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02 December 2008



I would like to leave you with this question and a week from now I will post the different aswers I received. Please leave a comment or send me a message!

Gingerbread Cupcakes with Lemon Icing DEC 2, 2008 6:32AM


TwinSoup’s Holiday Hot List 2008 DEC 1, 2008 8:34AM What we found. What we love. What local gift ideas are HOT and under $100 this Holiday Season in Sacramento...

Yep, a new cupcake. Finally, right? Well, you won’t find it here. Rather, I’m gonna send you along to Simply Recipes. Enjoy!Photo by Elise Bauer.


1. The Carrie Bradshaw. Christy’s Crown Series Black Fedora at Madam Butterfly; because she’s always after the hottest new trend. $55

Entrepreneur? DEC 2, 2008 6:08AM

2. The Beauty Buff. Minty Fresh Face Wash by Ella Blue; because all skin types deserve a squeaky clean. $26 3. The Little Miss Independent. The Pink Car Kit at William Glen; because she doesn’t need a man. $52.50

What is the true definition of an entrepreneur?



02 December 2008

petro-chemical free. $34 8. The Sugar Addict. Customized Gourmet Cookie Gift Box by Cookie Connection; because there’s always 2009 to swear off sweets. $37 9. The Tired Ol’ Sole. Super Sweet Feet Package at Super Spa; because they’re in need of some R&R. $75 4. The Hopeless Romantic. Lollia ‘Believe’ Eau de Parfum at La Maison Marche; because a true romantic at heart should smell like one. 4 oz $38

10. The Mom Of The Year. French Bull’s ABC Baby Tray With Snap On Lid at FIVE; because she doesn’t let anything go to waste. $24 Didn’t see the perfect gift for somebody on your list? Stay tuned! We’ll be bringing you more local holiday gift ideas under $100 next week...

5. The Trendy Do-Gooder. Sir Alastair Rai ‘OM’ Clutch at Madam Butterfly; because she practices peace, love, and good fashion. On Sale $39.99


Know Your Persimmons

6. The Proud Parent. Pagliei Monogram Initial Charm Necklace at Serendipity Boutique; because their little one is going to be a doctor. $60

DEC 1, 2008 6:34AM Fuyu: The round, squat persimmon often mistaken for a tomato. These persimmons are hard and dense, taking into acount they’re many large seeds they aren’t pleasant to bite into. Chopped, sliced, and diced, their cloyingly sweet, slightly chalky flavor (if at all underripe) makes them a popular option for salads, baking into pies and tarts, and for snacking. Look for fujis with a slight give when you squeeze them. If they’re hard as a rock, don’t eat it yet. Hachiya: Radiant orange hues and a hardy heart shape define the hachiya. When firm they’re incredibly astringent and practically inedible. It’s only when they’re so ripe and squishy that they feel that they may come apart in your hand are they edible. Indeed it should be totally gelatinous. Sweet and floral, they’re perfume flavor is perfect for baking or simply eating with a spoon.Hybrid / Pollination Variants (More often than not these won’t be at the store, but at a farmer’s market or roadside stand)

7. The Purist. Lavender Orange Shea Body Butter by Brown Bag Botanicals; because they’re not afraid to go paraben and

Amagaki: A hybrid between Hachiya and Fuji - a persimmon love child



02 December 2008

of sorts. It’s actually a variety developed locally here in Sacramento by Twin Peaks farm. They are, in my opinion, the best persimmon variety. Not too gushy, not too hard, but with the bite-feel of a soft ripe pear. Just sweet enough as well that I can easily finish it, unlike the fuji or hachiya which I usually share due to their overpowering sweetness.Maru (aka: cinnamon persimmon): Supposedly spicy sweet and somewhat spicy and possess and dark burnt orange color and a cinnamon colored flesh. I haven’t tired one of these hybrids before, so I can’t say much. I understand they store incredibly well and are very juciy. Another one perfect for eating straight.

our perceptions of what spaces can be and how imagery can alter the ideas of depth, plane and interactivity. Below are a couple of video’s show these artist work and I think they’re both stunning examples of public art and design. UVA’s Volume

Tsurunoko (aka: chocolate persimmon): Called the chocolate persimmon not for its flavor but its dark brown color. Indeed the inside is a dark tan color, and often mottled with color imperfections making it look rotten when bit or cut into. However the flavor is sweet and much more mild than other persimmon varieties. Tried one at work and I enjoyed it though I had to get over the appearance as it looked rotted (no picture, sorries).

NEOPROJ’s Video Projection Monumental 2009

Hyakume (aka: brown sugar Persimmon): Very sweet and somewhat astringent it’s a case of extremes making them almost inedible to most people when ripe. However, when dried out they becomes incredibly sweet with a slight molasses-y taste of brown sugar. Again, no picture as I didn’t have my camera at work.


World we need your help!

These are the ones you can usually find here in the U.S. and by that I mean most likely California. However, in Japan you can find endless varieties such as Okame and Nightengale.

NOV 28, 2008 10:07PM Here is the challenge! A group of students entered a competition with Stanford in an attempt to win the Viral Marketing Award for best video. They are working tremendously in getting the attention of local media and they even gotten the attention of the newly elect Mayor Kevin Johnson. Lets get these guys all the votes they can get. Their deadline is December 4th. All you have to do is Click here and go and watch the video on Youtube. Good luck Paul Dickey and Sac State!

For another great resource check out this persimmon profile from Figs With Bri, or for persimmon recipes check out the Food Blog Search page.


Designing with Polarity. NOV 29, 2008 12:43AM


Knowledge is Power! Whether it’s the opposing forces of magnetism, or good and evil, beauty and ugliness, contrast is a powerful relationship that exists between objects. It’s such a complex paradigm, I doubt I’ll ever fully understand it but I like to think that polarity is what creates such powerful energy in the world.

NOV 28, 2008 9:23PM

You are ready to start your business; however, you don’t know where to begin. For many the best way of starting their own business is by consulting or asking for advice. S.E.E.K. (Super Entrepreneurial Encyclopedia of Knowledge) is a video encyclopedia that assists the beginer entrepreneur with resources on starting their own business.

One place i’ve seen a lot of this kind of contrast is in energy and art. There is so much talk of conservation and energy lately and yet one of the biggest trends in installation art and design is lighting. These new media artists are doing some amazing, theatrical projects. I also grow increasingly concerned for light pollution and the impact of this type of work, since light works best in the dark. Contrast again, I think were on to a theme here. That being said, there are some works that I think are transcending and completely compelling. Artists like UVA in London, France’s NEOPROJ are using lighting in completely new ways to redine

The videos will guide you through the essentials of starting your business. You will learn to write a detailed business plan, Create a comprehensive, expandable, scalabel Marketing Plan, Build a feasible economic model, Find funding for your new business or expand your existing business.



