcoming Events

Art has the ability to build bridges and transcend barriers. A work of art whispers to the viewer in a language of its own, a language comprised of accents attune to form, colour and emotion. An articulate work of art draws upon a vocabulary of talent, discipline and passion. Italia Infinito is an exhibition celebrating the long established artistic bonds between Australasia and Italy. One of the earliest such bonds dates back to the late 19th century when Siena born painter Girolamo Nerli (1861-1926) travelled to Australia and New Zealand. Nerli had studied in Florence and was a member of the Italian Macchiaioli School, an Italian movement anticipating French Impressionism. In Australia he worked with Heidelberg School artists Arthur Streeton, Tom Roberts and Charles Conder and his influence on these Australian Impressionists is undeniable. Crossing the Tasman to Dunedin Nerli was the teacher of Frances Hodgkins and in 1884 established the Otago Art Academy.

Frances Davies & Franco Anselmi in the artist’s Vittorio Veneto Studio Paintings created in Venice and the medieval Tuscan hilltop town of Lucignano feature in Italia Infinito. The contemporary frescoes of Veneto based Franco Anselmi, who has enjoyed New Zealand representation for over 20 years, bring with them the vibrancy of Venetian painting. www.iccnz.com

Australian Impressionist Kasey Sealy, painting in Lucignano, Tuscany – He continues this tradition. New works by Milan based Paolo Canetti and the finely painted panels and ceramics of Umbrian artist Carlo Mirabasso lift the spirits. Leading New Zealand landscapist Simon Williams travelled to Italy earlier this year and Italia Infinito proudly showcases the first works in an exciting new series of paintings. In a fitting tribute to Pietro Annigoni, Palmerston North based Philip Holmes creates a Madonna in the medium of oil and conté. On behalf of International Art Centre I would like to thank the Italian Chamber of Commerce and the contributing artists. It is their commitment and talent which fosters the bridge of simpatico. The infinito Early Evening Premier will be held on Thursday, 23 of November, at the International Art Centre, 202 Parnell Road, Parnell, Auckland. From 5 to 8 pm. RSVP is appreciated. If you would like to attend, please contact James at 09 3666 045 or email james@artcntr.co.nz to confirm your attendance. For further information, see: www.internationalartcentre.co.nz Opportunità – November 2017


OPPORTUNITÀ A publication of the Italian Chamber of Commerce in New Zealand Inc. www.iccnz.com

Seconda Settimana della Cucina Italiana nel Mondo The World Week of Italian Cuisine reaches its second edition with the aim of promoting Italian culinary traditions and food and wine connoisseurship as a distinctive trait of Italian identity and culture. The Week is organized through a cooperative effort by the public and private sector organisations representing the Italian cuisine in the world: institutions (MISE, MIUR, MIBACT, Regions), ICE-Agency, ENIT, universities, the network of Chambers of Commerce, trade associations, cooking schools, the network of certified Italian restaurants and food and wine and design companies.

Italian cheese maker Massimiliano De Caro from Il Casaro Below see, the message Ambassador Marcelli is sending about this initiative in New Zealand. “It is my great pleasure to present the second edition of The Week of Italian Cuisine in the World, an annual event coordinated by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, with the purpose of promoting Italy’s most renowned exports: “the extraordinary Italian taste” and the pleasure of eating together the Italian way. Last year this initiative took place in over 100 countries across the world. This year, we are extremely proud to add New Zealand to the list of participating countries, with a wide array of events in Auckland, Christchurch and Wellington, showcasing authentic Italian traditions, high-quality products and regional specificities. Two initiatives, strongly supported by this year’s Week of Italian Cuisine and incorporated in some of the events, are www.iccnz.com

