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By Christian Dischler Garlic Garlic

super food

We know garlic is touted as an incredible food with limitless possibilities. It will make you superhuman, turn your woes to wows, and buy you that thing you’ve always wanted. We get it! Garlic is the perfect partner. However, this article is focused on how garlic, historically called “the stinking rose”, impacts heart health specifically. Pinky promise we aren’t wearing our stinking rose-colored glasses for this one, these are proven benefits. Cardiovascular health plays a vital role in ensuring our hearts are pumping blood at a regular rate, to the right places and without error. When our hearts get thrown offbeat or are submitted to unexpected stressors, such as variations in blood pressure, the results can be dangerous.

Garlic has been shown to greatly reduce the risk of high blood pressure by helping lower blood pressure at an active rate. You might be thinking, “wouldn’t I need to eat handfuls of garlic to see these benefits?” You’re not entirely wrong (the number is around 4 cloves a day), but there are options. Garlic supplements have been shown to be just as effective as raw garlic but need to be taken at a high dosage for the best results. Whether you choose to include more raw garlic in your diet, or a supplement, it’s still important to have.

Total cholesterol also plays a role in heart health, in particular, LDL cholesterol. It’s been shown that simply including a garlic supplement can reduce a person’s LDL by anywhere from ten to fifteen percent. That’s great! Even better? It’s not shown to have any effect on HDL cholesterol or triglyceride levels, which at higher levels can become a risk factor. Basically, this powerhouse ingredient doesn’t just level up your pasta sauce, it also upgrades your total heart health without bringing down the good stuff. As if we needed any more reasons to squeeze garlic into every recipe.

If your heart is already ailing (from a medical standpoint, not because your favorite show got canceled) then garlic is here to help. Studies have demonstrated that people with pre-existing heart conditions received a boost in exercise performance when regularly including garlic as a supplement or ingredient. Even simple things like a walk around the neighborhood will cause our heart rates to increase, which means any boost available is worthwhile.

For the adventurous types, we recommend exploring some creative options with garlic to include it in your diet. Garlic-infused honey, roasted garlic oil, garlic elixirs and cold-pressed raw garlic juice are a few ways to take this ubiquitous ingredient and make it into something spectacular for your health and your heart.

Garlic has been shown to greatly reduce the risk of high blood pressure by helping lower blood pressure at an active rate.

Inspire Health welcomes the arrival of 2023 with an issue packed with informative articles, tips and recipes focused on healthy living and wellness.

Our cover story features Cuban-American Chef Chris Valdes, who has aspired to becoming the next Emeril Lagasse since seeing the renowned culinarian years ago on television. A finalist on The Food Network and a recipient of the key to the City of Miami for his philanthropic work, Chris is a frequent guest on television and YouTube and recently published his first book entitled “One with the Kitchen.”

As New Year’s resolutions are upon us, writer Liza Williams shares some secrets to sticking to your diet, despite hunger pains and boredom. Christian Dischler covers hearthealthy garlic, a superfood once referred to as “the stinking rose.”

Ready for heart-healthy exercise options? Read Jean Terrell’s article about the best cardio routines proven to strengthen you heart, assist in losing weight and lift your mood.

We hope you enjoy the current issue and together, let’s make 2023 a wonderful and healthy year!

GRANT MILLER Publisher MICHAEL MILLER Executive Editor



publisher GRANT MILLER

executive editor MICHAEL MILLER

director of advertising AMY DONNER

marketing director KARINA HINTZ




Inspire Health is intended for educational purposes only. Never substitute content contained in this publication for the advice of a health care professional. Jumpstart Publishing, LLC, and the publishers of Inspire Health neither endorse nor promote the products and services described herein. Readers should not use the information in Inspire Health for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem or for prescription of any medication or other treatment. Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, exercise, or supplementation program before taking medications; and if experiencing or suspecting the onset of any health problems.

6796 SW 62ND AVENUE SOUTH MIAMI, FL 33143 PH 305-669-7355 michael@communitynewspapers.com