02 December 2008

Fu’a Tuimaunei, a good friend of mine informed me of this resource and thought I would share it with you. If you have always wanted to start a business this is a great way to start. Take action, inform yourself and find out if this is for you! Contact Fu’a here. Entreprini


My Thanksgiving Menu & Thanks NOV 27, 2008 6:09PM For one event-packed week (Nov. 17 – 23), Sacramento joined millions of business development advocates in cities all over the world devoted to inspiring, connecting and engaging the next generation of business owners in Global Entrepreneurship Week. Local events echoed the innovative themes playing out from Argentina to Zambia – mentoring, risk, reward, balance, diversity, networking and sustainability. In seven separate explorations of what it means to be an entrepreneur, topics explored by veterans and service providers ranged from green technology and women in business to making a living in the music and art scene.

Vanilla Cinnamon Cranberry Sauce Mashed Potatoes with Garlic Caramelized Brussel Sprouts Baked Ham with Brown Sugar Spice Glaze Cranberry Sorbet Cinnamon Blondies Something simple, easy, perfect for four.

For all the valuable information shared, this was the week that almost didn’t happen in California’s Capital. A month before the historic, first-ever international event, local entrepreneur Ricardo Robles, owner of Capsity Offices, heard about the worldwide initiative and wanted to volunteer. When he found out the movement hadn’t made it to his town, he decided to do something about it. He gathered a dedicated group of organizers and planned seven informational celebrations. With help from Entrepreneurs’ Organization,, Sacramento Business Journal, Umpqua Bank, SAGE Global and Monica Lynn Exquisite Events, he localized the tools developed by the Kauffman Foundation-sponsored U.S. initiative.

So now comes the part where we all say why we’re thankful that the turkey died for our sins*. Me? I’m thankful that my life is complacent. It’s not perfect, but I have a good job(s), great friends, a good education, wonderful family. I am surrounded by people who care about me. I have two cats who piss me off to no end, but I wouldn’t give up for the world. I have a roof over my head. A car that gets me from place to place. I eat well, and am able to cook for pleasure. There is always room to bitch and complain about everything in life, but in the long run, I’m more than blessed for the life that I have. So, I guess I am thankful that everything is status quo. Happy Thanksgiving.*if I had any fundamentalist readers, I just lost them for that one

The timing couldn’t be better as speaker-after-speaker confirmed that when the economy slows, the number of start-ups increases as those laid off decide to take on the mantle of owner to fill the void being left by large companies leaving markets and new opportunities developing in their wake. For many in today’s business environment, being self-employed is not as much a conscious decision as simply part of the ebb and flow of forging a career in a fluid business world. Marty Keller, governor-appointed director of the Office of Small Business Advocate, laid out the new reality. “The days of working for one company for a long, long time are over.”


Sacramento Unleashed NOV 27, 2008 3:07AM

Other common themes developed as the week progressed. First, at a kick-off sponsored by the Sacramento State College of Business Administration that drew hundreds entrepreneurs-in-training, Sacramento Entrepreneurship Academy vet-



02 December 2008

erans advised those considering the jump into owning their own business to be fearless, creative and connected. “Entrepreneurship brings out skills in yourself you never knew you had,” advised Dave Chamberlain, CEO of Versata Inc.

Martin, Dig Music’s Marty DeAnda, Alive and Kicking Magazine Publisher Jerry Perry and Crazy Ballhead outlined the opportunity for someone to create an all-ages live music venue that could accommodate at least 300 people by supporting local artists using an Internet promotion model to educate young audiences about the talent in our community.

Serial entrepreneur and partner at Velocity Venture Capital, Jack Crawford advised would-be innovators to embrace their mistakes. “I wouldn’t trade my failure for anything because I learned so much and it led to where I am today,” Crawford said.

The finale of the week was a discussion at Kristel Durand Photography Gallery of the business of art. Experts shared tips aimed at for-profit and not-for-profit artists, with advice from Michelle Alexander, executive director of the Arts & Business Council of Sacramento. The bottom line, according to Deidre Trudeau, owner of Ezeeye Imaging & Dezign Agency, is that artists have to remember that they are running a business. “Get advice from financial resources to ensure you are successful enough that you can continue to practice your art.”

To emphasize the importance of leveraging relationships, Paul Dickey, representing the Sac State Entrepreneurship Association, led a speed networking exchange that brought the room together and foreshadowed the connections that would be made in the following days, including a bicycle-friendly mixer planned for Park Ultra Lounge and Mon Hart, the Marketing Coach’s advanced networking tips at Alliant.

Other sponsors for the week’s events included UC Davis Center for Entrepreneurship, Sacramento Business Journal, Refer A Chef Catering, Minuteman Press, ARCH Technologies, The Green Boheme, Bella Bloom, Cupcake Craving and the Sacramento Asian Pacific Chamber of Commerce.

A panel discussion at Green Sacramento brought together valuable resources for anyone considering an environmentally-friendly business is the Capital area – which should be everyone since green is no longer a fad, according to Donald Maroney, owner of Green Vision Inc. It is a legislative requirement, an economic reality and a commercial success. Ingrid Rosten, executive director of CleanStart, SARTA’s McClellan-based incubator program and June Livingston from Sacramento’s Business Environmental Resource Center shared inside tips on mentorship programs and confidential, free support available to anyone who asks.

JT Long, JT Long & Co.


Tired of Bad News? How About Good News! NOV 27, 2008 2:37AM

For all the skills and knowledge would-be entrepreneurs possess, sometimes the one thing they need to feel comfortable in the CEO seat is permission from themselves to take the next step. That was the message from Rev. Sheila GautreauxLee, Radical Forgiveness Coach. Her comments came as GEW, Sacramento, and speaker Mary Savoie-Stephens marked the economic contribution of10.1 million women-owned companies in the U.S. and the 13 million people they employ and their $2 trillion in annual revenues, according to a Center for Women’s Business Research study.

The development of social media technology has made sole proprietorship easier and less lonely than ever before. “Networks allow us to put things out there and grow,” said Jessica Chapman, chief seed planter at Room to Breathe, at the GEW Sacramento cocktail party at the Guild Theater on Friday night.

