What is a 5-star Co-op?

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WHAT IS A 5-STAR CO-OP? A 5-Star Co-op:

Encourages their consumer-members to learn about federal, state and local elections and helps make sure they are registered to vote

Empowers consumer-members to make independent, educated decisions about voting for the future of their cooperative and community

Engages with their elected officials by inviting them to visit the cooperative and meet with their co-op’s consumer-members

Develops a political game plan to advance and advocate for issues on behalf of their electric cooperative

Rural communities depend on Co-op Voters. Learn about the issues. Find your polling place. Talk to your family and friends. Go to the polls on November 3.

Be an active participant in our democracy. Be a Co-op Voter. Visit cooperative.com/coopsvote to learn more about the Co-ops Vote program and how your co-op can become a 5-Star Co-op

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