Inspire Health Magazine Issue 21

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Mind, Body & Spirit for Women







s e n o J o l o L Travels in the Fast Lane § #inspirehealthmag






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The Biggest Loser Resorts — Achieve your health goals at a resort that fosters rejuvenation and motivation. The results can be drastic if you are willing.







30 FASHION Simplicity WINS

Seaweed: The Ocean’s Wonder Vegetable Breaking Bad Habits





Perfect Skin: Avocado Face Mask


ADHD: A Natural Approach


Boost Your Metabolism — Feel Great, Lose Weight!


Guide to Living Gluten Free


4 Foods to Naturally Lower Blood Pressure


Fast, Wholesome Family Meals

Lolo Jones Travels in the Fast Lane The Power of Purr


Top 7 Brain-Boosting Foods


All-Natural Remedies for Cold & Flu Season


Stress Less with Art as Therapy

40 ADVENTURE 4 Ways to Show You Care

super food

d e e w Sea THE OCEAN’S WONDER VEGETABLE By Tami Charbonnet


or thousands of years, seaweed has been a daily source of vital nutrition for coastal civilizations. Seaweed, or sea vegetables, is a natural source of vitamin B-12, vitamin A, electrolytes, polysaccharides, phytonutrients, iodine, iron and calcium. As one of the most nutritionally dense foods on the planet, this super plant regulates and purifies the blood, and it also contains antioxidants, which have anti-cancer properties. The nutrients in seaweed also play an active role in weight loss. Seaweed is low in calories and high in fiber, and it contains elements such as alginate, which has been shown to cut fat absorption. According to Tanya Zuckerbrot, MS, RD, seaweed is a “nutritional powerhouse … The nutrients in sea vegetables make them useful for maintaining good health and for fighting disease.” Adding variety to your diet with seaweed will help naturally improve your health.

Seaweed is often an ingredient used in sushi, and it is found in numerous ancient Asian recipes. The most commonly consumed seaweeds are alaria, dulse, hijiki, kelp and Nori. Use seaweed in a simple tasty miso soup, or soak in water and toss into a stir-fry with other colorful vegetables.


INGREDIENTS 2 Tbsp. sesame oil 1 cup onions, julienned ½ cup carrots, julienned 2 cups broccoli florets ½ cup shelled edamame ½ cup mushrooms 2 cups chopped kale, stems removed ¼ cup dry arame seaweed ¾ cup water

DIRECTIONS 1. Heat sesame oil in sauté pan over medium heat. 2. Add onions, and sauté until soft. 3. Add carrots, and sauté for 3 minutes. 4. Add broccoli, edamame and mushrooms, and sauté for 2 minutes. 5. Add kale and seaweed; reduce, and allow to steam for 2 minutes. 6. Serve over brown rice, or add vegetable broth to make into a hearty soup. § #inspirehealthmag





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Cover Health & Fitness Fashion & Beauty Kids & Family Destinations Editor

© 2015 Jumpstart Publishing, LLC, New Orleans, LA All rights reserved Printed in the USA by Fox Print Services ( The information contained in Inspire Health is intended for educational purposes only. A reader should never substitute information contained in Inspire Health for the advice of a health care professional. Jumpstart Publishing, LLC and publishers of Inspire Health, do not endorse or promote any of the products or services described in the pages of Inspire Health and the publishers do not verify the accuracy of any claims made in the editorial or advertisements contained in Inspire Health. Readers should not use the information in Inspire Health for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem or for prescription of any medication or other treatment. Readers should consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, before taking any medication, or have or suspect they have a health problem.




feature ward today does not mean you can’t move forward tomorrow. Don’t say “never mind” when you eat a cookie or two or decide to sleep in instead of going to the gym. ASK FOR SUPPORT. Accepting help from those who care about you strengthens your resilience and ability to manage stress caused by your resolution. If you feel overwhelmed or unable to meet your goals on your own, consider seeking professional help. Psychologists are uniquely trained to understand the connection between the mind and body. They can offer strategies as to how to adjust your goals so that they are attainable, as well as help you change unhealthy behaviors and address emotional issues. For additional information on achieving and maintaining lifestyle goals, visit the American Psychological Association Web site at

Breaking Bad



By Patricia Danflous

re you looking to break a few bad habits this year? Ready to keep those end-of-the-year resolutions and lifestyle changes that will make you happier, healthier and more productive? Starting the New Year, a new season or even a new month with the resolve to improve is an age-old tradition. It can be a frustrating experience, however, if your list of commitments is longer than Santa’s naughty or nice list. This time around, prepare a realistic set of goals by reflecting on the changes that will have the most impact for you and your family. There is no magic start date to make a lifestyle change by breaking a bad habit. You may want to take the first step when the relatives and other houseguests have gone back to their own homes, or you may want to wait until your children are back in school. Meanwhile, start thinking about what you want to change about yourself, and narrow the selection down to one behavior. According to the American Psychological Association (APA), estab-

lishing small, sensible goals throughout the year increases your chances of reaching objectives to break bad habits or keep a healthy resolution. The following APA tips may help you prepare a list of resolutions — and, most importantly, keep them: START SMALL. If you want to start exercising more, aim for three or four days a week, not every day. Looking to eat healthier? Start by replacing that late-night ice cream treat with yogurt or frozen strawberries. CHANGE ONE BEHAVIOR AT A TIME. Don’t get overwhelmed and reassess everything in your life at one time. One step at a time does work.

TALK ABOUT IT. Share your experiences with family and friends. Having someone to share your struggles and successes with will make your journey to a healthier lifestyle easier and less daunting.