Thanksgiving Season brings Positive News! Mentorship made its way into almost every conversation, but nowhere more than the brainstorming session led by Midtown Grid co-owner Brian Fischer in a corner upstairs at Aura on a mild Saturday night. Sacramento music legends Mick

• Fuel prices down 60%. We can travel again!



02 December 2008

• Freddie & Fannie: Giving Holiday moratorium on Home Foreclosures. Based on 90 days late or so.

taggers a new criteria. Give them larger more unihibited opportunities to use the medium to create stronger venues of social commentary. Tom Szaky’s ideas about eliminating waste not only cuts down of the use of materials, time and energy but also fosters a new medium for democratic art. If we remove the desire or ‘wanting’ to control the environment, we reduce our expenses and save not only our resources, but we create new opportunities for growth. Want not, waste not.

• Big 3 Auto Makers will get $25 Billion rescue…Not doing so could create a plunge into depression. • USA economy is still strongest in the world. Let’s give Obama a chance! NO MATTER HOW YOU VOTED…Let’s give our new charismatic President elect a chance to lead out Nation & world out of the current economic mess! It’s a historic milestone in USA…the World Love’s it & a majority of Americans love it. A fresh face, new eyes and bi partisan USA & World support can do nothing but help ease the USA out of it’s malaise to a New ERA of growth, this I believe! Preserve Free Private Capitalism! President Elect Obama knows what puts America as the #1 Economic force in the World…, our Free Enterprise System. Allowing Entrepreneurs to survive & thrive will bring back our USA economy and take it to its greatest heights ever. This I believe. George J Trovao, Author of “ENTREPRENEUR: Power, Myths & Magic“


Want not, Waste not. NOV 27, 2008 1:59AM

LIVINGINURBANSAC Creativity and the Information Architect Institute put on an annual event in Chicago called the IDEA Conference. They’re in their third year and they’ve got some interesting ‘ideas’ going on there. Much like the TED Conference, they host a series of event speakers ranging on topics from art, design, information technology and the like. The first video I found was one by Tom Szaky, founder of Terracycle, a company that turns waste products and recycled goods into newly designed packaging and products. In the video he was actually talking about his factory and how they used it as a kind of social experiment on art waste and public spaces.

McKinley Village Project NOV 26, 2008 11:47PM A notice of preparation for an EIR has been filed for the McKinley Village Project in east Sacramento. The proposed project includes the development of up to 405 residential units with an intimate urban parks and common greens; a village green with a community clubhouse, pool and formal gardens; and a mixed use residential and commercial building. Also, plans for a church and a community hall

After the building had repeatedly been tagged by street artists (grafitti), Tom realized the amount waste that went into the removal that grafitti. Day after day, companies spends millions of dollars in labor and materials trying maintina their pristine image and to combat this highly evolutionary public work, that so many people contribute too. So Terracycle decided to open the way for local artist and they let them freely tag his factory. The building now changes faces every two weeks. I’ve long been a proponent of not only allowing grafitti art but encouraging it by giving



02 December 2008



Sacramento: Thanksgiving Quickie

......................................................................................................... WINE TASTE: Thanksgiving Cornucopia at 58 Degrees

NOV 25, 2008 8:05AM

{ Thanksgiving Toast. } What: Head to 58 Degrees & Holding Co. for a Thanksgiving Eve tasting. Sample a huge selection of fine & affordable wines sure to be the hit of the big meal! $10/person When: Thanksgiving Eve. Wednesday, November 26th; 5-7pm Where: 58 Degrees & Holding Co., 1217 18th Street in midtown Sacramento. ....................................................................................................... SHOP & SAVE: The Give Event at Madam Butterfly { Thanks & Giving. } What: Celebrate Thanksgiving Weekend at the Customer Appreciation Give Event at Madam Butterfly! Enjoy at least 15% off EVERYTHING in the store and up to 40% off select Fall merchandise. When: 4 days ONLY during Thanksgiving Weekend; Wednesday, November 26th-Sunday, November 30th.

Thanksgiving Quickie: What’s Happening This Thanksgiving In Sacramento...

Where: Madam Butterfly; 500 Pavilions Lane at the Pavilions.

BE SEEN: DJ Lil Cee at Tre Nightclub

...................................................................................................... PREPARE: Dinner Check-list at William Glen

{ Pass The Tre. } What: Make Tre Nightclub your Thanksgiving Eve destination. Drink, dance, and celebrate the fact that you don’t have to work the next day! Enjoy music by DJ Lil Cee, broadcasting live on 100.5 The Zone with Keith Brooks. College ID? Bring it to by-pass the line and get in FREE. Call (916) 564.5333 for more info/VIP reservations.

{ Don’t Forget The Gravy. } What: Last minute dinner must-have’s? Stop by William Glen to stock up on all your last minute Thanksgiving Dinner cookware needs! When: Store Hours: M-Th 9:30am-7pm; Fri & Sat 9:30am-8pm; Sun 10-6pm

When: Thanksgiving Eve. Wednesday, November 26th Where: Tre; 1212 Howe Ave; Howe at Hurley Way in Sacramento. ....................................................................................................... BE SEEN: DJ Jay-J at Social Nightclub

Where: William Glen; 2651 El Paseo Lane at Town & Country Village. ........................................................................................................... RUN & SUPPORT: 15th Annual Run To Feed The Hungry

{ A Side Of Social. }

{ Run Turkey Run! }

What: Join hosts Mixture and Social Nightclub as they present Grammynominated producer and DJ Jay-J on Thanksgiving Eve. Drink, dance, socialize and enjoy opening sets by Mike Caccam and Jayson Kincaid. For more info/VIP reservations, click here or call (916) 443.9004

What: Be a part of Sacramento’s annual holiday tradition during the Run to Feed the Hungry, Sacramento Valley’s largest annual run/walk benefiting the Sacramento Food Bank & Family Services. Tickets? $35 in advance, $40 day of race. $20 children 15 and under. For more info, details & registration, click here.

When: Thanksgiving Eve. Wednesday, November 26th

When: Thanksgiving Morning. Thursday, November 27th. Rain or shine. Race Day registration: 7:30-8:55am; Race starts at 9am.

Where: Social Nightclub; 1000 K Street; 10th & K Streets in downtown



02 December 2008

Where: J Street, at CSUS entrance. ......................................................................................................... BE SEEN: Fedde Le Grand at The Park

What: Join more than 100 regional artists and craftspeople including Jewels by L Designs, as they join together to offer unique gift items during the 2008 Holiday Art & Craft Festival. Support the Crocker and local artists while you shop for everyone on your holiday list!