Viola Buitoni from Buitoni Italian food company particularly meaningful to the Made in Italy: the candidacy of the Art of Neapolitan pizzaioli as UNESCO Intangible Heritage, and that of Le colline del Prosecco in Valdobbiadene’s site as UNESCO World Heritage "cultural landscape". I invite you to make the most of what this week has to offer, immerse yourself into Italian culinary culture and, of course, buon appetito!” As Ambassador Marcelli said, there will be 32 events across Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch: workshops, meetings with the chefs, food and wine tasting and dinners, cooking classes are some of the foreseen activities. The Italian cuisine will also be narrated through cultural events, such as the screening of food related films and documentaries. This week will be an important window to what Italy has to offer, which is the riches of our land, the diversity of our regions, the quality of our food, our Made in Italy. The Embassy is organizing and hosting two events in Wellington, both at Social Cooking Chalk, Shop 14, 22 Herd Street, Chaffers Marina (booking essential as places are limited, contact: wellington.promozione@esteri.it Monday 20th November, 6pm: Mozzarella workshop and degustation - Massimiliano De Caro, cheese master from Il Casaro, will show us how to make fresh mozzarella and burrata, infused with his passion and his skills. After the workshop, we will taste his special recipes with a glass of wine. Wednesday 22nd November, 6 pm: Italy by ingredients with chef Viola Buitoni - Pasta, Parmigiano, Pomodoro. Join chef Viola Buitoni for a class on genuine Italian ingredients, readily available also in New Zealand. Viola, a direct descendant of the famed pasta and chocolate family, will share some of her authentic Italian recipes and her genetic passion for food. A full list of participating restaurants, events and special menus will be published shortly on the Embassy website and social media. Opportunità – November 2017


OPPORTUNITÀ A publication of the Italian Chamber of Commerce in New Zealand Inc. www.iccnz.com

AUTOMOTIVE LEGEND FINDS A NEW MULTI MILLION DOLLAR HOME IN AUCKLAND The Winger Group has taken over sole responsibility in Auckland for Alfa Romeo, the brand often called the soul of motoring with its unique reputation for motorsport, style, performance and driving excitement.

Wayne and David shaking hands with Giulias “It is a remarkable honour and a unique challenge to be appointed as the sole representative of Alfa Romeo for the Auckland region,” says Wayne Leach, Director of Winger Motors Limited. “It is an honour because being trusted to represent one of the greatest names in the car industry is so special and a challenge because we have to provide a facility, a level of expertise and a quality of service that matches Alfa Romeo and which is demanded by Alfa Romeo’s exacting owners.” “Our aim is to make a visit to Winger Alfa Romeo the same as driving an Alfa Romeo, exciting, interesting, involving and exclusive, with a facility that is stylish, staff who share every owner’s passion for Alfa Romeo and to make this new facility the heart and soul for motoring in Auckland,” says Mr. Leach. To meet this challenge the Winger Group are investing more than $16 million in the entire 21 Great South Road facility and a new workshop which is under construction in Margot Street which is set to open October. The opening of Winger Alfa Romeo means that this new dealership will represent Alfa Romeo for the entire Auckland region just as two of the most significant models in Alfa Romeo’s long history arrive, the Alfa Romeo Giulia, which is www.iccnz.com

freshly arrived in New Zealand, and the Italian car makers first SUV, Stelvio, which is just months away from its debut. “The appointment of the Winger Group to be the sole outlet for Alfa Romeo in the Auckland region is very much a strategic decision aligned to the future plans for Alfa Romeo,” explains David Smitherman, Chief Executive Officer of Alfa Romeo distributor, Fiat Chrysler New Zealand. “The market positioning and exclusivity of the newest Alfa Romeo models, the Stelvio and Giulia, along with those to follow them, demands much more than a car dealership. For this new generation of Alfa Romeos, the facility must match their style and charisma; the staff must be more the experts, they must share fully the owners’ passion and enthusiasm; and the quality of service must be second to none. We firmly believe that this could only be fully executed by a single outlet and, in turn, by Winger, whose commitment to deliver is second to none.” “I have no doubt that Winger Alfa Romeo will become the heart and soul for not just Alfa Romeo owners in Auckland, but for anyone who considers themselves a motoring or driving enthusiast,” says Mr. Smitherman.

ICCNZ Facebook Page

The Italian Chamber of Commerce in New Zealand Inc. has a Facebook page. It carries news and events of interest to members and is regularly updated. If you use Facebook, please ‘like’ and follow the page. This will enable you to receive updates on the ICCNZ and invitations to events.