MOST POPULAR RESOLUTIONS  Losing weight  Quitting tobacco use  Volunteering to help the community  Attaining a promotion or new job  Saving money  Exercising more  Living with less stress  Managing finances efficiently  Traveling more  Eating healthy  Drinking less alcohol  Protecting the environment

DON’T BEAT YOURSELF UP. No one is perfect. Taking two steps § #inspirehealthmag



t c e f r e P Skin AVOCADO FACE MASK natural beauty

By Whitney Alexandra


ired of searching the daunting aisles in the drugstore for the perfect skin products? Time to change it up. Head over to the produce section for the ultimate moisturizer and exfoliator. Fresh ingredients such as avocado, honey and oats bring nourishing vitamins to your skin, allowing you to glow naturally. The first ingredient to add to your facemask is AVOCADO. Avocado is one of the healthiest and most nutrient-rich foods in the world. Incorporating avocados into your diet, as well as applying it directly to your face, can do wonders for your skin. The creamy texture makes it perfect for a mask. This is the time to use your overripe avocados — the extra mush is the texture you want for your mask. Some key nutrients in avocados include vitamins A, C and E. Vitamin A aids in skin cell regeneration, and vitamins C and E help to prevent against free radical damage, which typically is the cause of wrinkles and blemishes. Avocados are hypoallergenic, so they’re great for people who have sensitive skin or are prone to breakouts. Next ingredient: HONEY. Good old honey is another wonderful natural ingredient that can work wonders for your skin. Honey is antibacterial, helping to clean out pores and reduce and prevent acne. Similar to avocado, honey is also rich in antioxidants, which reverses free radical damage and prevents wrinkles. If you have oily skin, the good news is honey doesn’t dry the skin out. Instead, it stays at optimal moisture levels so your body doesn’t produce any excess oil.


 ½ ripe avocado  2 Tbsp. honey  ¼ cup gluten-free rolled oats Combine all ingredients in a bowl, and mash until you get a smooth texture. Apply to your face, and leave on for 20 minutes before washing off with warm water.



Last but not least … BRING ON THE OATS. Classic oats are another natural soother and work well as a gentle exfoliator. Oats can heal and calm red spots caused by rosacea, eczema or reactions to harsh chemicals. Oats become slightly sticky when moist, which makes them great for taking off dead skin cells and allowing moisture to penetrate into the skin.


healthy mind



hildren struggling to focus on tasks and control their behavior may be evaluated for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Before giving a firm diagnosis, clinicians should assess underlying factors such as trauma, nutritional deficiencies and food allergies that could impact treatment. According to the clinical practice guidelines from the American Academy of Pediatrics, the first line of treatment is evidence-based behavior intervention in preschool-age children with ADHD. Behavior intervention involves both the child and parent to include:


• • • • •

Parent training Avoiding distractions Effective discipline Changing interaction with the child Helping the child discover a talent

In addition to behavior strategies, a whole foods, nutrientdense diet free of artificial food colorings, preservatives and other allergens may provide some relief. Foods rich in the following nutrients can improve symptoms: Magnesium. Children with ADHD may have a mild magnesium deficiency, which produces symptoms such as irritability and decreased attention span. Vitamin B6. The body needs sufficient vitamin B6 to make brain chemicals such as serotonin and dopamine, which are affected in children with ADHD. A preliminary study found B6 pyridoxine to be slightly more effective than Ritalin in improving behavior among hyperactive children. Zinc. Zinc regulates the activity of brain chemicals related to behavior. Studies show that zinc may help improve behavior. Omega-3-fatty acids. Found in fish and fish oil, these play an essential role in normal brain function. Some findings suggest that fish oil supplements may improve the mental skills of children aged 8 to 12 years. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved a prescriptionstrength omega-3 compound for ADHD. This compound is considered a “medical food.” Mind/body techniques. Hypnotherapy, yoga and progressive relaxation may be useful in alleviating symptoms. These techniques help children learn coping skills they can use for the rest of their lives. A team approach consisting of parents, school administrators and health practitioners is necessary to address all factors affecting your child’s behavior, health and well being. § #inspirehealthmag



By: Tami Charbonnet & Melanie Fawer | Photos: Milestone Photography | Model: Melanie Fawer







2. URDHVA HASTASANA (raised hands pose or upward salute) On inhale, lift arms over head, bring palms together and look to thumbs.


shtanga yoga is pure classical Indian yoga made popular by K. Pattabhi Jois in the early 20th century. In Ashtanga, we travel through flowing, strong postures synchronized with the breath. Once yoga postures become familiar, we naturally feel a mind-body connection from the breath to the specific movement. With practice, this connection allows us to sink deeper into the movements, improving not only overall flexibility, but also stamina, strength and endurance. This gentle but powerful series of movements will help to increase flexibility, prevent injury, build strong core muscles, inspire mental focus and even create positive energy. Hold each posture for five deep breaths. Inhale in and exhale out deeply. Do not rush the movements. INSPIRE HEALTH

1. SAMASTHITI (equal standing pose) Stand with big toes and heels together or feet hip width apart. Sink into soles of feet. Extend arms down sides of body, bringing shoulders gently back and shoulder blades down. Drop sit bones towards heels. Gaze eyes to tip of nose, with neck a natural extension of the spine. Free breathe.

4 3 3. UTTANASANA (intense forward bending pose) On exhale, hinge at hips and fold down over legs. Relax neck, and place hands on floor or shins. Gaze to tip of nose.

4. ARDHA UTTANASANA (half intense forward bending pose) On inhale, draw chest up halfway to lengthen spine. Straighten arms and look up.


5. UTTIHITA CHATURANGA DANDASANA (full plank pose) On exhale, bend knees to bring palms flat on the floor and step back to plank pose. Bring shoulders over wrists, palms flat, heels over balls of feet and eyes gazed to tip of nose. For a more advanced option, lower halfway into chaturanga dandasana (four-limbed staff pose), bending at elbows until they align with shoulders. Keep a solid core with elbows close to ribs as you lower. *If you feel pressure in lower back or if back sinks, bring knees to the floor.



6. URDHVA MUKHA SVANASANA (upward facing dog) Inhale into upward facing dog. Press down through palms of hands, lift chest, engage and extend through legs.

7 7. ADHO MUKHA SVANASANA (downward facing dog) On exhale, lift hips to the sky and draw them back as you step back onto soles of feet and sink heels towards the ground. Press back through arms and press knuckles of palms into the floor, opening shoulders so space is created between ears and neck. Gaze to navel and take 5 deep breaths.