{ Wobble Gobble. } Browse jewelry, gourmet food, ceramics, paintings, holiday items & more! $5 per adult; $3 for children. FREE to Crocker members.

What: Dance that turkey & stuffing off with top ranked global DJ Fedde Le Grand at the Park! Drink, dance, and keep the holiday weekend buzz going strong. Tickets? $20 in advance, purchase here.

When: Thanksgiving Weekend. Fri 1-8pm, Sat 10-5pm; Sun 10-4pm

When: Thanksgiving Night. Thursday, November 27th

Where: Due to the Crocker’s construction plans, the event will be held at the Scottish Rite Center; 6151 H Street (across from main entrance of CSUS campus) .................................................................................................................... Missed some Soup? Get caught up! To check out more TwinSoup Weekend Quickies, click here!

Where: The Park Downtown; 1116 15th Street; (916) 492.1960 ................................................................................................................. SHOP & SAVE: “Pink Friday” 20% OFF at The Pink House & M.E. Boutique { Think Pink On Black Friday. }

VANILLA GARLIC What: Join The Pink House & M.E. Boutique in East Sacramento for Pink Friday! Stop by and browse the latest trends & brands, (like Betsey Johnson & Donald J Pliner) and find something perfect for everyone on your holiday list.

Preggers and The Peon NOV 24, 2008 4:09PM From the Archives, because finals are approaching as is Turkey Day, so time to write very hard to find. Blame my professors and/or the pilgrims.

Enjoy refreshments, a 20% OFF Pink Friday discount all day long and FREE gift wrap & shipping! When: Black Friday. Friday, November 28th

So today at the nearby coffee shop, I was waiting for a friend to get their drink while I quietly sipped my tea patiently aside. Then suddenly:

Where: The Pink House; 1462 33rd Street and M.E. Boutique; 3315 H Street in East Sacramento. ......................................................................................................... SHOP & SAVE: $50 Cocktail Dress Launch Party at BrittSteele

“What do you mean no free re-fills!?” “Sir, I’m sorry,” said the high school age, part time, coffee shop person behind the counter. “We don’t offer re-fills on mochas.”

{ Turkey Dressing. } “WHAT KIND OF COMMUNIST COFFEE SHOP IS THIS!?!?” as he slammed his fist on the counter.

What: The hottest trend in fashion this season? Recession-proofing your wardrobe! Join boutique owner BrittSteele, as she launches $50 Cocktail Dresses all Black Friday long. Enjoy refreshments while browsing a great selection of chic $50 party dresses, 50% off all jewelry & accessories, and the first 50 customers will receive a “Free Gift” with purchase!

This guy was totally losing it. Like might start waving a gun and offing people losing it. The poor girl was petrified. As was pretty much everyone else. The whole place went silent. Where the hell was the management? “I’m sorry sir,” she trembled and stuttered, trying to find her words,” I don’t think any place does.”

Part of the proceeds of the event will go to the Nicole Coats Memorial Fund, dedicated to raising money and awareness to benefit Lyme disease.


When: Black Friday. Friday, November 28th; 10-6pm

Now, I dunno where this guy normally gets his coffee, but mochas are expensive things to make when it comes down to coffee shops because the large amounts of chocolate they need to purchase are one of the costliest ingredients to stock. Doing free refills would be asking for a small piece of financial doom. The Peon however, was in no mood to hear it.

Where: BrittSteele; 2220 J Street, Suite 5 in midtown Sacramento. ................................................................................................................... GO: Crocker Holiday Art & Craft Festival { ‘Tis The Season To Shop Local. }



02 December 2008

“What kind of place is this!? Where people like you try to rip off good people. You-” The Peon thrusted his finger at her for emphasis and out of sheer poo-headedness,”-are why people can’t be trusted in this country! Just give me my fucking mocha!”


Sacramento: Talk To Us! NOV 24, 2008 8:02AM

I was wondering where he came to that conclusion, but also wanting to step in and say something, but I, my friend, and everyone else is equally frozen in their spots. And as much as I wanted to say something, the whole he might have a gun thought edged it’s way into my mind. I’m sure I’m not the only one. It’s a sad state when that’s the first thought to enter a person’s mind when placed in a situation like this. “Would you shut up. You’re scaring the poor girl, and if anybody is a problem here, it’s you.” A powerful voice cuts the thick tension. I turned to see the largely pregnant woman with a steaming cup in one hand, and her other hand resting on her hip giving the man a look that asked who-the-hell-and-what-for-?. The Peon turned to his new assailant, “You stay out of my business lady! What the hell do you know!? Should a pregnant lady even be drinking coffee!?” “It’s tea dumbass, and in a second it’s gonna be a direct cause of skin grafts in between your legs if you don’t shut the hell up. Now get along before you have to explain to people a pregnant woman kicked your ass.”

Got Feedback? We’d love to hear from you!

He shut up. I guess The Peon wasn’t used to people challenging him. Realizing Preggers would probably follow through on her threat, he gave her a quick “fuck you” before turning to leave and screaming he’d never come here again.

If you’re a regular, we’d like to know what’s working, what’s not, and what you’d like to see out of TwinSoup in the future. Don’t be shy, we welcome all constructive comments and suggestions. What’s in it for you? Well, besides helping TwinSoup grow big & strong as a local website, we’ll be thanking the “best feedback” winner with a TwinSoup Gourmet Cookie Gift Box (above) filled with a fabulous assortment of Cookie Connection’s best!

“Some people...” she muttered. I smiled and turned to her. “Lady, I think you just said everything I ever wanted to say when I worked in a coffee shop.”

To send us your feedback, comments or suggestions, click here! Everyone started applauding her. The girl behind the counter chimed in, “Wow. What the hell was his problem? My god, I wish I could have said that. That was awesome.”


The color of emotion

“Honey,” Preggers noted, “when you work in a truck stop for four years, these coffee nuts are nuthin’.”

NOV 21, 2008 10:53PM

Damn. Don’t mess with those pregnant truck stop women. They will MESS. YOU. UP. And remember to be courteous when ordering coffee; one of them could be right behind you.

I love Sigur Ros an this is a great new video by Eric Lerner. A provocative little piece about privacy and our desire for what we think of as fame and how it affects us.

more about “The color of emotion“, posted with vodpod



02 December 2008

“Awesome. Hey, so last night I hooked up with your ex.” “Uh... wha? Who?” I’m stunned. I mean literally, my mind is just stopped and my heart gets a bit racy and erratic. As Rob and I only split back in April, this seems awfully fast to me.


