Inside Broadwater, Issue 72, April 2023

Page 34

YOUR GUIDE TO LOCAL LIFE AND BUSINESS WORTHING (Head office) 130 Broadwater Road, Worthing BN14 8HU Call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week 01903 234516 A privilege for our family to help yours An independent family run Funeral Directors since 1929. We ensure your loved ones receive the respect and dignity they deserve. With nine offices covering most of West Sussex, we are ideally positioned to give you an efficient, local and dedicated funeral service. April 2023 Issue 72 WIN one of 3 pairs of tickets to see Craig David! One of 7 editions delivered FREE to over 45,000 homes and businesses every month Worthing Festival
01903 357003 3 Contents What’s INSIDE? Inside Welcome A Quick Hello from the Editor .............. 4 Inside Health & Wellbeing Decent Work is Good for You ............... 6 Inside Local Business Second Column from Tracie Davey....... 8 Worthing Business Circle ..................... 9 Student Life My Work Experience with IM................ 10 Inside Our Community Broadwater Community Association .... 12 WIN CRAIG DAVID TICKETS 12 #LetsSusItOut Decent Work and Economic Growth....... 14 Inside Our Environment CREW Grand Opening........................ 16 #worthingfestival Unveiling 2023.................................... 18 Highdown Gardens 20 Inside Sports Worthing Rugby Club........................... 22 Worthing Football Club........................ 24 Inside Your Month 25 Craig David presents TS5...................... 28 @worthingethnographic Degrowth ........................................... 30 Inside the Real Repair Shop Decent Work and Economic Growth....... 32 Inside Local History All You Need is Growth? ..................... 34 Inside Puzzle Page 36 Inside Local Charity Samaritans Need More Listeners...... 37 Index and Useful Information 38 Please recycle this magazine when you have finished with it. 28 10 14 20

I am Liana, creator and editor of the Inside family of magazines covering Broadwater, Tarring, Durrington, Worthing, West Worthing, Goring and Cissbury.

Hello again! Isn’t it great to see the new life in the nature around us, I’m looking forward to warmer days of kayaking on the local waterways.

When I embarked on the UN SDG themes 8 months ago (see p14), I seriously thought that this month would be a struggle. But this is Worthing we’re talking about! With a thriving business community and fantastic Chamber of Commerce, there is a lot to say and celebrate in Worthing. #letssusitout on p14, describes how economic growth is a significant factor in the climate emergency, however, we have a growing local economy. To celebrate the local economy, the front covers of all 7 magazines have an image of a local, independent business operating in the area that each magazine serves. Then on p12, there are prized tickets up for grabs in a competition relating to the front cover images. Good Luck!

Happy reading, I’m sure some of you will treat yourselves to a bit of chocolate while you do!


Call 01903 357003 or email

Have something to say?

Have an event to shout about?

Booking deadline for advertising is the 10th of the month prior to the month of print. For any distribution enquiries or feedback

Correspondence Address

Inside Magazines, c/o 28 South Farm Road, Worthing, BN14 7AE


Inside Health & Wellbeing - Bryan Turner MRPharmS

@worthingethnographic - Caroline Osella

Inside Local History - Chris Hare

#LetSusItOut - Amberlouise Everitt

Crossword - Simon Rigler

Schools, Colleges and Local Groups are invited and encouraged to contribute to the contents of Inside Broadwater.

Delivered free to homes in Broadwater. Copyright Inside Magazines 2023. Inside Magazines cannot be held responsible for the claims and accuracy of adverts or editorial content, or the effects of those claims. All dates and details are believed to be correct at time of going to press. No responsibility can be taken for subsequent changes.

Keep in touch. Liana

Inside Magazines are in no way connected to or endorsed by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The SDGs provide a framework for information purposes only. 01903 357003 4 INSIDE Welcome
JOIN INSIDE MAGAZINES ON SOCIAL MEDIA @InsideMagazines @InsideCommunityMagazines #insidemagazines
01903 357003 5 Please mention Inside Broadwater when responding to advertisements 01903 366151 28 South Farm Road, Worthing, BN14 7AE l ROOFING - new and repairs l GUTTERS, FASCIAS, SOFFITS l FLAT ROOFING l CHIMNEY WORK l PARAPET WALLS l HOME SOLUTION SERVICE - building, painting, carpentry, landscaping, driveways A family run business proudly se r ving customers across Worthing and the South coast. SEAVIEW ROOFING LTD Westminster Law Wills ~ Estate Planning ~ Probate email: Westminster Law Ltd, Reg. Office: Wellesley House, 204 London Road, Waterlooville PO7 7AN *OUR PRICES INCLUDE VAT. These very special rates are only available if you are over 60 years old. Our normal price for a standard single Will is £135, or £225 for a couple. Minimum spend for a free home visit is £85. If you are over 60 it will only cost you £85* to make or update your Will. We are also Lasting Power of Attorney Specialists - only £95* each LPA if instructed during the Will appointment. Our prices include home visits and Inheritance Tax advice. Call us now for a no obligation chat on : 0 1323 679411 Leading the way in providing an AFFORDABLE PROFESSIONAL service Mag half page landscape AndrewWilley 25/10/2022 02/01/2018

Decent Work is Good For You

unsafe work places, working very long hours, with little/no access to any social financial protection. Discrimination is rife. This all impacts mental health on a global scale.

Decent work supports good mental health. While earning a wage gives the worker intangible benefits such as a sense of purpose and achievement, confidence, independence, and an opportunity to reduce loneliness by forming positive relationships with other staff and feeling included in the community.

The 8th United Nations’ (UN) Sustainable Development Goal (SDG8) includes a call for “full and productive employment and decent work for all”

The thrust of this goal is about economic growth leading to poverty reduction. However, there is much to be gained in population health if Governments are able to offer decent work, particularly when we consider mental health. Where the working environment is poor, staff are more likely to experience discrimination and inequality. Excessive workloads combined with little say about your job and the ongoing threat of job insecurity can combine to cause excessive stress, worry and anxiety. Long and unsocial hours can disrupt home and social life. Not too long ago this would have been seen as a normal part of life and work, but today, enlightened employers can see that taking a positive approach to mental health in the workplace can benefit the organisation as well as the worker. By delivering a safe and healthy workplace, an employer can improve staff recruitment and retention, and reduce conflict and tension in the office or the shop floor. Productivity and performance of the business can be improved, which employer would not welcome that?

The UN, takes a global view of work and employment and sees that half the world’s workforce works in an informal economy, without regulatory protection for health and safety. Workers are often employed in

Governments and employers can take action to make the workplace a positive place for mental health. Business leaders and managers need to be trained to recognize when an employee is struggling and to be able to respond appropriately. Effective managers need good interpersonal skills particularly open communication and listening. Adjustments can be made to working arrangements such as flexible working hours, giving more time to complete tasks and scheduling regular meetings with managers. Workers who have to take time away from work for health benefit from a phased return to work. The workplace can become more supportive if employers integrate mental health concerns and solutions into the relevant policies of the business. Allowing workers to participate in decisions about how the business will and should adapt to the mental health needs of its workforce is also important.

In the UK, prescribing medication for mental health issues is soaring. More than 83 million prescriptions for anti-depressants were written in 2021/22, an increase of 5% on the year. Employment statistics released by ONS are showing increasing numbers of adults no longer in the workforce, citing illness including mental ill health as the reason. The Government would like to see the NHS drugs bill reduced, and is now actively seeking ways to get people back into productive employment. Addressing the issues outlined above will go some way to achieving both objectives. 01903 357003 6
INSIDE Health and Wellbeing

Maximising your allowances before the tax year end

With the tax year ending on April 5, now is the time to take stock of your personal finances and take advantage of any reliefs and benefits that may be available to you, especially this year more so than ever, with some notable tax changes coming into play. Here’s a quick checklist outlining how to make the most of your available allowances to help your money go further.

�� Setting up an ISA can be an effective way to protect your money, as they’re free of income and capital gains tax. High inflation rates can still affect the value of your savings in a Cash ISA – so, if you’re able to invest, a Stocks & Shares ISA can provide better value in the longer term.

�� Contributing to your pension now will have benefits in retirement – so start as early as possible, whatever your age.

