Inside east sacramento aug 2017

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including her head. When stimulated, these points are believed to encourage

earing fishing waders and

the natural healing process by

straddling our 11-year-old

boosting the movement of energy

terrier mutt, Marley, the

through the body, improving blood

pet therapist lowered our dog into a

flow and nourishing organs and

large glass tank. Marley’s 20-pound

tissues. Marley had no reaction to the thin

body was cradled in a harness suspended by a bar above the water.

needles as they were inserted just

The goal was for our very ill canine

beneath her skin. The tiny spikes

to walk on a hydro-treadmill. The

dangled precariously from her fur,

buoyant properties of the water would

and one unexpected shake sent

minimize the weight on her bones

several flying. She tolerated being

and joints, helping Marley strengthen

restrained for only a few minutes,

her muscles and improve her range of

shorter than the 10 minutes the vet


was hoping for. With acupuncture, the number of needles used and duration of treatment vary according

Underwater treadmills are increasing in popularity as part of the ever-growing practice of therapeutic and alternative pet medicine Marley suffered from “old dog

Marley relaxing at home.

to the pet’s size, health and medical problem, as well as each individual practitioner.

She could barely eat. My husband,

help pet patients rehabilitate from,

Mark, and I took turns carrying her

among other ailments, orthopedic

outside to do her business.

surgery, arthritis and neurological

After several weeks of conventional medicine, Marley continued to

impairments. Based on reviews and

If only our animal friends could tell us how they feel.

struggle. That was when, as a

recommendations, we chose a

last-ditch effort to help our canine

clinic in Roseville that offered both

companion, I decided to look into

mainstream veterinary services

alternative pet medicine. Water

and a pet rehabilitation center. At

therapy? Acupuncture? Chinese

our initial meeting with a “certified

herbs? I can still see my husband

canine rehabilitation practitioner,” we

rolling his eyes.

agreed on an approach that included

was almost as high as our hopes for

multiple sessions of laser therapy

notable improvement. Alternative

Underwater treadmills are

The cost for Marley’s treatments

vestibular syndrome,” a dizzying

increasing in popularity as part of the

and massage, followed by dips in the

medicine does not come cheap,

disease that brings on a sudden

ever-growing practice of therapeutic

treadmill tank. In addition, we met

partly because it is not a quick fix.

disturbance of equilibrium. She

and alternative pet medicine, also

with a solo practitioner at our home

Results can take weeks, months or

had all the symptoms: loss of

referred to as complementary when

who prescribed acupuncture and

even years. Prices vary depending

balance, disorientation and jerky eye

used in conjunction with traditional

herbal supplements.

on the practitioner and type of

movements. Her head tilted so far to

Western medicine. Nonconventional

While I held Marley in my

treatment. For example, an informal

the left that she had no choice but to

methods include acupuncture,

lap, the veterinarian inserted 15

survey of several veterinarians who

walk in circles, tumbling over her own

herbal supplements, chiropractic

tiny stainless-steel needles along

offer alternative medicine in the

and massage. Water therapy can

“acupoints” on our dog’s body,

Sacramento area found acupuncture

body in an attempt to stay upright.


IES AUG n 17

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