Meditation Poses

8. Inhale and return to #4. 9. Exhale and return to #3. 10. Inhale and return to #2, then exhale to #1.

MEDITATION POSE 2: SAVASANA (corpse pose, for deep relaxation) Close eyes, face palms up, relax all muscles and let gravity take over. Bring awareness to inhalation and exhalation for 10 minutes. MEDITATION POSE 1: PADMASANA (lotus pose) An alternative can be half lotus or crossed legs. Sit with straight spine. Gaze to tip of nose. Take 25 deep, steady breaths. ยง #inspirehealthmag





PINCHA MAYURASANA (feathered peacock pose)

BITILASANA (cow pose)

EKA PADA RAJAKAPOTASANA (one-legged king pigeon pose)

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t s o o B Your Metabolism weight loss



By Tami Charbonnet

meals throughout the day. Monitor your calorie intake, and add a few servings of the following foods to your daily nutrition plan. These tips will help boost your metabolism and promote healthy weight loss while keeping you energized and ready to conquer your weight loss goals. Grapefruit and Lemons: burn calories by breaking down fiber and decreasing insulin levels. Pears and Apples: high fiber keeps you feeling full longer and takes more time to digest.This does wonders for metabolism. Oatmeal and Brown Rice: keep insulin levels low and are packed with nutrients and complex carbohydrates that speed up the metabolism by stabilizing insulin levels. Herbs and Spices (such as garlic, black pepper, cinnamon and cayenne pepper): linked to improvement of insulin sensitivity and help keep metabolism high. Broccoli: high in vitamins C, K and A. It also provides plenty of folate and dietary fiber, which activate the digestive track. *Tami’s book recommendation: The Metabolism Miracle by Diane Kress, RD, CDE

STAND UP FOR A SMALLER WAIST Simply sitting less can have amazing results for your health and waistline, according to a study conducted by a research team from the University of Queensland. The study, which was published in the European Heart Journal, shows that replacing sitting with standing helps lower blood sugar and blood fat levels. The study also suggests that walking for two hours a day could trim your waistline by three inches and strengthen your heart. It can be difficult to remember to take a break from sitting when you’re at work. Try using a timer to remind yourself to take breaks.


onsumption of specific whole foods gives the body a calorie-burning boost while speeding up the metabolism. According to editors at, research shows that the “act of chewing” foods like fruit, vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins may increase calorie burn by up to 30 percent. When attempting to lose weight, always eat the recommended amount of calories for your body type and activity level. Denying or restricting yourself of too many calories will cause the body to go into starvation mode, slowing your metabolism. When metabolism slows, weight gain is inevitable. How can you speed up your metabolism? In addition to regular exercise, try eating small, nutrient-dense meals every 3-5 hours. This schedule will speed up your metabolism, curb your appetite, keep you from overeating and keep the digestive tract actively burning calories. However, this is not a free ticket to eat whatever you wish in small portions. The key to healthy weight loss is eating fresh, low-calorie, high-fiber, nutrient-dense

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By Dr. Michelle Clay, D.O., CHHC

any people report having more energy and vibrancy when embracing a gluten-free lifestyle, relieving them of aggravating digestive symptoms like bloating, abdominal pain/cramping, diarrhea, gas, anemia and malnutrition. Conditions that produce these symptoms include: • Celiac disease (only 1 percent of the population) • Wheat allergy • FODMAPs allergy (fermentable oligo-, di-, mono-saccharides and polyols, a group of poorly digested carbohydrates) • Bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine • Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) • Inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis) Gluten-containing grains wheat, barley and rye are all high in FODMAPs. FODMAPs are found in a variety of foods that contain fructose, lactose and sorbitol, such as milk, some fruits (apples, watermelons), some vegetables (onions, asparagus) and legumes (lentils, chickpeas).



A whole foods, holistic approach is best. While eliminating all gluten products can have benefits, it is important to consult with your primary care doctor, nutritionist, dietitian and/or holistic practitioner for an accurate diagnosis and to address any nutritional deficiencies that may exist as well as the emotional and social challenges that come with adopting a new lifestyle. The goal is to treat the cause, not mask symptoms.

GLUTEN TIPS  Eliminate all foods that contain wheat.  Keep a food journal to help track your reaction to different foods.  Introduce a whole foods diet consisting of the full spectrum of colors, including:  Green leafy vegetables  Citrus fruits to boost immune system and decrease inflammation  Avocados, which aid absorption of nutrients in other foods  Coconut kefir, which promotes bacterial balance in the digestive tract and helps boost the immune system  Look at the foods you already enjoy that are gluten free and really fall in love with them.  Join a gluten free or gluten intolerance group that can provide support, recipes and tips on how to read labels (some condiments and vitamins use gluten as a filler).  Download a gluten-free cheat sheet with advice on cooking or baking substitutions.  Plan and prepare foods ahead of time to take with you in case a long day becomes longer.  Embrace the process with love. Love and healing go together.


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eat fresh






ore than 50 million adults in the United States suffer from high blood pressure. If left untreated, stroke, kidney damage, heart attack and heart failure are terrifying possibilities. Did you know more than 1 million Americans have heart attacks each year? Consequently, heart disease and stroke are the first and third leading causes of death in the United States. These are frightening facts; however, you can lower your blood pressure by making a few simple lifestyle changes. Step one: Choose to clean up your food consumption. According to Lawrence J. Appel, MD, MPH, professor of medicine, epidemiology and international health at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health in Baltimore, “reducing your salt intake, drinking alcohol in moderation, increasing your potassium intake, and overall, eating a healthy diet that emphasizes fruits, vegetables, and low-fat dairy products” will significantly help lower blood pressure. Replace high-sodium, high-fat and processed foods with fresh, clean, natural options. Adding the following heart-healthy comfort foods to your plate can help reduce high blood pressure.

