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Anxiety is a condition in which unwanted thoughts, feelings and memories flood your mind. If you suffer from it, you may spend more time worrying about the past and future than enjoying the present. One way to overcome anxiety in real-time is by using grounding techniques. In short, grounding techniques encourage you to focus on the present moment to reduce anxious feelings. Here are a few you can try. IMMERSE YOURSELF IN TASTE

It’s not unusual to eat or drink without giving a second thought to the sensations that run through you. Deeply focusing on your experience instead can ground you and lessen your anxiety.

Next time you feel anxious, try eating something while focusing fully on the experience. Factors such as the texture of the food and how it tastes are excellent places to start. You can even go deeper by trying to identify how the taste and texture change as they move around different areas of your mouth.

To continue the grounding experience, consider how the food feels as you swallow it. Focusing on each element of the taste brings you into the present moment and should reduce your anxiety. TAKE A MEDITATIVE WALK

Meditation is a popular way to banish anxious feelings. It’s natural to feel as though you’re too anxious to sit still and calm your mind. An alternative to traditional meditation is to take a meditative walk, and it proves effective in more ways than one.

As you embark on your walk, focus on the number of steps you’re taking. It’s a simple practice that focuses your mind on exactly what you’re doing rather than the past or the present. Or, you can take your efforts a step further and reflect on the colors and shapes of the objects you see.

If your anxiety makes it difficult for you to leave the house, meditative walking is still an option. Instead, you can walk around your indoor spaces and adopt the practices above. Alongside bringing you into the present moment, walking can boost happy hormones that soothe your anxiety. NOTE THE SOUNDS AROUND YOU

Even when you feel as though you’re sitting somewhere quiet, there’s often a backdrop of noise surrounding you. Whether it’s the gentle hum of distant traffic or the occasional drip from a tap, noises are always accessible. Listening out for them is an effective way to enter the present moment.

Set a timer, sit somewhere comfortable, and listen out for surrounding sounds. Once you make a note of one sound, you can move on to the next. To expand your experience, consider why the sounds are there.

Should you find that the sounds you’re hearing are uncomfortable, try listening to meditative music. While doing so, focus on instruments you can identify.

With practice, you can find a grounding technique that’s accessible to you no matter where you are. Try becoming comfortable with more than one so you can vary your approach and enjoy several soothing routines when your anxiety becomes overwhelming.