Pollution clean up grants given to railyards, other projects

“Yeah, A. Hope you’re not mad. I figured you may have heard about it.” “Huh, him?” My body returns to it’s calm and regular state with the clarification. You see, A is my ex from about 5 years ago. We had dated for 8 months. While heart breaking back then, I never give a thought to him anymore. As time went on we became more and more different people than who we were before. I doubt we even have anything in common anymore. I have said hi once or twice but for the most part we don’t talk, but I still hold a respect for him. As for how I might have heard of it, we don’t really run in the same circles and like I said, A and I never talk. L is informing me because he knows I would otherwise be unaware of the fact. For him to bring this up out of the blue like this is just a queer plot* to attack me on the emotional level.

NOV 21, 2008 8:00PM Sacramento Business Journal November 19, 2008 The California Pollution Control Financing Authority approved $53.8 million in grants and loans to clean up polluted sites in 11 counties, including a $9.8 million in grants for redevelopment projects in Sacramento. S. Thomas Enterprises of Sacramento LLC plans a 12,000-unit residential and commercial complex at the 240-yard railyards site, formerly

VANILLA GARLIC “No, not at all. Go crazy. I haven’t talked to him in years.” And it’s the truth, I honestly don’t give a damn. I am annoyed by the turn of the conversation though. For absolutely no reason, a relative stranger felt some strange need to try and hurt my feelings for no particular purpose except to be a total douche and a tool.

Drama < Hot Cocoa NOV 21, 2008 7:36PM “Hey, Garrett!” Waiting for my peppermint hot cocoa behind a line of people long enough to start a rousing game of Red Rover, Red Rover with I turn around and see L, a satellite acquaintance I’ve known over the past few years. Not really a friend, but someone I know through other people and have encountered plenty of times and had a few forgettable conversations with. L is one of those people I have little respect for. Very sexy, smart, successful but conceited to the point where I feel that some Narccissian death with a shiny moving car grill that gives a nice reflection will probably be his end. Moreover, he’s only pretty to look at until he opens his mouth.

All humans have an innate need to exert power and control over others, maybe not all the time, but it’s hardwired into our psyche through biology and by society that dominance has value. This sense is more heavily instilled in some more than others. It gives a feeling of power, for if we can control the feelings of others, then how can we NOT be in control of our own? I think that’s the general reasoning behind it; some sort of self needing drive to validate one’s self.

“Hey L, been a while, how are you?”

The coffee girl calls up my order and slides the steamy hot cocoa, no whipped cream, along the counter to me. I glide around L, and grab it, and begin reaching for a lid as I speak out loud so he can hear me as he stares at my back. “A is good people, so be nice to him. Anywhose, I have to get back to work.” I turn around a flash a slight smile.

“Oh. So...” his angular expression seems to express a slight confusion. I haven’t reacted as planned. I sense he will be in a pout about this later.

“Pretty good, just working at the office still. I hate it and want to tear off my skin everyday but the pay is good.” “Well, as long as you have something to look forward to at the end of the day.” I laugh. We laugh. Not because I think it’s funny per se’, rather I think it’s sad, but I laugh because I can’t think of any other sort of reply.

And out the door I go. I roll my eyes so hard I can see the back of my skull. I pride myself in trying to avoid drama but sometimes it just seeks you out and tries to pull you in. However, I do not have time for drama to be makin’ my cocoa cold.

“So what have you been up to?” “Oh, work at the non-profit still. Grad classes at night. Writing here and there and developing recipes on the side. A lot of stuff, but I’m happy doing all of it. I’ve chosen professions known for paying poorly: writing, cooking, and teaching once I graduate.” It’s a staple answer and staple joke I use in these passing situations where I have to sum up my life in under ten seconds.

*double entendre not intended



02 December 2008



Oh Noes! The Internet is Angry With Me!

Sacramento: Holiday Cards & Boxing Donkey

NOV 20, 2008 1:18PM

NOV 20, 2008 8:01AM

Today has been one of those days. Actually one of those weeks, for a variety of reasons. Almost all of them personal with which I promise not to throw up on here like so much drama infused, pitch colored bile. Indeed, I’ve been placing myself in a state of perpetual catharsis (read: bitching uncontrollably) to almost anyone with an ear. It’s surprising I haven’t driven anyone insane with my Fury-esque songs. Lucky are those whom I haven’t carried out practical, and feasibly able to be accomplished vengeance upon, my fury fueled plans laid out well enough to keep me above reproach or retribution (in legal view, at least) to certain people deserving it. Anyways, one aspect of my torment has been the virtual flood of hate mail recently. It’s astounding, really. I actually take it as good news. It means people are reading, and if you hate me enough to write me, 10-1 you’re probably going to come back to see what I might have written to piss you off this week. This ups my site meter numbers and brings in more advertising revenue for me (what meager amount I make, that is). Weekend Quickie: What’s Happening This Weekend in Sacramento...

So not so much torment, but mild entertainment. Some people really took offense to these last few posts. You may not have read it in the comments (I rejected a great many as they were wastes of space and not productive in any sense) but there were plenty pissed off. And God knows we can’t have people unhappy. NOT ON THE INTERNET.

HOLIDAY GREETINGS: 15 % Off Custom Holiday Cards { Impress Your Friends.} What: Impress your friends, families and colleagues this year with custom designed Holiday cards from the graphic designers who brought you, BKB Design Group. You choose the theme, the colors, the size and up to three photos and/or your company logo. To browse samples, options & pricing, click here.

I have been screamed at that I am a racist and was using this post as an excuse to say the “N-Word” on the web and attempt to get away with it. I suppose they think I get a cheap thrill through typing forbidden language on a public journal. I have received a scathing death threat not to make light on the murder of the millions of innocent cows (or steer as it were) for our evil consumption of beef. I have been called highly irresponsible in my pet care as well, and that the SPCA should break down my door to rescue my pets. The way I see it, pets are like children, it is impossible to watch them every second of every day, and shit is bound to happen. Plus, you can’t always plan for the unexpected, so deal. Plus, I think it’s funny that the cat likes hard liquor. Vegetarians are angry that I poked fun at them, when indeed I poked fun and inaccurately picky eaters. To you I say nothing because as I type this I’m eating a piece of leftover pork roast (Nom nom nom).

When: Place your order by December 1st and receive 15% OFF your entire card order when you mention TwinSoup. 50% OFF your card purchase? TwinSoup is giving away a 50% OFF coupon for BKB Design Group’s custom Holiday cards to one lucky reader. To enter to win click here and reference “Holiday Cards” in the comment section. Where:

For the most part, I’ve been forwarding your e-mails to friends or reading them aloud at the lunch table at work. I hope to publish them in a book someday so please, keep sending them in. They are always appreciated.