�� If you already invest in stocks and shares, investing these into an ISA or pension before April 6 will help avoid rising costs with dividends – and the same goes for your assets, when it comes to capital gains tax.

�� Planning on sharing money with your family? Gifting finances now can save on inheritance tax charges down the line, so you can pass on as much wealth as possible for their future.

The value of an investment with St. James's Place will be directly linked to the performance of the funds selected and may fall as well as rise. You may get back less than the amount invested. An investment in a Stocks and Shares ISA will not provide the security of capital associated with a Cash ISA. The levels and bases of taxation and reliefs from taxation can change at any time and are dependent on individual circumstances.

01903 357003 7 ADVERTORIAL

The Second Column

from Tracie Davey Chief Executive of Worthing and Adur Chamber of Commerce

How can our local business owners, leaders and managers promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all? A big question!

There is so much discussion at the moment around business growth, employment, decent jobs, a decent wage and the whole work-life balance conversation. Whether you are a start up business, a growing business, a leader, a manager, or an employee this is an important topic for discussion.

For a business owner, whether you are starting out, or have been in business for years, it can be a very lonely place. You may well feel that you are the only one experiencing certain challenges but be assured you’re not alone. Growing a business no matter what stage you

are at is hard. We know the challenges business owners face and we do our very best to help owners celebrate the good times and navigate through the hard. We may not always have the answers or solutions, but more often than not we know someone who can help.

We hear regularly that businesses struggle to recruit and in turn this can stifle business growth. We are working hard to make sure business owners engage with the schools or if they need a more specific skilled worker, then we have 3 brilliant Universities close by, there is a huge pool of talent right here on our doorstep.

How can you make yourself the employer of choice and what does that look like? What is the future workforce looking for when they are seeking out their ideal business to work for?

A ’decent job’ is a comment that always makes

me curious. What does that mean? For some it will mean salary, for some it will mean flexible working and for some work life balance is by far the most important. I believe the Pandemic helped business owners/leaders look at what this means for the future. Employee wellbeing is crucial to business growth, many students and graduates are now making conscious choices of where they work based on the culture that the individual business fosters. We encourage businesses to look at their employee offering, look at what are others doing well and what they can adopt to make their business one that’s top of the list for potential employees.

Worthing and Adur Chamber is always here to support businesses who are navigating the complexities of running a business in the current climate.

You can get in touch with us by emailing or visit 01903 357003 8 Please mention Inside Broadwater when responding to advertisements INSIDE Local Business

Five Great Reasons to Business Network with

I must admit to initially being somewhat sceptical about getting involved in business networking. The prospect of feeling pressured to recommend people from a limited group, does not sit easily with me. Having to stand up and speak about myself and my business was daunting.

Five great benefits from Business Networking:

1. Strengthen your network of business connections...

Strong business relationships are vital in any community, if you run a small to medium business in Worthing, you’ll know how important it is to make the right contacts to help your business grow. For smart contacts and useful referrals, networking really is the way forward.

2. Tap into your network for ideas and knowledge...

Individually, we have a fair amount of knowledge and creativity. Collectively, we have pretty much everything we need. Sharing learning and entrepreneurial flair within the network is akin to access to expert business consultancy.

3. Raise your professional profile… You will learn how to be persuasive and influential, presenting both your personal and your business brand. Developing skills and confidence in a safe environment whilst supporting others to do the same.

4. Career opportunities… Get access to job opportunities, career advice and support.

5. Increased revenue… Business networking develops personal referral and advocacy as one of the most effective lead generators for you and your business.

Worthing Business Circle has been established in the town for over 17 years, meeting every Wednesday at Worthing Golf Club, from 7am. If you would like to come and see what it’s all about, contact us via our website or by email (see below). You will be invited to come along for networking and tea or coffee until 7.15am – then join us for breakfast. Worthing Golf Club is an ideal venue that’s close to the town and next to the A27, so members can get to work easily after the meeting. There’s plenty of free parking for everyone, too.

Contact us:

Even the expectation of having to turn up every week at stupid o’clock seemed like an unreasonable obligation. It has been refreshing to find that not all Business Networking groups are the same.

I am now into my third year with Worthing Business Circle We meet in a relaxed and friendly environment, with no pressure and no hard sell. Building relationships and trust between members is vital. Over the years I’ve created a network of trusted business contacts I can recommend with confidence.

The policy of one member per business category, ensures that there is no clash of interest. Nonmembers and visitors can attend one complimentary meeting with breakfast. Visitors can visit twice before they are asked to join.

At each meeting, there’s a chance for you to give a profile of your business. This is followed by a 10 minute presentation by a different member each week, giving more detail about the business, and what an ideal referral looks like.

The more entertaining, the better we like it!

The meeting finishes officially by 8.45am, allowing you plenty of time to get to work.

INSIDE Local Business
“...from initially sceptic to a committed and loyal member.”

My Work Experience with Inside Magazines

is Kate. She is very lovely and I love her designs. She designs logos and leaflets, but her favourite is doing logos. She then said that she loves a form of poetry and I have agreed to write a poem for the June theme/goalReducing Inequalities.

Hello, my name is Lami. I’m a student at Worthing College, and I’m a very weird, expressive and friendly person.

This week, I am doing work experience based on writing with the Chief Editor of Inside Magazines. Her name is Liana Naylor, and she is lovely to talk to and very funny. Right now, she is teaching me how to run a business and how to speak to customers within a meeting. On Monday, she was talking about how the magazines are within a specific area, and the advertisement is always on the right side because, once people flip the pages, they will see the advert first. Which is very nice and kind.

During the day, she showed me the software she uses to put the magazines together. It was interesting listening and I placed some of the adverts for this magazine myself. I got to meet the designer who works with Inside Magazines, and her name

On Tuesday, in a café I met one of Liana’s customers, and she was lovely to bits. Liana and her were talking about how she does events including weddings, and she wants to do YouTube and Tiktok. For most of the conversation, I was intrigued by what they were saying, but I was dozing off. After that, Liana showed me the software that she uses to monitor the delivery of the magazines. It can show her the people who are delivering the magazines to every doorstep, being tracked. It is actually really clever, and they get paid too!

Today, I met Chris Hare, who is a Historian. I was happy to meet him, though I was shy at first. During our conversation, I talked about my life story, as he was very easy to talk to. After, we then talked about history from different countries. It was fun listening to him, and I felt relieved because it’s the first time I’ve met a Historian.

This experience has been full of interesting things that have made me want to consider writing for Inside Magazines, and it can finally prove that I have potential to do something great. 01903 357003 10 Student Life
Please mention Inside Broadwater when responding to advertisements
“To complement Lami’s workexperience, she was invited to write about her experience and have her writing laid out by a graphic designer.”
01903 357003 11 Miller Parris are a long established law firm in Broadwater, Worthing. Our experienced legal professionals provide advice on the following: • Conveyancing & Residential Property • Lease Extensions & Freehold Acquisitions • Commercial Property • Business Sale & Purchase • Wills & Trusts • Powers of Attorney • Administration of Estates (Probate) • Family, Divorce & Children 3-9 Cricketers Parade Broadwater Street West Worthing BN14 8JB T: 01903 205771 E: W: Boost Your Worthing Business! Stand out to over 40,000 potential customers each month. Starting from £100 /month (excl VAT) Digital Screen Advertising Call us today for a quote! 0800 058 4275 Please mention Inside Broadwater when responding to advertisements

As I write this at the beginning of March, the cold northerly winds are holding up the full eye catching splendour of the spring flowers. I hope that by the time this contribution goes to print that we will all be enjoying the brilliance of bright crocuses, snow drops, daffodils and then hyacinths.

Debbie, our Vice Chair, who currently runs our Wednesday Bingo sessions, has it in mind to start up a Whist Club. It will depend, she says, on the response to this mention of the plan! If you think this is a good idea and would like to be part of a new Whist Club please give Debbie a call on 07528 594589

We have booked Bob Smytherman on Saturday April 8th for a 7.30pm start. Bob will regale us with his experiences as an ex-Mayor and our current Town Crier. There will be a ploughman's supplied and an entrance fee of £5. Bob will pass a collection box round for his favourite charity.