For further information see: www.facebook.com/italianchamberofcommerceinnew zealandinc Opportunità – November 2017


OPPORTUNITÀ A publication of the Italian Chamber of Commerce in New Zealand Inc. www.iccnz.com


The Alfa Romeo Giulia has been awarded a 2017 Top Safety Pick+ (TSP+) by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) in the USA following its achievement of highest possible rating in each of five tests used by the IIHS to evaluate crashworthiness. The TSP+ designation is contingent upon achieving ratings of “good” in five IIHS crashworthiness evaluations. The 2017 Alfa Romeo Giulia achieves “good” – the highest possible rating – in each. To achieve the 2017 TSP+ designation, vehicles must also perform well in IIHS’ Automatic Emergency Braking (AEB) system and Headlamp evaluations. The Giulia achieved a rating of “superior,” the highest possible rating for AEB, as well as a “good” rating for headlamps, which is also the highest rating. The all-new Alfa Romeo Giulia offers innovative safety and security features and leverages state-of-the-art driver-assist features. The latest Alfa Romeo premium mid-size sedan offers driver-assistance features that include: Full-speed Forward Collision Warning, adaptive Cruise Control and Lane Departure Warning (alerts the driver of an inadvertent lane departure). To assist the driver both on the road and in parking situations, Blind-spot Monitoring, Rear Cross Path detection and front- and rear-park assist sensors are standard in the New Zealand speciation Giulia Veloce and Giulia Quadrifoglio. In addition, the Alfa Romeo Giulia features advanced multi- www.iccnz.com

stage driver and front-passenger air bags; driver and frontpassenger seat-mounted side air bags (pelvic-thorax); front and rear side curtain air bags; and driver and front-passenger inflatable knee air bags. The award-winning Alfa Romeo Giulia is available in New Zealand in two versions, the Alfa Romeo Giulia Veloce, which and the supercar performance offering Alfa Romeo Giulia Quadrifoglio which, with its Ferrari inspired engine enabling it to blast to 100 kmh in 3.9 seconds. This, combined with a remarkably effective chassis, empowered the Alfa Romeo Giulia Quadrifoglio to smash the production sedan record lap at the Nurburgring with a stunning time of seven minutes 32 seconds. New Zealanders looking for sporting prowess combined with unique Italian style in a sports sedan will be naturally drawn to the Giulia Veloce, powered by higher-performance version of the Alfa Romeo turbocharged 2.0-litre, four-cylinder petrol engine, tuned for 206 kW and 400 Nm. The Giulia Veloce accelerates to 100 kmh in 5.7 seconds, yet sips just 6.1L/100 km on the combined cycle. According Viknesh of Motor Authority, the Giulia represents the height of Alfa Romeo engineering and technology so no effort was spared when it came to the vehicle’s performance and safety features,” Alfa Romeo boss, Reid Bigland, said in a statement. “We’re honoured to receive this award from IIHS as it shows our commitment to creating state-of-the-art vehicles.

ICCNZ 2017 Sponsor

AJ Park is a leading provider of intellectual property legal services in Australia, New Zealand, and the Pacific region. We help companies and individuals get the most out of their intellectual property through pragmatic, commercial strategy and advice. For further information, see: www.ajpark.com Opportunità – November 2017


OPPORTUNITÀ A publication of the Italian Chamber of Commerce in New Zealand Inc. www.iccnz.com

A brief on an active and supporting ICCNZ’s member Andrea Manni, Residential & Commercial Real Estate Agent

culture, food and history, and surely family and friends.

Andrea Manni was born in Milano in 1968. His career covers sales (Commercial Director of PMS Milano), Health & Safety Advisor, and the textile company Art Tricot. With more than twenty years of experience in sales and marketing, he decided to move to New Zealand in 2014 with his wife Lorenza and their three kids, Edoardo, Emanuele and Elia. Two years prior to their big move, Andrea made a short visit to check NZ out! His wife had lived in New Zealand before and was already a citizen. Andrea says that when he came to New Zealand he discovered an amazing world, safer than Italy, and with good education and social services. This led to their big decision in 2014 to make New Zealand their home. Andrea arrived in NZ with a Permanent Resident Visa and studied Real Estate papers at Unitec to qualify as a Residential Agent. Andrea and his family now lives in St Heliers, Auckland. The children enjoy their local community and have played soccer for Eastern Suburbs and now rugby for the Marist Club, as well as studying piano, dance and singing. Now the children speak English like kiwis, but maintain their Italian culture and identity with regular trips to Italy with their parents. The whole family manages to keep in touch with Italian arts and www.iccnz.com