CLEAN AND HEARTY TUSCAN BEAN SOUP INGREDIENTS:  1 onion, diced  1 clove garlic, minced  3 large fresh carrots, diced into medium pieces  4 medium fresh tomatoes, chopped  2 cups cannellini beans, cooked  2 cups kidney beans, cooked  4 cups organic vegetable broth  1 bunch fresh chard, coarsely chopped 1. BAKED WHITE POTATOES Baked white potatoes are high in potassium and magnesium, two vital nutrients for heart health. Maintaining a healthy balance of both minerals can help reduce high blood pressure. 2. LEGUMES Beans (including black, white, navy, lima, pinto and kidney) are excellent for lowering blood pressure and improving overall heart health. They are loaded with soluble fiber, magnesium and potassium.

DIRECTIONS: 1. On medium heat, sauté onion, garlic and carrots until onion is translucent. 2. Add tomatoes, beans and broth. Let simmer for 30 minutes. 3. Add chard and allow to simmer for 15 minutes. 4. Season to taste. Enjoy as a clean, warm side dish, or serve over organic whole wheat rotini pasta for a full meal. 3. SPINACH Spinach is high in fiber and low in calories. This super food is packed with nutrients such as potassium, folate, and magnesium. 4. EDAMAME (SOYBEANS IN THE POD) Soybeans are an excellent source of potassium and magnesium. Easy to find at local markets, soybeans are a delicious addition to soups, salads, side dishes or eaten alone as a quick snack. § #inspirehealthmag





For so much of the year, apples and pears are the best fruits around, and this recipe really makes the most of them.These muffins are perfectly sweet and full of healthy ingredients yet still light. Makes 12 muffins INGREDIENTS 1¾ cups spelt flour or white whole wheat flour ½ cup sugar cup flax meal 2 tsp. baking powder 1 tsp. ground cinnamon ½ teaspoon baking soda ½ teaspoon salt ½ cup plain or vanilla nondairy milk 3 Tbsp. vegetable oil 1 Tbsp. vanilla extract 1½ cups very finely chopped apples (about 2 small; peeling optional)

3. Make a well in the middle and add the milk, oil and vanilla extract, and stir to l combine. l 4. Stir in the apples. The l mixture will seem very l dry, but keep stirring to l distribute the moisture l evenly through the batter. l 5. Spoon into the lined muffin tin using ¼ cup of l the batter for each muffin. l 6. Bake for 16 to 18 minutes, l until a toothpick inserted in the center of a muffin comes out clean. Let cool in the muffin tin for 5 DIRECTIONS: minutes. Remove and let cool completely on a wire rack. 1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. Line a 12-cup standard muffin tin with cupcake liners or mist *Multigrain Pear Muffins: with cooking spray. Replace the apples with an equal amount of chopped pears. 2. Put the flour, sugar, flax meal, Per muffin: 160 calories, 3 g baking powder, cinnamon, protein, 5 g fat (0.3 g sat), 25 g baking soda and salt in a carbohydrates, 172 mg sodium, large bowl, and stir with a 47 mg calcium, 4 g fiber  whisk to combine. l




women who inspire

y l i m Meals a F FAST, WHOLESOME


By Patricia Danflous

ichelle Dudash, RDN, is like many Inspire Health readers. She’s a young mother who is constantly on the run and a woman who is dedicated to a healthy and happy family. She is also a career woman who understands the impact of quick and easy when it comes to clean eating. A Cordon Bleu-certified chef and dietitian with a national recognition, Dudash has applied her experience, knowledge and passion for healthy living to help others move forward to better eating. Her first book, “Clean Eating for Busy Families”, is the go-to guide for beginning and maintaining a healthy journey. “Clean. Fresh. Fast. That’s my focus,” Dudash says. “I also like to focus on transition — that’s key, especially for busy women, whether they have children or not.” The Arizona resident and nutritionist encourages the transition to clean eating through gradual changes that fit into individual or family lifestyles. “You are more likely to stick with those changes that way,” she explains. “I think most people know if what they are doing is healthy or not. It is a matter of problem solving to help identify ways to make your habits healthier.” Dudash advises taking a lifestyle survey to identify areas that can have the most impact and starting there. “Pick a few things and see if you can stick to

that way of eating for a month. If you can get through a month of anything, it becomes a habit and then you can reach for a few more things.” Dudash suggests choosing whole foods in their least processed states, such as fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, unrefined oils and whole grains like quinoa and brown rice. How do you get a child to participate in the clean eating transition? “Being a great example is the best place to start,” Dudash is quick to point out. “If you don’t like a certain food, or if you are eating fast food all the time, of course your children are going to want to eat that way, too. Believe it or not, parents and peers play a role in nutritional choices.” When her daughter was getting bored with her school lunches, Dudash asked her what she liked about what her friends were bringing. She realized the packaging made their lunches more tempting and copied that with her homemade, healthier version. Look at foods that kids love and find a way to make those meals healthier. Try a Dudash family favorite alternative to drive-thru nuggets. Cut chicken breasts into bite-size pieces, roll them in Parmesan cheese and garlic powder, and pop them in the oven. It’s quick, easy and tastes great. “Cook once, eat twice” is another Dudash recommendation to save preparation and clean-up time. “Know

DUDASH is a contributor to Food Network’s Healthy Eats blog and a regular guest on shows such as The Doctors, The Chew and Radio Disney. You can find her recipe column, Dish with Dudash™, in the Arizona Republic and her insights in numerous national publications. Visit her Web site at for recipes, additional clean eating information and to sign up for her newsletter.

what your family will eat, plan ahead and make sure you have the groceries on hand,” she says. There’s no magic system or food plan, Dudash emphasizes. For her, it’s all about what works for you, your schedule and your food preferences.

“I think most people know if what they are doing is healthy or not. It is a matter of problem solving to help identify ways to make your habits healthier.” § #inspirehealthmag



t a E for Energy recipe

By Amie Valpone



ating clean is one of the best ways to improve your health, boost your mood and energize your life. By eating clean and buying organic foods when you can, you will minimize your intake of chemicals, pesticides, herbicides, GMOs, antibiotics and other processed ingredients. When I started eating clean, I began to heal from chronic illness. The Free Anti-Inflammatory Shopping List on my Web site is a great way to get started. Eating clean will help you get back your energy, lose excess weight caused by inflammation, get the rosy glow back in your skin and help you think more clearly. Amie Valpone, HHC, AADP, is the editor-in-chief of She is a Manhattan celebrity chef, culinary nutritionist, professional recipe developer, food photographer, writer and motivational speaker specializing in simple gluten-free, soy-free and dairy-free clean eating recipes.