Peter Bartram has kindly offered to be our Quiz Master on May 27th at the Parish Rooms. To book tickets for any of the above, please call Debbie on 07528 594589

Would anyone like to run a quiz at the Parish Rooms? We will organise the food etc, so what could be easier? My wife Liz and I ran one recently that I’m pleased to say, was a success, so - if we can do it – how about you!

We are still seeking quotes for an up grade to our toilets. If you have a yen to carry out the job please contact me on 07812 931882

Perhaps you would consider becoming a member of our our merry band. Membership is £5 a year.

AND:- What is the BEST thing about Switzerland? I don't know, but the flag is a big plus!

If you take a look at p28, you will see that Castle Goring is hosting internationally renowned music artist, Craig David, in an outdoor concert in September as the first in a series of outdoor events on the historical grounds - just outside Worthing off the A27 heading West towards Arundel.


So how do we win them? I hear you cry!

You may have noticed that the front cover is an image of an independent business in the area served by the magazine you are reading.

To reflect the UN SDG (8) of “Decent Jobs and Economic Growth” (see page 14) the covers are showing local independent businesses. None of the businesses know that I have taken photos of their frontage (so I hope they don’t mind!).

To have a chance of winning the highly prized tickets you need to;

1. Find all 7 font covers of the April editions of the Inside Magazines (hint, they are all published online).

2. Find the location and address of each business.

3. Email your answers to me at liana@ with the subject Craig David Comp.

4. While we’re at it, I would be foolish to omit asking for a Google Review of Inside Magazines.

Follow each of the 4 steps carefully and the first 3 to get all 7 locations correct AND email me with the correct subject line will win the tickets! Simple �� 01903 357003 12
INSIDE Our Community
01903 357003 13 Please mention Inside Broadwater when responding to advertisements Broadwater A5 Flyer Landscape 210mm x 148mm Remember to delete or hide this layer. 01702 460047 20% GET OFF our sales and lettings fees * * Terms and conditions apply. For instructions after 01/01/2022. Lea et to be presented at time of valuation. Award Winning bacon and company Estate and letting agents Worthing Worthing We know other estate agents have left Broadwater, but we want you to know we are still here for you. If you live in the BN14 area, receive 20% off our sales and lettings fees * Terms and conditions apply. For instructions after 01/04/2022. Magazine to be presented at time of valuation. Bacon and Company 1-2 May 22 V2.indd 1 19/04/2022 10:08 l Quality kitchens and cabinetry on display l Competitively priced kitchen packages l Design and home measuring service l Installation services also available l Family run, experienced company l Friendly and attentive customer service l 01903 871115 SHOWROOM Gosling Croft Business Centre, Worthing BN13 3UT Off A27 Angmering & A24 Findon slip roads opp. Clapham Village Hall SUPPLY KITCHEN PACKAGES

Decent Work and Economic Growth

This month CREW covers UN Sustainable Development Goal 8 - Decent work and economic growth.

The problem many people have with SDG8 is that it appears contradictory and has been accused of violating all other SDG objectives. SDG’s are about protecting the planet - whereras this goal aims for economic growth.

A recent study shows that if global growth continues to rise, we will not reduce CO2 emissions rapidly enough to keep temperature increases below 2° Celsius. An increase of 2° means greater risks of extreme heat waves, droughts, water stress and extreme weather patterns for a larger portion of the Earth than with a 1.5° increase.

It would seem there is no such thing as sustainable development - growth versus ecology on a finite planet would appear an Oxymoron. Economic growth has been defended for its contributions to human well-being and increasing standards of living. Yet as the economy grows, it engulfs more and more of the ecosystem which will reach a limit when it incorporates 100 percent of the ecosystem, if not before. Thus, it has a negative effect on wellbeing and standard of living for many nations and all in the longer term.

Is it possible to separate economic growth from unsustainable resource consumption and harm? Economic growth can measure production of goods and can also be a measure of services, for example: expanding public transport making it more efficient; insulating and improving energy efficiency of buildings; producing fuel-efficient vehicles; investing in non-polluting industrial processes, and cleaning up industrial waste sites. If economic growth does not mean infinite increases to our consumption of natural resources or environmental

degradation, is it possible to separate harmful economic growth from physical growth and its harmful effects? It is clear that we cannot continue to consume more water, burn more fuel, and spew out more and more carbon dioxide at ever increasing rates. We are at a point in history where separating economic growth and physical growth has to happen or economic growth will severely impact human wellbeing. Continuing as we are accentuates inequality whilst propping up business at odds with a sustainable society - driving ecocide.

What are the alternatives? Theories such as Degrowth, Circular Economy, Resource based Economies and Doughnut Economics are some popular theories.

Degrowth theory works by voluntary reductions in consumption, a basic income, fewer working hours, sharing economies, and re-localized production and consumption of food, energy, housing and transportation. Emphasising the ecological limits to economic development, degrowth inherently invokes questions of justice, responsibility and debt in relation to climate change, capitalist extraction and dispossession of land and resources.

Circular Economy envisions a new era where all cities function through a circular model, setting the end of an age of waste. Closer to home Circular Brighton & Hove is a network of individuals, SMEs, social enterprises, universities, faith groups, third sector organisations and companies who share a common belief that Circular Economy can have a positive impact, not only on the environment but on society – by reducing poverty, strengthening communities, and the economy – by increasing resilience and supporting business. Look out for our upcoming talk!

The term “Resource Based Economy” 01903 357003 14 #LetsSusItOut

was first coined by Jacque Fresco, the founder of The Venus Project. Fresco believed that a Resource Based Economy could support scientific integration of automating technologies (AI and robotics) and engineering systems to provide the highest possible living standards. As the status quo is no longer working, climate change, social inequality, and technological innovation are now disrupting a market-driven society. The key to resolving these global challenges, they suggest, is rooted in a Resource Based Economy, a social philosophy of the future.

Economist Kate Raworth, first coined the term Doughnut Economics and has written much on the theory. The doughnut economy, in contrast to capitalism, takes its cue from nature, balancing essential human needs and planetary boundaries. The Doughnut consists of two concentric rings: a social foundation, to ensure that no one is left falling short on life's essentials, and an ecological ceiling, to ensure that humanity does not collectively overshoot the planetary boundaries that protect Earth's life-supporting systems.

An increasing number of billionaires are using up the world's resources at a rapid rate in contrast to many of us who are adopting changes to our lifestyles to reduce our impact. Bill Gates, (a self professed environmental advocate) took 59 flights in 2017, and generated more than 1,600 tonnes of greenhouse gases. According to an Oxfam study billionaires emit a million times more greenhouse gases than the average person. Surely something has to change to create a fairer and just society for all and ensure a habitable planet?

As Albert Einstein said, “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”

At CREW we believe in building community and resilience through knowledge and discussion. If you would like to deliver a talk, presentation or workshop on sustainability or climate change related content please get in touch at

Charity no. 119852


March 2023


April 2023


May 2023


June 2023


July 2023


August 2023


September 2023


October 2023


November 2023


December 2023


January 2024

17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were adopted by United Nations (UN) Member States in 2015 and serve as a template for global partnerships to work towards a sustainable future for people and the planet by 2030. The goals recognize that ending poverty and deprivation must go hand-in-hand with strategies to improve health and education, reduce inequality, while tackling climate change and preserving our oceans and forests. The SDGs are intended to be used from grassroots to nationwide levels. The goals do not work in isolation, they are about partnerships for a sustainable future, and work in partnership with each other too.

Read more about it on (09/08/22) and you can follow the latest updates on @SustDev



On Thursday 16th February West Sussex first Climate Resilience Centre Worthing, or CREW for short, officially opened to the public. CREW is part of an interconnected network of climate emergency centres across the UK.

Amberlouise Everitt, a CREW CoFounder, said “we would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who made CREW'S Grand Opening a success! We are now officially open!” Sean Hellett fellow Co-Founder went on to say “We are so grateful to all our wonderful volunteers who gave their time and worked hard to get the Launch Day organised, also for our volunteers’ continued hard work”

Worthing Mayor, Councillor Henna Chowdhury cut the ribbon and made a moving speech, having recently returned from Bangladesh, one of the planet's most vulnerable countries to climate change. Many were in attendance, including Councillor Helen Silman, Cabinet Member for Climate Emergency.