*Sponsored Link* ................................................................................................................... GO: ‘Gianni Collection’ Trunk Show at Aura

As for the next topic for you hate mail writers: Italian food. I don’t like it. Also, the Olive Garden blows.

{ In The Name Of Fashion.}



02 December 2008

What: Visit The Bloc’s newest addition, Aura Restaurant & Bar, to enjoy complimentary champagne & appetizers while browsing the ‘Gianni Collection’ trunk show by local designer Marianna Ratto.


K Street Pedestrian Mall Transit NOV 19, 2008 8:57PM

When: TONIGHT! Saturday, November 22nd; show starts at 7:30 pm K Street (between 9th & 12th Street) has got to be the saddest street in downtown from what it once was fifty years ago. What was once a street lined with entertainment, bustling stores, movie theaters and restaurants has since been turned into one effort after another tiring to revive that stretch of run down road. Currently, the Design Commissions reviewing several options to permit vehicle

Where: Aura Restaurant & Bar; 2724 J Street; “The Bloc” in midtown Sacramento. ................................................................................................................... SHOP & FREE GIFT: Free Accessories Event at Madam Butterfly { Get Paired Up.} What: Visit Madam Butterfly for their ‘Free Accessories’ event thru this Sunday. Shop and receive a FREE hat with any sweater purchase, and a FREE scarf with any designer denim purchase!


Why are Social Networks Popular?

When: Now thru Sunday, November 23rd. Boutique Hours: M-Sat 106pm; Sun 12-5pm

NOV 19, 2008 4:38PM

Where: 500 Pavilions Lane at the Pavilions, Fair Oaks near Howe Ave. ................................................................................................................... SUPPORT: CCAA Benefit Art Auction { Art For A Cause. } What: Join the Center For Contemporary Art for their 2008 Annual Benefit Art Auction honoring Roy De Forest. Work from over 100 artists will be auctioned and ticket purchases will be applied towards any art purchase. Tickets? $35/each and can be purchased at the door, but space is limited. To reserve your spot, purchase tickets online or call 916.498.9811. When: Saturday, November 22nd; 6-9 pm Where: 1519 19th Street; downtown Sacramento. .................................................................................................................. GO & DRINK: Grand Opening of The Boxing Donkey Irish Pub { Donkey Balboa. }

As a disclaimer I’d like to state that I’m not an expert on the habits of people. I have not studied psychology or sociology to back up my assertions with scientific data but I believe I can speak intelligently on the subject of social networks.

What: Join the newest member to the Old Roseville bar scene, The Boxing Donkey Irish Pub for a night of celebrating, drinking and bad decisions.

About a month ago I was at a dinner at The National Club in downtown Toronto with a few MBA’s from the Richard Ivey School of Business as well as some big venture capital/private equity experts. I’d asked what some of their best and worst investments were and they went on to explain some high tech deals, some software development projects, and even some old-fashioned manufacturing projects. They posses an intimate knowledge of how people work, how they click and the importance of networking in business development, but when the conversation steered toward Facebook, they were turned off. They saw value in sites like,, but did not understand Facebook. They

When: Saturday, November 22nd; doors open at 7pm When: 300 Lincoln Street; Old Roseville; 916.797.DONK .................................................................................................................

Missed some Soup? Get caught up! To check out more TwinSoup Weekend Quickies, click here!



02 December 2008

saw it as a way for potential employers to do behind the scenes research on job applicants, and simply a way to “kill time.” Interesting.

ate people are facilitating relationships beyond the online sphere and are beginning to create an offline presence as well.

I think the misconception about the popularity of sites such as Facebook is the “social just means people” fallacy. There is an understanding that an online social network is simply a listing of names that randomly interact for fun or because they’ve got nothing more to do, wheras sites like Linkedin have more of a professional objective. I think the effectiveness of any social networking site relies on rallying the network or group around any one object. Facebook is so popular because it unites university students together in the “university lifestyle”, someone can connect with a friend, view his/her pictures and there is a good chance that he/she will see their new friend the next day on campus or at the pub. It’s so effective because there is an online and an offline presence. With these sites its not necessarily about the people themselves, its what they have in common, its about a network of hundreds of thousands of people who are all living (more or less) the same lifestyle.

Attention leads to action. These unique networks of like-minded, passionate individuals are acting on their discussions. They have united under a common goal, come together because of one purpose, and are now doing something about it. The relationship began as an online “friendship” but has blossomed into something much more; it is now an offline relationship and is being utilized for the good of each individual. In the end it’s not about the number of friends you have in a network, it’s about the value of the friendships, the passion of individuals involved and the ability to act. Eric Janssen an Entreprini

So what’s not to get about Facebook? The value of the relationships. It’s interesting to see people on facebook with 2000+ friends. It makes me wonder how many of these “friends” are actually friends in the traditional sense. How many of these people could you see on campus and say hello to? What is the actual value of these 2000+ relationships? I truly believe that if someone proposes a friendly relationship based on the knowledge of one’s existence then there is no meaning or value in the relationship. I see a progressive habit of university graduates deleting their facebook accounts, so what can be done to attract these users?

Find Eric at


Elk Grove: Ella Blue Beauty Boutique NOV 19, 2008 8:03AM

What works best now, and will work best in the future is object-centered sociality. If a social network of people is focused around one goal, united on common ground working towards a similar objective then there will be a true value in these relationships. It’s not about the people, it’s about what they have in common, its about an online and offline presence, its about forming a significant relationship and actually doing something with the relationships that are formed.

Here is my idea of the logical flow of how a social network should work, and how to create meaningful relationships: Significance creates passion. Significant relationships are meaningful. People are connecting because of a common purpose and can meaningfully discuss ideas, plans and aspirations. They can form a meaningful network of people focused around a common goal and passionately discuss their interests.

Elk Grove: Ella Blue

Passion attracts attention.

1. He didn’t call when he said he would. 2. Your ex’s hot new girlfriend. 3. Mount St. Helens on your forehead.

These passionate discussions/friendships attract the attention of likeminded people. Others involved in the greater network can see these niche groups forming and uniting around common goals, and discussing similar topics. They see the value in the relationships being formed around them and want to be a part of it. They feel the sense of urgency as these passion-

In life, there’s a lot of situations you can’t control, don’t let your beauty experience be one of them! Jump in the driver’s seat and head to Ella



02 December 2008

Blue—your go-to boutique for everything beauty.