INGREDIENTS • 12 oz. gluten-free orzo • 1 garlic clove, minced • 4 Tbsp. extra virgin olive oil • 4 cups organic spinach • ½ red onion, finely chopped • ¼ tsp. sea salt • ¼ tsp. pepper • Pinch red pepper flakes • Pinch chili powder • 8 sun-dried tomatoes, drained and sliced • 2 Tbsp. sunflower seeds DIRECTIONS: 1. Cook orzo according to package directions. Drain and transfer to the pot. Add garlic and oil; cook for 3 minutes. Add spinach, red onion, sea salt, pepper, crushed red pepper flakes and chili powder; stir and cook for another 2 minutes or until spinach is wilted. 2. Remove from heat; add in sun-dried tomatoes. Season to taste; add sunflower seeds. Toss and serve.

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cover story

Lolo Jones



By Patricia Danflous

urdles and bobsleds go together like ice cream and jalapeños. The combination may be inconceivable to some but appealing to others. Ask Lolo Jones. The Olympic athlete moves quite comfortably between hurdling and bobsledding. One of the few female athletes to compete in both the Winter and Summer Olympics, she’s earned a reputation as a fierce competitor, a faith-based woman and an expert in balancing life’s challenges and pleasures. Jones is also recognized as one of the most attractive athletes to hit the track or the ice. Her athletic achievements, creamy skin, fit physique and charming personality make her ideal for product endorsements and sponsorships with brands like Asics. Although an Olympic medal has yet to come her way, the 33-year-old is one of the fastest women in the world. She owns World Championships in hurdle and bobsledding events and an impressive NCAA record. A two-time World Champion in the 60-meter hurdles, she came in fourth place in the 2012 Olympics and seventh place in the 2008 Olympics in 100-meter hurdles. She finished 11th in the 2014 Winter Olympics in bobsledding following the 2013 gold medals at the World Championship. “Maybe there’s a little girl who thinks

she can be an Olympic athlete, and she sees all the things I struggled through to get there,” Jones says. “Yeah, I didn’t walk away with a medal or run away with a medal, but I think there's lessons to be learned when you win and lessons to be learned when you lose.” While her achievements and enthusiastic outlook position her as the girl with everything going for her, Jones knows what it is like to come from behind to cross life’s finishing line. Her fourth-place win in the 2012 Olympics, for example, came a year after spinal surgery. It’s her formative years, however, that may have given her the competitive edge. The Iowa native grew up as one of five children raised by a single mother. Growing up poor, she moved frequently with her family, living in a church basement for a time, and changing schools each year until high school. She pursued her love of track at Theodore Roosevelt High School in Des Moines, Iowa, and made the difficult decision to live with four “surrogate” families throughout high school so that she could participate in athletics. “Running was like the friend that never left. It was just always there,” she says. Her sacrifices paid off: She won the Gatorade Iowa Track and Field Athlete of the Year and Gatorade Midwest Athlete of the Year awards, beginning her journey toward recognition in the field. continued on page 26



LOLO'S ROAD TO RIO • August 2015: first place in 100-meter hurdles at North American, Central American and Caribbean Championships in Costa Rica • September 2015: first place in women's 100-meter hurdles at Kamila Skolimowska Memorial in Warsaw, Poland • September 2015: third place in U.S. Bobsled Push Championship in Lake Placid, N.Y. • October 2015: Jones had surgery to repair a torn hip labrum. § #inspirehealthmag INSPIRE HEALTH Photos courtesy of: Dustin Snipes/Red Bull Content Pool


cover story

“Sometimes bad things are going to happen in your life, and those things can make you stronger if you just learn how to get over them.” continued from page 24

The first person in her family to receive a college degree, Jones earned a scholarship from Louisiana State University’s highly recognized track and field program, spotlighting her abilities while she earned more honors for the Southeastern Conference program. One of LSU’s most recognized athletes in any field, Jones won three NCAA titles and 11 All-American honors, including several firsts as a true freshman. Despite her achievements, Jones faced more obstacles after graduation. “I didn’t have a big-time contract out of college like most athletes,” she says. “In fact, I had no contract at all.” Nevertheless, she persevered, earning a spot on the 2008 Olympic team. All eyes were on her to win the gold in the 100-meter hurdles. Just as



she was about to obtain that goal, she stumbled at the last hurdle. “Sometimes bad things are going to happen in your life, and those things can make you stronger if you just learn how to get over them,” Jones emphasizes. “I am inspired by failure. The process of defeat — picking yourself back up again is the hardest thing in the world.” Following her 11th-place finish at the 2012 Summer Olympics, Jones helped the U.S. bobsled team gain a presence in the 2014 Winter Olympics. Transitioning to bobsledding may not have been the most logical decision, but she was willing to transform her body to a heavier weight, breaking her clean eating lifestyle to include a little more ice cream and her favorite Mex-

ican dishes to gain additional muscle power. (She’s now back to her track weight and shape.) Throughout her life, Jones’ inspiration has come from mentors and coaches, but most notably her Christian foundation. “When I’m standing in a stadium packed with 80,000 screaming fans, I can’t just whip out my Bible before I run,” she says. “That’s when I start praying! It’s so loud that I can’t even hear what I’m saying, but it always helps.” Today, Jones is still one of the first to cross the finish line. She recently won the North American, Central American and Caribbean Championships in the 100-meter hurdles. Rio de Janeiro and the 2016 Summer Olympics are not far off, and Lolo Jones is running fast.