We heard speeches from Amberlouise, who reminded everyone of the important reasons behind the climate resilience center. Sean described the journey to registering the charity and opening the centre.

Tobias Chaffer, Ambassador for Fingerprints not Footprints at Oscar Romero School gave a powerful speech. He told us why the climate issues were so important to him. CREW recently gave a talk at Oscar Romero School and the Fingerprints not Footprints group are planning a youth space at the centre, with activities for local young people.

As a community hub, CREW provides information, support and solutions to help build resilience in a climate emergency through local community group talks, workshops, events and information. You can visit us at 8/9 South Street in Worthing town centre or see our events page here:

Quote from Amberlouise; “What we do in the next 2-3 years to stop burning fossil fuels, stop deforestation, change transport systems, reduce meat and dairy consumption and stop consuming so much will determine whether we have a habitable planet or not. Climate change is already happening and accelerating due to human activity. The UK will not escape climate change, with our winters projected to become warmer and wetter, and summers hotter and drier with increasing likelihood and severity of heatwaves. Global food shortages will occur due to crop failure and 1.2 billion displaced people are expected by 2050.”

If you would like to support our work you can donate to our Crowdfunder using the QR code here, or search for 'Climate Resilience Centre Worthing' on www.

Further information:

CREW will provide space and infrastructure needed to connect people, gather resources and take action to create a better future for ourselves and our children. One of 40 centres across the UK working to improve mitigation and adaptation to the Climate and Ecological Emergency. Acting in alliance with several local groups, we aim to deliver events, information and workshops on Climate Justice, Insulation 4 Homes, Energy Bill Advice, Rewilding, Listening Circles, Climate Information, “Repair, Recycle, Reuse”, People not Profits, Wellbeing, Green Travel, Building Community, Stories for a Better Future and Gardening with Nature.

CREW's work will help to support Sustainable Adur & Worthing to improve their record by building community engagement and communication with regards to the climate emergency. The members wanted to see easily accessed sources of information and places of excellence where learning about key sustainability issues can take place. We provide the space, resources, volunteers and commitment to address this most serious of issues. CREW will also be offering support and advice by trained volunteers on energy saving and accessing grants. 01903 357003 16 INSIDE Our Environment

Reduce Your Carbon Footprint - Exploring the Sustainable Worthing Map

Find out how you can reduce your carbon footprint and support the environment, this FREE 2 hour workshop can point you in the right direction.

Sat, 1 April 2023, 13:00 – 15:30


CREW - Climate Resilience Centre Worthing

8/9 South Street South Street

Worthing BN11 3AL

Transition Town Worthing (TTW) have created an online map to enable the community to find out what is going on locally and where, regarding living more sustainably.

If you’d like to find out how you can easily reduce your carbon footprint and support the environment, this 2 hour workshop can point you in the right direction.

Demo given but you might like to bring your laptop or tablet to access the map on your own device.

To book visit: or

Unveiling the official poster for The Worthing Festival ‘23

An image by Northbrook degree student, Jessica Galbraith has been chosen as the official identity for The Worthing Festival ‘23 - the town's first multi-arts festival.

Promotional place brand Time for Worthing and Worthing Borough Council held a competition for Northbrook College students to find a dynamic piece which could be used as the ‘face’ of the Worthing Festival ‘23, which will take place 10th -18th June.

Cllr Rita Garner, Worthing Borough Council's cabinet lead for Culture and Leisure, said: “We were blown away by the quality of the students' entries from a fantastically wide range of disciplines - photography, fine art, graphics etc. Choosing just one winner was a tough decision, but in the end Jessica's entry was the unanimous favourite and creates a bold identity for the town’s first Worthing Festival.”

Jessica's image formed part of her Makeup and Hair for Theatre and Media BA (Hons) Degree course at Northbrook. She says, ’I was thrilled to hear that my image has been chosen to be ‘the face’ of the Worthing Festival. I’m really excited to see my work translated into promotional materials.'

The judging panel comprised Helena Thomas, Principal of Northbrook College, Kirstie McCool - Course Leader for Photography at Northbrook, Cllrs Garner, Dale Overton and Catherine Glynn-Davies, Richard Manders from Colonnade House and Judy Fox from Time for Worthing.

Helena Thomas said: “It's always great for our Northbrook students to have the opportunity to link in with live projects. The transition between academic learning and the world of work can be tricky, so

we welcome partnership opportunities such as the Worthing Festival poster competition as invaluable ‘real life’ experiences for our students.”

This is the first year of The Worthing Festival, which will take place in venues across the whole borough and will comprise music, theatre, dance, art, heritage, comedy, spoken word, film, workshops, outdoor and family events taking place in venues across Worthing.

Time for Worthing are overseeing the marketing and promotion of the Festival, with listings available in a dedicated Worthing Festival - What's on section of the website. Events and links to book tickets directly with venues went live in March.

Event organisers and groups are invited to sign up to take part. From performance, comedy, dance and music to craft workshops and demonstrationseveryone is welcome.

Submissions of interest can be entered via a link on the Time for Worthing home page, worthingfestival2023/ 01903 357003 18 Please mention Inside Magazines when responding to advertisements #worthingfestival


Music, theatre, dance, heritage, art, comedy, spoken word, film, outdoor and family events

For more information visit

10 – 18 JUNE 2023
Image created by Jessica Galbraith BA (Hons) Make Up & Hair for Theatre & Media

#Hidden gem on the hills

My name is Gwenn, and I work in Worthing’s best kept secret, the jewel of the crown, a true living library of rare plants and trees, hidden on the South Downs.

Despite being ancient and fragile, the place bursts with life and energy, from fauna to flora, humans to rare plants from across the world, dreams to events, passion to propagation.

My work is my playground, I love it and this is why.

Every day, my team and I reach for the hills!

Every day we care, we plant, we plan, we contemplate and protect for all to enjoy, for now and for generations to come.

We are honoured and proud to be the temporary guardians of this wonderful place, known for its social history, botanical interest and sentimental value within our community and from afar.

Everyday, we are reminded of the powerful impact that such places bring to the world. From a long standing volunteer recalling her first steps as a child walking along our borders, to meeting the head of the Millenium Seed Bank talking about the value of preserving our seeds in her vault, 10 feet underground.

Everyday, my team and I commit to do the best possible job for the people of Worthing and other voyagers to marvel over this safe haven every single day of the year. So please, come, spot one of us in our smart new gilet ou tablier, and say hello!

#A ordability and Accessibility

We intend to improve ways to enjoy the gardens. The gardens are free to enter and you can benefit from ‘Highdownloads’, exclusive resources. Pick them up from the visitor centre for a small donation or download free online. From our Plants Trails and Explorers cards to our Town to Down Walks, showcasing ways to access the gardens on foot from Angering, Goring train station and Durrington Community Centre. The walks are short and engaging and are suitable for children.

Check out our Accessibility page for more information about what to expect, including a video and a downloadable visual guide to Highdown Gardens.

#O grid

We are super excited to announce that, thanks to a generous private donation, 31st March the water is flowing once more into our pond in a “guilt free” way of harvesting the power of the sun.

#Get Involved

If what you seek is not there yet, don’t be shy, drop us a line and let us know what your Highdown Gardens looks like. Who knows, you might also want to get involved and volunteer your time.

Highdown Gardens, Highdown Rise (off Littlehampton Road), Worthing, BN12 6FB


We have an exciting programme for 2023, something for everyone.


• ‘Discover Days’

Join a series of creative days exploring art and nature starting this Easter holiday with an Egg Hunt, drama workshops, bushcraft tasters, face painting, pop up studio, drawing tables, storytelling and much more. 5 and 12 April, 10am-3:30pm. Book early to avoid disappointment.

• ‘Sundown at Highdown’

Why not try something different during the Summer evenings with our alfresco performances? Starting with our traditional outdoor theatre shows by the Rainbow Shakespeare Theatre presenting The Tempest and The Comedy of Errors from 11 to 23 July.


• ‘Blooming Highdown’

Experience the very best of Highdown Gardens with a seasonal expert guided tour to learn about our iconic plants and impress your friends! Watch out for our ‘Peony and Rose’ tours in May.

