Avanzado 2 Tarde May 2016

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MAY 22, 2016







We had more than four corners Hail, people of Israel! A few days ago I saw Jesús stand up, walk up to me and present me with a magnificent staff that would have made Gandalf green with envy. My eyes welled up, I was overcome with emotion and then… I woke up. Seriously, you’ve been a great class (this is what the classic used to call captatio benevolentiae). The atmosphere in the classroom has been anything but boring. The interaction was lively and the complicity real. It

A selfie that captures the spirit of the class. The Christmas sweater and the reindeer costume are simply priceless.


MAY 22, 2016


Tears in the rain

is the perfect breeding ground for great learning. You’ve been “the course with the corners” (romantic, sensible, wacky). Luckily, the self-appointed and short-lived “sex corner” (that priceless in-joke) only came to exist in the final stretch of the course. I sincerely hope it all helped you fix your memories. You guys managed to win Brian over to our cause. The sight of you holding up your letters on his birthday is something he’ll treasure for the rest of his days. Think about it! It’s a sort of real life version of the sign-holding love declaration scene featuring Andrew Lincoln and Keira Knightley in Love Actually (2003). He was clearly impressed. A lot more has happened over the past eight months. Someone made an excellent presentation in the library. Someone got married. Someone submitted a scientific paper to a top-notch journal and someone attended a congress in English. Isn’t it wonderful? Hopefully you have also become aware of the way towards a higher command of the language. In the classroom I have often pointed out the striking differences between simple statements and slightly more interesting ones. Just compare the alternatives to the sentence I think that she is not generous: 1. Honestly, she strikes me as the kind of girl that doesn’t like sharing her food. 2. She looks like someone who I wouldn’t ask for a loan. 3. She comes across as a rather stingy woman.

1. An unusual quiet moment during an actual class 2. A snapshot of the blackboard at the end of a class 3. Juan Luis making his presentation about the Spanish peace-keeping mission in Afghanistan

4. The truth is generosity is not her strong suit


MAY 22, 2016


The use of abstract nouns (generosity), the ability to avoid the ever-present verb to be (she looks or she seems), the control over prepositions (comes across as) and a certain degree of lexical accuracy (strong suit, stingy) belong to the sort of traits that define the B2 level. I’m not saying that you should always speak like that but you know… Throw in the competent use of basic verb patterns (I’ll trying talking to he denied doing it, the chose to survive, etc.), conditional sentences (I wouldn’t have done it) and a decent kind of pronunciation and you become an independent speaker.

Tips for the exam In Laredo we may not be as demanding Burgos (!) but we do set high standards for our students and don’t exactly give away our passing grades. So here are some tips for the upcoming exams. Number one. The key to writing effectively lies in multiple several factors two of which are the range of vocabulary and the structure of the text. The latter depends on the use of certain elements. Remember, though, that you can connect two ideas just by using fairly humble words like another or also. When the writing exercise is not an essay but a narrative you should make clear the time sequence is crystal clear. Number two. In the oral exam, show confidence. If you don’t know what to say don’t keep it to yourself: SAY IT (I really don’t know what to say, I’m speechless). Whatever you do make sure you don’t freeze, okay? Prove that you know how to play for time (let me see, let me organize my thoughts, what I’m trying to say is, let’s see, well...). Also don’t forget to use vocabulary that is relevant to the task, don’t beat about the bush. Make the most of those funny moments (Silvia saying obviously or anyone else using adjectives like wacky, creepy and quirky). Avoid embarrassing mistakes (Margaret and his husband; last night I see a ghost) and always bear in mind that there are many false friends. Some of them are way too typical: actually (instead of currently) or celebrate the Olympic Games (in place of hold). And last but not least get your collocations write and above all, don’t try to be yourselves. Be other people. Preferably English-speaking people. Anyway, it’s been a true pleasure to teach English to you all. I hope you have learnt a bit in my often chaotic classes. Best of luck and see you in the hallways! !3

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