InPrint Magazine Issue 9

Page 39



The Browse and Biter

First up we come to the nefarious Browse and Biter. This designer-type is characterized by their tendency to browse the web for "inspiration", and they end up biting, borrowing, or simply flat out stealing the styles or designs that they see there. No matter how pure their intentions may be, this type of designer never learned the difference between being inspired by and, well, copying another's work. Taking a look through their portfolios, one sees a lot of familiar looking or feeling works that they know they have seen somewhere before.

Tips to Avoid Being a Browse and Biter

they have done. That tends to not be looked on as an honor. So be original, not a browse and biter.

Tips to Avoid Being a Stag


Now this is not to say that as a designer we should never be happy with the levels to which we have progressed. It is simply saying that we should alNext up, we have the Stag. This type ways strive to be keep progressing. of designer is mostly known for hav- Growth is not a journey’s end, it is ing a really specific style that never a never ending journey. A quest to really grows or evolves. They just get always be learning more and evolvto a point where they become sat- ing our skills. Nurturing them so isfied with where they have gotten they can rise to the next level and us to, and they just stay there. Being along with them. And when we finish stagnant. Soon all of their designs a design and begin a new one, we begin to feel stale, as no new ground should always try to begin anew, as is really ever broken in their work. it were. To start fresh, and give each And each "new" piece that they craft design a chance to be unique and feels very close to the last piece not just a variation of our last piece. they just finished before it. And the one before that. And so on, ad nauseam. With this designer-type good becomes the enemy of great. They become satisfied with good and they never strive to be better. To be great.

The Stag

These unfortunately unoriginal folks have a way of upsetting the understood natural order of things with their browse and bite ways, so it is best to learn where those lines are, and stay on the right side of them. Know where inspiration ends and your own voice and work begins. Know the difference between an homage and an "Oh, my god they ripped me off!". Understand that if you admire someone and their work, the right way to honor them in your design is to use the way their work makes you feel and voice that through your work. Not duplicate what DECEMBER 2012 /

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