• ‘ Highdown Lowdown’

The gardens come to life during our weekly guided tours. Led by one of our talented guides sharing the garden’s rich social history, showcasing plants of seasonal interests and enticing anecdotes. Every Thursday 2-3pm, or why not book a private talk with our Gardens Curator, bringing to life the incredible contemporary research and archiving endeavour to protect Sir Frederick Stern’s National Plant Collection. Upon

request only


• ‘Know and Grow’

Think you know everything about plants? Our programme of practical propagation and identification workshops will boost your knowledge. Available from May.


• ‘Pop up Shop’

Bursting with chalk loving plants and vintage terracotta pots, local makers ceramic and textiles and much more. Every Thursday and Friday afternoon 12:30-3:30pm

• ‘A Taste of Highdown’

The perfect way to awaken your senses with our delicious afternoon cream teas, and relaxing cheese and wine evenings in the heart of the gardens from June as part of Worthing Festival.

Make sure you don’t miss out: subscribe to our mailing list or check out our ‘What’s on’ page regularly.

It’s right on my door step! Definitely worth a visit....

A little gem hidden away. Greg

One last thing, we hire spaces and are open minded, so if you have an idea, a business or a concept suitable for Highdown, or just need a space for a meeting or your event we want to hear from you too.

Best wishes and a Happy Easter to the Worthing community from the Highdown Gardens team.

‘Such a beautiful place, almost therapeutic. ’ Olivia

Don’t miss out, find us 21
24 hours a day, 365 days a year Community Alarm A lifeline for your loved ones Community Alarm provides peace of mind and security to you and your loved ones To contact us please telephone 01273 263390 or email Experts in all aspects of roofing. Fully insured, with a skilled team of experienced professionals. l Flat Roofing l Guttering l Lead Flashing l Tiles/Slat Roofs l Moss Removal l Scaffolding l Chimney Repairs l Fascias & Soffits Telephone 07413 498 503 Please mention Inside Magazines when responding to advertisements

Worthing Football Club: Working with the Community

There's a saying that "Work is what you do when you wish you were doing something else" ... which means, of course, if you can find a job that you love, then you won't 'work' a day in your life. This sounds pretty straightforward, but many of us end up in jobs that wouldn't have been at the top of our "Career wish list". This might have been because we didn't know what we wanted to be when we grew up, or there's a need for cash, so you take the best option at that time.

During Spring, lots of people start thinking that maybe it's time to try something new... so, if you are out of work or feeling restless, how do you get on that first step towards your worthwhile job? Something that is hard to beat is actual experience in the role you have in mind. However, perhaps you're not in a position to give up a current job, or re-training might need money and time that you don't have at the moment. A low risk and low cost way of gaining experience is to volunteer in an organisation that offers the sort of work you are looking for. This allows you to try things out before committing further and can act as a springboard to achieve change.

Local community organisations and charities welcome keen people who want to help and the range of opportunities might be surprising. For example, at Worthing Football Club, as you might expect, our volunteers include football coaches, managers and physios, helping our team players to reach their potential. However, there are also many volunteers working behind the scenes: these include hands on practical work in maintaining and improving the ground, plus office based and management activities such as premises management, finance and accounting, administration, health and

safety compliance and fundraising. Then there is 'match day support' including photographers, stewards, catering and driving the teams to away games, plus media and promotion, including broadcasting (through "Rebel Yell" for live coverage during matches, plus podcasts and interviews), promoting the teams through social media and the Club's Website. All of these are supported by volunteers and offer the opportunity to acquire and develop "transferable skills."

An example of this is where the Club has supported roles for 'media course' students from our local college. By managing the social media of our Football Teams and the Club itself, our students can develop their course portfolio with practical experience, enabling them to gain jobs in the highly competitive realm of sports media. Some organisations may offer free or subsidised training for volunteers: at Worthing Football Club this has included First Aid and Stewarding qualifications.

So, if you fancy trying something new and doing something that supports your local community, whilst increasing your own skills and experience, why not consider volunteering?

For more information about volunteering at Worthing Football Club, please contact Angelatanner@ 01903 357003 24
“if you can find a job that you love, then you won’t ‘work’ a day in your life”

Club House Hire



CALL 01903 233444 OR EMAIL

Ideal for birthdays, anniversaries, engagement parties, special occasions or wakes OUR CLUB BAR has the capacity for 120 people. It’s a completely self-contained venue with a long bar offering many drink options, several screens for your picture showcase or videos and wc facilities. Our resident caterer can prepare your BUFFET or you can bring your own food.

Worthing Friendship Centre

Meeting on Thursday 20th April at 2:30pm at the English Martyrs Barn. Goring is with the Sundown Ukele Band- a musical treat for Spring. Please bring a friend if you can.

Worthing Spanish Conversation Club

The Club is a small group meeting at the Broadwater Parish Centre 117 Broadwater Rd Worthing every Saturday at 11:00am for an hour to chat and practice our Spanish in a friendly group, no lessons, no homework!!

For more information please call Ghislaine Chauvin 07791 979909

To publish your event email;

01903 357003 25
INSIDE Your Month
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Worthing Squares

American Square Dance Club

What is square dancing?

Square dancing is lots of fun. Square dancing is friendship set to music. Square dancing is party time every time you do it.

Come along and try something different – fun, gentle exercise with friendly people, followed by a cup of tea, coffee or squash and a chat. Worthing Squares members have been enthusiastically square dancing for almost forty years and new members are always welcome to join us. Spend quality time with your partner, bring a friend or neighbour, or come on your own and make new friends. No special clothes needed –just what you’re comfortable in – and no fancy footwork so it doesn’t matter if you’ve got two left feet! If you can walk, you can square dance. Lots of laughter, gentle exercise, and an easy way to add to your daily

steps total! Most of us never intended to be square dancers but we gave it a go and were amazed how much we enjoyed it.

We will be holding free taster sessions on Monday 17th, and 24th April between 7pm and 8pm at The Barn next to the English Martyrs Church, Goring Way, Worthing BN12 4UH. Thereafter the cost per session is just £3, and you are welcome to stay after 8pm to watch the more experienced dancers –one day you might be one of them! Regular exercise can lead to a slower heart rate, lower blood pressure and improved cholesterol profile. It’s good for the brain as well as the body, and it’s so much more interesting than pounding the streets or the treadmill at the gym.

If you’d like more info call Jan on 01903 830361 or Mike on 07577 220161. We hope to see you soon!

who has

absolutely loves these sessions – it’s a wonderful activity that we can do together and she really comes alive.”

Love to Move

Supported and sponsored by:

For more information call 01273 286 172

Love to Move is a fun, age and dementia friendly seated movement programme to music. It is suited to older adults, those living with dementia, MS and Parkinson’s and their carers. Delivered by British Gymnastics’ Love to Move coaches. There will be a nominal £5 charge. After the class, there will be refreshments and time to chat.

Wednesdays 11.15am - 12.15 at Heene Community

Centre 122 Heene Road, Worthing BN11 4PL

To book your seat please contact:

Supported by: 01903 357003 26
“My mum
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JEM stands for Jackie, Eleni and Marlena

Our event is for the community and we will be having an exhibition of art and resin work, creative craft work and 2 performances by Eleni who is a classical vocalist accompanied by local pianist Reuben. The event will take place at Heene Community Centre on Sunday April 23rd. Starts at 3pm until 6pm. Doors open at 3pm, with the first performance at 3:30 Tickets £4 (under 16 free)

01903 357003 27 Call Harold - 07475 438788 • Garden Maintenance • Painting & Decorating • External Painting • Home Repairs • 24/7 Emergency Callout • Garage & Shed Clearance Call Ian Slater on 07825 211228 or email Follow on Facebook topglassdoubleglazing Looking after each customer from first contact to installation. Jackie Bent - Artist Eleni Katerini - Vocalist Marlena Denny – Crafter
Sunday 23rd April 2023 Time: 3.00pm to 6.00pm (doors open at 3pm) Performances at 3.30 and 4.30. Venue: Heene Community Centre, Heene Road, Worthing BN11 4PL Free car park on Winchester Road (Limited spaces) Venue is fully accessible to all. Entrance: £ £4 (children under 16yrs free ) Free Raffle ticket for the first 40 attendees` Apercentage ofallentrancefeesgotowards‘Turning Tides Refreshments andtastytreatswillbe available. For more information email: jem.events23@gmail.comulture J.E.M Presents
medley of art and
culture Professional Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning INSIDE Your Month Please mention Inside Broadwater when responding to advertisements

CRAIG DAVID presents TS5

Goring Castle, Worthing

Friday 8th September 2023

It’s the South East’s can’t-miss, don'twant-to-miss event of the summer. Craig David is bringing his world-famous TS5 live show to Worthing for one night only on Friday 8th September. It’s been years since the town last played host to an outdoor concert on this scale so join an incredible night of music that’s been enjoyed across the globe and can now be experienced at Castle Goring as part of the new At The Castle open air concert series.