As great as all that sounds, it was not an easy start for Andrea. Building connections in Real Estate can be difficult when there are already many successful New Zealanders working in this field. Gradually, however, Andrea’s reputation has built up with the success of his sales. His friendly and professional manner combined with a sophisticated Italian style to his work, has proved successful and has become his motto. He started in residential real estate and now his portfolio also includes commercial properties.

Andrea´s listing – Remuera, Auckland

Andrea strives to give his customers every opportunity to get the best deal. He is particularly committed to helping the Italian community by offering special services in both Residential and Commercial Real Estate, from his office at Ray White Real Estate in Parnell, Auckland. The Chamber is honoured to have Andrea as a member and we wish him ongoing success and prosperity. For further information, see http://rwnewmarket.co.nz/agents/andrea-manni/65865 Email: andrea.manni@raywhite.com Or Call: 021 681 035 Opportunità – November 2017


OPPORTUNITÀ A publication of the Italian Chamber of Commerce in New Zealand Inc. www.iccnz.com


Opportunità – November 2017


OPPORTUNITÀ A publication of the Italian Chamber of Commerce in New Zealand Inc. www.iccnz.com

Italian-Kiwi Film ConnectioNZ Italian-Kiwi Film ConnectioNZ is a company founded in NZ that is specialised in consultancy within the Film Industry, commercials and TV. It was created with the will to create connections and assist artists throughout all the phases of their projects. We offer support and information by creating opportunities for bilateral collaborations between Italy and NZ. We can help with coproductions, we strive to find the best solutions for our clients whether that stands for the right contacts, locations, fixers or other industry professionals according to the requirements. We are available during the research, pre- and postproduction of the film-making and help navigating the process to get to film festivals. Kim Bikila and Alex Mele, the managing directors of IKFCNZ, will be there all the way from Italy and back! In that respect, they consider themselves cultural promoters, cultural ‘ambassadors’ of both cultures through the magic of moviemaking. IKFCNZ core business to date has primarily been based on helping to develop and realise motion pictures, documentaries, TV programmes, however, we are also currently extending our range of networking to include services to a broader media sector, specifically of interest to editorials, news making, journalists, writers and photographers.

Nasce con la volontà di assistere gli addetti ai lavori in tutte le fasi di realizzazione del loro progetto. Forniamo ogni genere di appoggio ed informazione in merito, troviamo e suggeriamo soluzioni per co-produzioni, ci occupiamo di trovare i giusti contatti, fixer e professionisti a secondo della necessita’, assistiamo sia nella fase di ricerca che di pre- e post-produzione e partecipazione a festival. I nostri servizi favoriscono prevalentemente lo scambio tra l’Italia e la Nuova Zelanda, di conseguenza agevoliamo produttori, registi, artisti in generale sia Italiani che Neozelandesi. A questo proposito, Kim Bikila e Alex Mele, i fondatori della IKFCNZ si ritengono promotori culturali, in qualche modo ambasciatori di entrambe le culture attraverso il cinema. Stiamo sviluppando attualmente una rete per dare supporto anche al settore della comunicazione, nell’ambito giornalistico, della fotografia e anche moda.

ICCNZ 2017 Sponsor

ICCNZ Sponsor, 18NinetyFive Ltd, is offering the Chamber´s members the opportunity to have a Lavazza Blue Coffee Machine in their premises for free. From 01.11.17 until 31.01.18 the offer includes free installation and 100 BLUE capsules. Just choose your favourite blend from the extensive range! Contact 18NinetyFive on 0800 LAVAZZA or orders@18ninetyfive.co.nz

IKFCNZ (Italian Version)

Italian-Kiwi Film ConnectioNZ è una società che fornisce consulenza nel settore cinematografico e televisivo. www.iccnz.com

