Institute of Water Magazine - Summer 2018

Page 24


A NEW GENERATION OF HYDRANT FLOW METERS Flow, pressure and GPS location data direct from meter to desktop now allows water companies better knowledge and control to assist in maintaining their networks and assets.


with 3 ABB’s AquaMaster 3 with ABB’s AquaMaster January 2015

January 2015

LHM range of Hydrant Flow Meters

Industrial Controls’ Hydrant Flow Meters set the standard for portable flow LHM range of HydrantLangham Flow Meters metering with unrivalled accuracies of ±0.5% within a wide flow range.

The battery poweredset electromagnetic sensors have no moving parts offering Langham Industrial Controls’ Hydrant Flow Meters the standard for portable flowreliable readings on

a clear, light-activated LCD display. The integrated data logger records flow and pressure even Mains conditioning, meter verification and flowaccuracies of ±0.5% it’s paces in a real world scenario during an when the within display is off,aensuring recordings. metering withstandpipe unrivalled widereliable flow range. continuous supply incidents are three of the meter, the LHM222 incident caused by a burst water main in The battery powered electromagnetic sensors have no moving parts offering reliable readings on Horizontal Hydrant Flow Meter many uses of Langham Industrial Controls LHM offers live on site Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire. a clear, light-activated LCD display. The integrated data logger records flow and pressure even LHM100 - Pictured Right range of portable hydrant flow meters. The monitoring of the when the display is off, ensuring reliable recordings. The Horizontal Hydrant Flow Meter is compact, benefits of ±0.5% accuracy over a wide flow flow, pressure and The LHM111 ‘S2D’ lightweight and can to be attached to the outlet of a standard standpipe or pillar style hydrant. range and simple functionality have now been turbidity data (straight to desktop) The swan neck design ensures that the further improved with the addition of an integral streams whilst Portablesensor Hydrant electromagnetic is always full making it to record low flow rates. Where higher LHM100 - Pictured Right suitable GSM data logger. This allows the data, results simultaneously Meter was fitted to Hydrant Flow flows are required the Horizontal The Horizontal Hydrant Flow Meter is compact, Meter can be fitted to hose runs on the ground. and location of each operation to be transmitted logging and the hydrant to record lightweight and can to be attached to the and stored for future reference and comparison transmitting the the flow andoutlet pressure of a standard standpipe or pillar style hydrant. Accessories against other sensors across a wide water same data to a data of the water Vertical Standpipe The swan neck design ensures that the LHM010 : USB Comms Cable distribution network. secure website being The USB Comms Cable enables the user to download and electromagneticFlow sensorMeter is always fullinjected making itinto program based database. the network from the the integrated data logger. Display settings can also be suitable toLHM200 record low flow - Pictured Left rates. Where higher configured using the USB Comms cable. Vertical Standpipe Flow Meter is ideal fortanker, With water companies facing larger fines for emergency flows are The required the Horizontal Hydrant Flow LHM020 : Pulse Output Cable applications where high flow rates are required Meter candirectly be fitted hose runs on the ground. customer complaints, mains conditioning and Each reporting whilst the sectionThe ofPulsed Output Cable enables 3rd party loggers and telemetry out to to atmosphere. For example mains systems to be connected to the meter for logging and monitoring. flushing or hydrant testing. The London round flushing programmes are being implemented to interval also records pipe containing the fittings and long flow tube make this meter LHM030 : Pressure Transducer improve and ensure consistent water quality. the GPS location of burst was isolated.By attaching an external Pressure Transducer. Pressure can be suitable for use with UK underground hydrants. recorded simultaneously on the integrated data logger & display. Accessories the standpipe flow This data was then transmitted via GSM and In the past flushing teams and network managers meter, allowing available to view and analyse in the Severn Trent +44 (0) 1536 724391 Langham Industrial Controls Ltd LHM010 : USB Comms Cable Alexandra Burton LatimerOperational The USB Comms Cable enables to download and had the unenviable task of disseminating and for greater insight into each48site acrossStreet, a large Control Centrethe inuser Coventry within program the integrated data Display settings can also be Visit us on thelogger. web: Northamptonshire, NN15 5SF overlaying flow, pressure and turbidity data in andLHM200 comprehensive flushing thirty minutes of USB the Comms operation - Pictured Left program. This also configured using the cable.starting. Langham Industrial Controls reserve the right to change specifications without notice. Please confirm before placing your order . order to review the effectiveness of a flush and proves accountability whenLtdincidents The useful VerticalforStandpipe Flow Meter is ideal for LHM020 : Pulse Output Cable applications flow rates required to demonstrate the value of the operation. occur elsewherewhere on thehigh network at theare same Whilst maintaining the familiar functionality, The Pulsed Output Cable enables 3rd party loggers and telemetry directly out to atmosphere. Forshowing examplehow mains time as a conditioning operation, ease of touse accuracy it’s for predecessor, the systems be and connected to theof meter logging and monitoring. flushing hydrantand testing. round This could often be from handwritten notes and valves wereor operated flow The ratesLondon adjusted new LHM111 ‘S2D’ Portable Hydrant Meter also fittings and long flow tube make this meter LHM030remote : Pressure Transducer accurate reports taken from analogue pressure gauges and in accordance with the water companies calm features GSM communications, By attaching an external Pressure Transducer. Pressure can be suitable for use with UK underground hydrants. LCD displays during operations that usually take network policy. GPS positioning and local connectivity recorded simultaneously on the Bluetooth integrated data logger & display. place at night. for downloading data and viewing live readings. December 2017 the final +44 (0) 1536 724391 LanghamInIndustrial Controls Ltdprototype of our Building on the success of the LHM200 vertical latest Portable Hydrant Meter was put through 48 Alexandra Street, Burton Latimer Visit us on the web: Northamptonshire, NN15 5SF

Horizontal Hydrant Flow Meter

Vertical Standpipe Flow Meter

Langham Industrial Controls Ltd reserve the right to change specifications without notice. Please confirm before placing your order .


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