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pet therapy




By Michelle Fouchi Esneault ats are not just cute and furry companions, they can also be good for your health. According to the Humane Society of the United States, 62 percent of American households own at least one pet, and a little less than half of those households own at least one cat. In appreciation, your feline friend offers these benefits: ies have found that playing and  A study by the Univercuddling with your cat and sity of Minnesota found that the unconditional love they cat owners are 30 percent provide improve mood and less likely to die from a heart can help relieve depression. attack, and their chances of dying of cardiovascular disease  A State University of New York at Buffalo study go down as well.  Scientists have found that found that cat lovers are more likely to have lower blood prescat ownership can cut stroke sure, reduced heart rate and risk by one third. less anxiety. It is thought that  Scientific American states stroking a cat cuts stress-relatthat a cat’s purr reduces stress ed hormones in the blood. levels and lowers blood pres A Canadian study sure. It also says that the frequency of a cat’s purr, between reported in Psychology Today 25 and 150 Hertz, can facilitate states that owning a cat can lower your cholesterol just as bone density and healing. effectively as medication.  A growing number of  A three-year study at the studies show that the love Baker Medical Research Instiand positive feelings you have tute in Melbourne, Australia, for your cat can give your has shown that owning a cat immune system a boost. can lower triglycerides.  Further, numerous stud-



 Time reported on a French study that stated that autistic children benefit emotionally and socially when they have a family cat.  Cats can help children with other developmental disorders as well, especially with communication.  The journal Pediatrics reports that researchers have found that if you have a cat, your newborn is less likely to develop asthma and will have a greater immunity to allergies.  Studies have shown that nursing homes that allow therapy cats have lower medication costs than facilities without cats.  A German study found that if you own a cat, you don’t go to the doctor as often or have as many hospital visits, perhaps for all the reasons stated above. One last benefit: Adopt a homeless animal from your local shelter, and not only will you save their life, but you’ll feel pretty good, too.



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By Whitney Alexandra / Photos: Bri Johnson / Model: Courtney


T Simplicity




he dead of winter can oftentimes make you feel very unmotivated to wake up and put together a cute outfit in the morning. Let’s face it: Layers of clothing can be great if you put time and thought into it, but what about the days when you don’t have time to think about it? This winter, it is time to simplify things for yourself. You may be wondering … what is the trick? All it takes is adding a pop of color to your makeup palette. Seems simple enough, right? The good news: It is! All you need is a good lip color and some extra color to add to your eyes and cheeks. With this combination, you can take any outfit from bland to bold in the blink of an eye. Rather than matching your layers, try color coordinating with your makeup. For instance, if you are wearing a navy blue top, use a complementary color, like an orangey-red lipstick, to achieve a lush look. Beyond spicing up your look with makeup, you can always add a great accent color with accessories like hats or by adding a bold color to your nails. Don’t let the winter blues take a toll on you. Add some fun colors into your makeup palette, accessories and style — it’s so easy.

WHITNEY’S WINTER FITNESS FASHION FIND: Express your stylish creativity this season and customize a pair of performance sneakers for yourself. It's as easy as 1, 2, 3! Visit and select the type of shoe you prefer. From there, you will be given a variety of colors and prints to choose from. Make your shoes as bold or simplistic as you like. After you receive your one-of-a-kind sneakers, be sure to snap a photo, post it to Instagram and tag #IHMNIKEID. We want to see our readers’ designs!

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mighty kids

BRAIN-BOOSTING FOODS e all want our kids to eat right. Fueling their developing bodies with nutritious choices is directly linked to physical fitness. But what about brain health? As the driving force for the human body, the brain deserves to be nurtured just as much as the arms and legs. Incorporating a diet rich in foods proven to boost the brain’s continued growth and development can have immeasurable benefits on your child’s focus, comprehension and memory. Try some of these brain boosters: 1. Dark, leafy green vegetables. Chock full of folate and other vitamins, leafy greens contain antioxidants that actually promote new brain cell growth. Additionally, regular consumption is linked with a decreased risk of dementia in later life. Serving suggestion: Pair with fruit (#5), low-fat milk (#6) and ice, then blend in a smoothie. 2. Fish (especially oily varieties). Fish offers both vitamin D and omega-3s to help with focus and concentration. It also protects against memory loss. Serving suggestion: Pan fry salmon and serve in taco shells with dipping sauce. 3. Nuts & seeds. These ready-to-go snack items are packed with vitamins and protein. They help boost mood and regulate the nervous system. Serving



suggestion:Toss with butter and your favorite spice combination. Bake in single layer at 250 degrees F for approximately 1 hour, stirring every 10-15 minutes. 4. Oatmeal. Filled with fiber, B vitamins and protein, oatmeal helps keep both brain and heart arteries clear and boost memory. Because it’s a whole grain, it digests slowly to give you steady energy. Serving suggestion: Prepare according to directions, then add cinnamon and berries (#5). 5. Blueberries. In addition to preventing memory loss, blueberries are high in vitamin C and antioxidants, so they naturally stave off both short- and long-term illness. Serving suggestion: Add them to smoothies (#1), roasted nut & seed snacks (#3) and hot oatmeal (#4). 6. Low-fat dairy products. Milk and yogurt (preferably plain, nonfat Greek) support brain health because they’re loaded with B vitamins and protein to help you concentrate. Serving suggestion: Add milk to your smoothies (#1) or yogurt to your berries (#5). 7. Chocolate (specifically dark). It gets you going by increasing the blood flow to the brain. Always remember to look for a high concentration of cocoa. That’s where all the nutrition and brain benefit can be found. Serving suggestion: Add dark chocolate chips to roasted nut & seed snacks (#3).

