The Tennessee Insuror Sep/Oct '18

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From Your President The Culmination of 125 Years

Welcome to the Insurors of Tennessee 125th Anniversary Convention! It is hard to comprehend that we have been working together for that many years to make our industry the best it can be for the people we serve in Tennessee. My earliest memories of our Association go back to my teenage years when I attended the Insurors Convention in Gatlinburg at a "big round hotel on a hill." I didn’t realize then that my Dad (James Allison) was beginning the foundational work in my life – introducing me and creating new relationships for me – that would serve my career for the next several decades. It has been a great ride for me, and I know many of you would have the same reflections on your career. Back in the late 80s, Chuck Bidek helped me obtain my license in all lines and has been one of my greatest mentors and friends for all these years! The first committee work I had the pleasure of completing for the Association was in the area of Personal Lines. I have since been blessed to have been at countless educational forums, conventions, Young Agent activities, golf tournament fundraisers, CIC courses, Dale Carnegie programs, Legislative forums, Insurors on the Hill days, and various meet and greets at the Insurors office in Nashville. The Insurors has helped me to become a wellrounded insurance professional, and I thank all the past and current leaders who have made this possible for me and many others in our insurance careers. I encourage us all to continue the work of the Association as it develops and impacts many people for a lifetime. Overall, the positive impact our industry has for the people of our State is invaluable. I have seen what we can do to assist our neighbors and rebuild communities in unimaginable disasters. It amazes me that our founding fathers knew what they were establishing back in 1893 and the continued work everyone has done to bring our Association to what it is today. Keep it up!

The Next Steps How do we continue the work of this AssoThe Tennessee Insuror

ciation and increase the value you receive as a member? One way is by taking advantage of the opportunities available to you at the Convention. The first thing to do is get to know the people in our industry. Mix and mingle at the various events, introduce yourself, and work on developing new relationships. These new contacts will serve you and your customers well for your entire career. We will kick off the Convention with a Nashville Predators game on Saturday, October 27th followed by college football viewing at Bar Lines in the Omni. Even if you are not a hockey fan, you will still have a great time and meet new people! The energy and excitement of a Preds game is not to be missed! Sunday will give you opportunities to meet many of our Industry vendors and partners at the trade show in the Omni Broadway Ballroom. As an added bonus, if your associates back home are anything like the great folks I work with, they will love all of the giveaways you pick up and bring back to them. We will follow that up with a Sunday night party at Top Golf where we have rented the top two floors of the facility. Whether you love golf or know nothing about it, Top Golf is a fun place and promises to be a great event!! After our Monday morning trade show conclusion, Big "I" CEO Bob Rusbuldt will host our Agency Vision 2020 panel featuring top industry executives. Monday afternoon continues the networking opportunities with choices of golf, clay shooting, or the ”not-to-be-missed” Cars and Cigars event. Monday night will cap off the Convention with a grand black-tie preferred event to honor and celebrate the career and achievements of our CEO Chuck Bidek.

“How do we continue the work of this A ssociation and increase the value you receive as a m e m b e r? ”

Tuesday morning, we will wrap the Convention up with the Association Day breakfast and our annual meeting and awards ceremony. I look forward to seeing everyone and look for this to be our biggest, best, and most fun Convention in decades! As you read this, there may still be time to register. Go to and check out all the info on the event. I promise this will be one for the ages! u

Chris Allison, CIC 21

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