What is TS5?

TS5 started out as an exclusive pre-party hosted by Craig at his penthouse home in Miami. Combining old skool anthems from R&B to Swing, Garage to Bashment, with the latest chart-topping House hits mixed in. Craig is no stranger to DJ-ing, having started out working on the UK club circuit before finding success as a solo artist, selling more than 15 million albums, scoring 14 Top Ten hits and going multi-platinum in more than 20 countries. His ability to sing, MC and work the crowd, all while DJ-ing, underpins the popularity of TS5.

You’ll be in good company

This summer, as well as coming to Worthing, TS5 will return to Ibiza Rocks for a fifth summer pool party residency and will be kicking off a new pool party residency in Marbella. It’s now a globally recognised party brand, having toured the world and visited locations in Australia, the US, Japan, Dubai, Bali, Malaysia, Hong Kong and Europe, entertaining more than 1.5 million clubbers.

Record-breaking popularity

After TS5’s initial success in Miami, Craig began posting exclusive sets on Soundcloud and gained thousands of listeners every week. This led to UK radio stations Capital and Kiss broadcasting the sets on Friday and Saturday nights, giving their audiences access to the exclusive TS5 parties playing live in Craig’s home across the Atlantic. A five-date sell-out

tour in Australia followed, with the country’s number one radio station, Kiss, also playing a TS5 set on Saturdays at 10pm. TS5 began being broadcast on Mai FM, the biggest Urban radio station in New Zealand, and Blast FM in Northern Ireland too. In under a year, tickets to Craig’s TS5 live nights became the mostsought after in the UK’s capital. Those for the first TS5 headline show at London's Oslo Hackney in July 2015 and a second at Shapes Hackney in October 2015 sold out in minutes. In 2016, tickets for TS5 at Koko in Camden sold out in less than ten minutes while 5,000 tickets for the headline show at the prestigious Brixton Academy went in less than three minutes. That summer, 25,000 packed the Sonic Stage at Glastonbury, the largest crowd ever for that stage. Craig returned the following year, bringing TS5 to more than 100,000 festival-goers when he played the world-famous Pyramid Stage.

Please mention Inside Broadwater when responding to advertisements INSIDE Your Month

Good reasons to visit your library this Spring

Are you missing out on all the amazing activities, events and things your local library offers?

Along with books, the library brings with it a range of services including free use of library computers, log onto the free Wi-Fi and access to an extensive eLibrary.

Here are some good reasons to visit your local library now:

What’s on – look out for upcoming Easter activities as well as all free regular activities. Join in with the lively baby and toddler rhymetime sessions or how about making new friends at Knit and Natter or a Board Games session?

Online access for all - do you need online access to compare utility providers or research the prices of household items? Library computers are free of charge for all library card holders or bring your own device and log onto the free Wi-Fi.

Community connections – libraries are a free and welcoming space for everyone. Read a book in a quiet corner, browse the internet or listen to a podcast in a cosy corner. Not forgetting a space to study.

Resources to help you - the library is full of resources to help you from learning a new skill, to helping you to stay informed. From newspapers and magazines across a range of topics to books that show you how to cook on a budget – there’s something for everyone.

So what are you waiting for? Just pop into your local library: Broadwater Library, Dominion Road, Broadwater, Worthing, BN14 8JL 01903 233244

01903 357003 29 Please mention Inside Broadwater when responding to advertisements It’s time to discover your local library There’s something for all ages: • Free Wi-Fi • Join in an activity • Find a cosy space to read a book • Download a free magazine or e-book Visit us today to discover more! Broadwater Library, Dominion Road, Broadwater, Worthing, BN14 8JL 01903 233244 BROADWATER EDITION MONTH 1: GENERAL ADVERT

So we’re gonna clean the whole house, yeah? Like, top to bottom, right through?

Think so - it really needs it. I’ll go get the stuff.


We’re not gonna get the electric floor washer out though, eh?

God no, too much hassle. We’ll just use the little mop.


Gadgets! Allegedly time-saving, improving quality-of-life, but actually often heavy, awkward, and time-sucking. A pain to get out and set up and more pain to dismantle, clean and put away. And then you need space to store all those things. Cupboards, porches, ‘spare’ rooms.

I’ve lived in houses where a floor clean was done like this: sweep with a broom; grab a cloth and a bowl, dip and wring the cloth, plop it on the floor and use the broom to push it around and dig into the dirt. Keep rinsing, wringing and pushing. Now, we own more tech: we have both a cheap, simple mop - and a pointless floor washer.

Growth of the economy means more stuff. The invention and production of more stuff. An endless push towards more. New versions of existing things, and new things.

And then people who can afford to buy that stuff. So, people with jobs, wages to spend. People who work hard so they can buy all that stuff.

Growth and jobs - sounded great in the early 20th century. Sounded good up until quite recently. These days, sounding less good.

Kirk Hall addressed Worthing’s Transition town group back in 2021, with these

words about a division:-

… those who think environmental damage can be “decoupled” from economic growth (it can’t) and those who don’t … a massive group in the middle who realise that infinite growth on a finite planet is impossible, but if they haven’t heard of Degrowth tend to gravitate towards “solutions” … like renewables, rewilding, regenerative agriculture, recycling, reducing inequality, and much more … all part of Degrowth, but if the economy is growing, none of those things (or even all of them) will be enough to save the biosphere.

8 scientists recently published in the prestigious science journal Nature, outlining what Degrowth looks like and what kinds of policies support steps towards it. Degrowth would mean less stuff - and less work. Green jobs, lower hours.

We sit down to admire our clean house. That was hard work, and the morning is gone. We could have been in the park. Do we need this much space? And stuff?

Uk government statistics tell us that in 1957, a household spent 33% of its income on food. Today, it’s just 16%. All that other stuff we’re buying makes an endless squeeze on household budgets.

Wonder how Terry and Jan are getting on?

Probably back in Portugal by now.


Terry and Jan are a professional couple in their thirties, who sold their house, bought a van, and began to travel, living a very stripped-down life. They both work remotely from the van and declare themselves super happy. They’ve rejected endless work and endless consumption. Might we all enjoy a shift in that direction? 01903 357003 30
@ worthinethnographic
01903 357003 31 Please mention Inside Broadwater when responding to advertisements Do you have cloudy double glazing? Are your locks, hinges or handles faulty? Well Aaron Smith your local window repair specialist has the answer to all your repair needs We offer a friendly, local and reliable service that works to bring your old windows back to life without the heavy cost of full replacement. What We Do: • Replacement Glass Cloudy or Broken • Energy E icient Glass Upgrades • Locks • Hinges • Handles • Door Repairs • Cat Flaps • Le erboxes • Velux Windows • Replacement Seals Guaranteed to beat any like for like quote Please call 01444 647747 | 07772 537 943 or visit Contact us for a FREE no obligation quote today Cloudy Window Fixer Mar 22.indd 1 09/02/2022 13:24 Enter code: INBRO at the checkout and receive 10% OFF your registration. Registered charity number 256789 Saturday 24 June Worthing Leisure Centre New route, new start time, old favourite! 25 Km 20 Km 10 Km Signup nowfrom £25

Decent work and economic growth

ell, if I can’t get a decent article out of that subject, I’m in the wrong job. That was what I first thought when I read the ‘upcoming Sustainable Development Goals’ title published by The Editor each month. Turns out that it’s rather more di cult than it first looked, thanks Liana!