The Beef Fairy

Cosmetics? Skin Care? Esthetics? Nail Bar? Tanning? Massage? Check ‘Yes’ to all and pass note back. Ella Blue offers something for every girl on the go, with packages and prices that just make sense.

NOV 18, 2008 6:07AM How People Think Beef is Made: +=


Fuel for the fight NOV 18, 2008 3:15AM

I’ve begun the arduous task of launching a new event series for Sacramento and I wanted to share with you a few things I find inspiring for this kind of event. These a variety of videos from break dance battles, to formal design competition events, and even industrial design competition submissions for greener gadgets. Enjoy. Breakin Battle

For a squeaky clean get hooked on Ella Blue’s Minty Fresh Face Wash, a unique whipped cleanser great for all skin types with aloe vera, shea butter and mint! (right) $26 Look Hawaiian Tropic ready in a flash with Ella Blue’s Secret of the Tropics tanning package! Receive an exfoliating full body tropical scrub, a Dr. Kern’s low burn tanning bed session and a Secret Of The Tropics intensifying Spray Tan. $80

Cut and Paste NYC

Take years of your face, sans the scalpel, with an Ella Blue NonSurgical Face-lift, a facial that uses microcurrent technology to tone skin, reduce lines, improve texture, minimize pores, lift eyes, plump lips & more! One session $148 Not sure where to start? No worries. Drop by Ella Blue and the friendly & knowledgeable staff will be happy to help you sort it all out... Ella Blue is located at: 8259 Laguna Blvd., Suite 140 in Elk Grove. Cut and Paste Chicago Missed some Soup? Get caught up! To check out more TwinSoup Fashion & Beauty posts, click here!



02 December 2008


Sacramento Paticipates With Millions Around The Globe NOV 17, 2008 6:57PM

Cut and Paste SF

Layer Tennis Remix- Neil Durden & Matthew Star Thomas


Newest K Street Bump in the Road..Calling Mike Heller! NOV 17, 2008 6:59PM That bump in the K Streets plans mine as well be a 20-foot tall concrete wall. If Zieden does pull out...I would love to see Mike Heller jump in and try to work his magic. I read someone on another website mention his name for this project and it all made sense. While I really understand Zieden’s frustration with the whole process, which I think all of us with an interest in the central city



02 December 2008

Coming Soon: Morton’s The Steakhouse You’ve been friends for years & he’s always been there when you needed him most. (like after that awful break-up with that loser Brian.) It’s not that you haven’t liked him, it’s just that you’ve always been too distracted by other restaurants to notice how great he really was. Open your eyes and get ready to see Morton’s The Steakhouse in a whole new light. With all the things you’ve loved for years; the best fillet in town, an extensive wine list, and a super comfortable New York feel, Morton’s is now that restaurant that you just won’t be able to live without. Equip with a super new & chic location, Bar 12*21 (named after the date the original Morton’s opened in Chicago), private patio lounge perfect for enjoying your fave wine and fine cigars, and 3 private board rooms set to accommodate up to 75.


Sacramento: Morton’s The Steakhouse

Smitten for more? Now enjoy a lunch date with your new beau—Morton’s will now be open for lunch M-F, with dinner continuing to be served 7 nights a week.

NOV 17, 2008 8:01AM

Morton’s will open tomorrow, Tuesday November 18th and is located at 621 Capital Mall (lobby of the new US Bank Building) in downtown Sacramento. Missed some Soup? Get caught up! To check out more TwinSoup Coming Soon posts, click here!



02 December 2008


Makes 9 blondies.

Persimmon Blondies NOV 16, 2008 4:16AM


Announcing - Battle for the Capital

A simple recipe adapted from my main recipe. Crazy tasty and easy to throw together. Did it out of boredom when I had a persimmon just ready for cooking. It’s fruity, subtly spiced, and crazy sweet. Very different from normal persimmon cake or pudding, it seems to straddle the fence between the two.

NOV 15, 2008 2:00AM

I’m actually quite happy with the result, so much so I plan to serve them at Thanksgiving. Seriously, this thing is crazy good.

It’s my belief that Sacramento has long a been a city that, it’s citizens both love and loath. Many of us are not natives, but close-in transplants from outlying cities and country. We gravitated toward Sacramento because of it’s growing urban core and informal approachability. But over time we discovered what many natives already knew, that Sacramento was showing it’s greatness but through the veil of stifled vision. Although Sacramento has the potential to be a testament to western innovation and progressive ethical capitalism, it remains a cow town, bland and lacking the kind of creative landscape that deserves.

Ingredients • 1/2 cup of butter, melted • 1 cup of tightly packed dark brown sugar • 1 egg, lightly beaten • 1 teaspoon of vanilla

With cities like Austin, Portland, San Antonio and Phoenix across the country pushing the envelope of creativity and public engagement, Sacramento needs to embrace a new vision for itself to show the nation and the world that we are world class in every sense of the phrase. We know what hot design is, we appreciate film, fashion, architecture, great products, beautiful art and photography. Not only do we understand it and like but we create it too, right here in Sacramento.

• 1/2 teaspoon baking powder • 1/8 teaspoon of baking soda • Pinch of salt • 1 1/2 cups of all-purpose flour

We are the state capital of one of the largest economic engines, we positioned between a world class wine region, famous Olympic level winter sports and one of the most creative cities on the planet and the center of the entire tech industry. I grow tired of the lack luster development of Sacramento, as if we’re all gazing through bleary glasses and viewing a sleepy and fuzzy version of our shiny true self. It’s time for a change. It’s time to unite the collective energy of our creativitiy and harness our discontent to create a new vision for Sacramento with great purpose and style. Let us seize this opportunity to gather the tribe and to begin to rethink how we can solve problems. How we as designers, artists and entrepreneurs can enact change through the collective will. We are announcing a new kind of event for Sacramento, tentatively called Battle for the Capital.

• 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon • pinch of nutmeg • pinch of allspice • 1 cup of persimmon puree from (1 large hachiya persimmon) Method 1 Preheat the oven to 350°F. Lightly butter and flour an 8X8 pan. Whisk together the melted butter and sugar in a bowl.

This is an ongoing series of events and live performance design competition. Much like the early street battle’s between mc’s or break dancers, a battle is a live competition between artists in front of a crowd of spectators. The two artists are given a specific challenge or theme and time limit and they must create a design in response using whatever tools they choose. The winner is then voted by either a panel of judges or a the crowd. The tone and tempo of the event is high energy and set with pumping music, dynamic lighting, live video footage and tons of energy coming from the crowd. Battle for the capital is fresh approach to bringing hot forward thinking design to the Sacramento scene and provide engaging experiences for the community and it’s people.