3 FREE APPS TO TRAIN YOUR BRAIN HAPPIFY: Conquer negative thoughts and cope with stress with Happify, an app that uses activities and games to train your brain to be happier. Developed by leading scientists, the app includes activities such as quizzes, polls and a gratitude journal to build key happiness skills. (iOS and Android) EIDETIC: Remember important phone numbers or interesting words and facts with Eidetic, which uses a technique called spaced repetition. Notifications remind you when it’s time to retest yourself. (iOS) DUOLINGO: Learn a new language for free with this fun and addictive app. Each lesson includes a variety of challenges and instantly shows you which answers you get correct. (iOS, Android and Windows)



By Michele Poche

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u l F & d l Co

Season By Michele Robert Poche


eeling congested, drowsy and just generally run down? It’s not uncommon this time of year. According to webmd. com, the incidence of colds and flu peaks in January and February. You and your family could be the next victims. Instead of running to the drugstore for medicines that often come with hefty price tags and bothersome side effects, why not try one of these all-natural home remedies for relief? Chances are you’ve already got some or all of the ingredients necessary in your pantry or medicine cabinet. Sore Throat For minor irritation, try gargling with a warm saltwater solution. It gently eases the discomfort and washes away mucus. For more severe pain, mix honey and apple cider vinegar for a thicker, more viscous gargling solution that will coat the throat. Neither should be ingested, and both can be used as needed. Congestion Hot liquids, whether inhaled (via steam from a bath or shower) or ingested (by drinking fluids like tea or chicken broth), can work wonders to open clogged nasal passages. Bonus: Ingested liquids can also prevent dehydration issues often associated with these illnesses. Feeling brave? Many



swear by eating chili peppers. It’s a surefire way to clear your sinuses quickly. Upset Stomach Bananas and rice are both known stomach settlers, making them smart choices for much-needed sustenance when battling intestinal issues. Decaffeinated herbal teas infused with ginger and peppermint can also help soothe stomach upset. 5 HEALING SUPPLEMENTS

1. Echinacea • Purpose: Fights colds and infection and reduces duration and symptoms of illness. • Usage: Begin at first sign of illness and use up to four times daily for up to 10 days. • Caution: Should not be administered to ragweed allergy sufferers or used for more than eight weeks as it can be damaging to the immune system. 2. Elderberry • Purpose: Boosts immunity and reduces swelling and inflammation. • Usage: Should be administered in first 24-48 hours of symptoms for up to five days.

• Caution: Can counteract other medications, so consult your doctor before using. 3. Oscillococcinum • Purpose: Reduces duration and severity of symptoms. Note: It’s the #1 over-thecounter flu remedy in France, where it has been sold for more than 60 years. • Usage: Dosage varies depending on factors such as age and health. • Caution: There are no known side effects associated with it. 4. Vitamin C • Purpose: Reduces duration and symptoms of illness.

• Usage: Should be administered at first sign of illness via supplements, juices, lozenges and/or foods, especially citrus. • Caution: Follow dosages, as excessive quantities can cause side effects such as nausea and diarrhea. 5. Zinc • Purpose: Fights infection, keeps the immune system strong and reduces duration of illness. • Usage: Should be administered within 24 hours of symptom onset. Take with food to avoid stomach upset. • Caution: Can counteract other supplements or antibiotics.

Up to 20 percent of the U.S. population gets the flu annually.

Be prepared!

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Stress Less with as Therapy

t r A

By Caitlin Watzke


emember how much fun you had as a child whenever you drew with crayons or painted with your fingers? You may not have known it then, but the simple process of creating art helped you relax. Now that you’re an adult, it doesn’t mean you have to throw out

the crayons. Getting in touch with your creative side may help you reduce stress and live longer, and you’ll have something to show for it. While there are strong advantages to working with a credentialed art therapist, it still may be therapeutic for you to create ar t on your own. In an ar ticle for,


• Coloring Books for Adults: These are extremely popular right now. Because coloring is a relaxing activity, it helps lower your blood pressure and alleviate anxiety. Two bestsellers are “Secret Garden: An Inky Treasure Hunt and Coloring Book” by Johanna Basford and “Color Me Calm: 100 Coloring Templates for Meditation and Relaxation (A Zen Coloring Book)” by Lacy Mucklow. • Visual Journal: Try imagining what your feelings look like and draw them. Cut out inspiring images or words from magazines and paste them in your journal, or use your own ideas to personalize it. The sky is the limit. • Found Poetry: The Found Poetry Review put it best:“Found poetry is the literary version of a collage.” Cut out words and phrases from magazines and newspapers, and arrange them into your own poem, or make refrigerator poetry with a magnetic poetry kit.

There are ma of art to ex ny different types plore that your ability are suited to level.



stress management exper t Elizabeth Scott, M.S., states that three benefits of creating art are distraction (from whatever is stressing you), flow (being completely immersed in an activity to the point of being in a near meditative state) and self care (devoting time to yourself and your happiness). Because art can help reduce stress, it may have some health benefits, too. Research suggests that decreasing stress may also decrease your blood pressure and risk of heart disease. You may be thinking that art can’t help you because your artistic abilities aren’t up to snuff. But art can help all kinds of people — you don’t have to be a talented artist to experience its benefits, and there are many different types of art to explore that are suited to your ability level. If you think your stress may require professional help, you can find an art therapist through the American Art Therapy Association’s Art Therapy Locator, or your local chapter of the American Art Therapy Association.

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healthy destinations

The r e s o L t s e BiggResorts By Suzanne Fox


chieve your health goals at a resort that fosters rejuvenation and motivation. The results can be drastic if you are willing. The Biggest Loser Experience includes all four pillars of what makes the program unique and effective: fitness and workouts, wellness education, spa cuisine and camaraderie with your fellow guests. After a day of working hard, the evening is meant for relaxing at one of the four beautiful spas that house The Biggest Loser Experience. Guests enjoy delicious spa cuisine daily, designed by an integrative team of world-class executive chefs, registered

dietitians and holistic nutritionists. Learn to shop and cook healthy gluten- and dairy-free meals so you can continue your new healthy lifestyle at home. The award winning wellness destination is located at four different resorts, each more spectacular than the next, but the challenge stays the same: to leave healthier, thinner and more relaxed. Grab a friend or take the challenge alone and make new friends. The resorts have single occupancy starting at $2,995 for the week all inclusive of meals and the program. Evening spa services are available at an additional fee depending on the menu.


Amelia Island

Palm Desert


For more information visit or call 877-825-8878 to make a reservation at any of the resorts.