Opportunità – November 2017


OPPORTUNITÀ A publication of the Italian Chamber of Commerce in New Zealand Inc. www.iccnz.com

Bringing fine Italian jewellery to NZ

Sarah loves being able to bring quality jewellery to clients in New Zealand. The Italian language bestows so much meaning to a word. 'Orsini' is not only an Italian name, it is a word that implies: family, quality, style and lasting beauty. Steeped in such meaning and tradition, to Sarah Hutchings, Orsini Director, the word was also an appropriate designation for a fine jewellery collection she lovingly hand sources from Italy. Sarah & her husband Kent, travel to Italy every year to visit their suppliers. The only supplier that does not have their headquarters based in Italy is Hulchi Belluni, they are based in the diamond district in Antwerp (Belgium), however their jewellery is all handmade in Arezzo, Tuscany. The other suppliers are all based in Northern Italy, a region famous for their ancestral goldsmith skills. Marco Bicego's stunning headquarters and manufacturing are based in Trissino, Vicenza. The Marco Bicego jewellery has a distinctive Italian style, 18k handmade jewelry that combines traditional techniques of craftsmanship and contemporary design. Pomellato are the fifth largest jewellery company in Europe ranked by sales. All their manufacturing is based in their uber glamorous headquarters in Milano. The Pomellato jewellery has been made famous for self-confident women who love colourful creations with an unconventional twist and unmistakable style. www.iccnz.com

Dodo jewellery is also part of the Pomellato group, which is more fun and playful jewellery. Every Dodo design blends creativity and flair in a unique and unconventional way, compelled by the quality and expertise of Italian style. Unisex pieces of jewellery, with a strong identity and unique story-telling soul, in which every creature, symbol and letter holds a special meaning or a sense of love, luck, friendship and freedom. Sarah has recently added Gucci Fine Jewellery to their line up of famous Italian brands. Gucci is a brand synonymous with high-end Italian style, and has blossomed over the past 95 years. All Gucci jewellery is handcrafted by highly skilled Italian goldsmiths and the high end jewellery collection is the epitome of impeccable craftsmanship. Luxury is defined by the choice of precious materials, the uniqueness of each design and the meticulous attention to detail. Gucci Jewellery offers Italian made designs that can be worn everyday and treasured forever. Sarah has previously had the brands Pianegonda and the famous Damiani, and can still source Damiani for clients upon request. Orsini has become famous in NZ for specializing in Italian jewellery. Sarah has certainly become an expert having spent so many years with suppliers in Italy and visiting the Vicenza jewellery fairs.

One thing Sarah truly appreciates is the quality of handmade Italian jewellery and loves being able to bring such a prestigious offering of Italian jewellery to New Zealand. For more information see, www.orsini.co.nz Or call: +64 9 354 3115 Opportunità – November 2017


OPPORTUNITÀ A publication of the Italian Chamber of Commerce in New Zealand Inc. www.iccnz.com

Our Quarterly Recipe, Tuscan Granny’s Cake

Starfish Group an ICCNZ´s member from Italy

The ICCNZ´s new member with base in Italy Starfish is a brand created to satisfy the growing international demand for the Sicilian traditional canned fish products such as: Salted Anchovies, Anchovies fillets in olive oil, Alalunga fillets in olive oil, Tuna fillets, Mackerel fillets, Pate', sauces and condiments. Founded in 2014 by professional fisherman Gaetano Sardina, collaborator of "Serio Soccorsa Company", and by Gabriele Terravecchia marketing expert.

Starfish is a modern representation of over 40 years of traditions of the famous historic brand "Marca Venezia". The company is based in Aspra, an antique fishing village, between the Gulf of Palermo and Capo Mongerbino. Quality and traceability of the best local fish are guaranteed by a manual process run by local export workers. For further information, see: W. http://www.starfishgroup.it/index.html www.iccnz.com