2 Add the egg and vanilla extract and whisk. 3 Add the flour, baking soda, baking powder, spices and salt, mix it all together. 4 Place the pulp from the hachiya persimmon into a food processor and puree. Add to the blondie mixture and whisk very well. 4 Pour into the pan and spread evenly. Bake for 25 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean. Allow to cool. Cut into squares and serve.



02 December 2008


MARRS Building, 20th & J st.

Battle for the Capital is a new design battle event, created to foster awareness for the arts and the social impact of design within the urban fabric of Sacramento. By providing a unique performance based design experience we seek to create provocative ideas and discover their applications through forward thinking creativity while embracing sustainable ideals and a sense of contemporary relevance.

Sacramento, CA. 95811 Une charrette traînait lentement à la guillotine un homme don’t personne ne savait le nom “a charrette slowly brought to the guillotine a man whose name nobody knew”

Let us seize this opportunity to advance design’s potential for social impact in the Sacramento region. Let us seize on the optimism of a new generation of designers by providing them with an opportunity for exposure and the ability to create a public dialog on taste, need and desire. Let us catalyze this vision of the future by providing a collaborative event framework and the tools to put future-thinking designers in the driver’s seat of social change. Battle for the Capital, Let’s fight for it!

*In the 16th, 17th, and 18th century when travel took long periods, a Charette referred to long carriage rides in which politicians and policy makers would be sequestered together in order to collaborate in solving a set problem over the duration of their journey. This origin is most similar to the current usage of the word in the design world. via wiki

INSPIRATION Intrigued by the growing social impact and ironic commentary of urban artists in New York, London and LA, I was inspired by their irreverent and provocative look at society from a curbside vantage point. I loved the idea that if you want to design solutions that not only work but are embraced by the masses, then let the people be part of the design process. By democratizing the ideation process we remove the barriers traditionally associated with the design process and we begin to listen to the people and design out of a response to a need. The community becomes more active in creating their own landscape and public experience.


Takeaway. NOV 14, 2008 11:01PM

I was inspired by new experiences like Cut&Paste, LayerTennis and MTV’s Art Battles for their urban sensibility and youthful, energetic vibe. It was these kinds of street style competition’s combined with the classic brainstorming practices that lead to the concept for Battle for the Capital. I wanted to bring this kind of energy, enthusiasm and diversity to other forms of design like architecture, sustainable products and energy technology and social experimentation. MISSION To foster awareness for the arts and catalyze the design process in a public environment that engages the citizen’s as a contributor and create intelligent and sustainable design concepts and solutions that may be adopted, implemented and utilized for all the community. Develop programs that work with key shareholders in the community to enable people to take key elements and idea submissions and work to build those ideas into real products and services.

I had the pleasure of running into a fantastic motion graphics designer by the name of David Summers, a real undiscovered talent here in Sacramento, he also introduced me to another designer, both of which were going to attend but couldn’t. I’m sure we’ll no doubt have their attention in the coming months as our collective gather’s inevitable momentum and starts work on some awesome projects.


We had nice turn out for November’s design meet up, but there were a few faces I was hoping to see that couldn’t make it out. Just shy of a dozen attendee’s this month, it wasn’t a huge gathering but enough so

Tenatively scheduled for: Second Saturday, May, 2009.



02 December 2008

that I informally announced the new design event series I’m putting together. (I will go into detail in the following post on this specifically) The idea was received with mixed reviews. We had several people that found the concept very interested and few that were skeptical of the proposed format and I think a little put off by it’s loose concept.

as I can easily get carried away with repetitive use. Things like baklava, thin mints, cheez-its, and good tequila, I try not to keep around the house as I will become their gustatory apocalypse. My roommate, Danielle, makes brownies? I’m the harbinger of their doom, and am more than willing to take the vengeful consequences from her afterward for the deed. However, with poms? Their short season encourages gluttony. Elise, provided me with 8 full size poms, enough to last me a week or so. I went home, I thew them underwater. I peeled and pulled and gleaned every little shimmery carbuncle from the husk. Thirty minutes I ended up with about 6 cups of pomegranate seeds.

This is too be both expected and welcomed as opposition and response are two of the core elements at the heart of this event and very necessary to force new ideas. The topics of the night’s conversation never really delved to deeply into design but what was interesting what the reaction we got from a few people about the structure of the design process. Watching designers react to different systems and processes sparked a fierce debate on disposability and permanence. It was interesting to see the underlying belief systems we have about design and art and what it means to us to create, or how we create and the intention for future use of our ideas.

Eight hours later, however, the bowl was empty. I felt zero guilt, only remorse that I didn’t have any more. =(


Midtown Holiday Celebration Saturday Dec 6th

The takeaway this month is acknowledging the polarity of structure and the structureless in design. How do we create art and design? Is it a calculated process with rules, time limits, material limitations and other

NOV 13, 2008 8:23PM constraints or is it loose and open with no form, no agenda, just free expression pouring out of us, or is it both and neither? Which produces better ideas? Being in control, out of it or fighting for it as you float rapidly toward the great falls ahead. Tumbling and spinning through the current of change, you work feverishly to create, just clinging to your ideals and the hope that even if you perish in the struggle, your ideas will float to the top, and after the raging noise subsides your vision will stand out, glistening bright in the sunlight of future days. Even in childrens playtime, there are rules. They make them up, modeling their behavior after those around them. Do we do the same thing in our creative playtime? Do we create rules for ourselves? Do we use them or ignore them or can we change the rules to better meet our desire?

MARK YOUR CALENDARS! What: By-pass the malls and make a beeline for Midtown this Holiday Season! Shop local and celebrate the season as the Midtown business community, in association with the Midtown Business Association (MBA), hosts the Midtown Holiday Celebration on Saturday, December 6th. Do some holiday shopping around town, enjoy the first ever Midtown tree-lighting ceremony, the lighting


The First Step is Admitting I Have a Pomegranate Problem NOV 14, 2008 6:13AM Oh pomegranates, how I love them so. Their appearance, their garnet little tarty gems of goodness, the trying annoyance and pruning hands of shelling them under a pot of cold water which is well worth the bounty. They’re a definition of slow food and love of food. Still, I didn’t quite realize my addiction and just how bad it was. You see I find myself easily addicted to things. It’s just how my brain is wired, and as such I have to be careful about anything I find fun or pleasure in


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