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1. TIME TRAVEL. If your schedule permits, why not travel back to the place where you first met, kissed or, if you’re married, got engaged? In every relationship, there are dozens of special “firsts.” The key is finding the one that is the most meaningful for you and reliving it together. Talk about


2. UNPLUG. Electronics are everywhere — they’re in our homes, cars, pockets, purses and bare hands almost every minute of the day. They’re also on just about every dining table in the country. Unless you’re on call with the hospital, you can probably afford to have a meal without the interruption of a ringtone. Put it away and pay attention to the person in front of you. They will appreciate it more than you know.

4. AGREE TO DISAGREE. Not every conflict needs a resolution. It takes two people to make a relationship — two different people, with different backgrounds, points of view and opinions. So there will be spats. And arguments. And full-on, knock-down, drag-out fights. It’s important to know the difference. Arguing about toothpaste brands or how much to feed the dog just isn’t worth the trouble. Make the effort to concede here and there as a peace offering.

By Michele Robert Poche

here are many reasons to say “I love you” to the special people in our lives: because it’s a new year, because it’s Valentine’s Day, and because it’s just the right thing to do, isn’t it? The question is how to say it. Not to worry. Here at Inspire Health, we’ve got you covered.


it when you’re there. You’re sure to remind each other of things that were long forgotten. It’s almost impossible not to smile when immersed in the happy memory that first brought you together.

3. CHANGE YOUR SHOES. Try looking at life from a different perspective. Maybe he’s a big outdoorsman but you’ve never spent a night in a tent. Or she’s a theater lover but you’ve never even seen “Cats”. It’s time to put your interests second. Make a plan to do something from his or her favorite list of pastimes. Worst case scenario? You make them happy, even if you didn’t enjoy the activity. Best case scenario? You now have a new hobby you can enjoy together.



The 21-Day Plan to Detox, Fight Inflammation, and Reset Your Body

amie valpone foreword by

creator of



EAT WELL By Patricia Danflous

Eating Clean:The 21-Day Plan to Detox, Fight Inflammation, and Reset Your Body by Amie Valpone,, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (March 2016), $25


media reviews

et ready to eat better, feel better and maybe even look better! How about starting with Vanilla Bean Coconut Ice Cream? Sounds great, doesn’t it? You will find the recipe for the delicious healthy treat in Amie Valpone’s “Eating Clean,” which hits the shelves this spring. Best known as the founder of, a site dedicated to detoxing and clean eating based on personal experiences,Valpone’s book is a well-written, easy-to-follow guide with more than 200 recipes. Following a decade of frustration and suffering from a range of digestive disorders,Valpone took charge of her body and her life, healing through detoxing and a clean eating lifestyle. By incorporating processes such as yoga, meditation, herbal medicine and acupuncture, along

with a diet of organic, fresh, unprocessed foods, the culinary nutritionist shows others how she now lives symptom free. In “Eating Clean” you will learn more about Valpone’s work with integrative and functional medicine physicians to address her issues, including lyme disease, heavy metal accumulation, hypothyroidism and adrenal fatigue. In addition to vegetarian recipes that are free of gluten, dairy, soy, corn, eggs and refined sugar, you will find a 21-Day Elimination Diet, instructions for food reintroduction, a two-week meal plan and an extensive grocery list. Whether you are suffering from digestive and inflammation issues or just want to reset your body, Valpone’s suggestions can help you feel better without feeling hungry. Be sure to try that coconut ice cream or learn how to make carrot fettuccine.

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d e p p o Ch



This salad is all plants and all amazing. Chop your way to crunchy salad heaven, and top it off with spicy chickpeas. Now we’re talkin’ salad! Makes 4 large servings

Ingredients: CHOPPED SALAD  4 cups stemmed and chopped curly kale leaves  2 hearts romaine lettuce, chopped  2 cups chopped asparagus, blanched and drained (see tip)  1 cup chopped roasted red peppers (jarred is fine)  1 cup fresh or thawed frozen corn kernels  1 cup chopped cucumber  1 cup chopped tomato  1 cup diced avocado  ½ cup chopped dill pickles  1/3 cup unsalted roasted sunflower seeds (see tip)  Tahini sauce (recipe below) SPICY HOT CHICKPEAS  1 tsp. olive oil  1 can (15 ounces) no-saltadded chickpeas, rinsed and drained  2 Tbsp. hot sauce  1 tsp. reduced-sodium tamari

Directions: 1. To make the salad, layer the kale, lettuce, asparagus, red peppers, corn, cucumber, tomato, avocado and pickles in a large bowl, and chill in the refrigerator. 2. To make the chickpeas, put the oil in a large skillet (cast iron if you have one) or mist with cooking spray, and heat over medium heat. When the skillet is hot, add the chickpeas and shake the pan briefly to evenly distribute the oil over them. 3. Let cook, shaking the pan occasionally so the chickpeas cook evenly, until browned all over, 12 to 15 minutes. 4. While the chickpeas cook, put the hot sauce and tamari in a small bowl and stir to combine. 5. When the chickpeas are brown and crisp, pour the hot sauce mixture in the center of the skillet, and

shake the pan or stir well to combine. 6. Add the hot chickpeas to the chilled salad, top with tahini sauce, toss until evenly distributed, and serve. TIPS:  To blanch the asparagus, put the chopped pieces in a small saucepan and barely cover with water. Bring to a boil, then remove from the heat. Let the asparagus sit in the water for 1 minute, then drain, rinse with cold water to stop the cooking, and drain again. If time permits, chill the blanched asparagus in the refrigerator before assembling the salad.  To toast the sunflower seeds, heat them in a small skillet over high heat, shaking the skillet frequently, until fragrant, 3 to 5 minutes. Let cool on a plate before adding to the salad.

TAHINI SAUCE Makes 1½ cups Ingredients:  1 cup water  ½ cup tahini  ½ cup lemon juice  1 Tbsp. chopped garlic  ½ tsp. salt Directions: Put all the ingredients in a food processor or blender, and process until smooth. TIP: Like all natural nut butters, tahini needs to be stirred well to incorporate the oil prior to use.



Recipe from Eat Like You Give A Damn, written by Michelle Schwegmann and Josh Hooten.


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