Breathing Exercises

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BREATHING EXERCISES When you find yourself in a difficult moment, oftentimes the best thing you can do is just breathe! The following three breathing exercises can be practiced in stressful or upsetting situations to help calm the mind and body. For all of these exercises, sit in a comfortable position, in a quiet place if possible. Close your eyes, and pay attention to your normal breathing as it is for the first few seconds, just noticing without trying to change anything.


BELLY BREATHING This is an easy breathing exercise that can be done anywhere. In addition to its calming effects, it’s also beneficial in that it strengthens the diaphragm and helps the body use oxygen more efficiently. 1| Place one hand on your stomach and the other hand on your upper chest. 2| Exhale completely through your mouth, relaxing your muscles. 3| Close your mouth, and inhale slowly through your nose, pushing your stomach out as you do. Pull the air in deeply, as if you were breathing it into your stomach. Feel the hand on your stomach rise while trying to keep the hand on your chest as still as possible. 4| When you’ve inhaled as much air as you comfortably can, pause, and hold your breath for a moment or two. 5| Exhale slowly and steadily through your mouth, pushing the air out with your stomach, by tightening your stomach muscles. 6| Pause momentarily before inhaling again, and repeat, continuing the exercise for 5-10 minutes.


ALTERNATE NOSTRIL BREATHING This is a yogic breathing exercise that balances the left and right sides of the brain, calming the nervous system while leaving you more awake and energized. This exercise should not be done if you have a cold or any type of nasal congestion. Following these steps to completes one round: 1| Hold your right thumb on top of your right nostril to prevent air from coming through that side. Inhale deeply through the left nostril, inhaling to a count of four. 2| At the top of your inhale, release your finger from your right nostril, and use your right ring finger to close off your left nostril. 3| Exhale slowly and fully through your right nostril, exhaling to a count of eight. 4| Inhale deeply through the right nostril, inhaling to a count of four. 5| Close off the right nostril with your right thumb, and exhale completely through your left nostril to the count of eight.


DR. ANDREW WEIL’S 4-7-8 BREATH This is an easy relaxing breath that can be done anywhere, in any position. Pioneered by Dr. Andrew Weil as a way to relax the body and enter a state of rest, it can be practiced at any time of day to achieve a state of calmness. The more you practice it, the more its effects can be felt. Note: The amount of time spent inhaling and exhaling is less important than maintaining the ratio of 4:8. 1| Exhale completely and audibly through the mouth (imagine you are blowing air through a straw). 2| Inhale through your mouth to a count of four. Your lungs should be fully expanded at the top of your breath. 3| Hold your breath for seven counts. 4| Exhale completely through your mouth for eight counts, making an audible sound as you release the air. 5| Repeat four more times, for a total of five rounds.

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