By Vladimiro Cesari, ICCNZ member and CEO of Casamassima restaurant in Christchurch Ingredients: 300 gr. of flour, 150 gr. of sugar, 150 gr. of butter, 2 eggs (the first one entire, and the second just yolk), grated lemon peel, pinch of salt. See below for the custard. Knead all the ingredients, make a ball and put it in the fridge for about one hour. How to Make it: Butter a circle baking tin and switch the oven to 200°. Warm properly the oven up. Roll out the puff pastry/short crust pastry with a rolling pin, leaving a small part of it for further small decorations. Mold/fit the short crust pastry into the tin and prick the pastry with a fork, spread the custard and make some decorations on top with the remaining short crust pastry, polish the top decorations with a brush soaked in a mix of yolk and milk, and put it into the mix of yolk and milk on the pastry decorations and put into the oven immediately. Cook for about 30/40 minutes. Opportunità – November 2017


OPPORTUNITÀ A publication of the Italian Chamber of Commerce in New Zealand Inc. www.iccnz.com

Confectioner’s Custard - Ingredients: 4 eggs yolk, 100 gr. caster sugar, 30 gr. plain flour, 500 ml. milk, a few drops of vanilla essence or 1 teaspoon grated lemon rind. How to Make it: Beat the eggs yolks with the sugar in a pan until pale and fluffy. Gradually stir in the flour until evenly mixed. Bring the milk just to boiling point in another pan and add the vanilla or the lemon rinds, then remove it from the heat. Gradually add the hot milk to the egg yolk mixture, then cook over a low heat stirring constantly for 3 – 4 minutes until thickened. Pour the custard into a bowl and leave to cool, stirring occasionally to prevent a skin from forming. This custard can be used for filling a variety of pastries and cakes. The flour makes it thicker but a little less delicate then plain custard.

Crema Pasticcera- Ingredienti: 4 tuorli d’uovo, 100 gr. di zucchero, 30 gr. di farina, ½ litro di latte, vaniglia oppure buccia di limone grattugiata. Presentazione: In un tegame lavorare i tuorli con lo zucchero, aggiungere poco alla volta la farina senza smettere di mescolare finché il composto sarà amalgamato. Versare poco alla volta sempre girando il latte bollente in cui avremo messo un po’ di vaniglia o buccia di limone grattugiato. Mettere sul fuoco sempre continuando a mescolare e far bollire per ¾ minuti. Versare la crema in una terrina e lasciarla raffreddare, girandola di tanto in tanto perché non si formi una pellicola in superficie. Questa crema pasticciera può essere utilizzata per farcire bignè, profiteroles, cannoncini di pasta sfoglia, e molte altre torte. La farina la rende più consistente ma meno delicata rispetto alla crema Inglese.

Contributions to the Newsletter are Welcomed See below, for the Italian version of his recipe.

Torta della nonna Ingredienti: 300 gr. di farina, 150 gr. di zucchero, 150 gr. di burro, 2 uova (uno intero, dell’altro solo il tuorlo), scorza di limone grattata un pizzico di sale. Presentazione: Impastare tutti gli ingredienti, formare una palla e metterla in frigo per almeno un’ora. Imburrare bene una teglia rotonda per torte ed accendere il forno a 200°. Scaldare bene il forno. Trascorsa il tempo di riposo in frigo, riprendere l’impasto e tirare la sfoglia con il mattarello, lasciandone una piccola parte per le decorazioni. Mettere la pastafrolla nello stampo, bucherellando il fondo con una forchetta, aggiungere la crema pasticcera e fare delle decorazioni a grata oppure a piacere. Passare un pennello inzuppato in un tuorlo d’uovo sbattuto insieme ad un po’ di latte sui decori di pasta ed infornare immediatamente. Cuocere per 30/40 minuti circa. www.iccnz.com

If you have a story or a significant company announcement that would interest our readers, please contact the editor on info@iccnz.com. We would welcome your contributions. Thank you to those members who support the newsletter via advertising or sponsorship, your support is very much appreciated. The next edition of Opportunità is scheduled for early February, the material deadline is Saturday, 20 January 2018.

ICCNZ Facebook Page The ICCNZ has a Facebook page. It carries news and events of interest to members and is regularly updated. If you use Facebook, please ‘like’ and follow the page. This will enable you to receive updates on the ICCNZ and invitations to events. For further information see: www.facebook.com/italianchamberofcommerceinnewzealandinc

Opportunità – November 2017


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