Trouble is, how does anyone balance the need for economic growth, with decent jobs (I won’t be qualifying what a decent job is here) against a backdrop of concern. Concerns for our environment, government-backed carbon emission reduction, along with finite resources and a scarcity of capital for perceived risky ventures. In the West (global north), we tend to have an appetite for ‘more of the same, thank you very much’. That’s seemingly the way it is.

People who know me well know I’m one for a car and motorcycle. Yes, I know they pollute, yes I know they’re noisy, yes they can even kill. But most of us use them a lot, even if we don’t own or drive one ourselves. We do it not for fun, not for leisure, but out of necessity to get to work, take the kids to school, see our families. I could go on. Myself, I tend to cycle a bit most weeks, take the train occasionally (if it turns up) when going into town, but it’s my car I use mainly, as I’m usually carrying other people or heavy bulky stu .

WUsing the car as a vehicle for this next bit (no pun) is quite useful, I think. Most of us can relate to them and most will recognise the problems I’m going to describe next.

Car production provides countless jobs; market research, design, production, sales and aftercare, not to mention all of the feeder industries in fabrication, electronics and fuel. It’s a global phenomenon which underpins many lives and trades. It’s staggering when you think about it.

But cars are ‘bad’. Some Counties are introducing travel restrictions to control car use and make walking and cycling more attractive. Low emission zones and restricted access times, mean that only those with the right vehicle can enter or travel to a particular place. This can create a situation where only wealthy people can work or shop in a particular area, causing divide. Cutting pollution; a good thing, but favouring a certain technology and setting tari s; creates a divide. Creating divisions reduces choice and freedom which could then reduce economic growth. This is all heavy stu .

UK Government has declared a ban on the sale of all petrol and diesel powered cars by 2030, only 7 years away. They’re seemingly convinced that a battery or hydrogen powered vehicle is the way to go. This is only good news for the car industry and all the feeding activity relating to it. There will be winners and loosers of course as some won’t be able to make the switch, but others will be able to re-train, creating opportunity. 01903 357003 32
INSIDE The Real Repair Shop
Matt Marchant

But, don’t think for one moment that this latest government drive for 2030 is all about the environment, far from it. Those with longer memories might remember the gold rush to diesel powered vehicles in the 1980s which only really ended in the late 2010s – remember Dieselgate? Diesel’s improved economy, and lower CO2 output made it the greener choice – at that time. We always knew that diesel is a dirtier fuel, but our governments and industry quietly forgot about that. We all paid less tax on those cars too – seems ironic now as we’re bombarded with messaging from the same governments and manufacturers to ditch diesel vehicles, many with good clean performance, in favour of battery powered cars.

Last year, I went for a blast in my mate’s Tesla Model 3 and I was astounded by the incredible performance. It was like being inside an iPhone, with its sleek design and useful features. This car like every one made before it has provided jobs and prosperity, but it’s not as guilt-free as some would have you believe. Tesla, like all other electric vehicle manufacturers are turning to lithium/ cobalt cells to power their creations, and those cells have a shorter-than-conventionalengine lifespan. These finite raw materials have to travel long distances, and are mined, sometimes by hand, doing damage in other parts of the world we don’t usually see.

Daily life in rural Wales will certainly prove this Tesla’s robustness for the duration of its lease as it will be put to work on muddy country roads. I’ll be following its longevity with interest. I wonder

how it will last reliably for more than 5 years. It’s a complicated thing with lots of sensors, electronics and materials that must work in harmony. One wonders if a shorter life-cycle will suit the industry more than the user. Who knows? Will electric cars truly reduce emissions with short product life-cycles, I’m skeptical.

How do I conclude all this? The car industry needs to make cars, car sales provide decent skilled jobs with long careers in design, research, production, sales, finance, service and repair. Cars, vans and trucks support just about every other trade I can think of. It’s all good stu . But it’s all really bad stu , because none of that is any good for our planet. Not even a Tesla.

I’m going to end this article in the same way I end many of these things and it goes something like this; the cheapest and greenest things are the ones you already have. Look after them, service and maintain them. Critically assess any bold claim made by anyone trying to sell you a replacement or embarrass you into buying new. Government policy U turns are frequent, public opinion takes a little longer… Time for a cuppa.

01903 357003 33 @fix_it_workshop @repairyourthing
UK Government has declared a ban on the sale of all petrol and diesel powered cars by 2030, only 7 years away.
The Real Repair Shop

All You Need is Growth?

We hear a great deal today about economic growth. If you listen to our politicians – of all parties – they vie with each other to show they are the true believers in economic growth, and they will deliver more of it and more quickly than their rivals. So entrenched is this acceptance of growth as an economic and political model, that you might almost think it a force of nature, like gravity or the rising of the sun every morning: you would have to be a crackpot to oppose it.

Yet, what creature, what plant, what river or lake in this world continues to grow forever? There is nothing that does not eventually reach its optimum size or comes to the end of its natural life, yet the politicians ask us to believe that they can defy the laws of nature and, indeed science. Plastic waste amasses in our oceans, civic tips pile up with unwanted consumer products, and working people work harder and harder for less real income.

West Sussex writer, Hilaire Belloc, noticed this febrile trend in politics and economics developing one hundred years ago and warned in vivid terms where this would lead – to a world more and more obsessed with the individual at the expense of the whole, and one where craftsmanship, skill and status were replaced by mass production and greed.

As his life, including his political life, took many twists and turns, he remained consistent in his belief in the ‘redistribution’ as opposed to the monopoly or the abolition of property. It was a view that sat uncomfortably with either the socialist or the capitalist point of view, and

as a result, Belloc can appear at one moment a revolutionary, and at another, a reactionary. This uneasy, we could say, untenable position, born from his sense of what a just society society should be like, grew from his own experience of life and his strongly held spiritual beliefs.

Belloc saw how industrial capitalism was ensnaring and exploiting millions, but he also saw what brutal tyranny had arisen in Soviet Russia, where millions had been enslaved by the government. In a 1927 radio broadcast, Belloc, reiterated his view that only by the ‘restoration of property,’ could real freedom be found – when all ownership was universal, not confined to a few wealthy capitalists or to governments. Belloc hoped for better days, but he also foresaw what would happen if the system of growth spread across the globe -

“The industrial civilisation which, thank God, oppresses only the small part of the world in which we are most inextricably bound up, will break down and therefore end from its monstrous wickedness, folly, ineptitude, leading to a restoration of sane, ordinary human a airs…. based as a whole upon the freedom of the citizens. Or it will break down and lead to nothing but a desert. Or it will lead the mass of men to become contended slaves, with a few rich men controlling them. Take your choice.”


Which one of us today cannot read those words without a shudder, when we contemplate the power and influence wielded over our lives by the likes Je Bezos, Elon Musk, or Bill Gates?

Belloc also perceived that controlling the information ordinary people received was the key to this system advancing. Belloc saw that the purpose of the ‘popular press’ was to stifle 01903 357003
Hilaire Belloc
INSIDE Local History

debate and divert their readers’ attention with trivial and manufactured news -

“….the press of our great cities is controlled by a very few men, whose object is not the discussion of public a airs, still less the giving of full information to their fellow-citizens, but the piling up of private fortune. As these men are not, as a rule, educated men, nor particularly concerned with the fortunes of the State, nor capable of understanding from the past what the future may be, they will never take up a great movement until it is forced upon them….they will waste energy in getting up false excitement upon insignificant matters.”

In the 1920s, Belloc wrote that there would never be a free stream of information in England until we “Dam the Beaverbrook and Dredge the Rothermere,” a reference to the two lords who owned most of the country’s newspapers.

Belloc sought solace from the world by sailing his small boat around the coasts of Britain, or by enjoying the remoteness of the Sussex Downs. Yet even this was changing. In 1936, he sadly

noted that even on Chanctonbury Ring you could hear tra c and the loud ‘machine-gun’ sound of motorbikes passing by on the road below. He could find no escape from “the blind inhuman clatter.”

Towards the end of his life he began to perceive the danger posed by what we would today call ‘Big Pharma,’ although in his time the huge, billion-dollar pharmaceutical corporations were still only a bad dream, although one that Belloc sensed in one of the last verses he wrote –Of old when folk lay sick and sorely tried The doctors gave them physic, and they died. But here’s a happier age: for now we know Both how to make men sick and keep them so.

Belloc was always impressed by the skilled artisans he met in Sussex, who still enjoyed their work and were largely free from oppressive bosses and rigid hours of employment. These were people who made beautiful furniture that lasted a lifetime, or created handmade hurdles and wattles that graced both farms and gardens. There were the shepherds with their extraordinary knowledge, not only of sheep, but of all aspects of the natural world and country lore. Belloc set great store by the rich country dialects of England and the ancient folk songs sung for generations by Sussex men and women.

We live in very di erent times, but have we sacrificed our human spirit on the altar of economic growth?

01903 357003
Chris Hare’s book, Hilaire Belloc, the politics of living, is available, £10, from Worthing Library, Steyning Bookshop, Petworth Bookshop, Arundel Museum, or direct from Chris at You can watch Chris discussing Hilaire Belloc with Richard Vobes, on Richard’s You Tube channel.
INSIDE Local History
Chanctonbury, ploughing, Garland Photo


April 2023 by Simien


1 First meal of the day (9)

6 Occasion; period (4)

10 Bury (5)

11 Clay or plastic container for growing plants in (9)

12 Cut of meat (especially beef) just in front of the rump (7)

13 Captivate (7)

14 Dish made of beaten eggs fried in a pan (8)

16 Bloodsucking aquatic or terrestrial worm (5)

19 Throw out (5)

21 Female human offspring (8)

24 Long and heavy broadbladed knife (7)

25 Japanese art of folding paper (7)

27 A star that explodes and becomes much brighter in the process (9)

28 Staunch belief/principle (5)

29 Shout (4)

30 Approval; expanse (9)


1 Archaic name for sulphur, a bright yellow solid at room temperature (9)

2 Come in (5)

3 Form of entertainment where amateur singers perform songs to prerecorded backing music (7)

4 Liking; penchant (8)

5 Hand-held tool commonly used for applying mortar, plaster etc; also used in gardening (6)

7 Flawed (9)

8 Praise enthusiastically; commend (5)

9 Leguminous pulse commonly grown in the Mediterranean and W Asia (6)

15 Belonging or relating to bishops, an overseer in the Christian church (9)

17 Violent storm exceeding force 12 on the Beaufort scale (9)

18 Vandalism; damage (8)

20 Hypothesis (6)

22 Machine for smoothing surfaces; a molar tooth (7)

23 Brave; valiant (6)

24 Untidy (5)

26 Noble gas, atomic number

18 (5)
357003 36 INSIDE Puzzle Page
QUALIFIED ELECTRICIAN 12 Chancton Close, Worthing BN11 5JS 01903 700938
253808 ‘ALWAYS LOOKING AFTER YOUR SAFETY’ No Job too Big or Small candcelectricalservices C&C Electrical mar 22.indd 1 10/02/2022 22:55
Answers on page 38 Colin Mayo

Worthing Samaritans need more listeners

Every ten seconds someone calls the Samaritans for help. Our listening volunteers respond to more than 10,000 calls a day – could YOU be one of the listeners?

Worthing Samaritans is one of 200 branches in the UK and dealt with 21,500 contacts last year with fewer than 100 volunteers. Now the branch needs more people to be there for callers in crisis.

Samaritans is a unique charity dedicated to reducing the number of deaths by suicide in the next five years. Figures show almost 7,000 people took their life in the UK in 2021. Suicide remains the biggest killer of men under 50, and people aged 16-24.

isolation and disconnection can lead to suicide, and sometimes that call and contact with an empathetic listener can

Time to enjoy life

turn the tide. Head of Recruitment for Worthing Samaritans Jane Wilkinson said:

“We're looking for empathetic, committed volunteers from all walks of life, who can listen without judgement and who can commit to one 3 hour shift a week to be there for our callers. We are a 24/7, 365 days a year service and that’s why we need more people to help.

“In return we'll give you excellent, free, comprehensive training so that you'll feel ready to handle any call that comes along; a pro-active support network, like-minded, friendly co-volunteers and the chance to make a big difference to someone's life.”

If you are interested, please visit volunteer/

Seascapes, 8 Southey Road, Worthing, BN11 3HT Beachside, 14 Queen’s Road, Worthing, BN11 3LX

Providing supported housing for over 55s

We offer affordable, high-quality living for older people who want to be as independent and self-reliant as possible, without the worry of maintaining their own home.

• A warm, safe and homely atmosphere with a beautiful garden

• Professional, dedicated staff and support when you need it

• Delicious home-cooked meals

• Cleaning and laundry service

• Close to the town, seafront and local amenities

Affordable, all-inclusive fees

For more information or to arrange a visit, call us on or email or scan to view the 360 tour of our houses

INSIDE Local Charity
Worthing Society Making time for older people
Room available
Comeandtryusfor aweekforFREE

Useful Information

Doctors Surgery

Broadwater Medical Centre

5-11 Broadwater Boulevard

Worthing, West Sussex, BN14 8JE

Tel: 01903 826926

Broadwater Community Association

The Parish Rooms

90 Broadwater St. West, Worthing, BN14 9DE


Find us on Facebook too

South Broadwater Residents’ Association


Find us Facebook too

Charmandean Area Residents’ Association


Broadwater Carnival Society


Find us on Facebook too 01903 357003 38 Please mention Inside Broadwater when responding to advertisements INDEX and Useful Information Amenities Library Services..................... 29 Business to Business Blue Billboard ....................... 11 Worthing Business Circle...... 9 Charity Guild Care ............................ 2 Cleaning Ben Daniels Carpet Cleaning 27 Education Lancing College Prep............ 39 Electrical Services C & C Electrical Services ...... 36 Estate Agents/Property Bacon Estate & Letting Agent 13 Events Highdown Gardens .............. 20 JEM Presents ...................... 27 St Barnabas ......................... 31 Transition Town Worthing..... 17 Worthing Festival .................. 19 Worthing Football Club ......... 25 Funeral Director HD Tribe .............................. 1 Ian Hart ............................... 40 Health & Fitness Love to Move ...................... 26 Worthing Rugby Club .......... 22 Home Maintenance Ultimate Handiman.............. 27 Independent Living Abbeyfield ............................ 37 Community Alarm ................ 23 Kitchen Supply/Fit Dovetail Kitchens ................ 13 Legal & Financial Services Amanda Redman Financial Planning ................................ 7 Miller Parris LLP .................... 11 Westminster Law .................. 5 Roofing Regal Roofcare Ltd ................ 23 Seaview Roofing Ltd.............. 5 Window Repairs & Glazing Cloudy Window Fixer............ 31 Top Glass Double Glazing..... 27 Index of Advertisers
ACROSS 1 breakfast. 6 time. 10 inter. 11 flowerpot. 12 sirloin. 13 enthral. 14 omelette. 16 leech. 19 evict. 21 daughter. 24 machete. 25 origami. 27 supernova. 28 dogma. 29 yell. 30 clearance. DOWN 1 brimstone. 2 enter. 3 karaoke. 4 affinity. 5 trowel. 7 imperfect. 8 extol. 9 lentil. 15 episcopal. 17 hurricane. 18 sabotage. 20 theory.
01903 357003 39 Lancing Prep Worthing A Lancing College Preparatory School FIND OUT MORE LANCINGPREPWORTHING.CO.UK Lancing Prep Worthing Broadwater Road, Worthing, West Sussex BN14 8HU T 01903 201 123 E Open Morning Saturday 20 May 2023 10am – 12 noon Be inspired Be brilliant Be you “Excellent” ISI Inspection Report 2022 01903 357003 40 Please mention Inside Broadwater when responding to advertisements WORTHING’S OLDEST EXISTING FUNERAL FAMILY SINCE 1901 Telephone or call into our Broadwater office for a free brochure with full details about our prepayment plans. 01903 206299 92-94 Broadwater Street West, Worthing BN14 9DE I A N H A RT Funeral Service Ltd Funerals are changing and so hearses are changing too. Ian Hart is part of this change by giving the bereaved more choice in how they celebrate the lives of their loved ones, with their new environmentally friendly hybrid hearse and limousines. The Greenest Way To Travel Your Last Mile Our family are here for your family
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